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Authors: Gavin Borejszo, Altecrete. Roberto Torres, Altecrete Peru. Jason Borejszo, Altecrete.
Publication date: June 2019

INTRODUCTION Minecrete S3 reduces dust pollution at the nozzle due

Conventional shotcrete as we know it, requires a to its thixotropic nature (viscosity), which substantially
batching plant, barrel mixer and robotic sprayer. This is improves visibility and safety during application.
the support system used for the majority of the
underground mines throughout the world today. Deeper Another breakthrough in technology introduces the
mining, requires a thicker shotcrete application. The volumetric mixer for fast, controlled and precise mobile
material volumes required for the application of plant batching to be mixed at the required area of
shotcrete as well as distance the material travels, application. This eliminates the need for surface and
increases their costs and lowers productivity. underground batching plants and the use of barrel
mixers (aggie cars) will no longer be needed.
With the challenges that the mines face, we have
developed a new type of hybrid wet shotcrete called A volumetric mixer is a mobile batching plant that
Minecrete S3, a first of its kind. It is a 3 part mix which transports the Minecrete S3 material components.
consists of cement, aggregate and water. Additional Including the cement, aggregate, fibres and water.
additives such as retarders, accelerators, plasticizers, Mixing it thoroughly together at the required site when
de-foamers, fly ash and silica fume, are no longer ready for application. The volumetric mixer is
needed. Minecrete S3 comes in powder form with all compatible with all existing robotic piston pumps the
additives mixed and blended with the option of fibre mine already has and the equipment only requires one
premixed. operator.

Why do we call Minecrete S3 a "Hybrid Shotcrete" it is

because we have combined the advantages of a Thin DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM
Sprayed Liner (TSL) and the advantages of wet The main objective is to maximise profitability, in the
shotcrete. TSL’s use polymers to create high tensile, shortest time possible, at the lowest cost without
tensile bond and shear bond strengths which shotcrete accidents. As underground mining goes deeper, the
do not have. Conventional shotcrete uses compression stress conditions are increased. This increases the need
strength and energy absorption to create a structural for new inventive ways of introducing new support
support system that can work safely on any type of rock, systems to help the mines achieve their goals by
especially in bad and very poor ground conditions with reducing the risks of fatality’s underground and down
high deformations and presence of water. time. To solve this problem a new type of shotcrete
hybrid called Minecrete S3 has been developed.
Minecrete S3 is a super strong shotcrete that has
structural strength developed by higher strengths in
tensile, tensile bond, shear bond, compression and BACKGROUND
energy absorption. The fact that Minecrete S3 has such For 20 years, deep level mining in South Africa has been
superior strengths and setting times, allows you to using "Thin Spray-On Liners - TSL". The main function
reduce your application thicknesses by up to 50%, of this type of liner is to penetrate and seal the fractures
which translates into a considerable saving in transport in the rock mass, preventing the oxidation and
to the mine, materials handling on surface as well as weathering of problematic rock for long term mining.
underground, increasing your rate of application TSL’s have higher tensile, shear bond and tensile bond
underground and allowing for more blasts per shift. strengths compared to 40MPa shotcrete. (See Graph 1)

Minecrete S3 is far superior in these tests compared to
40MPa wet shotcrete. (See table 2)

Graph 1. TSL properties at 28 days setting time. (1)

These properties are fundamental for the design of all

types of TSL’s. The important properties of conventional
dry or wet shotcrete is commonly only graded by its
compression and energy absorption (Efnarc) strengths.
Graphic 1. Shotcrete Failure Modes
Application Minimum Standards Test Elastic
Age Strength Applied Modulus
Test Type Product 24 Hours 28 Days
(MPa) (MPa)
3 hours 1 MPa Initial Strength Meyco 1,000 Minecrete S3 3.2 MPa 4.5 MPa
Tensile Strength
Needle Penetrometer 40 MPa Shotcrete 0.29 MPa 0.68 MPa
12 hours 6 MPa Sprayed Beam 12,000 Minecrete S3 5.3 MPa 7.4 MPa
Compression (ASTM Shear Bond Strength
40 MPa Shotcrete 0.13 MPa 1.02 MPa
24 hours 18 MPa Core Compressive 20,000 Minecrete S3 9.7 MPa 16.5 MPa
Shear Strength
Strength (AS1012) 40 MPa Shotcrete 0.16 MPa 1.23 MPa
3 days 26MPa Core Compressive 24,000 Minecrete S3 1.59 MPa 2.71 MPa
Tensile Bond Strength
Strength (AS1012) Core 40 MPa Shotcrete 0.09 MPa 0.39 MPa
Compressive Strength Minecrete S3
(AS1012) @100mm
7 days 35MPa Core Compressive 28,000 915 Joules 1109 Joules
@7.7 Kg 50 mm
Strength (AS1012) Energy Absorption - polypropylene fibre
28 days 40 MPa Core Compressive 30,000 EFNARC 40MPa Shotcrete
Strength (AS1012) @100mm Material too
750 Joules
Table 1. Example of early and 28 day ages of @5.3Kg 50mm wet to test
shotcrete in a tunnel construction (2). polypropylene fibre
Minecrete S3
18 MPa 36 MPa
Compressive Strength @2 hours 3 MPa
Table 1 shows the typical resistance of shotcrete in
compression to the AS and ASTM standard. The 40 MPa Shotcrete 4.5 MPa 40 MPa
Minecrete S3 Hybrid Shotcrete was developed as a Table 2. Minecrete S3 Shotcrete Hybrid & Conventional
combination of thin sprayed liner and shotcrete Shotcrete Properties (3)
technology to provide the customer with the best
features of both products combined into one.
When adhesion strength between the rock and the liner
SHOTCRETE FAILURE MODES is strong enough, the composite layer of rock / shotcrete
The principle of a support system is to provide a provides the supporting mechanism.
structural membrane (coating) that can accept large
movements between rock bolts; this is necessary so that If the adhesion between the liner and the rock fails due
the reinforced rock mass receives these loads. to the loads on the rock, this is when the materials tensile
strength will play the main supporting role by providing
The most important parameters of any liner is to accept confinement to the fractured rock mass.
these loads in the following modes of failure which is
flexure strength, shear strength and adhesion (bond) Minecrete S3 has a much higher tensile strength than 40
strength as depicted in figure 1 shotcrete failure modes. MPa shotcrete, in the first 24 hours and in 28 days as
shown in Graphic 2.

Minecrete S3 Shotcrete and applied (TSL) membranes
such as Tunnelguard will be the appropriate solutions to
capitalize on these mechanisms, one better than the

In contrast, it is unlikely that any of these Key Block

Interlocking mechanisms will develop with a wire mesh
membrane, which will only serve as a net to catch loose
fragments. It is only once sufficient bulking of the
fragments has occurred to build up some support
pressure that further fracture and failure development
may be inhibited by wire mesh. (See photo 3)

Graphic 2. “Key Block Interlock” mechanisms.

Photo 3. Wire Mesh Bulking

Consequent strength result values developed by the

Minecrete S3 shotcrete liner in shear bond strength
Graph 2. Comparison Minecrete/Shotcrete in tensile
have no comparison with conventional shotcrete.
(See graph 3).
To understand this fundamental physical property of
interaction between the lining and the rock, it is important
to know the method and concept given by Prof. Stacey (4)
known as “Key Block Interlock”. The effect of this
material provided mechanism is the preservation and
consolidation of the fractured rock mass in a
substantially loosened condition.

There are several sub mechanisms involved in the

promotion of “key block interlocking”, the interlock that is
promoted by the bonding of the shotcrete to the rock,
and the tensile strength of the shotcrete, preventing
shear on the interface and restricting block movement /
rotation. Graph 3. Test of Minecrete S3/Shotcrete in Shear Bond

The development of shear strength on the interface

between the shotcrete and the rock is a direct result of SHEAR STRENGTH
the irregularity of the interface on the rock face surface. This property is fundamental in the behaviour of liners
The penetration of the Minecrete shotcrete material into at early ages. Good adhesion of the liner to the rock
the joints and cracks, inhibits the movement of blocks. means that shear strength is the main failure mode of
This is particularly relevant in conditions where very high the liner. The liner maintains the rock fragments,
stress situations have caused stress fracturing and improving the stability of the rock mass and preventing
some. All of these sub-mechanisms that were described its disintegration that leads to the formation of unstable
previously, will limit the dilation of the rock mass. blocks of greater dimensions. The shear strength

depends on the strength of the concrete, the thickness Description Unit Value
of the application, the perimeter covering the lining and Mass of the block MR kg 2,700
the size of the block or wedge to be contained. Lining Volume FR m³ 1.0
(See graphic 1 & figure 4) Gravitational acceleration g m/s2 9.81
Lining Density γ N/m³ 23,000
Average length of the shear
surface (for equilateral
Ls m 3.0
tetrahedral block of rock with 1
metre side lengths)
Lining Thickness ts m 0.050 0.025
Shear Strength of Shotcrete τs KPa 130 255
Shear Strength of Shotcrete τs MPa 0.13 0.26
Compressive Strength of
V MPa 0.8 1.6
Compressive Strength of
V MPa 1.2 2.3
Shotcrete (FOS 1.5)
Table 3. Calculation of the shear and compression
strength of a liner of different thickness.

Measuring the values of shear strength in situ is un-

common. Relating this type of value to compression
Figure 4. Shear failure mode in a liner.
strength is done following the formula provided by Prof.
Bernard (6).
Equation 2.
The shear strength of a fresh (immediately after it has
been sprayed) shotcrete liner is the strength that it can
resist subject to shear loading imposed by the rock mass Where v is the shear strength and fc is the compressive
during service. strength of the lining. Using the formula of equation 2 of
above for a shear strength of 0.8 MPa we will require a
Within a few hours of spraying, shotcrete is quite value in compression strength of 1.2 MPa for 50 mm
capable of supporting a significant volume of unstable (0.05m) of thickness of the liner and for 25 mm (0.025m)
rock and that this volume or mass of rock may be a value in compression strength will be required of 2.3
calculated as a function of layer thickness and time after MPa. In both cases it is considered a 1.5 Safety Factor.
spraying. The minimum shear strength required for
shotcrete to support blocks with 1 metre side lengths can
be calculated from Villaescusa(5), as is shown in the next

Equation 1.

τs = Shear Strength
FT = Total force resisted by the shotcrete in shear = FS + FR
FR = MR g (MR is mass of rock and g= gravitational
acceleration assumed to be 9.81m/s2)
Ls = 4m (for 1 metre cube block)
Ls = 3m (for equilateral tetrahedral block of rock with 1 metre
side lengths)

Using formula of equation 1, we can calculate the shear

strength of the 0.05m and 0.025m thickness considering Graph 4. Results of compressive strength tests of Minecrete
a block of tetrahedral rock of 2,700 kilograms of mass 1- S3 Shotcrete Hybrid in a mine in Peru in cubic samples.
meter long side.
The Minecrete S3 hybrid shotcrete develops more than
It is obtained that for a thickness of 0.05m the shear 2.9 MPa in compression in just two hours, which shows
strength of the liner must have a value of 0.13 MPa and that this Minecrete S3 Shotcrete Hybrid has the capacity
0.26 MPa for a thickness of 0.025m to develop sufficient strength to hold a block of rock
(See Table 3) weighing 2,700 kilograms and its own weight when it
reaches the resistance of 2.3 MPa in compression in a
time of approximately less than 2 hours. (See Graph 4).

The Minecrete S3 hybrid shotcrete after curing for two deeper understanding of the in-situ strength properties
hours has enough consistency to be tested on the of sprayed concrete, in particular, the resistance of the
compression machine as a cube sample. Minecrete S3 adhesion of the shotcrete to the rock will lead to practical
develops a shear strength of 5.3 MPa in 24 hours and improvements mainly in quality, which will prevent falling
7.4 MPa in 24 hours, values far superior to conventional rocks and accidents, improved safety for staff and
shotcrete. (See graph 5) teams. From graph 6 it is observed that Minecrete S3
develops 1.59 MPa in 24 hours and 2.71 MPa in 28 days.
The conventional shotcrete develops average values of
only 0.5 MPa as shown in table 4 made by Prof. Bernard.

Table 4. Typical values of adhesion bond of shotcrete

Graph 5. Test of Minecrete S3/Shotcrete in Shear Strength ENERGY ABSORPTION

According to EFNARC tests carried out by Geopractica
an independent testing facility in South Africa shows in
TENSILE BOND STRENGTH Table 2, Minecrete S3 develops 950 Joules of energy in
Shotcrete is held in the rock by adhesion and just 24 hours and 1,109 Joules in 28 days, results
strengthens it by avoiding relative movements in the obtained with the use of polypropylene fibre.
shotcrete/rock interface and acts as a super membrane
by providing a rigid retention element with substantial MINECRETE S3 APPLICATION
flexural capacity. In addition to the conventional In a test conducted in a mine in Peru, the use of 25 mm
strength parameters such as the flexural strength, thickness was successfully tested instead of the 50 mm
compression and tensile of shotcrete. The adhesion or that would have had to be used with conventional
strength of the shotcrete bond to the host rock must also shotcrete, in stressed areas of poor quality ground (RMR
be known in order to adequately determine the 28-30), highly fractured with presence of faults with
shotcrete’s ability to support the immediate ground near gouge. (See photo 5 & 6)
the surface of the mine opening.

Photo 5. Strongly fractured rocky mass (RMR 2830) where

25mm thickness of the Minecrete S3 hybrid shotcrete was
applied instead of 50mm of the conventional shotcrete.

Graph 6. Test of Minecrete S3 Shotcrete in Tensile-Bond

Minecrete S3 has been successfully used in mines in
South Africa for two years with great success and has
The ability to determine the adhesion strength of replaced conventional shotcrete application and is part
shotcrete is a key component of the support design. A of the support standard on these mines.

Photo 6. Strongly fractured rock mass (RMR 2830) where Photo 7. Minecrete S3 manual application in Peru. Note that
25mm thickness of the Minecrete S3 was applied instead of the level of dust pollution is minimal and shows a low rebound
50mm of conventional shotcrete. for improved health and safety

Minecrete S3 uses 448.2kg of cement in a 1m3 batch of

wet shotcrete material that includes all the additives
required. Polypropylene fibre is included for additional
flexural strength.

The recommended aggregate is of the "Grade 1" type

that will allow a rebound percentage of less than 5% and
a concrete with very low permeability and greater
durability. Minecrete has a performance of 25m 2/m3 for
a thickness of 25mm. (See table 5)

Description Unit Shotcrete Minecrete Difference

Cement Kg/m³ 450 448.2 -1.8 Photo 8. Manual application of Minecrete S3 in Peru in a
3 size excavation of 3.0m x 3.0m.
Fibre Kg/m 25 6.2 -18.8

Aggregate Kg/m3 1,600 1,210 -390.0

Sub Total Kg/m3 2,075 1,664 -411

Plasticizers 3 3.3 -3.3


Accelerator Kg/m3 25 -25.0

Total Kg/m³ 2,103 1,664 -439

Table 5. Required quantities of the Minecrete S3 hybrid
shotcrete and conventional shotcrete.

Photos 7 and 8 show the manual spraying of Minecrete

S3 with very low levels of dust at the nozzle and only
4.5% rebound which allows for clear visibility of the rock
mass which improves health and working safety.

Photo 9 shows the electrically driven Minecreter pump Photo 9. Manual application of Minecrete S3 in Peru with the
and mixer with electronic water dosing unit. pump and mixer equipment (Minecreter)

Photo 10. Final spraying of Minecrete S3 Photo 13. Drilling of bolting holes through 25mm (1") thick
with 25mm (1") thickness Minecrete S3. No cracking was observed.

Photo 14. Drilling of bolting holes through 25mm (1") thick

Minecrete S3. No cracking was observed.

Photo 11. Final spraying of Minecrete S3 In photo 13 and 14 it was observed that after drilling there
with 25mm (1") thickness
was no evidence of cracking in the Minecrete S3 Hybrid
Photos 10 and 11 show the final spraying of Minecrete Shotcrete. The bolts were drilled only 2.5 hours after
S3. After a fast two hours of setting Minecrete S3 has being sprayed without any inconvenience or cracking,
achieved enough strength to drill the holes for the bolt plate did not penetrate into the Minecrete S3 because
installation of the rock bolts as shown in photo 12. of the strong fast setting. (See photo 15 & 16)

Photo 12. Drilling of bolts into holes through 25mm (1") thick Photo 15. Drilling of bolting holes through 25mm (1") thick
Minecrete S3. No cracking was observed Minecrete S3. No cracking was observed

The Minecrete S3 has a very fast setting time of 30-40
minutes. Due to the rapid curing the product has to be
mixed on site. To solve this problem, a new technology
for underground mining has been introduced. The
volumetric mixer (VM) is a high volume concrete batching
and mixing truck that stores the individual unmixed dry
components, such as Minecrete S3 cement, aggregate,
fibres and water in separate compartments, ready to be
batched, mixed and fed to a Minecreter spraying machine
or robotic concrete sprayer.

Another additional advantage is that it allows you to mix

the Minecrete S3 at the required worksite location, which
Photo 16. Anchor bolt installed, the plate did not penetrate into reduces material waste and increases work efficiency.
the Minecrete S3 (25mm thick), and no cracks are visible. The VM has an electronic weighing system that will print
out the individual amounts of Minecrete S3 cement,
In this case, as photo 17 and 18 shows, 25mm thickness aggregate, fibre and water used. Allowing you to have
of the Minecrete S3 Hybrid shotcrete was sprayed on a exact quality control of your mix design, eliminating any
poor quality ground (RMR 30-33) instead of 50mm of chance of failed mixing ratios of the Minecrete S3
conventional shotcrete using a robotic spray machine. In material during application.
the case of mechanized spraying, all robotic machines
This equipment is a two in one hybrid between a
currently used in underground mining operations are
batching plant and a transport mixer, thus eliminating the
compatible with Minecrete S3 Hybrid Shotcrete.
need to have fixed batching plants and aggie cars. With
the VM you can store your raw materials underground
close to the working areas. This will save the time of
having to go back to the batch plant to reload. The VM
comes in different sizes, which holds from 5m3 up to
9.5m3. Should a job stop at any time, no material is
wasted because all the material components are still dry
and separately stored in the VM only to be mixed and
fed on demand.

Photo 17. Final spraying of Minecrete S3 in an

excavation of 4.5m x 4.5m.

Photo 19. Volumetric Mixer of 5.5 m3 for

excavations of 3.5m x 3.5m.

Photo 19 shows a VM which can hold 5.5m3 of unmixed

Minecrete S3 that can drive in an excavation of 3.5m x
3.5m. The pump and mixing equipment can be supplied
for most excavation sizes.

Photo 18. Spraying of Minecrete S3 using a

robotic machine in Peru.

Photo 20 shows VT feeding a robotic shotcrete spraying Description Unit Shotcrete Minecrete Difference
machine. The VT will be able to efficiently feed any type Monthly
of existing robotic sprayer. Volume m3/month 1,303.5 521.4 782.1
Productivity m2/m3 10.0 25.0 -15.0
Productivity m2/m 9.0 9.0
Monthly Area m2/month 13,035 13,035
m/month 724 724
cycles/month 226 226
Photo 20. Volumetric Mixer feeding Minecrete S3 Productivity m3/m 1.8 0.7 -1.1
into a robotic sprayer.
Productivity 3 5.80 2.40 -3.4
m /blast
Taking all of the above information into account, it is
possible to reduce the thickness of the shotcrete with ventilation,
hours/blast 7.0 7.0
Minecrete S3 by half. For example, if a mine currently charging
sprays 1,500m3 of shotcrete per month, with a rebound explosives
of 15% and a rehabilitation of 15%. Through the use of Spraying time hours/m3 0.10 0.10
Minecrete S3 Shotcrete Hybrid only 564m 3 will be
Setting time hours/blast 3.0 2.0 -1.0
required due to a low rebound of 5% and half the
application thickness of 25mm. (See table 6) Total time by
hours/blast 10.6 9.2 -1.3
Total Monthly
Productivity hours/month 2,394.7 2,091.4 -303.3
Description Unit Shotcrete Minecrete Difference Saving time
Compression hours/month 303.3
MPa 28 36 8 per Month
Strength Additional
blast/month 32.8
Lining Thickness mm 50 25 -25 development
Rebound % 0 0 0 Additional
m/month 105.0
Productivity 2
m /m 3 10.0 25.0 15.0 development
Table 7. Development and blasts increase using Minecrete S3.
Monthly Volume m3/monthly 1,303.5 521.4 -782.1

Monthly Area m2/monthly 13,035 13,035 As a comparison example of 1,500m3 per month shows
Repair % 15% 8% -0.1 the quantity of aggie cars required is decreased from 4 to
Additional by 2 VM. (See table 8 and 9)
m3/monthly 196.0 42.0 -154.0
Area additional by Productivity
m2/monthly 1,960.0 1,050.0 -910.0
repair Description Unit Shotcrete Minecrete Difference
Total Volume
m3/monthly 1,500.0 564.0 -936.0 Volume Required 3
m /month 1,500.0 564.0 -936.0
Total Area Volume per day m3/day 50.0 19.0 31.0
m2/monthly 14,995 14,085 -910
Required Volume per shift 3
m /shift 25.0 9.5 15.5
Table 6. Production rates and monthly quantities required. Table 8. Monthly consumption required.

With the use of Minecrete S3, there will be savings in the

use of 936m3 of shotcrete on a monthly basis. This time Mixers Trucks and Volumetric Mixers (VM)
saving will allow for an increase in blasts per shift. Shotcrete Minecrete
Description Unit Difference
Mixer VM
For example, an excavation size of 3.5m x 3.5m and the Equipment Required Equipment 3.0 1.0 2.0
saving in spraying time of 936m 3, ore and waste rock 20% Stand by Equipment 0.6 0.2 0.4
development could be increased by 105 meters per
Total Equipment Required Equipment 4 2 2
month, also a reduction in re-entry time after spraying
Table 9. Volumetric Mixers required
from 3 to 2 hours. (See table 7)

The instillation cost of shotcrete batching plants, silos shotcrete’s that have up to 3% material shrinkage that
and civil works with four aggie cars, can cost up to results in de-bonding from the rock surface.
$1,780,000.00 while Minecrete S3 requires two VM’s
and two backhoe machines, totalling $760,000.00 with a • Due to its fast setting and curing speed. Minecrete S3
large saving of over a million US dollars. (See table 10) requires mixing only at the working area when application
is required. The application involves using a Minecreter or
VM with a robotic sprayer. Minecrete S3 does not require
Batching Plant and auxiliary equipment material delivery through the use of fixed shotcrete
Description Unit Shotcrete Minecrete Difference batching plants on surface or underground. This
eliminates the need for barrel mixer trucks(aggie cars)
Batching plant & civil works U$/Total 300,000 -300,000
reducing labour and traffic, eliminating old time consuming
Backhoe U$/Total 80,000 160,000 80,000 practices while improving mine production by gaining more
Total Cost (3) U$/Total 380,000 160,000 -220,000 application hours in a shift.
Table 10. Capital investment to implement conventional
shotcrete and Minecrete S3. • Minecrete S3 is non-flammable and non-toxic and does
not contain any toxic additives that can harm workers
when it comes into contact with skin or inhaled. Personal
protection equipment used with conventional shotcrete
• Minecrete S3 Super Hybrid Shotcrete can be used in the
application is still required.
mining and civil engineering industries.

• Minecrete S3 does not interfere with the metallurgical

• Minecrete S3 exhibits the benefits of a TSL. The high recovery process or getting the material to the
tensile, shear, tensile bond, bond shear, energy
metallurgical processing plant.
absorption and compressive strengths are unmatched by
conventional shotcrete. This high strength benefit allows
for a 50% reduction in the application thickness. • The equipment required to apply Minecrete S3 is more
compact, mobile, easier to use and costs less than the
equipment required to apply conventional shotcrete. No
• Minecrete S3 cement is optimally designed and requires
concrete plants are required, resulting in substantial
no additional additives and should only be mixed with the
capital cost reductions.
correct amounts of supplied aggregate, fibre and water.

• Minecrete S3 provides a structural secondary "active REFERENCES

accelerated support" with "Key Block Interlocking". Filling 0. Australian Shotcrete Society. & Concrete Institute of Australia.
and sealing the fractures against weathering and oxidation (2008). Shotcreting in Australia: recommended practice.
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liner products (TSLs) and shotcrete. Journal of the Southern
• Due to reduced thicknesses and minimised rebound African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 110(10), 559-569.
amounts of 4.5%, 1m3 of Minecrete S3 can cover an area
of 25m2 at a thickness of 25mm (1”). 2. Nye, E., & Alt, D. (2010). Shotcrete application on the Boggo
Road Busway driven tunnel.

• With the use of this Minecrete S3 it is possible to increase 3. H. Yilmaz, “Comparison of tensile-bond strength of thin spray-
your production rates, by reducing your amount of on liners,” International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and
shotcrete m3 pumped per shift. This will make it possible Environment, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 56–71, 2013.
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increasing overall profitability to the mine. 4. Stacey, TR 2001, ‘Review of membrane support mechanisms,
loading mechanisms, desired membrane performance, and
appropriate test methods’, Journal of the South African Institute
• Due to the fast setting and curing times of Minecrete S3, of Mining and Metallurgy, vol. 101, no. 7, pp. 342–352
in just two hours it is possible to re-enter the working area
that has been sprayed and continue installing the primary 5. Hla Aye Saw, Ernesto Villaescusa, and Christopher Windsor,
support safely with no issues. "Safe re-entry time with In-Cycle Shotcrete for support of
underground excavations" in "Shotcrete for Underground
• The application of Minecrete S3 generates very low dust Support XII", Professor Ming Lu, Nanyang Technological
University Dr. Oskar Sigl, Geoconsult Asia Singapore PTE Ltd.
levels further reducing dust pollution in the air which is a
Dr. GuoJun Li, Singapore Metro Consulting Eds, ECI
big improvement over the dust levels of conventional dry Symposium Series, (2015).
or wet shotcrete. Creating a healthier and safer
underground workplace during operation. 6. Bernard, E.S. (2009). EARLY-AGE RE-ENTRY UNDER
• Minecrete S3 does not shrink, insuring that the bond to the
rock surface will stay intact. As opposed to other


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