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Handout 2


1. Endoplasmic Large network of membrane bound 1. RER manufactures proteins
Reticulum(ER) tubules and vesicles. 2. SER manufactures fats(lipids)
It is of two types: 3. Many fats and lipids are together
a)Rough endoplasmic reticulum(RER): needed for the manufacture of the cell
Has ribosomes attached to its surface membrane. This is called Membrane
b)Smooth Endoplasmic Biogenesis.
Reticulum(SER): No ribosomes 4. Some lipids and proteins work as
enzymes and hormones
5. ER forms a system of transport within
the cell and between the cytoplasm and
6.It provides a surface for biochemical
7. In the Liver SER is involved in

2. Golgi Membrane bound vesicles arranged in 1. Storage, Modification, Packaging and

Apparatus parallel stacks called Cisterns. Often transport of substances synthesised by
attached to the ER the ER.
2. Transport of substances inside and
outside the cell.
3. Formation of Lysosomes

1. Waste disposal system of the cell.

3. Lysosomes Membrane bound sacs filled with 2. Digests any foreign material or worn
strong digestive enzymes out cell organelle.
3. If the cell gets damaged the
lysosomes burst open and digest their
own cell. Which is why lysosomes are
called the suicide bags of the cell.

4 Mitochondria 1. Surrounded by a double membrane, 1. Synthesises ATP (Adenosine Tri
the outer membrane is porous while Phosphate) molecules which are the
the inner one is deeply folded.(Folds energy currency of the cell.
increase surface area for ATP 2. With the help of their own DNA they
production. can make many of the proteins required
2. Have their own DNA and ribosomes by them

5. Plastids 1. Two types: 1. Leucoplasts store starch, proteins and

a) Luecoplasts : Colourless fats
b) Chromoplasts : Coloured ; If green 2. Chromoplasts give colour to fruits
coloured due to presence of and flowers.
chlorophyll then it is known as 3. Choroplasts have chlorophyll which is
Chloroplasts needed for photosynthesis.
2. Internally Chloroplasts contain 4. With the help of their own DNA
many layers embedded in a jelly like chloroplasts can make many of the
material called stroma. proteins required by them
3. Cholroplasts also have their own
DNA and Ribosomes

6. Vacuoles 1. Sac like structures 1. In plant cells they store CELL SAP
2. Larger in plant cells than in animal 2. Provide turgidity and rigidity to the
cells cell
3.Store Aminoacids, Sugars, Proteins,
Fats etc. in both plant and animal cells
3. Food vacuoles store food in
unicellular organisms
4. In some unicellular organisms
specialised vacuoles such as Contractile
vacuoles help in expelling excess water
and wastes from the cell


1) What is membrane biogenesis?

Ans. Many fats and lipids are together needed for manufacture of cell membrane. This is called
biogenesis. It is done by endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

2) Name the part of the cell which gives rise to ER (endoplasmic reticulum) in the cell.

Ans. Nuclear membrane

3) Name the cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes synthesized by ER.

Ans. Lysosomes

4) Name the most important function of Golgi bodies or Golgi apparatus.

Ans. Storage, modification, packaging and despatch of substances synthesized by endoplasmic


5) Name the cell organelle responsible for release of energy as ATP.

Ans. Mitochondria

6) Name the energy currency of the cell.

Ans. ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

7) Name the important function of vacuole.

Ans. Vacuoles are important for maintenance of water balance.

8) Name the two cell organelles which contain DNA apart from nucleus.

Ans. Mitochondria and Chloroplast (plastids)

Give reasons:

1) Why is mitochondria called the power house of the cell?

Ans. Mitochondria are known as the power house of the cell. The energy required for various
chemical activities needed for life is released by mitochondria in the form of ATP (adenosine
triphosphate) molecules. ATP is known as the energy currency of the cell.

2) Why are lysosomes called waste disposal system of the cell?

Ans. Lysosomes are a kind of waste disposal system of the cell. Lysosomes help to keep the cell
clean by digesting any foreign material as well as worn-out cell organelles. Foreign materials
entering the cell, such as bacteria or food, as well as old organelles end up in the lysosomes,
which break them up into small pieces.

3) Why are lysosomes also known as the “suicide bags” of the cell?
Ans. lysosomes contain powerful digestive enzymes capable of breaking down all organic
material. During disturbance in cellular metabolism, for Example: when the cell gets damaged,
lysosomes may burst and the enzymes digest their own cell. Therefore, lysosomes are known as
the “suicide bags” of a cell.

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