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The Quality of Mercy is Not Strain’d

This phrase is taken from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. It occurs
where Portia demands Shylock be merciful, stating that “The quality of mercy
is not strain’d, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven/Upon the place
beneath” (Act-IV, Scene-I). In this way, Portia directly makes an appeal to
Shylock to leave Antonio’s life, saying that, as we all pray and plead to God
for mercy, to be merciful and kind towards us, likewise Shylock should be
merciful and kind to him, and he will get a reward from heaven.

Portia insists on convincing him to be merciful as God is merciful toward us.
You see that the idea of mercy in the passage has a close connection with the
Christian idea of salvation. In fact, she alludes to Christian doctrine that mercy
and forgiveness are godly characteristics, and seeking justice without showing
mercy, Shylock could face damnation, because by doing this he would
disobey the law of God.

Generally, we find the use of this quote by someone who means to insult or
show offensiveness against someone that seems recalcitrant, stubborn, and
uninterested in social conventions and humanitarianism. Today this phrase
has a little different meaning. In its usual context, it is used to refute
the claim of people that they have acted generously or mercifully, by telling
them that they were short of choices, their only option to do what they have
done. Hence, it is like an insult for those demonstrating mercy.

Literary Source
In Act-IV, Scene-I of The Merchant of Venice, Portia says this to Shylock as;

PORTIA: “The quality of mercy is not strain’d,

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes…
Must needs give sentence ‘gainst the merchant there.”
(The Merchant of Venice, Act-IV, Scene-I, Lines 173-195)

She conveys the idea that mercy is a tender and noble feeling, which must
spring suddenly from one’s heart. It is as beautiful as gentle showers that flow
in the heavens, and nourish the earth. It blesses those who show mercy,
which not only makes them feel good, but also brings heavenly rewards.

Mercy is a divine and noble attribute, like when someone imposes harsh
justice, but then opts for mercy, he displays God-like attributes.

Literary Analysis
On the level of its literary merit, this phrase deserves praise, as it has a
multiplicity of meanings. Its theme not only relates to the theme of tension
and conflict, but also of godly qualities such as mercy and generosity.
However, there are several other character traits associated with it. For
example, along with appealing mercy, it indirectly shows numerous qualities of
Portia’s character, though mercy is not primary among them.

A combination of boldness and intelligence come well before mercy. Being a

woman, she argues ethics and law in a patriarchal society. Portia’s best
qualities are her logic and intelligence. She uses references of Christian belief
against Shylock, a Jew. Therefore, she expresses her religious belief through
all this. She believes that a person can benefit from forgiveness by forgiving

Literary Devices
 Allusion: Allusion to Christian idea of salvation
 Irony: This phrase has irony of situation, because it is used where there
is often no mercy.
 Metaphor: Here, mercy is shown as endless rain.

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