Human Resource Managment

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Differentiate among VARK Learning Styles, Index of Learning Styles (ILS),

Learning styles based on MBTI. You will prefer which learning style and
why? List any 10 roles or competencies of the HRD Manager role?

VARK Learning Styles

There are four learning styles of VARK:

 Visual Learners: such learners need to see pictures, graphs, charts.

 Aural Learners: such learners need to hear and repeat higher details
 Read Learners: such learners need to read books, write flash cards, etc.
 Kinesthetic Learners : such learners need to do something active, talk, walk, create, move
while learning-

Index of Learning Styles (ILS)

The Learning Styles Index (ILS) is a tool used to assess the preferences of four dimensions:

 active/reflective
 visual/verbal
 sequential/global
 sensing/intuitive

This reading style model was created by Richard M. Felder and Linda K. Silverman. The steel is
still being built by Barbara A. Soloman and Richard M. Felder of North Carolina State

Learning styles based on MBTI

Meyers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) focuses on the psychological type. New research shows
that the psychological type is related to different learning styles and preferences in the learning
process. Our understanding of learning pattern differences develops when preferences are
combined to produce the following patterns

ES pattern: concrete-active

IS pattern: concrete-reflective

EN pattern: abstract-active

IN pattern: abstract-reflective
I will prefer MBIT learning style. As it is more accurate and helps in knowing the mind level of
humans. MBIT style is used by many Multinational companies to check the type of employees.

Following are the roles & competencies of HRD Manager Role:

1. Executive/Manager
2. Needs Analyst
3. HR Strategic Advisor
4. Organization Change Agent
5. Researcher
6. Administrator
7. Organization Design Consultant
8. Instructor
9. Individual Development and Career Counselor
10. Programmed Designer
11. Researcher
2. Describe any five performance appraisal methods with at least one
appropriate example with each method.
Five modern performance appraisal methods.
1: Management by objective (MBO)
(MBO) is the method of assessment where managers and workers together define,
schedule, coordinate, and communicate goals to concentrate on over a particular
evaluation cycle.
E.g.: Human resources will set one to three targets, such as achieving an 85 percent
employee satisfaction index. They'd talk about how to make this happen. They will talk
to their staff once HR has developed a schedule. They will find new ideas through
suggestions to assist in achieving this objective. HR would ensure that workers are also
doing their part. HR would then monitor the output of employees to ensure that the goal
is giving business some benefits.
2: 360 degree feedback:
360-degree feedback is a multidimensional method of performance evaluation that
assesses an employee using feedback obtained from the circle of influence of the
employee, including supervisors, colleagues, clients, and direct has five
integral components.
•managerial reviews
•peer reviews
•subordinates appraising managers
•customer and client reviews
e.g.: Please rate (Subject’s Name/Yourself) on self-awareness relative to peers:
 He maintains control of his emotions and behavior, even when engaging in high-
pressure situations
 It has very good morals
 Act professionally
 Learns from his mistakes
3: Assessment center method
The assessment center method helps workers to get a better view of how others observe
them and the effect it has on their results. The key benefit of this approach is that it
cannot only measure an individual's current results, but also forecast potential job
For eg: The mailbox exercise, the interview simulation, the community debate and fact
finding are examples of tasks that are commonly used.
4: behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
In a performance evaluation process, behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) bring
out both the qualitative and quantitative advantages.
BARS contrasts the success of workers with particular behavioral examples anchored to
numerical scores.
Each level of performance on a BAR scale is anchored by various BARS statements
identifying common behaviors that are regularly displayed by an employee.
For eg:A nurse's level five rating may require her to display patient compassion, while a
level eight rating may require her to show a higher level of sympathy, and this is reflected
in all of her patient experiences.
5: psychological appraisal:
To evaluate the latent ability of workers, psychological tests come in handy. This
approach focuses on assessing the potential success of an employee rather than their past
work. These tests are used to evaluate seven key components of the success of an
employee, such as interpersonal skills, cognitive abilities, analytical characteristics,
leadership abilities, personality characteristics, emotional quotient, etc.
For example, it is possible to use the manner in which an employee interacts with a
hostile customer to determine his/her persuasive capacity, behavioral reaction, emotional
response, and more.

3.Suppose you are HRD manager of Makeen Marketing Ltd. You have
to implement key elements of the succession planning and make a
succession plan summary for the following job. Title: GENERAL
MANAGER and Accountant
As a HRD manager of Makeen Marketing Ltd. I have to implement key elements of the
succession planning and make a succession plan summary for the following job titles which are
General Manager and accountant. But before this, let’s talk about succession planning.

Succession planning:

The way to differentiate and build future pioneers in your organization, at the top and key
components at all levels. It helps your business with planning opportunities by preparing high-
powered employees. Entering your accountant before and during the process can prevent serious
financial consequences for you and your company now and in the future.

Steps to make a succession plan summary for GENERAL MANAERS and ACCOUNTANTS:

1. be proactive with a plan: -

Here and there, you will see clearly ahead of time as it can be difficult to solidify when an
employee will leave the firm, a planned retirement is a real example. Be that as it may, at various
times, you will be found asleep by the unexpected and potentially disruptive staff encounters. We
have to make arrangements now.

2. Identify the succession applicants

If you have an idea about the potential impact of the resignation of certain employees, select
colleagues who can fill those positions.

While an undeniable job replacement can be someone who will immediately follow in the line of
duty, don’t limit you to another promising job. Search for people who show the necessary skills
to thrive in high positions, paying little attention to their topic of flow.

3. let them know: -

In private circles, disclose to all followers that they have been selected for areas of increasing
importance. Set arrangements that there are no guarantees, and the situation may change due to
circumstances experienced by the organization or the applicants following suit.

4. Step up professional development efforts: -

In a world, you have always put resources into the technical development of those you choose as
your succession decisions. In the meantime, that arrangement should go up. Job turnaround is a
great way to help your competitors gain more knowledge and experience. Also, associating with
educators can base their skills on a basic field of critical skills: Excellent masters with strong
relationship skills, just as they clean up the power of relationships, for example, compassion and

5. Do a trial run of your succession plan: -

Try not to pause until there is an emergency for employees to check if an employee has a secret
desire to get a rich job. Have a replacement who accepts a few responsibilities for a running
director. The employee will gain valuable information and love the opportunity to grow. Also,
you can check where that person might need additional preparation and adjustment.

6. Integrate your succession plan into your hiring strategy: -

Whenever you classify representatives as a substitute for the basic components of your
organization, look for any skills gaps that they may discard whenever they are driven. That can
help you figure out where to place your future registration activities.

7. Think about your own successor:

If you choose to take another opportunity or resign, even your job may sometimes need to be
included. When making a succession plan for your organization, be sure to include your own
position. What employee can you see coming in with your idea one day? In addition, how will
you be able to respond, starting right now, to help that person plan for progress?

By following above 7 steps we can make succession planning summary for these titles.

4.High employee turnover in selected public sector banks of Pakistan has

become a problematic issue. Being an HRD consultant in this sector, which
strategies you will use for employee retention? How you will implement
them? Explain with relevant examples

It has been recognized that high turnover has far-reaching negative effects on an organization. It
influences morale, efficiency and employee performance in the workplace. On top of this,
turnover comes at a high cost; something that can simply not be afforded by smaller, up and
coming firms.

Key strategies to reduce employee turnover rate:

1. Hire the right employees using executive assessment:

The commitment and retention of workers starts with recruiting. Choosing the wrong nominee
may have significant repercussions. Hiring managers need to keep an eye out for a variety of
characteristics and features during the recruiting period that suggest whether or not an applicant
is well-suited to the company.

In order to ensure long employment tenure, HR executive should concentrate primarily on

interpersonal competencies, work skills and talents, instead of rushing the decision and relying
on gut feeling.
2: Holding daily success sessions with the workers:

Opting for routine performance discussions led to a 30 percent reduction in voluntary turnover.
Due to frequent contact and input from their boss, and the feedback from workers was that they
felt more respected.

These sessions can be used to monitor the performance of staff, obtain input on any related
issues and ensure that everyone is transparent and up-to-date with their priorities and goals.
Managers can also give workers background with regard to their positions during this period.
People want to understand how their activities feed into broader organizational goals.

3: Create the right company culture:

In terms of retention, organizational culture is an increasingly significant problem. Culture will

make the difference between feeling amped about your work and fearing every hour Forward-
thinking business leaders and HR managers are conscious of how important the culture of the
business is to the overall success of the business.

Not only can a bad business atmosphere impact retention, but recruiting will also be seriously
affected. It can be difficult to recover from when an organization establishes a bad name in the
external marketplace, and employees are more than willing to share their company experiences
on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Glass Door.

4: Providing career development and support from inside:

For workers, professional development is becoming increasingly necessary, even needed.

Without developing current skills or making their way up the corporate ladder, ambitious
individuals would not be happy to stay in the same place year after year. Make sure the business
has professional development programmers to keep up with high performers and that each
employee has a personal development.

5: Offer executive coaching:

It's worth engaging in executive coaching after employees have worked their way up to a
management role. This one-on-one mentoring, while providing impartial, objective guidance and
assistance, would help workers adapt to their new role. Executive coaches may help new
executives get used to the new stresses and challenges of their jobs, thus allowing them to benefit
from their experiments.

6: Remember the meaning of recognition:

It has become clear that no one is working alone for money. If businesses expect workers to stay
motivated solely because they receive a paycheck, they should expect a rapid decline in
retention. For their contributions and hard work, individuals appreciate a degree of appreciation,
and this has proved to be a reliable method for enhancing employee engagement and retention.

A large-scale survey reveals that 70% of workers who are respected for their work are satisfied
with their employment. Conversely, just 39 percent of those who never obtain recognition claim
to be happy at work.

Some other strategies:

•Fire the guys that don't suit.

•Keep compensation and advantages current.

•Encourage appreciation and kindness.

•Recognize jobs and reward them.

•Provide versatility.

•Pay heed to commitment.

•Priorities satisfaction for workers.

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