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Graphic Generation Tool Help

Code No. LIT-12011697

Software Release 1.3
Issued September 10, 2014
Refer to the QuickLIT website for the most up-to-date version of this document.

Graphic Generation Tool Introduction.....................................................................................3

Related Documentation......................................................................................................................3
GGT Overview.....................................................................................................................................3
GGT Concepts.....................................................................................................................................4
Screen Layout and Panels....................................................................................................................4
Graphic Canvas..................................................................................................................................45
Keyboard Shortcuts............................................................................................................................48
Graphics Opened From and Saved to the File System......................................................................48
Graphics Opened From and Saved to a Metasys Host......................................................................48
Graphics Created From and Saved to Templates...............................................................................49
CAD Drawing Import Function............................................................................................................50
Floor Plan Creation.............................................................................................................................54
Image Exporting..................................................................................................................................54
File Printing.........................................................................................................................................55
Tool Options........................................................................................................................................55
Right-Click Menus...............................................................................................................................57
Rename Function................................................................................................................................58
Locate Function..................................................................................................................................58
Edit Layer Function.............................................................................................................................58
Metasys System Interaction................................................................................................................59
Detailed Procedures.........................................................................................................................63
Creating a Graphic..............................................................................................................................63
Saving a Graphic................................................................................................................................65
Opening and Closing a Graphic..........................................................................................................68
Printing a Graphic...............................................................................................................................71
Creating a Floor Plan..........................................................................................................................72
Editing a Floor Plan.............................................................................................................................78
Inserting a Value Box..........................................................................................................................84
Working with Drawing Tools and Elements.........................................................................................86
Working with Text................................................................................................................................92
Working with Color..............................................................................................................................95
Working with Lines............................................................................................................................101
Creating Complex Shapes with the Art Canvas Tool........................................................................102
Binding Elements to the Metasys System.........................................................................................103
Interacting with the Metasys System................................................................................................107
Working with the Tool........................................................................................................................118
Behaviors Overview ..............................................................................................................125
How Effects Display in the SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal.....................................................128

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Detailed Procedures.......................................................................................................................130
Configuring the Flash Effect..............................................................................................................130
Configuring the Navigate Effect........................................................................................................137
Configuring the Set Color Effect........................................................................................................143
Configuring the Set Visibility Effect...................................................................................................151
Configuring the Show Command Dialog Effect.................................................................................155
Configuring the Show Context Menu Effect......................................................................................160
Graphic Enterprise Library Introduction ............................................................................170
GEL Concepts.................................................................................................................................170
GEL Overview...................................................................................................................................170
Configuration Mode Versus Runtime Mode......................................................................................170
Graphics+ Auto-Refreshing...............................................................................................................170
User Actions Panel...........................................................................................................................171
Common Properties..........................................................................................................................172
Library Categories..........................................................................................................................173
Basic Symbols...................................................................................................................................174
Floor Plan..........................................................................................................................................232
HVAC Air Coils..................................................................................................................................257
HVAC Air Sensors.............................................................................................................................267
HVAC Boilers....................................................................................................................................298
HVAC Chillers...................................................................................................................................311
HVAC Cooling Towers.......................................................................................................................320
HVAC Dampers.................................................................................................................................331
HVAC Ductwork................................................................................................................................337
HVAC Fans.......................................................................................................................................361
HVAC Heat Exchangers....................................................................................................................365
HVAC Meters....................................................................................................................................368
HVAC Pipes......................................................................................................................................374
HVAC Water Pumps..........................................................................................................................392
HVAC Water Sensors........................................................................................................................398
HVAC Water Valves..........................................................................................................................418
Terminal Units...................................................................................................................................483
Index .......................................................................................................................................491

Help 2
Graphic Generation Tool Introduction
Welcome to Release 1.3 of the Johnson Controls Graphic Generation Tool Help.
This document contains information on how to use the Graphic Generation Tool (GGT) to create Graphics+ objects
representing your HVAC systems and floor plan layouts. The GGT is a Microsoft® Windows® based application
that lets you create graphical representations of your building automation system to allow the Metasys® system the
ability to monitor and control your facility from these interactive graphics.

Related Documentation
contains literature related to the GGT.
Table 1: Graphic Generation Tool Related Documentation
For Information On See Document LIT Number
Installing the Graphic Generation Tool Graphic Generation Tool Installation LIT-12011685
Features and Benefits of the Graphic Graphics+ Feature Product Bulletin LIT-12011698
Configuration Tool
Runtime Characteristics of Graphics+ Graphics+ Runtime Help LIT-12011708
Recommendations and Best Practices to Graphics+ Style Guide Help LIT-12011705
Follow When Creating Graphics
Hardware and Software Metasys System Configuration Guide LIT-12011832
Recommendations for Displaying
Graphics in the Site Management Portal
(SMP), System Configuration Tool (SCT),
or Ready Access Portal

GGT Overview
The GGT lets you create and modify Metasys Graphics+ files. You can save these files to your computer or save
them directly to a supported Metasys host, such as a Site Director, supervisory engine, or a System Configuration
Tool (SCT) archive database. You can then use these graphics to monitor and control the building with the Site
Management Portal or Ready Access Portal.
Note: Even though Graphics+ files can be saved to and viewed from any supervisory engine, we recommend that
you use Network Automation Engine (NAE) 55s only. For best results, store and view all graphics on an
Application and Data Server (ADS) Site Director or Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) Site Director.
The tool consists of a library of graphic elements, the Graphic Enterprise Library (GEL), relevant to the building
automation industry. The GGT also contains a binding component, which allows you to bind the symbols within the
GEL directly to Metasys objects defined on the ADS/ADX, SCT archive database, and any supervisory engine.
With the Graphic Generation Tool, you can:
• create and modify graphics located on your computer, a Metasys Site Director, supervisory engine, or within an
SCT archive.
• establish and maintain connection information to one or more Metasys hosts.
• bind to actual objects defined in an archive database or in the online system.
• export a graphic as an image file.
• print a graphic to any installed printer.
• import a computer-aided design (CAD) drawing as a single image, individual elements, or floor element.
• view the entire graphic in a condensed form using the Preview pane.
• display all elements of a graphic in a hierarchical list.
• configure the properties of any element used within a graphic, such as its size, position, color, and font.
• use basic drawing tools and shapes to create custom shapes.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 3

• create elements using the drawing tools and apply flash, color change, navigation, and additional behaviors to
the elements.
• create graphics based on user-defined or system-defined templates.
• use a wide variety of fixed-function elements that you can easily and quickly drop into a graphic and configure.
• display online Help.
• display a style guide of recommendations on how to build new graphics.

GGT Concepts
Screen Layout and Panels
The Main screen consists of a menu bar, several toolbars, and several panels (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Main Screen

For background information on the GGT, see these To start using the GGT, see these sections:
Terms Creating a Graphic
Menus Working with Drawing Tools and Elements
Toolbars Working with Text
Panels Working with Color
Graphic Canvas Working with Lines
Metasys System Interaction Working with the Tool
Troubleshooting Interacting with the Metasys System

Graphic Generation Tool Help 4

The following terms are used in the GGT.
A feature that allows you to use an asterisk (*) as a placeholder for a fully qualified object reference. When a
graphic is displayed in runtime mode, the alias symbol (*) is replaced with the text from the configured alias
string. This replacement results in a full object reference to be used by the aliased symbol.
Application Navigation Binding
A type of binding that allows for navigation to an application or opening of a file. This binding configuration
contains the executable path to an application or the location of a file, allowing you to start the application or
open the file from a graphic during runtime.
Art Canvas
A drawing tool that allows you to add complex shapes to your graphic. These shapes may consist of geometries,
such as line segments, curved lines, and arcs.
A characteristic that helps define a Metasys item or object whose value can be bound on a Graphics+ graphic.
Present Value and High Alarm Limit are examples of object attributes.
Behavior Name
A user-defined name for a custom behavior. The purpose of the behavior name is to allow the user to easily
associate expectations of a behavior. In the GGT, a behavior name can contain any character. However, there
is a 20 character limit for behavior names.
The process of establishing a connection between an element on the Graphic Canvas with a Metasys Object
attribute. During configuration time, you bind the symbol to the Metasys object using the Metasys Binding panel.
By default, the Metasys Binding panel uses the default attribute of the Metasys object. During runtime, the SMP
or the Ready Access Portal retrieves the current value of the attribute and displays it on the graphic.
A behavior specifies a cause and effect relationship for any element on a Graphics+ graphic. The user defines
a behavior name, a trigger, an effect, and an optional rule. Some examples of applying behaviors are making
a circle flash when a Metasys item is in alarm, or navigating to a Metasys object when the user clicks on the
Dynamic Element
A Graphic Enterprise Library (GEL) element that can be bound to a Metasys object while editing the graphic
and whose value and/or status either appears or is used to control an animation during runtime.
Edit Layer
A right-click menu option that allows you to edit the layer of an element.
Effects provide the ability to change the behavior of any element. Effects for behaviors include Set Color, Set
Visibility, Flash, Navigate, Show Command Dialog, and Show Context Menu.
A GEL symbol or dynamic element added to the Graphic Canvas. The Advanced Value Box, Key Data Item,
Damper, and Fan are examples of elements in the GGT.
Floor Element

Graphic Generation Tool Help 5

A tool for configuring the background image, exterior walls, interior walls, and room status elements that make
up a single floor. The Floor element displays the floor using a fixed perspective to ensure a consistent appearance
for all floors in a site.
Freeform Polygon
A multi-sided, closed shape. You use the Freeform Polygon tool to draw a freeform polygon in the Graphic
Canvas. A freeform polygon differs from a regular polygon in that the line is drawn as you hold down the mouse
button and move across the Graphic Canvas.
Freeform Polyline
A continuous line that consists of multiple segments. You use the Freeform Polyline tool to draw a freeform
polyline in the Graphic Canvas. A freeform polyline differs from a regular polyline in that the line is drawn as you
hold down the mouse button and move across the Graphic Canvas.
Graphic Canvas
The area of the GGT that holds all elements of a graphic. All elements added to the Graphic Canvas are visible
in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal.
Graphic Enterprise Library (GEL)
The library that represents all elements that you can use in a graphic. The elements in the GEL appear in the
Library panel. Examples of Library categories include Electrical, HVAC Boilers, HVAC Chillers, Floor Plan, and
Graphics Package
The GEL and the Graphics+ Runtime Viewer that is installed with the GGT and can be deployed independently
from standard releases of Metasys system software.
Graphics+ Files
Files created by the GGT. These files are Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) files and have an
.xaml extension.
Label Binding
A type of value binding that contains a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) with Name
or Description as a fixed attribute. If both a Label Binding and a Label under the Properties panel are specified,
the Label Binding takes precedence at runtime.
Library Panel
Area of the GGT used to add elements to the Graphic Canvas.
List Binding Property
A property in an element that supports a list of one or more bound items. For example, a Status Summary
element may allow you to configure a list of Metasys items whose statuses are reflected in the element.
Metasys Host
A Site Director or an SCT archive that can store Graphics+ objects created by the GGT. The Site Director can
be an ADS, ADX, or a supervisory engine.
Metasys Item
Any item on the All Items Tree that can be used in a graphic.
An area of the screen that has a particular function. Panels can be opened, closed, and repositioned on the

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A drawing tool that allows you to create the vertices of a polygon with each click in the Graphic Canvas.
A drawing tool that allows you to create a straight line segment for each click in the Graphic Canvas.
A user-customized setting within a GEL element (for example, font size and height). You can edit properties of
graphical elements with the Properties panel.
Reference Binding
A type of binding that contains a reference to a Metasys item, either aliased or fully specified. For example, a
button may allow you to configure a single bound item to which to navigate.
Room Status
An element that displays the system preference status color that corresponds to the status of a bound Metasys
item, such as room temperature, humidity, or air quality. For example, a Room Status element can be drawn
within a floor element to indicate the temperature of a particular zone on a floor. A Room Status element can
also reside as a stand-alone element on the graphic.
A rule that limits the results of a behavior so that the effect takes place only if the trigger occurs and the rule
evaluates to true. For example, if AV1's status is offline, change the color of the element to blue. In this example,
the color change behavior occurs only if AV1's status is offline.
Describes when animations, behaviors, or other executable actions take place in the SMP, SCT, or Ready
Access Portal.
Standard Templates
A set of prebuilt templates that are installed with the GGT. For a list of available standard templates, see Table
A user-defined or system-supplied Graphics+ file that serves as a starting point for developing a new graphic.
Several standard template categories are available, such as Air, Floor Plan, Network, Water, and Blank. The
User Defined template category is available after you create your own template. The Air, Floor Plan, Network,
and Water templates are standard, prebuilt designs provided with the Graphics Library and are installed as part
of GGT installation. The Blank category includes the Base Template (contains a prebuilt header) and the Empty
Template (blank).
A user-defined action that causes a behavior process to begin. For example, a trigger can be configured as a
left click, double click, right click, or Metasys Value Change.
URL Navigation Binding
A type of binding that allows for navigation to a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). This type of property contains
a hyperlink in one of the supported URL formats (for example, http, https, file, ftp, and mailto).
Value Binding
A type of binding that contains a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) and a Metasys
Workspace Panel

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A panel displayed in the middle portion of the screen that holds one or more graphics. You can reposition or
move the workspace panel to a second monitor if your computer is configured for multiple monitors. If more than
one graphic is open, a tab appears in the workspace panel for each graphic that you can use to switch between
the graphics.
Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) file format that Graphics+ files use.
Menus appear on the menu bar at the top of the GGT window. Many of the operations you can perform on a graphic
are found in these menus.
The available menus are:
File Menu
Edit Menu
View Menu
Symbol Menu
Help Menu

Graphic Generation Tool Help 8

File Menu
Figure 2 and Table 2 show and describe the options available on the File menu.
Figure 2: File Menu

Table 2: File Menu Options

Menu Option Submenu Option Description
New Creates a new empty graphic or a new graphic based on a template.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+N.
Open From File Opens a graphic from a location on your computer.
Note: You can also open a file directly from the Windows Internet Explorer
web browser by double-clicking its name if the Associate files with
.XAML extension option was selected during GGT installation. The
GGT starts (if not already started) and opens the selected Graphics+
file for editing.
From Metasys Opens a graphic from SCT or from an online Metasys device (for example, a
Site Director). On a large site, the graphic may take over 30 seconds to open.
Save Saves the graphic to a selected location, either on your computer or a Metasys
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+S.
Save As File Saves the graphic as an XAML file to a location on your computer.
Metasys Object Saves the graphic as a Metasys object on a qualified device that is accessible
from the Metasys Host. On a large site, the graphic may take over 30 seconds
to save.
Template Saves the graphic as a reusable template to a location on your computer.
Export Image Exports the graphic as a raster image so you can open the image with a
different application. For a list of supported export file formats, see Image
Import CAD Drawing Imports a CAD drawing into the graphic. For a list of supported CAD formats,
see CAD Drawing Import Function.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 9

Table 2: File Menu Options
Menu Option Submenu Option Description
Manage Metasys Opens the Manage Metasys Hosts dialog box. This dialog box lets you add,
Hosts remove, log off, and edit the SCT computers and Site Directors that the tool
can access.
Update Metasys Updates the Graphics Package on the Metasys Host device or any of its
Hosts qualified child devices.
Print Prints the currently displayed graphic. The standard Print dialog box appears.
Close Closes the graphic. If the graphic has unsaved changes, you are prompted
to save the file.
Exit Logs off all users who are currently logged in to Metasys hosts and closes
the GGT. If any graphic that has unsaved changes, you are prompted to save
the file.

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Edit Menu
Figure 3 and Table 3 show and describe the options available on the Edit menu. To select multiple elements on the
Graphic Canvas to copy, paste, cut, or delete, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key when clicking each element.
Figure 3: Edit Menu

Table 3: Edit Menu Options

Menu Option Description
Undo Reverses the last editing action performed on the graphic. The undo command is available for all
editing actions since you started the tool.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Z.
Redo Reverses the last undo operation. The redo operation is available for all undo actions since the file
was last saved.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Y.
Cut Removes the selected graphic element and places it in the system clipboard, including its properties.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+X.
Copy Copies the selected graphic element to the system clipboard, including its properties. When you edit
a textbox or button, only the selected text is copied, not the graphic element.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C.
Paste Pastes the graphic element that is in the system clipboard, including its properties.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+V.
Duplicate Pastes a duplicate of the currently selected graphic element on the canvas, including its properties.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+D.
Delete Removes the selected element from the displayed graphic.
Keyboard shortcut: Del or Delete.
Select All Selects all elements on the displayed graphic. You can then copy, cut, or delete the elements.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+A.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 11

View Menu
Figure 4 and Table 4 show and describe the options available on the View menu.
Figure 4: View Menu

Table 4: View Menu Options

Menu Option Submenu Option Description
Show Grid Displays a grid over the workspace panel for every graphic that is open.
The grid helps you visually align shapes. The grid does not appear on
the graphic in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal.
Options Opens an Options dialog box that lets you configure the values for default
properties, bindings, and language.
Panels Behaviors Displays the Behaviors panel.
Binding Properties Displays the Binding Properties panel.
Document Tree Displays the Document Tree panel.
Library Displays the Library panel.
Metasys Host Tree Displays the Metasys Host Tree panel.
Preview Displays the Preview panel.
Properties Displays the Properties panel.
Reset Panel Layout Returns the display to its default panel layout.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 12

Table 4: View Menu Options
Menu Option Submenu Option Description
Toolbars Action Displays the Action toolbar.
Drawing Displays the Drawing toolbar.
Edit Displays the Edit toolbar.
Layout Displays the Layout toolbar.
Standard Displays the Standard toolbar.
Workspace Options Displays the Workspace Options toolbar.
Zoom Zoom In Enlarges the display of the graphic on the canvas.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl++ or Ctrl while moving the mouse wheel forward.
Zoom Out Reduces the display of the graphic on the canvas.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+- or Ctrl while moving the mouse wheel backward.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 13

Symbol Menu
Figure 5 and Table 5 show and describe the options available on the Symbol menu.
Figure 5: Symbol Menu

Graphic Generation Tool Help 14

Table 5: Symbol Menu Options
Menu Option Submenu Option Description
Format Copy Binding(s) Copies the binding information of the selected graphic element as shown in
the Metasys binding panel.
Paste Binding(s) Pastes binding information to the selected graphic element.
Copy Format Copies the formatting information of the selected graphic element. Properties
that are common to both elements are copied; for example, font properties,
such as bold and underline, may be copied between different types of
elements. Non-matching properties are ignored.
Paste Format Pastes formatting information to the selected graphic element. Properties
that are not supported by the selected element are ignored.
Grouping Group Groups all selected elements into a single graphic viewbox element.
Note: Group is not available when the selected elements are already
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+G.
Group to Scale Groups selected elements into a single graphic viewbox element to scale
the elements, maintaining the aspect ratios of all elements.
To separate the Group to Scale grouping, select Ungroup.
Note: Group is not available when the selected elements are already
See Table 6 for a list of elements that support Group to Scale.
Ungroup Separates the selected group into two or more Graphic Viewbox elements.
Note: Ungroup is not available unless the selected element is grouped.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+G.
Order Bring to Front Moves the selected graphic element to the top layer.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+].
Move Forward Moves the selected graphic element forward one layer.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+].
Move Backward Moves the selected graphic element back one layer.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+[.
Send to Back Moves the selected graphic element to the bottom layer.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+[.
Rotate or Flip Rotate Left Rotates the selected graphic element 90 degrees left.
Rotate Right Rotates the selected graphic element 90 degrees right.
Flip Horizontally Flips the selected graphic element horizontally.
Flip Vertically Flips the selected graphic element vertically.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 15

Table 5: Symbol Menu Options
Menu Option Submenu Option Description
Align Align Lefts Aligns the selected graphic elements to the left edge of the first graphic
element selected.
Align Vertical Centers Aligns the selected graphic elements to the vertical center of the first graphic
element selected.
Align Rights Aligns the selected graphic elements to the right edge of the first graphic
element selected.
Align Tops Aligns the selected graphic elements to the top edge of the first graphic
element selected.
Align Horizontal Centers Aligns the selected graphic elements to the horizontal center of the first
graphic element selected.
Align Bottoms Aligns the selected graphic elements to the bottom edge of the first graphic
element selected.
Distribute Distribute Horizontal When three or more graphic elements are selected, evenly distributes the
Spacing horizontal space between the graphic elements.
Distribute Vertical When three or more graphic elements are selected, evenly distributes the
Spacing vertical space between the graphic elements.
Size Make Same Height Changes the height of the selected graphic elements to the height of the first
graphic element selected.
Make Same Width Changes the width of the selected graphic elements to the width of the first
graphic element selected.
Make Same Size Changes the height and width of the selected graphic elements to the height
and width of the first graphic element selected.
Snap to Grid Makes graphic elements snap into place on the workspace panel. Clear this
check box to place graphic elements freely on the workspace panel.

Table 6: Elements Supporting Group to Scale

Library Category Element
Basic Symbols Basic Fan
Basic Symbols Image
Basic Symbols Johnson Controls® Logo
Basic Symbols Linear Gauge
Basic Symbols Semi-Circular Gauge
Basic Symbols State Circle
Basic Symbols State Square
Basic Symbols State Triangle
Basic Symbols Switch
Electrical Flag Alarm Indicator
Electrical Flag Alarm Supply
Electrical Lamp Alarm Indicator
Fire Various (all Fire elements support Group to Scale)
Floor Plan Diffuser - Round
Floor Plan Diffuser - Square
Floor Plan PRV
Floor Plan VAV - Dual Duct

Graphic Generation Tool Help 16

Table 6: Elements Supporting Group to Scale
Library Category Element
Floor Plan VAV - Single Duct
HVAC Air Coils DX Coil
HVAC Air Coils Electric Coil
HVAC Air Sensors Wind Direction
HVAC Boilers Heating Manifold
HVAC Ductwork Down Left
HVAC Ductwork Down Right
HVAC Ductwork Dual Path Left
HVAC Ductwork Dual Path Right
HVAC Ductwork Four Way Duct
HVAC Ductwork Horizontal Duct
HVAC Ductwork Horizontal T Down
HVAC Ductwork Horizontal T Up
HVAC Ductwork Roof Vent Down
HVAC Ductwork Roof Vent Up
HVAC Ductwork Up Left
HVAC Ductwork Up Right
HVAC Ductwork Vertical Duct
HVAC Ductwork Vertical T Left
HVAC Ductwork Vertical T Right
HVAC Pipes Down-Left Elbow
HVAC Pipes Down-Right Elbow
HVAC Pipes Small Down-Left Elbow
HVAC Pipes Small Down-Right Elbow
HVAC Pipes Small Up-Left Elbow
HVAC Pipes Small Up-Right Elbow
HVAC Pipes Up-Left Elbow
HVAC Pipes Up-Right Elbow
HVAC Water Sensors Deaerator
HVAC Water Valves Check Valve
HVAC Water Valves Hand Valve, 2-way
HVAC Water Valves Hand Valve, 3-way
HVAC Water Valves Manual Valve
HVAC Water Valves Tap
Lighting Various (all Lighting elements support Group to Scale)
Network DT (Digital Terminal)
Network IU
Network N2R
Network NT

Graphic Generation Tool Help 17

Table 6: Elements Supporting Group to Scale
Library Category Element
Network UPS
Security Various (all Security elements support Group to Scale)
Drawing Toolbar Various (all Drawing Toolbar elements support Group to Scale
except the Text Box element)
Note: The Drawing Toolbar elements are not part of the
Library panel.
CAD Drawing Single Image
Note: The CAD Drawing elements are not part of the Library
CAD Drawing Individual Objects
Note: The CAD Drawing elements are not part of the Library

Graphic Generation Tool Help 18

Help Menu
Figure 6 and Table 7 describes the options available on the Help menu.
Figure 6: Help Menu

Table 7: Help Menu Options

Selection Description
Help Launches the Help system for the GGT. Shortcut key: F1.
Style Guide Launches an online version of the GGT Style Guide.
About Displays the software version of the tool, the Graphics Package version, and the minimum Metasys
system version required.

The toolbars appear from left to right across the main screen under the menu bar. You can optionally close the
toolbars to provide more room for the panels on the screen. You can also resize and reposition the toolbars.
Available toolbar operations are:
Hide and Show a Toolbar
Resize a Toolbar
Reposition a Toolbar
You cannot move a toolbar outside the toolbar section of the screen. If you reposition a toolbar in an area that is too
small to show the toolbar in its entirety, a drop-down menu appears on the right side of the toolbar that allows you
to select toolbar options that do not fit on the screen.
With the exception of the Floor Editor toolbar, you can show or hide the toolbars using options on the View menu.
The Floor Editor toolbar appears only when you select a Floor element on the Graphic Canvas.
When you exit the GGT, the program preserves the locations of your toolbars and launches with the same layout
on the next startup. Hovering over a toolbar button displays a tooltip.
The available toolbars are:
Standard Toolbar
Edit Toolbar
Layout Toolbar
Drawing Toolbar
Workspace Options Toolbar
Action Toolbar
Floor Editor Toolbar
Hide and Show a Toolbar
To hide a toolbar, select View > Toolbars and clear the check mark appearing next to the toolbar name (Figure 7).
To show a toolbar, select View > Toolbars and select the toolbar name that does not have a check mark in front of
its name. When you show a toolbar, it appears as a floating window that you can dock anywhere on the screen.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 19

Figure 7: Hide and Show Toolbars

Resize a Toolbar
To resize a toolbar, position the mouse pointer on the white dotted line ( ) that appears directly to the right of the

toolbar you want to resize. A crosshair cursor ( ) appears. With the crosshair cursor visible, click and drag left or
right to decrease or increase the size of the toolbar. Release the mouse button to set the new size.
Reposition a Toolbar
To reposition a toolbar, position the mouse pointer on the white dotted line ( ) that appears on the far left side of

the toolbar you want to reposition. A crosshair cursor ( ) appears. With the crosshair cursor visible, click and drag
the toolbar to an open location within the toolbar area of the main screen. The toolbar moves to its new position.
Note: You can only reposition a Toolbar next to another toolbar, and you cannot add space to the left of a toolbar.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 20

Standard Toolbar
Figure 8 shows the buttons on the Standard toolbar. For descriptions of the functions these buttons provide, see
Table 2 and Table 4.
Figure 8: Standard Toolbar

Table 8: Standard Toolbar Callouts

Callout Button Name Callout Button Name
1 New Graphic 7 Zoom Out
2 Open from File 8 Open from File
3 Save 9 Open from Metasys
4 Save As 10 Save as File
5 Zoom 11 Save as Metasys Object
6 Zoom In 12 Save as Template

Graphic Generation Tool Help 21

Edit Toolbar
Figure 9 shows the buttons on the Edit toolbar. For descriptions of the functions these buttons provide, see Table
3. For descriptions of the copy/paste binding and copy/paste format buttons, see Table 5.
Figure 9: Edit Toolbar

Table 9: Edit Toolbar Callouts

Callout Button Name Callout Button Name
1 Cut 7 Copy
2 Copy 8 Copy Binding(s)
3 Paste 9 Copy Format
4 Delete 10 Paste
5 Undo 11 Paste Binding(s)
6 Redo 12 Paste Format

Graphic Generation Tool Help 22

Layout Toolbar
Figure 10 shows the buttons on the Layout toolbar. The Select button allows you to select any element in the Graphic
Canvas. The Skew button angles the selected shape in a horizontal or vertical direction. For descriptions of the
functions these other buttons provide, see Table 5.
Figure 10: Layout Toolbar

Table 10: Layout Toolbar Callouts

Callout Button Name Callout Button Name
1 Select 15 Distribute Horizontal Spacing
2 Bring to Front 16 Make Same Size
3 Move Forward 17 Skew
4 Move Backward 18 Align Lefts
5 Send to Back 19 Align Vertical Centers
6 Group to Scale 20 Align Rights
7 Group 21 Align Tops
8 Ungroup 22 Align Horizontal Centers
9 Flip Horizontally 23 Align Bottoms
10 Flip Vertically 24 Make Same Height
11 Rotate Left 25 Make Same Width
12 Rotate Right 26 Make Same Size
13 Rotate 27 Distribute Horizontal Spacing
14 Align Lefts 28 Distribute Vertical Spacing

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Drawing Toolbar
Figure 11 shows the buttons on the Drawing toolbar. To change the display properties of the drawing toolbar graphic
element (for example, line thickness and color), use the Properties panel.
Figure 11: Drawing Toolbar

The Drawing toolbar has the following options:

Table 11: Drawing Toolbar Options
Callout Button Name Description
1 Text Box Creates a text box by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas. To
start editing, double-click or press the keyboard space bar; to stop, press Enter or
Esc key.
2 Rectangle Creates a rectangle by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas.
3 Ellipse Creates an ellipse by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas.
4 Line Creates a straight line by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic Canvas.
5 Freeform Polygon Creates a freeform, closed polygon by clicking and dragging the mouse in the
Graphic Canvas. The Polygon is automatically segmented with blue points.
6 Polygon Creates a closed polygon by clicking the mouse button in different locations in the
Graphic Canvas. Each left mouse click creates a line segment that is connected
to the previous line segment. To exit the polygon tool, either press the Esc key,
click the Select button, or select another item in the Document Tree panel.
7 Polyline Creates a polyline by clicking the mouse button in different locations in the Graphic
Canvas. Each left mouse click creates a line segment that is connected to the
previous line segment. To exit the polyline tool, either press the Esc key, click the
Select toolbar button, or select another item in the Document Tree panel.
8 Freeform Polyline Creates a freeform polyline by clicking and dragging the mouse in the Graphic
Canvas. The polyline is automatically segmented with blue points. The red point
indicates the end segment. You can modify each segment by adding or removing
an endpoint or by moving an endpoint to another location.
9 Art Canvas Creates a bounding box of the drawing layer by clicking and dragging the mouse
in the Graphic Canvas. You can edit the layer of Art Canvas by clicking the right
mouse button inside the bounding box and selecting Edit Layer. In Edit Layer mode,
you can add geometries such as rectangles, ellipses, arcs, and curves within the
Art Canvas. To exit Edit Layer Mode, click anywhere outside the bounding box.

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Workspace Options Toolbar
Figure 12 shows the buttons on the Workspace Options toolbar. For descriptions of the Show Grid and Snap to Grid
functions, see Table 4 and Table 5, respectively.
Figure 12: Workspace Options Toolbar

Table 12: Workspace Options Toolbar Callouts

Callout Button Name Callout Button Name
1 Show Grid 2 Snap to Grid

Action Toolbar
Figure 13 shows the buttons on the Action toolbar.
Figure 13: Action Toolbar

The Action toolbar has the following options:

Table 13: Action Toolbar Options
Callout Button Name Description
1 Join Combines the active selections into one closed geometric shape. This
option is only enabled when two or more closed shapes are selected
on the Graphic Canvas. To further edit an element after it has been
joined, right-click the element and select Edit Layer.
2 Subtract Removes the overlapping area of the second shape from the first shape
when two shapes are selected. This option is only enabled when two
closed shapes are selected on the Graphic Canvas. To further edit an
element after it has been subtracted, right-click the element and select
Edit Layer.
Note: When using the Subtract option, the order in which you select
the shapes matters. See Figure 14 for an example of the
Subtract option.
3 Intersect Retains the overlapping areas and removes the non-overlapping areas
of the selected shapes. This option is only enabled when two closed
shapes are selected on the Graphic Canvas. To further edit an element
after it has been intersected, right-click the element and select Edit

The Action toolbar buttons become disabled if any selected object has been rotated, flipped, or skewed.

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Figure 14: Example of Subtract Option

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Floor Editor Toolbar
Figure 15 shows the buttons on the Floor Editor toolbar.
Figure 15: Floor Editor Toolbar

The Floor Editor toolbar appears only when a single Floor element is selected in the Graphic Canvas. The toolbar
has the following options:
Table 14: Floor Editor Toolbar Options
Callout Button Name Description
1 Change Background Image Displays a File open dialog that allows you to add or change the
background image displayed within the Floor element. If a background
image already exists for the Floor element, a dialog appears that allows
you to clear the background image or choose a new one.
2 Exterior Walls Switches the Floor element to display only the exterior walls.
3 Interior Walls Switches the Floor element to display only the interior walls.
4 Room Maps Switches the Floor element to display only the room status elements.
You may drag a Room Status element to this layer and position its default
geometry as needed. You may not add other elements or geometries
within this layer.

For more details, see Floor Plan Creation.

Graphic Status Bar
The graphic status bar provides information about the element the mouse pointer is currently hovering over, the
active layer, and the current x-axis and y-axis coordinates of the pointer.
The graphic status bar also displays the number of bindings for a selected element.
Figure 16: Graphic Status Bar

Graphic Generation Tool Help 27

The GGT includes several panels. You can select which panels appear and reposition the panels on the screen.
When you exit the GGT, the program preserves the panel layout and launches with the same layout on the next
startup. You can return the panels to their default positions by clicking Reset Panel Layout in the View menu.
Each panel includes the following components:
• a header bar at the top, similar to a title bar
• an undocking/floating button:
• a close panel button:
• a collapse panel button:
• an expand panel button:
The available panels are:
Workspace Panel
Library Panel
Metasys Host Tree Panel
Binding Properties Panel
Document Tree Panel
Properties Panel
Preview Panel
Behaviors Panel
This section also describes the Geometry tools that appear in the Library panel when you edit a floor or an art canvas.
For details, see Geometry Tools.
Common Panel Behaviors
All panels share the following behaviors:
• When you place multiple panel components in one panel region, the panel displays multiple tabs on the top or
right of the panels. A single tab appears for each of the panels.
• When you close or collapse a panel, the space is claimed by the adjacent panel (if any). You can close a panel
by clicking the close panel button or by right-clicking the panel’s title bar and selecting Close.
• You can resize panels horizontally or vertically using the splitter bars.
• You can dock panels at any location along the left or right side of the screen. Panels may also float, which allows
you to move them to a different monitor. For details, see Undocking and Docking a Panel.
• You can reset the panels to their default layout with the View > Panels > Reset Panel Layout menu option. For
details, see Resetting the Panel Layout.
• When you expand a panel, the adjacent panel resizes to accommodate it.
• When you collapse a panel that was expanded, the collapsed panel restores to the same size it was before it
was expanded.
Workspace Panel
The Workspace panel occupies the middle portion of the screen, but it can be floated and minimized like any other
panel. This panel is composed of one or more Graphic Canvases. If more than one graphic is open, tabs appear
across the top of the Workspace panel to let you switch between graphic files. The gray portion of the Workspace
panel is visible only when you zoom out from 100% (Figure 17). This gray area is editable but does not appear as
part of the graphic in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal. If you wish, you can use this section as a comment
area where you can add text that includes the author, date, and revision number of the graphic.

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Figure 17: Workspace Panel

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Library Panel
The Library panel provides all elements in the GEL. The panel appears when a graphic is opened in the Graphic
Canvas, and closes when all graphics are closed. The Library panel shows all the elements in the GEL, regardless
of the contents of the graphic.
Elements in the panel are logically grouped using collapsible panels. Clicking the down arrow opens the panel to
show you which elements are available. Figure 18 shows all groups collapsed. The only group not shown in Figure
18 is the Geometry group, a set of tools shown only when editing a Floor element or an art canvas. For details, see
Geometry Tools.
See Library Categories for a description of all elements, for a description of the logical groupings, and for additional
details about the GEL.
Figure 18: Library Panel

Geometry Tools
The Geometry tools in the GGT are available when you are editing a Room Status element, an Art Canvas, the
exterior or interior walls of a Floor, or a Building or Floor Group element (Figure 19). The tool set appears on the
Library panel when you right-click on an element or Art Canvas and select Edit Layer.

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To display the Geometry elements in the library,
Figure 19: Geometry Tools

The options available under Geometry tools are as follows.

Table 15: Geometry Tools
Button Name Description
Bezier Segment Creates a parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth curves.

Close Active Geometry Closes the active geometry by adding a line segment from the start point to the end

Ellipse Geometry Creates an ellipse.

End Stops the creation of new line segments. Pressing the Esc key also stops line
segments. The End function applies to any geometry tool with segment in the title.

Line Geometry Creates a line.

Line Segment Creates a series of connected lines by clicking the mouse in different locations.
Each click creates a line segment that is connected to the previous line segment.

Poly Bezier Segment Creates a parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth curves.
This tool allows you to edit all angles at once when you click a segment.
Poly Quadratic Bezier Creates a rounded parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth
Segment curves. This tool has two control points per pair of vertices.

Polyline Segment Creates a series of connected lines by repeatedly clicking the mouse in different
locations. This tool allows you to add another point in front of or behind an existing

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Table 15: Geometry Tools
Button Name Description
Quadratic Bezier Segment Creates a rounded parametric curve that allows you to model shapes with smooth
curves. This tool has one control point per pair of vertices.
Rectangle Geometry Creates a rectangle by clicking and dragging the mouse in the currently active

Note: Geometries do not have individually configurable user properties. All geometries share a common fill and
stroke color defined in the Properties panel for the layer.
Colors are used in line vertices to designate particular purposes. A line vertex is any independent segment in a
multi-segmented line or shape. Table 16 describes the different colors used for line vertices.
Table 16: Colors Used in Line Vertices
Vertex Color Description
Green Designates the start of the line or shape.
Red Designates the end of the line or shape.
Blue Designates the joining of two lines vertical within a shape.
Yellow Designates a control point. You use a control point to create angles in line vertices or shapes.

Document Tree Panel

The Document Tree panel shows a hierarchical representation of all the elements for the graphic (Figure 20).
Figure 20: Document Tree Panel

The Document Tree functions in the following ways:

• If a graphic does not appear, the Document Tree panel is blank.
• When you first open a graphic, the tree is collapsed. Expand the tree to see the elements.
• When you select an item on the document tree, it highlights in the tree and on the Graphic Canvas. Also, the
Properties panel changes to show the properties of the currently selected item.
• A blue inverted tree button appears to indicate the layer currently being edited (the active layer).
• You can drag graphic elements to move them forward or send them back and move graphic elements between
layers on the Document Tree.
• Each symbol in the document tree has its name listed in parenthesis.

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• Each symbol in the document tree has an eye icon ( ). The eye icon lets you show or hide a symbol on the
Graphic canvas. By default, all symbols are shown. Click the eye icon to hide a symbol. When a symbol is hidden,
the icon appears with an X over it( ), you cannot select the symbol from the document tree, and the symbol
is not visible on the Graphic Canvas. To enable the symbol for selection on the document tree and make the
symbol visible on the Graphic Canvas, click the icon again.
• Each symbol included on the document tree has a lock icon ( ). The lock icon lets you to lock or unlock a
symbol on the Graphic Canvas. By default, all symbols are unlocked. When you click the lock icon to lock a
symbol, the icon appears locked and in red ( ), and you cannot select or edit the symbol on the document tree
or the Graphic Canvas. To unlock the symbol, click the icon again.
• Right-click any element in the tree to access commands to copy, cut, delete, paste, rename, bring to front, send
to back, move forward, and move backward. A Locate option is also provided. For details, see Locate Function.
Preview Panel
The Preview panel shows a condensed image of the currently open graphic (Figure 21).
Figure 21: Preview Panel (Red View Frame)

The red view frame indicates the part of the graphic that appears on the Graphic Canvas. To pan the graphic on the
Graphic Canvas, drag the frame to the part of the graphic you want to see. (Note that the frame does not appear if
the entire graphic appears on the Graphic Canvas.)
Metasys Host Tree Panel
The Metasys Host Tree panel lets you select and connect to a Metasys host. When you connect to a Metasys host
via the Metasys Host Tree panel, you can easily bind graphics to fully referenced Metasys objects.

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Figure 22: Metasys Host Tree Panel

Table 17: Metasys Host Tree Panel Screen Descriptions

Callout Name Description
1 Host Currently Selected Displays the IP address or name of the Metasys host to which you are currently
connected and whose navigation views appears on the Metasys Host Tree panel.
2 Select Metasys Host Sets or changes the currently selected Metasys host. The Select Metasys Host
Wizard appears to guide you through selecting a Metasys host. For details, see
Interacting with the Metasys System.
3 Refresh Metasys Host Refreshes the navigation views for the Metasys host. If your Metasys session
Information has timed out, you are prompted to log in again before the refresh. The All Items
View appears if the previously selected navigation view is no longer available
after the refresh. For details, see Refreshing Metasys Host Information.
4 Select User View Opens a list of user views from which you can select.

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Binding Properties Panel
The Binding Properties dockable panel lets you configure the binding properties for the selected graphic element
on the Graphic Canvas.
Figure 23: Binding Properties

Table 18: Metasys Binding Properties Panel Screen Descriptions

Callout Name Description
1 Binding Editor Defines the binding properties of the graphic element that is currently
selected. An element may have its binding properties separated into one
or more binding groups. Use the Clear Binding button (the white x) to clear
the contents of a binding field for a given binding property.
2 Additional Information Opens for binding properties that control an animation or have built in
commanding behavior. For details, see Additional Information.
3 Clear Binding Erases the contents of a binding field for the property.

Binding Types
Each binding property appears within the Binding Editor as one of the following binding types: Navigation, Value,
Label, Reference, or Item List.
The Navigation binding has three selections: Metasys Item, URL, and Application.

Metasys Item ( ): Click this button to specify a reference to any Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified)
and an optional alias string (Figure 24). If you specify an alias string as part of the Navigation binding, the string
is passed into the graphic specified in the reference and used to resolve the references in that graphic.

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Figure 24: Navigate to Metasys Item Example

URL ( ): Click this button to specify a hyperlink in one of the supported URL formats (http, https, file, ftp,
mailto). This property allows you to:
• navigate to a web site address or ftp site
• open a file on the local computer or network server, such as a sequence of operation
• start an e-mail message using the locally installed e-mail program
Examples (Figure 25):
C:\Documents\Sequence of Operations\Boiler Control.pdf
Figure 25: Navigate to URL Example

Application ( ): Click this button to specify a Windows application to run or a file to open. Enter the full path
name of the application or file. The path is based on the local file system (from where you are browsing), not on
the path of the remote Metasys host you are logged in to. The application path or file name can also use a
mapped network drive.
Examples (Figure 26):

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C:\Documents\Sequence of Operations\Boiler Control.pdf
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Excel.exe
Figure 26: Navigate to Application Example

Click the down arrow to select from a list of applications defined by Metasys Preferences. Or, click the Application
button to open a Browse dialog box to select the application and path or file name.
Note: The application or file name you select is specific to the computer you are using when you add it. The
application or file does not start on a different computer unless the application or file is in the same location
on that computer.
The Value binding lets you display a Metasys value (Figure 27). This property contains a reference to a Metasys
item (either aliased or fully specified) with an attribute to allow the display of a Metasys value. You can use this value
to trigger an animation within a GEL element.
Figure 27: Value Binding Example

The Label binding contains a value binding that is a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified)
with the Name or the Description fixed attribute (Figure 28).

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Figure 28: Label Binding Example

The Reference binding contains a reference to a Metasys item (either aliased or fully specified) or the name of a
Metasys item (Figure 29). For an alarm binding, the binding’s reference is automatically set to the name defined in
the Options dialog for the Alarm binding property.
Note: During runtime, if you specify only the name, the data appears for the first extension whose item name
matches the name defined in the reference binding. Matching is not case sensitive and does not support
wildcards (for example, you cannot specify Z*T to match ZN-T).
Figure 29: Reference Binding Example

Item List
The Item List binding lists Metasys items that you want to bind for display in the Key Data module or Status Summary
element (Figure 30). The element you select determines the number of objects that you can bind. Hold down the
Ctrl key to select multiple Metasys items from the All Items tree and then drop the selected items into the Item List
binding property.

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Figure 30: Item List Binding Example

Additional Information
Click the Star button ( ) to the right of the Value binding field to open the Additional Information dialog box for the
selected element. Depending on the element, two tabs may appear: Commands and Animations.
The Commands tab (Figure 31) configures the Metasys command that is sent when you change the value of the
item’s binding from its inline command box during runtime on the Site Management Portal or Ready Access Portal.
Figure 31 is an example of the Commands window for an Outdoor Air Damper. In this example, the State Command
and Numeric Command are both set to Operator Override. An Operator Override command is sent when the user
changes the state of the object (State Command) or enters a different value for the object (Numeric Command).
Notice that Enable Commanding is selected to allow for inline commanding.
Figure 31: Additional Information: Commands

Table 19 describes the possible Metasys commands. You can specify which commands are sent when state data
appears and which commands are sent when numeric data appears.

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Table 19: Supported Element Commands
Option Command Description
Enable Commanding -- Enables or disables inline commanding for this bound Metasys item.
Command Data: State Set State Allows you to change the state of a bound Metasys item.
Operator Override Allows you to override the bound Metasys item.
Out of Service Allows you to set the bound Metasys item out of service.
Command Data: Numeric Adjust Allows you to adjust the value of a bound Metasys item.
Setpoint Allows you to change the setpoint of a bound Metasys item. Available
for N2 devices only.
Operator Override Allows you to override the bound Metasys item.
Out of Service Allows you to set the bound Metasys item out of service.

Many GEL elements show animations when you view them in runtime mode, including Site Management Portal,
System Configuration Tool, and Ready Access Portal. These animations provide a visual indication of the value of
a bound Metasys item. For example, fan blades spin when a supply fan is on. You set the animations in GGT
configuration mode by clicking the Star button ( ) to the right of the Value binding field to open the Additional
Information dialog box for the selected element.
Figure 32 is an example Animations window for a filter object. In this example, if the status of the object is State 0,
the filter graphic appears as Clean during runtime. If the status of the object is State 1 (or any other state), the filter
graphic appears as Dirty.
Figure 32: Additional Information: Animations

The animations are set based on the type of data that the Metasys system returns: state, Boolean, or numeric. Table
20 describes the animation fields that are available in the Additional Information dialog box. You can find descriptions
for element-specific animations in the runtime behavior section of an element.

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Table 20: Element Animations
Data State
State Data 0 Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 0.
1 Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 1.
2 Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 2.
3 Shows animation when a Metasys item is in State 3.
>3 Shows animation when a Metasys item is in any other state.
Boolean Data False Shows animation when the value of a Metasys item is False.
True Shows animation when the value of a Metasys item is True.
Numeric Data Maximum value for the For bindings that support only two animations (such as on/off and open/closed),
Off state defines the value at which one animation changes to the opposite animation.
For example, if the maximum value for the Off state is 5, and the current value
of the bound item is 10, the animation for the On condition appears. If the
current value of the bound item is 3, then the animation for the Off condition
Minimum Value Specifies the minimum value for an animation to display. This state is available
for items with two or more animation options.
Maximum Value Specifies the maximum value for an animation to display. This state is available
for items with two or more animation options.
Compute Inverse Flips the animation to reflect the opposite of its current state. For example, if
the status input is normally Open, the animation reflects a normally Closed

Properties Panel
The Properties panel (Figure 33) in the GGT allows you to configure all non-binding properties for selected graphic
element in the canvas, such as color, font, and height.

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Figure 33: Properties Panel for Advanced Value Box

The Properties panel includes these options:

Table 21: Properties Panel for Advanced Value Box Callouts
Callout Name Description
1 Alphabetical Sorts properties alphabetically.
2 Use Shows which properties have been set to a value other than the default
value (that is, which properties are in use). The elements are sorted in
alphabetical order.
3 By Category Sorts properties into groups using collapsible panels based on what the
property does to the element (for example, changes appearance or
4 Advanced Shows and hides advanced properties.
5 Name Assigns a name to the selected element. By default, a newly added
element is given a name of <element><number>, where <element> is
the name of the element as seen in the Library panel and <number> is
the instance number. The name you enter for a graphic element must
be unique within the graphic.
6 Advanced Properties Shows the properties for the selected element. See Library Categories
for the list of properties in each element, the range limits for properties,
and the property type. Binding properties appear in the Metasys Binding
panel, and not in the Properties panel.
7 Reset Changes the value of the Property field to the default value as applicable;
applies to all fields.

Sorting Options
Table 22 indicates the sorting options available on the Properties pane.

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Table 22: Sorting Options
Button Name Description
Alphabetical Sorts all properties alphabetically based on the properties name.

In Use Shows which properties are currently in use for the selected element (that is, they
have been set to a value other than the default value). The elements are sorted in
alphabetical order based on the properties name.
By Category Sorts all properties into groups using collapsible panels based on what the property
does to the element (for example, changes appearance or layout).

Custom Color Options

Using the Properties panel, you can customize the background color of an element and the color of text with GGT.
Four color selectors are provided to help you create a custom color. You can access the color selectors by clicking
the down arrow for any related property, such as Background, Line Color, Font Color, or Label Color. Table 23
describes these selectors.
Table 23: Custom Color Selectors
Button Name Description
Named Color Creates named colors such as red, blue, black, transparent, aqua, and crimson.

Solid Color Creates solid colors using several different techniques:

• Named color (for example, red or blue)
• Hexadecimal value
• Numeric value
• Color gradient pointer position (for example, center position is white; see Working
with Color)
• Movable scales (selects amount of red, green, blue, opacity, hue, saturation, and
Linear Gradient Creates a color with an airbrush effect in which the color changes within the element
linearly (for example, from left to right or top to bottom). This selector provides:
• Opacity control (a slider that changes transparency value)
• Gradient stops (buttons that let you add, delete, clone, blend, flip, mirror, repeat,
and sharpen; see Working with Color)
• Named colors (same functionality as Named Color selector)
• Custom colors (same functionality as Solid Color selector)
Radial Gradient Creates a color with an airbrush effect in which the color gradually changes within the
element radially (from inside out). This selector provides:
• Opacity control (a slider that changes transparency value)
• Gradient stops (buttons that let you add, delete, clone, blend, flip, mirror, repeat,
and sharpen; see Working with Color)
• Named colors (same functionality as Named Color selector)
• Custom colors (same functionality as Solid Color selector)

For details, see Working with Color.

Behaviors Panel
The Behaviors panel is new at Graphics+ Release 1.3. When you start the GGT for the first time, the panel appears
in its default location, in the lower right corner. You can reposition the panel and choose whether it appears at startup.
When you exit the GGT, the program preserves the panel layout and retains the layout at the next startup. If you
need to return the panel to its default location, use the Reset Panel Layout menu item.

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The Behaviors panel lets you configure elements with custom behaviors, such as flashing, changing colors, and
changing visibility. Elements drawn with the drawing tools support custom behaviors, as well as several elements
from the Graphic Enterprise Library. For more detailed information on custom behaviors, see Behaviors Overview
Figure 34: Behaviors Panel

Table 24: Behaviors Panel Screen Descriptions

Callout Name Description
1 Element Name Displays the default or user-defined name of the element selected
on the canvas. You can name an element in the Properties panel.
2 Behavior Name Area Displays the user-defined name of the custom behavior. This area
includes buttons to rename and remove custom behaviors. There
is a 20 character limit for custom behavior names.

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Table 24: Behaviors Panel Screen Descriptions
Callout Name Description
3 Behaviors Summary Displays the user-defined properties of a custom behavior. The title
of this area lists the behavior's user-defined name next to the word
Summary. The Summary lists the user-defined properties for the
custom behavior.
4 When Expander Button Click to configure the trigger that causes the custom behavior to
execute. You can click the When expander button or click the
Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box to configure the trigger.
5 Do Expander Button Click to configure the effects that occurs at run time after the
behavior is triggered. You can click the Do expander button or click
the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box to configure the effect.
6 If Expander Button Click to configure a rule for a custom behavior. The rule is a
condition that causes the behavior to execute at run time only if the
trigger occurs and the optional condition is true. You can click the
If expander button or click the Rule (optional) hyperlink in the
Summary box to configure the rules.
7 Rename Button Click to rename the behavior.
8 Remove Button Click to remove the behavior.
9 Add Behavior Button Click the Add Behavior button to add a custom behavior to the
currently selected element. When you click the Add Behavior button,
a Add Behavior Name dialog box appears.
Behavior names are case-sensitive, meaning you cannot have two
behaviors on one element with the same name with matching case.
There is no character limit for behavior names.
There is no limit to the number of behaviors allowed for a single

Graphic Canvas
The Graphic Canvas (Figure 35) provides the display area for the currently open graphic. You add, move, and delete
graphic elements in this area to construct your graphic.

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Figure 35: Graphic Canvas Area

The Graphic Canvas functions in the following ways:

• The Graphic Canvas is only visible when a graphic file is open. Upon startup, GGT shows no Graphic Canvas.
• When you have a single graphic open, the title bar of the canvas shows the title as follows:
- If the graphic is new and you based it on the Empty Graphic template, the name Empty Graphic1 is shown
as the title.
- If you opened the graphic from a file, the file name is shown as the title.
- If you opened the graphic from a Metasys Host and selected from the All Items tree, the graphic object’s
name is shown as the title.
- If you opened the graphic from a Metasys Host and selected from a User View, the user view label name is
shown as the title.
• When you have more than one graphic open, each graphic appears in a separate tab within the workspace panel
and the label of each tab shows the name of the corresponding graphic. Clicking the tab changes the graphic in
the workspace panel.

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The Graphic Canvas for each graphic file has a unique set of properties that control how the graphic initially appears
in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal. By default, the graphic is set to fit inside the focus window, but you can
change this setting if desired. The Graphic Canvas Properties panel appears only when a graphic file is open. Figure
36 shows the custom Graphic Canvas properties.
Figure 36: Graphic Canvas Properties Panel

Table 25 describes these Graphic Canvas properties.

Table 25: Graphic Canvas Properties
Name Description
Name Identifies the name of the selected element; in this case, GraphicCanvas.
Fit To Window Indicates whether the graphic is sized to fit inside the window when it appears during runtime. By
default, graphics are configured to fit the current window size. To customize this behavior, clear this
check box and enter values for the Initial Center Point and Initial Zoom Level properties.
Initial Center Point Specifies the x- and y- coordinates used to center the graphic when it initially appears during runtime.
If you enter coordinates, make sure the Fit to Window check box is cleared.
Initial Zoom Level Specifies the zoom level that is used when the graphic initially appears during runtime. The valid
range is 0 to 5,000%. If you enter a zoom level, make sure the Fit to Window check box is cleared.
Background Specifies the background color used on the Graphic Canvas.
Default Binding Specifies the language used for all default binding strings within symbols (e.g. ZN-T, SF-S). The
default is English (United States).
Height Sets the height of the graphic in pixels.
Opacity Sets the opacity (amount of transparency) of the graphic.
Width Sets the height of the graphic.

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Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 26 shows keyboard shortcuts supported by the GGT.
Table 26: Shortcut Keystrokes
Keystroke/Action Operation
Ctrl Key and Mouse Wheel Zooms in while you slide the mouse wheel up.
Zooms outs while you slide the mouse wheel down.
Ctrl and + Keys Zooms in one level with each press of the + key.
Ctrl and - Keys Zooms out one level with each press of the - key.
Esc key Ends your current editing operation.
Push Mouse Wheel Down, Pans the Graphic Canvas in the direction of the mouse.
Then Move Mouse Left/Right
to Pan
Push Mouse Wheel Down or Exits Pan mode.
Left Mouse Click After
Shift Key When Selecting Selects multiple graphic elements to which you can perform the same operation, such as copy
Graphic Elements or delete.
Space Bar Within a Text Box Enables inline editing of a label.
or Button
Right-click on Graphic Opens a menu that offers commonly used operations that you can perform on the selected
Element element, such as copy, delete, flip, and rotate.

For keyboard shortcuts that perform operations such as copy and paste, see Menus.
Graphics Opened From and Saved to the File System
A file created with the GGT is called a Graphics+ file and has an .xaml file extension.
When you open or save a graphic as a file, the default directory GGT uses is the location in which a file was last
opened or saved. If no previous location exists, the default directory is the user’s home directory, which is
C:\Documents and Settings\<logged in user name> or C:\Users\<logged in user name>, depending on your Windows
operating system.
Standard file and directory security inherent within the operating system is enforced when you save and open graphic
files. For example, you cannot save a graphic to a folder that is write-protected or open a file that is inaccessible
with your user account.
For more information, see Opening a Graphic from a File and Saving a Graphic as a File.
Graphics Opened From and Saved to a Metasys Host
Graphics created with GGT can be opened from and saved to a Metasys Host that has Metasys software at Release
5.2 or later. Graphics+ objects are identified in the GGT, Site Management Portal UI, Ready Access Portal UI, and
SCT UI with a unique button, as shown in Figure 37.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 48

Figure 37: Button That Identifies Graphics+ Objects

Table 27: Button That Identifies Graphics+ Objects Callouts

Callout Description
1 Graphic Generation Tool
2 Metasys Site Management Portal UI
3 Graphics+ Files

For more information, see Opening a Graphic from a Metasys Host and Saving a Graphic as a Metasys Object.
Graphics Created From and Saved to Templates
A new graphic can be created based on a standard or user-defined template, and any graphic can be saved as a
user-defined template. Creating graphics from templates allows you to create many graphics based on a central
theme. Templates also have the .xaml file extension.
Standard Templates
The GGT includes a series of standard templates that are installed with the tool. Table 28 lists the available templates.
For details, see Creating a Graphic from a Standard Template.
Table 28: Graphics+ Standard Templates Provided with GGT
Category Name of Template
Air Fan Coil Heating/Cooling Coils Mixed Air Single Path Staged Coils
Fan Coil Modulated Coils Outdoor Air Single Path
Fan Coil Staged Coils VAV Dual Duct
Mixed Air Dual Path VAV Parallel Fan
Mixed Air Single Path Modulated Coils VAV Series Fan
Mixed Air Single Path Modulated with Heat Recovery VAV Single Duct
Mixed Air Single Path Modulated Heating/Cooling VAV Single Duct Modulated Heat
VAV Single Duct Staged Heat
Blank Base Template Empty Graphic

Graphic Generation Tool Help 49

Table 28: Graphics+ Standard Templates Provided with GGT
Category Name of Template
Floor Plan Building Dashboard Single Floor
K-12 District Dashboard
Network FEC Devices 50 VAVs
N2 Devices
Water Air Cooled Chiller Hot Water Heat Exchanger
Air Cooled Chiller Plant (2 Chillers 3 Pumps) Steam Boiler Plant (3 Boilers)
Cooling Tower Secondary Chill Water Pumping
Cooling Tower Plant (3 Towers) Steam Heat Exchanger
Hot Water Boiler Water Cooled Chiller
Hot Water Boiler Plant (3 Boilers 4 Pumps) Water Cooled Chiller Plant (2 Chillers 3 Pumps)

User-Defined Templates
You can save any GGT file as a user-defined template and use it as the starting point for any new graphic. For
details, see Saving a Graphic as a Template and Creating a Graphic from a User-Defined Template.
CAD Drawing Import Function
The GGT allows you to import a CAD drawing in a graphic to represent a floor plan in a building. This function is
available with the File > Import CAD Drawing menu option.
The CAD file you import must be compatible with the AutoDesk® AutoCAD® software program at a supported
version and have a file extension of .dxf or .dwg. Supported file versions include AutoCAD 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008,
2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14, and R13.
You can import the CAD drawing as a single image, individual objects, or as a floor.
Import CAD Drawing as a Single Image
This option creates a new image element within the graphic. The image element is placed in the center of the graphic.
The image includes only the layers that you selected in the Import CAD Drawing dialog box (Figure 38).
Select the Single Image option if the drawing is current and requires no manipulation once it is imported. Any
modifications to the image, such as move and resize, are made to the image as a whole. This option results in a
smaller graphic size compared to the other import options and has the fastest performance within the tool and when
the graphic is opened at runtime.

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Figure 38: Import CAD Drawing as a Single Image

Table 29: CAD Drawing Screen Descriptions for Single Image

Callout Name Description
1 CAD Drawing Selection Specifies the CAD drawing that you want to import into GGT.
2 Browse Button Displays an Open dialog box that allows you to select a CAD drawing to
import from any accessible storage location.
3 Single Image Selection Selects Single Image as the import option.
4 Visibility Table Selects which layers you want to import. The names in the table are
sorted alphanumerically by layer name.
5 Preview Pane Displays a preview of the image showing which layers are made visible
when the drawing is imported. The preview changes as you select from
the Layer Selections table. See Preview Pane.

Import CAD Drawing as Individual Objects

This option creates individual elements within the graphic. You can move, resize, and delete each element once
you import the drawing into the Graphic Canvas.
Select the Individual Object option if you want every element in the selected CAD layers to be editable in the resulting
graphic after import. This option results in the largest graphic size compared to other import options and could
possibly have the slowest performance within the tool and when the graphic is opened at runtime. You may prefer
this option if the original CAD drawing is outdated and requires significant modifications once it is imported. As a
best practice, we recommend that you revise the CAD drawing with the CAD drawing software before you import it
into GGT. Figure 39 is an example of the Individual Objects option.

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Figure 39: Import CAD Drawing as Individual Objects

Table 30: CAD Drawing Screen Descriptions for Individual Objects

Callout Name Description
1 CAD Drawing Selection Specifies the CAD drawing that you want to import into GGT.
2 Browse Button Displays an Open dialog box that allows you to select a CAD drawing
to import from any accessible storage location.
3 Individual Objects Selection Selects Individual Objects as the import option.
4 Visibility Table Selects which layers you want to import. The names in the table are
sorted alphanumerically by layer name.
5 Preview Pane Displays a preview of the image showing which layers are made visible
when the drawing is imported. The preview changes as you select
from the Layer Selections table. See Preview Pane.
6 Elements Selected Lists the number of elements that are currently selected for import. An
element on a CAD drawing is any geometry that results in an individual
shape to be imported, such as a single segment line. A curve would
be imported as multiple elements because it consists of multiple lines.
Use this number as an indicator of potential graphic performance.

Import CAD Drawing as a Floor

This option creates a floor element from the imported drawing. Select the Floor option if you want to display a floor
plan using the standard Johnson Controls® perspective and include status color information for the status of rooms
within the floor (for example, temperatures that are in an alarm, warning, or offline state). Figure 40 is an example
of the Floor option.
Use the check boxes and the Preview pane to help you select which layers to import. For best results, we recommend
that you import most layers as background images and designate a minimal number of layers as exterior and interior
walls. By importing walls as separate layers, you can more easily modify the floor plan if it is remodeled in the future.

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Figure 40: Import CAD Drawing as a Floor

Table 31: CAD Drawing Screen Descriptions for Floor Import

Callout Name Description
1 CAD Drawing Selection Specifies the CAD drawing that you want to import into GGT.
2 Browse Button Displays an Open dialog box that allows you to select a CAD drawing
to import from any accessible storage location.
3 Floor Selection Selects Floor as the import option.
4 Floor Sections Switches the preview panel to show only the layers that are set to be
visible in the Background, Exterior Wall, or Interior Wall column of the
visibility table. The Overall tab shows all layers set to visible in all three
5 Visibility Table Selects which layers you want to import into each of three areas:
background, exterior walls, and interior walls. The names in the table
are sorted alphanumerically by layer name.
6 Preview Pane Displays a preview of the image showing which layers are made visible
when the drawing is imported. The preview changes as you select
from the Layer Selections table. See Preview Pane.
7 Elements Selected Lists the number of elements that are currently selected for import.
An element on a CAD drawing is any geometry that results in an
individual shape to be imported, such as a single segment line. A curve
would be imported as multiple elements because it consists of multiple
lines. Use this number as an indicator of potential graphic performance.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 53

Preview Pane
The Preview pane provides a condensed view of the layers that are selected for import. If you select the Single
Image or Individual Objects option, the Preview pane displays what you have selected in the Layer Selections table.
If you select the Import as a Floor option, the Preview pane displays what you have selected in the Layer Selections
table for each of the four tabs: Overall, Background, Exterior Walls, and Interior Walls. Each option is described as
• Overall: shows a preview of the entire image including all the layers that are set to be visible in the Background,
Exterior Wall, and Interior Walls.
• Background: shows a preview of only the layers that are set to be visible in the Background column of the
visibility table.
• Exterior Walls: shows a preview of only the layers that are set to be visible in the Exterior Walls column of the
visibility table.
• Interior Walls: shows a preview of only the layers that are set to be visible in the Interior Walls column of the
visibility table.
The content of the Preview pane is blank if no layers in the visibility table are selected for import.
Floor Plan Creation
You have three primary methods for creating floor plans, depending on the type of resources available to you:
• If you have access to the CAD drawings for the floor, you can import the CAD drawing into a graphic.
• If you only have access to an image of the floor plan, you can manually create a Floor element and set the
background image for it.
• If you do not have CAD drawings or images of the floors, you can manually create a Floor element and use the
geometry tools to draw exterior and/or interior walls.
Floor Plans Created with a CAD Drawing
If you have access to the CAD files showing the floors in the facility, importing the CAD drawings as floors is the
most effective and flexible method of creating floor plan graphics. The process involves selecting the interior and
exterior walls, then sending all other components to the background image of the drawing. Once the drawing is
imported, you add Room Status elements to each zone on the floor. For step-by-step instructions, see Creating a
Floor by Importing a CAD File.
Floor Plans Created with a Background Image
If you have access to image files representing a floor plan, you can manually create a Floor element on the Graphic
Canvas and then set the background image to the floor plan image file. With this method, you can trace interior and
exterior walls over the pasted image, then add Room Status dynamic elements to the zones on the floor. We
recommend that you use white for the background so that color animations appear properly. To do so, make sure
you select the Show Background attribute on the Floor element. For step-by-step instructions, see Creating a Floor
by Importing a Background Image.
Floor Plans Created Manually
The last method for creating a floor plan is to do so manually by adding a Floor element to the graphic. This method
requires the most work because you need to add interior and exterior walls without the help of a background image
or CAD drawing. After you complete the floor components, you can add Room Status dynamic elements to the zones
on the floor. For step-by-step instructions, see Creating a Floor Manually.
Image Exporting
The Graphic Generation Tool allows you to export the graphic as a raster image. This function is available using the
File > Export Image menu option. When you select this option, a standard Windows Save As dialog box appears in
which you can specify a file format and storage location. The following graphic file formats are available:
• PNG (.png) - Portable Network Graphics (default file format for the Export Image function)
• GIF (.gif) - Graphics Interchange Format
• JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe) - Joint Photographic Experts Group

Graphic Generation Tool Help 54

• BMP (.bmp) - Windows Bitmap
• TIF (.tif, .tiff) - Tag Image File
File Printing
You can print a graphic with the File > Print menu option or, for printing multiple graphics, you can use a batch print
function from the command prompt. GGT uses your computer’s standard print function to print images. For details,
see Printing a Graphic.
Note: GGT does not offer custom headers and footers. If you want to add a header or footer to your printed graphics,
such as page numbers, use the header and footer options that could be available with your particular printer
Printed Pages
All graphics are scaled to fit the size and orientation of the page you select. For large or complex graphics, the
printed copy may be difficult to read. For these graphics, we recommend you select a high quality printer that accepts
large-sized paper.
All graphics are centered on the printed page, with a default (and unchangeable) margin of 1 inch on each side. The
scaling is performed relative to the size of the entire graphic canvas, so if the content of the canvas does not fully
fill its borders, the margins on the printed page appears larger.
Printer Resolution
GGT displays a graphic at the screen resolution, which is typically 96 dpi. All numerical dimensions and positions
visible inside GGT are expressed in terms of the default 96 dpi resolution. However, graphics are printed with a
default resolution of up to 600 dpi, depending on the highest resolution supported by the selected printer.
If the selected printer is capable of higher resolutions than 600 dpi, you may increase the printout clarity by setting
an optional attribute in a GGT configuration file. However, to conserve on memory taken by GGT for print operations,
you may choose to print at a lower resolution than what the printer normally supports.
Note: Increasing the printer resolution consumes extra memory at the time of printing, because GGT converts the
graphic to an in-memory raster (bitmap) image before actually sending the image to the printer.
To override the default printing resolution, make a backup copy of the GGT configuration file, then create or change
the PrintDPI attribute value in the configuration file. Here is the information you need:
File Name: Configuration.xml
Location: C:\Program Files\Johnson Controls\XAML Graphics Components\Graphic Generation Tool\V1\bin
If this entry does not exist, add it as a separate line between the two configuration tags. This example forces GGT
to print at 1200 dpi, if the printer supports it.
Batch Printing
GGT supports single and batch printing initiated from a command prompt window. The specified graphic or set of
graphics use the Windows default printer settings and require no user intervention. For details, see Printing Multiple
Graphics in Batch Mode.
Tool Options
The GGT allows you to configure default settings for a subset of available graphic element properties and to set the
default language used by the tool. We recommend that you set the Default Properties, Default Bindings, and Language
before creating any graphics.
The tool options are available using the View > Options menu option. When you select this menu item, the Options
dialog box appears (Figure 41).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 55

Figure 41: Options Dialog Boxes: Default Properties, Default Bindings, and Language

The Options dialog uses a tabbed display to organize the properties into logical groupings.
Use the Default Properties tab to configure general display and font settings, such as background color and font
family. For example, if you select a font size of 14, any new element added to the Graphic Canvas that contains the
font size property uses 14 point as its default value. Clicking the empty circle button ( ) resets the option to its
original default value.
Use the Default Bindings tab to configure default binding strings for Alarms as configured in the Binding Properties
panel. For example, if you enter Alarm - Present Value, any new element added to the Graphic Canvas that contains
an Alarm binding property uses Alarm - Present Value as its default value in the Alarm bindings field. Clicking the
empty circle button ( ) resets the option to its original default value.
Use the Language tab to select the language used for menus, buttons, tabs, and labels. You must restart GGT for
the change to take effect. Clicking the empty circle button ( ) resets the option to its original default value.
The settings in the Options dialog apply to all new graphical elements you create with the tool, regardless of which
Metasys Host is connected. The change to an option takes effect immediately after you click Save (Figure 41).
Elements that were previously defined on the graphic do not change to reflect the new defaults.

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Table 32: Tool Options Screen Descriptions
Tab Name Default Value Description
Default Properties Background Color White Sets the default background color that applies to all new graphic
elements that contain a Background Color property.
Stroke Color Black Sets the default stroke color that applies to all new graphic
elements that contain a Stroke Color property.
Font Arial Sets the default font that applies to all new graphic elements
that contain a Font property. Available fonts include: Arial, Comic
Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Times New Roman, Trebuchet
MS, and Verdana.
Font Color White Sets the default font color that applies to all new graphic
elements that contain a Font Color property.
Font Size 11 Sets the default font size that applies to all new graphic elements
that contain a Font Size property.
Is Bold Cleared Sets whether the font is bolded by default for all new graphic
elements that contain a Bold property.
Is Italic Cleared Sets whether the font is italicized by default for all new graphic
elements that contain an Italic property.
Is Underlined Cleared Sets whether the font is underlined by default for all new graphic
elements that contain an Underline property.
Default Bindings Alarm Alarm - Present Defines the default alarm name for all new Alarm bindings in
Value the graphic.
Language Display Language English (United Sets the language used for menus, buttons, tabs, and labels.

Right-Click Menus
The GGT provides right-click menus when you select one or more elements in the Graphic Canvas or Document
Tree. These right-click menus include items for common operations such as copy and paste. The contents of the
menu depends on the current selection. Figure 42 shows examples of right-click menus.
Figure 42: Examples of Right-Click Menus

Table 33: Examples of Right-Click Menus Callouts

Callout Description
1 Right-click a single selected element on the canvas.
2 Right-click multiple selected elements. See Symbol Menu for descriptions of the submenu options
within this right-click menu.
3 Right-click a single element in the Document Tree.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 57

Table 33: Examples of Right-Click Menus Callouts
Callout Description
4 Right-click multiple elements in the Document Tree.
5 Right-click Grouped Elements or a Floor Group.

Rename Function
The Rename function allows you to change the name assigned to any element listed in the Document Tree. Right-click
the element name, select Rename from the menu, then type a new name (Figure 43). Click out of the field to save
the name.
Figure 43: Rename Function

Locate Function
The Locate function helps you quickly find a particular element located on the graphic. This function is especially
helpful for complex graphics that consist of many elements. The Locate function is used on the Document Tree
panel (see Document Tree Panel). Right-click the element listed in the Document Tree that you want to find and
select Locate. The perimeter of the element is illuminated in orange and blinks three times (Figure 44).
Figure 44: Locate Function Highlights Found Item in Orange

Edit Layer Function

The Edit Layer function is available as a right-click menu option when editing a Room Status element, exterior or
interior walls of a Floor element, an Art Canvas, or a Building or Floor Group dynamic element. For details, see the
respective sections in Detailed Procedures.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 58

Metasys System Interaction
The GGT provides a method for connecting to a Metasys system using a valid Metasys user name and password
so that graphics created with the tool can be opened from and saved to the host. You also use GGT to deploy
updates to the Graphics Package located on the Metasys Host as required to support new and enhanced features.
Saving and Retrieving Graphics+ Files
To save and retrieve Graphics+ files using GGT, you use a wizard-like interface to log in to the Metasys Host. You
can use the same user name and password as you would when logging in to the Site Management Portal UI. Once
connected, you can save graphics to any location (permitted by your user account) within the All Items view on the
host that is using Metasys system Release 5.2 or later software. You can also open graphics that reside on the host
for display within the tool. The following aspects relate to managing Metasys hosts with the GGT:
• A Metasys Host must be either a Site Director device (for example, ADS, ADX, or supervisory engine) or an SCT
• You can configure multiple Metasys Hosts and switch between hosts as needed when working with different
• To close all open graphics and log off the currently logged in Metasys host(s), select File > Exit. To simply close
a graphic and remain logged in to the Metasys host(s), select File > Close.
• GGT retains the Metasys host previously selected, so you do not need to re-select the same host each time you
open or save a graphic. The active Metasys host selection is lost (not cached) when you end the GGT session.
• GGT also retains the last selected location in the navigation view, making it easier for you to open a graphic or
save the graphic to the previously saved location. The active navigation view selection is lost (not cached) when
you end the GGT session.
• To log in successfully to an SCT device from the GGT, you need the SCT privilege assigned to your Metasys
user account.
• Access to a Metasys host follows the same rules as outlined in the Security system of the Site Management
Portal UI. These rules are defined in the Site Management Portal under the User Profile Settings for each user.
For details, see Table 34 and refer to the Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528).
Table 34: GGT Reactions for Specific User Profile Settings
User Profile Setting GGT Reaction
Single Access User Login is allowed unless the user account is already active on another computer.
Temporary User Login is allowed unless the temporary user account has expired.
Metasys Access Suspended Login is allowed unless user access to the Site Management Portal is suspended.
User Must Change Password Login is allowed unless the user is required to change their password at the next login. If this
on Next Login occurs, a message appears to indicate the login cannot continue until the password is changed
at the Site Management Portal.
Active Directory Account Login with Microsoft® Active Directory credentials unless the Account Disabled option for the
Deleted Active Directory account is selected.
Active Directory Account Login with Microsoft® Active Directory credentials unless the Account Disabled option for the
Disabled Active Directory account is selected.
User Cannot Change The GGT ignores this attribute.
Account Disabled Login is not allowed if the Account Disabled attribute for the user account is selected.
Account Locked Out Login is not allowed if the Account Locked Out attribute for the user account is selected.
User Can Modify Own Profile The GGT ignores this attribute.
User Can View the All Items The GGT ignores this attribute. All users with a valid login to a Metasys Host can view the
Tree contents of the All Items navigation tree.
User Can Disable Alarm The GGT ignores this attribute.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 59

Table 34: GGT Reactions for Specific User Profile Settings
User Profile Setting GGT Reaction
User Access Type (Standard, Login is allowed only to users with Standard access rights to the Site Management Portal UI.
Basic, or Tenant Access) Basic and Tenant access users cannot log in to a Metasys Host via the GGT.
Language The GGT ignores this attribute. The tool displays in the language selected under the Options
dialog box.
Default Navigation View The GGT displays the default navigation view when connected to the Metasys Host or SCT
Time Sheet Log in to Site Management Portal is allowed only if the user is logging in during the Access
Allowed time period as defined for them in the Site Management Portal. If the user attempts
to log in during an Access Denied period, the Graphic Generation Tool prevents access to the
Metasys host.
Inactivity Timeout The connection between the GGT and the Metasys host remains active until the Inactivity
Timeout attribute as defined in the Site Management Portal expires. If the session times out,
you are prompted to log in again the next time you access data from the host.
Locked Out After X Attempts The GGT provides the same reaction as the Site Management Portal when multiple failed user
login attempts results in a locked out user account.
Available User Views The GGT only displays the user views that the logged in user has permission to view.

Deploying Graphics Package Updates

The Metasys system allows for periodic updates to the Graphics Package that provide new and enhanced content.
The Graphics Package is versioned independently from the Metasys system so that updates can be deployed
whenever they become available. Figure 45 illustrates the steps in the process. First you update the Site Director
(1) and last you update the SCT (2). The update to the Ready Access Portal is synchronized automatically. All
graphics previously built are compatible with the newly deployed Graphics Package. The Graphics Package update
procedure does not interfere with Metasys system operation.
Figure 45: Updating the Graphics Package

Graphic Generation Tool Help 60

Table 35: Updating the Graphics Package Callouts
Callout Description
1 Update Site Director
The Ready Access Portal server automatically synchronizes with the Site Director updates.
2 Update SCT

To update a Metasys Host, use the File > Update Metasys Hosts menu option in GGT. The Update Metasys Hosts
screen that appears provides you with the Metasys version and Graphics Package version that is currently loaded
in each Metasys host you have configured in the tool (Figure 46). This information, described in Table 36, helps you
decide which hosts require an update.
Figure 46: Deploying Updates to Metasys Hosts

Table 36: Metasys Host Update Screen

Field Description
Progress Indicates the percentage complete while an update is in progress. If an error occurs, the
progress bar becomes red. Hovering the cursor over the progress bar displays a tooltip
regarding the error.

(Select box) Selects this device for the update. Select the top-most check box for Select All.

Device Name Identifies the device to be updated.

Metasys Version Identifies the Metasys version currently installed on the device.
Graphics Version Identifies the Graphics Package version currently installed on the device.
Update Starts the update for the selected devices.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 61

Table 36: Metasys Host Update Screen
Field Description
Minimum Metasys version Identifies the minimum Metasys version that the Graphics+ feature requires.
Graphics Package version to Identifies the Graphics Package version currently in use by GGT that the update can send
deploy to the devices.

You can select to update one or all hosts from this screen. For details, see Updating a Metasys Host.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 62

Detailed Procedures
Procedures are divided into these sections:
To learn about basic operations that can be performed To understand how to edit a graphic, see these sections:
on a graphic, see these sections:
Creating a Graphic Working with Drawing Tools and Elements
Saving a Graphic Working with Text
Opening and Closing a Graphic Working with Lines
Creating a Floor Plan Binding Elements to the Metasys System
Editing a Floor Plan Interacting with the Metasys System
Working with the Tool

Creating a Graphic
The GGT allows you to create a graphic:
• from a standard template
• from a user-defined template
Creating a Graphic from a Standard Template
1. Select File > New or click the New button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. The New Graphic dialog box appears
(Figure 47).
Figure 47: New Graphic Dialog Box

2. In the Category pane, select a category. The Templates pane changes to display which templates are available
for the selected category. For descriptions of the templates listed, see Table 28.
3. Select the template you want to use and specify a unique graphic name.
4. In the Default Binding Language field, select the language that is used for the Metasys object identifiers (for
example, ZN-T and SF-S) at the job site. Subsequently, any new symbols added to the graphic have binding
strings using the selected language.
Note: The templates provided as part of the GGT installation use English only binding strings. The Default
Binding Language setting is specifically for new symbols added to the graphic. Preexisting symbols in
the template remain in English.
5. Click OK. A new graphic created from the template appears in the workspace.
6. After you have edited the graphic, save it as a file, Metasys object, or user-defined template. See Saving a

Graphic Generation Tool Help 63

Creating a Graphic from a User-Defined Template
1. Select File > New or click the New button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. The New Graphic dialog box appears
(Figure 48).
Figure 48: New Graphic Dialog Box

2. In the Category pane, select User Defined. The Templates pane lists all available user-defined templates (Figure
Figure 49: User-Defined Template Selection

Note: If no User-Defined category and associated templates appear in the New Graphic dialog box, no graphics
have been previously saved as templates using the Save As Template menu option or toolbar button.
3. From the Templates pane, select a template to load and specify a unique graphic name.
4. In the Default Binding Language field, select the language that is used for the Metasys object identifiers (for
example, ZN-T and SF-S) at the job site. Subsequently, any new symbols added to the graphic have binding
strings using the selected language.
5. Click OK. A new graphic appears based on the selected template.
6. After you have edited the graphic, save it as a file, Metasys object, or user-defined template. See Saving a

Graphic Generation Tool Help 64

Saving a Graphic
The GGT allows you to save a graphic:
• as a file
• as a Metasys object
• as a template
Note: Saving a graphic to the Metasys Host while you are logged in is especially productive. Make edits to the file
with GGT, save it to the host, then immediately verify your changes by refreshing the graphic on the Metasys
Saving a Graphic as a File
1. Select File > Save As > File or click the Save As File button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. The Save As File
dialog appears (Figure 50).
Figure 50: Save As File

2. Use the Save As dialog box to navigate to the location where you wish to save the graphic.
3. Specify a name in the File name field. The name can consist of any set of characters except the following: \ / *
? “ > < |. You do not need to also specify the .xaml file extension.
4. Click Save. The graphic is saved as an XAML file with the specified name and to the specified location. If the
file already exists, click Yes if prompted to replace it.
Note: A user message appears if the selected file location for storing the graphic is no longer accessible, if the
file location is full or write-protected, or if the file is set as read-only. For a list of possible user messages,
see Troubleshooting.
Saving a Graphic as a Metasys Object
1. Select File > Save As > Metasys Object or click the Save As Metasys Object button ( ) on the Standard toolbar.
If you are not currently logged in to a Metasys Host, the Select a Metasys Host window appears, allowing you
to select a host to which you can save the graphic. Follow the steps to select and log in to a host.
If you are currently logged in, the Select a Graphic Destination window appears (Figure 51).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 65

Figure 51: Selecting a Graphic Destination

2. Expand the navigation tree to select where you wish to store the graphic. You can store the graphic on a Site
Director (ADS, ADX, or supervisory engine) or in an SCT archive database. The Site Director or SCT must be
at Metasys system Release 5.2 or later. Type a unique name for the graphic in the Identifier field.
3. Click Next. The GGT creates a Graphics+ Metasys object on the selected device. The wizard allows you to
configure additional object properties, such as the object Name, Description, and Object Category for this Metasys
object (Figure 52).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 66

Figure 52: Entering Graphic Information

4. Enter a Description for the graphic (optional).

5. Select an Object Category. The Object Category list displays only those categories to which the currently logged
in user has access.
6. Click Finish.
If you are overwriting an existing graphic, the Name, Description, and Object Category attributes of the Metasys
Graphic object are updated and the new graphic is saved to that object. If you are creating a new graphic, a new
Graphics+ object is created in Metasys at the designated location containing the specified Name, Description,
and Object Category.
The following additional information relates to saving a graphic:
• After the graphic object is saved for the first time, you can save updates to the object by simply clicking the
Save button in the Standard toolbar (or using Ctrl+S). The graphic object is saved to the Metasys Host if you
are currently logged in. If your session has timed out, you need to log in to the Metasys Host again.
• An error message appears if the selected destination for storing the graphic to the Metasys Host is no longer
• A warning appears when saving the graphic if the GGT and the Metasys Host are at different release levels.
To resolve, see Updating a Metasys Host.
• An error message appears if you try to replace a Metasys graphic object and your user account on the
Metasys Host does not have Modify permission for the Object Category currently configured for that Metasys
graphic object. For details, see Troubleshooting.
Saving a Graphic as a Template
1. Select File > Save As > Template or click the Save As Template button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. The Save
As Template dialog appears (Figure 53).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 67

Figure 53: Save As Template

2. Specify a name in the Template Name field. The name can consist of any set of characters except the following:
\ / * ? “ > < |. You can also overwrite an existing template by selecting it from the list.
3. Click Save.
Note: A user message appears if the file location for storing the template is no longer accessible, if the file
location is full or write-protected, if the file already exists, or if the file is set as read-only. For a list of
possible user messages, see Troubleshooting.
Opening and Closing a Graphic
The GGT allows you to open a graphic:
• from a file
• from a Metasys host
The GGT also allows you to close a graphic.
Opening a Graphic from a File
1. Select File > Open > From File or click the Open From File button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. The Open dialog
box appears (Figure 54).
Figure 54: Open File

Graphic Generation Tool Help 68

2. Using the Open dialog box, navigate to the location where the file is saved. The GGT can open Graphics+ files
only (.xaml file extension).
3. Select a file in the list and click Open. The graphic file opens in the Graphic Canvas.
Opening a Graphic from a Metasys Host
1. Select File > Open > From Metasys or click the Open From Metasys button ( ) on the Standard toolbar. The
Select Graphic screen appears (Figure 55).
Figure 55: Selecting a Graphic

2. Expand the navigation tree to locate the graphic. Select the graphic.
3. Click Finish. The GGT retrieves the graphic from the Metasys Host and displays it on the Graphic Canvas in its
own tab. The Metasys Binding panel is populated with the navigation view information for the selected Host.
Note: A user message appears if the version of the Graphics package is older than the version installed on the
Metasys Host. The graphic opens but the message recommends you update the Graphics package to a
later version.
Closing a Graphic
1. Select File > Close or click the X in the top right corner of the workspace panel. If the currently active graphic
has no unsaved changes, the graphic closes. The workspace panel and the other panels also clear if no other
graphic is opened. If the currently active graphic contains unsaved changes, you are prompted to save, ignore,
or cancel the changes before continuing (Figure 56).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 69

Figure 56: Closing the Graphic

2. To save the changes and close the graphic, click Yes. If the graphic has been saved previously, the graphic is
saved to its current location and is removed from the screen. The workspace panel and the other panels also
close if no other graphic is opened. If the graphic has never been saved, clicking Yes displays the file Save As
To ignore the changes and close the graphic, click No. All changes since the graphic was last saved are lost.
The graphic is removed from the screen. The workspace panel and the other panels also clear if no other graphic
is opened.
To cancel the File Close operation, click Cancel. The graphic is not saved and remains on the canvas.
Note: Closing a graphic does not log you off the Metasys Host. The connection remains active until you exit
GGT or manually disconnect by logging off using the Manage Metasys Hosts option. See Logging In to
a Metasys Host.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 70

Printing a Graphic
The GGT allows you to:
• print a single graphic
• print multiple graphics in batch mode
Printing a Single Graphic
1. Select File > Print. The standard Windows Print dialog box appears.
Figure 57: Printing the Graphic

2. Select an available printer. Only installed printers are shown. Make sure the printer is online and ready.
3. Click Preferences if you want to customize the printout (for example, portrait or landscape and color or black
and white).
4. Click Print. Several seconds may pass while GGT formats the page for printing. The graphic image is sent to
the printer.
Printing Multiple Graphics in Batch Mode
1. Open a command prompt by selecting Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. The Command
Prompt window appears (Figure 58).
Figure 58: Command Prompt Window

2. Change the folder location to where GGT is installed, then press Enter. Example:
cd c:\Program Files\Johnson Controls\XAML Graphics Components\Graphic Generation
3. Type the following line in the command window, then press Enter:
JohnsonControls.Graphics.Designer.exe -print <file1> -print <file2> -print <file3>...

Graphic Generation Tool Help 71

JohnsonControls.Graphics.Designer.exe -print graphic1.xaml -printgraphic2.xaml
Also consider these important rules and options:
• The -print keyword and the full path name are required for each file within the command (with no commas
between file sets). For example:
JohnsonControls.Graphics.Designer.exe -print c:\files\graphic1.xaml -print
c:\files\graphic2.xaml -print c:\files\graphic3.xaml
• If the file path or file name contains spaces, enclose with double quotes:
JohnsonControls.Graphics.Designer.exe -print "c:\My Documents\samplegraphic.xaml"
• As an alternative to -print, a short version of -p is also allowed:
JohnsonControls.Graphics.Designer.exe -p graphic1.xaml
Creating a Floor Plan
You can create a representation of a floor in your building by importing a CAD drawing of the floor, importing a
background image of the floor, or creating the floor manually.
Creating a Floor by Importing a CAD File
1. Select File > Import CAD Drawing. The Import CAD Drawing window appears (Figure 59).
Figure 59: Import CAD Drawing Window

2. Click the Browse button and locate the CAD drawing file you want to import.
3. Select the file and click OK. The tool reads the file and displays its image in the Preview pane. To view the
image more clearly, you may want to maximize the window.
4. Select the Floor import option (Figure 60). The Visibility table populates with the layers read from the imported

Graphic Generation Tool Help 72

Figure 60: Selecting Floor Import Option

5. Select the Exterior Walls tab and use the Visibility table to select the exterior walls you want to import as individual
layers. As you select a layer, it appears in the Preview pane. Figure 61 shows an example of various exterior
wall layer selections.
Figure 61: Exterior Wall Selections

6. Select the Interior Walls tab and use the Visibility table to select the interior wall layers you want to import
(Figure 62).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 73

Figure 62: Interior Wall Selections

7. Select the Background tab and use the Visibility table to select the layers you want to send to the background
(Figure 63). Any layer sent to the background cannot be modified once the drawing is imported.
Figure 63: Background Selections

Note: If you want to represent all layers on the imported drawing, make sure you send to the background any
layer that is not selected under the exterior wall and interior wall column.
8. Select the Overall tab to verify your import selections (Figure 64). Verify that each layer is mapped to only one
of the three choices: Background, Exterior Walls, or Interior Walls.

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Figure 64: Overall Selections

9. Click OK. The CAD file is imported into the center of the Graphic Canvas. If the CAD file has over 3,000 elements,
a warning message appears to notify you of possible performance issues before the file is imported.
10. Resize the imported floor if desired by using the handles on the graphic.
Once the floor is imported, you can edit its layers, add room status dynamic elements, and insert value boxes.
See Editing a Floor Plan.
Creating a Floor by Importing a Background Image
1. Add a Floor element to the Graphic Canvas. The Floor element is located in the Floor Plan Library category
(Figure 65).
Figure 65: Adding a Floor Element

2. Select the Floor element and click the Change Background Image button ( ) in the Floor Editor toolbar (Figure
15). The Select Image dialog box appears (Figure 66).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 75

Figure 66: Selecting an Image File for the Background

3. Select a file for the background image using the Select Image dialog box. For best results, select an image that
has a white background.
4. Click OK. The image file is set as a background image of the Floor element.
5. Resize the imported floor if desired by using the handles on the graphic.
Once the floor is imported, you can add Room Status elements and insert value boxes. See Editing a Floor Plan.
If you need to change the image file, select the Floor element and click the Change Background Image button
( ) in the Floor Editor toolbar. The Floor Background Image dialog box appears (Figure 70) that allows you to
remove or replace the image file.
Creating a Floor Manually
1. Expand the Floor Plan library panel and select the Floor element.
2. Drag and drop a Floor element into the Graphic Canvas. The Floor element appears (Figure 67) and the Floor
Editor toolbar appears.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 76

Figure 67: Creating Floor Manually

3. With the Floor element selected, select the Exterior Walls tool in the Floor Editor toolbar (Figure 15). The floor
element changes to a two-dimensional shape and the Geometry Tools pane appears (Figure 68).
Figure 68: Geometry Tools Pane

4. Use the Geometry tools to draw exterior walls inside the Floor element. See Geometry Tools for details on how
the Geometry tools work. If you inserted a background image of the floor plan, use it to trace wall details. When
using the Exterior Walls tool:
• close the exterior wall shape by using the Close Active Geometry ( ) tool, which is easier for closing a
shape than manually drawing the last segment.
• change the fill color to white in the exterior wall layer by setting the Fill property to White.
5. With the Floor element selected, select the Interior Walls tool in the Floor Editor toolbar and use the Geometry
tools for drawing the interior walls.
6. With the Floor element selected, select the Room Status tool in the Floor Editor toolbar and add room status
elements to the various zones on the floor. For details on how to create a room status, see Adding a Room Status
Element to a Floor.
7. After you are satisfied with your edits, click anywhere outside the floor element to exit the Edit mode.
Graphic Generation Tool Help 77
Editing a Floor Plan
After you have added a floor plan into the Graphic Canvas, you can edit its walls and enhance its functionality by
adding room status elements.
Editing a Floor
1. Select the Floor element. The Floor Editor toolbar appears in the toolbar area of the screen (Figure 69).
Figure 69: Editing a Floor Plan

Table 37: Editing a Floor Plan Callouts

Callout Description Callout Description
1 Exterior Walls 2 Interior Walls

2. Select the Exterior Walls tool from the Floor Editor toolbar. The Geometry tools appear in the Library panel.
3. Use the geometry tools to add, delete, and reshape the exterior walls as desired.
Select the Clip Background property to clip the background so that any extraneous detail in the image is
removed. A parking lot is an example of detail that you may want to remove.
4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for adding, deleting, and reshaping the interior walls.
5. If you want to add Room Status element to the floor, see Adding a Room Status Element to a Floor.
6. When you are finished editing the floor, click anywhere outside the floor element.
Changing a Background Image
1. Select the background image of the Floor element that you want to change.
2. Select the Change Background Image button ( ) in the Floor Editor toolbar. A Floor Background Image dialog
box appears (Figure 70).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 78

Figure 70: Floor Background Image Dialog Box

3. Select Clear the background image if you want to remove the image from the Floor element. The image is
deleted but the Floor element, any walls, and the Room Status elements remain.
Select Choose a new background image if you want to select a different image for the Floor element. Go to
Step 4.
4. Select the file for the new background image using the Select Image dialog box.
5. Click OK. The new image file is set as a background image of the Floor element.
Adding a Room Status Element to a Floor
1. Select a Floor element on the Graphic Canvas. The Floor element is highlighted and the Floor Editor toolbar
becomes visible (Figure 71).
Figure 71: Selecting a Floor Element (Floor Editor is Visible)

2. Select the Room Maps button ( ) in the Floor Editor toolbar. The floor image changes to a two-dimensional
view and the Floor Plan library shortens to offer only the Room Status element (Figure 72). If the Room Status
element is not visible, click the Floor Plan category.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 79

Figure 72: Room Status Element Selected

3. Drag and drop the Room Status element into the floor plan (Figure 73).
Figure 73: Dropping in a Room Status Element

4. Position the Room Status element on top of the desired area of the floor.
5. Resize the blue frame (Figure 74) to match the size of the room(s).
Figure 74: Sizing the Blue Frame

6. Right-click the Room Status element and select Edit Layer. Size the Room Status element to match the bounds
of the room (Figure 75).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 80

Figure 75: Resizing Room Status Element and Edit Layer Frame

7. If the room you need to draw is a complex shape, delete the square geometric shape and use the Geometry
tools to design the complex shape. For details, see Geometry Tools.
8. Press Esc to leave Edit Layer mode.
9. Select the Room Status element and bind it to the Metasys item that reports the condition of the room (such as
temperature or humidity).
10. Add any more Room Status elements as needed so that each zone on the floor contains a dedicated room
Note: You can add multiple Room Status elements in one step by selecting each zone temperature object
from the Metasys binding panel, then dragging a Room Status element onto the floor plan graphic. A
separate Room Status element is added for each selected Metasys object and is automatically bound
to that object. Then, position and resize each Room Status element accordingly.
11. When you are finished editing the floor, click anywhere outside the floor element. The image reverts to the
perspective view (Figure 76).
Figure 76: Room Status Element Defined on a Floor Plan Graphic

Graphic Generation Tool Help 81

Configuring a Room Control Module with Dual Setpoints
We recommend that you set up the following objects in the Metasys system before you configure a Room Control
Module in the GGT:
• an analog value (AV) object
• an AV object for Heating Setpoint
• an AV object for Cooling Setpoint
• a multi-state (MV) object for Occupancy
After you create the four objects, complete the following setup in the Metasys system:
1. Add an alarm extension to the AV object (first bullet item). To add an alarm extension, click the object in the All
Items Tree, right-click the object, and then select Show Extensions. The Extension Wizard appears.
2. Click New in the Alarms section.
3. Select Present Value as the alarm attribute, and then follow the Extension Wizard prompts.
4. Open the AV object's Focus window. Open the Alarm tab.
5. Click Edit. Set the High Alarm Limit and the Low Alarm Limit.
6. Configure the Heating/Cooling Setpoint Mode references.
• Set the Cooling Setpoint Reference to the AV object for Cooling Setpoint.
• Set the Heating Setpoint Reference to the AV object for Heating Setpoint.
• Set the Occupancy Reference to the MV object for Occupancy.
• Set the Unoccupied State to Unoccupied.
7. Configure the Engineering Values options.
• Set the Differential.
• Set the High Warning Offset and the Low Warning Offset.
8. Click Save.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 82

Figure 77 shows an example of this configuration.
Figure 77: Alarm Extension Setup

You can now configure the Room Control Module in the GGT.
1. In the GGT, create a new graphic using the Single Floor template (File > New > Floor Plan > Single Floor).
2. Add a Floor element to the canvas (Library > Floor Plan > Floor).
3. Click Room Maps in the toolbar.
4. Add a Room Status element to the canvas (Library > Floor Plan > Room Status).
5. Set the bindings for the Room Status element:
• Bind the AV object (the first bullet item from the prior set of instructions) to the Value field.
• Bind the Alarm for the AV object to the Alarm field.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 83

Figure 78: Bindings for Room Status Element

6. Select the Room Control Module.

7. Set the bindings for the Room Control Module:
• Bind the KeyData1 field to the AV object for Heating Setpoint.
• Bind the KeyData2 field to the AV object for Cooling Setpoint.
8. Save the Graphic as a Metasys object.
To verify correct setup of the RCM, open the graphic in the Metasys system and ensure the values displayed
on the RCM are correct for the bound objects.
Inserting a Value Box
1. Using Table 38 as a reference, decide which value box best fits your needs.
Table 38: Types of Value Boxes and Their Functions
Type of Single Status User Inline Label Collapsible Two Value
Value Box Value Color Actions Command Display Display
Display Display Panel

Basic Value X X X
Inline X X X X
Key Data X X X X X
Advanced X X X X X X X
Value Box

1 User actions include navigating to an item, displaying the item’s command dialog box, and viewing trend information for
the item.

2. Select the Metasys object that you want to bind to this value box in the Metasys Binding panel.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 84

3. Drag and drop the value box into the Graphic Canvas. The value box is bound to the Metasys object you selected.
4. Configure the properties of the value box using the Properties panel.
Note: You can add multiple value boxes in one step by selecting each object from the Metasys binding panel,
then dragging one value box into the Graphic Canvas. One value box is added for each selected object
and is automatically bound to that object. Then, position and resize each as desired.
5. Save the graphic file.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 85

Working with Drawing Tools and Elements
The GGT allows you to add geometric shapes to your graphic, including squares, rectangles, circles, ellipses, and
polygons using the drawing tools. GGT also provides methods for organizing and manipulating the elements on the
Graphic Canvas.
Drawing a Square or Rectangle
1. Select the Rectangle tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Point to where you want a corner of the shape.

3. Click and drag until the shape is the size you want.
4. Use the Properties panel to configure square or rectangle characteristics such as fill (background color) and
stroke color. By default, the background color and stroke color of the square or rectangle is set as defined in the
Options dialog.
Drawing a Circle or Ellipse
1. Select the Ellipse tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Point to where you want a corner of the shape.

3. Click and drag until the shape is the size you want.
4. Use the Properties panel to configure circle or ellipse characteristics such as fill (background color) and stroke
color. By default, the background color and stroke color of the circle or ellipse is set as defined in the Options
Drawing a Closed Polygon
1. Select the Polygon tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Click on the Graphic Canvas to draw the sides of the polygon.

3. Press the Esc key (or click the Select toolbar button) to end polygon formation or select a different item in the
Document Tree panel.
4. Use the Properties panel to configure polygon characteristics such as fill (background color) and stroke color.
By default, the background color and stroke color of the polygon are set as defined in the Options dialog.
5. Click and drag the angle points of the polygon to further customize its shape.
Note: When you have a polygon selected, the green and red points indicate the start and end points, respectively.
You can modify the number of segments by right-mouse clicking a point and choosing to add or delete
points. You can relocate any points to modify the shape of the polygon.
Note: If you want to create a freeform polygon, use the freeform polygon tool ( ). See Drawing a Freeform
Drawing a Closed Freeform Polygon
1. Select the Freeform Polygon tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Press down and drag the mouse pointer inside the Graphic Canvas. A multi-angled polygon forms in the direction
of the mouse movement.
3. Release the mouse button when the polygon reaches its desired shape.
4. Use the Properties panel to configure freeform polygon characteristics such as fill (background color) and stroke
color. By default, the background color and stroke color of the polygon is set as defined in the Options dialog.
5. Click and drag the angle points of the freeform polygon to further customize its shape.
Note: When you have a freeform polygon selected, the green and red points indicate the start and end points,
respectively. You can modify the number of segments by right-mouse clicking a point and choosing to
add or delete points. You can relocate any points to modify the shape of the polygon.
Note: If you want to create a polygon made of straight lines, use the polygon tool ( ). See Drawing a Closed

Graphic Generation Tool Help 86

Drawing an Irregular Shape with Geometry Tools
1. To draw an irregular shape for a Room Status element, select the Line Segment tool ( ) on the Geometry panel.
2. Click where you want to start the shape (Figure 79). Move the cursor to the first vertex position. Click again.
Move the cursor to the second vertex position. Click again. Continue clicking until you reach the last vertex
position. Do not be precise when you draw the vertex points, as you can fine-tune the positions later.
Figure 79: Drawing an Irregular Shape

Table 39: Drawing an Irregular Shape Callouts

Callout Description Callout Description
1 Click here to start. 4 Click
2 Click here to start next vertice. 5 Click
3 Click 6 Click

3. Click Close Active Geometry ( ) on the Geometry panel to close the shape. The vertices points appear.
4. Click each vertice point to fine-tune its position to create a well-formed irregular shape that matches the shape
of the room (Figure 80).
Figure 80: Fine-Tuning Irregular Shape

Graphic Generation Tool Help 87

Table 40: Fine-Tuning Irregular Shape Callouts
Callout Description
1 Click each vertice to fine-tune its position.
2 End result is a well-formed shape that matches the irregular room shape.

5. Click anywhere outside the shape to save your editing.

Moving Elements
1. Select one or more elements you want to move.
2. Drag the element to its desired location.
3. To set a precise location for the element, specify the Top and Left properties of the element using the Properties
Resizing Elements
1. Select one or more elements that you want to resize.
2. Position the pointer over a point to begin resizing. A double-arrow button (↕) appears.
3. With the double-arrow shown, click and drag the mouse pointer to resize the element.
4. Release the mouse button when the element reaches the desired length.

Note: You may also resize elements by manually setting the height or width properties in the Properties panel.
Aligning Elements
1. Select two or more elements that you want to align by holding down the Shift key as you select each element.
2. With the elements selected, click the Align button on the Layout toolbar that represents the desired align operation.
The choices are (Figure 81):
Align Lefts: selected elements are repositioned to line up with the left most edge of the topmost graphic element
Align Horizontal Centers: selected elements are repositioned to line up with the horizontal center of the topmost
graphic element selected.
Align Rights: selected elements are repositioned to line up with the right most edge of the topmost graphic
element selected.
Align Tops: selected elements are repositioned to line up with top most edge of the topmost graphic element
Align Vertical Centers: selected elements are repositioned to line up with the vertical center of the topmost
graphic element selected.
Align Bottoms: selected elements are repositioned to line up with the bottom most edge of the topmost graphic
element selected.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 88

Figure 81: Selections for Aligning Elements

Note: After you select an alignment option, it becomes the default alignment option on the Layout toolbar.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 89

Distributing Elements
1. Select three or more elements that you want to distribute by holding down the Shift key as you select each

2. Click the Distribute button on the Layout toolbar that represents one of the following distribute operations
(Figure 82):
Distribute Horizontal Spacing: the horizontal distances between the selected elements are equalized.
Distribute Vertical Spacing: the vertical distances between the selected elements are equalized.
Figure 82: Selections for Distributing Elements

Note: After you select a distribute option, it becomes the default alignment option on the Layout toolbar.
Sizing Elements
1. Select two or more elements that you want to manipulate by holding down the Shift key as you select each
2. Click the Sizing button on the Layout toolbar that represents one of the following size operations (Figure 83):
Make Same Height: the height of each selected element is resized to equal the height of the topmost selected
Make Same Width: the width of each selected element is resized to equal the width of the topmost selected
Make Same Size: the height and width of each selected element is resized to equal the height and width of the
topmost selected element.
Figure 83: Selections for Making Same Height/Width/Size

Note: After you select one of the Make Same options, it becomes the default Make Same option on the Layout
Grouping and Ungrouping Elements
1. Select two or more elements that you want to group or select the group you want to ungroup.

2. To group, click the Group tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar.

To ungroup, click the Ungroup tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar.

Flipping an Element
1. Select an element that you want to flip.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 90

2. Click the Flip Horizontal tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar.

To flip the element vertically, click the Flip Vertical tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar.
Rotating Elements
1. Select one or more elements that you want to rotate.
2. To rotate the element to the right (clockwise), click the Rotate Right tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar. A clockwise
rotation of 90˚ is applied for each successive Rotate Right operation.
To rotate the element to the left (counter-clockwise), click the Rotate Left tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar. A
counter-clockwise rotation of 90˚ is applied for each successive Rotate Left operation.
To rotate an element in free-form, click the Rotate tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar. Only one element at a time
can be rotated freeform. Drag the element on the Graphic Canvas to rotate it to its desired position.
Skewing an Element
1. Select the element that you want to skew.
2. Click the Skew tool ( ) on the Layout toolbar. Pink points appear in multiple locations on the element.
3. If you want to skew the shape horizontally, position the cursor on a pink point that displays the tooltip Skew
Horizontal. A horizontal skew cursor ( ) appears.
If you want to skew the shape vertically, position the cursor on a pink point that displays the tooltip Skew Vertical.
A vertical skew cursor ( ) appears.
4. With the skew cursor displayed, click and drag the mouse to skew the element.
Configuring Element Commands and Animations
1. Click the Additional Information button ( ) in the Metasys Binding panel for the element, which indicates this
element has configurable command and animation behaviors. The Additional Information window for Commands
appears (Figure 84).
Figure 84: Example of Commands Tab (Return Fan)

2. Configure the commands behavior and select whether to enable the inline command box during runtime (Enable
Commanding). For details, see Commands.
3. Click the Animations tab. The Additional Information for Animations appears (Figure 85).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 91

Figure 85: Example of Animations Tab (Return Fan)

4. Configure the animations behavior. For details, see Animations.

5. Click Save to save your changes.
Working with Text
The Graphic Generation Tool allows you to add text anywhere on the Graphic Canvas for adding titles and labeling
to the graphic. In the Options dialog you specify text properties, such as default font family, size, color, and background
color. Also, many of the elements in the Library provide a label, so extra text may not be needed.
Adding Text
1. Select the Text tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Press down and drag the mouse on the Graphic Canvas. A text box appears.
3. Double-click (or press the space bar) to activate the text box.
4. Type text within the white box.
5. When you have finished typing, click anywhere outside the text box, or press Esc or Enter.
6. Use the Properties panel to configure text box characteristics such as font type and text alignment.
7. Double-click the text box to activate it again for further editing.
Editing Text
1. Double-click the text box whose text you wish to edit (or select the text box and press the space bar). The text
box is activated.

2. Edit the text.

3. To finish, click anywhere outside the text box, or press Esc or Enter.
Formatting Text
1. Select one or more text boxes that you want to format.

2. Use the Properties panel to configure text box characteristics such as font type and text alignment. The following
table lists all available text properties.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 92

Table 41: Specifying Text Properties
Category Name Property Selections
Layout Height Sets the height of the text box in pixels. Enter Auto for GGT to auto-size
the text box height.
Width Sets the width of the text box in pixels. Enter Auto for GGT to auto-size
the text box width.
Text Font Sets the font type for the text. Click the down arrow to select from a list
of all available fonts.
Note: To set the default value for the Font family, select the View >
Options menu option.
Font Size Sets the size of the font in points.
Note: To set the default value for the Font size, select the View >
Options menu option.
Opacity Sets the opacity (amount of transparency) of the text.
Misc Left Sets the left position of the text box.
Top Sets the top position of the text box.
Font Color Sets the color of the text. Click the down arrow to select from a list of
available colors and color schemes.
Note: To set the default value for the Font color, select the View >
Options menu option.
Is Bold Toggles the text from boldface to regular.
Note: To set the default value for the Is Bold property, select the View
> Options menu option.
Is Italic Toggles the text from italics to regular.
Note: To set the default value for the Is Italic property, select the View
> Options menu option.
Is Underlined Toggles the text from underlined to regular.
Note: To set the default value for the Is Underline property, select the
View > Options menu option.
Text Specifies the characters typed in the text box.
Horizontal Alignment Provides four types of alignment: left, center, right, and stretch.
Text Wrapping Sets whether the words wrap around the text box. Click NoWrap to set
no text wrapping or click Wrap to set text wrapping.

Note: To format the text properties of many text boxes at once, highlight the text box that contains the desired
formatting. For that text box, select Symbol > Format > Copy Format. Then, select all text boxes that
should have the same formatting and select Symbol > Format > Paste Format.
3. To finish, press Enter or click any empty area on the Graphic Canvas.
Deleting Text Boxes
1. Select one or more text boxes that you want to delete.

2. Press Delete or select the Edit > Delete menu option. The text boxes are removed from the Graphic Canvas.
Copying and Pasting Graphic Element Text Formatting
1. Select the graphic element that contains the formatting information you want to copy.
2. Select Symbol > Format > Copy Format menu option or click the Copy Format button ( ) on the Edit toolbar.
The format information of the element is saved to the clipboard.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 93

Note: Element properties included in this copy function include font, font style (such as bold and italics), font
size, show units, and show status.
3. Select one or more graphic elements that are to inherit the formatting that you copied in Step 2.
4. Select Symbol > Format > Paste Format menu option or click the Paste Format button ( ) in the Edit toolbar.
The previously copied formatting information is pasted to the selected graphic element. Only the common
properties are copied to the pasted elements (the rest of the properties are ignored).

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Working with Color
You can customize the color of any element that has a color attribute, such as a navigation button or text. Custom
color selection is available under the Properties panel and features four different color selectors.
Selecting a Named Color
1. Select the element whose color you want to change.
2. Under the element’s color property (for example, Background Color or Font Color), click the down arrow to expose
the color window.
3. Click the Named Color button ( ). The window changes to the named color selections (Figure 86). Table 42
describes the window contents.
Figure 86: Named Color Selections Window

Table 42: Named Color Selections Window Contents

Callout Description
1 Selected color with its name.
2 Named color selector.
3 List of color selections with names.

4. Click a color to select it. The element changes to match the color.
Selecting a Solid Color
1. Select the element whose color you want to change.
2. Under the element’s color property (for example, Background Color or Font Color), click the down arrow to expose
the color window.
3. Click the Solid Color button ( ). The window changes to the solid color selections (Figure 87). Table 43 describes
the window contents.

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Figure 87: Solid Color Selections Window

Table 43: Solid Color Selections Window Contents

Callout Description
1 Selected color with its hexadecimal value.
2 Solid color selector.
3 Adjustable scales for selecting the amount of red, green, blue, opacity, hue, saturation, and
brightness for the element. The element changes as you move the scale’s slider. Moving the slider
may also move other related scales.
4 Color control with movable pointer. As you move the pointer, the element changes to match the
5 Editable field for manually entering a color name, hexadecimal value, or numeric value for the
6 Color currently selected. The right side shows the color with opacity setting applied and the left
side shows the color without the opacity setting applied.

4. Use the various tools in the window to configure the custom color.
Selecting a Linear Gradient Color
1. Select the element whose color you want to change.
2. Under the element’s color property (for example, Background Color or Font Color), click the down arrow to expose
the color window.
3. Click the Linear Gradient button ( ). The window changes to the linear gradient color selections (Figure 88).
Table 44 describes the window contents.

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Figure 88: Linear Gradient Color Selections Window

Table 44: Contents of Linear Gradient Color Window

Callout Description
1 Selected color with linear gradient brush selection.
2 Linear gradient color selector.
3 Adjustable scale for changing how opaque or transparent the color is. A setting of 1 (slider is all the way
to the right) is fully opaque and a setting of 0 (slider is all the way to the left) is fully transparent.
The opacity value can also be typed directly into the Opacity text box.
4 Linear gradient control with movable pointers. Drag the circle pointer to control the start point of the color
blend. Drag the square pointer to control the end point of the color blend.

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Table 44: Contents of Linear Gradient Color Window
Callout Description
5 Gradient stops: Use the buttons to customize the color gradient. Functions include add, delete, clone,
blend, flip, mirror, repeat, and sharpen. Select the stop on the gradient slider bar that you want to change,
then click the appropriate button.
• Add: adds a gradient stop
• Delete: removes a gradient stop
• Clone: creates an exact duplicate of the selected gradient stop
• Blend: repositions selected stop to the middle of the scale
• Flip: rotates the selected stop by 180 degrees
• Mirror: creates a mirror image duplicate of the selected stop
• Repeat: repeats the last operation (for example, if clone was the last performed action, performs clone
• Sharpen: removes haziness within line edges of all stops
6 Gradient slider bar: consists of stops that define a particular color property. When selected, the stop
changes to a square shape. You can select only one step at a time. The slider always shows at least two
stops. These operations apply:
• To move a gradient stop, drag the stop to the desired position.
• To change the color of a gradient stop, select the stop on the slider, then select a color.
• To add a stop, click Add. To delete a stop, select it, right-click, and select Delete from the submenu.
• To clone a stop, right-click, and select Clone from the submenu.
7 Section for named or custom color options, depending on which tab is selected.
8 Named tab shows the named color choices. Custom tab shows controls for customizing the color.

4. Use the various tools in the window to configure the custom color.
Selecting a Radial Gradient Color
1. Select the element whose color you want to change.
2. Under the element’s color property (for example, Background Color or Font Color), click the down arrow to expose
the color window.
3. Click the Radial Gradient button ( ). The window changes to the radial gradient color selections (Figure 89).
Table 45 describes the window contents.

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Figure 89: Radial Gradient Color Selections Window

Table 45: Contents of Radial Gradient Color Window

Callout Description
1 Selected color with radial gradient brush selection.
2 Radial gradient color selector.
3 Sliding scale for changing the amount of opacity.
4 Radial gradient control with movable pointers. Slide the circle and square pointers to control the shape,
and the horizontal and vertical sliders to control perspective.
5 Gradient stops: Use the buttons to customize the color gradient. Functions include add, delete, clone,
blend, flip, mirror, repeat, and sharpen. Select the stop on the gradient slider bar that you want to change,
then click the appropriate button.
• Add: adds a gradient stop
• Delete: removes a gradient stop
• Clone: creates an exact duplicate of the selected gradient stop
• Blend: repositions selected stop to the middle of the scale
• Flip: rotates the selected stop by 180 degrees
• Mirror: creates a mirror image duplicate of the selected stop
• Repeat: repeats the last operation (for example, if clone was the last performed action, performs clone
• Sharpen: removes haziness within line edges of all stops

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Table 45: Contents of Radial Gradient Color Window
Callout Description
6 Gradient slider bar: consists of stops that define a particular color property. When selected, the stop
changes to a square shape. You can select only one step at a time. The slider always shows at least two
stops. These operations apply:
• To move a gradient stop, drag the stop to the desired position.
• To change the color of a gradient stop, select the stop on the slider, then select a color.
• To add a stop, click Add. To delete a stop, select it, right-click, and select Delete from the submenu.
• To clone a stop, right-click, and select Clone from the submenu.
7 Section for named or custom color options, depending on which tab is selected.
8 Named tab shows the named color choices. Custom tab shows controls for customizing the color.

4. Use the various tools in the window to configure the custom color.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 100

Working with Lines
The GGT allows you to add many types of lines to your graphic. Follow the steps in this section for all line operations
including drawing, resizing, repositioning, and deleting lines, polylines, and freeform polylines.
Drawing a Line
1. Select the Line tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Click and drag the mouse on the Graphic Canvas. A line segment forms.
3. Release the mouse button when the line reaches its desired length.
4. Use the Properties panel to configure line characteristics such as thickness and color.
Note: If you need to create a line with multiple segments, use the polyline ( ) or freeform polyline tool ( ). See
Drawing a Polyline and Drawing a Freeform Polyline.
Resizing a Line
1. Select one of the end points of the line that you want to resize.

2. Click and drag the line until it has reached the desired length.
Repositioning a Line
1. Select one of the end points of the line that you want to move.

2. With the line highlighted, hold down the mouse button and drag the line to a new position.
Drawing a Polyline
1. Select the Polyline tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.
2. Click inside the Graphic Canvas at the location where you want to start your line.
3. Click again where you want to end your line. A line segment forms between the two points.
4. Repeat for multiple line segments. To exit the Polyline tool, press Esc, click Select on the toolbar, or select a
different item using the Document tree.
Note: When you have a polyline selected, the green and red points indicate the start and end points, respectively.
You can modify the number of segments by right-mouse clicking on a point and choosing to add or delete
points. You can relocate any points to modify the shape of the polyline.
Note: If you want to create a freeform polyline, use the freeform polyline tool ( ) or select the > menu option.
See Drawing a Freeform Polyline.
Drawing a Freeform Polyline
1. Select the Freeform Polyline tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.

2. Press down and drag the mouse button inside the Graphic Canvas. A multi-segmented line forms in the direction
of the mouse movement.
3. Release the mouse button when the line reaches its desired length.
Note: When you have a freeform polyline selected, the green and red points indicate the start and end points,
respectively. You can modify the number of segments by right-mouse clicking on a point and choosing
to add or delete points. You can relocate any points to modify the shape of the polyline.
Note: If you want to create a line with points at specific locations, use the polyline tool ( ). See Drawing a
Adding a Line Segment
1. Select the polyline or freeform polyline that you want to extend.

2. Position the cursor on the point where you want to add the line segment.
3. Right-click directly on the highlighted point. A menu appears.
4. From the menu, select Add Point in Front to add a line segment before the selected point. Or, select Add Point
in Back to add a line segment after the selected point.

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Deleting a Line or Line Segment
1. Select the line you want to delete.

2. To delete the entire line, press Delete. The line is removed from the Graphic Canvas.
To delete a particular line segment, position the pointer on the point that you want to delete.
3. Right-click directly on the highlighted point. A menu appears.
4. From the menu, select Delete Point. The line segment is removed at the selected point and segments before
and after the deleted point now become directly connected.
Formatting a Line
1. Select the line.

2. Use the Properties panel to format the line. Table 46 lists the line properties you can change.
Table 46: Specifying Line Properties
Category Name Property Description
Layout Height Not applicable.
Width Not applicable.
Appearance Fill Sets the interior color of the shape made with a polyline or freeform
polyline. Not applicable to standard lines.
Opacity Sets the amount of transparency of a line, polyline, or freeform polyline.
Specify a value between 0 and 1 where 0.5 equals 50% opacity and
1 equals 100% opacity.
Stroke Sets the color of the line.
Stroke Thickness Sets the thickness of the line.
Misc X1 Sets the X1 coordinate of the line. Not applicable to polylines or
freeform polylines.
X2 Sets the X2 coordinate of the line. Not applicable to polylines or
freeform polylines.
Y1 Sets the Y1 coordinate of the line. Not applicable to polylines or
freeform polylines.
Y2 Sets the Y2 coordinate of the line. Not applicable to polylines or
freeform polylines.

3. Click in any open area inside the Graphic Canvas or press Enter for the changes to take effect.
Creating Complex Shapes with the Art Canvas Tool
1. Select the Art Canvas tool ( ) on the Drawing toolbar.
2. Press down and drag the mouse button inside the Graphic Canvas. A bounding box forms in the direction of the
mouse movement (Figure 90).
Figure 90: Drawing a Bounding Box with the Art Canvas Tool

3. Release the mouse button when the bounding box reaches a size big enough to frame the complex shapes you
wish to draw.
4. Right-click the Art Canvas bounding box and select Edit Layer.

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5. Use the Geometry Tools to create your shapes.
6. Click anywhere outside the Art Canvas bounding box to save your changes.
Binding Elements to the Metasys System
You can bind some elements in the GGT to Metasys objects so that the element reacts to the current value or status
of objects during runtime. The process of associating a graphic element to a Metasys object is called binding. Use
the Metasys Binding panel to configure binding properties for elements that can be bound to Metasys objects.
Follow the steps in this section to bind Metasys objects and refresh Metasys Host information.
Creating or Changing Metasys Binding Assignments
1. With the Select tool highlighted ( ), click the element you want to bind. If the element has no binding properties,
the message The selected element contains no binding properties appears in the Binding Property panel.
2. In the Metasys Host Tree panel (Figure 91), use the navigation view to find the Metasys object you want to bind.
To select multiple objects, hold down the Ctrl key as you select each object. (If you are not connected to the
Metasys host, click Select Metasys Host in the Metasys Host Tree panel before continuing.)
Figure 91: Metasys Binding Panel - Advanced Value Box Example

3. Drag the object into the desired binding field in the Binding Property panel. The field updates with the object you
Note: If you are not connected to a Metasys host, you can also type the binding manually using the fully qualified
reference or use an alias string.
4. Configure the other Bindings properties as you wish.

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Creating Multiple Bound Elements
Note: Use this procedure to create multiple elements on the Graphic Canvas of the same type that are all
automatically bound to Metasys objects.
1. Select each Metasys item you want to bind from the All Items Tree or User View. Hold down the Ctrl key to select
multiple items.
2. Select an element in the library that you want bound to the Metasys items.
3. Add the element to the Graphic Canvas. One instance of the element is defined for each Metasys item you
selected in Step 1. The bindings are defined in the selection order (Figure 92).
Figure 92: Creating Multiple Metasys Bindings

Table 47: Creating Multiple Metasys Bindings Callouts

Callout Description Callout Description
1 Select Metasys items. 5 ZN2-T
2 Select element. 6 ZN-T
3 Add into graphic canvas. 7 Bindings are defined in selection order.
4 ZN1-T

Binding Multiple Metasys Items for the Key Data Module

1. Add a Key Data module to the Graphic Canvas (Figure 93).
2. Select the Metasys items in the All Items tree or User View that you want bound to the Key Data module.
3. With the Key Data module and Metasys items selected, add a Key Data item from the Library into the Key Data
module. One Key Data item per selected Metasys item is added to the Key Data module in selection order.

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Figure 93: Binding a Key Data Module

Table 48: Binding a Key Data Module Callouts

Callout Description Callout Description
1 Select Key Data module. 3 Add a Key Data item to the Key Data module.
2 Select Metasys items. 4 Bindings are defined in selection order.

Creating Aliased Buttons in One User Action

1. Select one graphic that you want to alias and one or more field controllers from the All Items Tree or User View
(Figure 94). Hold down the Ctrl key as you select these items.
Figure 94: Creating Aliased Buttons

Table 49: Creating Aliased Buttons Callouts

Callout Description
1 Select one graphic and one or more field controllers.
2 Select Button element.
3 Add button to Graphic Canvas.

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Table 49: Creating Aliased Buttons Callouts
Callout Description
4 One button is created for each selected field controller.
5 Aliases are automatically populated.

2. Select the Button element under the Basic Symbols category of the Library panel.
3. Add the button to the Graphic Canvas. One button is created for each field controller you selected in Step 1. The
aliases are automatically populated for each button in selection order.
4. Add identification text to each button (for example, Zone 04, Zone 06, and Zone 07).
Refreshing Metasys Host Information
To refresh Metasys Host information, click the Refresh Metasys Host Information button ( ) in the Metasys Host
section of the Metasys Host Tree panel (Figure 95). The list of navigation views and the navigation tree refreshes
with the current information from the Site Director or SCT. This option is helpful during site commissioning when the
navigation views change frequently.
Figure 95: Updated Metasys Host Information

Graphic Generation Tool Help 106

Interacting with the Metasys System
The GGT provides a method for connecting to a Metasys system using a valid Metasys user name and password
so that graphics created with the tool can be opened from and saved to a Metasys Host, including the Site Director
(ADS, ADX, or supervisory engine) or SCT archive at Metasys system Release 5.2 or later. You use the same user
name and password as you would when logging in to the Site Management Portal UI. Once connected, you can
save graphics to any location on the host that is accessible with your user account and is at Release 5.2 or later.
You can also open graphics that reside on the host or any child device for editing with the tool. And lastly, you can
deploy an updated version of the Graphics Package to a Metasys Host during runtime without interrupting the
operation of that device in any way.
Follow the steps in this section to learn how to add, remove, edit, and update Metasys Hosts.
Adding a Metasys Host
1. Select the File > Manage Metasys Hosts menu option. The Add, Remove or Edit Hosts dialog appears. The
dialog is empty if a Metasys host has not yet been added.
Figure 96: Adding a Metasys Host

2. Click the Add a new Metasys Host ( ) button. The Add New Metasys Host dialog appears (Figure 97).
Figure 97: Adding a New Metasys Host

3. Enter an IP Address or Host Name of the Metasys Host you want to add.
4. Select the type of device to which you want to connect. Your choices are Site Director or SCT.
5. Enter a description for the host (optional) that helps you identify the host within GGT.
6. Click the Save ( ) button (or click the Discard [ ] button to ignore your changes). The tool initiates
communication with the host.
After communication is verified, the entry is saved and added to the table in the Manage Metasys Hosts screen.
If communication to the host cannot be established, an error message appears in the upper portion of the window.
For a list of possible messages, see Troubleshooting.
Note: You can also add a Metasys Host when you select a Metasys host for binding, open a graphic from the
Metasys system, or save a graphic to the Metasys system.
Note: Only Metasys devices running Release 5.2 or later may be accessed from the GGT.

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Editing a Metasys Host
1. Select the File > Manage Metasys Hosts menu option. The Add, Remove or Edit Hosts dialog appears (Figure
Figure 98: Editing a Metasys Host

2. Select the Metasys Host you want to edit. You must be logged off the host before you can edit it. If necessary,
click the Logout ( ) button.
3. Click the Edit ( ) button. The Edit Host Connection Details dialog appears (Figure 99).
Figure 99: Editing an Existing Metasys Host

4. Make changes to the IP address or Host Name, Type, and Description fields as desired.
5. Click the Save ( ) button (or click the Discard [ ] button to exit this process). If you selected to save the
information, the tool initiates communication with the host.
After communication is established, the changes to the host settings are saved. If communication to the host
cannot be established, an error message appears in the upper portion of the window. For a list of possible
messages, see Troubleshooting.
Note: You can also edit a Metasys Host when you open a Metasys graphic, save a graphic to Metasys, or select
a Metasys host for binding.
Removing a Metasys Host
1. Select the File > Manage Metasys Hosts menu option. The Add, Remove or Edit Hosts dialog appears, listing
all currently defined Metasys hosts (Figure 100).

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Figure 100: Removing a Metasys Host

2. Select the Metasys Host you wish to remove from the list.
3. Click the Remove ( ) button. The selected host is removed from the list.

Note: If the Remove button is disabled, you must first log off the host before you can remove it by clicking the
Logout ( ) button.
Note: You can also remove a Metasys Host when selecting a Metasys host for binding, opening a graphic from
Metasys, or saving a graphic to Metasys.
Logging In to a Metasys Host
Note: Only one user can be logged in to a given Metasys Host at a time from GGT.
Note: In addition to following this procedure, you may also log in to a Metasys Host by opening a graphic from or
saving a graphic to a Metasys Host.
1. In the Metasys Host Tree panel, click the Select Metasys Host ( ) button. The Select a Metasys Host screen
appears (Figure 101).

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Figure 101: Selecting a Metasys Host

2. Select the Metasys Host to which you want to connect and click Connect. GGT initiates communication with the
host and a few moments later, an Enter Login Credentials screen appears (Figure 102).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 110

Figure 102: Entering Login Credentials

3. Type in a valid User Name and Password.

4. For the Login To drop-down box, select either a domain name or select Metasys Local as follows:
• If the Active Directory® service is enabled and you are logged into your Windows desktop as an Active
Directory service user with access to the Metasys system, select the domain. The User Name and Password
you specified in must be valid for the domain.
• If the Active Directory service feature is disabled or enabled, but your computer is not logged into the domain,
select Metasys Local. The User Name and Password you specified must be a valid Metasys system user
5. Click Login.
If you are logging into a Site Director, you are logged in to the Metasys Host and the Metasys Host Tree panel
refreshes to show the All Items tree of the connected host.
If you are logging into SCT and multiple archives are available, the Select Archive window appears (Figure 103).

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Figure 103: Selecting SCT Archive

6. Select an archive and click Next. If the archive has one site, you are now logged into the SCT archive database.
If the archive has multiple sites, the Select Site screen appears (Figure 104).
Figure 104: Site Selection Screen

7. Select a site and click Next. You are now logged into the SCT archive database.
Logging Off a Metasys Host
1. Select the File > Manage Metasys Hosts menu option. The Add, Remove or Edit Hosts dialog appears, listing
all currently defined Metasys hosts (Figure 105).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 112

Figure 105: Logging Off a Metasys Host

2. Select the Metasys Host you wish to log off from the list. The Logged In User field indicates the user who is
currently logged in. Click the Logout ( ) button. You are logged off the selected host.
3. Close the Manage Metasys Host dialog. If you need to interact with the host again, you need to repeat the log
in process.
Note: You can also log off of a Metasys Host when selecting a Metasys host for binding, opening a graphic from
the Metasys system, or saving a graphic to Metasys system.
Updating a Metasys Host
Note: This procedure presumes you have at least one Metasys Host configured in the tool. If no hosts are configured,
you are prompted to add a host. See Adding a Metasys Host.
1. Clear the web browser cache at each Site Management Portal and Ready Access Portal client that opens
Graphics+ files. Ensure that you uncheck the Preserve Favorites website data box. This step ensures that
existing graphics use the update.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 113

Figure 106: Clear Browser Cache

2. Select the File > Update Metasys Hosts menu option. The Select a Metasys Host dialog appears, listing all
currently defined Metasys hosts (Figure 107).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 114

Figure 107: Selecting a Metasys Host

3. Select the Metasys Host you wish to update from the list and click Connect.
If you are currently logged in, the screen for selecting which Metasys device to update appears (Figure 108). Go
to Step 4.
If you are not currently logged in, the Login Credentials screen appears (Figure 102). Enter your user credentials
and click Login. The screen for selecting which Metasys device to update appears (Figure 108).
Note: If you connect to a Site Director, the Site Director and all devices that are at the minimum Metasys system
release level that supports Graphics+ files are discovered and appear in Figure 108.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 115

Figure 108: Selecting a Metasys Device to Update

4. Select each Metasys device you wish to update by selecting the check box next to each, or select the Select All
check box to update all devices.
Note: The screen indicates the Metasys and graphics versions currently installed on each device. It also indicates
the minimum Metasys version that the Graphics Package requires, and the version number of the Graphics
Package that is about to be deployed. Only devices at Metasys Version 5.2 or later appear.
Note: If the Graphics Package currently installed on the device is the same version number as the Graphics
Package to be deployed, skip this procedure.
Note: The upgrade process does not affect any existing Graphics+ files on the Metasys host.
5. Click Update. A user message appears (Figure 109).
Figure 109: Update Metasys Hosts

6. Click Yes to continue with the update. During the process, a progress bar appears to indicate the status of the
update. You cannot cancel or exit the update process once it begins. When the update is complete, the progress

Graphic Generation Tool Help 116

bar shows 100% and a tooltip indicates a successful update (Figure 110). You do not need to restart the host
after the update has completed.
Figure 110: Successful Metasys Host Update

If the update was not successful, the progress bar turns red and a tooltip over the progress bar indicates Update
has failed: An error has occurred when updating the device (Figure 111). See Troubleshooting.
Figure 111: Unsuccessful Metasys Host Update

7. Select another device to update or click Close to exit the update procedure.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 117

Working with the Tool
The GGT provides many options that assist you when working with your graphic. These options include showing or
hiding the grid, snapping to the grid, zooming in or out, and many more.
Showing or Hiding the Grid From Within GGT
1. Click the Show Grid button ( ) on the Workspace Options toolbar. Gridlines appear in the Graphic Canvas.

2. Click the Show Grid button again to hide the gridlines. You can also use the View > Show Grid menu option.
Snapping Elements to the Grid
1. Click the Snap to Grid button ( ) on the Workspace Options toolbar to turn on snap to grid.

2. Click the Snap to Grid button again to turn off snap to grid. You can also use the Symbol > Snap to Grid menu
When Snap to Grid is on, elements added to the Graphic Canvas snap into grid locations.
Selecting a Specific Zoom Level
To select a specific zoom level, select the Zoom button ( ) on the Standard toolbar to select a zoom level
percentage for displaying the image. Zoom levels range from 1% to 5,000%.
Zooming In or Zooming Out
1. Select the Zoom In button ( ) on the Standard toolbar to increase the zoom level used for displaying the graphic.
Each click of the Zoom In button increases the level by 25%. As an option, you can also zoom in by moving the
mouse scroll wheel up while holding down the Crtl key.

2. Select the Zoom Out button ( ) on the Standard toolbar to decrease the zoom level used for displaying the
graphic. Each click of the Zoom Out button decreases the level by 25%. As an option, you can also zoom out
by moving the mouse scroll wheel down while holding down the Crtl key.
Undocking and Docking a Panel
1. Click the Undock button ( ) in the panel’s title bar (or right-click the panel’s title bar and select Float). The panel
floats on the screen.

2. Position the cursor within the panel’s Title bar. An arrow cursor appears (Figure 112).
Figure 112: Selecting a Panel for Docking

3. Hold the mouse down and move the selected panel into the area where you want to dock the panel. A drop
locator appears in green (Figure 113).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 118

Figure 113: Positioning a Panel with the Drop Locator

4. To position the panel in the topmost position, drop the panel on top of the up arrow indicator.
To position the panel across the entire panel area with a tabular format, drop the panel on top of the middle
To position the panel in the bottommost position, drop the panel on top of the down arrow indicator.
Resetting the Panel Layout
Select View > Panels > Reset Panel Layout. All panels revert to their default locations.
Specifying Default Properties
1. Select View > Options. The Default Properties window appears (Figure 114).
Figure 114: Default Properties

2. Configure the default properties for display settings and font settings. For color settings, use the down arrows
to expand the color selections. (For details, see Tool Options.) These default settings apply to all new elements
you add to a graphic if the element supports the property.
3. Click Save to apply your changes and close the window.
Specifying Default Bindings
1. Select View > Options. The Default Properties window appears. Select the Default Bindings tab (Figure 115).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 119

Figure 115: Default Bindings

2. Configure the default settings for the binding properties. (For details, see Tool Options.) These default settings
apply to all new elements you add to a graphic if the element supports the binding.
3. Click Save to apply your changes and close the window.
Changing Display Language
Note: Before changing the display language, add the GGT language packs to your computer and use the Language
Installation Program (LIP) to select which languages you want to enable. After these tasks are complete,
follow the steps in this section for changing the display language.
1. Select View > Options. The Default Properties window appears. Select the Language tab (Figure 116).
Figure 116: Language

2. Select the display language for the application. (For details, see Tool Options.) The change to the language does
not go into effect until after you restart GGT.
3. Click Save to apply your changes.
4. Click OK to confirm and close the window.
5. Exit GGT, then restart GGT.
6. Verify the language changed to what you selected.
Copying and Pasting Graphic Element Bindings
1. Select the graphic element that contains the binding information you want to copy.

2. Select Symbol > Format > Copy Binding(s) menu option or click the Copy Binding(s) button in the Edit toolbar.
The binding information for the selected element displayed in the Metasys Binding panel is saved to the clipboard.
3. Select one or more graphic elements that are to inherit the binding information that you copied in Step 2. The
graphic elements must be the same type of element as the one whose binding you copied in order for the Paste
Binding(s) option to be enabled.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 120

4. Select Symbol > Format > Paste Binding(s) menu option or click the Paste Binding(s) button in the Edit toolbar.
The previously copied binding information is pasted to the selected graphic element, replacing all previously
configured binding information.
Exporting an Image
1. Select File > Export Image. The Save As File dialog appears (Figure 117).
Figure 117: Save As File

2. Use the Save As dialog box to navigate to the location where you wish to save the image file.
3. Specify a name in the File name field. The name can consist of any set of characters except the following: \ / *
? “ > < |.
4. Select a type for the image. For a list of supported file formats, see Image Exporting.
5. Click Save.
Displaying the Help System
1. Select Help > Help. The Windows Internet Explorer® web browser opens and the following message appears
in the Information Bar:
To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from
running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer. Click here
for options...
2. Click the Information Bar and select Allow blocked content. Click Yes to the Security Warning message that
appears to permit the Help system to open.
Note: The Help window works independently from the tool such that it remains on the screen when you exit the
3. To close Help, select File > Exit from the Help window or click the X in the upper right corner of the window.
Displaying the Style Guide
1. Select Help > Style Guide. The Internet Explorer web browser opens and the following message appears in the
Information Bar:
To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from
running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer. Click here
for options...
2. Click the Information Bar and select Allow blocked content. Click Yes to the Security Warning message that
appears to permit the Help system to open.
Note: The Style Guide window works independently from the tool such that it remains on the screen when you
exit the tool.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 121

3. To close the Style Guide, select File > Exit from the Style Guide window or click the X in the upper right corner
of the window.
Displaying Product Information
1. Select Help > About. The About GGT window appears with version information (Figure 118).
Figure 118: About Graphic Generation Tool Window

The product information shown includes:

Software Version: the version of the GGT currently installed.
Graphics Package Version In Use: the version of the Graphics Package currently installed and in use by GGT.
Minimum Metasys Version Required: the earliest release of Metasys software that can be accessed with the
currently installed version of the GGT.
2. Click Close to exit the product information window.
Exiting the Tool
Select File > Exit from the menu bar or click the X in the upper right corner of the window.
Before the tool is closed, a message appears asking you to save or cancel your changes for each graphic that
contains unsaved changes. When you exit the tool, you are automatically logged off all Metasys Hosts that were

Use Table 50 to troubleshoot the GGT.
Table 50: Graphic Generation Tool Troubleshooting
Problem or User Message Condition
Cannot save the graphic. You You do not have authorization to save the graphic to the Metasys Host. Save the graphic
do not have permission to to a different file using the Save as Metasys Object wizard or cancel the Save as
modify this graphic. To save Metasys Object wizard.
a copy of the graphic using
Save As, click OK.
Communication failed. The You are trying to interact with a Metasys host or device that is currently offline or the
Metasys device/server is not Host Name or IP address you specified is invalid. Place the device online or specify a
available. valid Host Name or IP address and try again.
If the Host Name or IP address you specified is correct and the device is online, the
building network may be preventing you from accessing the device. You may be able
to resolve this issue by adding the hostname/IP address pair to the local host file on
the client computer (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts). For details, refer to the
Network and IT Guidance for the BAS Professional Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011279).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 122

Table 50: Graphic Generation Tool Troubleshooting
Problem or User Message Condition
Selected file contains You are importing a CAD drawing that contains references to other files. The import
external references. External function ignores external references and the imported file may not meet your
references cannot be resolved expectations.
and may reduce import quality.
Login not permitted. You must You have not yet logged in to Site Management Portal or Ready Access Portal UI with
accept the Terms and your new user account, which requires you to accept the terms and conditions of the
Conditions through the SMP or license agreement. Log in first using the SMP or Ready Access Portal, then try logging
the Ready Access Portal of the in from the GGT.
Metasys Host.
The maximum number of items You can bind no more objects to this property. You have reached the maximum number
has been reached for the of bindings allowed.
selected binding property.
When you bind a Generic Integration When you bind a GIO from an NIE to an element, the attribute names retrieved from
Object (GIO) attribute to an element, the Metasys system are the user-defined attribute names (custom enumerations list).
such as an Advanced Value Box, the Therefore, in the GGT, the attribute name displays as the user-defined attribute name.
attribute name displays the generic
However, when you bind a GIO from SCT, the attribute names retrieved are the generic
attribute name instead of the
attribute names (GIO Attribute 1 through GIO Attribute 256). Therefore, in the GGT,
user-defined attribute name.
the attribute name displays as the generic attribute name.
The proper version of You tried to view a graphic with the Site Management Portal or Ready Access Portal
Silverlight required to view UI and you do not have Microsoft Silverlight 5.0 (or later) installed on your computer.
Metasys Graphics is not Click the link to install Silverlight:
installed. Click the link
below to install Silverlight.
After installation, the graphic appears. If the graphic does not appear in the web browser,
<Silverlight link>
log off the SMP or Ready Access Portal, close the web browser, log in to the SMP or
Ready Access Portal again, then open the graphic.
The selected Host contains an You are saving a Graphics+ object to a Metasys device that contains an older Metasys
older version of the Graphics Graphics Package than the version in use by the tool.
Package than the version in
For example, the GGT contains a Graphics Package at Version, whereas
use by this tool. You may
the Site Director’s graphic package version is at
still save this graphic, but
it is recommended that the You can still save the Graphics+ object to this device; however, it may not display
selected Host be updated to properly if it contains functionality that is only available in the later version of the
the Graphics Package version package. To solve this problem, upgrade the Site Director or SCT using the Update
<number> or later. Metasys Host menu option.
This tool contains an older You are opening a Graphics+ object from a Metasys device that contains a newer
version of the Graphics Metasys Graphics Package than the version in use by the tool.
Package than the selected
For example, the GGT contains a Graphics Package at Version, whereas
Metasys Host. You may attempt
the Site Director’s graphic package version is at
to open a graphic, but it is
recommended that this tool be You can still open the Graphics+ object; however, it may not display properly if it contains
updated to Graphics Package functionality that is only available in the later version of the package. To solve this
Version <version number> or problem, upgrade the GGT software.
Update has failed: An error You were trying to update a Metasys host but the process failed. Check that the device
has occurred when updating the is online and connected to the network.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 123

Table 50: Graphic Generation Tool Troubleshooting
Problem or User Message Condition
WARNING: The number of You are trying to import a very large CAD drawing. Follow the advice in the message
elements selected for import regarding the selection of fewer layers or moving more layers to the background image.
(8437) is above the maximum
recommended (3000). This may
adversely affect performance
for any graphic using this
import. To reduce the number
of elements, select fewer
layers or move layers to the
background image.
You are not authorized to view The Metasys system administrator has restricted the viewing privileges of the graphic
the selected graphic. you tried to open. Contact your administrator for assistance.
I cannot log in to Metasys Host using The Active Directory service authentication has failed for one of these reasons:
my Active Directory user account.
• The Active Directory service domain controller is not available to authenticate your
• The Active Directory service authentication is disabled for the Metasys site.
• The Active Directory service account defined for the Metasys Security Administrator
has invalid credentials.
• The Active Directory user attempts to log in to Metasys during a time when access
to the Active Directory service is restricted based on the Active Directory service
timesheet known as Logon Hours.
Note: Active Directory timesheet rules are different from the Metasys timesheet
restrictions. Active Directory service logon hours take precedence over Metasys
timesheet restrictions. That is, if an Active Directory user is restricted by an
Active Directory time sheet (for example, Logon Hours), but not restricted by
a Metasys time sheet, access is denied to the Metasys system with an Active
Directory user.
In general, the tool prevents an Active Directory user from logging into the Metasys
Host under the same conditions as if the user logs in directly to the Metasys Host.
I cannot log in to a supervisory The GGT does not allow users to log in directly to Metasys supervisory engines that
engine that is not a Site Director are not Site Directors. Only the Site Director and SCT archive devices are available to
using my Metasys system user you from the GGT.
I cannot log in to my SCT archive. The GGT and SCT archive you want to work with might be at different release levels.
A release level is defined as compatible if the archive is at Release 5.2 or later.
The SCT archive you want to work with might already be open for editing on a different
computer. You cannot log in because the archive is locked since it can be opened by
only one user at a time.
I cannot log in to my Ready Access The GGT does not support a direct log in to a Ready Access Portal server. To update
Portal server. the Metasys Graphics Package on a Ready Access Portal server, first update the Site
Director and then sync the Ready Access Portal server.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 124

Table 50: Graphic Generation Tool Troubleshooting
Problem or User Message Condition
I cannot save my graphic as a Check to see if the current time of day as set on your GGT client computer closely
Metasys object to the Metasys Host matches the time on the Metasys Host. This problem may occur if the two times differ
because the Metasys Host name on by 5 minutes or more. Match the time of day on your computer with that on the Metasys
the Graphic Destination list is grayed Host, then try to save the Graphics+ object.
out (cannot be selected).
I have more than one monitor and This issue occurs when Windows XP or Windows 7 is configured to display at a different
when I click a button that opens a screen resolution than default (100%) on your monitors. This issue should not occur
dialog box from the Behaviors panel, in the GGT at Release 1.3.
the dialog box appears off screen or
If you are running an earlier version of the GGT (1.1 or 1.2), you can apply the following
on a separate screen from the screen
the GGT appears on.
• In Windows XP, right-click the desktop and select Properties. Select the Settings
tab in the Display Properties window. Click Advanced. In the General Tab, select
Normal size (96 DPI) from the DPI setting drop-down list.
• In Windows 7, right-click the desktop and select Screen Resolution. From the
Control Panel window, click the Make text and other items larger or smaller link.
Select Smaller - 100%.
Note: These workarounds affect all windows and programs.

Behaviors Overview
In the Graphic Generation Tool (GGT), you can add custom behaviors to most elements on the Graphic Canvas.
Behaviors are user-defined action and reaction pairs for any element in a Graphics+ graphic. The behavior processes
and displays in the Site Management Portal (SMP), the System Configuration Tool (SCT), or the Ready Access
Note: In SCT and Ready Access Portal, some behaviors may not execute when the trigger occurs. For more
information on constraints of effects, see How Effects Display in the SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal.
Examples of behaviors include:
• When the Pump status changes value and the value is equal to On, set the color of the fan to green.
• When you right click on an element, show the menu that allows commanding, trending, and navigation.
• When you left click on an element, navigate to the item in SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal.
Behaviors are configured using the Behaviors panel in the GGT. Behaviors are configured with four characteristic:
• Behavior Name – A user-defined name for a custom behavior. The purpose of the behavior name is to allow the
user to easily associate expectations of a behavior. In the GGT, a behavior name can contain any character.
However, there is a 20 character limit for behavior names.
• Effect – Effects provide the ability to change the behavior of any element. For example, effects for behaviors
include Set Color, Set Visibility, Flash, Navigate, Show Command Dialog, and Show Context Menu.
• Trigger – A user-defined action that causes a behavior process to begin. For example, a trigger can be configured
as a left click, double click, right click, or Metasys Value Change.
• Rule – A rule that limits the results of a behavior so that the effect takes place only if the trigger occurs and the
rule evaluates to true. For example, if AV1's status is offline, change the color of the element to blue. In this
example, the color change behavior occurs only if AV1's status is offline.
The relationship between these characteristics is as follows: when a trigger occurs, the rule is evaluated. Adding a
rule to a behavior is optional for most effects. If the rule evaluates to true, then the effect executes in SMP, SCT, or
Ready Access Portal (depending on the constraints of the effect in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access PortaI). If the
rule evaluates to false, then the effect does not execute.
Note: In SCT, rules always evaluate to false; therefore, behaviors with rules never execute in SCT.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 125

In the GGT, you can select a trigger for your behavior in the When expander area of the Behaviors panel (Figure
119). There are four triggers for behaviors (Figure 120). Each behavior can have only one trigger configured. When
a trigger occurs, the behavior executes and displays in either the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal. For more
information on how behaviors appear in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal, see How Effects Display in the
SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal.
Note: If a rule is configured for a behavior, and the trigger occurs, the effect executes only if the rule evaluates to
true in the SMP or Ready Access Portal. In SCT, rules always evaluate to false; therefore, behaviors with
rules do not execute in SCT.
Figure 119: When Expander Area

Figure 120: Choose Trigger Drop-Down List

For more information about the Behaviors panel, see Behaviors Panel.
• Double Click: When you double left click on an element configured with a behavior, the behavior executes. An
element that has a behavior with a double left click trigger displays a hand icon when you hover over the
element. The hand icon displays even after the trigger executes.
Note: The Double Click trigger can not be applied to the Set Color effect or the Show Context Menu effect.
• Left Click: When you single left click on an element configured with a behavior, the behavior executes.
An element that has a behavior with a single left click trigger displays a hand icon when you hover over
the element. The hand icon displays even after the trigger executes.
Note: The Left Click trigger can not be applied to the Set Color effect or the Show Context Menu effect.
• Metasys Value Change: When the configured Metasys item value changes, the behavior executes.
Note: The Metasys Value Change trigger can only be applied to the Flash effect, the Set Color effect, and the
Set Visibility effect.
• Right Click: When you right click on an element configured with a behavior, the behavior executes.
Note: The Right Click trigger can not be applied to the Set Color effect.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 126

Table 51: Trigger and Effect Choices
Trigger Supporting Effects
Double Click Flash
Set Visibility
Show Command Dialog
Left Click Flash
Set Visibility
Show Command Dialog
Metasys Value Change Flash
Set Color
Set Visibility
Right Click Flash
Set Visibility
Show Command Dialog
Show Context Menu

To configure an element of a graphic with custom behavior, you must select an effect. An effect is the result of a
custom behavior. The effect executes only after the trigger occurs, and only if the rule applied evaluates to true. If
a rule is not applied to the custom behavior, the effect executes after the trigger occurs.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 127

In the Behavior panel of the GGT, you can select an effect to add to a custom behavior in the Do expander area.
When configuring a custom behavior, click the Do expander button and then click the Add Effects button. The Select
to Add Effect dialog appears (Figure 121). For more information about the Behaviors panel, see Behaviors Panel.
Figure 121: Select to Add Effect

Note: The effects that appear in the Select to Add Effect window are dependent on the trigger you select. For
example, the Show Context Menu effect only appears if you select Right Click as the trigger.
Note: For constraints of effects at run time, see How Effects Display in the SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal.
To configure an effect for a custom behavior, see:
Configuring the Flash Effect
Configuring the Navigate Effect
Configuring the Set Color Effect
Configuring the Set Visibility Effect
Configuring the Show Command Dialog Effect
Configuring the Show Context Menu Effect
How Effects Display in the SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal
Table 52 describes how each effect displays in SMP, SCT, and the Ready Access Portal.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 128

Table 52: How Effects Display in the SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal
Effect 1
What Happens in SMP What Happens in SCT ,
1 2 What Happens in Ready
Configured in Access Portal

the GGT
Flash When the trigger occurs, the You can view a graphic, however, the When the trigger occurs, the Flash
Flash effect executes and element does not flash in SCT. effect executes and the element
the element flashes between flashes between two colors as
two colors as defined in the defined in the Metasys preferences
Metasys preferences colors colors based on the status of the
based on the status of the effects configured Metasys item.
effects configured Metasys
Navigate When the trigger occurs, you When the trigger occurs, you navigate When the trigger occurs, you
navigate effect to either a effect to either a Metasys item's Focus navigate effect to either a Metasys
Metasys item's Focus window, a URL, or an application or file. item's information, a URL, or an
window, a URL, or an application or file.
application or file.
Note: You cannot navigate to an
application or file in Ready
Access Portal.
Set Color When the trigger occurs, the Support for the Set Color effect is limited. When the trigger occurs, the Set
Set Color effect executes If the configured Metasys item exists, the Color effect executes and the
and the element changes element displays the Normal Status Color element changes color based on
color based on the from the Metasys preferences colors. If the configured colors, depending on
configured colors, depending the Metasys item does not exist, the the status or state of the effect's
on the status or state of the element displays the Value Inaccessible configured Metasys item.
effect's configured Metasys Status Color from the Metasys
item. preferences colors.
Set Visibility When the trigger occurs, and The Set Visibility effect does not execute When the trigger occurs, and the
the optional rule evaluates on the SCT. optional rule evaluates to true, then
to true, then the element the element Shows or Hides
Shows or Hides depending depending on the status of the
on the status of the effect's effect's the Metasys item.
the Metasys item.
If the optional rule evaluates to false
If the optional rule evaluates (or the rule is mis-configured), then
to false (or the rule is the Set Visibility effect does not
mis-configured), then the Set execute.
Visibility effect does not

Graphic Generation Tool Help 129

Table 52: How Effects Display in the SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal
Effect 1
What Happens in SMP What Happens in SCT ,
1 2 What Happens in Ready
Configured in Access Portal

the GGT
Show Command When the trigger occurs, a SCT does not support commanding When the trigger occurs, a
Dialog command dialog for the Metasys items. command dialog for the Metasys
Metasys item appears, item appears, allowing the you to
allowing the you to command the Metasys item.
command the Metasys item.
Show Context When the trigger occurs, a When the trigger occurs, a context menu When the trigger occurs, a context
Menu context menu for the for the configured Metasys item appears, menu for the configured Metasys
configured Metasys item allowing the you to: item appears, allowing the you to:
appears, allowing the you to: • send a command • send a command
• send a command • navigate to the Metasys item • navigate to the Metasys item
• navigate to the Metasys • a history of recent trend samples • a history of recent trend
item samples
• a history of recent trend

1 For SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal, ensure you are logged in with a user profile that has the proper credentials to view
and command objects.
2 Ensure you are viewing a graphic with a supported view ln SCT or you will not be able to access the graphic.

Detailed Procedures
Configuring the Flash Effect
When configured for an element of a graphic in the GGT, the Flash effect causes one of the colors of the element
to alternate with another color at a static frequency at run time.
The following configuration guidelines apply to the Flash effect in the GGT:
• The colors that flash at run time are determined by the Metasys preferences colors, specifically the Status Colors
(Trouble/Warning and the Alarm attributes) and the Simple Symbol Flash Settings color. You do not have to
configure a color for the element in the GGT. If the element is configured with a transparent fill or stroke, then
the element will alternate with transparent and a color from the Metasys preferences.
Note: The Metasys preferences let you configure the flash rate (the frequency at which colors switch back and
• The Flash effect requires a Metasys Value Binding (configured in the Flash effect properties of the Behaviors
panel). At run time, this binding's status is used to determine the flash color. The Flash effect can be bound to
an analog (AV), binary (BV), or multi-state (MV) object.
• The Flash effect does not support rules via the If expander area.
• The Flash effect requires that you select the property of the element that alternates colors. At configuration in
the GGT, a list of valid Color (or Brush) Properties are given, and you can select one color per element.
Note: If an element already has built-in animations that flash or change color, it will not support the Flash effect
via custom behaviors. Also, the Flash effect is not available on elements that do not have exposed color
properties (such as fill, stroke, or other similar properties).
To configure an element with the Flash effect in the GGT:
1. In the GGT, open or create a graphic. Select an element of the graphic.
2. Click in the Behaviors panel to add a new custom behavior (Figure 122). The Add Behavior dialog box
appears (Figure 123).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 130

Figure 122: Add Behavior

3. In the Add Behavior dialog box, enter a unique but easily identifiable behavior name. Click Add (Figure 123).
Figure 123: Add Behavior Name

4. Click the Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the When expander button in the Behaviors panel
(Figure 124).
Figure 124: Click the Trigger Hyperlink or When Expander Button

5. Configure the trigger for the custom behavior by choosing a trigger from the drop-down list.
Note: For the Flash effect, the best trigger choice is Metasys Value Change (also known as Metasys Change
of Value [COV]). From the Choose Trigger drop-down list, select Metasys Value Change (Figure 125).
Once you select a trigger, the When status icon changes from to , signifying you have properly configured
the trigger for the custom behavior.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 131

Figure 125: Choose a Trigger

6. Click the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the Do expander button (Figure 126).
Figure 126: Click the Effect(s) Hyperlink or Do Expander Button

7. Click to open the Select to Add Effect window. Select Flash as the effect for this custom behavior (Figure

Graphic Generation Tool Help 132

Figure 127: Select to Add Effect Window

8. Edit the Flash effect by setting the following properties in the Do area (Figure 128 and Figure 1):
• Fill the Value field with an object from the All Items Tree in the Metasys Host Tree panel. To fill the Value
field with an object, connect to a Metasys host via the Metasys Host panel (if you are not connected to a
host). Bind the effect to a Metasys object by doing one of the following:
- dragging the object from the All Items Tree from the Metasys Host panel to the Value field
- typing the object's reference in the Value field
Note: Alternatively, if you were logged in to a Metasys host and had an object selected prior to this step,
the Value field fills with that object.
• In the Symbol Property field, choose Fill or Stroke. Choose the Fill option if you want the filled area of the
element to flash. Choose the Stroke option if you want the stroke around the element to flash.
Note: Depending on the element type you are configuring for the Flash effect, different options are available
in the Symbol Property field. For example, if you are configuring the Flash effect on an AVB, your
options are Label Color and Line Color.
• Select Enabled for Show Alarms, Show Warnings, or both. You must select at least one option.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 133

Figure 128: Bind the Effect to a Metasys Object

9. After you edit the Flash effect, click the left side of the Editing Flash Effect button to complete the configuration
of the effect (Figure 129). The Do status icon changes from to a , signifying you have properly configured
the effect for the custom behavior.
Figure 129: Configured Effect

10. Save the graphic as a Metasys object (Figure 130).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 134

Figure 130: Save As Metasys Object

For information on how elements of a graphic configured with the Flash effect behaves at run time, see Flash
Effect at Run Time.
Flash Effect at Run Time
Once an element of a graphic is configured with the Flash effect in the GGT and then saved as a Metasys object,
you can view the graphic in SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal.
For an element of a graphic configured with the Flash effect, when the trigger occurs at run time, the Flash effect
executes and the element flashes in SMP or the Ready Acess Portal. Until the trigger occurs, the element does not
flash. Once the trigger occurs and the element flashes, the element does not stop flashing until the trigger occurs
Note: You can view a graphic with the Flash effect in SCT, but the Flash effect does not execute in the SCT UI.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 135

Keep in mind the following best practices to ensure that the Flash effect appears appropriately at run time:
• When configuring the color of an element in the GGT, use contrasting colors from the colors set for the
Trouble/Warning attribute, the Alarm attribute, and the Simple Symbol Flash Settings in your Metasys system
preferences (Figure 131). To change your Metasys preferences in the SMP or SCT, go to Tools > Configure
Preferences > Graphic Settings.
Figure 131: Metasys Preferences

Graphic Generation Tool Help 136

• In the Metasys preferences, ensure that Flash Type is NOT set to Disabled (no flashing) (Figure 132).
Figure 132: Flash Type

Note: If the Flash Type is set to Disabled (no flashing), the element does not flash.
• If you update or change the custom behavior configured for an element in the GGT, you must refresh the tabs
in SMP and re-synchronize in the Ready Access Portal.
An element of a graphic with the Flash effect has the following characteristics at run time:
• It flashes between the current color and the alarm color or between the current color and the warning color. (You
can configure the current color in the GGT; however, this configuration is optional. You can configure the alarm
color in the Metasys preferences.)
• When you select Show Alarms in the Do area of the Behaviors panel in the GGT, at run time an alarm flash
occurs if the bound object is in Alarm, High Alarm, Low Alarm or Sensor Actuator Bus (SAB) Alarm.
• When you select Show Warnings in the Do area of the Behaviors panel in the GGT, at run time a warning flash
occurs in if the bound object is in Warning, High Warning, Low Warning or SAB Device Warning.
• If you select both Show Alarms and Show Warnings, the element flashes depending on what the point's status
• If the element's current color is the same as the Alarm color or as the Trouble/Warning color, the alternate color
set in your Metasys preferences is used instead.
• The element does not stop flashing until the trigger occurs again. For example, the element does not stop flashing
until the object is no longer in an Alarm or Warning state.
For more information on Metasys system preferences, refer to the Preferences section in the Metasys Help
Configuring the Navigate Effect
When configured for an element of a graphic in the GGT, the Navigate effect allows you to navigate to a Metasys
object, URL, or application or file at run time.
The following configuration guidelines apply to the Navigate effect in the GGT:
• You must configure the Navigate effect to navigate to one of the following options or the effect is not configured
- A Metasys Item (also referred to in this document as object)
- An application or file
• The Metasys Value Change trigger is not recommended for the Navigate effect.
To configure an element with the Navigate effect in the GGT:
1. In the GGT, open or create a graphic. Select an element of the graphic.
2. Click in the Behaviors panel to add a new custom behavior (Figure 133). The Add Behavior dialog box
appears (Figure 134).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 137

Figure 133: Add Behavior

3. In the Add Behavior dialog box, enter a unique but easily identifiable behavior name. Click Add (Figure 134).
Figure 134: Add Behavior Name

4. Click the Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the When expander button in the Behaviors panel
(Figure 135).
Figure 135: Click the Trigger Hyperlink or When Expander Button

5. Configure the trigger for the custom behavior by choosing a trigger from the drop-down list (Figure 136).
Note: For the Navigate Effect, the best trigger choice is a mouse action (double click, left click, or right click)

Graphic Generation Tool Help 138

Figure 136: Choose a Trigger

Note: Once you select a trigger, the When status icon changes from to , signifying you have properly
configured the trigger for the custom behavior.
6. Click the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the Do expander button (Figure 137).
Figure 137: Click the Effect(s) Hyperlink or Do Expander Button

7. Click to open the Select to Add Effect window. Select Navigate as the effect for this custom behavior
(Figure 138).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 139

Figure 138: Select to Add Effect Window

8. Edit the Navigate effect to navigate to a Metasys Item (also referred to in this document as an object), a URL,
or an application or file.

• Click to navigate to a Metasys Item's Focus window (Figure 139). Bind the effect to a Metasys object
- dragging the object from the All Items Tree from the Metasys Host panel to the Navigate to field
- typing the object's reference in the Navigate to field
Note: Alternatively, if you were logged in to a Metasys host and had an object selected prior to this step,
the Navigate to field fills with that object.
Add an Alias string if applicable.
Figure 139: Navigate to a Metasys Item

• Click to navigate to a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP) (Figure 140).

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Figure 140: Navigate to a URL

• Click to navigate to an application or file. Click the browse button on the right of the Path field to open
a window to browse for the application location (Figure 141).
Figure 141: Navigate to an Application or File

9. After you edit the Navigate effect, click the left side of the Editing Navigate Effect button to complete the
configuration of the effect. The Do status icon changes from to a , signifying you have properly configured
the effect for the custom behavior (Figure 142).
Figure 142: Navigate Effect Configured Properly

Note: In Figure 142, the If status icon displays . The status icon denotes that the rule is configured properly
because you can not add a rule to the Navigate effect.
10. Save the graphic as a Metasys object (Figure 143).

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Figure 143: Save As Metasys Object

For information on how elements of a graphic configured with the Navigate effect behaves at run time, see
Navigate Effect at Run Time.
Navigate Effect at Run Time
Once an element of a graphic is configured with the Navigate effect in the GGT and then saved as a Metasys object,
you can view the graphic in SMP, SCT, or the Ready Access Portal.
Note: If you update or change the custom behavior configured for an element in the GGT, you must refresh the
tabs in SMP and re-synchronize in the Ready Access Portal.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 142

An element of a graphic with the Navigate effect has the following characteristics at run time:

When you hover over an element, your mouse cursor turns into a hand icon .

• Navigate to a Bound Object – In SMP and the Ready Access Portal, the element navigates to the bound object.
In SCT, when the trigger occurs, and no rule is applied, then the element navigates to the bound object. In SCT,
if a rule is applied to the custom behavior, then when the trigger occurs, the effect does not execute.
In the Ready Access Portal, you can navigate to a bound object only if the object has a supported view.
• Navigate to a URL – In SMP and the Ready Access Portal, when the trigger occurs, the element navigates to
a URL. In SCT, when the trigger occurs, then the element navigates to a URL.
This navigation is constrained by the capabilities of your browser and operating system.
• Navigate to an Application or File – In SMP, when the trigger occurs and if you are navigating to an application,
the application opens, and if navigating to a file location, the appropriate application starts and opens the file. If
the application required to open the file cannot be found on the local computer, the element does nothing when
clicked. In SCT, when the trigger occurs, the element will navigate to the application or file. In Ready Access
Portal, when the trigger occurs, the element does not navigate to an application of file. A Graphic Viewer window
appears (Figure 144).
Figure 144: Graphic Viewer Window

Configuring the Set Color Effect

When configured for an element of a graphic, the Set Color effect causes one of the colors of the element to change
at run time.
The following configuration guidelines apply to the Set Color effect in the GGT:
• The colors that appear at run time are determined by the Status Colors and the Default State Colors in your
Metasys preferences. You do not have to configure a color for the element in the GGT.
• The Set Color effect requires a Metasys Value Binding (configured in the Set Color effect properties of the
Behaviors panel). At run time, this binding is used to determine the status or state color. The Set Color effect
can be bound to an analog (AV), binary (BV), or multi-state (MV) object.
• The Set Color effect requires that you select the property of the element that can change color. When you
configure the element in the GGT, you see a list of valid Color (or Brush) Properties, and you can select one
color per element.
Note: If an element already supports color change, it will not support the Set Color effect via custom behaviors.
Also, the Set Color effect is not available on elements that do not have exposed fill or stroke properties.
To configure an element with Set Color effect in the GGT:
1. In the GGT, open or create a graphic. Select an element of a graphic.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 143

2. Click in the Behaviors panel to add a new custom behavior (Figure 145). The Add Behavior dialog box
appears (Figure 146).
Figure 145: Add Behavior

3. In the Add Behavior dialog box, enter a unique but easily identifiable behavior name. Click Add (Figure 146).

Figure 146: Add Behavior Name

4. Click the Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box, or click When expander button in the Behaviors panel (Figure
Figure 147: Click the Trigger Hyperlink or When Expander Button

5. Configure the trigger for the custom behavior by choosing a trigger from the drop-down list (Figure 148).
Note: For the Set Color effect, the only valid trigger choice is Metasys Value Change.

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Figure 148: Choose a Trigger

6. Click the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the Do expander button (Figure 149).
Figure 149: Click the Effect(s) Hyperlink or Do Expander Button

7. Click to open the Select to Add Effect window. Select Set Color as the effect for this custom behavior
(Figure 150).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 145

Figure 150: Select to Add Effect Window

8. In the Do area, an Add Set Color Binding option appears. Click to bind the effect to a Metasys object. The
Edit Set Color Binding window appears (Figure 151).
Figure 151: Edit Set Color Binding Window

9. Bind to a Metasys object in the Edit Set Color Binding window by:

Graphic Generation Tool Help 146

• dragging the object from the All Items Tree from the Metasys Host panel to the Binding field
• typing the object's reference in the Binding field
Note: Alternatively, if you were logged in to a Metasys host and had an object selected prior to adding the
effect, the Binding field fills with that object.
10. Edit the Set Color effect.

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In the Edit Set Color Binding window:
• Select an Attribute of the bound object. You can select Status or Present Value.
• Select a Value of the bound object.
- If the Status attribute is selected, the Value field displays a list of Status values (see Figure 151).
- If the Present Value attribute is selected, the Value field displays: All Other States, State 0, State 1, State
2, and State 3.
• Select a Color option: Default or Custom. The default option uses the Metasys Preferences for the
corresponding Status attribute value or Present Value attribute state. The custom attribute allows you to
choose your own color (Figure 152).
Figure 152: Selecting a Custom Color

Graphic Generation Tool Help 148

In the Do area, select the Target Property.
11. After you edit the Set Color effect, click the left side of the Editing Set Color Effect button to finish configuring
the effect (Figure 153). The Do status icon changes from to , signifying you have properly configured the
trigger for the custom behavior.
Figure 153: Configured Effect

12. Save the graphic as a Metasys object (Figure 154).

Figure 154: Save As Metasys Object

For information on how elements of a graphic configured with the Set Color effect behaves at run time, see Set
Color Effect at Run Time.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 149

Set Color Effect at Run Time
Once an element of a graphic is configured with the Set Color effect in the GGT and then saved as a Metasys object,
you can view the graphic in SMP, SCT, or the Ready Access Portal.
Note: You can view a graphic with the Set Color effect in SCT, but the color set is limited. If the object exists, the
element displays the Normal status color. If the object does not exist, the element displays the Value
Inaccessible status color.
Keep in mind the following best practices to ensure that the Set Color effect appears appropriately:
• When configuring the color of an element in the GGT, use contrasting colors from the colors set for Status Colors
and Default State Colors in your Metasys preferences (Figure 155). To change your Metasys preferences in the
SMP or SCT, go to Tools > Configure Preferences > Graphic Settings.
Figure 155: Metasys System Preferences

• When you update or change the Set Color effect of an element in the GGT, you must refresh the tabs in SMP
and re-synchronize in Ready Access Portal.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 150

An element of a graphic with the Set Color effect has the following characteristics at run time:
• An element with Set Color effect changes colors when the configured property of the binding matches any of the
entries configured for the Set Color effect. The highest priority entry that matches the current value of the binding
determines which color the target property will change into.
• The element does not change back to the original color or to a different state or status color until the trigger
occurs again and the optional rule (if applied) evaluates to true.
For more information on Metasys preferences, refer to the Preferences section in the Metasys Help (LIT-1201793).
Configuring the Set Visibility Effect
When configured for an element of a graphic, the Set Visibility effect causes the element to show or hide.
The following configuration guidelines apply to the Set Visibility effect in the GGT:
• The Set Visibility effect requires a Metasys Value Binding (configured in the If expander area of the Behaviors
panel). The Set Visibility effect can be bound to an analog (AV), binary (BV), or multi-state (MV) object.
• We recommend that you configure an element with the Set Visibility effect to have two behaviors. An example
of a high level configuration an element with two behaviors is as follows:
- A behavior configured with the Metasys Value Change trigger, the Set Visibility effect set to Hide, and a
rule (to bind the effect to an object), such that if the objects value does or does not equal a given state or
value, the element is hidden.
- One behavior configured with the Metasys Value Change trigger, the Set Visibility effect set to Show, and
a rule (to bind the effect to an object), such that if the objects value does or does not equal a given state or
value, the element is shown.
To configure an element with Set Visibility effect in the GGT:
1. In the GGT, open or create a graphic. Select an element of the graphic.
2. Click the in the Behaviors panel to add a new custom behavior (Figure 156). The Add Behavior dialog box
appears (Figure 157).
Figure 156: Add Behavior

3. In the Add Behavior dialog box, enter a unique but easily identifiable behavior name. Click Add (Figure 157).
Figure 157: Add Behavior Name

4. Click the Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the When expander button in the Behaviors panel
(Figure 158).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 151

Figure 158: Click the Trigger Hyperlink or When Expander Button

5. Configure the trigger for the custom behavior by choosing a trigger from the drop-down list (Figure 159).
Note: For Set Visibility, the best trigger choice is Metasys Value Change. From the trigger drop-down list,
choose Metasys Value Change.
Figure 159: Choose a Trigger

After you choose Metasys Value Change as a trigger, the When status icon changes from to .
6. Click the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the Do expander button (Figure 160) .

Graphic Generation Tool Help 152

Figure 160: Click the Effect(s) Hyperlink or Do Expander Button

7. Click to open the Select to Add Effect window. Select Set Visibility for this custom behavior (Figure 161).

Figure 161: Select to Add Effect Window

8. Edit the Set Visibility effect to either Hide or Show (Figure 162).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 153

Figure 162: Edit the Set Visibility Effect

After you edit the Set Visibility effect, click the left side of the Editing Set Visibility Effect button to complete the
configuration of the effect. The Do status icon changes from to , signifying you have properly configured
the effect for the custom behavior.
9. To bind Set Visibility effect to a Metasys object, you must add a Rule. Click the Rule (optional) hyperlink in the
Summary box, or click the If expander button.
10. Bind to a Metasys object by doing one of the following (Figure 163):
• dragging the object from the All Items Tree from the Metasys Host panel to the Value field
• typing the object's reference in the Value field
Note: Alternatively, if you were logged in to a Metasys host and had an object selected prior to clicking the
Add Rule ( ) button , the Value field fills with that object.

Figure 163: Add a Rule and Bind to a Metasys Object

Note: Figure 163 is an example of how you can set up a rule with Set Visibility.
11. Configure the rule:

Graphic Generation Tool Help 154

• Select an attribute for the Value of the rule by choosing an option from the drop-down list next to the
• Choose Equals or Not Equals from the Operator drop-down list.
• Select the appropriate option from the Data Type selection box and the from the Value drop-down list.
Note: Figure 163 is an example of a rule where you must select from the Binary selection box. If you choose
Present Value from the Data Type field, a State Text drop-down list and a State selection box appears.
For more information on configuring a rule, see Configuring Rules.
Click the left side of the Editing Rule button to complete the configuration of the rule. The If status icon changes
from to , signifying you have properly configured the rule for the custom behavior.
12. Save the graphic as a Metasys object (Figure 164).
Figure 164: Save As Metasys Object

For information on how elements of a graphic configured with the Set Visibility effect behaves at run time, see
Set Visibility Effect at Run Time.
Set Visibility Effect at Run Time
Once an element of a graphic is configured with the Set Visibility effect in the GGT and saved as a Metasys object,
you can view the graphic in the SMP, SCT, or the Ready Access Portal. However, because the Set Visibility effect
requires a rule in order to bind to a Metasys object, you can only view a graphic with Set Visibility effect in SCT.
Effects configured with rules do not execute in SCT.
Note: If you update or change the custom behavior configured for an element in the GGT, you must refresh the
tabs in SMP and re-synchronize in the Ready Access Portal.
An element of a graphic with the Set Visibility effect has the following characteristics at run time:
• If an element is configured to hide based on the state or value of a bound object, the element hides when the
trigger occurs and the rule evaluates to TRUE. If the rule evaluates to FALSE, the effect does not execute and
the element does not hide.
• If an element is configured to show based on state of value of a bound object, the element shows when the
trigger occurs and the rule evaluates to TRUE. If the rule evaluates to FALSE, the effect does not execute and
the element does not show.
Configuring the Show Command Dialog Effect
When configured for an element of a graphic, the Show Command Dialog effect causes a command dialog to display,
allowing you to command the bound point at run time.
The following configuration guideline applies the Show Command Dialog effect in the GGT:
• The Show Command Dialog effect requires a Metasys Value Binding (configured in the Show Command Dialog
effect properties of the Behaviors panel). At run time, this binding is used to determine the object for which the
command dialog displays. The Show Command Dialog effect can be bound to an analog (AV), binary (BV), or
multi-state (MV) object.
To configure an element with the Show Command Dialog effect in GGT:

Graphic Generation Tool Help 155

1. In GGT, open or create a graphic. Select an element of a graphic.
2. Click in the Behaviors panel to add a new custom behavior (Figure 165). The Add Behavior dialog box
appears (Figure 166).
Figure 165: Add Behavior

3. In the Add Behavior dialog box, enter a unique but easily identifiable behavior name (Figure 166).
Figure 166: Add Behavior Name

4. Click the Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the When expander button in the Behaviors Panel
(Figure 167).
Figure 167: Click the Trigger Hyperlink or When Expander Button

5. Configure the trigger for the custom behavior by choosing a trigger from the Trigger drop-down list (Figure 168).
Note: For the Show Command dialog effect, the best trigger choice is a mouse action (double click, left click,
or right click).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 156

Figure 168: Choose a Trigger

After you choose the trigger, the When status icon changes from to , signifying you have properly configured
the trigger for the custom behavior.
6. Click the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the Do expander button (Figure 169).
Figure 169: Click the Effect(s) Hyperlink or Do Expander Button

7. Click to open the Select to Add Effect window. Select Show Command Dialog as the effect for this custom
behavior (Figure 170).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 157

Figure 170: Select to Add Effect Window

8. Bind the Show Command Dialog effect to an object from your Metasys host. To bind the effect to a Metasys
object by doing one of the following (Figure 171):
• dragging the object from the All Items Tree from the Metasys Host panel to the Value field
• typing the object's reference in the Value field
Note: Alternatively, if you were logged in to a Metasys host and had an object selected prior to selecting the
Show Command Dialog effect, the Value field fills with that object.
Figure 171: Bind Effect to an Object

9. After you edit the Show Command Dialog effect, click the left side of the Editing Show Command Dialog Effect
button to finish configuring the effect. The Do status icon changes from to , signifying you have properly
configured the Command effect for the custom behavior.
10. Save the graphic as a Metasys object (Figure 172).
Figure 172: Save As Metasys Object

For information on how elements of a graphic configured with the Show Command Dialog effect behaves at run
time, see Show Command Dialog Effect at Run Time.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 158

Show Command Dialog Effect at Run Time
Once an element of a graphic is configured with the Command effect in the GGT and saved as a Metasys object,
you can view the graphic in the SMP, SCT, or the Ready Access Portal.
When the Show Command Dialog effect is configured correctly on an element, and the trigger is executed, a dialog
box appears in SMP (Figure 173) or Ready Access Portal (Figure 174).
Note: If you update or change the custom behavior configured for an element in the GGT, you must refresh the
tabs in SMP and re-synchronize in the Ready Access Portal.
Note: You can view a graphic with the Command effect in SCT but command functionality is not available in the
Figure 173: Command Dialog in SMP

Note: If your Metasys user access does not allow you to command objects, then the Command Dialog still appears
in SMP. However, the option buttons are dimmed and you cannot change any values.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 159

Figure 174: Change Value Dialog in Ready Access Portal

Note: If your Metasys user access does not allow you to command objects, then the Change Value does not appear
in Ready Access Portal.
Configuring the Show Context Menu Effect
When configured for an element of a graphic, the Show Context Menu effect causes a context menu (also known
as a user action panel) for a bound object to appear at run time.
The following configuration guidelines apply to the Show Context Menu effect in the GGT:
• The Show Context Menu requires a Metasys Value Binding (configured in the Show Context Menu effect properties
of the Behaviors panel). At run time, this binding is used to populate the Context menu. The Show Context Menu
effect can be bound to analog (AV), binary (BV), or multi-state (MV) values.
• The Show Context Menu only supports the Right Click trigger.
Note: If an element already has built-in Right Click properties, then it does not support a Show Context Menu
effect via custom behaviors.
• The Show Context Menu effect does not support rules.
To apply the Show Context Menu effect:
1. In GGT, open or create a graphic. Select an element of a graphic.
2. Click in the Behaviors panel to add a new custom behavior (Figure 175). The Add Behavior dialog box
appears (Figure 176).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 160

Figure 175: Add Behavior

3. In the Add Behavior dialog box, enter a unique but easily identifiable behavior name. Click Add (Figure 176).
Figure 176: Add Behavior Name

4. Click the Trigger hyperlink in the Summary box, or click the When expander button in the Behaviors panel
(Figure 177).
Figure 177: Click the Trigger Hyperlink or When Expander Button

5. Select Right Click as the trigger for the Show Context Menu effect (Figure 178).
Note: Although other trigger options appear in the trigger drop-down list, the only valid choice for the Show
Context Menu effect is Right Click. If you choose any other trigger, the Show Context Menu effect does
not appear in the Select to Add Effect window. Once you select the Show Context Menu effect in Step
7, notice that all other trigger options disappear from the trigger drop-down list.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 161

Figure 178: Choose Right Click as the Trigger

Once you select Right Click as the trigger, the Trigger status icon changes from to , signifying you have
properly configured the trigger for the custom behavior.
6. Click the Effect(s) hyperlink in the Summary box or click the Do expander button (Figure 179).
Figure 179: Click the Do Hyperlink or Expander Button

7. Click to open the Select to Add Effect window. Select Show Context Menu as the effect for this custom
behavior (Figure 180).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 162

Figure 180: Select to Add Effect Window

Note: In Step 5, if you selected any trigger other than Right Click, the Show Context Menu effect does not
appear in the Select to Add Effect window.
8. Bind the Show Context Menu effect to an object from your Metasys host. To bind the effect to a Metasys object
by doing one of the following (Figure 181):
• dragging the object from the All Items Tree from the Metasys Host panel to the Value field
• typing the object's reference in the Value field
Note: Alternatively, if you were logged in to a Metasys host and had an object selected prior to selecting the
effect, the Value field fills with that object.
Figure 181: Bind Effect to an Object

9. After you configure the Show Context Menu effect, click the left side of the Editing Show Context Menu Effect
button to complete the configuration of the effect. The Do status icon changes from to a , signifying you
have properly configured the effect for the custom behavior.
10. Save the graphic as a Metasys object (Figure 191).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 163

Figure 182: Save As Metasys Object

For information on how elements of a graphic configured with the Show Context Menu effect behaves at run
time, see Figure 191.
Show Context Menu Effect at Run Time
Once an element of a graphic is configured with the Show Context Menu effect in the GGT and saved as a Metasys
object, you can view the graphic in the SMP, SCT, or the Ready Access Portal.
There are no constraints at run time for the Show Context Menu effect, and an element configured with Show Context
Menu will display a context menu in SMP, SCT, and Ready Access Portal. However, in SCT, ensure you are viewing
the graphic in a supported view.
Note: If you update or change the custom behavior configured for an element in the GGT, you must refresh the
tabs in SMP and re-synchronize in the Ready Access Portal.
The Show Context Menu populates with items based on the configuration of the Metasys object. For example, if the
object has trends, View Trend is available in the Show Context Menu. See Figure 183, and Figure 184, Figure 185.
Figure 183: Element with Show Context Menu Effect in SMP

Figure 184: Element with Show Context Menu Effect in SCT

Graphic Generation Tool Help 164

Figure 185: Element with Show Context Menu in Ready Access Portal

A rule is an optional condition that limits the execution of a custom behavior based on a comparison of the parts of
the rule. A rule has three distinct parts: the left side operand, the operator, and the right side operand.
A rule must contain one of each of the parts to be valid:
• Left Side Operand – The left side operand is a Metasys Value Binding (Object and Attribute). An example of a
left side operand is GFX3-N50/Objects.BV1 as the object and Status as the attribute.
Note: For the left side operand, once you select an object, only attributes that belong to supported data types
(State data types and Binary data types) appear in the attribute drop-down.
• Operator – The operator is Equals or Not Equals.
• Right Side Operand – The right side operand is a Binary value or State Data value.
- A Binary value is either true or false. When the right side operand is a Binary value, the operator completes
a true or false comparison at run time.
- A State Data value is one or more selected enumerations. These enumerations include the fixed enumerations
and the custom enumerations as defined in your Metasys system. When the right side operand is a State
Data value, the operator completes an integer comparison at run time. An integer comparison evaluates the
enumeration as false if the enum ID is zero, and evaluates the enumeration as true if the enum ID is anything
other than zero.
For example, if the left side operand is a boolean value, and the right side operand is a State Data value,
then the rule will evaluate to true only in these two cases:
• the left side operand is false and the State Data value selections include the ZERO index enumeration,
• the right side operand is true and the State Data value selections include any non-zero index enumeration.
The three parts of the rule make up the following statement that is evaluated when a trigger occurs: If the Metasys
object and its attribute equals (or does not equal) the Binary value or State Data value, then execute (or do not
execute) the effect at run time.
A custom behavior can only have one rule configured per effect. A custom behavior does not require any rule to be
defined. In this case, all effects will occur each time the trigger occurs.
For more information on rules, see the Configuring Rules section and the Rules at Run Time section.
Configuring Rules
In the GGT, rules are configured in the If expander area in the Behaviors panel (Figure 186 and Figure 187). For
each custom behavior, you can add only one rule. A custom behavior can have no rules configured as well.
Mis-configured rules are allowed in the GGT, and at run time, the mis-configured rule evaluates to false. The GGT
does not signify when the rule is mis-configured. Once you have fully configured the rule, the If status icon changes
from to .

Graphic Generation Tool Help 165

Figure 186: If Expander Area

Figure 187: Contents of If Expander Area

Note: If a rule is mis-configured in the GGT, you do not receive errors or exceptions at run time. The rule evaluates
to false and all effects for the custom behavior do not execute.
In the GGT, you can add rules to any custom behavior; however, the Flash effect and the Show Context Menu effect
do not support rules. If you add those effects to a custom behavior, then any rule defined for that custom behavior
is removed and disabled. Furthermore, once you select the Flash effect or Show Context Menu effect, the Add Rule
button becomes disabled.
Note: The Flash effect has built-in functionality similar to rules. When you select Enabled for Show Alarms or for
Show Warnings (or both) during configuration of the effect, you are configuring functionality similar to rules.
For more information on configuration the Flash effect, see Configuring the Flash Effect.
Modes of Configuration
Offline Configuration
There are two ways you can add rules to custom behaviors in the GGT: online while connected to a Metasys host
via the Metasys Host Tree panel or offline while not connected to a Metasys host via the Metasys Host panel.
If you are adding rules to custom behaviors while offline, you have to free-form type the object for the left side
operand. The free-form typed object must exactly match the object reference in Metasys or the rule is treated as
mis-configured at run time. The attribute drop-down list is static when adding rules in offline mode, meaning the
attribute drop-down list displays the same options regardless of what you type for the object. For the right side
operand, you have to manually select or enter the appropriate data type. If the rule is mis-configured on either side
of the operator, it evaluates to FALSE at run time and the effect for the custom behavior does not execute.
If you are adding an alias object as the left side operand, configuration for the rule is the same as the offline
Online Configuration
A high level example of adding a rule to a custom behavior while online is covered in the steps below. The steps
below begin at the If expander button for rules configuration.
1. Once you've completed configuration for the trigger and the effect of the custom behavior, click the Rule (optional)
hyperlink, or the If expander button (Figure 188).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 166

Figure 188: Click the Rule (optional) Hyperlink or If Expander Button

2. Click to add a rule.

3. Use Table 53 to assist in editing the rule for the custom behavior (Figure 189).
Figure 189: Editing the Rule

Graphic Generation Tool Help 167

Table 53: Editing the Rule – Left Side Operand and Right Side Operand Options
Part of Rule Field Options
Left Side Operand Value Bind the rule to a Metasys object by doing one of the following:
• dragging the object from the All Items Tree from the Metasys
Host panel to the Value field
• typing the object's reference in the Value field
Note: Alternatively, if you were logged in to a Metasys host
and had an object selected prior to adding the rule, the
Value field fills with that object.
Attribute Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
• Present Value
• Status
Operator Operator Select Equals or Not Equals from the drop-down list.
Right Side Operand Data Type Un-editable field. Automatically populates with data type that
corresponds to the attribute selected for the left side operand.
Possible data types listed include Binary or State Data
State Text Un-editable field. Does not appear when the data type selected
is a String value or Binary value.
Note: Appears when
certain Attributes are
State or Value Selectable options vary depending on the attribute selected for
the left side operand.
Note: Only one appears
depending on the If the attribute selected for the left side operand corresponds
Attribute selected. with a Binary value, a Value drop-down list appears, allowing
you to select False or True.
If the attribute selected for the left side operand corresponds
with a State Data value, then a selection box appears, allowing
you to choose an appropriate fixed enumeration or custom
enumeration. For State Data values, you can select multiple

4. After you edit the rule, click the left side of the Editing Rule button to complete the configuration of the rule (Figure
190). The If status icon changes from to a , signifying you have properly configured the rule for the custom

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Figure 190: Configured Rule

5. Save the graphic as a Metasys object (Figure 191).

Figure 191: Save As Metasys Object

For information on how rules evaluate at run time, see Rules at Run Time.
Rules at Run Time
In SMP and the Read Access Portal, when an element of a graphic configured with a custom behavior has a trigger
occur, the rule is evaluated, and if the rule evaluates to true, the effect executes and displays at run time. If the rule
evaluates to false, the effect does not execute.
Note: If the rule is mis-configured, it evaluates to false. You do not receive errors or exceptions for mis-configured
rules. If the rule is configured with attributes of unsupported data type, the rule evaluates to false at runtime.
The following is a list of unsupported data types: Byte, Date, Double, Float, Long, String, Short, Time, Unsigned
Byte, Unsigned Long, and Unsigned Short.
In SCT, all rules evaluate to false and the effects do not execute. SCT is an offline configuration tool and does not
evaluate live data, therefore rules cannot be processed at run time in SCT.

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Graphic Enterprise Library Introduction
The Graphic Enterprise Library (GEL) is an important feature of the GGT. The GEL consists of hundreds of selectable
elements in the Library panel of GGT. You use these elements to create custom, feature-rich, graphical representations
of a customer’s entire site, with easy representation of buildings, floors, equipment, and rooms.

GEL Concepts
GEL Overview
When you create a graphic with the GGT, the GEL provides the following elements for your use:
• Basic elements (for example, Advanced Value Box, Inline Command Box, Key Data, Gauges)
• Electrical and fire elements
• Floor plan elements (Building, Floor, Floor Group, Room Status)
• HVAC elements (all HVAC air and water elements)
• Lighting, network, security, and terminal unit elements
• Templates (Base Template, Mixed Air Dual Path, VAV Series Fan)
As you use these elements to create a graphical representation of your building automation system, you can also
create bindings between the elements and Metasys objects. These bound elements allow you to monitor and control
your facility from your computer.
This reference describes all of the elements found in the GEL. The information for each element includes the following
• Description
• Image
• User-configurable properties
• Metasys system binding properties
• Runtime characteristics
Configuration Mode Versus Runtime Mode
When you use GGT to create graphics, you work in configuration mode. This mode allows you to configure each
graphic to look and behave in certain ways based on the user-configurable properties and bindings that are available
to the graphic.
When you view the graphics in the Metasys system (System Configuration Tool, Site Management Portal, or Ready
Access Portal), you work in runtime mode. In runtime mode, the graphic appears as it was configured in the GGT.
If you view the graphic on an online system (Site Management Portal or Ready Access Portal), data values appear
and animations occur based on those data values (for example, a bound fan graphic spins if the fan is on).
Note: You must have the Microsoft Silverlight 5.0 (or higher) plug-in to view Graphics+ objects created by the GGT.
If you do not have the Silverlight 5.0 (or higher) plug-in installed, you are prompted to do so the first time you
view a graphic. After you follow the prompt and install Silverlight 5.0 (or higher), log off the Metasys system,
close your browser for the change to take effect, then log in to the Metasys system again. For additional
installation instructions, refer to the ADS, ADX, and SCT Installation and Upgrade Instructions Wizard
Graphics+ Auto-Refreshing
Graphics+ objects use an auto-refresh function that updates the graphic once 50,000 value updates to the graphic
occur during one Site Management Portal UI or Ready Access Portal UI session. When the 50,000 update threshold
approaches, a dialog box appears (Figure 192) to notify you that the graphic must be refreshed. Click Refresh Now
to refresh the graphic immediately, click Delay to delay the refresh for 60 seconds, or wait 15 seconds for the system
to perform the refresh. When a graphic is refreshed, it reverts to its default display settings.

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Figure 192: Auto-Refresh Dialog Box

If you delay the refresh operation, a red 60-second countdown box appears in the upper-right corner of the graphic.
You can delay the refresh only once.
If the system refreshed the graphic, a notification message appears (Figure 193) when a refresh has occurred. Click
OK to continue.
Figure 193: Auto-Refresh Notification

User Actions Panel

Many elements have a User Actions Panel that appears when you right-click the item when displayed within the Site
Management Portal, SCT, or the Ready Access Portal (Figure 194).
Figure 194: User Actions Panel

The User Actions Panel lets you perform the following options for the bound Metasys item:
• send a command
• navigate to its Focus window
• view its trend information
If more than one trended attribute exists for the Metasys item, View Trend provides a drop-down list from which you
can select the trended attribute (Figure 195).

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Figure 195: User Actions Panel with Multiple Trended Attributes

On the Ready Access Portal, the types of objects you can navigate to and command are limited.
Common Properties
User-configurable properties allow you to determine how an element looks and behaves in runtime mode (System
Configuration Tool, Site Management Portal, or Ready Access Portal). provides descriptions of user-configurable
properties that are shared by many GEL elements. You can find descriptions for element-specific properties in the
description of the element.
Table 54: Common Properties
Property Name Description
Background Color Sets the background color of an element.
Border Color Sets the color of the line that surrounds an element.
Note: For elements in the category, this property also sets the color of the wires leading into
and out of the element.
Left Sets the distance (in pixels) of an element from the left canvas border.
Top Sets the distance (in pixels) of an element from the top canvas border.
Font Sets the font family of text displayed on an element.
Font Size Sets the font size of text displayed on an element.
Font Color Sets the font color of text displayed on an element.
Height Sets the height (in pixels) of an element.
Note: For elements in the category, this property sets only the length of the wires leading into
and out of the element. The height of the element itself does not change.
Is Bold Sets the style of text displayed on an element to bold.
Is Italic Sets the style of text displayed on an element to italic.
Is Underlined Sets the style of text displayed on an element to underlined.
Opacity Sets the transparency level of an element. Available values are any number between zero and
Note: If the value is zero, the element is completely invisible. If the value is between zero and
one, the element appears transparent (the lower the number, the greater the
transparency), and any objects behind it are partially visible. If the value is one, the
element is completely opaque (nothing is visible behind it).
Width Sets the width (in pixels) of an element.

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Library Categories
The GEL groups all elements logically using the following collapsible categories. Clicking a category in the software
reveals all of the elements within that category. See the following sections for details on these categories:
• Basic Symbols
• Electrical
• Fire
• Floor Plan
• HVAC Air Coils
• HVAC Air Sensors
• HVAC Boilers
• HVAC Chillers
• HVAC Cooling Towers
• HVAC Dampers
• HVAC Ductwork
• HVAC Fans
• HVAC Heat Exchangers
• HVAC Meters
• HVAC Pipes
• HVAC Water Pumps
• HVAC Water Sensors
• HVAC Water Valves
• Lighting
• Network
• Security
• Terminal Units

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Basic Symbols
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Advanced Value Box
• Basic Fan
• Basic Value Box
• Button
• Image
• Inline Command Box
• Johnson Controls Logo
• Key Data Module
• Key Data Item
• Linear Gauge
• Semi-Circular Gauge
• State Circle
• State Square
• State Triangle
• Switch
Common Properties for Basic Symbols
Elements in the Basic Symbols category display user-configurable properties shared by many other elements. In
addition, they also display several properties that are unique to them. Table 55 lists the properties that are common
to several elements in the Basic Symbols category.
Table 55: Common Properties for Basic Symbols
Property Name Description
Horizontal Alignment Sets the horizontal alignment of text displayed on an element. Available values are:
• Left
• Center
• Right
• Stretch
Note: The Stretch button for Horizontal Alignment does not stretch the text within an element.
Instead, the Stretch button stretches the element and background color to fit th size of
the text.
Label Allows you to manually enter label text for an element.
Note: Some elements have both a Label property and a Label binding. If you specify a Label
binding and that binding resolves successfully at runtime, then that Label binding text is
displayed. Otherwise, your manually entered label text is displayed.
Show Status Shows or hides the status indicator for an element. If the status indicator is shown, its color reflects
what is set in the Status Colors section within Metasys system preferences.

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Table 55: Common Properties for Basic Symbols
Property Name Description
Show Units Shows or hides the measurement units (for example, degrees Fahrenheit) for the value displayed
in a value box.
Note: For the Advanced Value Box, this setting is used for the entire value box, regardless of
whether it is displaying one or two values.
Vertical Alignment Sets the vertical alignment of text displayed on an element. Available values are:
• Bottom
• Center
• Top
• Stretch
Note: The Stretch button for Vertical Alignment does not stretch the text within an element.
Instead, the Stretch button stretches the element and background color to fit th size of
the text.

Common Bindings for Basic Symbols

Table 56 lists Metasys bindings that are common to several elements in the Basic Symbols category.
Table 56: Common Bindings for Basic Symbols
Binding Name Description
Label Specifies the name or description of a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) to display
as the label of the element. The text [Runtime Binding] appears if the label is configured from the
Metasys binding.
Navigate To Allows you to set the Metasys item reference (optionally including an alias string), uniform resource
locator (URL), or application to navigate to at runtime.
For example, you can use this binding to open a file. Click the URL navigation button and enter the file
name in the Navigate To field using the file:<file pathname> syntax. Example: file:c:\My
Documents\Sequence of Operations\Boiler Control.pdf
Note: Navigating to an application is only supported within the Site Management Portal (SMP) UI or
Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an attribute whose value is displayed
within the element.

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Advanced Value Box
This element represents an Advanced Value Box. It allows you to display information for one or two Metasys items
(for example, zone temperature and zone temperature setpoint) and send commands to the items. One or more
Advanced Value Boxes may be automatically attached to other elements in the GEL when the element is added to
the Graphic Canvas. You can delete any of these attached Advanced Value Boxes if you do not need them.
Figure 196: Advanced Value Box - Single-Value Display

Figure 197: Advanced Value Box - Two-Value Display

Table 57: Advanced Value Box Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Initial State Sets the initial state of the value box when displayed at runtime (either
collapsed or expanded).
Appearance Line Color Sets the color of the connector line, which connects the value box to an
element, such as a fan or a boiler.
Note: The connector line does not need to be connected to anything; it
can remain unconnected.
Show Line Shows or hides the connector line, which connects the value box to an
element, such as a fan or a boiler.
Note: The connector line does not need to be connected to anything; it
can remain unconnected.
Show Units See Show Units.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Width See Width.
Text Font See Font.
Font Size See Font Size.
Label Color Sets the color of the label text displayed for the value box.
Label See Label.

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Table 58: Advanced Value Box Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
Primary Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an attribute
for display within the value box.
Label Specifies the name or description of a Metasys reference (either aliased or
fully qualified) to display as the label of the element.
Alarm Specifies a Metasys alarm extension name (for example, Alarm - Present
Value) or a fully qualified reference.
Note: If you specify only the name of the alarm, the runtime software
searches the object represented by the Value binding, looking for the
first alarm object with a matching name. In a future release, the
Advanced Value Box will display pending acknowledgement information
using this alarm binding.
Secondary Value Specifies a second Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and
an attribute for display next to the primary value within the value box.

The Advanced Value Box element has the following runtime characteristics:
• It consists of one or two Inline Command Boxes. All functionality of the Inline Command Box applies to both the
primary and secondary bound item. For information about Inline Command Box functionality, see Inline Command
• If you specify a secondary binding, during runtime the left side of the value box contains the primary binding
information and the right side of the value box contains the secondary binding information. If you do not specify
a secondary binding, the Advanced Value Box contains only the primary binding information.
• If you configured units to display for the Advanced Value Box, the units appear on both sides of the two-value
display window.
• It displays in either the collapsed or expanded state, depending on how you configured the element. For example,
if you configured the element to appear collapsed, the element appears initially collapsed at runtime. When the
element is collapsed, it still displays the status color that corresponds to the status of the primary bound item.
• If you did not configure the Label Binding property, the string specified within the Label property appears. If you
configured the Label Binding property, the attribute value of the bound object appears.
• If the string that makes up the label is too long for the allotted space, the label is truncated with trailing ellipses.
• When you place your cursor over the label, a tooltip displays containing the full label string.
Note: Future enhancements to the Advanced Value Box will utilize the alarm binding. The currently-available version
does not utilize this binding.

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Basic Fan
This element represents a basic fan. The blades rotate when the fan is running and stop when the fan is off. Both
clockwise and counterclockwise directions are configurable.
Figure 198: Basic Fan

Table 59: Basic Fan Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Impeller Direction The direction of blade rotation when the fan is on, either clockwise or
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.

Table 60: Basic Fan Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Fan Value See Value.

The Basic Fan element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The color of the fan blades reflects the current value of the bound item (for example, stopped or running) as
defined by the Fan Status section within Metasys system preferences. By default, green indicates a running fan
and red a stopped fan. However, if the status of the bound item is not normal (for example, offline), the color of
the fan blades reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys system
preferences. In other words, the status color for a non-normal item supersedes the fan status color.
• When the current value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the fan blades do not spin.
- On - the fan blades spin.

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Basic Value Box
This element represents a Basic Value Box. Unlike other elements, it does not support commanding or navigating.
Instead, it is used simply for the display of the current attribute value of a bound Metasys item, along with an optional
indication of status. It functions as a simple, non-editable value box.
Figure 199: Basic Value Box

Table 61: Basic Value Box Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Border Color Sets the border color of the value box.
Note: The border can only be seen if the Show Border property is checked.
Border Thickness Sets the border thickness of the value box.
Note: The border can only be seen if the Show Border property is checked.
Show Border Shows or hides the border of the value box.
Show Status Shows or hides the status of the bound Metasys item.
Note: If the status is shown, the background color of the value box is set
based on the status of the bound object, as defined by MSEA System
Preferences. The foreground color is compatible with the background
Note: If the status is hidden, the value box displays using the background
color and font color as configured for the element.
Show Units See Show Units.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.
Text Font See Font.
Font Size See Font Size.
Font Color See Font Color.
Horizontal Alignment See Horizontal Alignment.
Is Bold See Is Bold.
Is Italic See Is Italic.
Is Underlined See Is Underline.
Vertical Alignment See Vertical Alignment.

Table 62: Basic Value Box Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Basic Value Box Value See Value.

The Basic Value Box element has the following runtime characteristics:
• If you define the Basic Value Box to show status, the Basic Value Box element sets its background based on
the status color associated in Metasys system preferences for the item’s current status. Any user-configured

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background color and foreground color no longer apply. If you do not configure status to appear (for example,
the Show Status property is False), the background color and font color appear as configured.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, System
Configuration Tool, or the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.
• If the width of the Basic Value Box is not large enough to accommodate the full value, the value is not shown.
In this case, you can see the value by viewing the tooltip. To correct, open the graphics file with GGT and enlarge
the width of the Basic Value Box or reduce the font size.

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This element represents a Button. It allows you (with proper authorization) to navigate to a Metasys item, a URL, or
an application.
Figure 200: Button

Table 63: Button Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Is Hidden Sets the visibility of the button when displayed at runtime (either visible
or hidden).
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.
Text Font See Font.
Font Size See Font Size.
Font Color See Font Color.
Horizontal Alignment See Horizontal Alignment.
Is Bold See Is Bold.
Is Italic See Is Italic.
Is Underlined See Is Underline.
Text Allows you to manually enter the text displayed on the button.
Note: You may also double-click directly on the button to enter the
button text.
Vertical Alignment See Vertical Alignment.
Text Wrapping Allows you to wrap or unwrap text within the button.

Table 64: Button Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Button Navigate To See Navigate To.

The Button element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the button is active, it brightens and changes to blue when you place your cursor over the button.
• When you place your cursor over the button, a tooltip shows the full text of the URL, Metasys item, or application
to navigate to and the pointer changes to a finger pointer.
• Buttons configured to be hidden have the same characteristics as visible buttons, but they are not visible in the
graphic. Hidden buttons are still active, and they provide the same tooltips as visible buttons.
• If you did not define a navigation binding, no action takes place on a single left-click.
• If the button navigates to a URL (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP), a separate browser window or tab opens to the URL
when you click the button. This navigation is constrained by the capabilities of your browser and operating system.
• If the button navigates to a file (for example, file:C\My Documents\Sequence of Operations.pdf), the appropriate
application starts and opens the file. If the application required to open the file cannot be found on the local
computer, the button does nothing when clicked.

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• If the button navigates to a Metasys item (for example, a graphic) with no alias, you navigate to the graphic after
clicking the button. If the button navigates to a Metasys item (for example a graphic) with an alias, the defined
alias string is resolved by the destination graphic, and you navigate to the graphic after clicking the button.
• If you have permission to view the button’s bound Metasys item, clicking the button once takes you to that item.
If you do not have permission to view the bound item, the button is inactive (it is not clickable).
• On the Ready Access Portal, the item does not need to be available in the selected navigation tree for the
navigation to work. If no associated Ready Access Portal view exists for the item to which you are navigating,
the following error message appears:
The linked item cannot be viewed in this application. A workstation is necessary
to view the linked item.
• Navigating to an application is currently only supported on the Site Management Portal and SCT.
• If you view the graphic from the Site Management Portal, and the button is linked to an application, clicking the
button once launches the application.
• On the Ready Access Portal, browser security restrictions prevent you from launching applications. If you configure
a button to launch an application, the following error message appears when you click the button in the Ready
Access Portal:
Web browser security does not allow automatic launching of local applications.
Please use the Run command from your Start menu to launch the following: <APP PATH>

Graphic Generation Tool Help 182

This element represents an Image. The Image element allows you to import an image and position it in the graphic.
The image cannot exceed the allowed maximum size (1 MB), and only the following file types are supported within
this element: Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG or JPEG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG), and Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGZ).
We recommend that images have a maximum size of 1,600 pixels (height) by 1,200 pixels (width) to avoid delays
in load times in the SMP, SCT, or Ready Access Portal. Exceeding the recommended dimension size causes
significant delays in load times. For example, an image the size of 3,000 pixels (height) by 5,000 pixels (width) has
a load time of 10 seconds, whereas an image the size of 1,000 pixels (height) by 1,667 pixels (width; width adjusted
automatically to maintain aspect ratio) has a load time of 3 seconds.
For convenience, you can easily add an Image element to a graphic by dragging a supported file from the Desktop
or Windows Explorer into the graphic canvas (drag and drop). The Image element is created on the canvas at the
paste location. All images types except SVGZ support the drag and drop option. If the size of the selected image is
too large, the message Images cannot exceed 1 MB in size appears.
Figure 201: Image

Table 65: Image Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 66: Image Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Image Navigate To See Navigate To.

The Image element has the following runtime characteristics:

• It displays the image configured within the GGT.
• If you configure an image with a Navigation binding, and you do not have View permission for that item, the
element is inactive. In all other cases, the entire element operates as a navigation hotspot if so configured. When
you click the element, the graphic viewer navigates to the Metasys item, URL, or application.

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Inline Command Box
This element represents an Inline Command Box. It provides an interface that allows you to display the value of a
Metasys item and send commands to that item.
Figure 202: Inline Command Box

Table 67: Inline Command Box Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Show Status See Show Status.
Show Units See Show Units.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Width See Width.
Text Font See Font.
Font Size See Font Size.

Table 68: Inline Command Box Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Primary Value See Value.

The Inline Command Box element has the following runtime characteristics:
• It displays the current value of the bound item.
• It displays the status of the bound item (when Show Status is set to True).
• It displays the unit of measurement used for the bound attribute value (when Show Units is set to True).
• It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.
• It allows you to send a single user-configured command from the Site Management Portal (SMP) or the Ready
Access Portal by typing directly into the element, or selecting a new state from a drop down list. The SCT does
not support commanding.
• After you send a command, an animated progress indicator appears while the Metasys system processes the
command. During this time, you cannot send any additional commands to the bound object from this element.
If the command results in an error, an error message appears. The error message does not disappear without
your confirmation.
• The Out of Service and Setpoint commands are not supported on the Ready Access Portal. If an Inline Command
Box has been configured to send one of these two commands, an error appears and the command is not sent.

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Johnson Controls Logo
This element represents the Johnson Controls logo. You can use the logo as a stamp to identify the graphic as
designed for the customer by Johnson Controls. To support various backgrounds, three different color types are
Figure 203: Johnson Controls Logo

Table 69: Johnson Controls Logo Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Logo Type Sets the logo color, either white, black, or color.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Johnson Controls Logo element has no Metasys bindings.

The Johnson Controls Logo element has no runtime characteristics.

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Key Data Item
This element represents a Key Data Item. It provides a visual representation of bound data, and it consists of a label
and an Inline Command Box. You can use this element on its own (for example, outside of a Key Data Module), or
you can use it to display an item within a Key Data Module.
Figure 204: Key Data Item

Table 70: Key Data Item Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Show Status See Show Status.
Show Units See Show Units.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Width See Width.
Text Font Color See Font Color.
Font See Font.
Font Size See Font Size.
Is Bold See Is Bold.
Is Italic See Is Italic.
Is Underlined See Is Underline.
Label See Label.
Note: The Key Data Item element has both a Label property and a
Label binding. If you specify a Label binding and that binding
resolves successfully at runtime, then that Label binding text is
displayed. Otherwise, your manually entered label text is

Table 71: Key Data Item Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Primary Value See Value.
Label See Label.

The Key Data Item element has the following runtime characteristics:
• It displays a label on the left and an Inline Command Box on the right. For information about Inline Command
Box functionality, see Inline Command Box.
• The location of the label is fixed to the left of the value box.
• If you did not configure the Label Binding property, the string specified within the Label property appears. If you
configured the Label Binding property, the attribute value of the bound object appears.

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Key Data Module
This element represents a Key Data Module. It provides a scrollable container for up to 50 key data items. To
configure the values and labels to appear when the Key Data Module is expanded, highlight the items you want to
bind in the Metasys binding panel, then paste the module on to the graphic canvas.
Figure 205: Key Data Module

Table 72: Key Data Module Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Is Collapsed Sets the initial state of the Key Data Module when displayed at runtime
(either collapsed or expanded).
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.
Text Label See Label.
Note: The Key Data Module has both a Label property and a Label
binding. If you specify a Label binding and that binding resolves
successfully at runtime, then that Label binding text is displayed.
Otherwise, your manually entered label text is displayed.

Table 73: Key Data Module Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Collapsed Values Item List Allows you to optionally configure a list of up to four Metasys Items
to display when the Key Data Module is collapsed.
Label Label See Label.

The Key Data Module element has the following runtime characteristics:
• It can be collapsed, expanded, or resized.
• It can be moved to another location on the graphic.
• It provides a vertical scroll bar (if needed) that allows you to view all listed items.
• It provides a splitter bar that allows you to adjust the widths of the label and value sides to aid readability.
• For information about the runtime characteristics of the key data items within the Key Data Module, see Key
Data Item.

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Linear Gauge
This element represents a linear gauge in a vertical or horizontal orientation. It allows you to display information for
a Metasys item (for example, zone temperature and zone temperature setpoint) within an analog bar and to send a
command to the item. Depending on the orientation of the gauge, the minimum range is specified on the bottom or
left and the maximum range is specified on the top or right. A value box appears at the bottom of the gauge. The
divider bar is positioned within the gauge according to the current value of the bound item.
Figure 206: Linear Gauge

Table 74: Linear Gauge Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the linear gauge, either vertical or horizontal.
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Fill Color Sets the fill color of the element. Fill color is only displayed if Show Status
is unchecked. Multi-colors and color gradients are not supported.
Maximum Value Sets the highest value that the gauge can display. This value must be
greater than the Minimum Value.
Minimum Value Sets the lowest value that the gauge can display. This value must be less
than the Maximum Value.
Show Background When checked, sets the appearance of the background color under the
gauge to visible.
Show Range When checked, sets the appearance of the range in the gauge to visible.
Show Status When checked, the color of the linear gauge reflects the status color of the
bound item (based on the status colors defined within Metasys System
Preference). Otherwise, the color of the linear gauge follows the color
specified in the Fill Color property.
Show Units When checked, sets the appearance of the units below the value to visible.
Show Value When checked, sets the appearance of the value under the gauge to visible.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.

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Table 74: Linear Gauge Properties
Category Property Name Description
Text Font See Font. The same font is used for range, value, and units.
Font Color See Font Color. The same font color is used for range, value, and units.
Is Bold See Is Bold. The same bold setting is used for range, value, and units.
Is Italic See Is Italic. The same italic setting is used for range, value, and units.
Is Underlined See Is Underline. The same underline setting is used for range, value, and
Range Font Size Sets the font size used to display the range text.
Units Font Size Sets the font size used to display the units text.
Value Font Size Sets the font size used to display the value text.

Table 75: Linear Gauge Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Gauge Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute for display within the gauge.

The Linear Gauge element has the following runtime characteristics:

• It displays the current value of the bound item in a value box below the gauge (when Show Value is checked).
• It displays the status of the bound item as the color of the gauge (when Show Status is checked).
• It displays the unit of measurement used for the bound attribute value (when Show Units is checked).
• It displays a background around the units and value (when Show Background is checked).
• It displays the upper and lower ranges of the bound item within the analog bar graph (when Show Range is
• It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
• It represents the current value of the bound item within the analog bar area of the element. For binary items, a
value of False is represented as 0 and a value of True is represented as 1. State 1, State 2, and State 3 values
are represented as 1, 2, and 3 (respectively).
• It displays the maximum value defined for the gauge if the current value of the bound item is above the maximum
• It displays the minimum value defined for the gauge if the current value of the bound item is below the minimum
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 189

Semi-Circular Gauge
This element represents a semi-circular gauge in a horizontal orientation. It allows you to display information for a
Metasys item (for example, zone temperature and zone temperature setpoint) within a semi-circular dial and to send
a command to the item. The minimum range is specified on the left and the maximum range is specified on the right.
A value box appears in the center of the gauge. The analog value needle is positioned according to the current value
of the bound item.
Figure 207: Semi-Circular Gauge

Table 76: Semi-Circular Gauge Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Fill Color Sets the fill color of the element. Fill color is only displayed if Show Status
is unchecked.
Maximum Value Sets the highest value that the gauge can display. This value must be
greater than the Minimum Value.
Minimum Value Sets the lowest value that the gauge can display. This value must be less
than the Maximum Value.
Show Range When checked, sets the appearance of the range in the gauge to visible.
Show Status When checked, the color of the analog bar reflects the status color of the
bound item (based on the status colors defined within Metasys System
Preference). Otherwise, the color of the analog bar follows the color
specified in the Fill Color property.
Show Units When checked, sets the appearance of the units below the value to visible.
Show Value When checked, sets the appearance of the value box within the gauge to
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 190

Table 76: Semi-Circular Gauge Properties
Category Property Name Description
Text Font See Font. The same font is used for range, value, and units.
Font Color See Font Color. The same font color is used for range, value, and units.
Is Bold See Is Bold. The same bold setting is used for range, value, and units.
Is Italic See Is Italic. The same italic setting is used for range, value, and units.
Is Underlined See Is Underline. The same underline setting is used for range, value, and
Range Font Size Sets the font size used to display the range text.
Units Font Size Sets the font size used to display the units text.
Value Font Size Sets the font size used to display the value text.

Table 77: Semi-Circular Gauge Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Gauge Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute for display within the gauge.

The Semi-Circular Gauge element has the following runtime characteristics:

• It displays the current value of the bound item within a value box (when Show Value is checked).
• It displays the status of the bound item as the color of the analog bar (when Show Status is checked).
• It displays the unit of measurement used for the bound attribute value (when Show Units is checked).
• It displays the upper and lower ranges of the bound item within the gauge (when Show Range is checked).
• It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
• It represents the current value of the bound item by the position of the needle. For binary items, when the value
is False, the needle moves to 0, and when the value is True, the needle moves to 1. State 1, State 2, and State
3 values are represented as needle positions of 1, 2, and 3 (respectively).
• It displays the maximum value defined for the gauge if the current value of the bound item or attribute is above
the maximum value. The needle is pinned to the rightmost position and the actual value appears in the value
• It displays the minimum value defined for the gauge if the current value of the bound item or attribute is below
the minimum value. The needle is pinned to the leftmost position and the actual value appears in the value box.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 191

State Circle
This element represents a circle. Use the circle’s color to indicate the current state of a Metasys item (for example,
lights on or off and equipment running or stopped).
Figure 208: State Circle

Table 78: State Circle Properties

Category Property Name Description
State Colors All Other States Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is greater than
State 3.
State 0 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 0.
State 1 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 1.
State 2 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 2.
State 3 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 3.
Misc Left See Left.
Top Top See Top.
Height Height See Height.
Width Width See Width.

Table 79: State Circle Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Primary Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute for display within the shape.

The State Circle element has the following runtime characteristics:

• Its color reflects the current value of the bound item (for example, State 1 or State 2) as defined by the circle’s
State Color properties. However, if the status of the bound item is non-normal (for example, offline), the circle
color reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys system preferences.
In other words, the status color for a not normal item supersedes its state color.
• When the value of the bound item is 0, 1, 2, or 3, the color as defined for State 0, State 1, State 2, or State 3 is
used. Any value greater than 3 uses the All Other States color.
• It flashes when the bound item is in alarm if Basic Shape Flashing is enabled under Metasys system preferences.
Flashing behavior can be customized using the settings within Metasys system preferences (for example, flash
colors and flash duration).
• It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 192

State Square
This element represents a square. Use the square’s color to indicate the current state of a Metasys item (for example,
lights on or off or equipment running or stopped).
Figure 209: State Square

Table 80: State Square Properties

Category Property Name Description
State Colors All Other States Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is greater than
State 3.
State 0 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 0.
State 1 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 1.
State 2 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 2.
State 3 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 3.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.

Table 81: State Square Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Primary Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute for display within the shape.

The State Square element has the following runtime characteristics:

• Its color reflects the current value of the bound item (for example, State 1 or State 2) as defined by the square’s
State Color properties. However, if the status of the bound item is non-normal (for example, offline), the square
color reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys system preferences.
In other words, the status color for a not normal item supersedes its state color.
• When the value of the bound item is 0, 1, 2, or 3, the color as defined for State 0, State 1, State 2, or State 3 is
used. Any value greater than 3 uses the All Other States color.
• It flashes when the bound item is in alarm if Basic Shape Flashing is enabled under Metasys system preferences.
Flashing behavior can be customized using the settings within Metasys system preferences (for example, flash
colors and flash duration).
• It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 193

State Triangle
This element represents a triangle. Use the triangle’s color to indicate the current state of a Metasys item (for example,
lights on or off or equipment running or stopped).
Figure 210: State Triangle

Table 82: State Triangle Properties

Category Property Name Description
State Colors All Other States Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is greater than
State 3.
State 0 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 0.
State 1 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 1.
State 2 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 2.
State 3 Sets the color displayed when the current value of the item is State 3.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.

Table 83: State Triangle Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Primary Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute for display within the shape.

The State Triangle element has the following runtime characteristics:

• Its color reflects the current value of the bound item (for example, State 1 or State 2) as defined by the triangle’s
State Color properties. However, if the status of the bound item is non-normal (for example, offline), the triangle
color reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys system preferences.
In other words, the status color for a not normal item supersedes its state color.
• When the value of the bound item is 0, 1, 2, or 3, the color as defined for State 0, State 1, State 2, or State 3 is
used. Any value greater than 3 uses the All Other States color.
• It flashes when the bound item is in alarm if Basic Shape Flashing is enabled under Metasys system preferences.
Flashing behavior can be customized using the settings within Metasys system preferences (for example, flash
colors and flash duration).
• It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 194

This element represents a two- or three-position switch for conveying the current state of the bound Metasys item,
and lets you send a command to the item.
Figure 211: Switch

Table 84: Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Number of States Sets the number of positions on the switch, either two or three.
Show Status When checked, the color of the inside ring within the switch reflects the
status color of the bound item (based on the status colors defined within
Metasys System Preference).
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.
Text Font Size Sets the relative font size for the labels on the switch, either small,
medium, or large.
State 0 Sets the text to display on the switch to represent State 0.
State 1 Sets the text to display on the switch to represent State 1.
State 2 Sets the text to display on the switch to represent State 2.

Table 85: Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Switch Value See Value.

The Switch element has the following runtime characteristics:

• It displays the current value of the bound item by its switch position.
• It displays at the first switch position if the value is 0, displays at the second switch position if the value is 1, and
displays at the third switch position if the value is 2. If the bound item is commanded to a state greater than the
number of positions shown on the switch, the switch moves to the first position.
• It displays the status of the bound item within the inner circle of the switch (when Show Status is set to True).
The colors used depend on Metasys system preference definitions.
• It displays a tooltip showing the textual value of the bound item and its status.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 195

This Library category includes the following elements:
• Battery
• Breaker
• Breaker Earth Leakage
• Connector (Small)
• Contactor
• Disconnect
• Flag Alarm Indicator
• Flag Alarm Supply
• Fuse
• Generator
• Generator Fuel System
• Lamp Alarm Indicator
• Rectifier
• Switch
• Transformer

Graphic Generation Tool Help 196

This element represents a battery in an electrical drawing.
Figure 212: Battery

Table 86: Battery Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Border Color See Border Color.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the element.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Battery element has no Metasys bindings.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 197

This element represents a circuit breaker in an electrical drawing.
Figure 213: Breaker

Table 87: Breaker Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Border Color See Border Color.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

Table 88: Breaker Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Breaker Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a breaker status.

The Breaker element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Status binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Closed - the bent arm touches the X.
- Open - the bent arm does not touch the X.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 198

Breaker Earth Leakage
This element represents an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) in an electrical drawing.
Figure 214: Breaker Earth Leakage

Table 89: Breaker Earth Leakage Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Border Color Sets the color of the line that surrounds the element and the wires leading
into and out of the element.
Show Border Shows or hides the line surrounding the circular portion of the element.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the element.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Breaker Earth Leakage element has no Metasys bindings.

The Breaker Earth Leakage element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 199

Connector (Small)
This element represents cabling and the distribution of electricity.
Figure 215: Connector (Small)

Table 90: Connector (Small) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the element, either horizontal or vertical.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Connector (Small) element has no Metasys bindings.

The Connector (Small) element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 200

This element represents a single contact or single-pole switch for motor control.
Figure 216: Contactor

Table 91: Contactor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Border Color See Border Color.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

Table 92: Contactor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Contactor Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a contactor status.

The Contactor element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Status binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Closed - the bent arm touches the half circle.
- Open - the bent arm does not touch the half circle.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 201

This element represents a disconnect switch.
Figure 217: Disconnect

Table 93: Disconnect Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Border Color See Border Color.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the element.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

Table 94: Disconnect Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Disconnect Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a disconnect status.

The Disconnect element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Status binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Closed - the bent arm touches the inverted T.
- Open - the bent arm does not touch the inverted T.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 202

Flag Alarm Indicator
This element represents a flag alarm indicator, which is used to indicate that there is a problem with a piece of
equipment at a client site.
Figure 218: Flag Alarm Indicator

Table 95: Flag Alarm Indicator Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Label Allows you to manually enter label text for the flag alarm indicator.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 96: Flag Alarm Indicator Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flag Alarm Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents any Metasys item.

The Flag Alarm Indicator element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Show - the flag alarm indicator appears.
- Hide - the flag alarm indicator does not appear.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 203

Flag Alarm Supply
This element represents a flag alarm supply, which is used to indicate that there is an issue with the electrical
distribution at a client site.
Figure 219: Flag Alarm Supply

Table 97: Flag Alarm Supply Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 98: Flag Alarm Supply Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flag Alarm Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents any Metasys item.

The Flag Alarm Supply element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Show - the flag alarm supply appears.
- Hide - the flag alarm supply does not appear.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 204

This element represents a fuse in an electrical drawing.
Figure 220: Fuse

Table 99: Fuse Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Border Color See Border Color.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

Table 100: Fuse Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Fuse Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a fuse status.

The Fuse element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Status binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Closed - the line inside the element is unbroken.
- Open - the line inside the element is broken.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 205

This element represents a generator in its three variations - electrical, diesel, or gas turbine.
Figure 221: Generator - Electrical

Figure 222: Generator - Diesel

Figure 223: Generator - Gas Turbine

Table 101: Generator Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Border Color See Border Color.
Circle Background Color Sets the background color of the circular portion of this element.
Generator Type Sets the type of generator to display. Available values are electrical,
diesel, or gas turbine.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width Sets the length of the wires leading into and out of the element. The
width of the geometric shapes that comprise the element do not change.

Table 102: Generator Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Generator Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a generator status.

The Generator element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the circular portion of the element is static; it does not change to reflect the status of
the bound item.
• The background color of the non-circular portion of the element is set based on the status of the Status binding,
along with the corresponding status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The text color inside the non-circular portion of the element changes to either black or white, according to the
background color, to ensure that it is always visible.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 206

Generator Fuel System
This element represents a generator fuel system.
Figure 224: Generator Fuel System

Table 103: Generator Fuel System Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 104: Generator Fuel System Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pump Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a generator fuel system status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the impellers.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pump Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Fuel Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the fuel tank.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Fuel Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 207

The Generator Fuel System element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the impellers do not spin.
- On - the impellers spin.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Fuel Primary binding group is:
- Empty - the fuel tank appears completely empty.
- 10% Full - the fuel tank appears 10% full.
- 20% Full - the fuel tank appears 20% full.
- 30% Full - the fuel tank appears 30% full.
- 40% Full - the fuel tank appears 40% full.
- 50% Full - the fuel tank appears 50% full.
- 60% Full - the fuel tank appears 60% full.
- 70% Full - the fuel tank appears 70% full.
- 80% Full - the fuel tank appears 80% full.
- 90% Full - the fuel tank appears 90% full.
- 100% Full - the fuel tank appears 100% full.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 208

Lamp Alarm Indicator
This element represents a lamp alarm indicator, which is another method of indicating an alarm.
Figure 225: Lamp Alarm Indicator

Table 105: Lamp Alarm Indicator Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Label Allows you to manually enter label text for the lamp alarm indicator.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 106: Lamp Alarm Indicator Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Lamp Alarm Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a lamp alarm indicator status.

The Lamp Alarm Indicator element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Lit - the lamp alarm appears illuminated.
- Unlit - the lamp alarm appears dimmed.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 209

This element represents a rectifier in an electrical drawing.
Figure 226: Rectifier

Table 107: Rectifier Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Border Color See Border Color.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Rectifier element has no Metasys bindings.

The Rectifier element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 210

This element represents a switch in an electrical drawing.
Figure 227: Switch

Table 108: Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Border Color See Border Color.
Show Wires This property lets you toggle whether to display wires as part of the element.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

Table 109: Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Switch Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a switch status.

The Switch element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Status binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Closed - the bent arm touches the black circle.
- Open - the bent arm does not touch the black circle.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 211

This element represents a transformer in an electrical drawing.
Figure 228: Transformer - Vertical Orientation

Figure 229: Transformer - Horizontal Orientation

Table 110: Transformer Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the element, either horizontal or vertical.
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Border Color See Border Color.
Glyph One Sets one of six possible glyphs that can appear in the first (top or left)
• 3ph delta 1
• 3ph star
• 3ph T
• 3ph 3 wire
• Single Line
• Triple Line
Glyph Two Sets one of six possible glyphs that can appear in the second (bottom or
right) circle:
• 3ph delta 1
• 3ph star
• 3ph T
• 3ph 3 wire
• Single Line
• Triple Line
Show Wires This property lets toggle whether to display wires as part of the element.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Transformer element has no Metasys bindings.

The Transformer element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 212

This element represents an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
Figure 230: UPS

Table 111: UPS Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Background Color See Background Color.
Border Color See Border Color.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The UPS element has no Metasys bindings.

The UPS element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 213

This Library category includes the following elements:
• Annunciator
• Beam Detector
• Combo Detector
• Duct Detector
• Fire Detector
• Fire Panel
• Flow Pressure
• Flow Switch
• General Alarm
• General Contact
• Heat Detector
• Pull Station
• Smoke Detector
• Speaker
• Speaker with Strobe
• Strobe
• Tamper Switch
Common Properties for Fire Elements
In addition to displaying user-configurable properties shared by elements in other categories, all elements in the
Fire category display an additional property. Table 112 describes this additional property.
Table 112: Common Properties for Fire Elements
Property Name Description
Shape Sets the background shape of an element to either a circle, square, or triangle.

Common Bindings for Fire Elements

Table 113 describes how the Value binding functions for elements in the Fire category.
Table 113: Common Bindings for Fire Elements
Binding Name Description
Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an attribute for display when you
place your cursor over the element.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 214

This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents an annunciator.
Figure 231: Annunciator

Table 114: Annunciator Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 115: Annunciator Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Annunciator Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Annunciator element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 215

Beam Detector
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a beam detector.
Figure 232: Beam Detector

Table 116: Beam Detector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 117: Beam Detector Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Beam Detector Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Beam Detector element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 216

Combo Detector
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a combo detector, which detects both smoke and
carbon monoxide (CO) gas in the air.
Figure 233: Combo Detector

Table 118: Combo Detector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 119: Combo Detector Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Combo Detector Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Combo Detector element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 217

Duct Detector
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a duct detector, which detects smoke in an air duct
system, thereby helping to prevent the spread of smoke and fire through the air duct system.
Figure 234: Duct Detector

Table 120: Duct Detector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 121: Duct Detector Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Duct Detector Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Duct Detector element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 218

Fire Detector
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a fire detector, which detects fires and explosions.
Figure 235: Fire Detector

Table 122: Fire Detector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 123: Fire Detector Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Fire Detector Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Fire Detector element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 219

Fire Panel
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a fire panel, which acts as the controlling component
of a fire alarm system.
Figure 236: Fire Panel

Table 124: Fire Panel Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 125: Fire Panel Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Fire Panel Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Fire Panel element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 220

Flow Pressure
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a flow pressure device, which acts as the sensing
element in a flow meter, or flow logger, to record the rate of fluid flow.
Figure 237: Flow Pressure

Table 126: Flow Pressure Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 127: Flow Pressure Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Pressure Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Flow Pressure element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 221

Flow Switch
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a flow switch, which monitors flow (for example, air,
steam, or liquid) and sends a trip signal to another device, such as a pump or cooling circuit, to protect the device.
Figure 238: Flow Switch

Table 128: Flow Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 129: Flow Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Switch Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Flow Switch element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 222

General Alarm
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a general alarm.
Figure 239: General Alarm

Table 130: General Alarm Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 131: General Alarm Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
General Alarm Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The General Alarm element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 223

General Contact
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a general contact.
Figure 240: General Contact

Table 132: General Contact Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 133: General Contact Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
General Contact Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The General Contact element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 224

Heat Detector
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a heat detector, which responds to changes in
ambient temperature by triggering an alarm signal.
Figure 241: Heat Detector

Table 134: Heat Detector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 135: Heat Detector Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Heat Detector Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Heat Detector element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 225

Pull Station
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a pull station, which is a wall-mounted device that
allows an alarm to be manually set off by anyone.
Figure 242: Pull Station

Table 136: Pull Station Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 137: Pull Station Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pull Station Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Pull Station element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 226

Smoke Detector
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a smoke detector, which detects smoke, typically
as an indicator of fire.
Figure 243: Smoke Detector

Table 138: Smoke Detector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 139: Smoke Detector Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Smoke Detector Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Smoke Detector element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 227

This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a speaker, which broadcasts instructions during an
Figure 244: Speaker

Table 140: Speaker Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 141: Speaker Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Speaker Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Speaker element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 228

Speaker with Strobe
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a speaker with strobe, which broadcasts instructions
and flashes during an emergency.
Figure 245: Speaker with Strobe

Table 142: Speaker with Strobe Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 143: Speaker with Strobe Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Speaker Strobe Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Speaker with Strobe element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 229

This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a strobe, which flashes during an emergency.
Figure 246: Strobe

Table 144: Strobe Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 145: Strobe Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Strobe Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Strobe element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 230

Tamper Switch
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a tamper switch, which mounts to AFD and LFD
Series water flow devices to monitor removal of the cover.
Figure 247: Tamper Switch

Table 146: Tamper Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 147: Tamper Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Tamper Switch Value See Value (as defined for Fire elements).

The Tamper Switch element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The foreground color of the element is always visible (for example, if the background color is black, then the
foreground color of the element is white).
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 231

Floor Plan
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Air Handler
• Boiler
• Building
• Chiller
• Cooling Tower
• Diffuser - Round
• Diffuser - Square
• Fire Damper
• Floor
• Floor Group
• Heat Exchanger
• H-Stat
• Pump
• Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms)
• Room Status
• Status Summary
• VAV - Dual Duct
• VAV - Single Duct
• Wall Fan

Graphic Generation Tool Help 232

Common Properties for Floor Plan Elements
The equipment elements within this category are designed to work together and be displayed on a Floor element.
These elements share the same fixed perspective as the Floor.
Table 148 lists user-configurable properties that are common to many elements in the Floor Plan category.
Table 148: Common Properties for Floor Plan Elements
Property Name Description
Angle Sets the rotation angle of an element. Available values are:
• 0 degrees
• 90 degrees
• 180 degrees
• 270 degrees
Note: The rotation angle of some elements can only be set to 0 or 90 degrees. In this case, the
drop-down menu contains only the values of 0 and 90.
Fill Sets the fill color of the element.
Stroke Color Sets the border color for the element.
Stroke Thickness Sets the thickness of the border for the element.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 233

Common Bindings for Floor Plan Elements
Table 149 lists Metasys bindings that are common to several elements in the Floor Plan category.
Table 149: Common Bindings for Floor Plan Elements
Binding Name Description
Label Specifies the name or description of a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) to display
as the label of the element. The text [Runtime Binding] appears if the label is configured from the
Metasys binding.
Item List Represents the list of items that contribute to a Metasys item status rollup. For information about
the Status Summary, see Status Summary.
Navigate To Allows you to set the Metasys item reference (optionally including an alias string), URL, or application
to navigate to at runtime. For more details, see Navigation.
Note: Navigating to an application is only supported within the Site Management Portal (SMP) UI
or SCT UI.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 234

Air Handler
This element represents an air handler, which conditions and circulates air as part of a HVAC system. This device
is also known as an Air Handling Unit (AHU).
Figure 248: Air Handler

Table 150: Air Handler Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 151: Air Handler Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Air Handler Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an air handler status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the air handler.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Air Handler Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an air handler command.

The Air Handler element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the fans on the top of the unit do not spin.
- On - the fans on the top of the unit spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 235

This element represents a boiler, which heats water for the purpose of providing heat to a facility.
Figure 249: Boiler

Table 152: Boiler Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 153: Boiler Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Boiler Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a boiler status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the boiler. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Boiler Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a boiler command.

The Boiler element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the boiler’s flame is not visible.
- On - the boiler’s flame is visible and animated.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 236

This element represents a building within a site or campus. You can customize the shape of the building within the
GGT in the same manner as an art canvas is customized to draw a complex shape. The Building element can depict
an elevation view of a building, an image of the building, or it can simply represent a location of a building when
placed on an image of a map. This element also provides an attached status summary to display summarized status
data for the building.

Figure 250: Building

Table 154: Building Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Fill See Fill.
Opacity See Opacity.
Stroke Color See Stroke Color.
Stroke Thickness See Stroke Thickness.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Width See Width.
Height See Height.

Table 155: Building Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
General Label See Label.
Item List See Item List.
Navigate To See Navigate To.

The Building element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the Item List is bound to one or more Metasys items, the attached Status Summary displays all of its
functionality. For information about Status Summary functionality, see Status Summary.
• If you configure a building to navigate to a Metasys item, and you do not have View permission for that item, the
element is inactive. In all other cases, the entire geometry operates as a navigation hotspot. When you click the
element, the graphic viewer navigates to the Metasys item, URL, or application.
• The Ready Access Portal does not support navigation to an application.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 237

This element represents a chiller, which removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration
Figure 251: Chiller

Table 156: Chiller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 157: Chiller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Chiller Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the chiller.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Chiller Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller command.

The Chiller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the chiller’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the chiller’s water pipes and pumps are visible.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 238

Cooling Tower
This element represents a cooling tower, which removes heat from a building space by transferring process waste
heat to the atmosphere.
Figure 252: Cooling Tower

Table 158: Cooling Tower Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 159: Cooling Tower Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Cooling Tower Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a cooling tower status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the cooling
tower. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Cooling Tower Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an air handler command.
Fan Speed Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Fan Speed Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Cooling Tower element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the tower’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the tower’s internal components are visible.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 239

Diffuser - Round
This element represents a round diffuser, which functions as part of a room air distribution subsystem.
Figure 253: Diffuser - Round

Table 160: Diffuser - Round Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Diffuser - Round element has no Metasys bindings.

The Diffuser - Round element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 240

Diffuser - Square
This element represents a square diffuser, which functions as part of a room air distribution subsystem.
Figure 254: Diffuser - Square

Table 161: Diffuser - Square Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Diffuser - Round element has no Metasys bindings.

The Diffuser - Square element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 241

Fire Damper
This element represents a fire damper, which closes during the threat of a fire and keeps burning debris from passing
through it into another area of a building. It also limits the amount of fresh air that can feed an existing fire.
Figure 255: Fire Damper

Table 162: Fire Damper Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 163: Fire Damper Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Fire Damper Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a fire damper status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the fire damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Fire Damper Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a fire damper command.

The Fire Damper element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Open - the blades appear open.
- Closed - the blades appear closed.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 242

This element represents a floor. The element provides the user interface for displaying the background image,
exterior walls, interior walls, and room statuses that make up a single floor (for information on how to customize a
Floor element, see Floor Plan Creation. This element also provides an attached status summary element to provide
summarized status data for the floor.
Figure 256: Floor

Table 164: Floor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Background Opacity Sets the opacity percentage of the background image.
Clip Background Sets the background clipping, either on or off.
Note: This property only takes effect if the Exterior Wall layer contains
one or more closed shapes (for example, a rectangle). The
closed shapes provide the clipping bounds. Everything outside
of the closed shapes is clipped when this property is on.
Show Background Shows or hides the background image.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Width See Width.
Height See Height.

Table 165: Floor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
General Label See Label.
Item List See Item List.
Navigate To See Navigate To.

The Floor element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the attached Status Summary is bound to one or more Metasys items, the Status Summary displays all
of its functionality. For information about Status Summary functionality, see Status Summary.
• When the Floor element contains one or more Room Status elements, each Room Status displays all of its
functionality. For information about Room Status functionality, see Room Status.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 243

Floor Group
This element represents a floor group within a site or campus. You can customize this shape within the GGT in the
same manner as an art canvas is customized to draw a complex shape. You can use the Floor Group element to
summarize the data for a single floor or a grouping of floors. This element also provides an attached status summary
to display summarized status data for the group of floors.
Figure 257: Floor Group

Table 166: Floor Group Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Fill See Fill.
Opacity See Opacity.
Stroke Color See Stroke Color.
Stroke Thickness See Stroke Thickness.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Width See Width.
Height See Height.

Table 167: Floor Group Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
General Label See Label.
Item List See Item List.
Navigate To See Navigate To.

The Floor Group element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Status Summary displays all of its functionality. For
information about Status Summary functionality, see Status Summary.
• If you configure a floor group to navigate to a Metasys item, and you do not have View permission for that item,
the element is inactive. In all other cases, the entire geometry operates as a navigation hotspot. When you click
the element, the graphic viewer navigates to the Metasys item, URL, or application.
• The Ready Access Portal does not support navigation to an application.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 244

Heat Exchanger
This element represents a heat exchanger, which consists of multiple, thin, slightly separated plates that have large
surface areas and fluid flow passages that are used for heat transfer.
Figure 258: Heat Exchanger

Table 168: Heat Exchanger Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 169: Heat Exchanger Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Input Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the heat
exchanger. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Input Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Output Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the heat
exchanger. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Output Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Heat Exchanger element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within both the Input Primary and Output Primary binding groups is:
- Off - there is no hot and cold air flowing into and out of the exchanger.
- On - hot (red) and cold (blue) air flows into and out of the exchanger.
Note: The value for both of these bindings needs to be On for the animation to run.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 245

This element represents an h-stat device, which regulates the temperature of a system so that the system’s
temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature.
Figure 259: H-Stat

Table 170: H-Stat Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 171: H-Stat Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
H-Stat Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
H-Stat Secondary Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an h-stat setpoint.

The H-Stat element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 246

This element represents a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV), which reduces pressure in water supply mains.
Figure 260: PRV

Table 172: PRV Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The PRV element has no Metasys bindings.

The PRV element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 247

This element represents a water pump, which pumps large volumes of water to and from large pieces of equipment,
such as chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, and cooling towers.
Figure 261: Pump

Table 173: Pump Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Appearance Direction Sets the direction that the impeller spins, either clockwise or
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 174: Pump Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pump Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a pump status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the pump. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pump Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a pump command.
Variable Frequency Drive Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Drive Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Pump element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes displays all of their
functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The impellers spin in the direction configured in the Direction property.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the impellers do not spin.
- On - the impellers spin.
Graphic Generation Tool Help 248
Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms)
This element displays general room information (such as zone temperature, alarm limits, and setpoints) for the
currently selected Room Status element in the graphic. This Room Control Module is different from (and not
interchangeable with) the Room Control Module found under the Terminal Units section in that its values dynamically
update based on the selected room within a floor. Each graphic can contain only one Room Control Module.
Figure 262: Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms)

Table 175: Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Is Collapsed Sets the initial state of the Room Control Module when displayed at
runtime, either collapsed or expanded.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Text Key Data 1 Label Allows you to manually enter label text for up to five key data items for
the Room Control Module. For information about key data item
Key Data 2 Label
functionality, see Key Data Item.
Key Data 3 Label
Note: The Room Control Module element has both Label properties
Key Data 4 Label and Label bindings. In each instance, if you specify a Label
binding and that binding resolves successfully at runtime, then
Key Data 5 Label that Label binding is displayed. Otherwise, your manually
entered label is displayed.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 249

Table 176: Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms) Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
Key Data 1 Value Specifies a Metasys reference and an attribute that represents the value
of any piece of information pertaining to a room (for example,
Key Data 2
Key Data 3 Note: When using a Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms), the
bindings that populate the Value field are considered search
Key Data 4 strings and the wildcard is not used as an alias. The wildcard
Key Data 5 denotes that at run time, a global search determines the item
assigned to that Value in the Room Control Module (Multiple
Rooms) element. The global search determines the item after
identifying the parent field device in which the selected room's
bound object is located. The global search returns only one item.
For more information on global searches, refer to the Global
Search section in the Metasys System Help (LIT-12011793).
Label See Label.

The Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms) element has the following runtime characteristics:
• It displays up to five Key Data Items for a room when you select that room’s Room Status element. For information
about the runtime characteristics of the key data items within the Room Control Module, see Key Data Item.
• It can be collapsed or expanded, but it cannot be resized.
• It can be moved to another location on the graphic.
• It displays the measurement units (for example, degrees Fahrenheit) for all displayed values.
• It contains a semicircular gauge that displays the following information for the selected Room Status (if configured
and available): high and low alarm limits, cooling setpoint, heating setpoint, high and low warning limits, and
common setpoint.
• It contains an LCD that displays the current value for the object bound in the selected Room Status element.
Right-click the LCD to open the User Actions Panel for the Metasys item.
• When you place your cursor over one of the components of the Room Control Module, a tooltip displays the
information for that component.
• It displays a User Actions Panel (with a right-click) when displayed within the Site Management Portal, SCT, or
the Ready Access Portal. See User Actions Panel. On the Ready Access Portal, the types of objects you can
navigate to are limited. In addition, when an Inline Command Box is bound to a schedule option, the User Actions
Panel provides an Add a Temporary Override option.
• It displays a navigation icon (a right-pointing arrow in the lower-right corner of the module) when the selected
Room Status element is configured with a navigation binding. Clicking that navigation icon takes you to the
Metasys item, URL, or application that was configured for that Room Status. The Ready Access Portal does not
support navigation to an application.
• It displays a warning icon with a message if the specified alarm is not configured or could not be found. The
messages are:
- Alarm limits are unavailable. No Alarm information is configured.
- Alarm limits are unavailable. Configured item could not be located. <alarm object
• It displays a warning icon with a message if the Metasys item has misconfigured alarms or alarm limits. For
example: Alarm extension is not configured correctly. The High Warning limit is
greater than or equal to the High Alarm limit.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 250

Room Status
This element uses color to represent the current status of a zone/room of a floor plan governed by a sensor (for
example, temperature, humidity, lighting). You can customize the shape of the room within the GGT in the same
manner as an art canvas is customized to draw a complex shape.
Figure 263: Room Status

Table 177: Room Status Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Stroke Color See Stroke Color.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Width See Width.
Text Label Allows you to manually enter label text for the room status.
Note: The Room Status element has both a Label property and a Label
binding. If you specify a Label binding and that binding resolves
successfully at runtime, then that Label binding text is displayed.
Otherwise, your manually entered label text is displayed.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 251

Table 178: Room Status Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
Room Information Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and
an attribute that represents the value of any piece of information
pertaining to a room (for example, temperature).
Label Specifies a Metasys item’s name or description for the label.
Alarm Specifies a Metasys alarm extension name (for example, Alarm -
Present Value) or a fully qualified reference.
Note: If you specify only the name of the alarm, then the runtime
software searches the object represented by the Value
binding, looking for the first alarm object with a matching
name. The Room Control Module displays alarm limit
information using this alarm binding.
General Navigate To See Navigate To.

The Room Status element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The polygon portion of the room status is presented as configured (for example, shape, scale, position); however,
the background fill and the border colors are determined by the status color (as defined within the system
preferences for the Site) that corresponds to the status of the object represented by the primary value binding.
• If status information is not available (for example, the item no longer exists or the Room Status element appears
in the SCT), the fill color represents the Value Inaccessible system preference color.
• When you place your cursor over the polygon portion of the room status, the polygon’s color brightens to reflect
the actual status color, and a tooltip displays the current status of the primary bound object.
• If a Room Status element resides on a graphic with a Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms):
- Clicking the Room Status element selects that element and populates the Room Control Module.
- Clicking the selected Room Status element again navigates you to the Metasys item, URL, or application
you configured for the Room Status navigation binding.
• If there is no Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms) on the floor plan graphic, clicking the Room Status element
navigates you to the Metasys item, URL, or application you configured for the Room Status navigation binding.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 252

Status Summary
This element represents a status summary. The element provides the user interface for summarizing alarm, warning,
and offline statuses for a list of Metasys item references.
Figure 264: Status Summary

Figure 265: Status Summary with Value Inaccessible Panel

Table 179: Status Summary Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the element, either horizontal or vertical.
Appearance Line Color Sets the color of the connector line.
Show Line Shows or hides the connector line.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Text Font Sets the font for the label text.
Font Size Sets the font size for the label text.
Label Allows you to manually enter label text for the status summary indicator.
Note: The Status Summary element has both a Label property and a
Label binding. If you specify a Label binding and that binding
resolves successfully at runtime, then that Label binding appears
in this field. Otherwise, your manually entered label appears in
this field.

Table 180: Status Summary Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
General Label See Label.
Item List Provides a list of references whose statuses contribute to the counts
displayed in this element.
Note: You can display a maximum of 50 items per Status Summary.
Navigate To See Navigate To.

The Status Summary element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element counts and displays the number of items with an Alarm, Warning, or Offline status.
• When you place your cursor over one of the statuses, a tooltip shows the number of items with an Alarm (includes
items with an Alarm and Unreliable Alarm status), Warning, or Offline status.
• If the status of any of the bound Metasys items could not be retrieved, the element displays a Value Inaccessible
panel beneath the statuses (Figure 265).
• If you configure a status summary with a Navigation binding, and you do not have View permission for that item,
the element is inactive. In all other cases, the entire element operates as a navigation hotspot. When you click
the element, the graphic viewer navigates to the Metasys item, URL, or application.
• The Ready Access Portal does not support navigation to an application.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 253

VAV - Dual Duct
This element represents a variable air volume device with a dual-duct assembly.
Figure 266: VAV - Dual Duct

Table 181: VAV - Dual Duct Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The VAV - Dual Duct element has no Metasys bindings.

The VAV - Dual Duct element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 254

VAV - Single Duct
This element represents a variable air volume device with a single-duct assembly.
Figure 267: VAV - Single Duct

Table 182: VAV - Single Duct Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The VAV - Single Duct element has no Metasys bindings.

The VAV - Single Duct element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 255

Wall Fan
This element represents a simple wall fan.
Figure 268: Wall Fan

Table 183: Wall Fan Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Angle See Angle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 184: Wall Fan Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Wall Fan Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a wall fan status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the fan blades.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Wall Fan Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a wall fan command.

The Wall Fan element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the fan blades do not spin.
- On - the fan blades spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 256

HVAC Air Coils
This Library category includes the following elements:
• DX Coil
• Electric Coil
• Gas Coil
• Heating-Cooling Coil
• Integral Face and Bypass Coil
• Steam Humidifier
• Water Coil

Graphic Generation Tool Help 257

DX Coil
This element represents a DX coil, which functions exclusively for cooling air. A DX coil contains up to eight stages.
Each stage is a separate Metasys object and therefore has its own set of bindings.
Figure 269: DX Coil

Table 185: DX Coil Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Stages Sets the number of stages that can appear inside the coil. Available
values are from one to eight.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 186: DX Coil Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
DX Stage 1 Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute to be used as part of the element’s animation.
DX Stage 2
Note: These bindings contribute to the runtime animation of the DX coil.
DX Stage 3
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
DX Stage 4 dialog box. See .

DX Stage 5
DX Stage 6
DX Stage 7
DX Stage 8

The DX Coil element has the following runtime characteristics:

For each of the eight DX stages, when the value of the Value binding is:
• Off - the cooling coil appears brown.
• On - the cooling coil appears blue.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 258

Gas Coil
This element represents a gas coil, which functions exclusively for gas air.
Figure 270: Gas Coil

Table 187: Gas Coil Properties

Category Property Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 188: Gas Coil Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Gas Coil Primary Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either
aliased or fully qualified) and an attribute
to be used as part of the element’s
Note: These bindings contribute to the
runtime animation of the gas coil.
You can configure this animation
using the Additional Information
dialog box. See Additional
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box
- Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box
- Primary Binding Group).
Gas Coil Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box
- Secondary Binding Group).

The Gas Coil has the following runtime characteristics:

• Off - the heating coil appears dark gray.
• On - the heating coil appears red/orange.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 259

Electric Coil
This element represents an electric coil, which functions exclusively for heating air. An electric coil contains up to
eight heating coils. Each heating coil is a separate Metasys object and therefore has its own set of bindings.
Figure 271: Electric Coil

Table 189: Electric Coil Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Number of Elements Sets the number of heating elements that can appear inside the coil.
Available values are from one to eight.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 190: Electric Coil Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Electric Heating Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute to be used as part of the element’s animation.
Coil 1
Note: These bindings contribute to the runtime animation of the electric
Electric Heating
coil. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Coil 2 Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Electric Heating
Coil 3
Electric Heating
Coil 4
Electric Heating
Coil 5
Electric Heating
Coil 6
Electric Heating
Coil 7
Electric Heating
Coil 8

The Electric Coil element has the following runtime characteristics:

For each of the eight electric heating coils, when the value of the Value binding is:
• Off - the heating coil appears dark gray.
• On - the heating coil appears red/orange.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 260

Heating-Cooling Coil
This element represents a heating or cooling coil, which is used for heating or cooling air.
Figure 272: Heating-Cooling Coil

Table 191: Heating-Cooling Coil Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 192: Heating-Cooling Coil Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Heating-Cooling Coil Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
• This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the coil. You can
configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog box.
See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Heating-Cooling Coil Mode Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents the heat or cool mode of the coil.
• This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the coil. You can
configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog box.
See .

The Heating-Cooling Coil element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the current value of the Value binding within the Heating-Cooling Coil Primary group is:
- Closed - none of the coils are animated.
- 20% Open - coils animate and one quarter of the coil box is colored.
- 50% Open - coils animate and one half of the coil box is colored.
- 70% Open - coils animate and three quarters of the coil box is colored.
- 100% Open - coils animate and the entire coil box is colored.
• The Mode binding within the Heating-Cooling Coil Secondary group supports two animations: summer and winter.
If the coil is used for heating in the winter, the animated color inside the coil assembly is red. If the coil is used
for cooling in the summer, the animated color inside the coil assembly is light blue.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 261

Integral Face and Bypass Coil
This element represents an integral face and bypass coil, which alternates heating and bypass channels with
face-and-bypass dampers before and after the coil.
Figure 273: Integral Face and Bypass Coil

Table 193: Integral Face and Bypass Coil Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Coil Mode Sets the type of coil being used, either heating or cooling.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 194: Integral Face and Bypass Coil Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Face and Bypass Coil Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
• This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the coil. You can
configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog box.
See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Face and Bypass Coil Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Face and Bypass Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Damper Primary
• This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Face and Bypass Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Damper Secondary

The Integral Face and Bypass Coil element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Face and Bypass Coil Primary binding group is:
- Closed - none of the four pipes is animated.
- 25% Open - one of the four pipes is animated.
- 50% Open - two of the four pipes are animated.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 262

- 75% Open - three of the four pipes are animated.
- 100% Open - all four pipes are animated.
• If the coil is used for heating, the animated pipes appear in red, while the non-animated pipes appear in brown.
• If the coil is used for cooling, the animated pipes appear in blue, while the non-animated pipes appear in brown.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Face and Bypass Damper Primary binding group is:
- 0% Face - the blades appear closed.
- 25% Face - the blades are one quarter open.
- 50% Face - the blades are half open.
- 75% Face - the blades are three quarters open.
- 100% Face - the blades are fully open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 263

Steam Humidifier
This element represents a steam humidifier, which functions as part of a duct system by pumping steam into the air
passing inside an air duct.
Figure 274: Steam Humidifier

Table 195: Steam Humidifier Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 196: Steam Humidifier Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Steam Humidifier Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the steam
humidifier. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Steam Humidifier Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Steam Humidifier element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Steam Humidifier Primary binding group is:
- Off - there is no steam coming from the unit.
- 25% - there is some steam coming from the unit; it is largely transparent but still visible.
- 50% - additional steam is added to the animation; it is visibly thicker than the previous level.
- 75% - additional steam is added to the animation; it is visibly thicker than the previous level.
- 100% - the maximum amount of steam is coming from the unit.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 264

Water Coil
This element represents a water coil, which is used for heating or cooling air.
Figure 275: Water Coil

Table 197: Water Coil Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Coil Mode Sets the type of water that is passing through the coil, either heating or
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 198: Water Coil Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Water Coil Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the water coil.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Water Coil Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Water Coil element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Water Coil Primary binding group is:
- Closed - none of the ten pipes is animated.
- 10% Open - one of the ten pipes is animated.
- 20% Open - two of the ten pipes are animated.
- 30% Open - three of the ten pipes are animated.
- 40% Open - four of the ten pipes are animated.
- 50% Open - five of the ten pipes are animated.
- 60% Open - six of the ten pipes are animated.
- 70% Open - seven of the ten pipes are animated.
- 80% Open - eight of the ten pipes are animated.
- 90% Open - nine of the ten pipes are animated.
- 100% Open - all ten pipes are animated.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 265

• If the coil is used for heating, the animated pipes inside the coil appear in bright red, while the non-animated
pipes appear in dark red.
• If the coil is used for cooling, the animated pipes inside the coil appear in bright blue, while the non-animated
pipes appear in dark blue.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 266

HVAC Air Sensors
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Air Velocity
• Differential Pressure Sensor
• Differential Pressure Switch
• Duct CO2
• Duct Dew Point
• Duct Gas
• Duct Smoke Detector
• Duct Temperature and Humidity
• Duct Temperature Sensor
• Flow Meter
• Flow Switch
• Humidity Sensor
• Network Sensor
• Outside Air Temperature with Humidity
• Outside Air Temperature with Shield
• Outside Air Temperature with Shield II
• Rain Gauge Sensor
• Rain Signal
• Room CO2
• Room Pressure
• RS9100 Thermostat
• T4000 Thermostat
• TC9100 Thermostat
• TE6700 Thermostat
• Temperature Low Limit Sensor with Manual Reset
• TMZ Thermostat
• Weather Station
• Wind Direction
• Wind Gauge

Graphic Generation Tool Help 267

Air Velocity
This element represents an air velocity sensor, which measures the speed of the air inside an air duct.
Figure 276: Air Velocity

Table 199: Air Velocity Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 200: Air Velocity Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Air Velocity Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Air Velocity Secondary Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an air velocity setpoint.

The Air Velocity element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 268

Differential Pressure Sensor
This element represents a differential pressure sensor, which measures air pressure at two locations and compares
the two values.
Figure 277: Differential Pressure Sensor

Table 201: Differential Pressure Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Sensor Type Sets the type of sensor that is being used - high, low, or differential.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 202: Differential Pressure Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Differential Pressure Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Differential Pressure Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a differential pressure sensor setpoint.

The Differential Pressure Sensor element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a
Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced
Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 269

Differential Pressure Switch
This element represents a differential pressure switch, which measures the air pressure inside an air duct and
compares it to the air pressure outside the air duct.
Figure 278: Differential Pressure Switch

Table 203: Differential Pressure Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 204: Differential Pressure Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
DP Switch Primary Pressure See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
DP Switch Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Differential Pressure Switch element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a
Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced
Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 270

Duct CO2
This element represents a duct CO2 sensor, which monitors the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in an air duct.

Figure 279: Duct CO2

Table 205: Duct CO2 Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 206: Duct CO2 Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Duct CO2 Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Duct CO2 Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Duct CO2 element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 271

Duct Dew Point
This element represents a duct dew point sensor, which measures the dew point inside an air duct.
Figure 280: Duct Dew Point

Table 207: Duct Dew Point Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 208: Duct Dew Point Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Duct Dew Point Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Duct Dew Point Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Duct Dew Point element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 272

Duct Gas
This element represents a duct gas sensor, which measures the amount of gas, such as carbon monoxide, that is
inside an air duct.
Figure 281: Duct Gas

Table 209: Duct Gas Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 210: Duct Gas Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Duct Gas Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Duct Gas Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Duct Gas element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 273

Duct Smoke Detector
This element represents a duct smoke detector, which detects smoke inside an air duct.
Figure 282: Duct Smoke Detector

Table 211: Duct Smoke Detector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 212: Duct Smoke Detector Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Smoke Detector Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Smoke Detector Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Duct Smoke Detector element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 274

Duct Temperature and Humidity
This element represents a duct temperature and humidity sensor, which measures both the air temperature and
humidity of the air passing through an air duct.
Figure 283: Duct Temperature and Humidity

Table 213: Duct Temperature and Humidity Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 214: Duct Temperature and Humidity Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a duct temperature setpoint.
Humidity Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Humidity Secondary Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a duct humidity setpoint.

The Duct Temperature and Humidity element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound
to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced
Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 275

Duct Temperature Sensor
This element (depicted in its two available configurations) represents a duct temperature sensor, which measures
the air temperature inside an air duct.
Figure 284: Duct Temperature Sensor - Averaging

Figure 285: Duct Temperature Sensor - Bulb

Table 215: Duct Temperature Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Sensor Type Sets the type of sensor that is being used, either bulb or averaging.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 216: Duct Temperature Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a duct temperature setpoint.

The Duct Temperature Sensor element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a
Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced
Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 276

Flow Meter
This element represents a flow meter, which measures the speed of air flowing through a duct in a defined time
segment. This meter is also known as an air consumption meter.
Figure 286: Flow Meter

Table 217: Flow Meter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 218: Flow Meter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Meter Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Meter Secondary Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a flow setpoint.

The Flow Meter element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 277

Flow Switch
This element represents a flow switch, which measures the flow of air in a duct.
Figure 287: Flow Switch

Table 219: Flow Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 220: Flow Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Switch Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a flow switch status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Switch Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a flow switch command.

The Flow Switch element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 278

Humidity Sensor
This element represents a humidity sensor, which monitors the humidity of air passing through an air duct.
Figure 288: Humidity Sensor

Table 221: Humidity Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 222: Humidity Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Humidity Sensor Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Humidity Sensor Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a humidity setpoint.

The Humidity Sensor element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 279

Network Sensor
This element represents a network sensor, which monitors the air temperature of a monitored space. Three display
types and two shapes are available.
Figure 289: Network Sensor

Table 223: Network Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Display Selects the sensor’s display type, either Basic, Dial, or LCD and Dial.
Shape Selects the sensor’s shape, either Square or Rectangle.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 224: Network Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a temperature setpoint.

The Network Sensor element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 280

Outside Air Temperature with Humidity
This element represents an outside air temperature and humidity sensor, which measures both outside temperature
(using a thermistor) and outside humidity (using a humidity transducer).
Figure 290: Outside Air Temperature with Humidity

Table 225: Outside Air Temperature with Humidity Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 226: Outside Air Temperature with Humidity Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Outdoor Air Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Primary
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Outdoor Air Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Outdoor Air Humidity Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Outdoor Air Humidity Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Outside Air Temperature with Humidity element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is
bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality. For information about
Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 281

Outside Air Temperature with Shield
This element represents an outside air temperature sensor with a shield, which measures outside temperature (using
a thermistor).
Figure 291: Outside Air Temperature with Shield

Table 227: Outside Air Temperature with Shield Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 228: Outside Air Temperature with Shield Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Outside Air Temp Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Outside Air Temp Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Outside Air Temperature with Shield element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is
bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about
Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 282

Outside Air Temperature with Shield II
This element represents an outside air temperature sensor with a shield, which measures outside temperature (using
a thermistor).
Figure 292: Outside Air Temperature with Shield II

Table 229: Outside Air Temperature with Shield II Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 230: Outside Air Temperature with Shield II Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Outdoor Air Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Primary
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Outdoor Air Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Outside Air Temperature with Shield II element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is
bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about
Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 283

Rain Gauge Sensor
This element represents a rain gauge sensor, which measures the amount of rain that has fallen.
Figure 293: Rain Gauge Sensor

Table 231: Rain Gauge Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 232: Rain Gauge Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Rain Gauge Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Rain Gauge Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Rain Gauge Sensor element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 284

Rain Signal
This element represents a rain signal device, which indicates whether or not it is raining.
Figure 294: Rain Signal

Table 233: Rain Signal Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 234: Rain Signal Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Rain Signal Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Rain Signal Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Rain Signal element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 285

Room CO2
This element represents a room CO2 sensor, which detects CO2 levels in an area.

Figure 295: Room CO2

Table 235: Room CO2 Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 236: Room CO2 Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Room CO2 Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Room CO2 Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Room CO2 element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 286

Room Pressure
This element represents a room pressure sensor, which provides monitoring and alarming for critical low differential
pressure applications (for example, hospital patient isolation wards, pharmaceutical manufacturing, semiconductor
fabrication, cleanrooms, and research laboratories).
Figure 296: Room Pressure

Table 237: Room Pressure Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 238: Room Pressure Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Room Pressure Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Room Pressure Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a pressure setpoint.

The Room Pressure element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 287

RS9100 Thermostat
This element represents an RS9100 thermostat, which regulates the temperature of a room so that the room’s
temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature.
Figure 297: RS9100 Thermostat

Table 239: RS9100 Thermostat Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 240: RS9100 Thermostat Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a temperature setpoint.

The RS9100 Thermostat element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 288

T4000 Thermostat
This element represents a T4000 thermostat, which regulates the temperature of a room so that the room’s temperature
is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature.
Figure 298: T4000 Thermostat

Table 241: T4000 Thermostat Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 242: T4000 Thermostat Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a temperature setpoint.

The T4000 Thermostat element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 289

TC9100 Thermostat
This element represents a TC9100 thermostat, which regulates the temperature of a room so that the room’s
temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature.
Figure 299: TC9100 Thermostat

Table 243: TC9100 Thermostat Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 244: TC9100 Thermostat Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a temperature setpoint.

The TC9100 Thermostat element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 290

TE6700 Thermostat
This element represents a TE6700 thermostat, which regulates the temperature of a room so that the room’s
temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature.
Figure 300: TE6700 Thermostat

Table 245: TE6700 Thermostat Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 246: TE6700 Thermostat Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a temperature setpoint.

The TE6700 Thermostat element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 291

Temperature Low Limit Sensor with Manual Reset
This element represents a temperature low limit sensor with manual reset, which acts as a switch for an air handler
once the temperature gets too low.
Figure 301: Temperature Low Limit Sensor with Manual Reset

Table 247: Temperature Low Limit Sensor with Manual Reset Properties
Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 248: Temperature Low Limit Sensor with Manual Reset Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
TLL Manual Reset Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
TLL Manual Reset Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Temperature Low Limit Sensor with Manual Reset element has the following runtime characteristic: when the
element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information
about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 292

TMZ Thermostat
This element represents a TMZ thermostat, which regulates the temperature of a room so that the room’s temperature
is maintained near a desired setpoint temperature.
Figure 302: TMZ Thermostat

Table 249: TMZ Thermostat Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 250: TMZ Thermostat Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a temperature setpoint.

The TMZ Thermostat element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 293

Weather Station
This element represents a weather station, which consists of multiple air sensors in one assembly that measure
various points of weather data, such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
Figure 303: Weather Station

Table 251: Weather Station Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 252: Weather Station Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Wind Speed Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the weather
station. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Wind Speed Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Wind Direction Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the weather
station. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Outdoor Air Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Primary
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Outdoor Air Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Outdoor Air Humidity Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Outdoor Air Humidity Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 294

The Weather Station element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Wind Speed Primary binding group is:
- Off - the wind gauge does not spin.
- Low - the wind gauge spins slowly.
- High - the wind gauge spins fast.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Wind Direction binding group is:
- North - the wind directional points north.
- Northeast - the wind directional points northeast.
- East - the wind directional points east.
- Southeast - the wind directional points southeast.
- South - the wind directional points south.
- Southwest - the wind directional points southwest.
- West - the wind directional points west.
- Northwest - the wind directional points northwest.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 295

Wind Direction
This element represents a wind direction sensor, which indicates the direction of the wind.
Figure 304: Wind Direction

Table 253: Wind Direction Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 254: Wind Direction Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Wind Direction Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the wind
direction sensor. You can configure this animation using the
Additional Information dialog box. See .

The Wind Direction element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- North - the wind directional points north.
- Northeast - the wind directional points northeast.
- East - the wind directional points east.
- Southeast - the wind directional points southeast.
- South - the wind directional points south.
- Southwest - the wind directional points southwest.
- West - the wind directional points west.
- Northwest - the wind directional points northwest.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 296

Wind Gauge
This element represents a wind gauge, which measures wind speed.
Figure 305: Wind Gauge

Table 255: Wind Gauge Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 256: Wind Gauge Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Wind Speed Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the wind
gauge. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Wind Speed Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Wind Gauge element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the wind gauge does not spin.
- Low - the wind gauge spins slowly.
- High - the wind gauge spins fast.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 297

HVAC Boilers
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Cleaver-Brooks® Boiler
• Gas Head
• Gas Panel
• Generic Boiler
• Heating Manifold
• Murray® Boiler
• Pressure Unit
• Radiator
• Thermal Link
• Trane® Boiler
• Weil-McClain® Boiler
Equipment Notification Bindings for HVAC Boiler Elements
Table 257 describes Metasys bindings that control the display of the Equipment Notification panel for several elements
in the HVAC Boilers category. The Equipment Notification panel displays at runtime when any of the bindings are
triggered (for example, the value of the notification binding results in the animation being on).
Note: All of these bindings contribute to the equipment notification animation that displays on top of the element
(see Figure 306). You can configure these animations using the Additional Information dialog box. See .
Table 257: Equipment Notification Bindings for HVAC Boilers Elements
Binding Name Description
Maintenance Switch Specifies a Metasys item that represents whether a boiler is unavailable due to maintenance.
Lockout Switch Specifies a Metasys item that represents whether a boiler is unavailable due to a lockout.
Boiler Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a boiler alarm.
High Temperature Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a high temperature alarm.

Figure 306: Example of an Equipment Notification Panel for a Boiler

Back to HVAC Boilers or Library Categories.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 298

Cleaver-Brooks® Boiler
This element represents a Cleaver-Brooks boiler, which heats water for the purpose of providing heat.
Figure 307: Cleaver-Brooks Boiler

Table 258: Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 259: Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents a boiler status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the boiler.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a boiler command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Boiler Alarm See Boiler Alarm.
High Temperature Alarm See High Temperature Alarm.

The Cleaver-Brooks Boiler element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the boiler’s flame is not visible.
- On - the boiler’s flame is visible and animated.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 306).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 299

Gas Head
This element represents a gas head, which measures the quantity of gas used per unit time.
Figure 308: Gas Head

Table 260: Gas Head Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 261: Gas Head Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Gas Head Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Gas Head Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Gas Head element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 300

Gas Panel
This element represents a gas panel, which separates supply gas into smaller lines and disperses it throughout a
Figure 309: Gas Panel

Table 262: Gas Panel Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 263: Gas Panel Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Gas Panel Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a gas panel status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Gas Panel Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Gas Panel element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 301

Generic Boiler
This element represents a generic boiler, which heats water for the purpose of providing heat.
Figure 310: Generic Boiler

Table 264: Generic Boiler Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 265: Generic Boiler Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Generic Boiler Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a boiler status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the boiler.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Generic Boiler Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a boiler command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Boiler Alarm See Boiler Alarm.
High Temperature Alarm See High Temperature Alarm.

The Generic Boiler element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the boiler’s flame is not visible.
- On - the boiler’s flame is visible and animated.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 306).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 302

Heating Manifold
This element represents a heating manifold, which uses supply water from a heat source, separates it into smaller
lines, and disperses it throughout a radiant heat system.
Figure 311: Heating Manifold

Table 266: Heating Manifold Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Heating Manifold element has no Metasys bindings.

The Heating Manifold element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 303

Murray® Boiler
This element represents a Murray boiler, which heats water for the purpose of providing heat.
Figure 312: Murray Boiler

Table 267: Murray Boiler Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 268: Murray Boiler Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Murray Boiler Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a boiler status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the boiler.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Murray Boiler Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a boiler command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Boiler Alarm See Boiler Alarm.
High Temperature Alarm See High Temperature Alarm.

The Murray Boiler element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the boiler’s flame is not visible.
- On - the boiler’s flame is visible and animated.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 306).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 304

Pressure Unit
This element represents a pressure unit, which measures the amount of pressure inside a gas pipe.
Figure 313: Pressure Unit

Table 269: Pressure Unit Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 270: Pressure Unit Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pressure Unit Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pressure Unit Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Pressure Unit element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 305

This element represents a radiator, which provides heat to a building by circulating hot water or steam generated in
a central boiler.
Figure 314: Radiator

Table 271: Radiator Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 272: Radiator Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Radiator Primary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a radiator command.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Radiator Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Radiator element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 306

Thermal Link
This element represents a thermal link, which acts as a safety device in a boiler. If the boiler’s temperature is too
high, the thermal link melts and breaks a circuit.
Figure 315: Thermal Link

Table 273: Thermal LInk Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 274: Thermal LInk Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Thermal LInk Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a thermal link status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Thermal Link Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Thermal Link element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 307

Trane® Boiler
This element represents a Trane boiler, which heats water for the purpose of providing heat.
Figure 316: Trane Boiler

Table 275: Trane Boiler Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 276: Trane Boiler Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Trane Boiler Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a boiler status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the boiler.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Trane Boiler Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a boiler command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Boiler Alarm See Boiler Alarm.
High Temperature Alarm See High Temperature Alarm.

The Trane Boiler element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the boiler’s flame is not visible.
- On - the boiler’s flame is visible and animated.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 306) .

Graphic Generation Tool Help 308

Weil-McClain® Boiler
This element represents a Weil-McClain boiler, which heats water for the purpose of providing heat.
Figure 317: Weil-McClain Boiler

Table 277: Weil-McClain Boiler Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 278: Weil-McClain Boiler Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Weil-McClain Boiler Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents a boiler status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the boiler.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Weil-McClain Boiler Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a boiler command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Boiler Alarm See Boiler Alarm.
High Temperature Alarm See High Temperature Alarm.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 309

The Weil-McClain Boiler element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the boiler’s flame is not visible.
- On - the boiler’s flame is visible and animated.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 306) .

Graphic Generation Tool Help 310

HVAC Chillers
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Air-Cooled Chiller
• Carrier® Chiller
• Generic Chiller
• McQuay® Chiller
• Rooftop Ice Storage
• Trane® Chiller
• York® Chiller
Equipment Notification Bindings for HVAC Chiller Elements
Table 279 describes Metasys bindings that control the display of the Equipment Notification panel for several elements
in the HVAC Chillers category. The Equipment Notification panel displays at runtime when any of the bindings are
triggered (for example, the value of the notification binding results in the animation being on).
Note: All of these bindings contribute to the equipment notification animation that displays on top of the element
(see Figure 318). You can configure these animations using the Additional Information dialog box. See .
Table 279: Equipment Notification Bindings for HVAC Chillers Elements
Binding Name Description
Maintenance Switch Specifies a Metasys item that represents whether a chiller is unavailable due to maintenance.
Lockout Switch Specifies a Metasys item that represents whether a chiller is unavailable due to a lockout.
Chiller Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a chiller alarm.

Figure 318: Example of an Equipment Notification Panel for a Chiller

Back to HVAC Chillers or Library Categories.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 311

Air-Cooled Chiller
This element represents an air-cooled chiller, which removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle.
Figure 319: Air-Cooled Chiller

Table 280: Air-Cooled Chiller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 281: Air-Cooled Chiller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Air Cooled Chiller Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents an air-cooled chiller status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the chiller.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Air Cooled Chiller Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents an air-cooled chiller command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Chiller Alarm See Chiller Alarm.

The Air-Cooled Chiller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the chiller’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the chiller’s internal components are visible; water moves through the pipes and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 318).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 312

Carrier® Chiller
This element represents a Carrier chiller, which removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle.
Figure 320: Carrier Chiller

Table 282: Carrier Chiller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 283: Carrier Chiller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Carrier Chiller Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the chiller.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Carrier Chiller Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a chiller command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Chiller Alarm See Chiller Alarm.

The Carrier Chiller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the chiller’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the chiller’s internal components are visible; water moves through the pipes and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 318) .

Graphic Generation Tool Help 313

Generic Chiller
This element represents a generic chiller, which removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle.
Figure 321: Generic Chiller

Table 284: Generic Chiller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 285: Generic Chiller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Generic Chiller Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the chiller.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Generic Chiller Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a chiller command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Chiller Alarm See Chiller Alarm.

The Generic Chiller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the chiller’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the chiller’s internal components are visible; water moves through the pipes and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 318) .

Graphic Generation Tool Help 314

McQuay® Chiller
This element represents a McQuay chiller, which removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle.
Figure 322: McQuay Chiller

Table 286: McQuay Chiller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 287: McQuay Chiller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
McQuay Chiller Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the chiller.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
McQuay Chiller Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a chiller command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Chiller Alarm See Chiller Alarm.

The McQuay Chiller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the chiller’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the chiller’s internal components are visible; water moves through the pipes and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 318).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 315

Rooftop Ice Storage
This element represents a rooftop ice storage unit, which creates ice at night and stores it during the day.
Figure 323: Rooftop Ice Storage

Table 288: Rooftop Ice Storage Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 289: Rooftop Ice Storage Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Ice Storage Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a rooftop ice storage unit status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the rooftop
ice storage unit. You can configure this animation using the
Additional Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Ice Storage Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a rooftop ice storage unit command.
Level Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the rooftop
ice storage unit. You can configure this animation using the
Additional Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Level Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 316

The Rooftop Ice Storage element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - water does not move through the coiled pipe inside the unit.
- On - water moves through the coiled pipe inside the unit.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Level Primary binding group is:
- Empty - the tank appears empty.
- 25% Full - the tank appears one quarter full.
- 50% Full - the tank appears half full.
- 75% Full - the tank appears three quarters full.
- 100% Full - the tank appears completely full.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 317

Trane® Chiller
This element represents a Trane chiller, which removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle.
Figure 324: Trane Chiller

Table 290: Trane Chiller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 291: Trane Chiller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Trane Chiller Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the chiller.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Trane Chiller Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a chiller command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Chiller Alarm See Chiller Alarm.

The Trane Chiller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the chiller’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the chiller’s internal components are visible; water moves through the pipes and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 318).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 318

York® Chiller
This element represents a York chiller, which removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption
refrigeration cycle.
Figure 325: York Chiller

Table 292: York Chiller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 293: York Chiller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
York Chiller Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the chiller.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
York Chiller Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a chiller command.
Equipment Maintenance Switch See Maintenance Switch.
Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Chiller Alarm See Chiller Alarm.

The York Chiller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the chiller’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the chiller’s internal components are visible; water moves through the pipes and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example,
Maintenance Switch, Lockout Switch) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 318).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 319

HVAC Cooling Towers
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Condenser Water Storage
• Draw Through Tower
• Generic Sump
• Push Through Tower
• Remote Sump Tower
Equipment Notification Bindings for HVAC Cooling Towers Elements
Table 294 describes Metasys bindings that control the display of the Equipment Notification panel for several elements
in the HVAC Cooling Towers category. The Equipment Notification panel displays at runtime when any of the bindings
are triggered (for example, the value of the notification binding results in the animation being on).
Note: All of these bindings contribute to the equipment notification animation that displays on top of the element
(see Figure 326). You can configure these animations using the Additional Information dialog box. See .
Table 294: Equipment Notification Bindings for HVAC Cooling Towers Elements
Binding Name Description
Lockout Switch Specifies a Metasys item that represents whether a cooling tower is unavailable due to a
Belt Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a belt alarm.
Basin Temperature Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a temperature alarm.
VFD Fault Specifies a Metasys item that represents a variable-frequency drive (VFD) fault.
High Level Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a high level alarm.
Low Level Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a condenser or a low level alarm.
Overload Specifies a Metasys item that represents whether a cooling tower is unavailable due to an
Vibration Alarm Specifies a Metasys item that represents a vibration alarm.

Figure 326: Example of an Equipment Notification Panel for a Cooling Tower

Back to HVAC Cooling Towers or Library Categories.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 320

Condenser Water Storage
This element represents a condenser water storage unit, which stores re-circulated water used in a chiller.
Figure 327: Condenser Water Storage

Table 295: Condenser Water Storage Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 296: Condenser Water Storage Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Tank Level Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the boiler.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Tank Level Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Equipment High Level Alarm See High Level Alarm.
Low Level Alarm See Low Level Alarm.

The Condenser Water Storage element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Tank Level Primary binding group is:
- Empty - the tank appears empty.
- 25% Full - the tank appears one quarter full.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 321

- 50% Full - the tank appears half full.
- 75% Full - the tank appears three quarters full.
- 100% Full - the tank appears completely full.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example, High
Level Alarm, Low Level Alarm) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 326).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 322

Draw Through Tower
This element represents a draw through tower, which acts as a heat removal device by transferring process waste
heat to the atmosphere.
Figure 328: Draw Through Tower

Table 297: Draw Through Tower Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 298: Draw Through Tower Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Draw Through Tower Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents a draw through tower status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the draw
through tower. You can configure this animation using the
Additional Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Draw Through Tower Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a draw through tower command.
Fan Speed Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Fan Speed Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Equipment Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Belt Alarm See Belt Alarm.
Basin Temperature See Basin Temperature Alarm.
VFD Fault See VFD Fault.
High Level Alarm See High Level Alarm.
Low Level Alarm See Low Level Alarm.
Overload See Overload.
Vibration Alarm See Vibration Alarm.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 323

The Draw Through Tower element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the tower’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the tower's internal components are visible; water mist sprays from the nozzles and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example, High
Level Alarm, Low Level Alarm) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 326).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 324

Generic Sump
This element represents a generic sump unit, which stores excess water from a cooling tower.
Figure 329: Generic Sump

Table 299: Generic Sump Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 300: Generic Sump Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Basin Temperature Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Basin Temperature Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a generic sump command.
Tank Level Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the generic
sump unit. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Tank Level Secondary Makeup Valve Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a generic sump makeup valve.
Equipment Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Belt Alarm See Belt Alarm.
Basin Temperature See Basin Temperature Alarm.
VFD Fault See VFD Fault.
High Level Alarm See High Level Alarm.
Low Level Alarm See Low Level Alarm.
Overload See Overload.
Vibration Alarm See Vibration Alarm.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 325

The Generic Sump element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Tank Level Primary binding group is:
- Empty - the tank appears empty.
- 25% Full - the tank appears one quarter full.
- 50% Full - the tank appears half full.
- 75% Full - the tank appears three quarters full.
- 100% Full - the tank appears completely full.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example, High
Level Alarm, Low Level Alarm) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 326).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 326

Push Through Tower
This element represents a push through tower, which acts as a heat removal device by transferring process waste
heat to the atmosphere.
Figure 330: Push Through Tower

Table 301: Push Through Tower Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 302: Push Through Tower Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Push Through Tower Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents a push through tower status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the push
through tower. You can configure this animation using the
Additional Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Push Through Tower Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a push through tower command.
Fan Speed Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Fan Speed Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 327

Table 302: Push Through Tower Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
Equipment Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Belt Alarm See Belt Alarm.
Basin Temperature See Basin Temperature Alarm.
VFD Fault See VFD Fault.
High Level Alarm See High Level Alarm.
Low Level Alarm See Low Level Alarm.
Overload See Overload.
Vibration Alarm See Vibration Alarm.

The Push Through Tower element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the tower’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the tower's internal components are visible; water mist sprays from the nozzles and the impellers spin.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example, High
Level Alarm, Low Level Alarm) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 326).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 328

Remote Sump Tower
This element represents a remote sump tower, which consists of a cooling tower with a remote sump tank attached
to it. The remote sump tank stores excess water for the cooling tower.
Figure 331: Remote Sump Tower

Table 303: Remote Sump Tower Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 304: Remote Sump Tower Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Cooling Tower Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a cooling tower status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the cooling
tower. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Cooling Tower Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a cooling tower command.
Fan Speed Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Fan Speed Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Basin Temperature Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Basin Temperature Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a basin temperature command.
Tank Level Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the remote
sump. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 329

Table 304: Remote Sump Tower Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
Tank Level Secondary Makeup Valve Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a remote sump makeup valve.
Equipment Lockout Switch See Lockout Switch.
Belt Alarm See Belt Alarm.
Basin Temperature See Basin Temperature Alarm.
VFD Fault See VFD Fault.
High Level Alarm See High Level Alarm.
Low Level Alarm See Low Level Alarm.
Overload See Overload.
Vibration Alarm See Vibration Alarm.

The Remote Sump Tower element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the tower’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the tower's internal components are visible; water mist sprays from the nozzles and the impellers spin.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Tank Level Primary binding group is:
- Empty - the tank appears empty.
- 25% Full - the tank appears one quarter full.
- 50% Full - the tank appears half full.
- 75% Full - the tank appears three quarters full.
- 100% Full - the tank appears completely full.
• When the value of any Equipment Notification binding is:
- Off - the alarm box does not appear.
- On - a yellow and black alarm box appears over the element and the Binding Name text (for example, High
Level Alarm, Low Level Alarm) scrolls inside the alarm box (see Figure 326).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 330

HVAC Dampers
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Horizontal Opposed Damper
• Horizontal Parallel Damper
• Horizontal Round Damper
• Vertical Opposed Damper
• Vertical Parallel Damper

Graphic Generation Tool Help 331

Horizontal Opposed Damper
This element represents a horizontal opposed damper, which contains pairs of blades that open/close in opposite
directions from each other. This damper regulates the flow of air inside a duct, chimney, VAV box, air handler, or
other air handling equipment.
Figure 332: Horizontal Opposed Damper

Table 305: Horizontal Opposed Damper Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 306: Horizontal Opposed Damper Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Damper Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Damper Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Horizontal Opposed Damper element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Damper Primary binding group is:
- Closed - the blades are closed.
- 25% Open - the blades are one quarter open.
- 50% Open - the blades are half open.
- 75% Open - the blades are three quarters open.
- 100% Open - the blades are completely open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 332

Horizontal Parallel Damper
This element represents a horizontal parallel damper, which contains blades that open/close parallel to each other.
This damper regulates the flow of air inside a duct, chimney, VAV box, air handler, or other air handling equipment.
Figure 333: Horizontal Parallel Damper

Table 307: Horizontal Parallel Damper Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 308: Horizontal Parallel Damper Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Damper Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Damper Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Horizontal Parallel Damper element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Damper Primary binding group is:
- Closed - the blades are closed.
- 25% Open - the blades are one quarter open.
- 50% Open - the blades are half open.
- 75% Open - the blades are three quarters open.
- 100% Open - the blades are completely open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 333

Horizontal Round Damper
This element represents a horizontal round damper, which contains a single plate that pivots at its midpoint to either
open or close. This damper regulates the flow of air inside a duct, chimney, VAV box, air handler, or other air handling
Figure 334: Horizontal Round Damper

Table 309: Horizontal Round Damper Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 310: Horizontal Round Damper Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Damper Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Damper Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Horizontal Round Damper element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Damper Primary binding group is:
- Closed - the plate is closed.
- 25% Open - the plate is one quarter open.
- 50% Open - the plate is half open.
- 75% Open - the plate is three quarters open.
- 100% Open - the plate is completely open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 334

Vertical Opposed Damper
This element represents a vertical opposed damper, which contains pairs of blades that open/close in opposite
directions from each other. This damper regulates the flow of air inside a duct, chimney, VAV box, air handler, or
other air handling equipment.
Figure 335: Vertical Opposed Damper

Table 311: Vertical Opposed Damper Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 312: Vertical Opposed Damper Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Damper Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Damper Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Vertical Opposed Damper element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Damper Primary binding group is:
- Closed - the blades are closed.
- 25% Open - the blades are one quarter open.
- 50% Open - the blades are half open.
- 75% Open - the blades are three quarters open.
- 100% Open - the blades are completely open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 335

Vertical Parallel Damper
This element represents a vertical parallel damper, which contains blades that open/close parallel to each other.
This damper regulates the flow of air inside a duct, chimney, VAV box, air handler, or other air handling equipment.
Figure 336: Vertical Parallel Damper

Table 313: Vertical Parallel Damper Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 314: Vertical Parallel Damper Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Damper Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Damper Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Vertical Parallel Damper element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Damper Primary binding group is:
- Closed - the blades are closed.
- 25% Open - the blades are one quarter open.
- 50% Open - the blades are half open.
- 75% Open - the blades are three quarters open.
- 100% Open - the blades are completely open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 336

HVAC Ductwork
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Down Left
• Down Right
• Dual Path Left
• Dual Path Right
• Energy Recovery Wheel
• Exhaust Down
• Exhaust Up
• Filter
• Four Way Duct
• Heat Cool Crossover
• Horizontal Duct
• Horizontal T Down
• Horizontal T Up
• Left Outlet
• Right Outlet
• Roof Vent Down
• Roof Vent Up
• Up Left
• Up Right
• UV Filter
• Vertical Duct
• Vertical T Left
• Vertical T Right
Common Properties for HVAC Ductwork Elements
Elements in the HVAC Ductwork category display user-configurable properties shared by elements in other categories.
However, for some elements in the HVAC Ductwork category, the Height and Width properties function differently
than they do for other elements. Table 315 describes these differences.
Table 315: Common Properties for HVAC Ductwork Elements
Property Name Description
Height Sets the length of the vertical portion of the element.
Width Sets the length of the horizontal portion of the element.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 337

Down Left
This element represents a down left duct (an elbow duct with one end extending leftward and the other end extending
downward), which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 337: Down Left

Table 316: Down Left Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Down Left element has no Metasys bindings.

The Down Left element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 338

Down Right
This element represents a down right duct (an elbow duct with one end extending rightward and the other end
extending downward), which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 338: Down Right

Table 317: Down Right Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Down Right element has no Metasys bindings.

The Down Right element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 339

Dual Path Left
This element represents a dual path left duct (a horizontal duct with two ducts extending leftward and a single duct
extending rightward), which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 339: Dual Path Left

Table 318: Dual Path Left Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Dual Path Left element has no Metasys bindings.

The Dual Path Left element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 340

Dual Path Right
This element represents a dual path right duct (a horizontal duct with two ducts extending rightward and a single
duct extending leftward), which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 340: Dual Path Right

Table 319: Dual Path Right Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Dual Path Right element has no Metasys bindings.

The Dual Path Right element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 341

Energy Recovery Wheel
This element represents an energy recovery wheel, which uses the energy recovery process (exchanging the energy
contained in normally exhausted building or space air) and treats the incoming outdoor ventilation air in residential
and commercial HVAC systems. This device improves indoor air quality and reduces total HVAC equipment capacity.
Figure 341: Energy Recovery Wheel

Table 320: Energy Recovery Wheel Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 321: Energy Recovery Wheel Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Energy Recovery Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Wheel Primary attribute that represents an energy recovery wheel status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the energy
recovery wheel. You can configure this animation using the
Additional Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Energy Recovery Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Wheel Secondary attribute that represents an energy recovery wheel command.

The Energy Recovery Wheel element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the wheel does not spin.
- On - the wheel spins.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 342

Exhaust Down
This element represents an exhaust down duct (a vertical duct that carries exhaust air downward), which functions
as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 342: Exhaust Down

Table 322: Exhaust Down Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Exhaust Down element has no Metasys bindings.

The Exhaust Down element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 343

Exhaust Up
This element represents an exhaust up duct (a vertical duct that carries exhaust air upward), which functions as part
of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 343: Exhaust Up

Table 323: Exhaust Up Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Exhaust Up element has no Metasys bindings.

The Exhaust Up element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 344

This element represents a filter, which functions as part of a duct system to remove particulates from the air passing
through it in an air duct.
Figure 344: Filter

Table 324: Filter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 325: Filter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Filter Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the filter. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Filter Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Filter element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within the Filter Primary binding group is:
- Clean - the filter appears blue.
- Dirty - the filter appears gray.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 345

Four Way Duct
This element represents a four way duct (a horizontal and vertical duct that intersect in the middle, with ends extending
in four directions), which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 345: Four Way Duct

Table 326: Four Way Duct Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Four Way Duct element has no Metasys bindings.

The Four Way Duct element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 346

Heat Cool Crossover
This element represents a heat cool crossover device, which functions as a heat exchanger.
Figure 346: Heat Cool Crossover

Table 327: Heat Cool Crossover Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

Table 328: Heat Cool Crossover Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Heat Recovery Bypass Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Damper Primary
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Heat Recovery Bypass Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Damper Secondary

The Heat Cool Crossover element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 347

Horizontal Duct
This element represents a horizontal duct (carries supply or return air leftward or rightward), which functions as part
of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 347: Horizontal Duct

Table 329: Horizontal Duct Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Horizontal Duct element has no Metasys bindings.

The Horizontal Duct element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 348

Horizontal T Down
This element represents a horizontal T down duct (a vertical and horizontal duct that intersect, with the horizontal
duct on top and the vertical duct extending downward from its center, forming a T), which functions as part of a duct
system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 348: Horizontal T Down

Table 330: Horizontal T Down Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Horizontal T Down element has no Metasys bindings.

The Horizontal T Down element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 349

Horizontal T Up
This element represents a horizontal T up duct (a vertical and horizontal duct that intersect, with the horizontal duct
on the bottom and the vertical duct extending upward from its center, forming an inverted T), which functions as part
of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 349: Horizontal T Up

Table 331: Horizontal T Up Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Horizontal T Up element has no Metasys bindings.

The Horizontal T Up element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 350

Left Outlet
This element represents a left outlet duct, which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air (for
example, supply air [ventilation air], return air, and exhaust air). A duct system ensures acceptable indoor air quality,
as well as thermal comfort.
Figure 350: Left Outlet

Table 332: Left Outlet Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Left Outlet element has no Metasys bindings.

The Left Outlet element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 351

Right Outlet
This element represents a right outlet duct, which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air (for
example, supply air [ventilation air], return air, and exhaust air). A duct system ensures acceptable indoor air quality,
as well as thermal comfort.
Figure 351: Right Outlet

Table 333: Right Outlet Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Right Outlet element has no Metasys bindings.

The Right Outlet element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 352

Roof Vent Down
This element represents a roof vent down duct, which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air
(for example, supply air [ventilation air], return air, and exhaust air). A duct system ensures acceptable indoor air
quality, as well as thermal comfort.
Figure 352: Roof Vent Down

Table 334: Roof Vent Down Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Roof Vent Down element has no Metasys bindings.

The Roof Vent Down element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 353

Roof Vent Up
This element represents a roof vent up duct, which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air (for
example, supply air [ventilation air], return air, and exhaust air). A duct system ensures acceptable indoor air quality,
as well as thermal comfort.
Figure 353: Roof Vent Up

Table 335: Roof Vent Up Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Roof Vent Up element has no Metasys bindings.

The Roof Vent Up element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 354

Up Left
This element represents an up left duct (an elbow duct with one end extending leftward and the other end extending
upward), which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 354: Up Left

Table 336: Up Left Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Up Left element has no Metasys bindings.

The Up Left element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 355

Up Right
This element represents an up right duct (an elbow duct with one end extending upward and the other end extending
rightward), which functions as part of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 355: Up Right

Table 337: Up Right Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Up Right element has no Metasys bindings.

The Up Right element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 356

UV Filter
This element represents an ultraviolet (UV) filter, which functions as part of a duct system. This filter uses UV light
to kill mold, bacteria, and viruses in the air passing through it in an air duct.
Figure 356: UV Filter

Table 338: UV Filter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Orientation Sets the orientation of the element, either horizontal or vertical.
Width See Width.

Table 339: UV Filter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Filter Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a UV filter status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the UV filter.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Filter Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a UV filter command.

The UV Filter element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the bulbs appear darkened.
- On - the bulbs appear illuminated.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 357

Vertical Duct
This element represents a vertical duct (carries supply or return air upward or downward), which functions as part
of a duct system to deliver and remove air.
Figure 357: Vertical Duct

Table 340: Vertical Duct Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Vertical Duct element has no Metasys bindings.

The Vertical Duct element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 358

Vertical T Left
This element represents a vertical T left duct (a vertical and horizontal duct that intersect, with the vertical duct on
the right and the horizontal duct extending leftward from its center), which functions as part of a duct system to
deliver and remove air.
Figure 358: Vertical T Left

Table 341: Vertical T Left Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Vertical T Left element has no Metasys bindings.

The Vertical T Left element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 359

Vertical T Right
This element represents a vertical T right duct (a vertical and horizontal duct that intersect, with the vertical duct on
the left and the horizontal duct extending rightward from its center), which functions as part of a duct system to
deliver and remove air.
Figure 359: Vertical T Right

Table 342: Vertical T Right Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Ductwork elements).

The Vertical T Right element has no Metasys bindings.

The Vertical T Right element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 360

This Library category includes the following elements:
• Return Fan
• Supply Fan

Graphic Generation Tool Help 361

Return Fan
This element represents a return fan, which pumps return air through an HVAC system.
Figure 360: Return Fan

Table 343: Return Fan Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 344: Return Fan Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Return Fan Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a return fan command.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the fan blades.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Return Fan Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a return fan command.
Variable Frequency Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Return Fan element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The color of the fan blades reflects the current value of the Return Fan Status item (for example, stopped or
running) as defined by the Fan Status section within Metasys system preferences. By default, green indicates
a running fan and red a stopped fan. However, if the status of the item is not normal (for example, offline), the
color of the fan blades reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys
system preferences. In other words, the status color for a non-normal item supersedes the fan status color.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the fan blades do not spin.
- On - the fan blades spin.
Graphic Generation Tool Help 362
Supply Fan
This element represents a supply fan, which pumps supply air through an HVAC system.
Figure 361: Supply Fan

Table 345: Supply Fan Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 346: Supply Fan Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Supply Fan Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a supply fan status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the fan blades.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Supply Fan Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a supply fan command.
Variable Frequency Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Supply Fan element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The color of the fan blades reflects the current value of the Supply Fan Status item (for example, stopped or
running) as defined by the Fan Status section within Metasys system preferences. By default, green indicates
a running fan and red a stopped fan. However, if the status of the item is not normal (for example, offline), the

Graphic Generation Tool Help 363

color of the fan blades reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys
system preferences. In other words, the status color for a non-normal item supersedes the fan status color.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the fan blades do not spin.
- On - the fan blades spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 364

HVAC Heat Exchangers
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Plate Exchanger
• Shell Exchanger

Graphic Generation Tool Help 365

Plate Exchanger
This element represents a plate exchanger, which consists of multiple, thin, slightly separated plates that have large
surface areas and fluid flow passages that are used for heat transfer.
Figure 362: Plate Exchanger

Table 347: Plate Exchanger Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 348: Plate Exchanger Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Input Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the plate
exchanger. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Input Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Output Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the plate
exchanger. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Output Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Plate Exchanger element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within both the Input Primary and Output Primary binding groups is:
- Off - there is no hot and cold air flowing into and out of the exchanger.
- On - hot (red) and cold (blue) air flows into and out of the exchanger.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 366

Shell Exchanger
This element represents a shell exchanger, which consists of a series of tubes - one set of tubes contains the fluid
that must be heated or cooled, and the second set contains the fluid that runs over the tubes that are being heated
or cooled so that it can either provide the heat or absorb the heat required.
Figure 363: Shell Exchanger

Table 349: Shell Exchanger Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 350: Shell Exchanger Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Input Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the shell
exchanger. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Input Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Output Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the shell
exchanger. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Output Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Shell Exchanger element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding within both the Input Primary and Output Primary binding groups is:
- Off - the exchanger’s internal components are not visible.
- On - the exchanger’s internal components are visible; air moves through the pipes.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 367

HVAC Meters
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Electric Meter
• Gas Meter
• Heat Meter
• Steam Meter
• Water Meter

Graphic Generation Tool Help 368

Electric Meter
This element represents an electric meter, which measures both electricity consumption and electricity demand.
Figure 364: Electric Meter

Table 351: Electric Meter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 352: Electric Meter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Electric Meter Primary Consumption Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents electricity consumption.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Electric Meter Demand Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents electricity demand.

The Electric Meter element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 369

Gas Meter
This element represents a gas meter, which measures gas consumption.
Figure 365: Gas Meter

Table 353: Gas Meter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 354: Gas Meter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Gas Meter Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Gas Meter Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Gas Meter element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 370

Heat Meter
This element represents a heat meter, which measures the temperature of steam inside a pipe.
Figure 366: Heat Meter

Table 355: Heat Meter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 356: Heat Meter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Heat Meter Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Heat Meter Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Heat Meter element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 371

Steam Meter
This element represents a steam meter, which measures steam consumption.
Figure 367: Steam Meter

Table 357: Steam Meter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 358: Steam Meter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Steam Meter Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Steam Meter Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Steam Meter element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 372

Water Meter
This element represents a water meter, which measures water consumption.
Figure 368: Water Meter

Table 359: Water Meter Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 360: Water Meter Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Water Meter Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Water Meter Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Water Meter element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 373

HVAC Pipes
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Blind Flange
• Down-Left Elbow
• Down-Right Elbow
• Horizontal Pipe
• Pipe Connector
• Small Blind Flange
• Small Down-Left Elbow
• Small Down-Right Elbow
• Small Horizontal Pipe
• Small Pipe Connector
• Small Up-Left Elbow
• Small Up-Right Elbow
• Small Vertical Pipe
• Up-Left Elbow
• Up-Right Elbow
• Vertical Pipe

Graphic Generation Tool Help 374

Common Properties for HVAC Pipes Elements
Elements in the HVAC Pipes category display user-configurable properties shared by elements in other categories.
However, for some elements in the HVAC Pipes category, the Height and Width properties function differently than
they do for other elements. Table 361 describes these differences.
Table 361: Common Properties for HVAC Pipes Elements
Property Name Description
Background Color See Background Color.
Note: The Background Color property is only available when the Pipe Type is set to None.
Height Sets the length of the vertical portion of the element.
Width Sets the length of the horizontal portion of the element.

For all elements in the HVAC Pipes category, when you change the Pipe Type property, the pipe automatically
changes to the appropriate color as described in Table 362. The only way to change the color of a pipe is to change
its type.
Table 362: Pipe Type Properties for HVAC Pipes Elements
Pipe Type Color RGB Value
None 128, 128, 128

Chilled Water Supply 10, 10, 255

Chilled Water Return 26, 26, 141

Condenser Water Supply 10, 255, 10

Condenser Water Return 10, 133, 10

Hot Water Supply 255, 10, 10

Hot Water Return 133, 10, 10

Condensate 255, 155, 5

Steam 255, 206, 108

Gas 188, 188, 10

Graphic Generation Tool Help 375

Blind Flange
This element represents a blind flange, which is used to close the end of a pipe.
Figure 369: Blind Flange

Table 363: Blind Flange Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Blind Flange element has no Metasys bindings.

The Blind Flange element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 376

Down-Left Elbow
This element represents a down-left elbow pipe (one end extends leftward and the other end extends downward).
Figure 370: Down-Left Elbow

Table 364: Down-Left Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Down-Left Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Down-Left Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 377

Down-Right Elbow
This element represents a down-right elbow pipe (one end extends rightward and the other end extends downward).
Figure 371: Down-Right Elbow

Table 365: Down-Right Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Down-Right Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Down-Right Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 378

Horizontal Pipe
This element represents a horizontal pipe.
Figure 372: Horizontal Pipe

Table 366: Horizontal Pipe Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Horizontal Pipe element has no Metasys bindings.

The Horizontal Pipe element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 379

Pipe Connector
This element represents a pipe connector.
Figure 373: Pipe Connector

Table 367: Pipe Connector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Pipe Connector element has no Metasys bindings.

The Pipe Connector element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 380

Small Blind Flange
This element represents a small blind flange, which is used to close the end of a pipe.
Figure 374: Small Blind Flange

Table 368: Small Blind Flange Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Small Blind Flange element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Blind Flange element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 381

Small Down-Left Elbow
This element represents a small down-left elbow pipe (one end extends leftward and the other end extends downward).
Figure 375: Small Down-Left Elbow

Table 369: Small Down-Left Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Small Down-Left Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Down-Left Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe
Type property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 382

Small Down-Right Elbow
This element represents a small down-right elbow pipe (one end extends rightward and the other end extends
Figure 376: Small Down-Right Elbow

Table 370: Small Down-Right Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Small Down-Right Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Down-Right Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe
Type property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 383

Small Horizontal Pipe
This element represents a small horizontal pipe.
Figure 377: Small Horizontal Pipe

Table 371: Small Horizontal Pipe Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Small Horizontal Pipe element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Horizontal Pipe element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe
Type property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 384

Small Pipe Connector
This element represents a small pipe connector.
Figure 378: Small Pipe Connector

Table 372: Small Pipe Connector Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Small Pipe Connector element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Pipe Connector element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe
Type property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 385

Small Up-Left Elbow
This element represents a small up-left elbow pipe (one end extends leftward and the other end extends upward).
Figure 379: Small Up-Left Elbow

Table 373: Small Up-Left Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Small Up-Left Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Up-Left Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe
Type property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 386

Small Up-Right Elbow
This element represents a small up-right elbow pipe (one end extends rightward and the other end extends upward).
Figure 380: Small Up-Right Elbow

Table 374: Small Up-Right Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Small Up-Right Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Up-Right Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe
Type property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 387

Small Vertical Pipe
This element represents a small vertical pipe.
Figure 381: Small Vertical Pipe

Table 375: Small Vertical Pipe Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Small Vertical Pipe element has no Metasys bindings.

The Small Vertical Pipe element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 388

Up-Left Elbow
This element represents an up-left elbow pipe (one end extends leftward and the other end extends upward).
Figure 382: Up-Left Elbow

Table 376: Up-Left Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Up-Left Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Up-Left Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 389

Up-Right Elbow
This element represents an up-right elbow pipe (one end extends rightward and the other end extends upward).
Figure 383: Up-Right Elbow

Table 377: Up-Right Elbow Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).

The Up-Right Elbow element has no Metasys bindings.

The Up-Right Elbow element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 390

Vertical Pipe
This element represents a vertical pipe.
Figure 384: Vertical Pipe

Table 378: Vertical Pipe Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Pipe Type See Pipe Type.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height (as defined for HVAC Pipes elements).
Opacity See Opacity.
Width This property cannot be changed for this element.

The Vertical Pipe element has no Metasys bindings.

The Vertical Pipe element has the following runtime characteristic: it appears in the color set in the Pipe Type

Graphic Generation Tool Help 391

HVAC Water Pumps
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Booster Pump Set
• Right Horizontal Pump
• Vertical Motor Pump
• Vertical Pump
• Vertical/Horizontal Pump
Common Properties for HVAC Water Pumps Elements
In addition to displaying user-configurable properties shared by elements in other categories, elements in the HVAC
Water Pumps category display an additional property. Table 379 describes this additional property.
Table 379: Common Properties for HVAC Water Pumps Elements
Property Name Description
Direction Sets the direction that the pump’s impellers spin, either clockwise or counterclockwise.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 392

Booster Pump Set
This element represents a booster pump set, which pumps large volumes of water to and from pieces of equipment
such as chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, and cooling towers.
Figure 385: Booster Pump Set

Table 380: Booster Pump Set Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Direction See Direction.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 381: Booster Pump Set Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pump Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a booster pump set status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the booster
pump set. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pump Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a booster pump set command.
Variable Frequency Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Booster Pump Set element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The impellers spin in the direction set in the Direction property.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the impellers do not spin.
- On - the impellers spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 393

Right Horizontal Pump
This element represents a right horizontal pump, which pumps large volumes of water to and from pieces of equipment
such as chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, and cooling towers.
Figure 386: Right Horizontal Pump

Table 382: Right Horizontal Pump Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Direction See Direction.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 383: Right Horizontal Pump Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pump Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a right horizontal pump status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the right
horizontal pump. You can configure this animation using the
Additional Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pump Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a right horizontal pump command.
Variable Frequency Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Right Horizontal Pump element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The impellers spin in the direction set in the Direction property.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the impellers do not spin.
- On - the impellers spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 394

Vertical Motor Pump
This element represents a vertical motor pump, which pumps large volumes of water to and from pieces of equipment
such as chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, and cooling towers.
Figure 387: Vertical Motor Pump

Table 384: Vertical Motor Pump Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Direction See Direction.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 385: Vertical Motor Pump Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pump Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a vertical motor pump status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the vertical
motor pump. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pump Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a vertical motor pump command.
Variable Frequency Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Vertical Motor Pump element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The impellers spin in the direction set in the Direction property.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the impellers do not spin.
- On - the impellers spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 395

Vertical Pump
This element represents a vertical pump, which pumps large volumes of water to and from pieces of equipment such
as chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, and cooling towers.
Figure 388: Vertical Pump

Table 386: Vertical Pump Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Direction See Direction.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 387: Vertical Pump Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pump Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a vertical pump status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the vertical
pump. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pump Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a vertical pump command.
Variable Frequency Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Vertical Pump element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The impellers spin in the direction set in the Direction property.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the impellers do not spin.
- On - the impellers spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 396

Vertical/Horizontal Pump
This element represents a vertical/horizontal pump, which pumps large volumes of water to and from pieces of
equipment such as chillers, boilers, heat exchangers, and cooling towers.
Figure 389: Vertical/Horizontal Pump

Table 388: Vertical/Horizontal Pump Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Direction See Direction.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 389: Vertical/Horizontal Pump Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pump Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a vertical/horizontal pump status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the
vertical/horizontal pump. You can configure this animation using
the Additional Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pump Secondary Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a vertical/horizontal pump command.
Variable Frequency Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Primary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive output.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Variable Frequency Feedback Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Drive Secondary attribute that represents a variable frequency drive feedback.

The Vertical/Horizontal Pump element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Boxes display all of their functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• The impellers spin in the direction set in the Direction property.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the impellers do not spin.
- On - the impellers spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 397

HVAC Water Sensors
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Air Compressor
• Alphasonic Level
• Condensation Sensor
• Deaerator
• Differential Pressure
• Emergency Push Button
• Flow Orifice
• Flow Paddle Wheel
• Flow Switch
• Flow Ultrasonic
• Flow Venturi
• Horizontal Level Switch
• Pipe Heat Tape
• Pressure - Single
• Temp Strap-on
• Ultrasonic Level
• Vertical Level Switch
• Vessel
• Well Temperature

Graphic Generation Tool Help 398

Air Compressor
This element represents an air compressor, which compresses air for heavy duty use and stores air for future use.
Figure 390: Air Compressor

Table 390: Air Compressor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 391: Air Compressor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Air Compressor Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents an air compressor status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the air
compressor. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Air Compressor Command See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Air Compressor element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the electric motors do not spin.
- On - the electric motors spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 399

Alphasonic Level
This element represents an alphasonic level sensor, which measures the rate of water flow inside a pipe.
Figure 391: Alphasonic Level

Table 392: Alphasonic Level Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 393: Alphasonic Level Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Alphasonic Level Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alphasonic Level Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Alphasonic Level element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 400

Condensation Sensor
This element represents a condensation sensor, which measures water condensation.
Figure 392: Condensation Sensor

Table 394: Condensation Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 395: Condensation Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Condensation Sensor Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Condensation Sensor Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Condensation Sensor element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 401

This element represents a deaerator, which removes air and other dissolved gases from the feedwater to
steam-generating boilers. This device reduces corrosion damage in steam systems.
Figure 393: Deaerator

Table 396: Deaerator Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Deaerator element has no Metasys bindings.

The Deaerator element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 402

Differential Pressure
This element represents a differential pressure sensor, which measures the difference in water pressure between
two parts of a pipe.
Figure 394: Differential Pressure

Table 397: Differential Pressure Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 398: Differential Pressure Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Differential Pressure Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Differential Pressure Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a differential pressure setpoint.

The Differential Pressure element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 403

Emergency Push Button
This element represents an emergency push button, which acts to immediately shut down equipment in the case of
an emergency.
Figure 395: Emergency Push Button

Table 399: Emergency Push Button Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 400: Emergency Push Button Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Emergency Push Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Button Primary
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Emergency Push Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).
Button Secondary

The Emergency Push Button element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a
Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced
Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 404

Flow Orifice
This element represents a flow orifice sensor, which measures the rate of water flow inside a pipe.
Figure 396: Flow Orifice

Table 401: Flow Orifice Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 402: Flow Orifice Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Orifice Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Orifice Secondary Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a flow orifice setpoint.

The Flow Orifice element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 405

Flow Paddle Wheel
This element represents a flow paddle wheel sensor, which measures the rate of water flow inside a pipe.
Figure 397: Flow Paddle Wheel

Table 403: Flow Paddle Wheel Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 404: Flow Paddle Wheel Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Paddle Wheel Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the flow paddle
wheel. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Paddle Wheel Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a flow paddle wheel setpoint.

The Flow Paddle Wheel element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the small paddles at the bottom of the element do not spin.
- On - the small paddles at the bottom of the element spin.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 406

Flow Switch
This element represents a flow switch, which monitors flow and sends a trip signal to another device, such as a
pump, to protect it.
Figure 398: Flow Switch

Table 405: Flow Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 406: Flow Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Switch Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Switch Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Flow Switch element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 407

Flow Ultrasonic
This element represents a flow ultrasonic sensor, which measures the rate of water flow inside a pipe.
Figure 399: Flow Ultrasonic

Table 407: Flow Ultrasonic Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 408: Flow Ultrasonic Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Ultrasonic Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Ultrasonic Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a Flow Ultrasonic setpoint.

The Flow Ultrasonic element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 408

Flow Venturi
This element represents a flow Venturi sensor, which measures the rate of water flow inside a pipe.
Figure 400: Flow Venturi

Table 409: Flow Venturi Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 410: Flow Venturi Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Venturi Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Venturi Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a Flow Venturi setpoint.

The Flow Venturi element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 409

Horizontal Level Switch
This element represents a horizontal level switch, which acts as a switch when a buoy rises to a certain level.
Figure 401: Horizontal Level Switch

Table 411: Horizontal Level Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 412: Horizontal Level Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Level Switch Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Level Switch Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Horizontal Level Switch element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 410

Pipe Heat Tape
This element represents pipe heat tape, which functions as an electric heating element that is taped around water
pipes to prevent them from freezing.
Figure 402: Pipe Heat Tape

Table 413: Pipe Heat Tape Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 414: Pipe Heat Tape Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pipe Heat Tape Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a pipe heat tape status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the pipe heat
tape. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pipe Heat Tape Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Pipe Heat Tape element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Status binding is:
- Off - the electric heating coils do not glow (they appear dark gray).
- On - the electric heating coils glow (they appear red/orange).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 411

Pressure - Single
This element represents a single-pressure sensor, which measures the water pressure inside a pipe.
Figure 403: Pressure - Single

Table 415: Pressure - Single Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 416: Pressure - Single Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pressure - Single Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Pressure - Single Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a Pressure - Single setpoint.

The Pressure - Single element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 412

Temp Strap-on
This element represents a temperature strap-on sensor, which measures the temperature of water inside a pipe.
Figure 404: Temp Strap-on

Table 417: Temp Strap-on Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height This property cannot be changed for this element.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 418: Temp Strap-on Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Temperature Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a Temp Strap-on setpoint.

The Temp Strap-on element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 413

Ultrasonic Level
This element represents an ultrasonic level sensor, which measures the level of water flow inside a tank.
Figure 405: Ultrasonic Level

Table 419: Ultrasonic Level Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 420: Ultrasonic Level Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Ultrasonic Level Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Ultrasonic Level Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Ultrasonic Level element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 414

Vertical Level Switch
This element represents a vertical level switch, which acts as a switch when a buoy rises to a certain level.
Figure 406: Vertical Level Switch

Table 421: Vertical Level Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 422: Vertical Level Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Level Switch Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Level Switch Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Vertical Level Switch element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 415

This element represents a vessel, which functions as a temporary storage tank for water.
Figure 407: Vessel

Table 423: Vessel Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 424: Vessel Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Vessel Primary Level See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the vessel.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Vessel Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Vessel element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Level binding is:
- Empty - the vessel appears empty.
- 25% Full - the vessel appears one quarter full.
- 50% Full - the vessel appears half full.
- 75% Full - the vessel appears three quarters full.
- 100% Full - the vessel appears completely full.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 416

Well Temperature
This element represents a well temperature sensor, which measures the temperature of water inside a pipe.
Figure 408: Well Temperature

Table 425: Well Temperature Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 426: Well Temperature Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Well Temperature Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Well Temperature Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Secondary attribute that represents a Well Temperature setpoint.

The Well Temperature element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 417

HVAC Water Valves
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Check Valve
• Hand Valve, 2-Way
• Hand Valve, 3-Way
• Large Valve, 2-Way Electric
• Large Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic
• Large Valve, 3-Way Electric
• Large Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic
• Manual Valve
• Small Valve, 2-Way Electric
• Small Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic
• Small Valve, 3-Way Electric
• Small Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic
• Tap

Graphic Generation Tool Help 418

Check Valve
This element represents a check valve, which works automatically to allow fluid (liquid or gas) to flow through it in
only one direction.
Figure 409: Check Valve

Table 427: Check Valve Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Check Valve element has no Metasys bindings.

The Check Valve element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 419

Hand Valve, 2-Way
This element represents a two-way hand valve, which acts as a simple hand valve for controlling water flow.
Figure 410: Hand Valve, 2-Way

Table 428: Hand Valve, 2-Way Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Hand Valve, 2-Way element has no Metasys bindings.

The Hand Valve, 2-Way element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 420

Hand Valve, 3-Way
This element represents a three-way hand valve, which acts as a simple hand valve for controlling water flow.
Figure 411:

Table 429: Hand Valve, 3-Way Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Hand Valve, 3-Way element has no Metasys bindings.

The Hand Valve, 3-Way element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 421

Large Valve, 2-Way Electric
This element represents a large, two-way electric valve, which opens or closes to control the flow of water.
Figure 412: Large Valve, 2-Way Electric

Table 430: Large Valve, 2-Way Electric Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 431: Large Valve, 2-Way Electric Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
2-Way Electric Valve Command See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the valve. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
2-Way Electric Valve Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Large Valve, 2-Way Electric element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Command binding is:
- Closed - the disk in the valve completely obstructs water flow.
- 50% Open - the disk in the valve is 50% open.
- 100% Open - the disk in the valve is 100% open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 422

Large Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic
This element represents a large, two-way pneumatic valve, which opens or closes to control the flow of water.
Figure 413: Large Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic

Table 432: Large Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 433: Large Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
2-Way Pneumatic Valve Command See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the valve. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
2-Way Pneumatic Valve Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Large Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Command binding is:
- Closed - the disk in the valve completely obstructs water flow.
- 50% Open - the disk in the valve is 50% open.
- 100% Open - the disk in the valve is 100% open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 423

Large Valve, 3-Way Electric
This element represents a large, three-way electric valve, which allows water to come in from two directions
simultaneously, and leave through one end.
Figure 414: Large Valve, 3-Way Electric

Table 434: Large Valve, 3-Way Electric Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 435: Large Valve, 3-Way Electric Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
3-Way Electric Valve Command See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the valve. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
3-Way Electric Valve Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Large Valve, 3-Way Electric element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Command binding is:
- Closed - the disk in the supply valve (the valve on the right) completely obstructs the water flow and the disk
in the recirculation valve (the valve on the left) is 100% open.
- 50% Open - the disks in both of the valves are 50% open.
- 100% Open - the disk in the supply valve is 100% open and the disk in the recirculation valve completely
obstructs the water flow.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 424

Large Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic
This element represents a large, three-way pneumatic valve, which allows water to come in from two directions
simultaneously, and leave through one end.
Figure 415: Large Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic

Table 436: Large Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 437: Large Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
3-Way Pneumatic Valve Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the valve. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information dialog
box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
3-Way Pneumatic Valve Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Large Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic element has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Command binding is:
- Closed - the disk in the supply valve (the valve on the right) completely obstructs the water flow and the disk
in the recirculation valve (the valve on the left) is 100% open.
- 50% Open - the disks in both of the valves are 50% open.
- 100% Open - the disk in the supply valve is 100% open and the disk in the recirculation valve completely
obstructs the water flow.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 425

Manual Valve
This element represents a manual valve, which opens or closes by manual turning of a large handle attached to the
Figure 416: Manual Valve

Table 438: Manual Valve Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Manual Valve element has no Metasys bindings.

The Manual Valve element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 426

Small Valve, 2-Way Electric
This element represents a small, two-way electric valve, which controls the flow of water. This device functions as
a subcomponent for coil assemblies, allowing water to come in from one end and flow out of the other end.
Figure 417: Small Valve, 2-Way Electric

Table 439: Small Valve, 2-Way Electric Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the valve, either horizontal or vertical.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 440: Small Valve, 2-Way Electric Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Valve Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Valve Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Small Valve, 2-Way Electric element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the orientation set in the Orientation property.
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 427

Small Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic
This element represents a small, two-way pneumatic valve, which controls the flow of water. This device functions
as a subcomponent for coil assemblies, allowing water to come in from one end and flow out of the other end.
Figure 418: Small Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic

Table 441: Small Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the valve, either horizontal or vertical.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 442: Small Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Valve Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Valve Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Small Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the orientation set in the Orientation property.
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 428

Small Valve, 3-Way Electric
This element represents a small, three-way electric valve, which controls the flow of water. This device functions as
a subcomponent for coil assemblies, allowing water to come in from two directions simultaneously and leave through
one end.
Figure 419: Small Valve, 3-Way Electric

Table 443: Small Valve, 3-Way Electric Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the valve, either horizontal or vertical.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 444: Small Valve, 3-Way Electric Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Valve Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Valve Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Small Valve, 3-Way Electric element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the orientation set in the Orientation property.
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 429

Small Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic
This element represents a small, three-way pneumatic valve, which controls the flow of water. The valve allows
water to come in from two directions simultaneously and leave through one end.
Figure 420: Small Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic

Table 445: Small Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Orientation Sets the orientation of the valve, either horizontal or vertical.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 446: Small Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Valve Primary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Valve Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Small Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the orientation set in the Orientation property.
• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 430

This element represents a tap, which acts as a simple hand valve for releasing water from pipes prior to maintenance.
Figure 421: Tap

Table 447: Tap Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The Tap element has no Metasys bindings.

The Tap element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 431

This Library category includes the following elements:
• Day Sensor
• Emergency Light Fixture
• Light Switch
• Lighting Fixture
• Motion Sensor
Common Properties for Lighting Elements
In addition to displaying user-configurable properties shared by elements in other categories, elements in the Lighting
category display several other properties as well. Table 448 describes these additional properties.
Table 448: Common Properties for Lighting Elements
Property Name Description
Off Color Sets the fill color the element displays when a bound device is off.
On Color Sets the fill color the element displays when a bound device is on.
Shape Sets the background shape of an element to either a circle, square, or triangle.

Common Bindings for Lighting Elements

Table 449 describes how the Value binding functions for elements in the Lighting category.
Table 449: Common Bindings for Lighting Elements
Binding Name Description
Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an attribute for display when you
place your cursor over the element.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 432

Day Sensor
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a day sensor, which allows a lighting control system
to automatically dim lights when available daylight is high, and brighten lights when available daylight is low.
Figure 422: Day Sensor

Table 450: Day Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Off Color See Off Color.
On Color See On Color.
Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 451: Day Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Day Sensor Value See Value (as defined for Lighting elements).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the day sensor.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See Additional Information.

The Day Sensor element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the element appears in the color set in the Off Color property.
- On - the element appears in the color set in the On Color property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 433

Emergency Light Fixture
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents an emergency light fixture, which turns light on
automatically when a building experiences a power outage.
Figure 423: Emergency Light Fixture

Table 452: Emergency Light Fixture Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Off Color See Off Color.
On Color See On Color.
Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 453: Emergency Light Fixture Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Emergency Light Value See Value (as defined for Lighting elements).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the emergency
light fixture. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.

The Emergency Light Fixture element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the element appears in the color set in the Off Color property.
- On - the element appears in the color set in the On Color property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 434

Light Switch
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a light switch, which turns a light on or off.
Figure 424: Light Switch

Table 454: Light Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Off Color See Off Color.
On Color See On Color.
Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 455: Light Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Light Switch Value See Value (as defined for Lighting elements).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the light switch.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See Additional Information.

The Light Switch element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the element appears in the color set in the Off Color property.
- On - the element appears in the color set in the On Color property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 435

Lighting Fixture
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a lighting fixture, such as a common fluorescent
light fixture.
Figure 425: Lighting Fixture

Table 456: Lighting Fixture Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Off Color See Off Color.
On Color See On Color.
Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 457: Lighting Fixture Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Lighting Fixture Value See Value (as defined for Lighting elements).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the lighting
fixture. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.

The Lighting Fixture element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the element appears in the color set in the Off Color property.
- On - the element appears in the color set in the On Color property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 436

Motion Sensor
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a motion sensor, which controls electric lighting in
indoor spaces based on the amount of motion detected.
Figure 426: Motion Sensor

Table 458: Motion Sensor Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Off Color See Off Color.
On Color See On Color.
Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 459: Motion Sensor Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Motion Sensor Value See Value (as defined for Lighting elements).
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the motion
sensor. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.

The Motion Sensor element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.
• When the value of the Value binding is:
- Off - the element appears in the color set in the Off Color property.
- On - the element appears in the color set in the On Color property.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 437

This Library category includes the following elements:
• DC (Digital Controller)
• DT (Digital Terminal)
• DX
• FEC (Gen 1)
• FEC (Gen 2)
• FX
• IU
• MIG (Old)
• N2R
• N30
• NAE/NIE - 55 series
• NAE35/45/NCM45
• NT
• Server
• TC (Terminal Controller)
• VMA1400
• VMA1600

Graphic Generation Tool Help 438

This element represents an ADS or ADX. The ADS allows you to expand beyond the site management capabilities,
number of connections limitations, and historical data storage limits of Network Automation Engines (NAEs)/Network
Integration Engines (NIEs). The ADX allows you to expand beyond the capabilities of the ADS.
Figure 427: ADS/X

Table 460: ADS/X Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 461: ADS/X Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
ADS/X Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an ADS/X status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
ADS/X Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The ADS/X element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 439

This element represents an AHU, which is also referred to as an air handler controller.
Figure 428: AHU

Table 462: AHU Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 463: AHU Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Air Handler Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an AHU status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Air Handler Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The AHU element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 440

DC (Digital Controller)
This element represents a Digital Controller (DC), which is used as a generic controller, not a Johnson Controls
Figure 429: DC (Digital Controller)

Table 464: DC (Digital Controller) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 465: DC (Digital Controller) Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
DC Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a DC status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
DC Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The DC (Digital Controller) element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 441

DT (Digital Terminal)
This element represents a Digital Terminal (DT), which provides a terminal interface to a controller or a network.
Figure 430: DT (Digital Terminal)

Table 466: DT (Digital Terminal) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The DT (Digital Terminal) element has no Metasys bindings.

The DT (Digital Terminal) element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 442

This element represents an Extended Digital Controller (DX), which is used for multiple chiller or boiler plant control
applications, for the HVAC process of air handling units, or for distributed lighting and related electrical equipment
control applications. The DX provides precise direct digital control (DDC) as well as programmed logic control.
Figure 431: DX

Table 467: DX Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 468: DX Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
DX Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a DX status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
DX Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The DX element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 443

FEC (Gen 1)
This element represents a first-generation Field Equipment Controller (FEC), which is a programmable digital
controller that communicates via the BACnet® Master-Slave/Token-Passing (MS/TP) protocol.
Figure 432: FEC (Gen 1)

Table 469: FEC (Gen 1) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 470: FEC (Gen 1) Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
FEC Gen 1 Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an FEC (Gen 1) status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
FEC Gen 1 Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The FEC (Gen 1) element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 444

FEC (Gen 2)
This element represents a second-generation FEC, which is a programmable digital controller that communicates
via the BACnet MSTP protocol.
Figure 433: FEC (Gen 2)

Table 471: FEC (Gen 2) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 472: FEC (Gen 2) Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
FEC Gen 2 Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an FEC (Gen 2) status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
FEC Gen 2 Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The FEC (Gen 2) element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item,
the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 445

This element represents a Facility Explorer (FX) unit, which is used to directly monitor and control HVAC equipment.
Figure 434: FX

Table 473: FX Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 474: FX Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
FX Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an FX status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
FX Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The FX element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 446

This element represents an Interface Unit (IU), which converts a bus to wireless.
Figure 435: IU

Table 475: IU Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The IU element has no Metasys bindings.

The IU element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 447

This element represents a local display terminal (LDT), which is a component that is placed inside the center of an
MIG or an N30 body.
Figure 436: LDT

Table 476: LDT Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 477: LDT Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
LDT Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an LDT status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
LDT Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The LDT element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 448

This element represents a Metasys Integrator product that connects third-party devices to a Metasys Building
Automation System (BAS).
Figure 437: MIG

Table 478: MIG Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 479: MIG Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
MIG Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an MIG status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
MIG Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The MIG element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 449

MIG (Old)
This element represents an older version of the Metasys Integrator product, which connects third-party devices to
a Metasys BAS.
Figure 438: MIG (Old)

Table 480: MIG (Old) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 481: MIG (Old) Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
MIG (Old) Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an MIG (Old) status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
MIG (Old) Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The MIG (Old) element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 450

This element represents an N2R bus, which is a local network that links controllers and point interfaces to the
NAE/Network Control Engine (NCE).
Figure 439: N2R

Table 482: N2R Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The N2R element has no Metasys bindings.

The N2R element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 451

This element represents the N30 Supervisory Controller, which is designed for building management and system
control in a wide variety of buildings.
Figure 440: N30

Table 483: N30 Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 484: N30 Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
N30 Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an N30 status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
N30 Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The N30 element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 452

NAE/NIE - 55 series
This element represents an NAE/Network Integration Engine (NIE), which enables IP connectivity and web-based
access to a Metasys BAS. This engine is an NAE55 Series.
Figure 441: NAE/NIE - 55 series

Table 485: NAE/NIE - 55 series Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 486: NAE/NIE - 55 series Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
NAE/NIE Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an NAE/NIE - 55 series status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
NAE/NIE Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The NAE/NIE - 55 series element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 453

This element represents an NAE/Network Communication Module (NCM), which enables IP connectivity and
web-based access to a Metasys BAS. This engine is an NAE35 or NAE45 Series.
Figure 442: NAE35/45/NCM45

Table 487: NAE35/45/NCM45 Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 488: NAE35/45/NCM45 Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
NAE35/45/NCM45 Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents an NAE35/45/NCM45 status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
NAE35/45/NCM45 Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The NAE35/45/NCM45 element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 454

This element represents an NCM Supervisory Controller, which uses the Metasys N1 network to support the operation
of a wide variety of building systems.
Figure 443: NCM

Table 489: NCM Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 490: NCM Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
NCM Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an NCM status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
NCM Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The NCM element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 455

This element represents a Network Terminal (NT), which is a simple, portable, operator interface to the Metasys
system. The NT provides data access from anywhere on the network, using passwords, data paths, and item names
consistent with Metasys conventions. The NT functions as a dumb terminal to the system.
Figure 444: NT

Table 491: NT Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The NT element has no Metasys bindings.

The NT element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 456

This element represents a server-class computer, which is used to create a web connection to an automation system.
Figure 445: Server

Table 492: Server Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 493: Server Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Server Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a Server status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Server Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Server element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 457

TC (Terminal Controller)
This element represents a Terminal Controller (TC), which is an electronic device used for digital control of a piece
of equipment.
Figure 446: TC (Terminal Controller)

Table 494: TC (Terminal Controller) Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 495: TC (Terminal Controller) Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
TC Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a TC status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
TC Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The TC (Terminal Controller) element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a
Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced
Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 458

This element represents a Terminal Equipment Controller (TEC), which is a device that controls various pieces of
equipment such as fan coil units and heat pumps. This device also controls zoning.
Figure 447: TEC

Table 496: TEC Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 497: TEC Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
TEC Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a TEC status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
TEC Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The TEC element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 459

This element represents a Unitary (UNT), which is an electronic device for digital control of packaged air handling
units, unit ventilators, fan coils, heat pumps, and other terminal units serving a single zone or room. You can also
configure the UNT as a generic input/output (I/O) device for basic point monitoring applications when used within a
Metasys network.
Figure 448: UNT

Table 498: UNT Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 499: UNT Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
UNT Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a UNT status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
UNT Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The UNT element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached
Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 460

This element represents an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), which provides power to a controller or
computer/server in the event of a power failure.
Figure 449: UPS

Table 500: UPS Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

The UPS element has no Metasys bindings.

The UPS element has no runtime characteristics.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 461

This element represents a VMA1400 Series configurable digital controller, which is used to control airflow in a VAV
Figure 450: VMA1400

Table 501: VMA1400 Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 502: VMA1400 Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
VMA 1400 Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a VMA 1400 status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
VMA 1400 Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The VMA1400 element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 462

This element represents a VMA1600 Series programmable digital controller, which is used to control airflow in a
VAV system.
Figure 451: VMA1600

Table 503: VMA1600 Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 504: VMA1600 Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
VMA 1600 Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a VMA 1600 status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
VMA 1600 Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The VMA1600 element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 463

This element represents a generic controller, not a Johnson Controls controller.
Figure 452: VND

Table 505: VND Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 506: VND Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
VND Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a VND status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
VND Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Vendor Device (VND) element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys
item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box
functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 464

This element represents an Extension Module (XT) and an Expansion Module (XP), which provide additional input
and output capacity within Metasys networks.
Figure 453: XT/XTM

Table 507: XT/XTM Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Number of XPs Sets the number of attached XPs shown, either one or two.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 508: XT/XTM Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
XT Primary Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents an XT/XTM status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
XT Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The XT/XTM element has the following runtime characteristic: when the element is bound to a Metasys item, the
attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality,
see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 465

This Library category includes the following elements:
• Barrier
• Barrier Alarm
• Barrier Contact
• Blind System Alarm
• Card Reader
• Computer
• Door Contact
• Elevator Alarm
• Emergency Call Disabled Toilet
• Intruder Alarm
• Overhead Door Contact
• Pegasys Controller
• Repair Switch
• Swipe Reader
• Turnstile
• Window Contact
Common Properties for Security Elements
In addition to displaying user-configurable properties shared by elements in other categories, elements in the Security
category display an additional property. Table 509 describes this additional property.
Table 509: Common Properties for Security Elements
Property Name Description
Shape Sets the background shape of an element to either a circle, square, or triangle.

Common Bindings for Security Elements

Table 510 describes how the Value binding functions for elements in the Security category.
Table 510: Common Bindings for Security Elements
Binding Name Description
Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an attribute for display when you
place your cursor over the element.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 466

This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a barrier.
Figure 454: Barrier

Table 511: Barrier Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 512: Barrier Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Barrier Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Barrier element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 467

Barrier Alarm
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a barrier alarm.
Figure 455: Barrier Alarm

Table 513: Barrier Alarm Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 514: Barrier Alarm Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Barrier Alarm Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Barrier Alarm element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 468

Barrier Contact
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a barrier contact.
Figure 456: Barrier Contact

Table 515: Barrier Contact Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 516: Barrier Contact Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Barrier Contact Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Barrier Contact element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 469

Blind System Alarm
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a blind system alarm.
Figure 457: Blind System Alarm

Table 517: Blind System Alarm Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 518: Blind System Alarm Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Blind System Alarm Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Blind System Alarm element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 470

Card Reader
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a card reader.
Figure 458: Card Reader

Table 519: Card Reader Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 520: Card Reader Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Card Reader Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Card Reader element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 471

This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a computer used in a security system.
Figure 459: Computer

Table 521: Computer Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 522: Computer Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Computer Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Computer element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 472

Door Contact
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a door contact.
Figure 460: Door Contact

Table 523: Door Contact Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 524: Door Contact Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Door Contact Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Door Contact element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 473

Elevator Alarm
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents an elevator alarm.
Figure 461: Elevator Alarm

Table 525: Elevator Alarm Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 526: Elevator Alarm Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Elevator Alarm Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Elevator Alarm element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 474

Emergency Call Disabled Toilet
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents an emergency call disabled toilet alarm.
Figure 462: Emergency Call Disabled Toilet

Table 527: Emergency Call Disabled Toilet Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 528: Emergency Call Disabled Toilet Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Emergency Call Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).
Disabled Toilet

The Emergency Call Disabled Toilet element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 475

Intruder Alarm
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents an intruder alarm, which sends an alarm when the
presence of an intruder is detected.
Figure 463: Intruder Alarm

Table 529: Intruder Alarm Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 530: Intruder Alarm Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Intruder Alarm Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Intruder Alarm element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 476

Overhead Door Contact
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents an overhead door contact.
Figure 464: Overhead Door Contact

Table 531: Overhead Door Contact Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 532: Overhead Door Contact Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Overhead Door Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Overhead Door Contact element has the following runtime characteristics:
• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 477

Pegasys Controller
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a Pegasys® controller, which allows you to manage
all the electronic security devices throughout an organization from a single location.
Figure 465: Pegasys Controller

Table 533: Pegasys Controller Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 534: Pegasys Controller Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Pegasys Controller Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Pegasys Controller element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 478

Repair Switch
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a repair switch, which allows a maintenance person
to indicate when equipment is being maintained.
Figure 466: Repair Switch

Table 535: Repair Switch Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 536: Repair Switch Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Repair Switch Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Repair Switch element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 479

Swipe Reader
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a swipe reader.
Figure 467: Swipe Reader

Table 537: Swipe Reader Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 538: Swipe Reader Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Swipe Reader Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Swipe Reader element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 480

This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a turnstile, which counts the number of people who
have entered a space.
Figure 468: Turnstile

Table 539: Turnstile Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 540: Turnstile Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Turnstile Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Turnstile element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 481

Window Contact
This element (depicted in its three available shapes) represents a window contact.
Figure 469: Window Contact

Table 541: Window Contact Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Shape See Shape.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 542: Window Contact Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Window Contact Value See Value (as defined for Security elements).

The Window Contact element has the following runtime characteristics:

• The element appears in the shape set in the Shape property.
• The background color of the element is set based on the status of the Value binding, along with the corresponding
status color defined in Metasys system preferences for the Site.
• The color of the icon inside the element is always visible regardless of the current background color being
• When you place your cursor over the element, a tooltip shows the current status of the bound item.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 482

Terminal Units
This Library category includes the following elements:
• Exhaust Box
• Fin Tube
• Room Control Module
• VAV Device

Graphic Generation Tool Help 483

Exhaust Box
This element represents an exhaust box, which controls airflow entering or leaving a space by the use of a damper.
Figure 470: Exhaust Box

Table 543: Exhaust Box Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 544: Exhaust Box Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Exhaust Box Primary Damper Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the status of the damper in the exhaust box.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See .
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Exhaust Box Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Exhaust Box element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.
• When the value of the Damper binding within the Exhaust Box Primary binding group is:
- Closed - the plate is closed.
- 25% Open - the plate is one quarter open.
- 50% Open - the plate is half open.
- 75% Open - the plate is three quarters open.
- 100% Open - the plate is completely open.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 484

Fin Tube
This element represents a fin tube, which is a baseboard heating unit that circulates hot water to add supplementary
heat to zones in a building.
Figure 471: Fin Tube

Table 545: Fin Tube Properties

Category Property Name Description
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 546: Fin Tube Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
Fin Tube Primary Supplemental Heat Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the status of the heating element.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Fin Tube Secondary Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

The Fin Tube element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to a Metasys item, the attached Advanced Value Box displays all of its functionality.
For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see Advanced Value Box.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 485

Room Control Module
This element, intended for use with Terminal Unit graphics, displays up to five items of interest (such as room
occupancy and setpoint information) for any bound Metasys object. This Room Control Module is different from (and
not interchangeable with) the Room Control Module (Multiple Rooms) found under the Floor Plan section in that it
only displays the information for a single room (for example, it does not dynamically update based on a selected
room within a floor).
Figure 472: Room Control Module

Table 547: Room Control Module Properties

Category Property Name Description
Layout Is Collapsed Sets the initial state of the Room Control Module when displayed at runtime,
either collapsed or expanded.
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Text Key Data 1 Label Allows you to manually enter label text for up to five key data items for the
Room Control Module. For information about key data item functionality, see
Key Data 2 Label
Key Data Item.
Key Data 3 Label
Note: The Room Control Module element has both Label properties and
Key Data 4 Label Label bindings. In each instance, if you specify a Label binding and
that binding resolves successfully at runtime, then that Label binding
Key Data 5 Label is displayed. Otherwise, your manually entered label is displayed.
Label Allows you to manually enter label text for the title of the room control module
Note: The Room Control Module has both a Label property and a Label
binding. If you specify a Label binding and that binding resolves
successfully at runtime, then that Label binding text is displayed.
Otherwise, your manually entered label text is displayed.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 486

Table 548: Room Control Module Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
Room Control Module Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
Primary attribute that represents a Room Control Module status.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Navigate to See Navigate To.
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Key Data 1 Value Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the value of any piece of information pertaining
Key Data 2
to a room (for example, temperature).
Key Data 3 Label See Label.
Key Data 4
Key Data 5

The Room Control Module element has the following runtime characteristics:
• It displays up to five Key Data Items. For information about the runtime characteristics of the key data items
within the Room Control Module, see Key Data Item.
• It can be collapsed or expanded, but it cannot be resized.
• It can be moved to another location on the graphic.
• It displays the measurement units (for example, degrees Fahrenheit) for all displayed values.
• It contains a semicircular gauge that displays the following information for the bound Metasys item (if configured
and available): high and low alarm limits, cooling setpoint, heating setpoint, high and low warning limits, and
common setpoint.
• It contains an LCD that displays the current value for the object bound to the Primary Value. Right-click the LCD
to open the User Actions Panel for the Metasys item.
• When you place your cursor over one of the components of the Room Control Module, a tooltip displays the
information for that component.
• It displays a navigation icon (a right-pointing arrow in the lower-right corner of the module) when the selected
Room Status element is configured with a navigation binding. Clicking that navigation icon takes you to the
Metasys item, URL, or application that was configured for that Room Status.
• It displays a warning icon with a message if the specified alarm is not configured or could not be found. The
messages are:
- Alarm limits are unavailable. No Alarm information is configured.
- Alarm limits are unavailable. Configured item could not be located. <alarm object
• It displays a warning icon with a message if the Metasys item has misconfigured alarms or alarm limits. For
example: Alarm extension is not configured correctly. The High Warning limit is
greater than or equal to the High Alarm limit.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 487

VAV Device
This element represents a variable air volume device, which controls airflow into a space using fans, and heats or
cools the air using electric or water coils. Sensors monitor the supply and discharge air temperatures. The actual
contents of the VAV box depend on what you select for VAV Type.
Figure 473: VAV Device

Table 549: VAV Device Properties

Category Property Name Description
Appearance Heating Elements Sets the number of heating elements to display - one, two, or three.
Note: This setting is ignored if you do not select any of the heating
(Htg) values in the VAV Type field.
Show Discharge Air Sensor Shows or hides a discharge air sensor.
Show Supply Air Sensor Shows or hides a supply air sensor.
VAV Type Sets the type of VAV device to display. Available values are for single
duct (SD) or dual duct (DD) VAV devices:
• VAV SD No Fan Cooling Only
• VAV SD No Fan Box Htg Electric
• VAV SD No Fan Box Htg Water
• VAV SD Series Fan Cooling Only
• VAV SD Series Fan Box Htg Electric
• VAV SD Series Fan Box Htg Water
• VAV SD Parallel Fan Cooling Only
• VAV SD Parallel Fan Box Htg Electric
• VAV SD Parallel Fan Box Htg Water
Misc Left See Left.
Top See Top.
Height See Height.
Opacity See Opacity.
Width See Width.

Table 550: VAV Device Metasys Bindings

Binding Group Binding Name Description
VAV Damper Primary Damper Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the status of the damper in the VAV box.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the damper.
You can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See Additional Information.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
VAV Damper Value See Value binding (Advanced Value Box - Secondary Binding Group).

Graphic Generation Tool Help 488

Table 550: VAV Device Metasys Bindings
Binding Group Binding Name Description
Flow Primary Flow Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the rate of airflow.
Label See Label binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Alarm See Alarm binding (Advanced Value Box - Primary Binding Group).
Flow Secondary Flow Setpoint Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the flow setpoint.
Water Coil Coil Mode Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the heat or cool mode of the water coil.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the coil. You
can configure this animation using the Additional Information
dialog box. See Additional Information.
Coil Output Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the coil output.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the water
coil. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Supply Fan Status Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents a supply fan status.
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the fan
blades. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.
Electric Coil Stage 1 Command Specifies a Metasys reference (either aliased or fully qualified) and an
attribute that represents the Stage 1, Stage 2, or Stage 3 command
Stage 2 Command
Stage 3 Command
Note: This binding contributes to the runtime animation of the electric
coil. You can configure this animation using the Additional
Information dialog box. See Additional Information.

The VAV Device element has the following runtime characteristics:

• When the element is bound to three Metasys items (damper, flow, and flow setpoint), the two attached Advanced
Value Boxes display all of their functionality. For information about Advanced Value Box functionality, see
Advanced Value Box.
• The VAV Device element displays a discharge air sensor or supply air sensor if these sensors are configured to
The Damper Output binding has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the value of the Damper Output binding within the VAV Damper Primary binding group is:
- Closed - the damper is closed.
- 25% Open - the damper is one quarter open.
- 50% Open - the damper is half open.
- 75% Open - the damper is three quarters open.
- 100% Open - the damper is completely open.
The Water Coil binding has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the value of the Coil Output binding within the Water Coil binding group is:
- Closed - none of the coils are animated.
- 20% Open - one quarter of the coils are animated.
- 50% Open - half of the coils are animated.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 489

- 70% Open - three quarters of the coils are animated.
- 100% Open - all coils are animated.
• The Coil Mode binding within the Water Coil group supports two animations: heat and cool. If the coil is used for
heating, the animated pipes inside the coil appear bright red, while the non-animated pipes appear dark red. If
the coil is used for cooling, the animated pipes inside the coil appear bright blue, while the non-animated pipes
appear dark blue.
The Supply Fan Status binding has the following runtime characteristics:
• When the value of the Supply Fan Status binding is:
- Off - the fan blades do not spin.
- On - the fan blades spin.
• The color of the fan blades reflects the current value of the Supply Fan Status item (for example, stopped or
running) as defined by the Fan Status section within Metasys system preferences. By default, green indicates
a running fan and red a stopped fan. However, if the status of the item is non-normal (for example, offline), the
color of the fan blades reflects the status of the item as defined by the Status Colors section within Metasys
system preferences. In other words, the status color for a not normal item supersedes the fan status color.
The Electric Coil binding has the following runtime characteristics. For each of the three electric heating coils, when
the value of the Value binding is:
• Off - the heating coil appears dark gray.
• On - the heating coil appears red/orange.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 490

Computer Element (Security)....................................472
Index Condensation Sensor Element (HVAC Water
A Sensors)....................................................................401
Action Toolbar............................................................25 Condenser Water Storage Element (HVAC Cooling
Additional Information Dialog Box..............................39 Towers)......................................................................321
ADS/X Element (Network)........................................439 Configuration Mode..................................................170
Advanced Value Box Element (Basic Symbols)........176 Connector (Small) - Element (Electrical)..................200
AHU Element (Network)............................................440 Connector Element (HVAC Pipes)............................380
Air Compressor Element (HVAC Water Sensors)......399 Contactor Element (Electrical)..................................201
Air Handler Element (Floor Plan)..............................235 Cooling Tower Element (Floor Plan)........................239
Air Velocity Element (HVAC Air Sensors)................268 Copying Bindings......................................................120
Air-Cooled Chiller Element (HVAC Chillers)..............312 Crosshair Cursor........................................................20
Alias, Defined................................................................5 D
Alignment....................................................................88 Day Sensor Element (Lighting)................................433
Alphasonic Level Element (HVAC Water DC (Digital Controller) Element(Network)................441
Sensors)....................................................................400 Deaerator Element (HVAC Water Sensors)..............402
Annunciator Element (Fire)......................................215 Default Bindings..................................................55, 120
Application Navigation Binding, Defined......................5 Changing............................................................120
Art Canvas....................................................................5 Default Properties..............................................55, 120
Attribute, Defined..........................................................5 Changing............................................................120
AutoCAD Import..........................................................50 Deploy Graphic Updates............................................60
B Detector Element (Fire)............................................219
Background Image......................................................79 Differential Pressure Element (HVAC Water
Barrier Alarm Element (Security)..............................468 Sensors)....................................................................403
Barrier Contact Element (Security)..........................469 Differential Pressure Sensor Element (HVAC Air
Barrier Element (Security)........................................467 Sensors)....................................................................269
Basic Fan Element (Basic Symbols)........................178 Differential Pressure Switch Element (HVAC Air
Basic Symbols Library..............................................174 Sensors)....................................................................270
Basic Value Box Element (Basic Symbols)..............179 Diffuser - Round Element (Floor Plan)......................240
Battery Element (Electrical)......................................197 Diffuser - Square Element (Floor Plan)....................241
Beam Detector Element (Fire)..................................216 Disconnect Element - (Electrical)..............................202
Binding Panel..............................................................35 Distribution..................................................................90
Binding Properties Panel............................................35 Docking a Panel........................................................118
Binding Types..............................................................35 Document Tree Panel................................................32
Binding, Defined............................................................5 Door Contact Element (Security)..............................473
Blind Flange Element (HVAC Pipes)........................376 Down Left Element (HVAC Ductwork)......................338
Blind System Alarm Element (Security)....................470 Down Right Element (HVAC Ductwork)....................339
Boiler Element (Floor Plan)......................................236 Down-Left Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)..................377
Booster Pump Set Element (HVAC Water Down-Right Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)..............378
Pumps)......................................................................393 Draw Through Tower Element (HVAC Cooling
Breaker Earth Leakage Element (Electrical)............199 Towers)......................................................................323
Breaker Element (Electrical)....................................198 Drawing Elements......................................................86
Building Element (Floor Plan)..................................237 Drawing Toolbar..........................................................24
Button Element (Basic Symbols)..............................181 Drawing Tools..............................................................86
C DT (Digital Terminal) Element (Network)..................442
Canvas........................................................................45 Dual Path Left Element (HVAC Ductwork)................340
Card Reader Element (Security)..............................471 Dual Path Right Element (HVAC Ductwork)..............341
Carrier Chiller Element (HVAC Chillers)....................313 Duct CO2 Element (HVAC Air Sensors)..................271
Check Valve Element (HVAC Water Valves)............419 Duct Detector Element (Fire)....................................218
Chiller Element (Floor Plan)......................................238 Duct Dew Point Element (HVAC Air Sensors)..........272
Circle (on a Graphic)..................................................86 Duct Gas Element (HVAC Air Sensors)....................273
Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Element (HVAC Boilers)........299 Duct Smoke Detector Element (HVAC Air
Closed Freeform Polygon..........................................86 Sensors)....................................................................274
Closed Polygon..........................................................86 Duct Temperature and Humidity Element (HVAC Air
Combo Detector Element (Fire)................................217 Sensors)....................................................................275
Common Properties of Graphics..............................172 Duct Temperature Sensor Element (HVAC Air
Graphic Generation Tool Help 491
DX Coil Element (HVAC Air Coils)............................258 Freeform Polygon, Defined..........................................5
DX Element (Network)..............................................443 Freeform Polyline......................................................101
Dynamic Element, Defined............................................5 Freeform Polyline, Defined............................................5
E Fuse Element (Electrical)..........................................205
Edit Layer Function....................................................58 FX Element (Network)..............................................446
Edit Layer, Defined........................................................5 G
Edit Menu....................................................................11 Gas Head Element (HVAC Boilers)..........................300
Edit Toolbar................................................................22 Gas Meter Element (HVAC Meters)..........................370
Electric Coil Element (HVAC Air Coils)....................260 Gas Panel Element (HVAC Boilers)..........................301
Electric Meter Element (HVAC Meters)....................369 GEL, Defined................................................................5
Electrical Library........................................................196 General Alarm Element (Fire)..................................223
Element........................................................................... General Contact Element (Fire)................................224
39–40 Generator Element (Electrical)..................................206
Animations............................................................40 Generator Fuel System Element (Electrical)............207
Commands..........................................................39 Generic Boiler Element (HVAC Boilers)....................302
Element, Defined..........................................................5 Generic Chiller Element (HVAC Chillers)..................314
Elevator Alarm Element (Security)............................474 Generic Sump Element (HVAC Cooling Towers)........325
Ellipse (on a Graphic)..................................................86 Geometry Tools..........................................................30
Emergency Call Disabled Toilet Element GGT................................................................................
(Security)..................................................................475 5, 60, 63, 65, 68, 86, 122
Emergency Light Fixture Element (Lighting)............434 Closing Graphics..................................................68
Emergency Push Button Element (HVAC Water Creating Graphics................................................63
Sensors)....................................................................404 Drawing Rectangles..............................................86
Energy Recovery Wheel Element (HVAC Drawing Squares..................................................86
Ductwork)..................................................................342 Exiting................................................................122
Exhaust Box Element (Terminal Units)......................484 Opening Graphics................................................68
Exhaust Down Element (HVAC Ductwork)................343 Saving Graphics..................................................65
Exhaust Up Element (HVAC Ductwork)....................344 Terms......................................................................5
Export Images............................................................54 Troubleshooting..................................................122
F Updating..............................................................60
FEC (Gen 1) Element (Network)..............................444 GGT Help System....................................................121
FEC (Gen 2) Element (Network)..............................445 GGT Style Guide......................................................121
File Menu......................................................................9 Graphic Canvas, Defined..............................................5
File Printing................................................................55 Graphic Enterprise Library, Defined..............................5
Filter Element (HVAC Ductwork)..............................345 Graphic Status Bar......................................................27
Fin Tube Element (Terminal Units)............................485 Graphic Updates........................................................60
Fire Damper Element (Floor Plan)............................242 Graphics..........................................................................
Fire Library................................................................214 63, 65, 68
Fire Panel Element (Fire)..........................................220 Closing..................................................................68
Flag Alarm Indicator Element (Electrical)..................203 Creating..........................................................63, 65
Flag Alarm Supply Element (Electrical)....................204 Opening................................................................68
Floor Editor Toolbar....................................................27 Graphics Package, Defined..........................................5
Floor Element (Floor Plan)........................................243 Graphics+ Button........................................................48
Floor Element, Defined................................................5 Graphics+ Files, Defined..............................................5
Floor Group Element (Floor Plan)............................244 Graphics+ Templates..................................................49
Floor Plan Library......................................................232 Grid............................................................................118
Flow Meter Element (HVAC Air Sensors)................277 Snapping............................................................118
Flow Orifice Element (HVAC Water Sensors)..........405 Turning On and Off............................................118
Flow Paddle Wheel Element (HVAC Water Grouping....................................................................90
Sensors)....................................................................406 H
Flow Pressure Element (Fire)..................................221 H-Stat Element (Floor Plan)......................................246
Flow Switch Element (Fire)......................................222 Hand Valve, 2-Way Element (HVAC Water
Flow Switch Element (HVAC Air Sensors)................278 Valves)......................................................................420
Flow Switch Element (HVAC Water Sensors)..........407 Hand Valve, 3-Way Element (HVAC Water
Flow Ultrasonic Element (HVAC Water Sensors)........408 Valves)......................................................................421
Flow Venturi Element (HVAC Water Sensors)..........409 Heat Cool Crossover Element (HVAC Ductwork)......347
Four Way Duct Element (HVAC Ductwork)..............346 Heat Detector Element (Fire)....................................225
Graphic Generation Tool Help 492
Heat Exchanger Element (Floor Plan)......................245 Large Valve, 2-Way Electric Element (HVAC Water
Heat Meter Element (HVAC Meters)........................371 Valves)......................................................................422
Heating Manifold Element (HVAC Boilers)................303 Large Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic Element (HVAC Water
Heating-Cooling Coil Element (HVAC Air Coils)........261 Valves)......................................................................423
Help Menu..................................................................19 Large Valve, 3-Way Electric Element (HVAC Water
Horizontal Duct Element (HVAC Ductwork)..............348 Valves)......................................................................424
Horizontal Level Switch Element (HVAC Water Large Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic Element (HVAC Water
Sensors)....................................................................410 Valves)......................................................................425
Horizontal Opposed Damper Element (HVAC Layout Toolbar............................................................23
Dampers)..................................................................332 LDT Element (Network)............................................448
Horizontal Parallel Damper Element (HVAC Left Outlet Element (HVAC Ductwork)......................351
Dampers)..................................................................333 Library Panel, Defined..................................................5
Horizontal Pipe Element (HVAC Pipes)....................379 Light Switch Element (Lighting)................................435
Horizontal Round Damper Element (HVAC Lighting Fixture Element (Lighting)..........................436
Dampers)..................................................................334 Lighting Library..........................................................432
Horizontal T Down Element (HVAC Ductwork)........349 Line Segment....................................................101–102
Horizontal T Up Element (HVAC Ductwork)..............350 Adding................................................................101
Humidity Sensor Element (HVAC Air Sensors)........279 Deleting..............................................................102
HVAC Air Coils Library..............................................257 Linear Gauge Element (Basic Symbols)..................188
HVAC Air Sensors Library........................................267 Lines..................................................................101–102
HVAC Boilers Library................................................298 Deleting..............................................................102
HVAC Chillers Library................................................311 Drawing.....................................................................
HVAC Cooling Towers Library..................................320 101
HVAC Dampers Library............................................331 Formatting..........................................................102
HVAC Ductwork Library............................................337 Repositioning......................................................101
HVAC Fans Library..................................................361 Resizing..............................................................101
HVAC Heat Exchangers Library................................365 List Binding Property, Defined......................................5
HVAC Meters Library................................................368 Locate Function..........................................................58
HVAC Pipes Library..................................................374 M
HVAC Water Pumps Library......................................392 Main Screen..................................................................4
HVAC Water Sensors Library....................................398 Manual Valve Element (HVAC Water Valves)..........426
HVAC Water Valves Library......................................418 McQuay Chiller Element (HVAC Chiller)..................315
I Menu...............................................................................
Image Element (Basic Symbols)..............................183 9, 11–12, 14, 19, 57
Image Export..............................................................54 Edit............................................................................
Image Printing............................................................55 11
Import..........................................................................50 File..........................................................................9
AutoCAD File........................................................50 Help......................................................................19
Characteristics......................................................50 Right-Click............................................................57
Import AutoCAD..........................................................50 Symbols....................................................................
Import CAD................................................................50 14
Inline Command Box Element (Basic Symbols)........184 View......................................................................12
Integral Face and Bypass Coil Element (HVAC Air Metasys Host..................................................................
Coils)........................................................................262 3, 106–110, 113, 115
Intruder Alarm Element (Security)............................476 Adding................................................................107
IU Element (Network)................................................447 Editing................................................................108
J Logging In..........................................................110
Johnson Controls Graphic Generation..........................3 Logging Off........................................................113
Tool Overview........................................................3 Refresh..............................................................106
Johnson Controls Logo Element (Basic Symbols)......185 Refreshing..........................................................106
K Removing............................................................109
Key Data Item Element (Basic Symbols)..................186 Updating..............................................................115
Key Data Module (Basic Symbols)............................187 Metasys Host, Defined..................................................5
L Metasys Item, Defined..................................................5
Label Binding, Defined..................................................5 Metasys System Interaction........................................59
Lamp Alarm Indicator Element (Electrical)................209 MIG (old) Element (Network)....................................450
MIG Element (Network)............................................449
Graphic Generation Tool Help 493
Mode........................................................................170 Rain Gauge Sensor Element (HVAC Air Sensors)......284
Configuration......................................................170 Rain Signal Element (HVAC Air Sensors)................285
Runtime..............................................................170 Rectangles..................................................................86
Motion Sensor Element (Lighting)............................437 Rectifier Element (Electrical)....................................210
Murray Boiler Element (HVAC Boilers)....................304 Reference Binding, Defined..........................................5
N Refresh Metasys Host..............................................106
N2R Element (Network)............................................451 Remote Sump Tower Element (HVAC Cooling
N30 Element (Network)............................................452 Towers)......................................................................329
NAE/NIE - 55 series Element (Network)..................453 Rename Function........................................................58
NAE35/45/NCM45 Element (Network)......................454 Repair Switch Element (Security)............................479
NCM Element (Network)..........................................455 Reset Panel Layout..................................................119
Network Library........................................................438 Return Fan Element (HVAC Fans)............................362
Network Sensor Element (HVAC Air Sensors)..........280 Right Horizontal Pump Element (HVAC Water
NT Element (Network)..............................................456 Pumps)......................................................................394
NxE Supervisory Engine..............................................3 Right Outlet Element (HVAC Ductwork)....................352
O Right-Click Menus......................................................57
Options........................................................................55 Roof Vent Down Element (HVAC Ductwork)............353
Outside Air Temperature with Humidity Element (HVAC Roof Vent Up Element (HVAC Ductwork)................354
Air Sensors)..............................................................281 Rooftop Ice Storage Element (HVAC Chillers)..........316
Outside Air Temperature with Shield Element (HVAC Air Room CO2 Element (HVAC Air Sensors)................286
Sensors)....................................................................282 Room Control Module - Multiple Rooms Element (Floor
Outside Air Temperature with Shield II Element (HVAC Plan)..........................................................................249
Air Sensors)..............................................................283 Room Control Module Element (Terminal Units)........486
Overhead Door Contact Element (Security)..............477 Room Pressure Element (HVAC Air Sensors)..........287
P Room Status Element (Floor Plan)..........................251
Panels............................28, 30, 32–33, 35, 41, 118–119 Room Status to Floor..................................................79
Docking..............................................................118 Room Status, Defined..................................................5
Document Tree....................................................32 RS9100 Thermostat Element (HVAC Air
Library....................................................................... Sensors)....................................................................288
30 Runtime Mode..........................................................170
Metasys Binding..................................................35 S
Preview................................................................33 Screen Layout..............................................................4
Property................................................................41 SCT Archive Database..................................................3
Resetting............................................................119 Security Library........................................................466
Panels, Defined............................................................5 Semi-Circular Gauge Element (Basic Symbols)........190
Pegasys Controller Element (Security)....................478 Server Element (Network)........................................457
Pipe Heat Tape Element (HVAC Water Sensors)........411 Shell Exchanger Element (HVAC Heat
Plate Exchanger Element (HVAC Heat Exchangers)..............................................................367
Exchangers)..............................................................366 Shortcut Keys..............................................................48
Polygon, Defined..........................................................5 Show Grid..................................................................25
Polyline, Defined..........................................................5 Small Blind Flange Element (HVAC Pipes)..............381
Pressure - Single Element (HVAC Water Small Connector Element (HVAC Pipes)..................385
Sensors)....................................................................412 Small Down-Left Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)........382
Pressure Unit Element (HVAC Boilers)....................305 Small Down-Right Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)......383
Preview Pane..............................................................54 Small Horizontal Pipe Element (HVAC Pipes)..........384
Preview Panel............................................................33 Small Up-Left Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)............386
Printing........................................................................55 Small Up-Right Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)..........387
Product Version........................................................122 Small Valve, 2-Way Electric Element (HVAC Water
Property Panel............................................................41 Valves)......................................................................427
Property, Defined..........................................................5 Small Valve, 2-Way Pneumatic Element (HVAC Water
PRV Element (Floor Plan)........................................247 Valves)......................................................................428
Pull Station Element (Fire)........................................226 Small Valve, 3-Way Electric Element (HVAC Water
Pump Element (Floor Plan)......................................248 Valves)......................................................................429
Push Through Tower Element (HVAC Cooling Small Valve, 3-Way Pneumatic Element (HVAC Water
Towers)......................................................................327 Valves)......................................................................430
R Small Vertical Pipe Element (HVAC Pipes)..............388
Radiator Element (HVAC Boilers)............................306 Smoke Detector Element (Fire)................................227
Graphic Generation Tool Help 494
Snap to Grid................................................................25 Layout..................................................................23
Sorting Options..........................................................42 Repositioning........................................................20
Speaker Element (Fire)............................................228 Resizing................................................................20
Speaker with Strobe Element (Fire)..........................229 Standard..............................................................21
Squares......................................................................86 Unhiding................................................................19
Standard Templates..............................................49, 63 Workspace Options..............................................25
Standard Templates, Defined........................................5 Trane Boiler Element (HVAC Boilers)......................308
Standard Toolbar........................................................21 Trane Chiller Element (HVAC Chillers)....................318
Star Button..................................................................39 Transformer Element (Electrical)..............................212
State Circle Element (Basic Symbols)......................192 Troubleshooting, GGT..............................................122
State Square Element (Basic Symbols)....................193 Turnstile Element (Security)......................................481
State Triangle Element (Basic Symbols)..................194 U
Status Summary Element (Floor Plan)......................253 Ultrasonic Level Element (HVAC Water Sensors)......414
Steam Humidifier Element (HVAC Air Coils)............264 Undocking a Panel....................................................118
Steam Meter Element (HVAC Meters)......................372 Ungrouping..................................................................90
Strobe Element (Fire)................................................230 UNT Element (Network)............................................460
Style Guide, GGT......................................................121 Up Left Element (HVAC Ductwork)..........................355
Supply Fan Element (HVAC Fans)............................363 Up Right Element (HVAC Ductwork)........................356
Swipe Reader Element (Security)............................480 Up-Left Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)......................389
Switch Element (Basic Symbols)..............................195 Up-Right Elbow Element (HVAC Pipes)....................390
Switch Element (Electrical)........................................211 UPS Element (Electrical)..........................................213
Symbol Menu..............................................................14 UPS Element (Network)............................................461
T URL Navigation, Defined..............................................5
T4000 Thermostat Element (HVAC Air Sensors)........289 User-Defined Templates........................................50, 64
Tamper Switch Element (Fire)..................................231 UV Filter Element (HVAC Ductwork)........................357
Tap Element (HVAC Water Valves)..........................431 V
TC (Terminal Controller) Element (Network)............458 Value Binding, Defined..................................................5
TC9100 Thermostat Element (HVAC Air Value Box....................................................................84
Sensors)....................................................................290 VAV - Dual Duct Element (Floor Plan)......................254
TE6700 Thermostat Element (HVAC Air Sensors)....291 VAV - Single Duct Element (Floor Plan)....................255
TEC Element (Network)............................................459 VAV Device Element (Terminal Units)......................488
Temp Strap-on Element (HVAC Water Sensors)........413 Vertical Duct Element (HVAC Ductwork)..................358
Temperature Low Limit Sensor with Manual Reset Vertical Level Switch Element (HVAC Water
Element (HVAC Air Sensors)....................................292 Sensors)....................................................................415
Templates........................................................................ Vertical Motor Pump Element (HVAC Water
49 Pumps)......................................................................395
Graphics+............................................................49 Vertical Opposed Damper Element (HVAC
Standard..............................................................49 Dampers)..................................................................335
User Defined........................................................49 Vertical Parallel Damper Element (HVAC
Templates, Defined......................................................5 Dampers)..................................................................336
Terminal Units Library..............................................483 Vertical Pipe Element (HVAC Pipes)........................391
Text........................................................................92–93 Vertical Pump Element (HVAC Water Pumps)..........396
Adding..................................................................92 Vertical T Left Element (HVAC Ductwork)................359
Deleting................................................................93 Vertical T Right Element (HVAC Ductwork)..............360
Editing..................................................................92 Vertical/Horizontal Pump Element (HVAC Water
Formatting............................................................92 Pumps)......................................................................397
Thermal Link Element (HVAC Boilers)......................307 Vessel Element (HVAC Water Sensors)....................416
TMZ Thermostat Element (HVAC Air Sensors)........293 View Menu..................................................................12
Tool Options................................................................55 VMA1400 Element (Network)....................................462
Toolbars..........................................................19–25, 27 VMA1600 Element (Network)....................................463
Action....................................................................25 VND Element (Network)............................................464
Drawing..................................................................... W
24 Wall Fan Element (Floor Plan)..................................256
Edit............................................................................ Water Coil Element (HVAC Air Coils)........................265
22 Water Meter Element (HVAC Meters)......................373
Floor Editor..........................................................27 Weather Station Element (HVAC Air Sensors)........294
Hiding....................................................................19 Weil-McClain Boiler Element (HVAC Boilers)..........309
Graphic Generation Tool Help 495
Well Temperature Element (HVAC Water
Wind Direction Element (HVAC Air Sensors)............296
Wind Gauge Element (HVAC Air Sensors)..............297
Window Contact Element (Security)........................482
Workspace Options Toolbar........................................25
Workspace Panel........................................................28
Workspace Panel, Defined............................................5
XAML File, Defined......................................................5
XT/XTM Element (Network)......................................465
York Chiller Element (HVAC Chillers)........................319
Zoom Level Selection................................................118

Building Efficiency
507 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Metasys® and Johnson Controls® are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
All other marks herein are the marks of their respective owners. © 2014 Johnson Controls, Inc.

Published in U.S.A.

Graphic Generation Tool Help 496

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