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Fashion Designer

Fashion design is the art of applying design, aesthetics, clothing construction and natural
beauty to clothing and its accessories.The job I chose is Fashion Designer, I chose this job
because I like Creating things and Designing on Fabrics and I am very good at making
up new designs,I got the skills for making up designs and am very Creative. My first
goal is to work at a fashion Market so I can have some experience.

Fashion Retail Store

Ceo Fashion Manger Fashion Sales stuff

Upper Manger Middle Manager manager Non-Management
are in charge of Staff
facilitating any Frontline Manager
is a professional
able to clearly
changes needed who oversees a
demonstrate to
in an organization team of employees,
their team how
and creating an their work is providing them with
effective working connected to the information and
environment and larger organization guidance. They
decisions about and how that work work in a variety of
how to make the contributes to the different industries
plans/strategies organization's and departments.
be successful overall success In general, they are
responsible for
keeping their team
motivated and
performing at its

Key Responsibilities Skills

- Study fashion trends and anticipate - Human skills- Human skills are
designs that will appeal to the skills we use to relate to one
consumers another
- Creativity- the use of the
- Select fabrics, embellishments, imagination or original ideas,
colors, or a style for each garment especially in the production of an
or accessory. artistic work
- Decide on a theme for a collection - professional-Professionalism is
- Oversee the final production of their the conduct, behavior and attitude
designs of someone in a work
- Market designs to clothing retailers - Sense of Style
or to consumers - Strong Sewing Skills
- Team work - Teamwork is the
effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task
on-designer in the most effective and efficient
- Technical Skill- are sets of
abilities or knowledge used to
perform practical tasks in the areas
of science, the arts, technology,

● Strong sewing skills
● I am very Creative
● Can make up new styles
● Technical skills
● Human skills
● Communication

I can relate to some of the skills for the job and some I can work on to In prove
such as Communication. A person with strong human skills easily engages the
audience and Technical skills are sets of abilities or knowledge used to perform
practical tasks.

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