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Lesson 4a.

Officer – Violator Relationship

At the end of the lesson, students shall be able to:
a. Identify the procedures in dealing with traffic violators.

Handout in Traffic Management


In officer-violator relationship, the first reminder for an officer in traffic
enforcement is to establish pleasant relationship with the offending motorist or

Two Objectives in Dealing with a Violator

1. Immediate objective is enforcement action against the driver.
2. Ultimate objective is to change his future driving behavior.

Pleasant Relationship can be accomplished by:

1. The appearance of your uniform, equipment and person which will create the
violator impression of you. A neat, clean and properly worn uniform and well-
groomed person will create a good impression.
2. Observance of the following rules when talking with violators:
a. Get your emotions under control. Do not appear before him when you are both
at the peak of tension or excitement.
b. Advise the violator the nature of the alleged violation in the manner that he can
fully understand.
c. Allow the violator to talk and explain his side.
d. Be courteous and business like. You may introduce yourself or use only good
morning, Sir or Madam. Using Sir or Madam identifies you identified as a
e. Request compliance. Use requesting words such as “May I”, “Please” and
“Kindly” when directing the violator.
f. Avoid telling the driver what not to do. If you want him to do something
whenever possible, explain why you want him to do it.
3. Never open your conversation in sarcastic or derogatory way.
4. Be alert at all times for the unexpected. Approach the violator with these cases:
a. Take time to get ready.
b. Know what you are going to say and do.
c. Have any equipment you will need such as flashlight, clipboard, or citation pad.
d. Review the facts which lead to your stopping the violator before you begin to
e. Decide what enforcement action you are going to take before you approach
the violator.

In requesting for the driver’s license and vehicle registration certificate, observe the
following suggested procedures:
1. Do not put your head or arms in the car window.
2. While waiting for the license, ask the driver: “What is your name Sir?”
3. Never accept anything other than the paper requested.
4. Ask the papers being requested be removed from the billfold or other container.
5. Have the driver hand the requested papers to you outside the window.
6. Establish the identity of the driver and check the entries of both the license and the
registration papers for any possible fraud, false identities or falsifications.
7. Do not return the driver’s license and vehicle registration certificate until you are
about to terminate the interview.

In terminating your contact with the violator, observe the following:

1. Explain to the driver what action he must take.
2. Tell him when and where he must appear.
3. Do not discuss probable bail or penalties with the violator.
4. Avoid any naughty suggestion that he should engage in the services of a
counsel or how he should plead.
5. When you are certain that the driver understands what he should do, close the
interview by thanking the driver for his cooperation and explaining how he may
avoid further difficulty.
6. Help the driver get safely through the traffic.
7. When the violator leaves, do not follow him immediately. He may feel that you
are just waiting to nab him again. Either turn around and patrol in the opposite
direction or you may stay where you are for a moment to decide what to do

Enhancement ACTIVITY:
Log in to your dashboard

Assessment. Log in to your dashboard

Refer to your handout.

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