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How can nudge theory be utilized for behavior change during the coid19 pandemic?

Nudge theory is an area of behavioral science that uses subtle psychological cues to influence
the people’s behavior, particularly around public health.
The covid19 pandemic surges number of infected person and death toll continues to rise. It has
become a public health emergency at international level. As long its vaccine was not obtained
and after its availability its transmissions it’s not coming under control all a person can do to be
safe from its infection is to follow preventive measures. Controlling covid-19 is not in a hand of a
single person it requires effort from individual level to policy enabling level. This is what needs
to be explained publicly. No change can be made at once or suddenly. A better change is when
an individual behavior, attitude and intentions are influenced to adopt new change. We cannot
bring change forcefully. By applying nudge theory we practice to work on different stage to
change an individual perception.
The model’s basic premise is that behavior change is a process, not an event. As a person
attempts to change a behavior, he or she moves through five stages: precontemplation,
contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance (and relapse). This model has been
applied to a variety of individual behaviors, as well as to organizational change. The Model is
circular, not linear. In other words, people do not systematically progress from one stage to the
next, ultimately “graduating” from the behavior change process. Instead, they may enter the
change process at any stage, relapse to an earlier stage, and begin the process once more.
They may cycle through this process repeatedly, and the process can end at any point.

precontemplation Unaware of the problem First of all tell public about

risks and threats of this new
disease. Increase
contemplation Aware of the problem and of Spread knowledge of
the desired behavior change precautionary measures as
such frequent hand washing,
social distancing, stay
hygiene stay home.
preparation Intend to take action Encourage to follow Sops by
making policies.
action Practice the desired behavior Make strict rules to keep
following sops wearing mask,
ban social gathering, social
maintenance Words to sustain behavior Continue to spread
change awareness campaign and
ads that guide public about
new way of lifestyle and keep
reminding about the problem
Nudges are environmental cues engaging unconscious decision-making processes to prompt behavior
change. In high-income countries, “nudging” has gained attention as a means to trigger desired
behavioral outcomes. Instead of changing the conscious decision-making process, nudges alter the
environmental context in which a decision or behavior is completed [12]. Nudges can take many forms,
including environmental cues that engage automatic decision making processes that are quick and
unconscious rather than self-aware, goal-oriented, and controlled decision-making

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