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GOAL OF BUSINESS (From Entrepreneur):

• Help Cameroonians eat.
• Create jobs to properly increase standard of living (not exploiting them).
• Make profit for investors.
I understand each investor has his/her personal reason for joining the business but I
would like to outline mine and how I thought your business could help me while helping
you achieve your goal.
• Improve standards of living for myself as well as everyone around me (not limited to
this particular business).
• Create a world without corruption, exploitation and greed.
• Grow alongside people by me.
Now looking at your business, here are some things I noticed:
• It is in the food business, a needed commodity which means there is always a market
due to that fact that we need food to live. Hence a good Return on Investment (ROI).
• It helps people work more so that they earn more and can employ others below them
(that is, a network marketing system such as longrich, etc.)
From looking at the business plan, here are some points I had issues with:
• Although there is a market for the business, there is not a good ROI for investors I.e.
No investor can know how much his/her investment will return in the short and
long term. Which means there is so much uncertainty and lack of stability in profit
• The third point of the business goal states "Make profit for investor". I believe
every person invest in a busines to make profit else they would just be donating
money. So, if one of the goals is make profit for investors while creating jobs and
helping Cameroonians, then it should be handled with as much importance. With
the current business plan, here is how it goes.

Investor Capital = 100% of Business capital

Total investor profit = 37.5%
Entrepreneur profit = 25%Total employee profit = 25%
Management profit = 12.5%
Example: If we have 3 investors with the following capital:
A with capital 50,000
B with capital 100,000
C with capital 200,000
If a profit of 100,000 is made for the first month and the business has 2 employees X
who made 60,000 profit and employee Y who made 40,000 profit.
Here is how the profit is shared;
Entrepreneur profit: 25,000f
Investor A profit: 5,357f
Investor B profit: 10,714f
Investor C profit: 21,429f
Management profit: 12,500f
Employee X profit: 15,000f
Employee Y profit: 10,000f

First, we notice that those with more investment make a good investment while those
with small investment make the least profit.
Secondly, here are those who benefit from the system:
• The entrepreneur makes the highest profit and more than the highest investor in all
• The management makes more profit than the second highest investor in
the system.
• All employees make more profit than the least investor and even the second highest
investor So, the if we calculate the total profit of the business in 1 year, we see that, the
business makes a lot of money but there is little growth in profit of investors with
respect to the others. So, if an average teacher invests in this business, she makes less
money than working as an employee. Which means it is bad investment.
If the goal of the business is to help the employees there should be no issue with
reducing the percentage of the entrepreneur and add to the investor so that the
entrepreneur can make as much as the highest investor. This system is not to exploit
anyone so the average investor should not make the
least profit. You cannot be helping yourself and employees while slowing down the
investor (It sounds like our government system). If we are to help the poor and average
Cameroonian, then you should consider even the investor as a Cameroonian and not a
millionaire. Since your goal is not to make money, you can try to reduce your percentage
and that of the management and assign to investors. That way, it is a win-win for
everyone. Except the goal of this business is to use investor's money to grow yourself
and your business without thinking of them.

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