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Name: Jewel Kris Calungsod 3 BEED-B

Detailed Lesson Plan in Music V

I. Objectives
At the end of 40 minutes discussion, with 80% proficiency level, the pupils are expected
A. demonstrates the conducting gestures of 24, 34, 44, and 68 time signature;
B. responds to beats in music heard with appropriate conducting patterns of 24, 34, 44, and 6

time signature;
C. integrate the value of cooperation.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Conducting Gestures
B. Reference: Music 5, pp. 261-263
C. Materials: Manila Paper, Flash cards, Pictures
D. Value Integration: Cooperation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
-Requesting everybody to please stand for our - (The pupils will stand.)
opening prayer.
b. Greetings
-Good morning class! -Good morning teacher!
c. Opening Song
-Class lets sing the song “Doremi Song” -(The students will sing a song
“Doremi Song”)
d. Checking of attendance
-Are all present today? -Yes/No teacher.
e. Recall classroom rules and standard.
-Class, what are the rules to follow when the class is -When the class is going on we will
going on? behave and listen carefully teacher.
f. Drill
-I will divide you into two groups. Choose 1
representative every group.
-We will play a game “Step Forward”.
-I will show a flash card every round, raise your right
hand if you want to answer and 1 step forward if
you got the correct answer.
-Perform how many beats shown in flash cards.
g. Review
-What was our topic last meeting? -Our topic last meeting was all
about Time Signatures.
h. Motivation
-Look at the pictures. Guess what the pictures tell -The pictures is all about the
about? (Show Pictures) conducting patterns.

-Who wants to learn about conducting -Me teacher!

-That’s great! We will discuss more in todays’
lesson. But before that we will have first a pretest.

B. Developing Activities
a. Activity
-Directions: Read each item carefully and choose
the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on a sheet of paper.
1.) What time signature follows the beat 1-2 beat? - A.) 24
a.) 24
b.) 34
c.) 44
2.) It is an art of directing a musical performance. - B.) conducting
a.) blending
b.) conducting
c.) organizing
3.) Conducting is strongly inherited when good - C.) singing
_____ is established.
a.) dynamics
b.) posture
c.) singing
4.) Which time signature demonstrated a - C.) 68
compound meter?
a.) 34
b.) 44
c.) 68
5.) One way to determine the correct gesture in - C.) in front of the mirror
conducting is when you are ______.
a.) lying down
b.) sitting down
c.) in front of the mirror
6.) Which of the following pictures - B.)
show/demonstrate 24 time signature?
a.) b.)


7.) Which of the following pictures - B.)

show/demonstrate 34 time signature?
a.) b.)

8.) Which of the following pictures - A.)
show/demonstrate 44 time signature?
a.) b.)


9.) What time signature is shown by this beat - C.) 44


a.) 24
b.) 34
c.) 44
10.) In a 68 time signature how many eight notes or - C.) six
its equivalence are there in a measure?
a.) eight
b.) four
c.) six

b.) Analysis
-What is time signature? -It indicates the number of beat
inherit to its measure.
-What does the upper number signify? -Number of beats
-How about the lower number? -The kind of note which will receive
one beat.
-What are the example of different time signature? -24,34,44,64
-Look at the pictures. Guess what the pictures tell -The pictures is all about music
about. conductors.
-Who are the music conductors? -They are the one who help people
sing together.
-How they help people sing together? -They demonstrate the conducting
gestures that has certain pattern.
-Our topic for today is all about
-What do you think is our topic for today? conducting gestures.

c.) Abstraction
a.) Present the new lesson
-Class, please read the following.
-Music conductors help people sing together. They
do this by showing the beat of a song through arm
movements that follows certain pattern. The
patterns are based on the number of beats per
measure as shown by the upper number of the
signature. The following are simple time signature
2 3 4 6
4 4 4 and 8.

-Conducting Patterns:
-1.) What time signature is shown by this beat -2

-2.) What time signature is shown by this beat 3

pattern? -4

-3.) What time signature is shown by this beat

pattern? - 44
-4.) What time signature is shown by this beat
pattern? - 68

b.) Discussion
-Look at the pictures below and follow the pattern
and gestures in proper conducting of the following

- 4 time signature

- 4 time signature

- 4 time signature

- 8 time signature

c.) Guided Practice

-Directions: I will divide you into 4 groups. Conduct
and sing the following songs of different time
signature with correct gesture. - (The pupils will participate
Group 1.) Lupang Hinirang 24 the group activity.)
Group 2.) Ako ay Pilipino 34
Group 3.) Pen-Pen de Sarapen 44
Group 4.) Dandansoy 68

Song Title Completely Partially Never

Followed Followed Follow
Hinirang 24
Ako ay
Pilipino 34
Pen-pen de
Sarapen 44

-Completely Followed -50 points

-Partially Followed -30 points
-Never Follow -10 points

D.) Application
-(Independent Practice)
-Master the conduct of Lupang Hinirang with
correct gesture and time signature.
-Rate yourself honestly based from your
performance in the activity by putting a check in
- (The pupils will do the
the columns. Use a separate sheet for your answer.
independent task.)
1.) Conducted
the “Lupang
with correct
2.) Conducted
the “Lupang
with correct
of the time

a.) Generalization
-What are the different conducting patterns?

- Is observing the correct conducting pattern

important? Why?
- 24 34 44 68

-Yes, to lead singers and

instrumentalist into the right track
b.) Value Infusion:
following the signs and symbols
-What did you do to make you understand the
according to the compositions.

IV. Evaluation
-We cooperate by listening
-(Independent task)
attentively to the lecture teacher!
-Directions: Perform the conducting gesture of 24,
3 4 6
4, 4, and 8. Rate yourself honestly based from
your performance. Put a check in the column of
your answer using the given rubrics. - (The pupils will do their
Skills: 3 2 1
Completely Partially Never
Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
conducting 24,
3 4 6
4, 4, 8 time
Respond to
beats in music
heard with
patterns of 24,
3 4 6
4, 4, 8 time
and sang
songs in the

V. Assignment
-List down your favorite songs that demonstrate 24,
3 4 6
4, 4, and 8 time signature in your assignment

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