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3/18/2021 OSC Half Rate with SAIC MS licensing

Single RAN, Rel. SRAN 18A, Operating Documentation, Issue 03 (HTML) > Features > GSM
Features > RG20(BSS) Features > Radio Network Performance > BSS21309: OSC Half Rate with
SAIC MS, RG602213: OSC Multiplexing Enhancements, RG301447: OSC and Edge in the same
BTS > Activating and Deactivating the feature > BSS21309 OSC Half Rate with SAIC MS

OSC Half Rate with SAIC MS licensing

OSC Half Rate with SAIC MS is optional software controlled with two licenses, an ON/OFF type
feature activation license and a capacity license.

The operator can modify the feature parameters if there is a valid activation license for the OSC
Half Rate with SAIC MS feature, and the feature’s state is ON or CONF. In a configuration where
a BTS object has the OSC Half Rate with SAIC MS feature enabled, the BSC allows unlocking
the BTS object only if the feature state is ON. The feature activation license includes the initial
capacity of 100 virtual OSC HR channels. This enables the operator to have two AMR calls
multiplexed in OSC mode in 100 half rate traffic channels, doubling the initial channel capacity of
the related TCH/Hs from 100 to 200. In addition to the activation license of OSC Half Rate with
SAIC MS there is a capacity license with which the operator can extend the use of the feature
beyond the limits allowed by the activation license. The additional capacity license is defined as
the number of virtual OSC HR channels. This corresponds to the number of multiplexed OSC
DHR call pairs. The BSC performs OSC DHR multiplexing only when:

The feature’s state is ON (based on the activation license) and

There is unused license capacity available (based on both activation and capacity licenses)

Id: DN0935419 © 2019 Nokia. Nokia

Issue: 03A confidential.

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