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PRGX Lavante SIM

Business Requirements
Document (BRD)
Deductions Management – Phase
September 2017
Version X.XX

Document Revisions
Revision Author Date Change
0.1 Lakshmi Jul-01-2017 Draft
1.0 Paul Fagg Jul-18-2017

Role Name Title Signature Date
Project Sponsor Dan
Business Owner Brad Royer
Product Manager Paul Fagg Product Manager
System Architect
Development Lead Sanjeev Gautam
User Experience Paul Brooks
Quality Lead
Content Lead

Project Summary
Enable suppliers to initiate a deduction claim if the paid amount is less than the invoice amount.
The claims initiated by the supplier go through an approval cycle and upon approval by the
buyer, the claims are processed successfully.

Project Scope
In Scope Functionality
Payments (Phase 1) - All invoices approved by Kroger and sent to VPS (paid/unpaid,
positive/negative invoices)
 View; Search; Send Inquiry; Submit Dispute

Disputes (Phase 1) - All claims/disputes created by a supplier (open [supplier not submitted-
supplier view only]/pending/closed)
 View; Search; Send Inquiry

Out of Scope Functionality
Invoices (Phase 2) - All invoices received by Kroger but not yet approved for payment
 View; Search; Send Inquiry

BH OSD (Phase 2) – All items flagged as Over, Short or Damaged on a CPU/Backhaul loads
 Daily feed to SIM w/notifications to designated BH supplier contact
 View; Search; Send Inquiry

EDI Invoice Errors (Phase 2) - All EDI824 report errors

 Daily feed to SIM w/notifications to designated EDI supplier contact
 View; Search; Send Inquiry

Signed BOL’s (Phase 3) - All signed Bills of Lading

 View; Search

Acceptance Criteria
 Vendors are able to view deductions

 Vendors are able to submit an inquiry or dispute

 Kroger staff are able to view, manage and resolve inquiries or disputes via platform

Business Process Overview
User Roles

Level User Role Name User Role Description Est numbers

1 Viewer Ability to view limited supplier, deduction and dispute information 20

Acts as facilitator of supplier inquiry and dispute processes.
2 Operations Clerk 40
Can add account numbers and approve disputes - Not able to add a
& Freight
May need per vendor alpha or leave as one batch
Reviews designated disputes assigned by Level 2 user or directly
Department from the system - acts as facilitator for their department - Cannot
3.1 70
Facilitator-Freight add Account Numbers and approve disputes (Traffic, buyer, category
mgr, freight & whse)
Department Reviews designated disputes assigned by Level 2 user or directly
Facilitator- from the system - acts as facilitator for their department - Cannot
Category add Account Numbers and approve disputes (Traffic, buyer, category
Managers mgr, freight & whse)
Reviews designated disputes assigned by Level 2 user or directly
Department from the system - acts as facilitator for their department - Cannot
Facilitator-Buyers add Account Numbers and approve disputes (Traffic, buyer, category
mgr, freight & whse)
Reviews designated disputes assigned by Level 2 user or directly
Department from the system - acts as facilitator for their department - Cannot
Facilitator-Traffic add Account Numbers and approve disputes (Traffic, buyer, category
mgr, freight & whse)
Department Reviews designated disputes assigned by Level 2 user or directly
Facilitator- from the system - acts as facilitator for their department - Cannot
Warehouse - add Account Numbers and approve disputes (Traffic, buyer, category
Locations mgr, freight & whse)
4 Operations Same as Level 2 but also has approval rights under $5000.01 to $30k 8
Coordinator - can add account numbers and approve disputes - add disputes
5 Operations Same as Level 2 but also has approval rights under $5000.01 to $30k 5
Manager - can add account numbers and approve disputes - add disputes
Assistance Act as Initial/Final Approver; Ability to modify a dispute - Has full
6 1
Controller view access of all information including suppliers, users and

disputes - can add account numbers and approve disputes - add

7 PRGX Reviewer

Role Definitions
 See File: Kroger DM Project Workflow
o Workflow Rules
o Workflow by Dispute Type
o User Role Permissions
o Alerts

FYI: Finance Operations Hierarchy

1) Manager

a) Coordinators reports to managers

i) Clerks report to coordinator

User Stories

ID User Story

As a supplier submitting/settling invoices, I want to know of any invoice payment discrepancies,

so I can investigate the reasons

As a supplier with an invoice discrepancy, I want to see the details of an invoice, to confirm there
is a legitimate reason

As a supplier with an invoice discrepancy, I want to raise an inquiry with the buyer, so I can get
further clarity and possibly raise a dispute

As a supplier with an invoice discrepancy, I want to raise a dispute with the buyer, so I can claim
the missing funds back

As a supplier raising an invoice dispute, I want to view a disputes details, so I can confirm the
details are correct

As a buyer (finance operators clerk/departments) reviewing supplier inquiries, I want to review

the invoice/dispute details, so I can correctly respond. Clerks approved disputes <$5k

As a buyer (finance operators clerk/departments) doing the initial review of invoice disputes, I
want to review the invoice/dispute details, so I can correctly assign a dispute status

As a buyer (department facilitator), I want to review designated disputes assigned by Level 2

users or directly from the system, so I can facilitate their resolution

As a buyer (finance manager) approving escalated technical disputes, I want the ability to review
and edit the invoice/dispute details, so I can approve and close the dispute efficiently

As a buyer (finance specialist / co-ordinator) , I want the ability to review and edit the
10 invoice/dispute between >=$5k to <$30k in details, so I can approve and close the dispute

As a buyer interested in the status of invoice disputes, I want to view progress reports by
type/location/supplier, so I can understand how the entity is performing

As a buyer responsible for processing supplier inquiries/disputes, I want to be reminded of any

aged actions, so I can close all my assigned tasks

As a buyer approving disputes, I want to split the payments between cost centers, so they are
accounted for correctly

As a buyer (assistant controller) , I want the ability to review and edit the invoice/dispute >=$30k
in details, so I can approve and close the dispute efficiently

15 As a PRGX reviewer, I want … , so I can …

As a buyer denying disputes, I want the ability to select a denial reason and provide additional
backup verbiage and attachments that will be shared with the supplier

17 As a buyer admin, I want to edit master data, so I can keep the user selections up-to-date

ID Workflow Description

1 Supplier Inquiry Supplier inquiry related to a specific payment/deduction transaction

Supplier creates dispute to request a repayment or additional backup for an existing

2 Supplier Dispute

High Level View

Dispute Workflow Path

Workflow / Status
Dispute Status

Dispute Status Description

Open Supplier opened an inquiry or claim but not submitted

Pending Once submitted by vendor or after PRGX recommendation

Review PRGX Under review by PRGX

Closed Dispute completed by Kroger

Resolution Status

Resolution Status Description


Partial Pay


Workflow Definitions
 See File: Kroger DM Project Configuration Data
o Dispute Types
o Dispute Status
o Resolution Status
o Resolution Reasons
o Dispute Priority
o GL Account Codes (full listing found in See File: Active Accounts)
 See File: Kroger DM Project Workflow
o Workflow Rules
o Workflow by Dispute Type
o User Role Permissions
o Alerts

Standard Screens
Supplier Screens

Login Home

Invoices Payment Claims

Payment Claim Details

Invoice Details Create Claim

Buyer Screens

Login Home

Tasks Suppliers Invoices Payments Claims Reports

Standard Screen Definitions

 See File: Kroger DM Fields
o Invoices (Tables, Search, Action Buttons, View Details)
o Payments (Tables, Search, Action Buttons, View Details)
o Claims (Tables, Search, Action Buttons, View Details)

Functional Requirements

UC 1: As a supplier submitting/settling invoices, I want to know of any invoice payment discrepancies, so I can
investigate the reasons
1. User navigates to ‘Payments’ screen upon logging in as a supplier

2. User should be able to view the following details in Payments screen (see file:DM Fields - Payments):

a. Search results table

b. Search menu

c. Action buttons :

3. The table should list all the paid invoices irrespective of claims being associated with these records

4. User can use search/filter to identify invoices with a delta

5. If there are no claims associated with the invoice , then ‘Claim#’ column will be left blank

6. If invoice is associated with multiple claims , then records will be multiple rows

7. ‘Invoice#’ will be a hyperlink and will display Invoice Details upon clicking

8. ‘Claim#’ will be a hyperlink and will display Invoice Details upon clicking

Results screen (Sample for illustrative purposes only)

UC 2: As a supplier with an invoice discrepancy, I want to see the details of an invoice, to confirm there is a
legitimate reason
1. User navigates to ‘Payments’ screen upon logging in as a supplier

2. In the search results table, a user selects an invoice to view by clicking on a ‘Invoice #’ link

3. The invoice number is shown at the top of the screen and the details are shown as follows (see file:DM
Fields – Payment Details):

a. Payment Header

b. Associated Line Items (table)

c. Associated Discounts (table)

d. Associated Promotions (table) – displayed if available

e. Associated Claims (table) – displayed if available

f. Approval Status (table)

g. Comments

4. The user closes the screen and returns to the previous screen

5. Invoices can have associations with Promotions or deductions or both

UC3: As a supplier with an invoice discrepancy, I want to raise an inquiry with the buyer, so I can get further
clarity and possibly raise a dispute
1. User navigates to ‘Payments’ screen upon logging in as a supplier

2. In the search results table, a user selects an invoice to view by clicking on that entries checkbox

3. When a row is selected, the ‘Request Information’ button become active

4. User clicks on Request Information button and Add Comment screen appears

5. The screen displays any previous comments between the buyer/supplier, for each comment:

a. Username

b. Date of comment

c. Comment text

6. User has the option to add new text into a field

7. Clicking on Send Request will send a notification to a buyer user, the user then returns to previous screen

8. Clicking on Cancel will cancel the request and return user to previous screen

UC4: As a supplier with an invoice discrepancy, I want to raise a dispute with the buyer, so I can claim the
missing funds back
1. System should be able to support the following :

a. Association of a single claim for a single invoice record

b. Association of multiple claims to a single invoice record

c. Association of a claim to multiple invoice

2. ‘Create Claim’ button will be disabled if no records are selected

3. ‘Create Claim’ button should get enabled if one or more invoice records are enabled

4. User should be able to see the pop up with the following fields upon clicking on ‘Create Dispute’
Field Name Field Type Values
Claim Type Single select dropdown AR-Reclamation
CD-Cash Discount
CV-CRV Repays
LC-List Cost
… (for full list see DM Project
Configuration Data)
Claim Amount Input Text along with a dropdown
to select currency
Chargeback Invoice # Textbox
Additional Comments Text Area
Supporting Documents Table
Document Type Single select dropdown Values
Supporting File Upload
Action Delete Deletes row entry
User can create new table rows:
‘Add New’ – Single button - Active
5. User should be able to see the following buttons in the pop up :
Button Text Format Values
Save Single Button  Active
Save and Submit Single Button  Active

Cancel Text Link
6. Clicking on Save will create the claim and the status of the claim will be ‘Open’ and user will be navigated
to previous screen

7. Clicking on Save and Submit will create the claim and the following happens:

a. System submits the claim for approval

b. Visual confirmation that claim has been submitted:

i. Screen title: “Success”

ii. Text: Claim {Claim #} has been submitted for review

iii. Button: OK

c. User is returned to results screen

8. Clicking on Cancel will cancel the claim creation and user will be navigated to previous screen

9. Claim ID is unique per supplier and will be auto-generated at the time of claim creation

10. User should be able to edit the claim details of those claims that are in ‘Open’ status

11. User should be able to delete the claims in ‘Open’ status.

UC5: As a supplier raising an invoice dispute, I want to view a disputes details, so I can confirm the details are
1. User navigates to ‘Claims’ screen upon logging in as a supplier

2. Search results table is displayed (see file:DM Fields - Claims):

a. Search results table

b. Search menu

c. Action buttons :

3. In the search results table, a user selects a claim to view by clicking on a ‘Claim #’ link

4. The claim number is shown at the top of the screen and the details are shown as follows (see file:DM
Fields – Claim Details):

a. Header Information :

b. Supporting Documents (table)

c. Claim Processing Information

d. Associated Line Items (table)

e. Associated Discounts (table)

f. Associated Promotions (table)

g. Payment Details (table)

h. Approval Status (table)

i. Comments

5. The user closes the screen and returns to the previous screen

6. Claims can be raised against deductions or promotions or both

7. Claims can have only Associated Deductions or Associated Promotions or both.

UC6: As a buyer (finance operators clerk) reviewing supplier inquiries, I want to review the invoice/dispute
details, so I can correctly respond
1. User navigates to inquiry tasks upon logging in as a buyer

2. User should be able to view all the inquiries awaiting response, comments can be associated with
invoices, payments or claims (See File: Kroger DM Fields)

a. Invoices (Tables, Search, Action Buttons, View Details)

b. Payments (Tables, Search, Action Buttons, View Details)
c. Claims (Tables, Search, Action Buttons, View Details)
3. User can select an inquiry and see previous and current comments from a supplier

4. User can also view invoice details or payment details by clicking on their respective links in the table

5. If the inquiry is deemed as important, the buyer can flag it as a priority. The flag is only visible to buyer

6. The user can respond to an inquiry by adding comments to the comment string, this will be sent to the

UC7: As a buyer (finance operators clerk) doing the initial review of invoice disputes, I want to review the
invoice/dispute details, so I can correctly assign a dispute status
1. User navigates to ‘Claims’ tasks upon logging in as a buyer

2. System controls claims to be viewed based on workflow rules (see file: Kroger DM Project Workflow).
Routing details found in ‘WF Rules’/’WF by Disp Type’

3. User should be able to view all the claims awaiting approval. (see file:DM Fields - Claims):
a. Search results table

b. Search menu

c. Action buttons

4. User should be able to see the following action buttons:

a. Edit Dispute button is enabled upon electing only one claim record. Button disabled if multiple
records or no record is selected
b. Request Update button is enabled upon selecting only one claim record. Button disabled if
multiple or no records is selected

c. Process Claim: Button enabled if one or more claims are selected. Multiple claims can be
processed at once.

d. Reassign: Button enabled if one or more claims are selected.

5. User can view invoice, payment or claim details by clicking on their respective links in the table.

6. User selects an individual claim to review. (see file:DM Fields - Claims):

a. View details

7. User updates the processing information:

a. Claim Priority

b. Claim Action

c. Settlement Amount

d. Resolution

e. GL Code

f. Notes(Public)

g. Notes(Private)

h. Action Buttons :

i. Save : The changes will be saved and user will exit out of the pop up

ii. Save and Submit: Details are saved and claim has been processed or submitted for next
level of approval depending on the workflow configuration.

iii. Cancel: will closed the pop up and changes are not saved.

8. Display a message on Save/Save and Submit:

a. If settlement amount is less than claim amount, then message is ‘Settlement Amount is less than
Claim Amount. Resolution Status will be Partial Pay’

b. If settlement amount is greater than claim amount, then message is ‘Settlement Amount cannot
be greater than Claim Amount’

UC8: As a buyer (department facilitator), I want to review designated disputes assigned by Level 2 users or
directly from the system, so I can facilitate their resolution
1. Mirrors UC7. Refer to workflow rules (see file: Kroger DM Project Workflow). Routing details found in
‘WF Rules’/’WF by Disp Type’

UC9: As a buyer (finance manager) approving high value/technical disputes, I want the ability to review and
edit the invoice/dispute details, so I can approve and close the dispute efficiently
1. Mirrors UC7. Refer to workflow rules (see file: Kroger DM Project Workflow). Routing details found in
‘WF Rules’/’WF by Disp Type’

UC10: As a buyer (finance specialist / co-ordinator), I want the ability to review and edit the invoice/dispute
between >=$5k to <$30k in details, so I can approve and close the dispute efficiently
1. Mirrors UC7. Refer to workflow rules (see file: Kroger DM Project Workflow). Routing details found in
‘WF Rules’/’WF by Disp Type’

UC11: As a buyer interested in the status of invoice disputes, I want to view progress reports by
type/location/supplier, so I can understand how the entity is performing
1. User should be able to navigate to Dashboards

a. Dashboard 1 (Headlines) – Deduction and Dispute Aging

b. Dashboard 2 – Deduction and Dispute Metrics

c. Dispute by Type

i. Graph depicts the number of claims for each of the claim type as a trend line
ii. Claim Type (x-axis) vs Claim Amount ($) (y-axis) will be displayed as a bar chart
iii. User should be able to view the monthly, quarterly, yearly data
d. Dispute by Warehouse

i. Graph depicts the number of claims for each of the Division/Delivery Centre as a trend

ii. DC (Delivery Centre/Division) (x-axis) vs Claim Amount ($) (y-axis) will be displayed as a
bar chart
iii. User should be able to view the monthly, quarterly, yearly data
e. Dispute by Supplier

i. Graph depicts the number of claims for each supplier (top 10/20)
ii. Supplier (x-axis) vs Claim Amount ($) (y-axis) will be displayed as a bar chart
iii. User should be able to view the monthly, quarterly, yearly data
2. User should be able to navigate to Reports

a. Open/unprocessed disputes

b. Total disputes

c. Period-End AP Liability

d. Platform usage

Report Definitions
 See File: Kroger DM Reports
o Dashboards
o Reports

UC12: As a buyer responsible for processing supplier inquiries/disputes, I want to be reminded of any aged
actions, so I can close all my assigned tasks

UC13: As a buyer approving disputes, I want to split the payments between cost centers, so they are
accounted for correctly
1. User actions mirrors UC7/UC8/UC9/UC10. Refer to workflow rules (see file: Kroger DM Project
Workflow). Routing details found in ‘WF Rules’/’WF by Disp Type’

2. When user is updating the claims processing information for GL Code:

a. User has ability to enter multiple account numbers for payment of one dispute. Up to a
maximum of 20 GL Account Codes per payment

b. User can search for and only select GL Account Codes that are related to their account (based on
Warehouse/DC mapping)

c. Where the GL Account Number begins ’03…’ user to complete a subfield ‘Receiver Number’

d. For each GL Account Number added, a dollar amount is to be completed (to 2 decimal places)

3. System checks that the GL Account Number amount totals are exactly equal to the ‘Settlement Amount’

4. Display a message on Save/Save and Submit:

a. If settlement amount is not equal to total of GL Account Number total, then message is
‘Settlement Amount is not equal to total of GL Account Number total. Edit amounts ‘

Chargeback Invoice #
1. Chargeback Invoice # will be entered by Kroger if dispute is denied.

2. Associated to the dispute

UC 7: User wishes to process claims in bulk

1. User selects one or more claims awaiting approval and clicks on ‘Process Claims’ button

2. System should display a pop up upon clicking on ‘Process Claims’ button

a. Claim Processing Information Section:

i. Claim Priority : Dropdown with values

1. High

2. Medium

3. Low

ii. Claim Action : Radio Button options :

1. Repay

2. Partial Repay

3. Deny

iii. Settlement amount : When ‘Partial Repay’ is selected as Claim Action

iv. Resolution : Multiple selection with values :

1. Valid Contract

2. Revised Deal

3. POD Signed Short

4. Damaged Out of Stock

5. Shipment Error

6. Substituted Product

7. Invoice Error

v. Notes(Public): Text area

vi. Notes(Private) : Text area

b. Supporting Documents Section :

i. Display a table with columns :

1. Document type : Dropdown

2. Upload Document : File Upload

3. Action button : Delete

4. User can upload multiple documents upon clicking on ‘Add New’

c. Action Buttons :

i. Process Claims : User exits out of the pop up and the claim approval records are cleared
from tasks page

ii. Cancel : Pop up is closed and claim processing action is cancelled

3. When user clicks on ‘Process Claim’, system checks if the settlement amount provided is less than the
claim amount in case of ‘Partial Repay’ selected as Claim Action

a. If some of the claims have have claims have claim amount equal to less than settlement amount,
such claims are listed out and not processed.

The following Claims do not have Settlement amount less than Claim Amount.

Claim ID Claim Amount Settlement Amount

Do you wish to process the remaining claims?

Buttons: Yes and No

b. Claims which have Settlement amount less than Claim Amount are processed successfully upon
user clicking on Yes

c. The values provided for Claim Priority, Claim Action, Resolution, Settlement and Notes (Public
and Private) are applicable for all the claims

d. The status of the claim changes to ‘Closed’ once the claims are processed successfully

4. System should support configuration of workflow steps as well as auto approval based on data
provided for Claim Type, Claim Amount, Delivery Location and Vendor Type.

Glossary of Terms

“Deduction” Supplier claims


Related Documents

Definitions Document Content

Role Kroger DM Project Workflow  User Role Permissions
Workflow Master Data Kroger DM Project Configuration  Dispute Types
Data  Dispute Status
 Resolution Status
 Resolution Reasons
 Dispute Priority
 GL Account Codes
GL Account Codes Active Accounts
Workflow Kroger DM Project Workflow  Workflow Rules
 Workflow by Dispute Type
 User Role Permissions
 Alerts
Standard Screens Kroger DM Fields  Invoices
 Payments
 Claims
 Invoice Details
 Payment Details
 Claim Details
Report Kroger DM Reports  Dashboards
 Reports


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