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B29 pay. Ble dag @ 3K op ME ar pantogde CHAPTER XI RISE AND PROGRESS OF ADALAT SYSTEM SIR JOHN SHORE FIRGT CHANGE At 1704 Cornwallis left Indie immediately after establishing “his nes aystem in ryo3, Hedid not stay to sre the scheme in actual operation. Shore succeeded Cornwallis as the Governor General, and on him, therefore, devolved the responsibility of working these reforms, Shore starred hie career with a profound respect for Cornwallis! system, his ini- tial reaction being, ‘the judicial system proceeds well, I em satisfied that his Lordship's plan was solid, wise, and has pro- ved beneficial to the country? In the meantime, the Court of Directors had also =pprov- ed of the Scheme. In their letter of 2gth December, 1794, the Governor General and Council referring to this are found to observe .. We have been highly gratified by your very strong and flattering approbation of the arrangements which were adopted on the rith February 1793,1 for the government of Bengal Provinces” system, howsoever deliberately and elaborately planned it may he, can be expected 40 be perfect and free of defects. Within a very shart time, the judicial eyetem of Corn- wallis appeared to be afflicted with a serious malady. A large volume of judicial werk awaiting disposal at the hands of the Civil Courts war the one peculiar phenomenon which the pust Cornwallis period witnessed in Bengal: The accumulation of causes on the Judges’ files was such as to thresten to put stop to the course of justice, An idea of the megnitede of the problem which pregepted itself ta the Government for solution may be had from the following letter of the Collector of Burd- wan, dated 7th March 1795. The Collector observed : ‘I have reagan to believe that the whole number of suits now a, ‘The day oben Cormwailis penned his Minute and ro ponie obs the Counel ape. eneiiet ss 200 RISE AND PROGRESS OF ADALAT SYSFEM—STR JOHN SHORE Gndécided in the adalat of this district, will be found to be wot less in number than thivty thousand, and that half this accumulation of business in arrear, bax taken place, in the course of about nine months.’ The Collector pointed ‘out that the work before the Court wag impossible for humea powers io be performed. The Court, ona very liberal esti- mate, could be expected to get through ten auits per diem, for the Judge had to devote some of his time ta his office of Magis- frate, and that every suit in the Diwani Adalat, whether for « large or a amall um, required the same formality of procedure. Op an average of ten suits per day, and allowing Sor the Court to sit for the dispatch of business every day in the vear, not even Sundays excepted, the period required by the Court to clear aif the pending load of business would be sbout eight or nine-ears. On.a computation it was estimated that at the end of that term, the load of pending business, instead of perfectly gotten rid ef, would be fonnd incceased, to the number of one hundred and sixty five thousand guits, if the rate of filing the suits before the Court for all that period continued to be the seme as it hitherto had been. The Collecior thus observed in utter despair: "It fellows, therefore, that a man who at this me Giles a bill in the Diwani Adalat, and piovid- ed his cause be brought to decision in regular: rotation, cennot look for retiress.of his injury to. be afforded him, in less thea eight years; and that a man who, at the end of that period, should file a bill, could have no very good prospect of its being brought t decision, in the whole texin of his life; and, more- ‘over, that the number of plaints pending at the end of every ‘year, would be found still accumulating is a ratio which would ultimately prolong the pfaspect of decision, beyond any assign- able limit, and thereby destroy the purposes of an adalat al- together.’ ‘The vast accumulation of business was not 4 peculiar feature of the Burdwan Court only, but was common with every other Court in the country. The whole normal judicial process and the course of justice was inaway threatened with complete x. Fifth Report, 1412; Bengal App. No.6. 201 EY a ET eT Shr ar ET OUTLINES OF INDIAN LEGAL HISTORY stoppage. The situation led to a denial of justice in a vast majority of cases for there ix the well known saying, “Justice delayed is Justice denied.’ The state of the inhabitants in regard to judicial matters was thus very deplorable. The avowed purpose of Comwallis—to give tw the natives a. free and impartial distribution of justice was thus in the danger of being completely frustrated due to the vast accumulation of business in arrear. Under the Scheme of 1793, the function of deciding and setiling revenue disputes, including demands of sevenue, had been entrusted to the Diwani Adalats’ This was one of the factors responsible for the accumulation of undecided causes in the Diwani Adalats. But, on the other hand, the decumulation of work in the Courts was responsible for the delay in the disposal of revenue causes. This development grve tise to an evil of geeat magnitude, So far as the Govern- ment was concerned, it had the power to liquidate and realise its revenue dues from the zemindars by means of a brief and efficient method—chat of selling away the defaulters’ lands, ‘The gemindsrs, however, had no such remedyaveilable to them to realite their dues from their tenants. They could only ge to the Courts and reslite the dues through the ordinary judicial process, This system iumed out to be very inequitable ia practice. In the Courts of civil Judicature, the accumula tion of causes undecided had proceeded to such an extent, a¢ almost to puta stop ta the-course of justice or, at Least, to leave to'a zemindar little prospect of the decision of a suit, instituted to recover payment of hie rent, before his own lend ‘vas liable to be brought to sale in liquidation of an outstanding bulance, under the more expeditious mode of procedure fesresee tha rember of Ces dy the weusasy. © Moir ad three Comets coold have bade unital bey Pedi, wc cded eee ect ch a th pani Erte pfs The Ciovarmmeat heer shirkid date thing toa serge Chek beogad ad com pechapes deiered che eves raed Footy elnjiieeg ie amar Beanead of thin sect: and cert eo CDSN Lune arti iceman. the Rieger abtuad epee tbe pice of deeerigee Gain. That Severe on Gn beeps erect cemervts Ee winger dee asiy mee debe, wioar epics: wan eet. aed “ehock nwt may ae perarigre rege raps iy Aran prs Wifise rpg. a cell permesizgecct fue wom bevieal i thet Hing of minacd toc arckita Jaetre Poem ihe Chuina of she Lend” Log Covroann danced eo hictoes reecanne se mb bp adiediog bw pocuosdiney biter roc deeder Wioed rhe “redhead crus toy the vores Choate of pasta clk geile Beg Mlk th ope thar) a cours ea’ oe fing a mak abaatd be uti he eeiy iesoeetion wari be nied once dinitton of jarier by ste Bree, Tay pcboul everest able wwbely Come) a fet dal rea brew te beh hak epee Doe pagere eg han cars ka nba Gderm, tet coy epee Beirg Ge fee cd pleadon cnmeped ty che parties, Qe be eneening rien oy fediciy = pacoy erp pd ah & decision aff bower Ghia wedi quvaaane a appeal be abit Geax write mach expec Coryell centimed ad rep of Whey priesirg omsitions bol the aioe was te. crane oid fev tx wobiecon. ancl chun che Sete aeeebd “Livin Jeauze te ta iebjore Bar of beat, KoereeiDes tnvalasid this brn: Roan we peertiog in tg! Tie Gotarenen of Sheer war arcu or caviar acre errands iy sbi the mariber of pears prrding baloes cba ouren. At Dip vce dat Ua alee ay hot Caeae. eed Ee nedwaad fe Ba arctan wo bescete: ke gies henner of unpescaiendnd woh ef Erigurion iy ube ois tor the Geeeremert deme te ibe qunchoem han cor wack Chia iis che abennce at roan Udi The ag races of saat was ot se be duc nthe madeteat mpm: Sem ~ bre. bey eee fanbar at fudstl ereitihernit iy the omenty, Ushers Sir pbs Biore.dhokcbed The watiore oof [Brest Bebir asd tinted daaeatin PRE AR UCR OP LEAT ITE th es me Unigioa wks mass’ te Miva the Sewer tp Mller ioinn a Droomices men, Ea CUrerLmar anpesbiet) iveeti cm his point hee Mo corer, arading the branedoa of mite ai the Set item: wed the utnmen expemar Stee cecderehy wed Lintied, stineer Jeepihol Giewthe wit muy be dager feg fd re fas susan beg chatpedt oo the welch on pipes Ble ir the-couen nee on peitionn pressed in Viet ear eet ienerecbatchy Gemnieg persis! fey peereestionty om app edits bia) | mary puemtesd and cglne ate and soon hwe Sem rant aperat inde, othe tniake ef other Sere born peotrenod. lay the Fling of car Psnas eaPDeaty, oe Chis gaining lamin alla Iago we BO GCOS Le Ohi oeitopmamt al ths rar dwod cpu, The besbicar int caery curs cf podicowiere ban 14 eomee= rpersce wiisnewed eats preveed she pednes desermining the aumwees, aval eepaaien Fey swith ph eapeyL dine, sale sancetid for dacerring Individhasls fice inittawng sataricon Sabne, cr reiiaisg 20 mucky peal Gecoada ured Soy pring tell Ask is the painarpcn of te ociptatines! The franpal pete wine, chychatees mene by te Grommet The batacion of cows fier eat ead, Foopaletloe: SINK V TLE of nya belli down dhe econ eccontiong to sweoly Dae Spates wie tm pang the Cevn aw ety Red beckowe tha Buietenoiac ot MeESL aod fot the nepre wee tebe puid-ty the gletedie ‘Phe for oc mockery serve bebe eppencrisient be the Mai es Ut wes anny rompenacions Ker teed tote, anday locsiciticurbon, forthe eqpenae Whi Ubry signer: is the eeenctiee, of her Reroute died: batons the Diward Adal Soa wane fy bee Revs acicoe finer te. i elation mule Defoe pp aime sors sriepera he fee swan te ber ‘bal am asioe ba the nape form Tot Bo pt, A a grade decremlng oe foe 9h If 2 oo men Berend” eet. sib nese of cate Crem ede Sorte are ale kepesd Pes vlleg al samaneing. ME Dentoe, pani bud i pay fro Keen ceehe ume poke bad mai aie al im bee SEs a a EE Rae rerioved er Ovasie LOGAL wtcet bel pald Sac Hlkag appre Fors the Tied Aiba sc dha Poa seb Geiers wl eppratlaied Usk aalas Desens ivctulay Thame “Seereere tt be pel pet ced ey thoes ele eg fee choir cfebtee alley he seuttens of Gn Rapebrior. ber ihe by heme oad cua bast atria ade fied anctice andl were eauileg Bapesd an chi bis of Ge Coon” The vk men Cae misy peed oer re pel sony lap the Chere Portier whoa tote hal beps jepding beter: Cet Clini ware Tha Geposicn of tha vere fear obmdeand che jedocull prosendiegn contr end eeperehe The impostam od the dee wat raped be erpepae Lithyatiem fo Fetus.” The pokcy ere Sranbed a eep-Socih wham, ce ha pear 1757, So) Magee, ¥ dean] ds by dat vin tity 24 Thay pels sneered wetheow! bedi ing betredfuele’ “The srr fees ampowd a ayy wate, le ‘esabiey aan they es bevied i tpan, Be patel rch ie Oh erenwciried crevbunchedel! Geers, Get umpedient wtlland bey ike terest wi 2 lacunae Origrcoa by breruig on Edney eerie ipo fama Tailite wen made ciraser neal Ges wth apremeble Eat DPR CP OGL ere dort ee proves: Fhe proprity 40 dhe ateanaee died Gaara, Alin coat clticery of ihe Cheam cote a, weg The eel ppc ctr, ia dia Se fag wat Mirage, Ml Gmeeved |" Wiblgarkes. aay peel wie beect tence iy ke lees ated wtierg: chty bind epee | ponder she choad ton bag, Leek ed entire. be det bel, chat Sh te auton he ticked Lede ded the Tedd eee cE feveinie, dl inrmeniers: be wil wabwld iy iar esaltioen. The mupericand deter'ta mich resin dire sebjet ba bende thy her tals ant io iy Ehowindpe omar” Me-errl ow coep oo tek Tam, wale, ‘Pometaeth, fa nies ha aaigivad Gea at Che Lnadtmons of che bet, Be they seheniytot thors on aullete and witty ther eppear se. mreimokribte, Edare gis pees sete, mln anripped faa At renee, aed) celled gon Ae he at ow dare, Fe dies bn coated ting de etder tke, al ag att or cipher orcad a piadipe 2 ae often eh peeps he wie ail Srv weed of ewregy] Dileep peed. Pane ak wei denn oe os erat of showoay wepeldanaed bi ibcea wihe aa er Bd RFILSten ir pees neh A! tiath (heck bedtasisaef ra tase cand eet err errr perreraa |.” Thea adip wren the opinker. thet eke cere begeighe ere eral. Brent the apaeriletie Ageia: a ihe pceraien ate td deatatioe viel HT Ua err ominEEc, mandi Le exp opinions be ieaopar eo Tbe amy merewere ceed sar ed evy the eseincoe! arise! Beco: "We fi appeerets coe, he | Whe Ube ena ics yy Hea Has inp Fad tha [cca mikah nary sce Mipaated, rated fapgebebe rhore .otget ireus reotnéchens to poten the arrecdatee ofl rest, 7 str oormessy Sched the api a Bopanna, ait sia feappemied Ka achat ALi funtion, Terie lias Tania Pee ed open qeetecutionl thw of apo gate, pardape Givi ae cee’ ntirort. mabe fiely peonserecd ltiposes id these Eur one fachebty letiwted by vee, eo shee ty bead Bee nage” Psd betrorriroed, “HT wan [beree rederitood bv toe ae aes ly hee Daa AEB i rere Beer faces a: aman np dean. ie poe as an er poe. wed cob. in he A ee a Hot the chinen of preirmatien ae ie coetly calcined, aad thee Fie weal aap Acti patieely oon et teenie siete fans anal im Tha Mecradibit Gat al famed oles comers Scheie on thh ehewrncn, ho abarfent : “The iiveienll oo (pina of Une sails Bear pry hg Fourad-ip clack: tipiosaae he he edearary, br buen, piety odenceed thal iepou lip arcmuraged thereby. bo te bogie WR Ue. canbe expres. aided uo Wiog alaiarety al Per ened mache Gene: partie oka ky Batiow) * Peon ini, Roepe rpenin, 1 aid BILE UE FRC OF ARS TEE Te Poem LER ‘dilerdlingy cron fost rigtrac Chu noahpaing vhs hill yeanty tera ee Vey eervera ambialete: ory-chte Livrivinn 7. clot aa age Cache curihey af iette Bled otinoe tbe crabiemror af tle fre pad it gereeureed on fae isesermen of aka ef the sor aidan wehbe bn (he iio ef este. ape of the Hing Scrice. diffe reack thon tbe eemcbar Hedin alte peviad reves tere tg ‘Tha Leal ae sant Bers, -om, Ube: Bho et, roti fives prrbocteg tect fat aaa me be colar, many en) polcod Sucrich pacha Rave pape being aod Lal the pedi precom asd bares the pce pemsonn “The high diced win the" keamiee appt sha provteal the ‘echt of QormuaDia, wera beieg torr algha of Te: forms he [cic min ee eon a nh openitiea: bar ta ibthind 3-Bed bon threes cectgered epthie-e hte tone a ein eesviend: Hii _ Mer pores wid be cheep ml the pehpored eat dur wnt nemurble igs val ecetios of thaypegelarae. 1) eve a wery belgrade aig Ue ora, Cerca eckinwe ener hid bir cadena t5 9 wubetartal neired ‘Since Tae day et Shore Aiwa to che precowt day, thin siwcotece capedson-ca the theebeties of potting bey-the Sey faa bere wemating, “The-premad Lam Gomemiciey i 8 depirted abdahes of ches eve bee aha cura abot teogemccagetytd th Crndunien w= ‘Dev the Giocwesatins Sepctey Uhtrwrethe me lait ator tre ie posit ef che Conepeng. Thi wane debapad Pe-mgprcee oF a tha él anbtebeers Hs cere Gee feel eorr bere ole bx the Sopeeme Goaet Aun inwtisetlon for, inthe ome at eho aaa was auablabed by Nervlaikea KEOVEE of opps cae i wah Serene greets CRUE eo wea roorne of round, bot an apreane orate qeananite of the Piggebidis Bi she paste i piecing veetien Digit, By Appa VI A 2pgp. Cb aires dole ee oer Selo uray fara} ee prmacbte these santa che eee ovis, beet adele abe Ht! ereering he pebll peeea The lige jperpoew la she ondy aoe mecckoeeS tn -Fapulitos Pod THEA fecar cequieess tear purmcre. Harring tn prtende a milter rptns of conetbere fon edie, we bore chougle dr Kegeron dhe sick us hel oy ieee for, mithor flan to opretimoncd fe ertionedot tn Cialradbe." RECESSION OC NERA ToT BA ewan Ana Led Chivas! peated peley cof aati he (beGears feo ot Exnorive. undortaang Ste gedicid pclrmaot iste did sed creed Io links! concliners fehl net apphy beetbep Seatat Dewars dala dhe baghen Cort ef ter este Pacy. loos the ‘Ciowmency Geouval- aed swvedens. cf ‘the oun (nemkent ia Judy Agee em ta peracid ahieitows te wed = cumbierton, of firktore in any Soke. che amangecae by tht comin a Banged, wad: all’ the one Enuisaterioty, chirmey apd incooresda Tends the delaras of epg], Wl devisees on! the Dime) Aidala earn. arpeabioen, frnty- 2 iat Proviocisl Gear: ct Appeal aad accondly, i all ca where he dalge: mos eendod oor thateshd repeo. othe Sedur Dimacd Adal, The abit of appara (bn ipecng Aoibe Stair Eosvard faked ven vagy ger Te us Beil Chg ube eral eed deere bets the lous: sebopeed! onedgh cone of the alge The Gove Greed) end cravazes of 0st Sioumal bed mvattivciows satay Biden be Riba Thy tberntine. coud ool tree i reads how jo Sor Sadar Coan oa nha quay of Sed lal eect Wetied 3 iemerdod, MMioeoorerr, dhe tects tea neck bom etd sd eaite samall okewpesimetioes, Lt cessed rim heme fmach of Petree and wemerndoa ts aac! guauiey mangodrode. “The Ghoromenent finn bekistn be coqraiale to Sond the Belin of apg Ge the Stir Comyl. - The fire! lrp inches Grordor wie tiiea by Shore ba ing. Beputacle BOF ad thas AE 220 PMA SF Aaa wirernsd one, ore wear pet Did: Biwi thas that decors of! the Prvieail Cheats, ol ‘Appl world! be Beal ta il capes of mony? er prem! phat maramencding Ra ano: Ayyoratie kb ie fadgr EPened teil soa be eras cr al cen of real pevmertn wed Da ncon wae hey chan ddl May a peed eee peogarte ret Ba, II BROAD! BISA airnieaiiuy Graig: bo trian cf ofc, Shies med felled “ero wae: theres: bp een? ped! ate eh a ee Mp grcidile the dhapoeat of iin cocurg: beckcew tbe [Mia Bakiloe. Thaaeibengee mately fellanwed- tee eoueey: one Rarvicaie tha right efagpea! oe the ghee Cesta. few tbe caked of Se lewe: Coane: te, mrpeaing a meeamry Deve pov the Retibaliies ef mete! “The cham ken cf rearing spyele Wai comeedde rhe Sail Blagteat of ety ira test frwoier Ube we un leprae: oe thé Coonwa Ka! ‘uinees. The impact a0 nonctery sory oe te inserted. of at wets raped, Ua incieaiied Liigithe, Ths, berets mth a Hewoicada aop, ated Ebon bod rho keothed tu one omy vital priterpie of the Coeveallie’ syne — that of) gecendthep feetice Gree of cori te all Eeewbeas. oo fmt Malar Mrernie Tu aegis thy the pee pay tee beet deemed i Tee at Shbeeta Geitaited, Sih te cbcaren ol te Fak ot Wrateiike, ce Geepedunt Let det pricettsee el Bacar ie fern athe bol corenetom pevetiind che mare ay sinie itl relew foe chee melimibiabaatiny Dakine a weve, ky Cpa auabchet swithan the peovinous of Hargal. Gitar und dirhoa. dh are-. aguante! Bem Kopulaiions wee’ enacted by ebe -tevearmmtai of Samal aiabtichiogg he: Adalat Sooetens Fe thet wprevinnt of Tsuna, Sheek) toa rerp geeat moos. wei boned viet ea Bingo model The cy oof Barareh» om: wineet of natrhocy. armed ee em Foren ints 9 sisal che ‘rea of he previtepe af Mlieaties waa lburiieaned toes chose, det iebeerbeth ty Hespie ie they daweiena od Nitrexper, Giurkgead ared iy wich af chet doer ditttice ¢ Goo of Diwan Audedar Sor the seta of cod watt io the Bend ities wet adil: Ludhed acick with eos Reaibal: njedeaatnh anneant of thee Compury tuk

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