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Name: ………………………………………….

Listening, Vocabulary, Total Score: .........................

Grammar, & Reading

Semester 14.1B

Duration: 30 minutes

I. LISTENING (1 mark each /20 marks) You will listen to each part ONLY ONCE.
Listen to the seminar and circle A-C
1. The leader of the seminar is studying …
A. education.
B. educational psychology.
C. psychology.
2. Intelligent people …
A. do well in their education without making an effort.
B. do not do as well as they could without good study habits.
C. do not need good study habits.
3. For every class hour students should study ________ additional hours.
A. two B. three C. four
4. Students should …
A. help other students.
B. make sure they organize information.
C. be responsible for their own learning.
5. After class students should …
A. discuss the main points of the class with another student.
B. read the notes on the website.
C. read materials on the reading list.

Listen again to the seminar and complete the notes with NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS for each answer.

The seminar is about the characteristics of (6)_______________. Students

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(7)_______________ should spend at least three hours studying alone. On a
(8)_______________ this is nine hours per week. It is important to attend classes. Classes
help to (9)_______________ and students’ learning and are where (10)_______________
are explained and (11)_______________ are given.
Students should try to take (12)_______________ in the class – not just sit quietly.
Getting involved, (13)_______________ and taking part in discussion makes learning
interesting and helps understanding (14)_______________.
Students whose first language is not English have (15)_______________ if they prepare
before the class. Students should make sure they read the books on the
(16)_______________, read notes on the (17)_______________ and have questions ready.
After class: go over notes and see if you can (18)_______________ your own examples.
Talk about the class with other students or use your notes to (19)_______________ each
other. More importantly, prepare questions about points you didn’t understand to ask
(20)_______________ the questions later.

II. VOCABULARY (1 mark each /7 marks)

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box. Change the word forms if
necessary to make it grammatically correct. There are more words than needed.
embrace stifle bias stimulating potential
liberate distinguish recognition neutralize reside
1. Knowledge can _________________ people and give them independence.
2. EnglishZone is a language center which _________________ itself from others by
providing a lot of supplementary material which promotes academic learning.
3. People who _________________ in urban centers often have more opportunities than
those in the countryside.
4. The medicine will _________________ the effects of the poison if you administer it in
time. Otherwise, the poison can do lots of damage to the body tissues.
5. As a university student, sometimes, you have to _________________ the challenge of
difficult subjects in order to learn as much as you can.
6. Many students here at the school have the _________________to be great in the future.
They just need to study and work as hard as they can for the next few years.
7. Apple was thought to have _________________ the competition with its latest product.
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However, its rival also rolled-out something new which received rave reviews.

III. GRAMMAR (1 mark each / 11 marks)

Complete the text with the verbs in (brackets) in the past simple, past continuous, or
past perfect.

My most embarrassing work experience (1)____________________ (happen) while I

(2)____________________ (teach) in Argentina. I went to a friend’s birthday party one evening
and stayed up really late. The next day, I had a class at 9 am but I (3)____________________
(not wake up) until midday. I phoned the school and told the director of studies that I
(4)____________________ (suffer) from an upset stomach and that was the reason I
(5)____________________ (miss) my 9 am class. The director of studies was surprised and said,
“But you didn’t miss your class – you were here!” Apparently, I (6)____________________ (get
up) and taught my class and then returned to bed and forgotten all about it.

Underline the correct option.

0. Don’t worry. You must/aren’t supposed to/needn’t/can’t buy me a birthday present!

7. You must / don’t have to / are supposed to / can watch the TV if you like.

8. We aren’t supposed to/don’t have to/needn’t/have to send private emails from


9. We could/didn’t have to/had to/were allowed to wear an ugly uniform at my school.

10.Hotel guests must / aren’t allowed to / needn’t / have to enter the bar in wet swimming

11.You are supposed to / can’t / needn’t / don’t have to drive without a license.

IV. READING (1 part / 5 marks)

Read the article.

Windows to the World

1 As I stroll around, I look closely at store windows, since they are an essential part of the shopping
experience. In his delightful book Made in America, Bill Bryson writes about the history of stores and
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shopping in America. He describes the big store windows that were an important feature of most
retail stores in the past century. When I look out my office window in New York City, I see many of
those windows. They remain the same today as they were some 120 years ago.

2 A century ago, people took the time to stop and look into store windows. I imagine them walking
along slowly, stopping at a tall window, and peering through the glass to see the latest fashions and
newest products. Today, strolling, window-shopping pedestrians are an old-fashioned concept. Most
people look straight ahead and walk with a quick, determined gait. Everyone seems to be in a hurry.
They walk a lot faster now than they did in the old days.

3 Throughout modern times, different factors have changed the way pedestrians walk in busy urban
areas. One of the most significant of these factors is traffic lights. William H. Whyte, the American
author and urbanist, wrote about the pattern and movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk. He
observed that because traffic lights are timed for the speed of cars, people pile up on street corners
as they wait for the light to change. When the light changes, that “pile” of people will cross and stay
crowded together as they continue down the street. Behind them, there will be a “gap” of fewer
people, but then another crowd will form when the traffic light changes again. This creates a pattern
of crowds and gaps on urban shopping streets.

4 Now, think about how individuals behave when walking in these crowds of people. Some people
will speed up to get out of the crowd, and then the entire group will begin to walk more quickly. This
behavior affects how people view the store windows that they pass by. Even if you wanted to slow
down or stop to look in a window, you couldn’t. You have to keep walking quickly so that you won’t
be in the way of other people. That’s why window displays need to instantly grab attention. But many
don’t. Take the drugstores in my neighborhood, for example. The windows are filled with boxes of
bleach and detergent, packages of razors and soap, and whatever else can be squeezed into the
space. With the window so crowded, it is impossible to focus on any single product. Often, it’s
difficult to even see clearly what is really being promoted!

Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct each false statement to
make it true.
1. Store windows play no role in shopping.
2. William H. Whyte wrote about the history of stores and shopping in America.
3. People used to walk slower a century ago.
4. Traffic lights affect the way crowds move on a street.
5. It is easier to stop and look in a store window when walking in a crowd than in a gap in traffic.

Answer Key

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. a good learner
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7. at university 8. three-module course 9. organize information

10. ideas and information 11. examples 12. an active part

13. asking questions 14. of the subject 15. an advantage

16. reading list 17. department’s website 18. come up with 19. test

20. your tutor

1. liberate 2. distinguishes 3. reside 4. neutralize 5. embrace

6. potential 7. stifled

1. happened 2. was teaching 3. didn’t wake up 4. was suffering

5. had missed 6. had got(gotten) up 7. can 8. aren’t supposed to

9. had to 10. aren’t allowed to 11. can’t

1. F – Store windows play an important role in shopping.
2. F – Bill Bryson wrote about the history of stores and shopping in America. / William H. Whyte
wrote about the pattern and movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk.
3. T
4. T
5.F – It is harder (not easier) to stop and look in a store window when walking in a crowd than in
a gap in traffic.

Correct Score 40 9.4 36 8.6

43 10 39 9.2 35 8.4
42 9.8 38 9 34 8.2
41 9.6 37 8.8 33 8
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32 7.8 22 5.5 13 3.3
31 7.6 21 5.3 12 3
30 7.4 20 5 11 2.8
29 7.2 19 4.8 10 2.5
18 4.5 9 2.3
17 4.3 8 2
Correct Score 16 4 7 1.8
28 7 6 1.5
27 6.8 5 1.3
26 6.5 4 1
25 6.3 3 0.8
24 6 Correct Score
2 0.5
23 5.8 15 3.8
1 0.3
14 3.5

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