PHYSICS Revision For FINAL Sem F4 2020

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1. Two objects that are at thermal equilibrium have
Dua objek yang berada dalam keseimbangan terma mempunyai

A the same mass

jisim yang sama
B the same amount of heat energy
kuantiti tenaga haba yang sama
C the same heat capacity
muatan haba yang sama
D the same temperature
suhu yang sama

2. 24 000 J of heat is used to increase the temperature of 0.8 kg metal block from 25°C to 55°C.
What is the specific heat capacity of the metal block?
24 000 J haba digunakan untuk meningkatkan suhu sebuah blok logam 0.8 kg daripada 25°C
kepada 55°C. Berapakah muatan haba tentu blok logam itu?

A 375 J kg−1 ℃−1 B 545 J kg−1 ℃−1

C 1 000 J kg−1 ℃−1 D 1 200 J kg−1 ℃−1

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 1

3. Diagram 1 shows the formation of sea breeze.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan pembentukan bayu laut.

Sea breeze
Bayu laut

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

Which statement is correct?

Pernyataan manakah yang betul?
A The speed of cool air is higher than the speed of hot air
Kelajuan udara sejuk lebih tinggi berbanding kelajuan udara panas

B The density of air above land is higher than the density of air above sea water
Ketumpatan udara di atas permukaan darat lebih tinggi daripada ketumpatan udara di atas
permukaan air laut

C The temperature of land becomes smaller than the temperature of sea water
Suhu darat menjadi lebih rendah daripada suhu air laut

D The specific heat capacity of sea water is higher than the specific heat capacity of land
Muatan haba tentu air laut lebih tinggi daripada muatan haba tentu darat

4. Diagram 2 shows the temperature-time graph for cooling substance X

Rajah 2 menunjukkan graf suhu-masa bagi penyejukkan bahan X
Temperature (℃)



U Time (s)
Diagram 2 / Rajah 2

At which stage the specific latent heat of fusion is released to the surroundings?
Pada peringkat manakah haba pendam tentu pelakuran dibebaskan ke


amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 2

5. Which graph shows relationship between pressure, P and absolute temperature, T for a fixed
mass of gas at constant volume?
Graf yang manakah menunjukkan hubungan antara tekanan, P dan suhu mutlak, T bagi suatu gas
berjisim tetap pada isipadu malar?

A Pressure (Pa) B Pressure (Pa)

Tekanan Tekanan

Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

Suhu Suhu

C Pressure (Pa) D Pressure (Pa)

Tekanan Tekanan

Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

Suhu Suhu

6. A dented ping pong ball has volume 30 cm3 is inflated to 38 cm3 in a hot water of temperature 100 ℃.
Sebiji bola ping pong yang kemek mempunyai isipadu 30 cm3 telah mengembang kepada 38 cm3 setelah
dimasukkan ke dalam air panas bersuhu 100 °C.

What is the initial temperature of the air inside the ping pong ball?
Berapakah suhu awal udara dalam bola ping pong?

A 21.47°C B 25.00°C
C 34.21°C D 38.95°C

7. What happen to the amplitude when a system undergoes damping or resonance?

Apakah yang berlaku kepada amplitud bagi suatu sistem yang mengalami pelembapan or

Damping Resonance
Pelembapan Resonans
A Increase / Bertambah Increase / Bertambah
B Increase / Bertambah Decrease / Berkurang
C Decrease / Berkurang Increase / Bertambah
D Decrease / Berkurang Decrease / Berkurang

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 3

8. Diagram 3 shows a displacement-time graph of a wave.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan graf sesaran-masa bagi suatu gelombang.
Displacement (cm)

Time (s)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Masa

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

What is the amplitude and period of the wave?

Apakah amplitud dan tempoh bagi gelombang tersebut?

Amplitude (cm) Period (s)

Amplitud Tempoh
A 3 1.2
B 6 1.2
C 3 0.4
D 6 0.4

9. Which of the following does not apply reflection of wave?

Manakah antara berikut tidak mengaplikasikan pantulan gelombang?


X-ray imaging Pregnancy scanning

Imbasan x-ray Imbasan kandungan


Parabolic antenna
Measure the depth of the sea
Antena parabola
Mengukur kedalaman laut

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 4

10. Diagram 4 shows water wave travel from deep region P to shallow region Q.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan gelombang air bergerak dari kawasan dalam P ke kawasan cetek Q.
P Normal

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4
Which of the following pair is wrong?
Manakah antara pasangan berikut adalah salah?

Characteristics Water waves from P to Q

Ciri-ciri Gelombang air dari P ke Q
A Wavelength / Panjang gelombang Decreasing / Berkurang
B Frequency / Frekuensi Deceasing / Berkurang
C Velocity / Halaju Deceasing / Berkurang
D Incident angle, i and refracted angle, r
Sudut tuju, i dan sudut biasan, r

11. Diagram 5 shows water waves travelling through a gap.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan gelombang air merambat melalui satu celah.

Diagram 5 / Rajah 5
Which statement is correct?
Pernyataan manakah yang betul?

A The greater the size of gap, the more obvious the effect of diffraction.
Semakin besar saiz celah, semakin jelas kesan pembelauan.
B The longer the wavelength, the more obvious the effect of diffraction.
Semakin bertambah panjang gelombang, semakin jelas kesan pembelauan.
C The longer the wavelength, the more obvious the effect of refraction.
Semakin bertambah panjang gelombang, semakin jelas kesan pembiasan.
D The greater the size of gap, the more obvious the effect of refraction.
Semakin besar saiz celah, semakin jelas kesan refraction.

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 5

12. Diagram 6 shows Young’s double slits experiment.
Rajah 6 menunjukkan eksperimen dwi-celah Young.
Transparent screen
Skrin lutsinar

Green filter Young’s double slits

Penapis hijau Dwi-celah Young Bright fringe /
Jalur cerah
Dark fringe
Jalur gelap

Ray Box Single slit

Kotak sinar Slit tunggal

Diagram 6 / Rajah 6

In the apparatus set up of this experiment, a = 0.30 mm, D = 2.5 m and x = 4.6 mm.
Calculate the wavelength, λ of the green light.
Dalam susunan radas eksperimen ini, a = 0.30 mm, D = 2.5 m, x = 4.6 mm.
Hitung panjang gelombang, λ cahaya hijau itu.

A 5.52 × 10-7 m B 5.52 × 10-4 m

C 1.656 × 10-7 m D 1.656 × 10-4 m

13. Diagram 7 shows an electromagnetic spectrum.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu spektrum elektromagnet.

Gamma ray X-ray Visible light Microwave

Sinar gamma Sinar-X Cahaya nampak Gelombang mikro

Diagram 7 / Rajah 7
What are waves P and Q?
Apakah gelombang P dan Q?

A Ultraviolet / Ultraungu Radio wave / Gelombang radio
B Infrared / Infra merah Ultraviolet / Ultraungu
C Infrared / Infra merah Radio wave / Gelombang radio
D Ultraviolet / Ultraungu Infrared / Infra merah

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 6

14. Diagram 8 shows a light ray travelling from air into a plastic block at an angle of 60°. The refractive
index of plastic is 1.49.
Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu sinar cahaya merambat dari udara ke dalam bongkah plastik pada sudut 60°.
Indeks pembiasan bagi plastik adalah 1.49.

Udara 60°

Diagram 8 / Rajah 8
Calculate angle refraction, r.
Hitung sudut biasan, r.

A 35.54° B 38.82°
C 40.50° D 36.50°

15. Diagram 9 shows the pattern of interference of water waves.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan corak interference gelombang air.

Diagram 9 / Rajah 9
Which of the following is correct?
Manakah antara berikut adalah betul?

A Constructive interference Destructive interference Destructive interference
Interferens membina Interferens memusnah Interferens memusnah
B Destructive interference Constructive interference Constructive interference
Interferens memusnah Interferens membina Interferens membina
C Constructive interference Constructive interference Destructive interference
Interferens membina Interferens membina Interferens memusnah
D Destructive interference Destructive interference Constructive interference
Interferens memusnah Interferens memusnah Interferens membina

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 7

16. Diagram 10 shows a diver and his instructor at the poolside.
Rajah 10 menunjukkan seorang penyelam bersama dengan jurulatih di tepi kolam.


Diagram 10 / Rajah 10

Where is the position of the image of the instructor from angle of view of the diver?
Di manakah imej jurulatih terbentuk dari sudut pandangan penyelam?

17. Which of the following is not apply the concept of total internal reflection?
Antara berikut yang manakah tindak mengaplikasikan konsep pantulan dalam penuh?

A Formation of rainbow
Pembentukan pelangi
B Plane mirror periscope
Periskop cermin satah
C Optical fiber
Fiber optik
D Mirage

18. Which of the following characteristics of image formed by a convex lens when the object is at infinity?
Antara berikut yang manakah ciri-ciri imej yang dibentuk oleh kanta cembung apabila objek berada di

A Magnified, upright and virtual

Diperbesarkan, tegak dan maya
B Magnified, inverted and real
Diperbesarkan, songsang dan nyata
C Same size, inverted and real
Sama saiz, songsang dan nyata
D Diminished, inverted and real
Diperkecilkan, songsang dan nyata

19. A thin convex lens has a focal length of 12 cm. Determine the position of the image formed when the
object distance is 15 cm.
Sekeping kanta cembung nipis mempunyai panjang fokus 12 cm. Tentukan kedudukan imej apabila jarak
objek adalah 15 cm.

A 30 cm B 40 cm
C 50 cm D 60 cm

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 8

20. Diagram 11 shows the formation of image by a convex lens.
Rajah 11 menunjukkan pembentukan imej oleh satu kanta cembung.

convex lens
kanta cembung
3 cm Imej
Object F F
15 cm

Diagram 11 / Rajah 11
Determine the linear magnification.
Tentukan pembesaran linear.
A 5 B
C 12 D 18

amazing PHYSICS with Tcer Alina 9

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