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Student Name: Anitika Minhas

Student Id: 500187904

Course Code: HRPG3002

Instructor Name: Miss Harwinder

Is this my best effort?  
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Is the references section correct? 
Is all cited material referenced? NA
Are there any materials that you have not cited? (and should
therefore be expunged).
Is the word length OK? 
Have I checked for spelling and grammar?  
Is your name, student number, instructor’s name and course 
code on the title page?
Could someone read my introduction and have a rough idea NA
of the body?
Could someone read my conclusion and know what they NA
would have learn had they read the body?
Were any of my arguments unsubstantiated or biased?

Did I leave the essay for a few hours and then read it again 
from a more objective perspective?

Did I check the whole checklist?

Assignment Submission Checklist

1: Why would a company want to join a strategic alliance rather than go it alone
in international operations? What do you see as the potential advantages and
disadvantages of international alliances?
Answer: Strategic alliance occurs when two or more companies unite together for a project to
share the material, profit, investments, risk and resources. They still remain an independent
entity but just share their workings to achieve the objectives. Strategic alliance are opted by the
companies because it involves less cost and risk and investment in the product is shared among
the organizations which reduces stress of the management, whereas going alone in
international operations will need abundant of investments, resources, time, cost, knowledge
of competitors and markets where customers are high in number, whole arrangement of supply
chain management wholly done by a single company which can be a burden as well.
International alliances: means a company coming into a contract or partnership with the other
company whose headquarters are in some different country that is globally located.
International alliance will help the company to spread their products at international level
which will help in attracting new customers and analysis of new markets which will make out
profits. Secondly, it even shares resources which helps in reduction of time and cost and shares
risk of the companies all together. It even allows the organizations to reach their objectives
faster and innovation is at the greatest here.
Some of the drawbacks related to international alliance are that there can be communications
problems may be because of different culture and languages within the employees which will
clearly affects in coordination and control of things. It can even cause delay in implementation
of rules or new products as discussion between two countries may take time and time
differences is the major drawback which affects companies decision making process. It is even
possible that sometimes expenses are bearable by one single entity which can be difficult to

2: Do you think it makes sense for a transnational organization to have more

than one headquarters? What might be some advantages associated with two
headquarters, each responsible for different things? Can you think of any
Answer: Transnational organization means companies set up of their operations out of
boundaries in other nations for increasing their activities.
Yes, in my view it do make sense for a transnational organization to have more than one
headquarters because transnational companies can have headquarters in the country where
they process their partnership with other companies because it helps in effective control over
the workings and can operate with more efficiency by coordination.
Advantages of having numerous headquarters can be:
 Time differences can be eradicated which will increase the communication with no
 Subsidiary goods can be managed by headquarter located in that country, even an eye
over the competition can be set which will help in running the company more
 Workers will coordinate more among each other as language difference can be handled.
 Creates more employment opportunities with introduction of headquarters in the other
 It will even help in attracting more customer of that particular nation by spreading the
markets and that will automatically result in more profits and revenues.
 It will be even helpful for the economic stability of the government.
 Resources, time and cost can be handled in an adequate manner.
If considering about drawbacks of having multi headquarters can be discussed as the issue of
profits and revenues which will be going to the main country of operation and not to the local
company and thus it will less contribute in local area.

3: What are some of the primary reasons a company decides to expand

Some of the primary reasons a company decides to expand globally are:
 To share resources among each other this helps in reaching the objectives more
 It advertises the products of the company and thus helps in fetching more customer of
that nation which outcomes as earning more profits.
 It even helps in understanding other nations markets to make out the competition and
then making ways out to be more innovative to be at number one.
 International markets helps in more economic stability of the country and helps in
generating more employments.
 Foreign currency can be earned by the expansion of company internationally and even
opportunities of foreign investments are more.
 Risk can be shared among each other.
 It even helps in increasing goodwill of the company globally and more new and fresh
talent can be explored.

REFERENCE: Class handouts, presentations and lectures.

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