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Refit-Value University

Hawassa Campus
Mathematics for Management
Group assignment for 2nd year buma students (regular ) 40%

1. A manufacture has a fixed cost of Birr 60,000 and a variable cost of Birr 2 per unit
made and sold at selling price of Birr 5 per unit.
unit Then
a. Write the Revenue, cost & Profit functions
b. Find the breakeven quantity
c. Find the break-even birr volume of sales
d. Interpret the results
2. Kalifa Plc. is a national distributor of Dell Computers. The selling price and quantity
of computers distributed are linearly related. Further, the company’s market analyst
found out the following demand and supply functions for a particular year.
Demand (DD) : P=3500 – 2 q
Supply ( SS):−q=950 – p
a. Find the excess demand for computers at a price of Birr 1400.
b. Find the excess supply of computers at a price of Birr 2100.
c. Find the market equilibrium quantity.
d. Find the market equilibrium price.
e. Sketch the graph of demand and supply equations.

1 −2 1

3. Let A=
[ 1 −2 3
2 0 −1 ] B =
[ 0 3 1
−1 0 1 ] C=

1 0 2 −1
[ 2 3 −1 0
1 2 0
Then find
a) AC
b) ABC

4 −2 1

4. Find the inverse of the matrix A=

[ 7 3 3
2 0 1 ] .
5. Solve the following system
a. x 1+ 3 x 2−x 3=2
x 2−2 x3 =4 using Cramer’s rule if possible
−2 x1 −3 x 2−3 x 3=5
b. x 1−x 2+ x 3 =3
x 1+ 5 x 2−5 x 3=2 using Gaussian /Jordan Elimination method
2 x1 + x 2−x 3=1

6. Find the optimal solution using simplex method or Graphical method

Min Z=10x1 +5x2
Subject to:
2x1 + 5x2 > 150
3x1+ x2 > 120
x1, x2 > 0

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