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Name: ………………………………………….

Listening, Vocabulary, Total Score: .........................

Grammar, & Reading

Semester 14.1B

Duration: 30 minutes

I. LISTENING (1 mark each /9 marks) You will listen to each recording ONLY ONCE.
Listening 1: Listen to the monologue and answer the questions below. Choose the

correct letter A, B or C.
1. What does the speaker say about the term product ?
A. It should be applied to only manufactured goods.
B. The general public often misunderstand it.
C. The way it is used has changed.
2. According to the speaker, it is becoming more common for people to
A. apply for jobs as if they have something to sell.
B. place adverts when they are looking for a job.
C. identify similarities between themselves and various products.

Listening 2: Look at the following companies (questions 3-9) and the list of
statements below. Match each company with the statement made about it. Choose your
answers from the box and write the letters A-K next to question 3-9.

A. created one of the earliest brands G. sells several variations of the same basic
B. was the first company to realize the value of product as one brand
advertising H. may not manufacture its own brands
C. has increased the number of brands it produces I. only sells products using its company
D. has lost its dominance of the market name
E. makes brands which compete with each other J. sells through the Internet
F. makes products that are unrelated K. uses something visual to identify its brand


0. Levi Strauss __D__ 6. Ford _____
3. Pears _____ 7. Yamaha _____
4. Microsoft _____ 8. Tesco _____
5. Procter & Gamble _____ 9. Coca Cola _____

II. VOCABULARY (1 mark each /8 marks)

Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box. Change word forms if
necessary to make it grammatically correct. There are more words than needed.
transition competence innate nurture period exaggerate profound
resentful significance suspect carefree contradiction milestone

1. It’s really bad to feel _______________ toward someone for things that happened in the past.
You should always try to solve those problems when they happen as to avoid this feeling.

2. Attending university is a _______________ when you can experience many things such as self-
discovery, knowledge, friendships and life skills.

3. Some students often _______________ themselves when they say they want to be future CEOs
or managers when all they do now is play games instead of studying as hard as they can.

4. You need to demonstrate _______________ in English before you graduate university. This is a
minimum requirement that must be met by all students.

5. Don’t approach life with such a(n) _______________ attitude. You must be serious and focus on
the important goals such as becoming successful in the future and acting like ‘real’ adults.

6. Students who are _______________ of cheating must prove their innocence by demonstrating
their skill level matches the work they have submitted.

7. Jonathan must have _______________ how much money he has. How else could you explain
why he drives a really old motorbike instead of a nice new car?

8. Why do some students show _______________ improvement in their language skills while others
show none at all? What could be the difference between the two groups?

III. GRAMMAR (1 mark each / 11 marks)

Underline the best option.

0. I won’t be here on Saturday – we’ll go / we’re going / we go away for the weekend.
1. Hurry up! The train will leave / leaves / is going to leave in five minutes!
2. Can I borrow €10? I’ll pay / I’m paying / I’m going to pay you back tomorrow.
3. Sorry I can’t go out with you tonight – I’ll visit / I visit / I’m visiting my parents.
4. Sonia will have / is having / is going to have a baby – it’s due next month.
5. It’s my birthday on Friday – I’ll be / I’m going to be / I’m being 30 years old.

Complete the text with the verbs in (brackets) in the future continuous or future

I’m just about to leave on a ten-day trip to Europe. At this time tomorrow, (0)I’ll be sitting_(sit) on a
plane from Rio de Janeiro to London. It’s a long flight, and by the time we arrive, I
(6)_______________ (be) on that plane for 12 hours! During the first few days, I
(7)_______________ (tour) around Britain. Then I’m planning to visit France. I won’t spend long
there, but hopefully I (8)_______________ (see) the Louvre Museum before I leave. Then I’ll be
spending a few days in Italy. During the visit, I (9)_______________ (stop) in Rome, Florence and
Verona. Then I’m off to Portugal – my uncle lives in Lisbon and he (10)_______________ (expect)
me to visit during my time in Europe. By the time I fly back to Brazil, I (11)_______________ (visit)
four different countries.

IV. READING (1 mark each /5 marks)

Read the article.

My Father, the Writer

1 Every morning, no matter how late he had been up, my father rose at 5:30, went to his study,
wrote for a couple of hours, made us all breakfast, read the paper with my mother, and then went
back to work for the rest of the morning. Many years passed before I realized that he did this by
choice, for a living, and that he was not unemployed or mentally ill. I wanted him to have a regular
job, where he put on a necktie and went off somewhere with the other fathers and sat in a little
office. . . . But the idea of spending entire days in someone else’s office doing someone else’s work
did not suit my father’s soul. I think it would have killed him. He did end up dying rather early, in his
midfifties, but at least he had lived on his own terms.

2 So I grew up around this man who sat at his desk in the study all day and wrote books and
articles about the places and people he had seen and known. He read a lot of poetry. Sometimes he
traveled. He could go anyplace he wanted with a sense of purpose. One of the gifts of being a writer
is that it gives you an excuse to do things, to go places and explore. Another is that writing
motivates you to look closely at life, at life as it lurches by and tramps around.

3 Writing taught my father to pay attention; my father in turn taught other people to pay attention
and then to write down their thoughts and observations. His students were the prisoners at San
Quentin who took part in the creative-writing program. But he taught me, too, mostly by example.
He taught the prisoners and me to put a little bit down on paper every day, and to read all the great
books and plays we could get our hands on. He taught us to read poetry. He taught us to be bold
and original and to let ourselves make mistakes . . . . But while he helped the prisoners and me to
discover that we had a lot of feelings and observations and memories and dreams and opinions we
wanted to share, we all ended up just the tiniest bit resentful when we found the one fly in the
ointment: that at some point we had to actually sit down and write.

Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false).

_____ 1. The author wanted her father to have a regular office job.
_____ 2. Her father died before he turned sixty.
_____ 3. The author spent most of her childhood days playing with her father.
_____ 4. The author’s father wrote about places he had not seen before.
_____ 5. The author’s father taught creative writing at a university.

Answer Key

1. resentful/resentment 2. period 3. contradict 4. competency/competence


5. carefree 6. suspected 7. exaggerated 8. significant

1. C 2. A

3. A 4. I 5. E 6. G 7. F 8. H 9. K

1. leaves 2. I’ll pay 3. I’m visiting 4. is going to have 5. I’ll be

6. will have been 7. will be touring 8. will have seen 9. will be stopping

10. will be expecting 11. will have visited

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F

Correct Score Correct Score

33 10 22 6.7
32 9.7 21 6.4 Correct Score
31 9.4 20 6.1 10 3.1
30 9.1 19 5.8 9 2.8
29 8.8 18 5.5 8 2.5
28 8.5 17 5.2 7 2.2
27 8.2 16 4.9 6 1.9
26 7.9 15 4.6 5 1.6
25 7.6 14 4.3 4 1.3
24 7.3 13 4 3 1
23 7 12 3.7 2 0.7
11 3.4 1 0.4


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