Language Leader Intermediate WB

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INTERMEDIATE John Hughes Pearson Fdcation United Esinburh Gate Hatlow sex CMZ0 26 England and Associated Companies throughout the wold se peannlongman com © Pearson Education Limited 2008, Ther ofan Hugh tobe eed suo f his Work ave been ‘sce by tem in aecordance with the Copyright, Designs nd Pens Act ‘Al ighs eserves no pr ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in ‘retieval system, ce vanmited nan frm ot by any means, electronic, techanical photocopying recording F otherwise without the prior writen permision othe Publishes Fist poblished 2008 ISBN: 978.05502.61774-3 Sein Optima 10"2pt Pind and bound by Mateu Crom Artes Grafcs, Spain [Acknowledgements tsvations by: Oxlord Designers & Mlustatrs pp 51, 64, 65,69, 79; Roger Wade Walker (Boohive P86 Con image: Getty Images (Prk, Dieter Lester ARTURIBIISerber) Designed by eMC Design Test permissions ‘Weare grateful tothe following for pemisson to adapt or reproduce extracts from copyright materia -Asocsted Pres for “nvollment in sign language classes wel fist published on 13 May 2002; for "Tp 5 Distance learning trys ©2007 by Jamie ied (hpdstancelearn about convod/ {stanceeaming}017/SMyths hi) Used with permission of About, Ie. All rights reserved BBC News Online for “Outdoor lessons to hep earning” published on 5 December 2006 on BECNews com; for ‘Sir Alan Spar, Slo Syadication for ‘Do you worship the celebrities” by lames (Chapman and ‘Single wx schooling leads girls othe op jobs’ by Laura Clark, published in the Daily Mailon 14 Api 2003 and 22 September 2006; Durham University for the news tem Fashions change’ by Dioan Hari: Independent News and Media Ld for'A3,375-mile swim up the Amazon ‘by Daniel Howden, fst published inthe Independent on 28 January 2007; ‘Morsueto Ventures LLC fr “iwisile heating systems, Clean design that Speaks for isl? and Concrete that cleans the af published in March 2007 bby Fast Company, Ine; Gerry McCusker for The with about PR disasters’ ‘fom © Gery McCusker 2005; for Crime rates around the world [Newsweek Ic fr Taling the X-Commaster by Keith Naughton, published Jin Newsweek on 3 july © 2006 Newsweek Inc Allright reserved: Reuters for "ean buner eal widens for salmonella’ published online on 12 ‘March 2007; Nt Syndication for"Theme pk fei rollercoaster by Sarah Camp! published inthe Times Career supplement on 22 February 2007; ‘Apple Inc. forthe slogan “Everything i easier on a Mac’ Dairy Crest forthe ‘logan ‘oul never put a beter bit of butter on your knife’ Pie Inc fo the slogan “Working for a halhier worl’; Chyler Inemational Company for the slogan Bigger in Texas, beter in a Dodge ery tf hasbeen made to trace copyright holders but his has not proved pone in every case The publishers would be happy to hear from any ‘copyright holder that has not ben acknowledged and would be pleased to ‘ec the emission in any subsequent edition otis plication, Photo Acknowledgements The puis woul the thant lowing fr tri emia toreprodce thor photonraphs oe (ky: bbotoms cent ee ght op) Aton igs Bd i Arends 3,30, 3 akirages Li 490, 75 Aly age: Ao see 9, tes Phot vary 7 Gabe Palmer 53 utin eon a an 46,71 Oat How Photography 46 (1); Sve Mon 6 Sk Consctan 15t aheyandowerscom 46155 Pet Aney 1h; Aces Ane ‘chtecve Shion 46) Ades: eh Dane 8 AY Orc, ‘nd TRIP phot ibrar 13: Jahn Bia Saal Yes Pens ity {ohn Bill 2, Bue Parry: Ages argon Cra Pras i421; Chis Alor 7 Rad Someone 9 Sa ai 46.0 Constction Photography: Cos: Batman 6, 734 oon rc 16 Davi Raymer 6 re Aget Lt Ca Pie eter Feed 749); Poppy Bary nea 7 DK aps td; Coscion ‘aos 5 FPA image of Nate: Minden Pers 6, Ge Dot Photography: Photographer com Cty maps Cay Pai ‘Metre 4 (21 Hambh Bar 0b Jan Eby ile Paes Michael Krsomitz 78 UI Andere 12; Ronald rmt hive Couey Enertainment ins 74) Coury Harve Fl 94 (0 Couey cast 74 (6 Courtesy MGM 73 Couresy Ws Bis 74), Sly and Richard Greenil 28 tociphot: han Stevmnce 4, opssuk ‘tr; james Handi Jones Photography coppice con ‘Michael Hello Pho Libra: 6; PA Photo RBNCA Pes crs fadburn 54 David Chen 6 Dou eters hf zener ‘Miche tle 77 Steve Granine tbr Fegan Bock Lt 9 Phan Presi Libary: Benda Pine 71 Pala Slloway 2, ‘Chad Ele 49 a 745 Flic tron te; Rvine Marin 7; an Davi 9b; Warwick ent PaneStok Bend nape 1 (8; Brand X exes 18 3b; Cvs 4,46 (8) 6 Dial Vision Imagesource Br aus images St: Uppret 0; Rede a te Urry het Roberts 741 Rex Fess: 8 po Miso 74 nae Source 27; Jen Lower: Marin Le 85; RESO 60 ica jes ab Sips Pres 2c, 64 Vie Thomason 707 Rober Beret Potaph 44 Science Pot iby i uso mgs ter, Sm Ogden SOL Topco: 17; tna Champion 72: sd by permission of The Random House Group i 7810) ZXFO Asta: 50 Allother images © Pearson Education very effort hasbeen made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in dhance or any unintetionalomsions. We would be pleased inet the "pproprat acknowledgement in any subsequent edition of this publiaion Picture Research by Kevin Brown INTERMEDIATE Language UO) ON WORKBOOK with Key and Audio CD LUINSeNN) EU Peeyranrt John Hughes 1 Personality pew) CONTENTS Grammar ‘Question forms Present simple and present continuous Vocabulary Personality Adjectives EXTRA VOCABULARY: negative prefixes Prefixes Personality descriptions Magazine article 2 Travel (ptt) Pastsimple Present perfect and past simple Travel expressions, Phrasal verbs (1) EXTRA VOCABULARY: word paits, travel phrasal verbs, Abiographical profile 3 Work ] p29 Present perfect continuous Present perfect simple and Work adjectives EXTRA VOCABULARY: {An information leaflet READ BETTER: guessing words continuous prepositions, noun combi Future forms: Language learning Magazine article 4 Language | Fstcond Phrasal verbs) ieee EXTRA VOCABULARY: phrasal verbs for studying, 5 Advertising pose ‘Second conditional Comparison EXTRA LANGUAGE: frst and ‘second conditional ‘Adjectives Advertising, ‘Advertising methods Word combinations EXTRA VOCABULARY: dependent prepositions Magazine article Past continuous ‘Business words and terms ‘Magazine article Bees Past perfect Word combinations ee EXTRA VOCABULARY: word building i Modal Word building Magazine article 7 Design Present deduction Adjectives READ BETTER: reading for {p46-s2) Abstract nouns comprehension EXTRA VOCABULARY: describing shapes 8 Education (933-59) Defining relative clauses Relative clauses Education Studying Words from the lesson EXTRA VOCABULARY: Magazine article Distance learning = information leaflet 9 Engineering (ps0-663 The passive Articles Word combinations Space EXTRA VOCABULARY: types of ‘engineering, word building Magazine article 10 Trends (967-73) Expressions of quantity Infinitives and ~ing forms Words from the lesson Phrasal verbs @) Adjective order 11 Arts and media (74-80) Reported speech Reported questions Words from the lesson Words connected with arts EXTRA VOCABULARY: talking about films Careersarticle cae J interview about cele LISTEN BETTER: dictation DICTATION. CONTENTS Pronunciation Word stress Sentence stress eeienc Key language: Giving opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, aM Aug motes WHI eR Comparative essay TRANSLATION, [ecture about Robert Byron LISTEN BETTER: taking notes DICTATION, ~ed endings Contracted forms (s/ ve) Key language: Discussing, advantages and disadvantages Taking notes while listening biographical profile "TRANSLATION Job interview DICTATION, Stress patterns Contracted forms Key language: Asking questions, giving answers Organising ideas A covering letter TRANSLATION Discussion about education, DICTATION, Linking Contracted forms Intonation Key language: Accepting and rejecting ideas, considering consequences ‘Describing ables and charts LEARN BETTER: different Strategies to learn new words Areport TRANSLATION presentation Stressed syllable Key language: A presentation | Using your dictionary LISTEN BETTER: listening for | Weak forms. A formal letter specific information "TRANSLATION DICTATION ‘Abusiness conversation Weak forms Key language: Negotiation | Formal and informal language ‘Anews report Stressing a key word (WRITE BETTER: wr DICTATION emails Emails TRANSLATION ‘A design discussion Stressed syllable Key language: Descri Editing and proof r DICTATION Stressing words for emphasis | qualities Areport TRANSLATION adviser A presentation DICTATION ‘options, making decisions ‘Advertisementforacollege | Vowel sounds Key language: Discussing Reading strategies DICTATION. Sentences with relative clauses | possibilities and options A formal letter using relative 8 TRANSLATION ‘conversation witha career | Vowel sounds Key language: Discussing Preparing fora talk LEARN BETTER: learning new vocabulary Describing a process TRANSLATION Description of objects Anadio interview Numbers ‘ey language: The language of meetings Recording and learning vocabulary DICTATION Describing a trend TRANSLATION ‘Aninterview with afashion | Stress patterns Key language: Compari Delivering a talk model contrasting SPEAK BETTER: giving a talk DICTATION Areport TRANSLATION, News report Contracted forms Key language: Discussing court | Summarising LISTEN BETTER: making notes DICTATION ‘Anarrative using cause and TRANSLATION, ET eo 4 Personality 1.1 PERSONALITY TYPES VOCABULAR personality adjectives 1 Underline the correct adjective in each sentence. 1 Jonathan is such a sensible/ sensitive boy. He always does \Wwhat the teacher asks and never gets into trouble, 4 2 He's so adventurous/ambitious that he said he intended to be the boss in two years time! 3 To avoid any mistakes, we need to be serious/ cautious in a situation like this and not make decisions too quickly. 4 Be energetic/assertive! Make a decision and stick to itt 5 | like your new girlfriend. She's sociable without being too talkative/easy-going. 6 | think all older brothers tend to be quite bossy/ self-confident. They usually tell their younger brothers what to do. 7 He isn’t energetic/creative because of his father. Itmust be because of his mother. She was always ‘making things or painting, 8 Introverts tend to be organised/hard-working in their approach ~ they like to know where everything is and make sure it goes back in its correct place. EXTRA VOCABULARY negative prefixes 3. Match each prefix to an adjective to make it negative. Write it in a sentence 1-5. reliable | in ambitious im sociable un patient sensitive 1 She's so insensi She should think before she speaks in case she hurts someone! 2. This job is really boring so le’s employ someone who is a 3 An____ teacher is one who doesn't give students enough time to think. 4 I’m feeling rather this evening I don’t think Ill go to the party. 5 | wouldn't expect him to arrive on time. He's fairly [[FRANSLATION 4 How many of these adjectives can be directly translated into your language? What is the closest translation for the others? [LPRONUNCIATION: word stress ae _ 2a HEY Listen and underline the main stress in 3 open-minded —— each word. 4 hard-working _ ———_—— 1 adventurous 7 energetic 5 easy-going 2 easy-going 8 organised 6 moody, __— 3. ambitious 9 reliable 7 even-tempered —___—— 4 even-tempered 10 self-confident 8 strongwwilled 5. cautious 11 generous 6 open-minded 12. creative 2b HEB Now listen again and practise saying the words. TD Personality MEASURING PERSONALITY I READING Do you believe your handwriting can tell you about your personality? Take this test and find out! 1. Write your signature (or two words) in the square below. 2. Now answer these five questions about your handwriting. Tick (“) answer a, b or c. 1 Does your handwriting a) fill the box? b) fill half the box? c) fill a small part of the box? 2 Do the letters a) point to the right? b) go straight up and down? €) point to the left? 3 Is there space between the two words? a) No. b) Not much: c) Yes, a lot. 4 Did you underline the signature with a) lots of lines? b) one line? ) no lines? 3 Count how many a, b or ¢ answers you ticked. ‘Then read below to find out what your score means. Mostly As You te know d to be an extrovert. You like people to Ou are in the room. You appear to be very ambitious and self-confident. You like to be where the action is and preferably to be in charge. Mostly Bs You can be sociable but you also like quiet times. You enjoy meeting people but there are only a few people you can call ‘close friends’. You are hard- working but know how to relax and have fun. Mostly Cs You tend to prefer your own company or to have just a few close friends around for dinner instead of a large event. You can be ambitious but in general you don’t make decisions quickly ~ you are cautious and when you speak, it's usually to make a thoughtful comment. 4 Use the handwriting test to analyse these signatures. Which signature shows the person is mostly a, b or c? ea Ls Yas. yh 3. 5 A handwriting analyst is interpreting the signatures. Which signature is he describing, 1,2 or 3? Personality [UNTO 5 MEASURING PERSONALITY When you first listen and write what you hear, you won't be able to write every word. Listen for the content words first ofall, such as important verbs, adjectives or nouns. Then listen again and start to ‘write the words in between, such as articles and pronouns. 6 ED Listen again and write in the missing parts. it obviously belongs to someone who walks into a room and likes everyone to know he's there. The way he uses the box tells me that _ __ The signature looks fairly normal but the letters lean that way. If you combine that with the narrow gap between the 8 Complete these questions about Carl Jung. 1 WhowasCarljung tt Carl jung was a Swiss psychiatrist words, then you have and aot ST ke Finally, the way he finishes off the signature with the lines makes 2 Where 2 He studied medicine at the University of Basel [[ GRAMMAR: question forms sD He specialised in psychiatric medicine, 7 Write the missing question words in 1-8. 4 What 4 Where Does Have Is How Are He developed ideas about personality types. Do What Why When eowmany 1 How feliable are the tests you use? He identified two personality types. 2 ____ exactly do psychiatrists do? 6 Who ee 3 ______you done any of these exercises? Introverts don't like large crowds. 4 you ever get impatient? PAW hated tins tne 5 _____ are you from? Extroverts form close relationships. 6 _____ are you changing jobs? 8 How influential? 7 ____ they living in Thailand now? Jung was very influential. 8 ___ he expect to be late? 9 Which __ _—_——! 9 is Michael studying at the moment? The Myers-Briggs and Keirsey tests are based on 10 ong have you lived here? fethesyy 11 _____ were you last in London? 10 Which filmmaker —______———— ‘ 12 ____ he easily annoyed? Stanly Kubrick read his work.. : 11 What _ He tried to interpret dreams, Tae He wrote The Undiscovered Self in 1957 6 Personally CHARISMA [DVO CABULARY: prefixes 1 Write the correct missing prefix in sentences 1-8 ‘Some of them are used more than once. under dis ex. mono- mis. anti overs semi- ins bie re out 1 Ifind him rather quiet and antisocial. When you tty to start a conversation he walks away. ___ used at work. She wants more She's really responsibility 3 saw your girlfriend today. She was with a new man, 4 He's always been organised. Sorry, | think | understood you. Can you explain what you mean? 6 The architect has built a rail to help passengers travel from one side of the city to the other. His success was shadowed by one small mistake 8 Guess what! Ive got tickets for the finals of the tennis. Would you like to come with me? 9 This injection may cause a little comfort 10 Carl Jung, defined our understanding of psychology in the 20th century 11 The greatest athletes always try to__ perform their last record 12 She'sa really rated singer and much better than everyone in the newspapers say. Your answer to this question is___ correct. Try The latest government report proposed lingual education in schools. GRAMMAR: present si present continuous ple and 2. Underline the correct verb forms in this article. If you are the President of the USA, what 1 do you do/ are you doing when you lose your job? The answer is easy. You 2 start/are starting giving talks about being, the President! That’s what's happened to Bill Clinton. He 3 makes/’s making between nine and ten million dollars a year by giving speeches all over the world, from Australia to Egypt. This 4 compares/is comparing well with the $200,000 salary a year he received as President of the USA. With around 350 talks a year, his present schedule means that he > probably gives/ is probably giving a talk somewhere in the world at the same time as you read/are reading this. Currently, he 7 also tries/’s also trying to raise even more money for his charity which he 8 runs/is running to combat HIV/Aids. 3 Complete this email to your friend called Jules. Use the words to write sentences in the present simple or the present continuous. Hi Jules how / you? How are you? I/work/in the office / the moment () —____ but my boss always / lunch / 12 Gee 501/ write / you while he's out. (@) you / have / good time / Barcelona at the moment? 4) what /you/t o—— how / weather? (— it/ rain / here! am Wish | was with you! Love Rachel ink of your course? Personality A oS)

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