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Q1 Which 3 of Deming’s 14 points do you think are most critical of the success of a TQM program? Why?

Philip Crosby said that quality is free. Why?

1. Absolute Quality administration is characterized as an arrangement of standards centering

of getting explicit standard of subjective yield accomplishing most extreme consumer
loyalty. The fundamental focal point of the aggregate quality administration idea is to carry
out a bunch of the executives practices to help organizations increment their quality and

2. All the Deming’s fourteen points are important for the success of a Total Quality
Management program. However, to specify three of the points and label them is critical.

3. Perhaps amongst the fourteen, the three points explained below may need more attention

4. “Build quality into the product; stop depending on inspections to catch problems” is an
important point. This is because, not only doing it right first time – every time results in
better overall quality but also it is not dependent on the efficiency levels in inspection to
catch defects. It also makes economic sense because rework or scrap – costs more money
than the additionalcost of meticulous and painstaking work the very first time.
“Remove barriers to pride in work” is another point which deserves considerable attention.
Most of the employees are interested in carrying out work which they can be proud of.
Therefore, there should be an enabling environment for the employees to give their best at
“Break down barriers between departments”. Large organizations work in silos of materials
management, production, quality control, marketing, HR, logistics and so on. Often “blame game” is a
very common malaise afflicting large organizations.

5. Many MNCs have the practice training of “graduate trainees” or the “management
trainees”spending adequate time in various departments in the organization during their
orientation programs so that the employees are familiar with the kinds of issues faced by
different departments.
Frequent workshops on “team work” also help in breaking down barriers between departments.
This helps immensely in improving the overall quality.

Philip Crosby was right when he said, "Quality is free," meaning that an investment in
improving quality pays itself back very quickly. ... In order to leverage Crosby's concept that quality is free, some
changes need to be made. The quality profession needs to fix the problems with ISO 9000.

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