Research On Customer Satisfaction

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Level of Customer Satisfaction Between Online Stores and Physical Stores

of Mindanao State University Senior High School Students

A Research Paper Proposal

Presented to
Senior High School Department
Mindanao State University
General Santos City

In partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement in Research 2

Bunga, Micolle Jean
Bayoran, Dona Mae
Marohombsar, Mohammad Khalid
Onga, Phillip Rey
Panal, Ferdinand

Accountancy, Business and Management

February 2019



Consumers bought goods and services in order to meet the satisfaction they

want to achieve. Customer satisfaction is an assessment of how well a company

meets the expectation of its costumer and also, it relates to a general and specific

psychological evaluation of a customer’s experience of a product or service. It is

well established that satisfied customers are key to long-term business success

(McColl-Kennedy & Schneider, 2000).

The challenge for businesses today is to move from product orientation to

customer focus. This is becoming more difficult because nowadays, customers

are increasingly sophisticated, educated and well informed not just about the

market but also about the products of technology. They have high expectations of

the service they want to receive. They want greater choice and could not be

manipulated. Therefore, nowadays, customers are willing to be treated as

individual. They want nothing less but something more. They want to be valued

and to feel their custom important. Service organizations constantly strive for the

higher level of customer services (Sarah Cook, 2002).

Globally, Electronic commerce is now rapidly growing because of the

advancement of technology. Online shopping is a part of e-commerce where in

customers could buy things and do jobs online. The internet does not only sell

things in particular but also offers a job to people without leaving the house yet

earning at the same time. Nowadays, people use internet as a daily device to

access their emails, do online tasks, to read online headline, look for certain

information and many other functions (Bellman, 2001).

As of 2015, Philippines is home to 103.32 million people. Online shopping is

not just rapid among the neighboring countries but also here. Filipinos follow

trends online such as clothing and style, trends in dancing and others. Despite the

positive vibes the internet brought the Filipinos, there are still occurrence of scams

and cybercrimes which leads to a realization that there are Filipinos who prefer to

shop physically than just seeing the goods at the pictures.

In General Santos City, online shopping is also a trend and is preferred by

people with heavy schedules that got no time shopping at the malls. In addition,

there are stuffs which could only be purchase at online shops. Regardless of the

convenience it provides, there are still people who chooses to go to physical stores

to satisfy their expectation of that particular good. Students, being independent to

parents, feel a burden if they bought a good that did not met their expectation.

This study seeks to determine the level of satisfaction of Mindanao State

University Senior High School Students between the products from online shops

and physical stores in General Santos City.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the level of customer satisfaction between online

stores and physical stores of Mindanao State University Senior High School


Specifically, it aims to:


1. Determine the level of customers' satisfaction on online stores in terms


a. Price

b. Quality

c. Customer service

d. Packaging

e. Brand

2. Determine the level of customers' satisfaction on physical stores in

terms of:

a. Price

b. Quality

c. Customer service

d. Packaging

e. Brand

3. Determine the significant difference in the level of customers’

satisfaction between online stores and physical stores.

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference between the level of customer satisfaction

between physical stores and online stores.

Significance of the Study

Customers. This study will help the customers of both online stores and

physical stores in a way that customers will save time and money more effectively

and efficiently. It also helps customers to be tactical, so that they will be satisfied

on the products they bought on physical stores and online stores.

Businesses. This study may stand as a guide for businesses specifically,

physical stores and online stores in terms of enhancing their services or product in

order to achieve customer satisfaction and business goals.

Researchers. This study helps the researchers in a way that they will have

deeper understanding and widen their knowledge about the level of customer’s

satisfaction between physical stores and online stores.

Future Researchers. This study also helps as a basis for future

researchers/potential customers for further studies. This study also helps them in

a way that future researchers/potential customers will have better understanding

in physical store and online stores in which they can save more time and money

effectively and efficiently.

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses to differentiate the level of customers’ satisfaction in

various factors rendered by physical stores and online stores. There are five (5)

factors included to determine the customers’ satisfaction. These are the price,

quality, customer service, packaging, and brand.

For the customer respondents, the researchers will use a sample population

of customers who will be selected using simple random sampling.

This study covers the level of customers’ satisfaction in physical store and

online store. The respondents of this study are the senior high school students in

Mindanao State University.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for better

understanding of the readers.

Quality. It refers to the expected degree of consistency and reliability (Gitlow,

2009). On the other hand, it can also refer to as the products ability to satisfy its

stated needs.

Packaging. It refers to the science of enclosing products for the purpose of

distribution, storage, sale, and usage (Soroka, 2002). On the other hand, it can

also refer to the wrapping material used on a consumer item that serves the

purpose of containing, identifying, describing, protecting, displaying, promoting,

and marketing the said consumer item.

Brand. It refers to a product’s features that identifies it from one seller’s good

from another (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). Operationally, it can also refer to the

overall experience from a customer’s perspective that identifies a product from its


Customer Service. In this study, it is the act of taking care of a customer’s

needs by providing helpful and high quality services before, during, and after the

customer’s needs are fulfilled.

Refers to the process of ensuring that the customer’s needs are fullfilled with a

product or service (Kagan, 2017).



This chapter deals with the review of related literature and studies with the

relevant implications with the present study. This will also present the synthesis

of the art, theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand the research

to be done.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction pertains to a customer’s feelings of pleasure or

disappointment as a result of comparison between a products perceived

performances to the customer’s expected performance (Kotler & Keller, 2015). It

can be influenced by a myriad of factors depending on the model or approach

taken to form the perspective. The most famous approach taken in sighting the

factors and measuring the level of customer satisfaction is through the

SERVQUAL/RATER Instrument or the Service Quality Instrument (Ngo, 2015).

This instrument was said to be developed by Parasuraman, Zeithamal, and Berry

in 1988, in which initially ten (10) determinants of service quality were made,

which were further refined into five (5) key dimensions which led it to alternatively

be called the RATER Instrument (QCOSS, 2014). These said dimensions for the

measurement of service are reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and

responsiveness. The first dimension which is reliability pertains to the ability to

perform the promised service reliably and accurately, next is assurance which

refers to the ability and decency of employees to convey trust and confidence

upon his/her customers, third is tangibles which refers to the outward appearance

of facilities, equipments, staffs, and materials, fourth is empathy which refers the

firm and its employees readiness to provide personal service to their customers,

and finally is responsiveness which pertains to the firm’s willingness to provide

assistance to its customers through the provision of quick and efficient service

performances. Incorporating the said dimensions in the study, the researchers

chose quality, price, packaging, brand, and customer service as the basis for

measuring customer satisfaction. This is justified in a way that it brings out the

common points of ensuring customer satisfaction between an online shop and a

physical shop. This statement is further supported by Marcela Zamazalova (2009)

in which she mentions that the key factors that affect customer satisfaction and

which can be used as basis in measuring customer satisfaction are product, price,

services distribution, and image of a product.

Online Shopping

According to Munsawe, Delleart and Ruyter (2004),customers intent to buy

online because of their personality, situational factors, product characteristics,

online shopping experiences and trust in online. Demographic factors such as age,

gender, income, educational level are also included in customer's trait that will

lead them shop online. For age factor, consumers that are aged under 25 years

old has more potential in shopping online because they have the interest to use

new technologies for searching product information and compare it (Wood,2002).

For educational level factor, higher educated consumers are more interested in

online shopping since they are more computer literate (Burke,2002).

In situational factors, customers are purchasing online because of time

pressure, lack of mobility, geographic distance, need of special items and

alternatives (Mumsawe,Delleart and Ruyter,2004). Time pressure could be the

insufficient time of customers to shop in physical stores due to their hectic

schedules. Customers are able to shop online anytime especially those

consumers who have an extended working hours (Wolfinbarger, 2001). For lack of

mobility, customers are unable to reach the traditional store. For geographic

distance, customers residential area are far from the shopping malls and for the

customers need of special items or alternative are those customer's need

customized items that will fit their demand (Mumsawe,Delleart and Ruyter,2004).

Customer's experience in online shopping can also be a factor because

customers will continue to shop since they are satisfied with their experience in

online (Shim, Eastlick, Lotz and Warrington, 2001).

Another one is the product characteristic that will influence customer's

intention to purchase online. Products can be tangible or intangible; standardized

or customized. In online shopping, low tangibility of a product is caused by the

lack of physical contact and customer’s intention to purchase online when

customers need advice from salesperson regarding the certain product. There are

products that are requires more experience and knowledge such as cars,

computers, perfumes or lotion (Eliot, 2000).

According to Broekhuizen and Huizingh (2009), online shopping causes

enjoyment and excitement with the learning in online purchasing process.


Customers will have more positive attitude when the enjoyed the experience of

online shopping and they will adopt internet as a shopping medium.

There are certain situational factors that influence consumers to shop

online rather than on physical stores. Consumers need certain specific products

and these products are not available in the country or region in which they live.

Geographical problems occur quite often, because not every country has the

same products or brands in different countries have different products depending

on the needs and desires of the consumer. Shopping the internet helps these

people save time and effort. Since the internet is accessible 24 hours a day,

compared with physical shopping, this is one of the main drives for online

shopping (UKEssays, 2016).

Although online shopping is becoming more popular, brick and mortar

locations will still be demanded in the future. E-commerce is still reliant on

opening warehouses and concentrating popular products in distribution centers

close to shoppers. In other words, online retailers may be changing the checkout

process, but logistics and customer satisfaction are still major hurdles. In

traditional retail, suppliers are able to ship truckloads of almost anything quickly

and conveniently. They are able to use warehouses as retail centers as well as

fulfillment centers supporting online stores. (FreightPros, 2018)

Physical Stores

Physical store shopping is one of the conventional shopping channels where

customers need to visit physical stores face to face to do their shopping exercises.

Focal point of physical stores versus online stores is that clients need to see

the item because there are still individuals who need to contact, see and feel the

item before getting it. The online organizations have set this manner of possibility

of returning a particular good or product if it does not satisfy or fulfill the

expectation of a buyer.

Online shopper and physical store customers are affected by various

persuasive components. Online luxury customers are price conscious, prefers the

online item accessibility and have a more elevated amount of trust towards online

client audits. Physical store customers who are progressively disinclined to online

dangers think that it’s essential to see the item before the buy or purchase

transactions. Also, differences exist between the internet shopping practices of

ordinary and extravagance customers (Xia Liu, Alvin C Burns, Yingjian Hou,


Shopping motivations differed for online and in-store shoppers based on

product type. Variety, value for money and delivery were important attributes for

online shoppers. In-store shoppers looked for social interaction and personalized

attention. Convenience, affordability and gratification were unique online

consequences, while nostalgia and loyalty benefits were specific to in-store

hedonic purchases. Self-confidence, availability of wider choices and in-store

shopping experience were the values sought for hedonic products. Control of

shopping experience was the desired value for utilitarian purchases irrespective of

channels (Haridasan,Fernando, 2018).

There are 85% of consumers who prefer to shop in physical stores rather than

in online stores. According to the survey, trendy shopping are favouring

brick-and-mortars models or physical stores since customer value the experience

of physical stores. Mostly, consumers tend to shop or discover online then go to a

physical store to finalize their purchase decision. Furthermore, it was said that

only 13% of the respondents have previously made a purchase using mobile

devices which reveals that most consumers prefer buying at physical stores rather

than online stores (Ambrosino, 2015).

In an article by Sandy Skrovan (2017) they suggest that the primary reason

for the consumers to get motivated for shopping in stores is to see and try the

product before purchasing the actual good. Despite that, consumers have

differences such as, gender, age, and location. Among shoppers across different

age groups, it was said that younger shoppers have a more impulsive mind set

than older shoppers. 7% of American shoppers prefer online shopping.

Moreover, in a physical store setting, customer feedback and satisfaction

benefits both the buyer and the seller. Physical stores allow their customers to see

and buy it up close and are opposite to online stores since it provides immediate

access to the product upon purchase. Online stores require you to fill up a form in

order purchase the product and have waiting days to acquire the product. It was

pinpointed that a friendly and helpful staff builds up a trust with the customer and

will ensure its return and feedback to the business (Anzalone, n.d).

Related Studies

In a study conducted by Choudhury and Dey (2014), it was found that


181(90.5 %) of respondents shop online and the remaining 19 (9.5 %) do not shop

online from a total of 200 respondent students. The reason for not shopping online

is the inability to physically touch and see the product while shopping. 52

(26.31 %) said they highlighted their failure to purchase the product online becau

se they were unable to touch the products. They also found out on their study that

internet literacy has a significant relationship with online shopping (42 or 21.05%

are not familiar with online purchase while the rest are), so care should be taken

to promote internet literacy so that online shopping can be promoted. From the

study it was found that the price listing of online products is significant. Therefore,

if you want to promote online shopping, then online price listing should be less

than traditional listing of market prices. Online retailers must offer more

competitive prices and product variety to attract customers and encourage them

to make decisions about purchasing. It was also found that the usability of the

website has no significant impact on online shopping, which means that easy use

of the website has no impact on anyone who knows the internet and shops online.

Another finding was that online shopping and educational qualifications have no

significant relationship.

In a study conducted by Dr. Rizwana Bashir (2015) conducted on 215

respodents regarding the effects of online shopping trends on consumer buying

behavior the most relevant factor(s) that seems to be affecting consumer

buying-behavior towards online shopping when it comes to the younger

generation seemed to be the trust factor. If you trust the website, you are more

likely to purchase more from the site. However, the sense of privacy does not

appear to affect the behavior of the consumer. The respondents did not appear to

be very concerned about providing their personal data online, such as addresses,

provided they were able to purchase using the Cash on Delivery or COD method.

Convenience was another important factor in online shopping, because people

preferred to stay at home and shop instead of going out and browsing stores.

Michaud-Treviner and Stenger (2012) states in their study conducted among

31 respondents that the respondents trust pure players and brick & mortar

companies not because of the guarantees or trustworthy relationship offered by

the vendors; the consumers declare that they do not even seek this information.

They reduce their perceptions of risk by trusting their colleagues, friends and by

looking at the number of clients on the websites. They confirmed that privacy and

security are important but not as important in site design as user- friendly

navigation and presentation. In the area of online privacy, young consumers

refuse to disclose personal data. They feel reluctant to provide personal

information that could be put into the file by a company that knows and misuses

their entire lives.

The findings of the study by Ummul Wara Adrita and Tanzina Shahjahan

(2006) as cited from their study ‘Preference of Shopping Online vs. Offline in

Bangladesh’. This study reveals that we live in a digital world however, the people

in Bangladesh prefer to shop at brick and mortars stores or physical stores rather

than online stores. The study then tells the factors affecting consumers preferring

physical stores rather than online stores such as; fair price, trust, delivery

methods, and payment methods. These factors stands as a blockage from


customers to buy from online stores in Bangladesh.

In the study of Aniket Khatwani (2007) about ‘In-store vs. online shopping

of search and experience goods: A Hybrid Choice Approach’ he concluded that

traditional shopping is better than online shopping. The study tells implies that

people suffer with their adverse effects and are hostile. They prefer these new

technologies by traditional means. As the population grows, enterprises and the

market grow day by day. Therefore, people are threatened with cheating, fraud,

transactions, etc. In essence, people do not consider it truly reliable and cannot

depend on it completely for any purpose.

Similar findings of Rajdeep Singh and Ramandeep Kaur (2002) in the study

‘Comparative Study of Factors Affecting Online & Offline Shopping’. The study

shows that younger generations are increasingly buying from online sites due to

the revolution of technology which refers that they are able to use technology

more for their well-being. Flipkart is the preferred shopping site for young people.

There is an increasing demand for online shopping because the variety of options

available to consumers is reasonably priced and sometimes even lower than the

market price. Electronic items were less sought after from shopping, but clothes

are much more sought after by consumers.

Theoretical Framework

Equity Theory

The Equity Theory is a theory developed by J. Stacy Adams in the 1960’s

(Guerrero, 2014). This theory is built around the premise that “a man’s

rewards in exchange with others should be proportional to his investments”. This

means that parties involved in a transaction involving exchange will feel rightfully

treated and are therefore satisfied, it so happens that within their minds, the ratio

of their outputs and the ratio of their inputs are justified and fair (Oliver & DeSarbo,

1988). This statement is further supported by Oliver and Swan (1989) in which

they mentioned that the Equity Theory is based on the notion of input-output ration,

in which it serves as a key role in customer satisfaction. Since the objective of this

study was determining the level of customer satisfaction, this theory revealed an

effective method in providing solutions to the research.

Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory

The Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory is a cognitive theory developed in a

series of two (2) papers titled as, “Effect of Expectation and Disconfirmation on

Postesposure Product Evaluation – an Alternative Interpretation”, which was

published in 1977, and “A Cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences

of Satisfaction Decisions”, which was published around 1980. The theory focuses

on the premise of using expectation as a standard for comparison in measuring

the level of customer satisfaction. Albeit the theory being one of the basis that

supports the study in measuring customer satisfaction, the arguments or claims

against this theory would provide aid the study in limiting its methods in

determining satisfaction. The researcher did not fully depend on the expectations

given by the customers due to the reason that expectations vary from one

individual to another which may result to the data being uncertain. This statement
is supported by McGill & Iacobucci (1992), and Yi (1990) in which they found out

that consumer may show dissatisfactions for aspects where expectations never

existed. Therefore, the researchers limited the expectations given by the

customers in accordance to the SERVQUAL Instrument in order to limit the

customers from answering an open-ended question.

Conceptual Framework 2

This research study entitled “The Level of Customer Satisfaction Between

Online Stores and Physical Stores of Mindanao State University Senior High

School Students” has been conceptualized in order to fully understand the

essence of this work.

Factors Affecting Customers


 Price
Level of Customer Satisfaction
 Quality
Between Online Stores and
 Customer service
Physical Stores
 Packaging

 Brand

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1. Scheme of Paradigm of the Study

For developing the satisfaction of the customers, company should be careful
for the customers services they provide because customer’s satisfaction is
determined by the customer’s evaluation of the service provided by the brand and
packaging (Gustafsson, Johnson and Ross, 2005).
The quality of the product and the services of a company is considered as the
most important factor that affects the satisfaction of the customers leading to 17
competitiveness and success (Henning- Thurau and Klee,1997).
Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of
the values that customers exchange for benefit of having and using the product or
services (Kotler and Armstrong,2010). Price is important that leads toward
satisfaction and helps to develop customer’s satisfaction and loyalty
(Martin-Consuegra, Molina and Esteban,2007).


This chapter presents the research methods will be use. It gives detail of the

development of the research in a step-by-step manner. It includes the research

design, research locale, research respondents and data gathering, research

instrument and statistical treatment.

Research Design

A quantitative type of research will be utilized in this study in order to

determine the significant difference of the level of customer’s satisfaction between

online stores and physical stores.

The chosen design helped the researchers in identifying the preferred store of

the senior high school students in Mindanao State University that could be

measured through answering statements that indicates the factors affecting

customer’s satisfaction. This study also made to classify students whether they

are online shoppers or physical shoppers.

The researchers utilize a modified survey questionnaire that shows the five

factors affecting the customer’s satisfaction. The modified survey questionnaire is

compose of 15 statements that would rate the product’s quality, price, packaging,

brand and the customer service.


Input Process Output

Senior High School

Students in  Questionnaire
Mindanao State  Data Gathering
University  Statistical Tool Level of Customer

 Presentation of Satisfaction on Online

Grade 11 Data
Store and Physical Store
 Interpretation
and Data
Grade 12

Figure 2. Research Design

Research Respondents

Respondents are essential to attaining results that will satisfy the researchers’

questions and to arrive at an agreeable conclusion. There will be 50 respondents

coming from Mindanao State University–General Santos City Senior High School

Students. The researchers chose the respondents because millennials follows the

trend. The respondents will be given an adapted survey questionnaire that will

answer the researchers’ questions on their preferences on physical stores or

online stores. Through this questionnaire, the researchers will be able to know the

preferred mode of purchasing that the respondents want.

Strands Sections Population Sample

11-Titan 43 4
11-Ganymede 44 4
11-Luna 43 4
11-Callisto 43 4
11- Europa 39 4
STEM 11- Io 42 4
11-Titania 38 3
11- Triton 40 4
12- Euler 55 5
12- Euclid 54 5
12- Gauss 48 4
11-Gates 49 4
12- Ford 41 4
11- Weber 29 2
HUMSS 11- Turner 32 3
12- Comte 49 4

Total: 689 62

Table 1. Number of Respondents

Research Instrument

To collect the data regarding the level of customer’s satisfaction between

physical stores and online stores, the researchers will utilize the use of

questionnaires which is modified from SERVQUAL. The questions involved will be

questions regarding Mindanao State University – General Santos City Senior High

School Students’ satisfaction on online stores and physical stores.


Measurement for the Level of Customer’s Satisfaction on Online Store

Assigned Value Description Interpretation

The online store did not meet

1 Highly Dissatisfied any factors affecting the
customers’ satisfaction.

The online store failed to

2 Dissatisfied meet the customers’

The online store managed to

3 Neutral give out a neutral impression
on its customers.

The online store almost met

4 Satisfied
the customer’s expectations.

The online store met the

5 Highly Satisfied customers’ expectations.

Measurement for the Level of Customer’s Satisfaction on Physical Store

Scale Description Interpretation

The physical store did not

1 Highly Dissatisfied meet any factors affecting the
customers’ satisfaction.

The physical store failed to

2 Dissatisfied meet the customers’

The physical store managed

3 Neutral to give out a neutral
impression on its customers.

The physical store almost

4 Satisfied met the customers’

The physical store met the

customers’ expectations in all
5 Highly Satisfied

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Mindanao State University, General Santos

City, Tambler Campus located at Barangay Fatima Uhaw, General Santos City.

Mindanao State University is a college-state university offering different college

courses. Hence, they are also offering Senior High School as mandated by the

Department of Education.

The researchers choose Mindanao State University as millennials like

senior high school students are the main target of the market because of the

influence they could possibly brought globally.

Source: Google Map, 2019

Figure 3. Shows the geographical map of the locale of the study


Procedural Flowchart

This section shows in the step-by-step manner of the on course of study

through figure

Using of modified survey questionnaire suitable for the study.

Collecting and identifying the online shoppers and physical shoppers

Gathering of sample within the specified scope and delimitation of the study.

Evaluation, analyzation, interpretation of the gathered data.

Finalization of the interpreted and analyzed results of the gathered data through
consultation in the credible statistician.

Figure 4. Procedural Flowchart


Data Gathering Procedure

The succeeding course of action was the researchers' guide to be followed

and is a desideratum for the collection or gathering of data.

First, the researcher will prepare available suitable research instruments to

collect data in order to identify the level of customer satisfaction of Mindanao State

University – General Santos City Senior High School Students. The researchers

will utilize the method of survey questionnaires. The questions involved will be

questions regarding the level of customer satisfaction of the senior high school

students between online stores and physical stores which is modified from a

questionnaire already used by a researcher.

After the finalization of the questionnaire, the researchers will ask permission

from the senior high school director to conduct the study under her authority. This

will be done through an official letter of request from the researchers congruously

noted by the researchers’ adviser to be approved by the school principal.

The researchers will approach the chosen respondents which are the senior

high school students and explain personally the nature and purpose of the study.

The researches will sincerely ask the willingness of the participation of the

students to the study through survey questionnaires.

Finally, the researchers will collect the data involved and compute directly the

level of customer satisfaction.

Statistical Tool

The gathered data will be analyzed using the statistical methods which are the

frequency test, weighted mean, percentage, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

The researchers will use the frequency count, percentages and weighted

mean. To answer the statement of the problem #1 and #2 and to find out the

frequency of the respondents having the same answer in each statement. The

researchers will be able to determine the least and greatest numbered of levels in

each statement. The researchers will be able to determine the level of satisfaction

in the product quality, price, brand, packaging and the customer service.

The Pearson correlation coefficient will be used to answer the statement of

the problem #3 which aims to determine the significant difference of the level of

customer’s satisfaction between online store and physical store as this statistical

tool will determine the relationship between the independent variables which are

the product quality, price, brand, packaging and the customer service and the

dependent variable which is the level of customer’s satisfaction of online store and

physical store.

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