Expertise Reading in Companies

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Expertise Reading in Companies

Agrim Giri

Westcliff University

BUS600: Managerial Communication

Prof. Pandey

October 9, 2020

Expertise Reading in Companies

Reading is considered to be one of the simplest yet complex activities in an organization.

All the personnel either superior or subordinates working in an enterprise has to deal with

reading. This is because reading is significant to draw meaningful conclusions by decoding the

organizational texts, reports, journals and memos. The capacity to evolve a understandable

depiction of the text that pairs the proposed meaning of the person who reads is known as

reading skill[ CITATION ORe07 \l 1033 ]. Sometimes it might be difficult to read a particular

article or message but sometimes although it might be easy to read the message verbally, it is

complicated to receive core insight or meaning of that text. This represents poor performance

and weak reading style of an individual in organization.

The significance of reading can be visualized through many ways. Either someone is

entrepreneur or leader or employee in an organization, one has to pay attention towards reading

to realize and accomplish certain goals. The habit of appropriate reading makes person a better

and broad thinker. This helps individuals to manage organizational activities in a practical way.

When a person is habitual in reading, he or she is more likely to communicate with insiders and

outsiders openly or with free mind. Moreover, efficient procurement of reading skill is the basis

to attain understanding and learning which helps us to flourish in cultural and academic way and

also makes us easy to adjust in surrounding [CITATION Aky18 \l 1033 ]. In addition, reading

skill assists to provoke creativity and to reinforce analytical skills of a reader.

Approaches to Effective Reading

In a company, team work is often noticeable. And organizational goal can only be

accomplished when there is presence of dedication and togetherness among members. In order to

gain the maximum benefit and positive outcome, one who is expert and experienced in a

particular field must share major ideas and techniques behind effective performance. Similarly,

in the case where I am well known for my reading skills in the least amount of time and proper

analysis of texts, it would be better to share methods or approaches to read, organize and

remember promptly. This ultimately benefits them on the basis of time management and

efficiency in work.

Effective reading is a must for management team to read and promptly understand

information provided in professional books, magazines, journals and periodicals in their

respective fields. To the administrators of a company, effective techniques to become an efficient

reader from my knowledge would be as follows:

Theory of Practice

It is known that practice makes a man perfect. This particular theory resembles similar

moral. A reader needs to practice in reading or invest time in reading inorder to increase the

determined efficiency. The instructions to read among challenging readers should have a prudent

practice in which particular reader is known about his or her flaws and oversees effects of

practice on solving those defects or insufficiencies (Norouzi et al., 2015). So competitive readers

can tackle the problem of vague and difficult contents and documents through sufficient practice

of reading in a workplace.

Vigorous Vocabulory

A person needs to have a strong vocabulory to gain effective reading. It is a significant

component of reading comprehension. It is noted that issues in identifying words, lack of pre-

reading capability, complications in understanding words is due to lack of comprehension


capacity. To rectify this, strong vocabulory expertise is a must for recognition of words (Sevcik

et al., 2007). Also, concerned executives of a firm needs to enhance reading and pre-reading

qualities so that they can read and understand the writings precisely and promptly.

Proper Decoding

Decoding refers to converting the texts into meaningful information. It is the ability of a

reader to understand the theme contained in a message. Not only grammatical alertness but

relation among variables that symbolizes advanced reading plays a significant role in decoding

as well as verbal reading (Hudson et al., 2012). An individual can read and systematize the

organizational letters and documents if he or she can properly decode the writings. Moreover,

authorities must measure the volatile factors of reading namely proper decode and single word

reading. They should also balance the proportion between these factors to quickly read and


Motivation in Reading

Motivation is a willingness to expend action to achieve a goal or reward. In the same

way, motivation in reading activates and stimulates energies among individuals to read. In the

context of reading, presumption of reading indicates how efficient someone is in reading and

anticipation of future progress or failure in reading (Mcgeown et al., 2015). It is indeed important

to recognize the fact that nature of motivation as well as reading behavior depend upon the age

and gender of a reader. A firm needs to realize that reading behavior and reading ability of its

personnel can be improved through inspiration too. Therefore, company must apply

motivational efforts accordingly to enhance reading of its members.


Know Skills and Strategies

Although reading skills and reading strategies are considered similar, executives working

in a company must perceive both of these terms distinctly in order to improve the reading skills

and reading tactics. Decision makers, schedule planners and executives consider reading skills

and strategies of reading while taking up reading programs because both skills and strategies of

reading has substantial connotation (Afflerbach et al., 2008). Furthermore, one must have equal

priority for reading skills as well as strategies because both of these factors have unique and

separate implications.

Possible Alternatives for Effective Reading

Executives are generally regarded as leaders in an organization. They are the ones who

are repsonsible for directing, organizing and planning managerial operations in a firm. Not only

this, but they also have to monitor and manage organizational and market risks approaching

towards firm. As an expert and leader of a company, executive should possess the ability of

effective reading. Other than the mentioned approaches, there are certain unrecognized and

unutilized variations in approaches of effective reading which might be beneficial for reading

comprehension. Some of these possible alternatives are listed as follows:

Fluency in Reading

An individual needs to instantly identify or recognize the words to read fluently. Fluency

in reading accelerates the rate at which someone can read. The fluent readers can speed up the

ready ability even in less span of time.


Sentence Coherence

Sentence coherence refers to combining concepts within and between sentences. This

particular technique helps to obtain messages or conclusion from entire passages. Moreover, a

reader can relate ideas to other ones resulting in comprehensive reading.

Building Working Memory

Many people might not be aware about working memory when it comes to organization

or workplace. Working memory is an executive activity that helps us to remember or retain

information and utilize it to obtain meaning. This further helps to construct knowledge from

written sources.

Selective Reading

Selective reading depicts the fact that reader should be careful to choose what he or she

reads. It includes pre-decision regarding what someone might gain from a particular written

material. In other words, reader must select the material in accordance to its importance and time



Reading is a part of our daily activity either in academic or working field. Reading should

not just be going thoroughly with the texts, it should be more like deriving meaning from them.

However, it depends upon the ability to concentrate by a person. Comprehensive reading results

to multiple advantages. Thus, one should overcome issues like slow reading, poor recognition of

words, inadequate vocabulory with the help of suitable techniques and approaches inorder to

become an effective reader or reading expertise in any fields including companies.



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