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Submit a Manuscript: World J Psychiatr 2015 March 22; 5(1): 103-111
Help Desk: ISSN 2220-3206 (online)
DOI: 10.5498/wjp.v5.i1.103 © 2015 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


Postpartum depression: A systematic review of the genetics


Tiago Castro e Couto, Mayra Yara Martins Brancaglion, António Alvim-Soares, Lafaiete Moreira,
Frederico Duarte Garcia, Rodrigo Nicolato, Regina Amélia Lopes P Aguiar, Henrique Vitor Leite,
Humberto Corrêa

Tiago Castro e Couto, Mayra Yara Martins Brancaglion, Abstract

António Alvim-Soares, Lafaiete Moreira, Frederico Duarte
Garcia, Rodrigo Nicolato, Humberto Corrêa, Postgraduate Postpartum depression is one of the most prevalent
Program in Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Universidade psychopathologies. Its prevalence is estimated to be
Federal de Minas Gerais ,Belo Horizonte 30130100, MG, Brazil between 10% and 15%. Despite its multifactorial
Regina Amélia Lopes P Aguiar, Henrique Vitor Leite, Department etiology, it is known that genetics play an important
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Universidade role in the genesis of this disorder. This paper reviews
Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 30130100, MG, Brazil epidemiological evidence supporting the role of genetics
Frederico Duarte Garcia, Humberto Corrêa, Department of in postpartum depression (PPD). The main objectives
Mental Health, School of Medicine, Universidade Federal de
of this review are to determine which genes and
Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 30130100, MG, Brazil
polymorphisms are associated with PPD and discuss
Author contributions: All authors equally contributed to this paper.
Supported by Humberto Corrêa has received research funding how this association may occur. In addition, this paper
from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas explores whether these genes are somehow related to
Gerais (FAPEMIG) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento or even the same as those linked to Major Depression
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). (MD). To identify gaps in the current knowledge that
Conflict-of-interest: The others authors have no conflicts-of- require investigation, a systematic review was conducted
interest or received any grant. in the electronic databases PubMed, LILACS and SciELO
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was using the index terms “postpartum depression” and
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external “genetics”. Literature searches for articles in peer-
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative reviewed journals were made until April 2014. PPD was
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
indexed 56 times with genetics. The inclusion criteria
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on were articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English that
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and were available by institutional means or sent by authors
the use is non-commercial. See: upon request; this search resulted in 20 papers. Genes
licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and polymorphisms traditionally related to MD, which
Correspondence to: Tiago Castro e Couto, MD, Postgraduate are those involved in the serotonin, catecholamine,
Program in Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Universidade brain-derived neurotrophic factor and tryptophan
Federal de Minas Gerais, Alfredo Balena Av, 190/240 Santa Efigênia, metabolism, have been the most studied, and some
Belo Horizonte 30130100, MG, have been related to PPD. The results are conflicting
Brazil. and some depend on epigenetics, which makes the data
Telephone: +55-31-34099785 incipient. Further studies are required to determine the
Fax: +55-34-32242884
genes that are involved in PPD and establish the nature
Received: July 17, 20114
Peer-review started: July 19, 20114 of the relationship between these genes and PPD.
First decision: October 14, 2014
Revised: November 21, 2014 Key words: Genetics; Single nucleotide polymorphisms;
Accepted: December 16, 2014 Molecular; Postpartum depression; Genes
Article in press: December 17, 2014
Published online: March 22, 2015 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Baishideng Publishing

WJP| 103 March 22, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 1|

Couto TC et al . Postpartum depression: A systematic review

Group Inc. All rights reserved. depression and found that those pairs in which one
sister fulfilled the PPD criteria according to DSM-Ⅳ,
Core tip: 5HTT and 5HTTLPR were the most studied 42% of the other sisters developed PPD after giving
gene and polymorphism, respectively. 5HTTLPR is birth. For those who had no family history of depression,
associated with postpartum depression (PPD) in the the rates dropped to 15% (P = 0.01). In this study,
majority of papers, but epigenetics must be considered. the evidence of a genetic influence is even greater
TPH1 and TPH2 polymorphisms are related to peripartum when the PPD period was restricted for 6 to 8 wk
depression. COMT and MAOA polymorphisms were also [12]
postpartum . Another study, conducted in Australia,
risk factors for PPD. Once again, only when epigenetic involved the interview of 838 pairs of adult twins about
was analyzed, an association with BDNF polymorphism their postpartum experiences. The authors reported
was possible. MTHFR, CYP2D6 and PER2 polymorphisms that genetic factors explained 25% of the variance in
were not related to this mood disorder. Polymorphisms [13]
the occurrence of PPD . Over the last decade, many
of oxytocin, steroids and estrogen genes were positively
studies have been devoted to verifying the impact
correlated with PPD.
of this type of genetic variation in PPD, and it is thus
important to know the concept of Single Nucleotide
Couto TC, Brancaglion MYM, Alvim-Soares A, Moreira L, Gar- Polymorphisms (SNPs). SNP is a genetic variation
cia FD, Nicolato R, Aguiar RAL, Leite HV, Corrêa H. Postpartum that affects only one base pair in the DNA sequence.
depression: A systematic review of the genetics involved. World J These variations in DNA sequence can affect the
Psychiatr 2015; 5(1): 103-111 Available from: URL: http://www. individual response to diseases, bacteria, viruses, DOI: http://dx.doi. chemicals, pharmaceuticals. To be considered an
org/10.5498/wjp.v5.i1.103 SNP, the variation should occur in at least 1% of a
given population.
The present report aims to assess molecular
studies associated with PPD and highlight the
INTRODUCTION most studied genes and polymorphisms.
Historically, pregnancy and puerperium have been
considered periods that protect women from mental RESEARCH
disorders. It is now known that the opposite is true:
The present paper is a systematic, integrative review that
those periods confer a higher risk of appearance and
includes several studies with different methodologies
recurrence of mental disorders and should therefore
to answer questions about the relationship between
be a public health concern. Postpartum depression
genetic factors and the development of postpartum
(PPD) is one of these disorders. Epidemiological papers
depression. For guidance, the following questions were
demonstrated that the prevalence of postpartum
[1-3] raised: Are there genes or polymorphisms that are
depression is between 10% and 15% .
more related than others to postpartum depression?
The adverse impacts of PPD are not limited to
What is their relevance? Are Major Depression (MD) and
mothers; PPD also affects other family members
Postpartum Depression the same or different disorders?
and influences family dynamics. Recent studies have
Is PPD only a temporal variant of MD?
shown that PPD can also lead to significant language,
This study consisted of a search of all articles
cognitive and emotional processing problems in
[4-6] describing a clear relationship between genetics and
children . Psychopathologies in children may not be
postpartum depression that were indexed in PubMed,
restricted to the first years of life; it is possible to find
LILACS and SciELO published before April 2014.
manifestations, such as conduct disorder, that persist
[7] To accurately answer the questions that guided this
even until adolescence . The partners of women with
PPD also tend to have depression more frequently than review, the abstracts were read and classified during a
expected .
[8,9] selection process. If, after reading the abstract, there
Psychological and social changes mark the transition was reasonable doubt about the inclusion or exclusion
to motherhood. Those changes, together with clinical of the paper, the whole article was read. The same
history and obstetrical aspects, may be related to PPD. procedure was adopted when abstracts were not
Self-esteem, childcare stress, life stress, social support, available. Thereafter, a reverse search was carried out.
marital relationship, infant temperament, marital The following inclusion and exclusion criteria were
status, socioeconomic status, unplanned/unwanted used.
pregnancy , previous psychiatric disorder
, method Included: papers in Portuguese, Spanish or English in
of childbirth, and previous abortion
are the main the researched databases, with index terms “postpartum
findings associated with PPD. depression” and “genetics”, which assessed the genes
In addition, biological changes are related to PPD. and polymorphisms related to PPD. For this purpose,
According to some investigations, these changes may the following algorithms were used: (“Depression,
be partly genetically determined. A study conducted in Postpartum”[Mesh]) AND (“Genetics”[Mesh] OR
England evaluated 44 pairs of sisters who had unipolar “genetics”[Subheading]).

WJP| 104 March 22, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 1|

Couto TC et al . Postpartum depression: A systematic review

Excluded: review articles and animal models; chromosomes 1 and 9 by Genome-Wide Association
articles that were not available by CAPES (Brazilian Studies (GWAS) .
governmental agency that sponsors studies) and The most studied polymorphism was the 5-HTTLPR,
not provided by authors upon request; those that which was addressed in eight articles ; some
researched another postpartum psychopathology, of these articles also analyzed other polymorphisms in
[57,58] [51]
finding or result; and those that did not address the 5HTT, such as STin2 VNTR and rs140700 .
genetics involved in PPD. The remaining studied polymorphisms were those
[55,60,61,66] [48,52,62,66] [48,52,66]
of TPH 1 and 2 , COMT , MAO ,
[47,50] [53] [54] [50]
RESULTS [63] [65]
genes and GR/CRHR1 genes . Pinssoneault et al

The LILACS and SciELO searches did not result in adopted a different strategy: in addition to looking
any article fulfilling the criteria. The PubMed search for polymorphisms of the estrogen receptor alpha
resulted in 56 papers. After reading the abstracts, 36 gene (ESR1), they looked for associations with the
were excluded: 6 reviews , 2 papers that were not polymorphisms already cited in this report (MAOA,
available by CAPES and not sent by the authors upon COMT, TPH2, 5HTTLPR SNPs) besides those of the
[20,21] [22-26] [66] [59]
request , 5 animal models , 12 investigating genes HTR2A, DAT and DRD2 . Segman et al used
another postpartum psychopathology (psychoses and a different approach, analyzing not polymorphisms but
[27-38] [6,39,40] [64]
bipolar) , 3 evaluating the children , 1 on 3142 active transcripts, whereas Mahon et al studied
breastfeeding and 7 that did not address the genetic 16.916 SNPs through GWAS (Table 1).
factors involved in PPD . A reverse search
resulted in no additional items. Finally, a sample was
The 20 selected studies were conducted in 10 The data regarding 5HTT gene polymorphisms were
[48,50,53] [52]
different countries. Sweden and the United variable. Doornbos et al performed the only study
States of America had three publications each that found an independent relationship between PPD
[56,61] [55,60] [51,58]
(15%). Germany , China (Taiwan) , Spain , and the 5HTTLPR polymorphism whereby subjects
[63,66] [54,65] [47,62]
Canada , the United Kingdom and Brazil had with the 5HTTLPR long allele variable developed PPD.
[59] [52] [49] [58]
two papers each (10%). Israel and Netherlands had Binder et al and Sanjuan et al found a significant
one paper (5%) each (Table 1). association between 5HTTLPR and PPD only at 8 wk
Of the selected sample, the 5HTT gene was the most postpartum, but the results became nonsignificant in
studied . Genes associated with tryptophan a posteriori analysis, suggesting that the findings were
metabolism and Catechol-O-methyl transferase dependent on the evaluation time point. The remaining
(COMT) were the next most researched. 5HTTLPR studies also depended on covariates to
Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) gene was studied in three achieve statistically significant associations with PPD:
[48,52,66] [57]
of the articles included in this review , and the unfavorable environments ; previous psychiatric
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) gene was history, maternity stressors and COMT-Val158Met
[47,50] [48] [50]
studied in two articles . Two articles analyzed allele ; autumn or winter delivery ; stressful life
genes that are not commonly evaluated in depression events ; and a gene-gene interaction with ESR1 TA
studies: the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase repeat .
[54] [53]
(MTHFR) gene and the CYP2D6 gene . One article The TPH gene study showed a significant difference
was about circadian gene Per 2 , and one was about in genotype frequency for the T27224C polymorphism
the oxytocin gene (OXT) and oxytocin receptor gene between standard groups and those with comorbid
[63] [51]
(OXTR) . Costas et al assessed 44 genes involved in depression and anxiety, with risk analysis showing that
pathways that are hypothetically related to the etiology the C allele conferred a strong protective effect for
of postpartum mood disorders, that is, those included depression and anxiety. This finding suggests that the
in the HPA axis, in the effects of stress in the prefrontal TPH1 gene has an important role in the pathogenesis
cortex, and in the regulation of sex hormones. Looking of postpartum mental disorders . Similarly, one
for an association between PPD and the HPA axis, of the TPH2 gene studies attested that the C2755A
Engineer et al tested the glucocorticoid (GR) and polymorphism could be considered a risk factor for
type 1 corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRHR1) depression. The C2755A polymorphism occurred
receptor genes. Based on the results of Costas’ paper, only in women with peripartum major depression
Pinssoneault et al researched the ESR1 gene both and anxiety disorders (P = 0.043) and exhibited a
as a principal outcome and under the additive power dominant gene action (P = 0.038) with an estimated
of other genes: COMT, TPH2, MAOA, 5HTT, dopamine disease risk of 1.73. Hence, despite its small sample
receptor D2 (DRD2), serotonin receptor 2A (HTR2A) size, this study suggests that TPH2 represent a
and dopamine transporter (DAT). An Israeli study population-specific risk factor for peripartum major
evaluated peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) depression . A recent study supports that conclusion;
gene expression . Finally, an American study analyzed it found that a haplotype block in the promoter
417 microsatellite markers in linkage studies and region of TPH2 showed significant associations with

WJP| 105 March 22, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 1|

Table 1 Genes and polymorphisms associated with postpartum depression

Article Ref. Country Instrument Genes Polymorphisms

CYP2D6 genotypes and depressive symptoms during Josefsson et Sweden EPDS CYP2D6 CYP2D6*1 (wild type), CYP2D6*3, CYP2D6*4
late pregnancy and postpartum al[53]
Association of tryptophan hydroxylase gene Sun et al[60] China SADS TPH1 T3840A, A12517C, A20004C, G347T, T27224C
polymorphism with depression, anxiety and comorbid
depression and anxiety in a population-based sample of
postpartum Taiwanese women
Mood changes after delivery: role of the serotonin Sanjuan et Spain EPDS/DIGS 5HTT 5HTTLPR, STin2 VNTR
transporter gene al[58]
The development of peripartum depressive symptoms Doornbos et Netherland EPDS MAOA, 5HTT, COMT MAOA , 5HTTLPR, COMT Val158Met

is associated with gene polymorphisms of MAOA, al[52]
5-HTT and COMT
Population-specific functional variant of the TPH2 gene Lin et al[55] China SADS TPH2 T-703G, T-473A, A90G, C2755A, C10662T, G93329A
2755C>A polymorphism contributes risk association to
major depression and anxiety in Chinese peripartum
Genome-wide linkage and follow-up association study Mahon et United States DIGS 417 microsatellite markers in linkage studies / 16.916
of postpartum mood symptoms al[64] SNPs in the 1 and 9 chromosomes for GWAS.
Blood mononuclear cell gene expression signature of Segman et Israel EPDS PBMC gene expression 3142 active transcripts set
postpartum depression al[59]
A serotonin transporter gene polymorphism predicts Binder et al[49] United States SCID/ 5HTT 5HTTLPR

Couto TC et al . Postpartum depression: A systematic review

peripartum depressive symptoms in an at-risk HRSD-17

psychiatric cohort
Association study of 44 candidate genes with depressive Costas et al[51] Spain EPDS/DIGS 44 genes involved in pathways hipothetically related to the 388 SNPs
and anxiety symptoms in post-partum women etiology of postpartum mood disorders: HPA axis, effects of
stress in the prefrontal cortex, and regulation of sex hormones
An association study between the Val66Met Figueira et Brazil EPDS BDNF BDNF Val66Met
polymorphism of the BDNF gene and postpartum al[47]
Postpartum depression symptoms: a case-control study Comasco et Sweden EPDS COMT, MAOA, 5HTT COMT Val158Met, MAOA uVTNR, 5HTTLPR.
on monoaminergic functional polymorphisms and al[50]
environmental stressors
Role of mother’s genes and environment in postpartum Mitchell et United States CIDI-SF 5HTT 5HTTLPR , STin2 VNTR
depression al[57]
Postpartum depressive symptoms and the BDNF Comasco et Sweden EPDS BDNF, 5HTT, PER2 BDNF Val66Met, PER2 SNP 10870 (G and A), 5HTTPLR (L
Val66Met functional polymorphism: effect of season of al[50] and S)
Folic acid supplementation during pregnancy may Lewis et al[54] England EPDS MTHFR C677T
protect against depression 21 months after pregnancy,
an effect modified by MTHFR C677T genotype
The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism modulates the influence Mehta et al[56] Germany EPDS 5HTT 5HTTLPR
on environmental stressors on peripartum depression

March 22, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 1|

Genetic variants in the tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene Fasching et Germany EPDS TPH2 rs11178993, rs6582071, rs11178997, rs7955501, rs17110536,
(TPH2) and depression during and after pregnancy al[61] rs4760814, rs7300641, rs4760820, rs10879354, rs1487275,
rs10879358, rs11615016, rs17110747, rs1872824
Postpartum depression symptoms associated with Alvim- Brazil EPDS COMT COMT Val158Met
Val158Met COMT polymorphism Soares et al[62]
Interaction between oxytocin genotypes and early Mileva-Seitz Canada CES-D OXT, OXTR OXT: rs2740210, rs4813627/ OXTR: rs237885
experience predicts quality of mothering and et al[63]
postpartum mood
Association of glucocorticoid and type 1 corticotropin- Engineer et United EPDS GR, CRHR1 GR: BclI, ER22/23EK/CRHR1: s1876828, rs242939,
releasing hormone receptors gene variants and risk for al[65] Kingdom rs242941
depression during pregnancy and post-partum
Association study of the estrogen receptor gene ESR1 Pinsonneault Canada MINI, SCID, ESR1, COMT, TPH2, DRD2, HTR2A, DAT, MAOA, 5HTT ESR1: TA repeat, rs2077647, rs1801132, rs3798577,
with postpartum depression - a pilot study et al[66] EPDS and/or rs988328, rs1884051, rs3020327, rs9340958, rs3020434/

MADRS HTR2A: rs6314, rs6311/DAT: rs27072, rs6347, In8VNTR/
5HTTLPR/MAOA: rs1137070, pVNTR/TPH2: rs7305115 /
DRD2: rs2283265 / COMT: rs4680

EPDS: Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; SADS: Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; DIGS: Diagnostic Interview for Genetics Studies; SCID: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV; HRSD-17: 17-item
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; CIDI-SF: Composite International Diagnostic Interview-short form; CES-D: Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; MADRS: Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale; TPH:
Tryptophan hydroxylase; 5HTT: Serotonin transporter; MAOA: Monoamine oxidase A; COMT: Catechol-O-methyltransferase; PBMC: Peripheral blood mononuclear cell; BDNF: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor; PER2: Period
circadian clock 2; MTHFR: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; OXT: Oxytocin; OXTR: Oxytocin receptor; GR: Glucocorticoid receptor; CRHR1: Type 1 corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor; ESR1: Estrogen receptor alpha;
DRD2: Dopamine receptor D2; HTR2A: Serotonin receptor 2A; DAT: Dopamine transporter.

depression values during pregnancy and 6-8 mo after pregnancy . This last paper also showed that the SNP rs10879354 had a significant association with depression
throughout the postpartum period. A gene-gene interaction with ESR1 gene was not found .
[48,52,62,66] [48,52,66]
Four papers focused on the COMT genes , with three of them also focusing on the MAOA gene . COMT-Val158Met allele polymorphism was one of the
[48,52,62] [48,52,66]
main risk factors for PPD , despite not being an independent risk factor . Previous psychiatric contact, maternity stressors and the time of the evaluation
(6 wk or 6 mo postpartum) influenced the relationship . Similarly, the interaction with MAOA - L polymorphism was associated with more pronounced depressive
symptoms than when the COMT-Val158 Met allele was considered alone . MAOA rs1137070 and COMT rs4680 polymorphisms were found to have an additive effect
plus ESR1 in producing PPD .
[47] [50]
Figueira et al and Comasco et al did not find any linear correlation between PPD and the BDNF ValMet polymorphism. The correlation showed a trend toward
[47,50] [50]
significance among Met allele carriers . There was a cumulative and significant effect of the presence of Met allele and autumn/winter delivery .
The C677T polymorphism was also studied in a study that focused on the association between MTHFR and PPD. Its results indicated that low folate levels do not
appear to be a significant risk factor for peripartum depression but may be a factor for non-gestational-related depression, especially in women with the MTHFR C677T
TT genotype . The study on CYP2D6 showed that in a sample that included 45 women reporting symptoms of depression only during pregnancy, 56 women reporting
symptoms of depression only after pregnancy and 44 women reporting symptoms of depression both during and after pregnancy, there were no differences in CYP2D6
genotyping and depressive symptoms .
Circadian genes did not appear to have a “family“ effect. Despite the correlation between postpartum depressive onset in bipolar disorder and Per3 4/4
[37] [50]
homozygotes , the circadian gene Per 2 was not related to PPD .
As in Major Depression , the OXTR gene appears to be related to perinatal depression. Its SNP rs237885 was associated with pre-natal, but not post-natal,
depression scores . There was also a correlation between OXT SNPs rs2740210 and rs4813627 and depression score 6 mo after delivery. However, this finding seems
Couto TC et al . Postpartum depression: A systematic review

to be mediated by mother’s early life quality of care because the association was not retained in the regression model. That is, these appear to be separate effects

March 22, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 1|

Couto TC et al . Postpartum depression: A systematic review

rather than causally linked outcomes . using GABAAR δ subunit deficient mice. Therefore,
[51] [24]
Costas et al studied 44 genes that are hypoth­ GABAergic genes may also be potential targets .
etically linked to depression and, after correcting for Another important genetic mechanism involved in
multiple tests, did not find a significant relation between Major Depression and not tested in PPD studies is the
any of the SNPs tested and PPD. Nevertheless, a course of inflammation genes. Because functional allelic
post hoc analysis showed that a combination of three variants of the genes for IL-1b and TNF-a increase the
SNPs of the protein kinase C beta gene (PRKCB): risk for depression and are associated with reduced
rs198183, rs381901 and rs2051684, achieved statistical responsiveness to antidepressant therapy , their
significance (global P = 0.0001596) , turning it into a influence under PPD would be interesting to measure.
potential target. Overall, all of the articles selected had large sample
The GR polymorphism BclI, but not the ER22/23EK, sizes, thus rendering reliable results. Some of the
showed a positive association with high EPDS score differences found for the same polymorphism may be
and, therefore, PPD. This correlation was also positive attributed to different methods used for PPD diagnosis,
for the minor allele rs242939 SNP of the CRHR1 gene, as observed in table 1. Another important point to note
with the particularity that a relation with prenatal is that it seems, as in other psychiatric disorders, that
EPDS score could also be found in this case . This genetic influence appears not to be sufficient by itself
result supports Brummelte and Galea’s statement that to cause the disorder. The development of psychiatric
there are changes in all aspects of the HPA system disorders is often dependent on epigenetics, and
(ACTH, CRH and cortisol) during pregnancy and the an environmental trigger is often required for these
postpartum period. Women who are susceptible to diseases to develop .
HPA axis dysregulation may be particularly vulnerable Riecher-Rössler et al stated that there is no
for developing stress-related disorders at this time . doubt that sex and gender, with their biological and
Two variants in the ESR1 gene, the TA repeat and psychosocial correlates, strongly affect mental health,
rs2077647, were statistically associated with EPDS given the marked difference regarding the prevalence,
scores and PPD , suggesting that estrogen-linked symptoms, risk factors and outcomes of psychiatric
molecular mechanisms could also be involved in PPD disorders between the sexes. Nevertheless, using
genesis. Conversely, gene-gene interactions detected PPD as an example, the author shows that such
with encoding serotonergic signaling proteins (5HTT influence is necessary to ensure better clinical care
and HTR2A) reinforce serotonin’s contribution to PPD. and not to justify the existence of a distinct diagnostic
Segman et al , analyzing PBMC gene expression entity. It was possible to demonstrate that the factors
and its 3142 active transcripts, found a signature used to define “true” or “valid” psychiatric disorders:
of 73 active transcripts showing 1.5-fold or higher descriptive validity (the same symptoms), construct
significant association with PPD. Of those, a subsample validity (the same risk factors) and predictive validity
of 57 transcripts remained significant in the secondary (the same course) are not satisfied in PPD . MD and
analysis. Despite the small sample size of the study, PPD apparently share the same genetic background
both the 73 and 57 differential transcript sets (but not because PPD seems to be linked to MAO, COMT,
the 3142) correctly distinguished PPD patients from 5HTT and other pathways usually related to MD. In
controls. This capability could be used as a prognostic our opinion, this strengthens the possibility that they
tool, allowing for the initial screening of mothers who are the same disorder with a temporal variant .
are at higher risk for PPD development. However, there are not sufficient published data to
Finally, Mahon et al used linkage and GWAS determine whether there is a specific etiological factor
techniques and found that the chromosomes 1q21.3- that is capable of differentiating those two disorders.
­q32.1 and 9p24.3p22.3 were associated with postpartum Further studies are needed to nullify this hypothesis,
depressive mood. The authors suggest that Hemicentin and for that, other candidate genes must also be
1 (HMCN1) and Methyltransferase like 13 (METTL13) researched.
genes on chromosome 1 contain polymorphisms that
confer vulnerability for PPD, highlighting the notion that
specific studies of those genes should be attempted .
These results must be watched with caution because This review summarizes the representative findings
bipolar patients with postpartum depressive onset were in the literature regarding the genetics involved in
mingled in the sample. However, a study published last Postpartum Depression.
month also confirmed that an HMCN1 polymorphism The main conclusion of this review is that similar
(rs2891230) is associated with PPD diagnosis in a genes tend to be studied in Postpartum Depression and
population without bipolar diagnosis . that these genes have a similar pattern to those already
Despite the substantial number of genes and associated with Major Depression in the literature.
polymorphisms reviewed here, there are still others that The relationship between molecular genetics and
need testing. For instance, Maguire et al noticed a PPD is an extremely current issue. The oldest article
relationship between GABAA receptor plasticity during selected was from 2004, and the newest was from
pregnancy and PPD and proposed an animal model 2013. However, there is still little research in this area

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Couto TC et al . Postpartum depression: A systematic review

compared with other psychiatric disorders, and it 19 Shapiro GD, Fraser WD, Séguin JR. Emerging risk factors for
deserves further study due to its importance in terms postpartum depression: serotonin transporter genotype and omega-3
fatty acid status. Can J Psychiatry 2012; 57: 704-712 [PMID:
of public health.
20 Xie L, Innis SM. Association of fatty acid desaturase gene polymor-
phisms with blood lipid essential fatty acids and perinatal depression
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P- Reviewer: Khajehei M, Lonardo F S- Editor: Qi Y L- Editor: A

E- Editor: Lu YJ

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