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Bombardier Inc.
123 Garratt Blvd.
Downsview, Ontario, Canada M3K 1Y5
Telephone 1(416) 633-7310


ISAR 2001-05 JUNE 27, 2001

In this Issue ...

★ ISAR Articles
➠ 2001-05-3250: Nose Landing Gear Steering Swivel Allowable Leakage Limits ....................................... 5
➠ 2001-05-7830: $- Thrust Reverser Ballscrew Lubrication ....................................................................... 6
★ Information Exchange
➠ Spares Improvements ............................................................................................................................... 7
➠ Technical Publications Report Summary ................................................................................................... 8
➠ Engine Covers Can Save $$$$ ................................................................................................................. 11
★ Supplemental Type Certificate News .................................................................................................... 12
★ Generic Repair Engineering Order (REO) Update ............................................................................ 14
★ Service Letter (SL) Update....................................................................................................................... 14
★ All Operator Message (AOM) Update .................................................................................................. 14
★ Operator Coverage (FSR/CSAM) ......................................................................................................... 15

Readers are requested to please distribute this newsletter within their organizations.

The ISAR is published by Customer Support - Technical Help Desk
Please address inquiries to the Editor (telephone 1-416-373-7887; fax: 1-416-375-4539; e-mail: lbromley@dehavilland.ca).
CRJ ISAR 2001-05

Scheduled Special Events

Date Event Location
SEP 18, 2001 North American CRJ100/200 Top Issues Washington D.C., USA
Working Group
SEP 26 European CRJ100/200 Top Issues Montpellier, France
Working Group
For further Top Issues Working Group and technical meeting information, please contact:
Therese Lamontagne - telephone: 1-514-855-9472; e-mail: therese.lamontagne@notes.canadair.ca
For further Conference information, please contact:
Miriam Rodgers - telephone: 1-514-855-8258; e-mail: miriam.rodgers@notes.canadair.ca
*** * ***

Maintenance Cost Working Group Preface

The CRJ Maintenance Cost Working Group (MCWG) has been in operation since October 1997.
The group consists of representatives from Operators and associated Bombardier departments such
as Maintenance Engineering, In-Service Engineering, Supplier Liaison, Spares, and Warranty, and
selected Bombardier Suppliers. It is the MCWG’s intention in this, and future ISARs, to publish
information on ways to help reduce the cost of operating the aircraft.
Specific cost reduction issues contributed by Maintenance Engineering
are identified with a “$” symbol preceding the subject title.
*** * ***

For additional information on any of the in-service items covered in this report,
please contact your local Bombardier Aerospace Regional Aircraft Field Service
Representative or the appropriate staff member noted below:
Mike Dornenburg Manager, Technical Help Desk (CRJ) 1-514-855-8146
Tracy Lloyd Manager, In-Service Engineering 1-514-855-9335
Jim Lister Manager, Maintenance Cost Monitoring 1-416-375-3495

Lorne Bromley Editor 1-416-373-7887

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

From the Editor !

The featured Operator in this issue of the ISAR is Atlantic Southeast Airlines,
Inc. ASA is wholly owned by Delta Airlines and operates as a Delta Connection
carrier, mostly in the southeastern USA. ASA also has destinations in the
midwest, northeast, Canada, and Mexico. The airline currently has well over 40
CRJs, with more on the way from the factory!
The upper photograph and information on ASA were kindly contributed by John Reynolds of
Bombardier Field Service. Some of the ASA machines are painted in special themes. The top photo
is a CRJ200 sporting the city of Atlanta skyline, while the aircraft in the lower shot, provided by
Luigi Confalone of Field Service, is called “Bluebonnet” (the Texas State Flower), saluting ASA’s
Dallas / Fort Worth hub. We were very fortunate in receiving quite a number of ASA photographs,
and look forward to showcasing them in future CRJ ISAR issues.
Bombardier Field Support and Customer Service for Atlantic Southeast Airlines is provided by
Peter Baker, Luigi Confalone, and John Reynolds (FSR) and Mike Panasiuk (CSAM).

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

Since its last hardcopy release in July 2000, the “Dash 8 & CRJ
Operators’ Quick Contact Guide”, published by the Technical Help Desk,
has proven very popular with the Operators, Bombardier staff, and Vendors.
Though I may have previously mentioned it, our intent is to re-issue the
QCG annually in hardcopy for distribution to all the Operators. Many,
however, may not be aware that the booklet is available at any time in an
electronic format.
A new electronic-only edition was released on May 17, 2001. Copies were
e-mailed to one focal of each Operator and to involved Bombardier staff.
I would like to offer our continuing thanks to recipients of the QCG
(hardcopy and electronic) who have taken the time to let us know of
personnel changes. The next generation hardcopy QCG, in work now, has
been enriched with staff contacts and promises to provide users with an even
more valuable resource.
The electronic QCG, which reflects information current as of May 2001, is
available free-of-charge on request ... simply send me an e-mail message.

Lorne Bromley
Documentation Editor
Customer Support - Technical Help Desk (Toronto)
Bombardier Aerospace Regional Aircraft
e-mail: lbromley@dehavilland.ca

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

ISAR Item No. 2001-05-3250 contributed by Otto Dietrich, In-Service Engineering (Systems)

Subject: Nose Landing Gear Swivel Allowable Leakage Limits

Applicability: CRJ100/200
Reference: Messier-Dowty Service Letter 16040-32-1; Aircraft Maintenance Manual

There is an ongoing in-service issue with nose landing gear steering swivel leakage. This may affect
operations prior to the first flight of the day, and is primarily seen with hydraulic pressure “OFF”
(i.e., static pressure only). Messier-Dowty is actively investigating this leakage phenomenon and
issued Service Letter M-DT SIL-16040-32-1 (February 26, 1997), approving leak rates in excess of
allowable limits stated in the AMM.
The Messier-Dowty Service Letter is quoted below:
Some steering swivels may become wet with hydraulic fluid around the steering swivel
valve at 21°C (70°F) and with hydraulic pressure off. Furthermore, this wetting can
form drops if submitted to cold temperature. The steering performance is not affected
by a small loss of fluid.
This service information letter is to advise operators that, with steering hydraulics
switched on or off and at temperatures down to -35°C (-30°F) a fluid leak up to 1
drop every minute is acceptable for a maximum period of 72 hours under the
following conditions:
1. Before the first flight of the day, make sure the hydraulic fluid level in System No.3
reservoir is between 50% and 65%. Refer to CRJ AMM 12-12-29.
2. Between each subsequent flight, make sure the hydraulic fluid level in System No.3
reservoir remains between 45% and 85%.
3. Inspect the NLG tires for hydraulic fluid contamination. If there is contamination:
A. Wash the contaminated area first with de-natured alcohol, then with soap and
water solution.
B. Probe the contaminated area. If the rubber feels soft or spongy, remove the
tire from service.
4. If the aircraft is not in operation, make sure the NLG tires are covered to protect
them from hydraulic fluid contamination.
NOTE: If the steering swivel is still leaking when the maximum period of 72
hours has elapsed, the whole swivel assembly must be replaced. Refer
to M-DT CMM 32-20-04, Figure 6, item 9 (LH) or item 10 (RH).
This service letter includes all NLG swivel valve assemblies in current use.

ISAR Item Status: OPEN

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

ISAR Item No. 2001-05-7830 contributed by Bill Overy, Maintenance Engineering

Subject: $- Thrust Reverser Ballscrew Lubrication

Applicability: CRJ100/200
Reference: Aircraft Maintenance Manual

Incorrect lubrication of the thrust reverser ballscrews have caused problems with thrust reverser
operation, and subsequently have become a high maintenance cost for Operators.
The procedures in the CRJ manuals are being expanded and clarified; these will be amended in
Rev.23 of the AMM and Rev.20 of the Task Cards.
Lubrication of the ballscrew is facilitated through a Zerk fitting in the ballscrew nut (see photograph).

The nut must be rotated, to align the lubrication fitting to the ballnut sleeve opening, by pulling the
manual release and turning the thrust reverser by hand until the lubrication fitting is in view. It is
important to lubricate sparingly. Approximately 1.75 cc of grease is all that is required. This
represents about one shot from a lever-type grease gun. If a different type of grease gun is employed,
the technician should calculate the required amount of lubricant.

ISAR Item Status: CLOSED

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

Information Exchange
Spares Improvements
contributed by Jack Kallio, Director, Spare Parts Operations

ISAR Editor: The material in this article represents a summary of information published by the Bombardier
Spares department in their newsletter, “Nuts & Bolts - Operators’ Edition” (May 31, 2001).

Improvement Commitments
In late March 2001, a communication was sent to all Operators with a letter from Chris Beaton,
Vice President of Customer Support. This communication detailed a list of commitments related to
improvement of service provided by the Spares organization; the commitments and current status of
improvement initiatives are outlined below. Operators are encouraged to obtain copies of the latest
“Nuts & Bolts” newsletter for further details (contact the newsletter editor by telephone: 1-905-405-
2700 or fax: 1-905-405-2756).

1. Improve Spares Fillrates

" 85% AOG fillrate in 4 hours (by September 30, 2001). The AOG fillrate is presently above
target for the second consecutive month.
" 84% all-item worldwide fillrate in 30 days (also by September 30). The 30-day fillrate is
presently improving; customer backorders need to be reduced before fillrates achieve the overall
" 90% all-item worldwide fillrate in 90 days (starting with orders received in September 2001).
2. Spares Backorder Reduction & Visibility
" Provide dates on all backorders within 20 days (by May 31, 2001).
" Reduce the January 31, 2001 backorder level by 50% (be September 30, 2001). Presently, there
has been a 23% improvement. The target is to fill 90% of all orders within 90 days (by
September 2001). There has been a 12% reduction in backorders greater than 90 days old.
Backorders were reduced overall during May, but the percentage remaining over 90 days
increased. The volume of customer backorders needs to be cleared before the target can be
achieved and sustained.

3. Improve Spares Planning/Forecasting Model

" Improved classification and initial provisioning forecasting has been implemented and is
" AOG and non-fill analysis mechanisms have been completed.
" Heavy check and fleet leader analysis will be complete in June 2001.

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

" The plan was presented at the Spares Review Board meeting in Belfast (April 6th) and at the
CRJ Operators’ Conference (May 15-17, 2001).

4. Communications Improvements
" Internal processes are being modified and additional resources are being put into place.
" An update was presented at the CRJ Operators’ Conference (May 15-17); additional updates
will be available for future Spares Review Board meetings.

5. Improve Distribution Centre Performance

" The plan was presented at the Spares Review Board meeting in Belfast (April 6th) and at the
CRJ Operators’ Conference (May 15-17, 2001).

CRJ Kit Process Improvement

In February 2001, the CRJ kit build activity was moved to Toronto. At that time, Spares had 4,392
kits to build. Using the previous process, it would have required a full year to produce and ship
these kits. Since the transferal of the physical build responsibility and introduction of process
improvements, the backlog has been almost eliminated. As of May 31, only 77 kits remained to be

Launch of Spares Website

On May 17, 2001, the Bombardier Online Spares System (BOSS) website became available for
Operators to view inventory availability, pricing, create quotes or raise purchase orders online. The
ability to place online orders actually commenced May 28th. Effective June 4th, Bombardier’s world-
wide inventory stock availability will be updated on a daily basis.
Operators are required to obtain a password to use the website. This can be done by accessing the
site at:
*** * ***

Technical Publications Report Summary

contributed by Roman Kuryluk, Manager, CRJ100/200 Technical Publications

ISAR Editor: This article has been extracted from the “CRJ100/200 Technical Publications Detailed
Report” issued June 1, 2001. These reports are intended to be released every two months. For
further details on any of the information outlined in this ISAR summary article, Operators are
encouraged to contact the Manager of CRJ100/200 Technical Publications, Roman Kuryluk
(telephone: 1-416-375-7671; e-mail: rkuryluk@dehavilland.ca). Details related to new
publishing technologies (e.g., DVD) can be addressed to the Manager of Production and
Distribution, Ronald Smith (1-416-375-5561). For delivery status on previously published
manuals, the Manual Distribution group should be contacted (1-416-375-3693).

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

Documentation Summary
AMM - Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
22 2001-07 # To reflect aircraft S/N in manual at delivery.
# Incorporating outstanding MCRs and Modsums.
# DVD development in process (Issue 1 release target: July 2001).
# Planning provision of DVD training for customers (first customer training target: July 2001).

IPC - Illustrated Parts Catalog

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
25 2001-09 # To reflect aircraft S/N in manual at delivery.
# Incorporating outstanding MCRs and Modsums.
# Project to create Master IPC is in process.
# DVD development in process for Master IPC (target: 4th quarter 2001).

WDM - Wiring Diagram Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
22 2001-06 # To reflect aircraft S/N in manual at delivery.
# Incorporating outstanding MCRs and Modsums.
# Development of intelligent graphics is in process.
# DVD development is in process (Issue 2 release target: October 2001).

FIM - Fault Isolation Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
22 2001-07 # To reflect aircraft S/N in manual at delivery.
# Incorporating outstanding MCRs and Modsums.
# DVD development in process (Issue 2 release target: October 2001).

SRM - Structural Repair Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
13 2001-07 # Incorporating outstanding MCRs and Modsums.
# Incorporating references to GREO.
# DVD development in process (Issue 1 release target: July 2001).

GREO - Generic Repair Engineering Order Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
1 (as req’d) # Updating as required.
# Planned as future digital deliverable.

SSM - System Schematics Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
17 2001-08 # Improving technical content.
# Moving document to SGML (DVD target: September 2001).

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

SDIR - Structural Deviation Inspection Requirements Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
n/a 2002-03 # New manual in process (Issue 1 release planned for 1st quarter 2002).

MTCM - Maintenance Task Card Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
19 2001-08 # Updating as required.
# Planned as future digital deliverable (PDF release target: June 2001).

MRM - Maintenance Requirements Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
6* (as req’d) # Updating as required.
# Planned as future digital deliverable (PDF release target: July 2001).
* - Revision Status: Part 1 @ Rev.6; Part 2 @ Rev.2; Part 3 @ Rev.2.

DDG - Dispatch Deviation Guide

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
NC 2001-07 # Updating as required.
# Planned as future digital deliverable (PDF release target: June 2001).

NDT - Non-Destructive Testing Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
10 2001-07 # Updating as required.
# Planned as future digital deliverable.

ITEM - Illustrated Tools & Equipment Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
9 2001-07 # Updating as required.
# Planned as future digital deliverable.

MPM - Maintenance Planning Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
9 2001-08 # Updating as required.
# Planned as future digital deliverable.

WBM - Weight & Balance Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
10 2001-07 # Updating as required.

APM - Airport Planning Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
6 (n/a) # Updating as required.

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

PPGRM - Powerplant Ground Run Manual

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
22 (n/a) # Updating as required.

CMM - Component Maintenance Manual(s)

Rev. Next Rev. Current Initiatives
13 2001-07 # Outstanding CMMs (30) to be completed during 2001.
# 13 additional CMMs and 6 revised CMMs to be included in Revision 14.
# Incorporating outstanding MCRs.
# DVD development in process (Issue 1 release target: July 2001).

Service Bulletin Activity

601R-27-113 BPSU Provision in process (Top 25 issue)
601R-27-115 Flaps Phase 2 SDS Provision in process (Top 25 issue)
601R-52-102 Passenger Door - Repetitive Interval Replacement of Lock Pawl Torsion Spring in process (Top 25 issue)
601R-52-104 Cargo Compartment Door - Balance Springs in process (Top 25 issue)
601R-21-039 Cabin Comfort in process (Top 25 issue)

*** * ***

Engine Covers Can Save $$$$

contributed by Tony Lively, Manager, Accident Investigation

NASA’s information newsletter, “CALLBACK”, recently published a report submitted to NASA

by a flight crew member. This report stated that during takeoff the crew had difficulty setting the
required EPR. When the EPRs were eventually set to the bugs, the N1s were noted to be 10% low
(i.e., 85% instead of 95%). The takeoff was aborted at 75 kt. and the airplane returned to the ramp.
The next day, the crew were informed by Maintenance that a large amount of insects and related
material had been removed from the pressure sensing lines that supply the EPR gauges. It was also
discovered that the airplane had sat for several days without the engine covers or plugs being
installed. The airspeed appeared to be indicating satisfactorily, so it would seem that the pitot and
static covers had been used ... or was this crew just lucky?
Covers and plugs are supplied for a reason -- Operators are urged to use them.

*** * ***

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

Supplemental Type Certificate News

contributed by Marty Gregory, Modification and Repair Services

This feature in the ISAR is provided by Modification and Repair Services (MRS) - a group in
Bombardier Aerospace Regional Aircraft dedicated to supporting Sales, Marketing, Customer
Support, and Program Management. The group offers a means to work with third parties to obtain
non-standard aircraft reconfigurations in a cost effective and expedient manner. CRJ and Dash 8
Operators are supported through the production of STCs for enhancement of the aircraft. Inquiries
regarding the content of “Supplemental Type Certificate News” should be addressed to:


Paul Vascotto Director, Modification & Repair Services 1-416-375-3751 pvascotto@dehavilland.ca
Jaspal Phull Manager, MRS Special Projects 1-416-375-3621 jphull@dehavilland.ca
Trevor De Mello Special Projects Team Account Manager 1-416-375-3601 tdemello@dehavilland.ca
Marty Gregory Special Projects Team Account Manager 1-416-375-5496 mgregory@dehavilland.ca
Tim Tibbles Special Projects Team Account Manager 1-416-373-5307 ttibbles@dehavilland.ca
Jacques Lacasse Special Projects Team Account Manager 1-514-855-5000 jacques.lacasse@notes.canadair.ca

The fax number for the MRS department is 1-416-375-4512.

Approved STCs
The following STCs have been recently completed and are now available. New additions are
indicated by a revision bar. Note that a detailed catalogue of CRJ STCs is now available,
electronically or in hardcopy. The MRS group should be contacted to obtain copies.

➨ Cabin Class Dividers (see CRJ ISAR 2001-04)

➨ Cargoliner Panel Replacements (see CRJ ISAR 2001-04)
➨ CTT Zonal Dryer System (see CRJ ISAR 2001-04)
➨ LED Logo Light (see CRJ ISAR 2001-03)
➨ Photoluminescent Floorpath Lighting System (see CRJ ISAR 2001-03)
➨ PulseLite Landing Light Control (see CRJ ISAR 2001-04)
➨ Third Seat Track Installation - Left and Right (see CRJ ISAR 2001-04)

STCs Currently in Development

The following STCs are currently in the development stage. Where there has been a significant
change in status since the last appearance in an ISAR, a descriptive paragraph and/or revision bar

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

will be provided. An index of available STCs appears in the ISAR quarterly, as well as in the
catalogue published by MRS.

➨ ACM Exhaust Duct Assembly Improvement

➨ Aeroshade Technologies Cockpit Sunshades
➨ AFIRS (Aircraft Flight Information Reporting System)
➨ Alternate Static Dischargers
➨ Alternative Tires
➨ Bleed Air Leak Detection Sensor Fault Monitor
➨ Gill Lead-Acid Batteries
➨ Horizontal Stabilizer / MCU Access Improvement
➨ Intermittent Windshield Wiper System
➨ LED Lighting (nose-to-tail)
➨ Quick-Disconnect Pitot Probe
➨ Rechargeable Cabin Flashlights

STCs Under Investigation

The following STCs are under investigation. New additions are indicated by a revision bar. Further
information will be provided in future ISARs.
$ Alternate Antennas
$ Deicing Fluid Integrity Measuring System
$ Dual Bypass Valve Covers
$ Flight Attendant Reading Light
$ New Antenna Gaskets
$ Power Bump Elimination on Generator No.2 Switching
$ Rear Bay Walkway
$ Replaceable Winglet Fairings
$ Winglet Second Static Discharger

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

Generic Repair Engineering Order Update

contributed by Lauretta Antinori, Technical Help Desk

The following are CRJ100/200 REOs issued/revised subsequent to the list published in ISAR 2001-04 (May 24, 2001).

REO No. Title Issued Rev Rev. Date

601R-23-11-004 VHF Communications - Coax Cable Repair 2001-05-10 NC --
601R-25-80-010 VHF Antenna - Insulation Cutout 2001-05-10 NC --
601R-53-00-023 Generic Repairs to Fuselage Skin, Non-Pressurized, Permanent, 2000-05-25 B 2001-05-24
601R-53-00-025 Generic Repair - Fuselage Skin, Non-Pressurized, Temporary, 2000-05-25 B 2001-05-24
601R-53-00-028 Generic Repair to Fuselage Frames FS295 to 654.5 2000-07-10 A 2001-05-24
601R-53-00-030 Generic Repair to Fuselage Skin Around Passenger Door Cutout 2000-10-21 A 2001-05-04
601R-53-00-033 Generic Repair to Fuselage Skin Around Service Door Cutout 2000-10-20 B 2001-05-24
601R-53-00-034 Generic Repair to Skin Around Cargo Door 2000-12-01 B 2001-05-01
601R-57-21-130 Temporary Repair to Lower Wing Plank WS148.019, LHS and RHS 2001-02-09 B 2001-05-16

Service Letter Update

contributed by Lauretta Antinori, Technical Help Desk

The following are CRJ100/200 SLs issued/revised subsequent to the list published in ISAR 2001-04 (May 24, 2001).

SL No. ATA Title Issued Rev Rev. Date

51-002 5131 Replacement of EXXON Turbine Oils With Air BP Oils 2001-05-15 NC --
(ATA 12-13 and ATA 79-00)
32-030 3240 Reinforcing Cord Visible - Allowable Limits for CRJ100/200 Main 2001-05-11 NC --
Landing Gear and Nose Landing Gear Tires

All Operator Message Update

contributed by Lauretta Antinori, Technical Help Desk

The following are CRJ100/200 AOMs issued/revised subsequent to the list published in ISAR 2001-04 (May 24, 2001).

AOM # ATA Title Issue Date Rev Rev Date

499 7920 GE All-Operator Wire 01-01 and Engineering Note 2001-04 2001-05-04 NC --
500 7900 Engine BSUMP Field Management Program 2001-05-11 NC --
501 2400 Leach Relay H-A4A-039 2001-05-14 NC --
502 2400 IDG/APU Generator Rotor Lead Wire Breakage 2001-05-14 NC --
503 2615 Transport Canada AD CF-2001-21, Proposed Airworthiness Directive 2001-05-14 NC --
for Replacement of Cargo Smoke Detector (p/n 473052)

CRJ ISAR 2001-05

Operator Coverage
Information Current as of: June 27, 2001
Note Regarding E-mail Addresses:
Addresses for personnel stationed in Montreal are as such: john.smith@notes.canadair.ca
while those for Toronto-based staff and all FSRs in the field are: jsmith@dehavilland.ca

Field Service & Customer Service Management & Office Personnel (etc.)
Field Support - Director Bob Donnelly Montreal, PQ, Canada 1-514-855-8149 1-514-984-5798 NA 1-514-855-7601
Field Service - Manager John Warner Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-375-3311 1-416-948-2772 1-416-373-5308
Field Service Administration Manager Cindi Chan Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-375-3304 1-416-568-3510 1-416-373-5308
Field Service Clerk Carol Nicolucci Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-375-3982 -- 1-416-373-5308
Regional Manager - Asia/Pacific Steve Harrison Shanghai, China 86-21-5834-7736 86-1350-135-2842 86-21-5834-4738
Regional Manager - Eastern Americas Ross Hitchins London, ON, Canada 1-519-659-5527 1-519-852-5203 1-519-453-8247
Regional Manager - Western Americas TBA Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-375-3982 -- 1-416-373-5308
Regional Manager - International David Kirstuik Montpellier, France 33-4-6720-6861 33-6-1203-4095 33-4-6720-6865
Area Rep. - Eastern USA Ray Gatt Middletown, PN, USA 1-717-944-8843 -- 1-717-944-8844
Area Rep. - Europe Tom Schweiger Innsbruck, Austria 43-512-286-449 43-664-440-3561 43-512-286-458
Area Rep. - Europe Bruce Hawker Maastricht, Netherlands 31-43-358-7949 31-6-1508-4449 31-43-408-5994
Area Rep. - Middle East TBA Abu Dhabi 971-2-4432-482 971-2-4432-868 971-50-612-0257
Area Rep. - South America Mike Rosso Kissimmee, FL, USA 1-407-343-5566 1-407-922-6109 1-407-343-5567
FSR (training) Tim Bailey Canada 1-416-375-3982 -- 1-416-373-5308
FSR (SAS deliveries) Cal Butcher Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-375-3982 1-416-346-8805 1-416-373-5308
FSR (relief for ASA) Mike Day Atlanta, GA, USA 1-404-765-1927 -- 1-416-373-5308
FSR (training/relief) Chris Davey Victoria, Australia 61-3-9933-2319 -- --
FSR (training) Peter Jones Canada 1-416-375-3982 -- 1-416-373-5308
FSR (relief) James Ranger Macon, GA, USA 1-416-375-3982 1-478-335-1721 1-416-373-5308
CRJ 900 FSR Gennaro Sicurezza Montreal, PQ, Canada 1-514-855-9509 1-514-214-7476 1-514-855-7702
FSR (training) Yong Yi Lu (training) 1-416-375-3982 -- 1-416-373-5308
Cust. Service & Supplier Liaison - Dir. Steve Young Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-375-3667 1-416-887-5858 1-416-375-4254
Customer Service - Sr. Manager Americas Alan Gibbins Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-373-5603 1-416-606-5882 1-416-375-4254
Customer Service - Manager Asia/Pacific Royston Simon Montreal, PQ, Canada 1-514-855-7648 1-514-236-5003 1-514-855-7601
Customer Service - Manager International Christine Forget Montreal, PQ, Canada 1-514-855-7149 1-514-578-5556 1-514-855-7601
Customer Service Board Yvon Hache Toronto, ON, Canada 1-416-373-5197 -- 1-416-606-5882

Field Service Representatives & Customer Service Account Managers Assigned to Operators
Notes: “C” indicates cell phone; *see above table; THD: contact 24-hr dHI thd@dehavilland.ca & 24-hr CRJ thd@notes.canadair.ca
Abu Dhabi Aviation DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Adria Airways CRJ Schweiger, Tom * Austria (Innsbruck) 43-512-286-449 Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901
Aerographics DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Air ALM DASH 8 Rosso, Mike * USA (Orlando, FL) 1-407-343-5566 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Air BC DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139

CRJ ISAR 2001-05


Air Canada CRJ Belanger, Daniel Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-422-6829 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Air Canada CRJ Karlovcec, Peter Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-905-676-2466 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Air Creebec DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Air Dolomiti CRJ DelVecchio, Nick Italy (Verona) 39-348-749-8812C Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901
Air Inuit DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Air Jamaica Express DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Air Littoral CRJ Kirstuik, David * France (Montpellier) 33-4-6720-6861 Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901
Air Niugini DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
Air Nostrum CRJ Rosa, Serge Spain (Valencia) 34-96-159-8856 Anderson, Chris 1-416-373-7783
Air Nostrum DASH 8 Rosa, Serge Spain (Valencia) 34-96-159-8856 Anderson, Chris 1-416-373-7783
Air Nova DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Air Ontario DASH 8 Hitchins, Ross * Canada (London, ON) 1-519-852-5203C Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Air Senegal International DASH 8 Hutchins, Mark Senegal (Dakar) 33-62-2705-536C Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Air Service Gabon DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Air Wisconsin CRJ LeBlanc, Maurice USA (Appleton, WI) 1-303-551-7363 Burtone, Carmela 1-514-855-9342
Aires DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Airlines PNG DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
Alberta Government DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Surmann, Toby 1-416-373-5049
Allegheny Airlines DASH 8 Gatt, Ray * USA (Middletown, PN) 1-717-944-8843 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Aloha Island Air DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Surmann, Toby 1-416-373-5049
Amakusa Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Sanchez, Peter 1-514-855-7297
American Eagle Airlines CRJ700 Chown, Bruce Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-855-8054 Rose, Ronald 1-514-855-9329
ANK (Air Nippon) DASH 8 Irvine, Andrew Japan (Tokyo) 81-3-5757-7267 Sanchez, Peter 1-514-855-7297
Atlantic Coast Airlines CRJ Basile, Joe USA (Dulles, VA) 1-703-661-1629 Rose, Ronald 1-514-855-9329
Atlantic Southeast Airlines CRJ+700 Baker, Peter USA (Atlanta, GA) 1-404-765-1927 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Atlantic Southeast Airlines CRJ+700 Confalone, Luigi USA (Macon, GA) 1-912-784-0318 x212 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Atlantic Southeast Airlines CRJ+700 Reynolds, John USA (Atlanta, GA) 1-404-765-1927 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Augsburg Airways DASH 8 Carruthers, Scott Germany (Augsburg) 49-821-27097-64 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Augsburg Airways Q400 Carruthers, Scott Germany (Augsburg) 49-821-27097-64 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Bahamasair DASH 8 Rosso, Mike * USA (Orlando, FL) 1-407-343-5566 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Banco de Mexico / SETRA DASH 8 Barr, Kevin Mexico 52-57-85-5294 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
BP Exploration DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Brit Air CRJ700 Brousseau, Franck France (Morlaix) 33-2-98-62-1022 x636 Laverdure, Genevieve 1-514-855-9418
Brit Air CRJ700 Fernandez, Christophe France (Morlaix) 33-2-98-62-1022 x636 Laverdure, Genevieve 1-514-855-9418
British European CRJ Armstrong, Dan England (Exeter) 44-1392-266-670 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
British European DASH 8 Armstrong, Dan England (Exeter) 44-1392-266-670 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
British European Q400 Armstrong, Dan England (Exeter) 44-1392-266-670 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
Brymon Airways DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Anderson, Chris 1-416-373-7783
BWIA West Indies Airways DASH 8 DeAbreu, Dwayne Trinidad 1-868-669-3000 x2545 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Cameroon Airlines CRJ call THD for tech. help Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-855-8500 Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901

CRJ ISAR 2001-05


Canadian Regional Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Caribbean Star Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
CC Air DASH 8 Gatt, Ray * USA (Middletown, PN) 1-717-944-8843 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Chang’An Airlines Hainan Q400 Foo, Wah Liang China (Xi’an) 86-29-4261-888 Guthrie, Gary 1-416-373-7222
Cimber Air CRJ call THD for tech. help Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-855-8500 Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901
Cirrus DASH 8 Hawker, Bruce * Netherlands 31-43-358-7949 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Club Challenger / Skyservice CRJ Karlovcec, Peter Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-905-676-2466 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Club Challenger / Skyservice DASH 8 Karlovcec, Peter Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-905-676-2466 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Comair CRJ+700 Buth, Otto USA (Cincinnati, OH) 1-859-767-7852 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Comair CRJ+700 Keys, Nigel USA (Cincinnati, OH) 1-859-767-7852 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Comair CRJ+700 Potvin, Gilles USA (Orlando, FL) 1-407-825-3863 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
DND 402 Squadron DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Surmann, Toby 1-416-373-5049
Eastern Australia Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
Era Aviation DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Surmann, Toby 1-416-373-5049
Eurowings Luftverkehrs CRJ Rust, David Germany (Nuremberg) 49-911-36568195 Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901
Fair Inc. CRJ McHale, Tim Japan (Sendai) 81-22-323-4405 Sanchez, Peter 1-514-855-7297
GMG Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 TBA TBA
Halliburton Company DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Hawkair Aviation Services DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Surmann, Toby 1-416-373-5049
Horizon Air CRJ700 Chalmers, Don USA (Portland, OR) 1-503-288-5954 Panasiuk, Mike 1-514-855-7857
Horizon Air DASH 8 Takahashi, Maurice USA (Portland, OR) 1-503-335-1491 Surmann, Toby 1-416-373-5049
Horizon Air Q400 Takahashi, Maurice USA (Portland, OR) 1-503-335-1491 Surmann, Toby 1-416-373-5049
Hydro Quebec DASH 8 Tremblay, Jean-Francois Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-217-0085 C Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Intercontinental de Aviacion DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Island Aviation Services DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 TBA TBA
J-Air CRJ Lackie, Alan Japan (Hiroshima) 81-82-503-2355 Sanchez, Peter 1-514-855-7297
Kahama Mining DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Kendell Airlines CRJ Caldwell, Doug Australia (VIC) 61-3-9933-2319 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
Kenya Air Force DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Lauda Air CRJ call THD for tech. help Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-855-8500 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
LIAT DASH 8 Rosso, Mike * USA (Orlando, FL) 1-407-343-5566 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Lufthansa CityLine CRJ+700 Jelley, Kevin Germany (Koln) 49-2203-550-51 Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901
Lufthansa CityLine CRJ+700 Perron, Claude Germany (Koln) 49-2203-550-51 Ghabro, Edmond 1-514-855-8901
Maersk Air (DK) CRJ Hawker, Bruce * Netherlands 31-43-358-7949 Laverdure, Genevieve 1-514-855-9418
Maersk Air (UK) CRJ+700 Davies, Robin England (Birmingham) 44-121-243-2117 Laverdure, Genevieve 1-514-855-9418
Mesa Airlines DASH 8 Conley, John USA (Phoenix, AZ) 1-602-284-5057C Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Mesa Airlines (West) CRJ Conley, John USA (Phoenix, AZ) 1-602-284-5057C Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Midroc Aviation DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Midway Airlines CRJ Karlovcec, Peter Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-905-676-2466 Rose, Ronald 1-514-855-9329
National Jet Systems DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234

CRJ ISAR 2001-05


NAV Canada DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Nordic Aviation Resources DASH 8 Hawker, Bruce * Netherlands 31-43-358-7949 Anderson, Chris 1-416-373-7783
Northwest Airlink (Express I) CRJ Godon, Raynald USA (Memphis, TN) 1-901-369-8829 Burtone, Carmela 1-514-855-9342
Oriental Air Bridge DASH 8 Knox, John Japan (Nagasaki) 81-905-2860283 Sanchez, Peter 1-514-855-7297
Palestinian Airlines CRJ call THD for tech. help Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-855-8500 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Palestinian Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Pegasus Technologies Inc. DASH 8 Rosso, Mike * USA (Orlando, FL) 1-407-343-5566 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Piedmont Airlines DASH 8 Gatt, Ray * USA (Middletown, PN) 1-717-944-8843 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Potomac Air Inc. DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 TBA TBA
Quebec Government DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Rheintalflug-Seewald DASH 8 Schweiger, Tom * Austria (Innsbruck) 43-512-286-449 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
Royal Wings DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Ryukyu Air Commuter DASH 8 Doles, Kelly Japan (Okinawa) 81-98-858-3348 Sanchez, Peter 1-514-855-7297
SAS Commuter Q400 de Graaf, Peter Denmark 45-3232-4850 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
SAS Commuter Q400 de Graaf, Peter Denmark 45-3232-4850 Dumbrille, Hal 1-416-375-4394
Saudi Aramco DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Schreiner Airways DASH 8 Hawker, Bruce * Netherlands 31-43-358-7949 Lee, Lori 1-416-375-3139
Shandong Airlines CRJ Gagnon, Michel China (Shanghai) 86-139-1082-5749C Guthrie, Gary 1-416-373-7522
Shanghai Airlines CRJ Tremblay, Martin China (Shanghai) 86-1365-1744-521C Guthrie, Gary 1-416-373-7522
Shuttle America DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Skippers Aviation DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
SkyWest Airlines CRJ Robinson, Mike USA (SaltLakeCity, UT) 1-801-575-2076 Burtone, Carmela 1-514-855-9342
South African Express DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
South African Express CRJ Schweiger, Tom * Austria (Innsbruck) 43-512-286-449 Derso, Haile 1-416-373-7767
Southern Australia Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
Southern Winds Airlines CRJ call THD for tech. help Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-855-8500 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Southern Winds Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Martello, Alberto 1-416-375-3703
Sunstate Airlines DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
Tenix LADS DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
Transport Canada DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Tyrolean Airways CRJ call THD for tech. help Canada (Montreal, PQ) 1-514-855-8500 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
Tyrolean Airways Q400 Dorrans, Spencer Austria (Vienna) 43-1-7007-36314 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
Tyrolean Airways DASH 8 Schweiger, Tom * Austria (Innsbruck) 43-512-286-449 Vigna, Angelo 1-416-373-7557
UNI Airways DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 TBA TBA
USAF / King Aerospace DASH 8 Rosso, Mike * USA (Orlando, FL) 1-407-343-5566 Healey, Barbara 1-416-375-3028
Vanair DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 DeBrusk, Ryan 1-416-375-3234
VISA Airways DASH 8 call THD for tech. help Canada (Toronto, ON) 1-416-375-4000 Guthrie, Gary 1-416-373-7222
Widerøe’s Flyveselskap DASH 8 Hawker, Bruce * Netherlands 31-43-358-7949 Anderson, Chris 1-416-373-7783
Zhejiang Airlines DASH 8 Harrison, Steve * China (Zhejiang) 86-21-5834-7736 Guthrie, Gary 1-416-373-7222


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