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1. plastic wood paper fire belongs to which Catageroy

And; Class A

2. Crew cabin bed fire is an example of which type of fire

Ans: Class A

3.Fire pump must have pressure gauge at


a) at discharge

b)at each fire hose manifold

c) at pump station


the answer I given was option (a)

4.if u sight a fire in deck, what will be ur first action

a. advise master and co

b.fight with fire

c. rig fire hose

d. raise general alarm

and; d

5. no of life bouy in cargo ship of 100m length

ans. 8
6. no of life bouy in passenger ship up to 60m long

ans. 8

7. no of life in passenger ship 60m to 120m long

ans. 12

8. what type of extinguishing medium used in cargo fire

a. water spray
b. high expansion form
c. both a and b
d. none

ans. option d

9. flammability is the ability of the fuel to burn


10. Portable extinuighers are checked by authorized shore personnel as owe the operational manual?

ans. True

11.Aluminium powder fire.. which class category it belongs?

Ans. Class D

12. Hypermist Nozzle coverage capacity5 litre/ square metre/minute. True or false

ans. False

13. In flue gases the sulphur and nitrate mixes with water and forms acid


ans. true

14.In a room, fire is there, cant reach for extinguisher. What action u will do?

a. evacuate the room.

b. look out for extinguisher

c. ask other crew to bring extinguisher

d.raise alarm

ans. raise alarm

Out of which 2 qstns asked twice

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