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Clinical Nutrition 39 (2020) 1345e1353

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Dietary vs. pharmacological doses of zinc: A clinical review

Heitor O. Santos a, *, Filipe J. Teixeira b, Brad J. Schoenfeld c
School of Medicine, Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU), Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
b fona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Campo Grande 376, 1749-024
CBIOS (Research Center for Biosciences & Health Technologies), Universidade Luso
Lisboa, Portugal
Health Sciences Department, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Zinc deficiency has a global impact on health in both developing and developed countries, especially
Received 18 May 2019 among children and the elderly. By modulating anti-inflammatory and antioxidant pathways, zinc
Accepted 27 June 2019 supplementation is recommended for the treatment of several ailments, such as liver disease, male
hypogonadism, cancers, heart disease (e.g. dyslipidemia) and central nervous system disorders; however,
Keywords: the topic of dietary vs. pharmacological doses of zinc remains controversial. This paper provides a
Antioxidant supplements
detailed critical review of the effects of zinc supplementation in medicinal doses (i.e. >40 mg/d of
elemental zinc) on human health. We further highlight the difficulty in achieving a therapeutic dose of
Zinc supplementation
zinc from foodstuffs.
ZMA © 2019 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction both medical doses and foodstuffs [10e13]. However, critical insight
regarding the effects of dietary vs. medicinal doses of zinc is lacking.
Epidemiologically, zinc status is a subject of health concern in Therefore, this review aims to provide an overview regarding the
both developing and developed countries, particularly among posology of zinc and its variability from both foodstuffs and supple-
young children and elderly individuals [1e3]. Zinc is present in over ments, and attempts to draw inferences for practical application.
300 enzymes and numerous transcription factors [4]. As a signaling
molecule and being involved in biological processes of metal- 2. Free and bound zinc
loenzymes, zinc is a master regulator of gene expression and bio-
logical homeostasis by virtue of its actions on DNA, RNA and protein The tissue distribution of zinc varies in both free and bound
synthesis during cell division [5]. forms, thus conferring different effects on enzymes, i.e. zinc fingers
Zinc is an essential mineral for preventing the formation and and metallothionein [14]. The free (bioavailable, rapidly
reactive response of free radicals, which are unstable atoms that can exchangeable or labile) zinc ion represents a weak-binding fraction
damage cells and have been proposed to be associated with the capable of rapidly inducing ligand exchanges [15]. Magnetic reso-
progression of chronic and degenerative diseases [6,7]. Thus, zinc nance imaging and optical techniques have been reported to detect
administration has been used to treat several diseases, mainly due to free zinc in cells and tissues but are seldomly used in medical
its potential ability to attenuate free radical accumulation, a phe- practice for this purpose [14].
nomenon generally described as oxidative stress [8]. As explained in Zinc ions have a structural role across 10% of all mammalian
our recent literature review [9], medical doses of oral zinc (i.e. > 40 mg proteins [16]. Zinc-finger proteins are one of the most abundant
of elemental zinc) are beneficial in the treatment of male hypo- groups of proteins and have a wide range of molecular roles in
gonadism, via improving the production and action of testosterone (T) health and disease states [17]. Zinc-finger proteins are capable of
and sperm cells. In addition to its role in alleviating hypogonadism, modulating DNA, RNA, and other proteins [17]. More specifically,
zinc has shown promise as a remedy for several other diseases using zinc-finger proteins regulate signal transduction, cell differentia-
tion or proliferation, cell adhesion, and transcription [17,18].
Moreover, zinc maintains the enzymatic structure at the active site
* Corresponding author. Av. Para, nº1720, 2U Block, Umuarama Campus 38400-
of CuZn superoxide dismutase [18].
902, Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. In mammalian blood plasma, zinc is bound to albumin to be
E-mail address: (H.O. Santos). distributed systemically [19]. However, the structure of the binding
0261-5614/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

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1346 H.O. Santos et al. / Clinical Nutrition 39 (2020) 1345e1353

site has not been fully elucidated other than the large albumin Taken together, low dose zinc supplementation (up to 10 mg/d)
binding capacity for zinc [19]. Additionally, given that there is a may be advantageous in children from 6 to 23 months [23,32].
relationship between the zinc binding capacity and drugs, metab-
olites, and xenobiotics, this would be a useful area of further 5. Adults
research in order to deal with a target control of zinc balance [19].
Next to iron, zinc is the second most abundant major trace
3. Zinc biomarkers mineral in the human body, with the typical 70 kg adult male
storing 2.3 g of zinc [34]. These stores are contained in numerous
Among zinc assessments from clinical samples, Flame Atomic body compartments, including important organs (Fig. 1); however,
Absorption (FAAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emis- irrespective of the body distribution, zinc displays important
sion Spectrometry (ICP-AES) are validated methods to measure zinc physiological actions even in organs and tissues where stores are
in serum or urine [20,21]. Colorimetric assays may also be used, low. For instance, the majority of zinc stores are located within
however they require larger volume samples and are more prone to skeletal muscle [35]; however, zinc supplementation is not deemed
matrix interference [20]. ICP-AES or Inductively Coupled Plasma of primary importance to support musculoskeletal function. On the
Mass Spectromet (ICP-MS) are the most efficient techniques for other hand, seminal zinc contributes minimally to the total body
multielement analysis of biological samples [20]. Regarding small zinc stores; for each milliliter of human seminal plasma, the mean
samples or those with lower zinc concentrations, ETAAS is the zinc concentration ranges from only 0.08e0.27 mg. That said, these
recommended analytical method [20]. relatively small amounts are fundamental for sperm cell function
Clinically, the BOND (Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development) [36]. In fact, medical dosages of zinc are deemed useful to improve
Zinc Expert Panel recommends plasma zinc concentration as the sperm parameters and to maintain normal physiological T con-
main biomarker [18]. Although plasma zinc concentration seems to centration status [9].
be a modest biomarker, it has satisfactory supporting global cutoffs. The antioxidant actions of zinc occur in an indirect fashion, since
Plasma zinc concentration is a useful biomarker to assess delivery free radicals are molecules that contain one or more unpaired
and absorption of zinc supplements in children [22]. This is electrons, and zinc does not hinder the free radical reaction [6]. Zinc
concluded from daily administration of up to 10 mg of additional modulates the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant status in several
zinc during infancy, which leads to increases in plasma zinc con- bodily organs (Fig. 2). As outlined in the following sections, zinc
centration and reduces zinc deficiency risk [23]. Moreover, plasma plays a crucial role in positively mediating physiopathological
zinc is deemed a relevant biomarker for adult diseases related to pathways in heart disease, cancer, diabetes and immune system
altered zinc status [10,13]. disorders. Thus, a medicinal dosage of zinc may be a valid clinical
Furthermore, different classes of leukocytes are dependent on approach.
zinc pertaining ubiquitous defense mechanisms of innate immu-
nity [24]. Prasad et al. observed that zinc gluconate supplementa- 5.1. Liver diseases
tion increased leukocyte and granulocyte zinc stores, but did not
increase serum zinc concentrations [25]. Thus, it may be speculated Individuals with liver disease commonly suffer from zinc defi-
that analyzing zinc in leukocytes is of further interest with respect ciency and an altered metabolism of this mineral [41]. Those
to biochemical surveillance. To the best of our knowledge, the afflicted often have impaired nitrogen metabolism in which zinc is
analysis of zinc concentration in leukocytes is of little relevance in paramount for the hepatic synthesis of proteins [40]. Additionally,
clinical practice, albeit being reported with higher sensitivity. In blood zinc concentrations may be a surrogate biomarker of protein
addition to the analysis in leukocytes, zinc status in erythrocytes balance in disease states [42]. Zinc may modulate short and long
has gained attention for screening iron deficiency through zinc half-life circulatory proteins, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and
protoporphyrin [26]. Intriguingly, the BOND Zinc Expert Panel does albumin, whose serum half-life are estimated to be 19 h and 3
not propose erythrocyte and leukocyte zinc as biomarkers to assess weeks, respectively [43,44].
zinc intake or its status [18]. Moreover, measurements from urinary Serum levels of zinc in chronic liver disease patients correlate
and hair zinc are deemed as promising biomarkers to screen zinc with elevated concentrations of CRP, malondialdehyde and nitric
balance [18,27]. Nail zinc assessments, in turn, are emerging as a oxide, as well as being frequently used as an indicator of the in-
zinc biomarker but there is a paucity of research to support its flammatory status and destruction of the liver parenchyma cells
association with zinc intake [18]. [45]. Furthermore, zinc deficiency is strongly associated with
Taken together, blood count, serum copper, and iron status hypoalbuminemia in cirrhosis patients [46], who display substan-
should be considered when prescribing safe supplemental doses of tial zinc excretion in urine due to severe musculoskeletal catabo-
zinc, although the current body of evidence seems to suggest that lism and diuretic therapy [47]. Additionally, zinc deficiency has
zinc administration may be benign in this regard due to its good been well documented in liver disease patients with a history of
safety margin and profile [28e30]. alcohol abuse, whose endotoxemia induced by ethanol intake
hinders zinc absorption [48,49].
4. Children
5.2. Dyslipidemia
The current research emphasizes oral zinc supplementation to
improve growth in young children and as a public health strategy in High doses of zinc are postulated to have a detrimental effect on
areas of endemic deficiencies [1,2]. Zinc supplementation may be high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentrations. A meta-analysis by
useful for treating acute gastroenteritis and diarrhea in malnour- Foster et al. [50] found that a mean dose of elemental zinc (58 mg/
ished children, particularly in developing countries [31]. In these d) caused HDL concentrations to decrease by 3.9 mg/dl (equivalent
regions, elevated rates of zinc deficiency are prevalent, leading to to a 7% decrease from baseline). Conversely, another meta-analysis
underweight and/or stunted growth [22,32]. Furthermore, zinc reported that 15e240 mg/day of elemental zinc did not signifi-
supplementation has been proposed as a remedy to reduce the cantly affect HDL concentrations when all studies were pooled;
frequency and severity of diarrhea, with some studies also sug- however, subanalyses revealed that zinc significantly improved
gesting a positive effect on childhood respiratory illnesses [33]. HDL status in non-healthy participants while reducing HDL

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H.O. Santos et al. / Clinical Nutrition 39 (2020) 1345e1353 1347

Fig. 1. Zinc distribution in the main body compartments of this mineral. Adapted from King et al., 2000 [35].

Fig. 2. Brief description of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant roles of zinc in several organs. Overall, the cellular zinc status is important to decrease ROS and NF-kB activation
[37]. Subsequently, expression and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes that mediate inflammatory process are also decreased [37]. Inflammatory responses are
hindered, as well. For instance, this basic pathway is important for a proper function of the liver, heart, testis and brain. Hepatocyte, cardiomyocyte, endothelial cells, spermatozoon
and neuron are cells quite sensible to redox state changes and inflammatory aspects by which this pathway may further contribute to ensue physiopathological processes [37e40].
Legend: A20, A20 zinc finger protein; COX-2, ciclo-oxigenase-2; IKK, I kappa B kinase; IL, interleukin; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; MT, metallothionein; NADPH, nico-
tinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NF-kB, factor nuclear kappa B; NIK, NF-kB-inducing kinase; PPAR-a, Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha; ROS, reactive
oxygen species; SOD, superoxide dismutase; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor alpha.

concentrations in healthy individuals. Intriguingly, the analysis also regarding the effects of zinc on blood lipids. From a cardiovascular
found that zinc supplementation reduced total cholesterol by standpoint, it should be noted that mechanistically zinc might exert
10.7 mg/dl and low density lipoprotein (LDL) by 4.8 mg/dl, as well its action by inhibiting several pro-inflammatory pathways asso-
as decreasing circulating triacyclglycerols by 8.7 mg/dl [11]. A more ciated with atherosclerosis [37]; the practical implications of these
recent meta-analysis by Wang et al. failed to observe significant effects warrant further study.
differences in lipid profile between zinc supplementation versus
control in hemodialysis patients [10]; the elemental zinc doses 5.3. Diabetes
ranged from 11 to 100 mg/d and the follow-up ranged from 40 to
360 days within the studies covered in this meta-analysis. As a In addition to its role in antioxidant defense in diabetic patients,
whole, the current body of evidence seems equivocal at this point zinc stimulates the phosphorylation of insulin receptors, thus

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1348 H.O. Santos et al. / Clinical Nutrition 39 (2020) 1345e1353

enhancing glucose uptake into the cells [51]. With this regard, zinc Regarding zinc support in immunosuppression scenarios and
administration may counteract chronic hyperglycemia [52]. In 2012 gastroenteritis, its supplementation could be beneficial to HIV-
Jayawardena et al. performed a meta-analysis to investigate the infected patients, since this population is commonly afflicted by
effect of varying doses of chelated zinc (7.5e660 mg/d) in in- these conditions. In a long-term (18-month) study, zinc supple-
dividuals afflicted with diabetes mellitus [12]. Insofar as glucose mentation (12 mg of elemental zinc for women and 15 mg for men)
screening is concerned, the pooled mean difference between zinc delayed immunological suppression and decreased diarrhea over
supplemented and placebo groups was: 18 mg/dl for fasting blood time in HIV-positive adults with poor viral control [59]. Alterna-
glucose, 35 mg/dl for 2-h post-prandial blood glucose, 0.54% for tively, a medicinal zinc sulfate dosage (50 mg of elemental zinc
HbA1c; regarding lipid screening: 32 mg/dl for total twice daily) for 14 days had no significant effect on the duration or
cholesterol, 11 mg/dl for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. remission of diarrhea in HIV-infected adults [60].
Additionally, the authors also reported a significant reduction in
systolic (2.4%e6.1%) and diastolic (1.3%e7.1%) blood pressure after 5.6. Cancer and tumor
zinc supplementation.
In 2019, Wang et al. carried out a meta-analysis in which 32 ran- Of note, Prasad et al. proposed zinc supplementation as an
domized controlled interventions (n ¼ 1700 subjects) were analyzed, efficacious chemopreventive agent for some cancers [61]. Since
with 19 and 2 trials being composed of patients with type 2 diabetes several cancers are preceded by chronic inflammation and oxida-
and prediabetes, respectively [53]. Compared with control groups, tive stress, zinc conceivably could act upon these pathways,
zinc-supplementation groups decreased the concentrations of fasting mediating immune cells and attenuating the tumorigenesis
glucose (14.15 mg/dl), 2-h postprandial glucose (36.85 mg/dl), response from nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activation [61].
fasting insulin (1.82 mU/l), homeostasis model assessment for in- Indeed, mechanistically there is a link between cancer and
sulin resistance (0.73), glycated hemoglobin (0.55%), and high- deficiency, excess and imbalances of zinc and its transporters [62].
sensitivity C-reactive protein (1.31 mg/l). Overall, the mean dose So much so that, decreased serum zinc ion levels have been found
of elemental zinc was 35 mg/d (from 4 to 240 mg/d), with the duration in subjects with lung, head and neck, breast, liver, lung and prostate
of zinc administration ranging from 1 to 12 months. tumors [62]. However, uncertainty still exists regarding the best
approach of zinc administration in cancer treatments. For instance,
5.4. Hypogonadism although reduced intracellular status is a pivotal process in prostate
carcinogenesis, Kratochvilova et al. showed that reestablishing
Evidence indicates that 220 mg of zinc sulfate (equivalent to intracellular zinc concentrations in prostatic tumors may lead to
50 mg of elemental zinc) taken twice daily between 1 and 4 months higher level of aggressiveness and resistance by virtue of pluripo-
is an efficient and safe posology for the treatment of male hypo- tency activation- and stemness-associated with some regulatory
gonadism, with effects purportedly mediated by increasing serum T molecules [63]. On the other hand, Milosavljevic et al. proposed the
concentrations and improving seminal parameters [9]. Both me- use of a novel anticancer drug based on a zinc-Schiff base-Novicidin
dicinal dosages of zinc as well as dietary zinc play a crucial role in T complex to deliver zinc to prostate cells [64]. Hence further
status. Prasad et al. observed that zinc deficiency was associated research and larger clinical trials with zinc supplementation are
with a significant decrease in T concentration in healthy men [25]. required to further clarify the zinc-oncology relationship.
The researchers submitted four eugonadal young men to a diet with
low zinc (z5 mg/d of zinc) for 20 weeks, which led to a dramatic 5.7. Depression
decrease in total T from 1150 to 320 ng/dL [25]. After just 8 weeks of
induced dietary zinc deficiency, the total T levels had already There is evidence that healthy dietary patterns versus con-
decreased to 720 ng/dL. Although derived from a small sample, sumption of a western-style diet is associated with a decreased and
these data provide clinically relevant insights pertaining to the increased risk for depression, respectively [65,66]. Antioxidant
impact of zinc deficiency on T function. defense plays a crucial role in attenuating pathways of
biochemically-based disorders thought to be involved in depres-
5.5. Immune system sion [67]. Accordingly, zinc supplementation may be beneficial
when used as an adjunct to conventional antidepressant drug
Zinc has been shown to play an important role in the regulation of therapy for depressive symptoms [68]. In a double-blinded, ran-
the immune system, particularly T cell-mediated functions [54]. domized, placebo-controlled trial, 12 weeks of zinc monotherapy
Recent meta-analytic data shows a strong correlation between (30 mg/d elemental zinc) improved mood in overweight or obese
decreased levels of zinc (especially in serum and plasma) and auto- individuals, most likely by increasing serum brain-derived neuro-
immune diseases [13]. Notwithstanding, aging is associated with trophic factor (BDNF) levels [69]. Moreover, zinc inhibits inflam-
impaired regulation of the immune system [55]. Low zinc status is matory responses mediated by microglia cells via upregulation of
commonly reported in elderly people (immunosenescence), which zinc-finger A20, which biochemically confers important anti-
may hinder resistance to pathogens [56]. Inadequate stores of zinc depressive effects [70,71].
might therefore be a risk factor for pneumonia and mortality among
elderly individuals [54]. In a larger (N ¼ 725), randomized, double- 6. Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (ZMA): the debatable
blinded, placebo-controlled intervention study, a supplemental supplement
dose of zinc and selenium (20 mg as zinc sulfate and 100 mg as se-
lenium sulfide) increased the humoral response in institutionalized Zinc Magnesium Aspartate (ZMA) is a supplement comprised of
elderly patients (aged 65e103 years) after vaccination, which may be zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. The combination of these com-
important to reduce morbidity from respiratory tract infections [57]. pounds are not a matter of concern regarding possible micro-
After, Prasad et al. found that oral zinc gluconate supplementation nutrient imbalances, since the amounts are well within current
(45 mg elemental Zn/d) resulted in a lower incidence of infections, Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) and below the UL for men and
release of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) and oxidative stress women [72].
markers in elderly subjects compared to placebo over a 12-month ZMA is commonly promoted as a T booster, mainly due to its
study period [58]. zinc and magnesium content. Some studies have shown that ZMA is

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H.O. Santos et al. / Clinical Nutrition 39 (2020) 1345e1353 1349

ineffective when employed to increase muscle mass and physical It should be noted that, although fish and yogurt are often rec-
performance [73,74], although pharmacological doses of zinc and ommended as high-quality sources of zinc, these foodstuffs
magnesium have not been investigated in this regard. Viewed represent a small contribution to the total amount of ingested zinc
collectively, however, even medical doses of these elements appear in elderly populations. A cohort study [88] estimated average zinc
unwarranted for musculoskeletal hypertrophy. Morton et al. intake among 1545 elderly men to be only 11.5 mg/d, with red
showed that regardless of circulating hormone concentrations, meat, vegetables and cereals reported as the primary dietary
such as T and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the intramuscular sources of zinc. Also, the average intake of dietary fiber was 17.3 g/d.
androgen receptor (AR) content is a major determinant in skeletal Hence, to attain the pharmacological doses of zinc (i.e. zinc amount
muscle hypertrophy [75]. Thus, the putative effect of medical zinc greater than UL) through dietary intake alone would require a fiber
or magnesium dosages as a T booster remains unsubstantiated for intake of z60 g/d in elderly men [72,88], which in turn would likely
hypertrophic benefits, at least in healthy men. cause bowel discomfort [89]. Notwithstanding, appetite decline
Despite the lack of compelling evidence for increasing muscle and masticatory problems are also frequently reported among
mass, it should be noted that both zinc and magnesium are ele- elderly patients, which would make the intake of zinc from food
ments that play important roles in T activity via decreased systemic even more difficult [90].
inflammation and sperm motility [76]. Taking into account the
favorable effects of magnesium in this regard, an improved sperm 8. Zinc posology
motility is triggered by the magnesium link with energy meta-
bolism due to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. This is a Although zinc sulfate is a commonly used zinc form, zinc citrate,
pathway by which many magnesium-dependent reactions assist gluconate and picolinate may be valid options as well. For instance,
cellular energy production processes, especially motile sperm cell, these forms are typically better absorbed than zinc oxide [91,92].
where mitochondrial expression is substantial [77]. Above all, there is no consensus about the prescription ratio for zinc
As a biomarker, magnesium status appears to be an intriguing when used with anions, thus it should be calculated from the
tool to assess bone integrity, central nervous system disorders, and compounds with known molecular mass [93]. In conjunction with
male hypogonadism [78,79]. With respect to health in older men, zinc administration, the intake of protein may positively improve
serum magnesium concentrations are strongly and independently zinc absorption. The concomitant consumption of whey protein
associated with total T values [80]. In male subjects with inflam- with zinc is an intriguing strategy [94]. Interestingly, whey protein
matory prostatic fluid, seminal zinc and magnesium are lower than supplementation is suitable for complementing daily protein con-
in men with normal prostatic fluid [81]. A considerable amount of sumption in several conditions for which medicinal doses of zinc
supplemented magnesium (10 mg/kg/d) increased both free T and are prescribed, such as in cachexia, sarcopenia, cancer, bone dis-
total T levels in sedentary and active men [82]. On the other hand, a orders and in wound healing process [95e97].
three month placebo-controlled, randomized, clinical pilot trial Zinc is easily found in many pharmaceutical brands added to
involving idiopathic infertile men patients found that magnesium other vitamins and minerals [98]. The addition of other vitamins
treatment (3000 mg/day) did not lead to significant improvements and minerals to zinc formulas may be harmful due to possible
on sperm markers when compared to control [83]. excessive intakes. For example, supplementing with vitamin C and
Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is a ZMA component deemed impor- E may impair skeletal muscle adaptations in patients undertaking
tant for general cell metabolism and physiology, mediating regimented strength training [99e101]. Thus, caution should be
biochemical reactions (e.g. neurotransmitters) and the endocrino- exerted when prescribing zinc.
logical system [84,85]. Taken together, the three elements
comprising ZMA (zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6) are used alone in 9. Side effects
medical dosages and have applicability among diverse populations,
albeit failing to enhance muscle mass and physical performance in The main side effect associated with high doses of zinc is min-
young, healthy individuals [73,74]. Thus, any therapeutic benefits of eral absorption disturbances. Zinc interacts with the absorption of
ZMA are dependent upon the dose and clinical context.
Table 1
7. Pharmacological doses vs. dietary sources of zinc Example of a meal plan based on dietary zinc sources that would exceed the
Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL).

Pharmacological doses of zinc are equivalent to >40 mg/d of Meal Food source in zinc Serving
elemental zinc for both male and female subjects 19 þ years, Breakfast Whole Chicken Eggs 3 Large
because the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) of zinc for adults is Cheddar Cheese 1 slice
40 mg/d [72]. Overall, pharmacological doses adopted across Oatmeal 1 cup
Cow's Milk 1 cup
studies generally range from 220 mg/d to 660 mg/d of chelated
Lunch Beef, Chuck Eye Roast 1 Large Steak
zinc, having approximately 50 mge150 mg of elemental zinc Rice, Brown, Cooked 1 Cup
[10,11]. As previously mentioned, pharmacological doses of zinc Snack Yogurt, Greek, Plain, Nonfat 1 Container
may vary according to the treatment, and thus should be personally Chia Seeds 2 Tablespoon
Almonds 1 Cup
administered taking into account the specific physiopathology.
Dinner Liver, Castle, Roast 2 Slices
Oral use of pharmacological zinc doses is useful to avoid nutrient Rice, Brown, Cooked 1 Cup
imbalances in the common diet, wherein the Recommended Dietary
Nutrients of concern and overnutrition
Allowance (RDA) for adult men is 11 mg/d and 8 mg/d for women
[72]. For instance, to attain the reported medical doses of zinc from Meal Zinc Fibers Lipids Carbohydrates Protein Calories
(mg) (g) (g) (g) (g) (kcal)
foodstuffs, an excessive intake of total fat, proteins and dietary fiber
would likely occur (see examples in the Tables 1e3). This is true since Breakfast 6.53 14.5 31.84 77.1 50.25 795.96
the main food sources of zinc are meat, oilseeds, seafood and whole Lunch 11.16 3.2 9.15 51.67 32.18 417.75
Snack 6.64 27.7 80.11 48.88 52.25 1125.51
foods. Such an outcome would not only result in a caloric surplus, but Dinner 19.39 3.2 11.98 57.71 51.01 542.7
also an increase in bowel movements due to the high concentration Snack 5.30 17.6 85.01 34.1 31.26 1026.53
of lipids and dietary fiber [86]. Total 49.02 66.2 218.09 269.46 216.95 3908.45

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1350 H.O. Santos et al. / Clinical Nutrition 39 (2020) 1345e1353

Table 2
Amount of zinc per 100 g of foods known to yield a high concentration of zinc and commonly consumed among the American population. Adapted from USDA [87].

Food Zinc (mg) per 100 g in foods Dietary total fiber (g) Total Lipids (g) Carbohydrates Protein (g) Calories (kcal)

Rice, Brown, Cooked 0.71 1.6 0.97 25.58 2.74 123

Oat Bran, Raw 3.11 15.4 7.03 66.22 17.30 246
Peanuts, Raw 2.11 9.5 49.60 15.83 26.15 570
Almonds 3.12 12.5 49.93 21.55 21.15 579
Walnuts 2.61 6.7 65.21 13.71 15.23 654
Chicken, Roosted, Skinless 1.23 0 4.51 0 30.91 173
Beef, Chuck Eye, Roast 9.73 0 8.46 0 26.65 183
Liver, Cattle, Braised 11.23 0 6.26 3.77 28.42 196
Fish, Tilapia, Cooked 0.41 0 2.65 0 26.15 128
Egg, Chicken, Whole, Cooked 1.05 0 10.61 1.12 12.58 155
Milk, Cow, Liquid, Nonfat 0.41 0 0 5.02 3.37 37
Cheese, Cheddar 3.64 0 33.31 3.09 22.87 404
Yogurt, Greek, Plain, Nonfat 0.52 0 0 3.60 10.19 59
Chia, Seeds 4.58 34.4 30.74 42.12 16.54 486

Table 3
Amount of zinc obtained through food intake and resulting in an increase of macronutrients, fiber and calories. Adapted from USDA [87].

Food Serving Zinc (mg) per serving Dietary total fiber (g) Total Lipids (g) Carbohydrates Protein (g) Calories (kcal)

Rice, Brown, Cooked 1 cup, 202 g 1.43 3.2 1.96 51.67 5.53 248
Oat Bran, Raw 1 cup, 94 g 2.92 14.5 6.61 62.25 16.26 231
Peanuts, Raw 1 cup, 146 g 3.10 13.9 72.42 23.11 38.18 832
Almonds 1 cup, 143 g 4.46 17.9 71.40 30.82 30.24 828
Walnuts 1 cup, 117 g 3.05 7.8 76.30 16.04 17.82 765
Chicken, Roosted, Skinless 1 cup, 140 g 1.72 0 6.31 0 43.27 242
Beef, Chuck Eye, Roast 1 large steak, 100 g 9.73 0 8.46 0 26.65 183
Liver, Cattle, Braised 2 slices, 160 g 17.96 0 10.02 6.04 45.48 196
Fish, Tilapia, Cooked 2 fillets, 174 g 0.72 0 4.62 0 45.5 222
Egg, Chicken, Whole, Cooked 1 large, 50 g 0.53 0 5.30 0.56 6.29 78
Milk, Cow, Liquid, Nonfat 1 cup, 245 g 1 0 0 12.30 8.75 91
Cheese, Cheddar 1 slice, 28 g 1.02 0 9.33 0.87 8.75 91
Yogurt, Greek, Plain, Nonfat 1 container, 170 g 0.88 0 0 6.12 17.32 94
Chia, Seeds ~2 tablespoon, 28 g 1.30 34.4 30.74 42.12 16.54 486

calcium, manganese, copper, selenium and iron (mainly heme hypocupremia [107,108]. In one study, the treatment lasted 13 months
iron). Among these minerals, the most serious interactions are with [107], while the other lasted 23 months [108]. After zinc adminis-
copper and iron [102e104]. Iron supplementation should be avoi- tration was interrupted in both studies, copper status normalized.
ded during zinc therapy [105] although dietary iron has little In another case report, a woman who administered 110e165 mg
interference with zinc absorption [106]. Copper deficiency, sec- of elemental zinc daily for 10 months developed a copper defi-
ondary to the oral use of high doses of zinc, may arise from over- ciency with an associated onset of anemia and neutropenia [109].
abundance conditions, e.g. >50 mg/d of elemental zinc for >10 However, it seems likely that zinc was not the major culprit, since
months [107e109]. However, shorter periods (6 weeks) using interrupting zinc provision while supplementing orally with copper
50 mg of elemental zinc per day were not found to cause hypo- for two months was unable to normalize serum copper levels. In
cupremia in healthy individuals [110]. fact, intravenous administration of a copper solution over five days
Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, lethargy was required to normalize serum levels. This may indicate that the
and fatigue may occur by virtue of extremely high zinc intake, patient exhibited slow zinc excretion in conjunction with impaired
especially with supplementation of 100e300 mg/d of elemental intestinal absorption. Moreover, it should be noted that the patient
zinc [111]. In a six-week randomized, placebo controlled study, the had a history of three gastrointestinal surgical interventions.
provision of 50 mg of elemental zinc (220 mg zinc sulphate) thrice Additionally, a case report in a young man with sideroblastic
daily induced symptoms (headache, abdominal cramps, nausea, anemia and leukopenia reported copper deficiency with con-
loss of appetite and vomiting) in 18% of healthy male patients [110]. sumption of a supplemental dose of zinc over two years. Inter-
Female patients were more susceptible to side effects, with 84% of rupting zinc administration was sufficient to normalize copper
the group affected. Plasma zinc levels increased 36% in men and serum levels [105]. To the best of our knowledge, 12 g of elemental
57% in women, whereas plasma copper levels did not change zinc is the highest reported intake of this mineral, which was mixed
significantly. Another randomized, controlled trial allocated 40 with peanut butter [113]. This occurred in a 16-y-old male, who
diabetic patients to receive either 660 mg zinc sulfate or placebo for experienced nausea, epigastric pain, abdominal cramps, vomiting
six weeks [112]. Two cases of mild abdominal pain were reported and diarrhea from the supplementation protocol. All symptoms
when receiving zinc; however, a cause and effect relationship were terminated after chelation therapy.
cannot be established from these data. Pharmacological zinc administration is well studied in patients
Hypocupremia is frequently reported by diseased patients undergoing dialysis, and is associated with an improved serum
consuming chronic, high doses of zinc, suggesting that excessive zinc antioxidant status and a decrease in excess plasma copper and
supplementation may be associated with anemia [107,108]. In two aluminum levels [114,115]. Given that individuals with kidney
earlier studies, the use of 150 mg of elemental zinc per day in disease are prone to severe mineral disturbances [116], a medicinal
nonresponsive celiac and sickle cell anemia patients led to severe zinc dose may be appropriate in this population.

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