Water Splitting Method

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Water splitting method

1) Using Electrolysis
2) Using Amphoteric metals like Zn and Al etc

. Amphoteric metals like aluminum,zinc, gallium, indium, and tin have been shown to react with
water to produce hydrogen and their oxide in a exothermic reaction.

Process using Zinc,

A 2-step cycle based on metal oxide “red-ox” systems (reduction-oxidation systems) was
proposed for splitting water [2]. Figure 4 is a schematic of how the idea works using the zinc
oxide red-ox system. In a sunny region of the world, zinc oxide can be brought to the focus of a
solar concentrator. If it reaches to a high temperature,it will decompose to metallic zinc. One
could collect the oxygen that is liberated or simply vent it to the atmosphere. In a second step,
and without the sun, zinc can be reacted with water to produce hydrogen. Zinc will again become
ZnO, which in turn will be recycled back to zinc in the solar step. Hydrogen can be further
processed to make other fuels or it can be used directly for producing electricity or other forms
of power. Once the hydrogen is expended, it will convert back to water. In this figure you notice
a cyclic process. No material is consumed. No material is discharged. The only energy that enters
into the process is sunlight. The energy avail-able in the hydrogen used to produce electricity or
power is solar energy in disguise.

 2ZnO + Solar Energy  2Zn + O2

 2Zn + 2H2O  2ZnO + 2H2

Aluminium process

The following are possible reactions of aluminum with water:

2Al + 6H2O = 2Al(OH)3 + 3H2 (1)

2Al + 4H2O = 2AlO(OH) + 3H2 (2)

2Al + 3H2O = Al2O3 + 3H2 (3)

All these reactions are thermodynamically favorable and produces Hydrogen at room
The aluminum hydroxide [Al (OH3)] produced is totally non toxic, non ignitable, non explosive
solid and harmless. So it can be used as a land fill and can be recycled. The cost of recycle is less
than the cost of Al extraction from the ore.

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