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Nama : Jony

Nim : 030386995

1. Please explain briefly the process of word formation in English language. Give

Word are form by the process of creating new word and put them in grammatical
order by means also change the meaning of the words ie through process of
blending, coined, compounding, affixes etc.
Example: changing the word “run” into “runner”. It changes verb to noun

2. Please write a paragraph (about 5 sentences) in English, and identify the content
words and function words from your paragraph.

I am a teacher, currently I’m 32 years old. I have been teaching for 2 years in one of the
Indonesia country side. It was very enjoyable and also it was my dream job actually. If
you asking me do I feel wants to going back to the city? Because in city I will be find a
better job, my answer to you will be definitely not, cause I love living in the country side.

Function Word: my, am, have been, in, it, you

Content words: 32 years old, teaching, country side, came, living, wish, going back, to,
dream, better job, would, teacher, dream, enjoyable, asking, love, wants

3. Please give five examples of three-morpheme words, and use them in


Impossible : this is an impossible task to complete

Unacceptable : littering around the neighbourhood is unacceptable

Unstable : the connection of the internet are unstable now

Important : this is an important document please send it immediately

Unlikely : this is unlikely you, seldom wait us at the bus stop

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