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Bahasa Inggris

Perfect Tenses Passive Form

Adik-adik , apakah PR kalian sudah
dikerjakan? Apakah buku pelajaran besok
sudah disiapkan?
Ungkapan “sudah dikerjakan” dan “sudah
disiapkan” dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan
Perfect Tenses Passive Form.
Yuk, kita pelajari!
Oh no, I am late!
The school gate has been closed.

Sudah ditutup
Dengan mempelajari materi ini kamu akan dapat memahami
penggunaan passive voice dalam bentuk present perfect serta
contohnya dalam percakapan sehari-hari.

• Perfect tenses passive form

• Contoh soal
• Latihan soal
Untuk lebih memudahkanmu
No Memahami materi ini, Yuk
tonton dulu video journey-nya
Perfect Tenses Passive Form di ruangbelajar!




1. Perfect Tenses Passive Form
Perfect Tenses Passive Form

Kalimat pasif dalam bentuk present perfect digunakan

untuk mengungkapkan Present Perfect
apa yang sudah dilakukan terhadap suatu objek. Active:
Tom has done the task.
Passive - Simple tenses : apa yang dilakukan.
Passive - Continuous tenses : apa yang sedang dilakukan. Tom has not done the task.
Passive - Perfect tenses : apa yang sudah dilakukan. Has Tom done the task?

have/has + been + verb 3

The task has been done by Tom.
The task has not been done by Tom.

Have/has + been + Verb 3 Has the task been done by Tom?

My car ______ by my driver.

A. has washed
B. has been washed
C. washing
D. wash
Jawaban : B
Untuk passive voice bentuk perfect, kita menggunakan have/has + been + Verb 3, sehingga
jawaban yang benar adalah “has been washed”
These lessons _______ by Mrs. Lee.

A. teaches
B. have been taught
C. has been taught
D. are taught
Jawaban : B
Subjek kalimat tersebut adalah “these lessons” (plural), berarti kita menggunakan “have”,
sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah “have been taught”, bukan “has been taught” ya adik-
Active : Many people have opened new stores in this city.
Passive : __________________________________.

A. New stores have been opened in this city

B. New stores has been opened in this city
C. A store is opening by them
D. People opened new stores
Jawaban : A
Jawaban yang tepat yaitu “New stores have been opened in this city”.

Dalam kalimat pasif, “new stores” yang tadinya objek, pindah ke awal kalimat menjadi
“New stores” bentuknya plural, maka kita memakai “have”,
“Jimmy has returned your book.”

The Passive form for the sentence above would be…

A. Your book has been returned by Jimmy

B. Your book have been returned by Jimmy
C. Your book was returned by Jimmy
D. Your book is will returned by Jimmy
Jawaban : A
Jawaban yang tepat yaitu “Your book has been returned by Jimmy ”

Dalam kalimat pasif, “your book” yang tadinya objek, pindah ke awal kalimat menjadi
“your book” bentuknya singular, maka kita memakai “has”,
Jackson : _________________?
Thiago : Sure, I did it this morning.

A. Have the cat been fed?

B. Haves the cat been fed?
C. Has the cat been fed?
D. Has been the cat fed?
Jawaban : C
Untuk kalimat tanya, have/has berada di awal kalimat.
Karena “the cat” merupakan singular, jadi kita memakai “has”, sehingga jawaban yang benar
adalah “has the cat been fed?”
Perhatikan posisi “been”, jangan tertukar jadi “has been the cat feed?” ya adik-adik.
1. Vincent : Your house is wonderful!
Nathan : Thank you. It ________ by my brother.

A. Has just been renovated by

B. Has just been renovated
C. Is renovating
D. renovated
2. Put the clothes in the wardrobe. They ______ .

A. iron
B. ironed
C. will iron
D. have been ironed
3. “They have given you everything.”

The passive sentence from that sentence would be…

A. You have been given everything

B. They given you everything
C. You have given them everything
D. They are giving everything
4. “Oscar has bought a new piano.”

The passive sentence from the sentence above would be…

A. Oscar bought a piano

B. A new piano bought Oscar
C. Oscar loves the piano
D. A new piano has been bought by Oscar
5. Active : This report has shocked me!
Passive : I ________________ by this report!

A. shock
B. shocking
C. will be shocked
D. have been shocked
6. You’re late. The homework ________________ to Ms Grace.

A. was submitting
B. have been submitted
C. has been submitted
D. is submitting
7. Which of the following sentences is a passive – present perfect sentence?

A. Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling

B. My dogs are being groomed now
C. Paris has been known as a romantic city
D. It will be studied next semester
8. The following sentences are in passive – present perfect form, EXCEPT…

A. Meg has been visited by her school friends

B. My guitar was borrowed by Alex last night
C. The road has been repaired
D. That street has been closed
9. Martin _______ as the best football player at school.

A. knows
B. has been known
C. have been knowing
D. as known
10. She ________________ to a lot of seminars since 2006.

A. invites
B. has been invites
C. has been invited
D. has invited been
11. It _______________ that you cannot leave this country.

A. is decided
B. deciding
C. has been decided
D. has been decided by
12. X: Has Felice signed the contract?
Y: I don’t think so. It _____________.

A. has been signed

B. is not be signed
C. is signed
D. hasn’t been signed
13. Indonesia _____ by great presidents since the Soekarno era.

A. has been ruled by

B. is being ruled
C. will be ruled
D. has been ruled
14. Look at this carrot! __________________?

A. Has it been washed?

B. Has it been washing?
C. Has it washed?
D. Has been it washed?
15. Borobudur is the single most visited tourist attraction in Indonesia.
The monument __________ by more than a million tourists from all around the world.
In June 2012, Borobudur was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the
world's largest Buddhist archaeological site.

A. is visiting
B. having visited
C. has visited
D. has been visited

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