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Being a student of a professional course, it is very essential to have a real

knowledge of management and its functions. Taking this into account an M.B.A
student has to undergo the summer training during summer vacation. Thus the
inclusion of summer training gets the consideration and improvement in the
program as it allows the student exposure to the real business environment.

Not alone the practical training is needed but the theoretical knowledge is
also being important. So that we are aware with practical phase of business
dealing and life. Revolutionary change needed.

It is the result of this revolution where specialization is given more

important. Today, in every field specialization as expert of particular field is
selected. Infect they are given the top priority.

Our university has made this course compulsory for the M.B.A students,
so as to have efficient and enough knowledge of practically running company. I
think it is extremely necessary for we student. I have tried my level best in
preparing this project Report.

Shailesh Trivedi


We would like to express our deep feeling of gratitude to the under

mentioned officials for their assistant, guidance and inspiration before and
through out the report.

I am highly thankful to “BANASDAIRY LIMITED” for helping our

practical studies as a part of second year MBA program. The projects report on
rural marketing to help us to understanding about the rural area environment of

I am also thankful to our Banas Dairy M.D. Mr.S.R chaudhary for

giving me permission to visit this unit and giving me the chance to study
company for particular prescribed report. I am also thankful to Mr.G.M.BHUTKA
& complete team of Banas Dairy who spent their valuable time inspire of being
so busy and helping me to collect all such information.

Our sincere thanks conveyed to Prof. TUSAR BHAVSAR for

assigning and giving us an opportunity to obtain practical knowledge of “Market
Condition of Top Five Banasdairy Product (Through Retailer)”. and also
thanks to our gratitude to Gujarat Technological University and D.L.Patel
Institute of Management and Technology MBA College,
Vidhyanagari,Himatnagar. Affiliated to the same University for giving us the
opportunity to increase our practical knowledge in the field of consumer buying

Finally, I want to thanks those entire people who were involved,

directly or indirectly, in successful completion of my work.

Shailesh Trivedi


It is necessary to have practical knowledge before doing any work

because of today’s competitive world.

For the practice knowledge I have visited “BANAS DAIRY”

LIMITED). Mainly in this report the focus is on “Market Condition of Banasdairy’s
Top Five products” relating to the dairy and also Research Study.

I am overwhelmed with pleasure while presenting this report on BANAS

DAIRY.The architect of Banas dairy, late Shri Galbabhai Nanjibhai Patel, founder
chairmen was a simple person with great farsightedness who had a dream to
provide respectable facilities to the village people.

The dairy has made its progressive curve sky rocket due to exemplary
team work in all departments and accomplishment its formidable odyssey from
procurement of milk to market.

Shailesh Trivedi

List of Table
Sr.No Description Page No.
1 3.9.1 Sales of last five years 33
2 5.1 Retailer Sales The Dairy Product 38
3 5.2 Retailer Sales The Banas Dairy Product 39
4 5.3 Sales of Five Product 40
5 5.4 Sales of Other Dairy 41
6 5.5 Higher Selling Product 42
7 5.6 Lower Selling Product 43
8 5.7 Factor Affect of Higher Selling 43
9 5.8 Factor Affect of Lower Selling 44
5.9 Reason of don't Purchase Banas Dairy
10 Product 45
11 5.10 Buy of Banas Dairy Product 46
12 5.11 Opinion of Amul Gold Milk 47
13 5.12 Opinion of Amul Shakti Milk 48
14 5.13 Opinion of Amul SNT Milk 49
15 5.14 Opinion of Banas Ghee 50
16 5.15 Opinion of Amul Butter Milk 51
17 5.16 Problem Mentioned Five Product 52
18 5.17 Weekly Turnover of Five Product 53
19 5.18 Expectation for Improvement in Selling 54

List of Chart
Sr.No Description Page No.
1 3.9.1 Sales of last five years 33
2 5.1 Retailer Sales The Dairy Product 38
3 5.2 Retailer Sales The Banas Dairy Product 39
4 5.3 Sales of Five Product 40
5 5.4 Sales of Other Dairy 41
6 5.5 Higher Selling Product 42
7 5.6 Lower Selling Product 43
8 5.7 Factor Affect of Higher Selling 43
9 5.8 Factor Affect of Lower Selling 44
5.9 Reason of don't Purchase Banas Dairy
10 Product 45
11 5.10 Buy of Banas Dairy Product 46
12 5.11 Opinion of Amul Gold Milk 47
13 5.12 Opinion of Amul Shakti Milk 48
14 5.13 Opinion of Amul SNT Milk 49
15 5.14 Opinion of Banas Ghee 50
16 5.15 Opinion of Amul Butter Milk 51
17 5.16 Problem Mentioned Five Product 52
18 5.17 Weekly Turnover of Five Product 53
19 5.18 Expectation for Improvement in Selling 54

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