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This Test Plan is documented for the Contract workflow contain the Decline button and Deny


Test Environment:

Specific Setup Required = Yes – Client Preferences
SyncContractsImportsWithMongo = TRUE

Acceptance Criteria:
For Contracts that have workflow:
1. Decline button is associated with "Signature" Step type on workflow
2. Deny button should appear for Review Step type on workflow
3. Deny button should appear for Approval Step type on workflow

Before Testing:
1. Create a User & Supervisor associated
2. Create a workflow X

During Testing:
1. Create a contract with Decline ability = Yes
2. Associate the contract with a Workflow X
3. Assign the contract to a User
4. Impersonate the User verify the Decline button/Deny button with respect to the
Workflow step
5. Complete the all the workflow steps
6. Verify the contract Status at Preview, Dashboard and Report

After Testing:
Make sure the consolidate report shows all the contracts status

Scenarios to be Tested:
1. Workflow has Review and button is Deny only
2. Workflow has Approval and button is Deny only
3. Workflow has Signature and button is Decline only
4. Workflow has Signature + Review + Approval
5. Workflow has Review +Signature+ Approval
6. Workflow has Review + Approval + Signature
7. Workflow has Review + Approval
8. Workflow has Review + Signature
9. Workflow has Signature + Approval
10. Test with Decline ability = No

Cross-Browser Test
 Chrome
 Firefox

Regression Areas
1. Contract End to End Flow with Decline ability = No
2. Contract End to End Flow with Decline ability = Yes
3. Verify the Contract Preview
4. Verify the Contract Dashboard
5. Verify the Contract Report
6. Verify all Contracts report
7. Verify Contract With Bulk Import

Regression TCM to be created for contract E2E flow with
Decline ability = Yes and a Workflow has Signature, Review and Approval

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