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Name: ____________________

Section: ___________________

3rd Quarter, English 8: Quiz #1

I. Instruction: True or False. Write T if True and F if False

_____1. Unconscious bias is a hidden preference or predisposition for or against something.

_____2. An author letting feelings or emotions does not affect his/her objectivity with regard to something
he/she is writing about.
_____3. Unconscious biases exist in all of us, and are necessary to keep us safe.
_____4. When an author uses offensive and aggressive words, it means he holds some bias about the topic.
_____5. Speaker should only defend one side of the argument to present the validity of his opinion.

II. Instruction: Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions:

Residents of the Central Park area look with alarm at the diabolical plot to change a beautiful spot into a
baseball park. If this malicious plan is carried out, the lovely trees in the park will be chopped down. Values of
the property within the area will drop sharply as the park fills with the filth and debris of the bulldozers and
other equipment. Later the shrieks of the young ruffians who take over the park will destroy the peace and quiet
of the neighbourhood. Obviously, no one cares about the poor resident who has slaved to pay for his home and
to keep up with his taxes.

1. In this passage, the author shows bias against

A. homeowners and taxpayers
B. residents of the Central Park area
C. a baseball field in the park
D. more trees in the park 12

New cars are not built as well as they used to be. Owners of new cars in 2002 have more complaints about their
automobiles than in past years. In fact, the recalling of new cars by their makers is becoming a routine practice
in America. Instead of insisting upon safe, well-designed products, carmakers seem more concerned with
throwing together shoddy automobiles and making a profit. Invariably, new cars need parts replaced almost as
soon as the warranty expires. Unfortunately, people need transportation, so they continue to buy new

2. The author shows bias against

A. new car owners
B. foreign car manufacturers
C. car repair shops
D. automobile manufacturers

Everyone who cooks should own a food processor. This marvelous invention is now being used by over 12
million vegetarians, compared with only half that number a couple of years ago. Vegetarians rarely have a
weight problem since most vegetables are low in calories and contain little or no fat. They do not suffer a build-
up of cholesterol in the bloodstream as they grow older. Some doctors have suggested a link between
vegetarianism and longevity. As Americans become more health-conscious, vegetarianism will certainly
become more popular.

3. The author show bias for

A. eating more vegetables
B. avoiding cholesterol
C. eating “health foods”
D. becoming a vegetarian

America is certainly a strong military power; it now has the nuclear power to destroy the entire world. We are
not the only country that has this capacity. The threat of nuclear war affects all of us.

4. The author seems biased against

A. American military power
B. other countries
C. nuclear arms
D. the world

An independent insurance agent works directly for you, not for a large, anonymous organization. The agent
must provide you with the best policy at the lowest price if he is to remain in business. The agent’s job is to help
you find a policy that suits your needs. This may cover your life, health, home, or automobile. Independent
insurance agents are free to recommend the best policy, regardless of which insurance company provides it.

5. The author show bias in favor of

A. using an independent insurance agent
B. selecting an insurance policy on your own
C. avoiding low-cost insurance policies
D. buying insurance from a well-known company

III. Instruction: Examine the following sentences and write B if the statement shows bias and NB if not.

____1. Henry Sy is the best Filipino philanthropist.

____2. Vico Sotto was the Philippine mayor who offered true leadership to Filipino workers.
____3. All white people look the same.
____4. Boys are the ones supposed to work and be a sole provider to his family.
____5. The war on drugs could be our country’s best shot on eliminating crime.


3rd Quarter, English 8: Performance Task #1

Instruction: List 5 bias and 5 unbiased statements. Put your answers inside the table provided below

Biased Statements Unbiased Statements

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