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Fluid and electrolyte Distribution of total body water among body fluid

balance, anaemia and blood compartments (70-kg male)

% of body % of total Volume
weight body water (litres)

David O’Hara Extracellular fluid 20 33 14

Plasma 6 9 4.5
Patricia Richardson
Interstitial fluid 14 24 9.5
Intracellular fluid 40 66 28

Abstract Table 1
An understanding of the basic physiology of fluid and electrolyte balance
and the impact of surgery and anaesthesia on homeostatic mechanisms • transcellular fluid (i.e. synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, vit-
is essential to safe patient management in the perioperative period. reous and aqueous humor).
Successful fluid management also requires familiarity with both the com-
position and pharmacology of commonly available products for fluid
Fluid movement
replacement therapy. A greater awareness of the hazards of blood and
blood components has led to significant changes in practice over the Two forces govern the movement and distribution of water be-
last 20 years; traditional transfusion triggers have been challenged and tween the intracellular and interstitial spaces:
more restrictive strategies adopted. • osmotic gradients (created by differences in non-diffusible
­solute concentrations)
Keywords blood component transfusion; blood transfusion autologous; • hydrostatic pressure gradients, governed by the relationship
fluid therapy; water–electrolyte balance ­between compartment volume (e.g. circulating volume) and the
tension of the walls of the compartment (e.g. venous tone).
There is a negligible hydrostatic pressure difference between
An understanding of the basic physiology of fluid and electrolyte the ICF and ECF, and so fluid movement is regulated principally
balance and the impact of surgery and anaesthesia on homeo- by the osmotic gradients. The cell membrane lipid bilayer, sep-
static mechanisms is essential to safe patient management in the arating the ICF and ECF is freely permeable to water, but not
perioperative period. The report An Acute Problem, published solutes. Potassium and sodium are the predominant cations in
in 2005 by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Out- the ICF and ECF respectively, and can pass only through spe-
come and Death (NCEPOD), identified poor fluid management cific voltage or ligand-gated ion channels. The inequality in ion
as contributing to preventable morbidity and mortality, echoing concentrations create a transmembrane potential, which is main-
findings of previous reports. tained by the Na-K ATPase pump.
Changes in the ICF and ECF osmolality results in the move-
ment of water from the lower to higher osmalarity compartment.
Fluid compartments
In contrast, capillary endothelium is non-selective and freely
Body water is considered to exist in physiologically discrete col- permeable to both water and ions, thus plasma and interstitial
lections known as compartments. The major division is into fluid have similar compositions.
intracellular fluid (ICF) and extracellular fluid (ECF), based on The movement of water between the intravascular and intersti-
which side of the cell membrane water lies (Table 1). tial compartments is governed by hydrostatic and osmotic pressures,
A 70 kg adult male body has 42 litres of water (60% of body the latter termed colloid oncotic pressure because the vascular endo-
weight), of which 28 l is intracellular and 14 l extracellular. thelium is impermeable to large molecules (colloids). Water flux
Females, who typically have more body fat than males, have between these compartments is governed by Starling’s equation:
less water per unit of body weight. Extracellular fluid is further
subdivided into: Fluid flux = (Pc − Pi) − (πc − πi) σ
• intravascular fluid (plasma), which with blood cells accounts
for a total blood volume of 4.5 litres (6% of body weight). where Pc is capillary hydrostatic pressure, Pi is interstitial hydrostatic
• interstitial fluid which lies in tissues outside the vascular pressure, πc is capillary oncotic pressure, πi is interstitial oncotic
­system (9.5 litres; 14% of body weight). pressure and σ is the reflectance coefficient - a constant reflecting
membrane permeability. In hypoprotinaemic states (e.g. hypoal-
buminaemia) the capillary oncotic pressure is reduced, leading to
David O’Hara FRCA is a Specialist Registrar in Anaesthesia at the water movement into the interstitium and oedema formation.
Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK. Conflicts of interest: none
Control of body water
Patricia Richardson FRCA is a Consultant Anaesthetist at the Broomfield In health, total body water is maintained at a fairly constant level.
Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. In adults daily water intake (dietary, 2200 ml; metabolic, 300 ml)

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is balanced by water lost in urine (1500 ml) and faeces (100 ml), increase the plasma sodium concentration by 2 mmol l−1 hr−1
and insensible losses from skin and lungs (900 ml). until symptoms resolve can avoid such serious consequences.
This balance is controlled by the thirst - antidiuretic hormone Hypernatraemia (Table 3) is less common and is associ-
(ADH) mechanism, with thirst affecting input and anti-diuretic ated with an increased plasma osmolality and thirst. Symptoms
hormone (ADH) regulating output. include nausea, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness, seizures and
Thirst is a conscious sensation to drink, originating in the coma. Treatment should aim to restore the circulating volume to
­hypothalamus, and stimulated by: normal with isotonic fluids over 48–72 hours.
• hypertononicity, detected by osmoreceptors in the
­hypothalamus Potassium
• hypovolaemia, detected by volume receptors in the right Potassium is predominantly an intracellular cation. Homeostasis
­atrium and great veins is achieved by matching urinary losses to intake by secretion
• hypotension, detected by baroreceptors in the carotid sinus of potassium in the distal convoluted tubule. Alterations in the
and aortic arch ECF potassium concentration reflect disturbance of total body
• angiotensin II. potassium content (intake vs loss) or changes in the ratio of extra­
ADH (vasopressin) is produced in the hypothalamus and cellular to intracellular potassium.
released into the circulation from the posterior pituitary gland in Hypokalaemia (Table 4) leads to anorexia, nausea, muscle
response to several stimuli: weakness, paralytic ileus and cardiac conduction abnormalities.
• increased plasma tonicity Treatment requires potassium supplementation and treatment of
• hypovolaemia the underlying cause.
• hypotension Hyperkalaemia (Table 5), which may cause life threatening
• angiotensin II cardiac arrhythmias, requires immediate treatment. Intravenous
• stress (including the stress response to surgery) calcium gluconate, glucose and insulin, sodium bicarbonate; rec-
• drugs (such as opiates). tal calcium resonium or haemodialysis may be used, depending
ADH acts on the principal cells of the collecting duct to increase on the clinical situation and urgency.
reabsorption of water via specific ADH-sensitive (aquaporin)
channels. Chloride
Chloride, the main anion in ECF, is important in maintaining
normal acid–base status, renal tubular function and formation
Electrolyte balance and clinical implications
of gastric acid. The chloride concentration passively mirrors that
Sodium of sodium and is inversely related to plasma bicarbonate. In the
Sodium is the principal intracellular cation, and is the key regula- proximal renal tubule, chloride is excreted with ammonium ions
tor of water flux. Hyponatraemia (Table 2) in surgical patients is to eliminate hydrogen ions in exchange for sodium and thus acid-
most commonly caused by inappropriate administration of low ify urine. Hypochloraemia can occur with loss of gastric, pancre-
sodium or sodium free solutions, particularly postoperatively, atic, bile and intestinal secretions. Excessive infusion of chloride
when increased ADH secretion causes water retention. Acute containing fluids (e.g. saline, gelatins), will lead to hyperchlorae-
hyponatraemia – a medical emergency - is defined as a plasma mia. This has important implications in acid–base regulation and
sodium concentration <120 mmol l−1 developing over less than
48 hours. Symptoms are those of cerebral oedema; progressing
from nausea and headache to confusion, seizures and finally Causes of hypernatraemia
brainstem herniation and death. Prompt correction aiming to
Cause Examples

Pure water depletion

Causes of hyponatraemia Extrarenal loss Failure of water intake (postoperative,
coma, elderly)
Hypovolaemia Normovolaemia Hypervolaemia
Mucocutaneous loss
Diarrhoea SIADH Congestive cardiac Fever, hyperventilation, thyrotoxicosis
failure Renal loss Diabetes insipidus (nephrogenic,
Vomiting Hypothyroidism Nephrotic syndrome cranial)
Third-space losses Stress Cirrhosis Chronic renal failure
Diuretic abuse Renal failure Hypotonic fluid loss
Renal tubular Extrarenal loss Gastrointestinal (vomiting, diarrhoea)
Hypoadrenalism Skin (excessive sweating)
Salt-losing Renal loss Osmotic diuresis (glucose, alcohol,
nephropathy mannitol)
Salt gain Iatrogenic (NaHCO3, hypertonic saline)
SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion. Salt ingestion

Table 2 Table 3

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vasoconstriction secondary to catecholamines. ADH concentra-

Causes of hypokalaemia tions may increase by 50–100 fold, and do not return to normal
for 3–5 days, accounting for postoperative period of oliguria.
Cause Examples The cytokine response is stimulated by local tissue damage
at the site of surgery in proportion to the extent of damage and
Abnormal gastrointestinal loss Vomiting is unaffected by neural blockade. It leads to increased capillary
Diarrhoea membrane permeability and third space fluid losses.
Villous adenoma
Increased renal loss Drugs (diuretics), metabolic
acidosis, magnesium depletion Assessment of hydration
ECF–ICF shift Drugs (insulin, b-agonists), Accurate clinical assessment of intravascular volume is often
metabolic alkalosis difficult and laboratory investigations are invariably required to
guide perioperative fluid therapy. Thirst, skin turgor, hydration
ECT, extracellular fluid; ICF, intracellular fluid.
of mucous membranes, core-periphery temperature gradient, res-
piratory rate, pulse rate and volume, orthostatic hypotension and
Table 4
urine output are valuable signs of hydration. Unfortunately there
are many confounding factors that may influence these, such as
will lead to a hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis. Infusion of a drugs, surgical stress, age and underlying disease. Laboratory
large volume of normal saline can precipitate a metabolic acido- signs of dehydration include:
sis because renal sodium excretion occurs in preference chloride • hypernatraemia
and hydrogen ion excretion (Table 6). • rising haematocrit
• progressive metabolic acidosis
• rising lactate
Anaesthesia, surgery and fluid balance
• increased serum urea to creatinine ratio
The impact of the physiological response to surgical stress, along • urinary sodium <20 mmol/litre
with the various fluid shifts that may occur mean that accurate • Urine osmolality approaching 1200 mosmol/kg.
assessment of hydration is paramount. Many patients are dehy- In more complex cases central venous pressure (CVP) may
drated before surgery due to prolonged fasting, bowel prepara- be required. Observation of the haemodynamic and clinical
tion or diuretics. Perioperative losses are often underestimated, response to the rapid intravenous infusion of a small volume
with fluid loss from drains and sequestration of fluid in tissues of fluid (e.g. 250–500 ml over 20–30 minutes) permit assess-
and the gastrointestinal tract (third space losses) persisting into ment of the compliance of the circulation and intravascular vol-
the postoperative period. ume status. Such fluid challenges may be repeated successively
The stress response to surgery has two main components - if there is no, or a transient change in CVP. A sustained rise
neuroendocrine and cytokine. The neuroendocrine response is in CVP of 3 cmH2O is considered evidence of adequate fluid
stimulated initially by afferent nociceptive stimuli reaching the administration.
central nervous system and may be blunted by regional anaes-
thesia and opioids. It is characterized by an increase in ADH,
A practical approach to clinical fluid prescribing
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), growth hormone (GH),
cortisol and aldosterone secretion, and activation of the sympa- Intravenous fluid administration has two goals: meeting daily
thetic nervous system and renin-angiotensin system. This results maintenance requirements, and correct existing and ongoing
in sodium and water retention, the magnitude of which is modu- water and electrolyte losses. In the adult, the daily maintenance
lated by factors such as the effects of anaesthetic agents on renal requirements (water 35 ml kg−1, sodium 2 mmol kg−1, potas-
blood flow and glomerular filtration rate, hypotension, and renal sium 1 mmol kg−1) can be provided by 1000 ml normal saline
and 1500 ml 5% glucose with the addition of potassium 20 mmol
l−1 to each litre of fluid. Correction of ongoing extracellular fluid
losses, which have a composition similar to that of plasma, is
Causes of hyperkalaemia best achieved with lactated Ringer’s (Hartmann’s) solution. It is
important that the volume of intravenous drugs and nutrition is
Cause Examples
taken into account.
Decreased renal Renal failure, drugs (b-blockers, ACE inhibitors)
clearance Metabolic acidosis Osmolarity, osmolality and tonicity
Adrenocortical failure
ICF–ECF shift Tissue damage (burns, crush injury, haemolysis
The terms osmolarity, osmolality and tonicity are often and
Metabolic acidosis
incorrectly used interchangeably. Osmolarity (expressed in mil-
liosmoles per litre of solution) and osmolality (expressed in mil-
ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ECT, extracellular fluid; ICF, liosmoles per kilogram of solvent) describes the number of all the
­intracellular fluid. solutes that contribute to a solution’s osmotic pressure. Plasma
osmolarity, which is normally 280–300 mOsm l−1, can be esti-
Table 5 mated using the formula:

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Electrolyte composition, pH and osmolality of body compartments, secretions and commonly used intravenous fluids

Fluid Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl– HCO3−1 pH Osmolality Plasma volume

T½ (min)

Body compartment
Plasma 142 4 2.5 1 100 25 7.4 280
Interstitial fluid 145 4 2.4 0.9 118 27 7.4 280
Intracellular fluid 12 155 0 15 8 10 7.2 280
Saliva 50–70 15–20 – – 10–15 30–50 6–7
Gastric juice 150 5–10 – – 100–160 10–20 1–3.5
Bile 180–220 6–8 – – 60–70 60–70 7–8
Pancreatic juice 160 4 – – 30–60 80–120 8–8.3
Small bowel 140 4 – – 100 25 7.8–8
Normal saline (0.9% NaCl) 154 – – – 154 – 5 300 80
Hartmann`s solution 131 5 2 – 111 6.5 275 68
Dextrose 4% saline 0.19% 31 – – – 31 – 4.5 286
Dextrose 5% – – – – – – 4.2 278 19
Bicarbonate 8.4% 1000 – – – – 1000 8 2000 –
Gelofusine 154 0.4 0.4 0.4 120–125 – 7.4 274 180
Hydroxyethyl starch (450/0.7) 154 – – – 154 – 5.5 300–310 75
Hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4) 154 – – – 154 – 5.0 308 700
Dextran 40 154 – – – 154 – 3.5–7.0 280–324 180
Dextran 70 154 – – – 154 – 5.0 280–324 1500
HAS 4.5% 100–160 <2.25 – – 100–160 – 5.5 200–310 1000

HAS, human albumin solution; HCO3–, bicarbonate. Reproduced from Mackenzie I. Fluid and electrolyte balance. Surgery 2005; 23: 453–60.

Table 6

Osmolarity = (1.86×[Na+])+[glucose]+[urea]+9 mOsm l−1 administered as only 25–30% will remain in the intravascular
Fluids such as normal saline and 5% glucose (300 mOsm l−1) are Following the administration of hypotonic solutions, such as
iso osmolar, whereas 10% glucose and 1.8% saline (600 mOsm l−1) 5% glucose, the membrane permeable solute (i.e. glucose) is
are hyperosmolar. In contrast, tonicity describes only the number readily taken up by cells. The net effect is that of administering
of solutes that cannot cross cell membranes. Thus normal saline is pure water, which distributed throughout each compartment in
described as being isotonic whereas 4% glucose in 0.18% saline proportion to its contribution to total body water.
(300 mOsm l−1) is hypotonic because membranes are permeable
to glucose. Synthetic colloids
Derived from the Greek word for glue, the term colloid refers to
the dispersion – as apposed to solution - of one substance within
Intravenous fluids
another. Macromolecules suspended in water are known as
In most territories fluids for intravenous infusion are classed as hydrocolloids. Synthetic colloids for clinical use are iso osmolar
‘prescription only medicines’ and should, therefore, be regarded crystalloid or glucose solutions containing a suspension of semi-
as ‘drugs’ – each having pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic synthetic polypeptides or polysaccharides with molecular weight
properties, interactions and side-effect profiles. For this reasons >30,000 kDa, which exert an osmotic force across capillary walls.
fluids must be prescribed with the same care and attention as Because they tend to remain in the circulation for longer than crys-
any other drug.1,2 talloid solutions, blood replacement can be achieved with smaller
volumes of colloid and without the infection transmission risk
Crystalloids of blood products. Colloids are more costly than crystalloids and
Crystalloids are simple electrolyte solutions, whose distributon have a small but significant risk of adverse allergic reactions.
within the body is governed by their osmolarity and tonicity. Flu-
ids such as saline and Hartmann’s solution, which have a sodium Gelatins
concentration similar to that of ECF, remain within the ECF. If Modified gelatins (e.g. Gelofusine, Haemaccel, Volplex), which
used to replace blood loss, 3 to 4 times the volume lost must be are derived from animal skin and bone, are the most commonly

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used colloids in the UK. Gelatin molecules have a wide range of

Blood transfusion
sizes and each solution is described as the weight-average molec-
ular weight (Mw) - typically 30 kDa. Most of the administered An awareness of the potentially devastating effects of disease
dose is excreted unchanged in the urine, 10% excreted in faeces transmission resulting from blood product use has brought about
and 3% metabolised. There is no long-term retention. significant changes in transfusion medicine in the last 20 years.
The development of clotting factor concentrates pooled from up
Starches to 30,000 donors initially liberated haemophiliacs from frequent
Starches are produced from amylopectin, which has been stabi- periods of hospitalisation. Sadly, this led to widespread exposure
lised by hydroxylation to prevent rapid hydrolysis by amylase. of patients to hepatitis B (HVB) and C (HVC), and subsequently
Solutions are fractionated to yield the desired ranges of molec- HIV. By the time viral inactivation processes were introduced in
ular weights (e.g. hydroxyethyl starch Mw 200 kDa). Starches 1985 it was estimated that in the UK 4,800 haemophiliacs had
are thought to reduce capillary leak by ‘plugging’ holes in the been infected with HVC and of these 1,200 with HIV.
endothelial basement membrane, but their use in sepsis has been Four cases of vCJD have been reported in the UK following
shown to be an independent risk factor for renal failure. Starches blood transfusion; the first case being identified in December
have a longer plasma half-life than gelatins and this has lead to 2003. In all cases the donor developed symptoms of the disease
their popularity. However, there is no evidence base to suggest 18 months or later after donating blood. As a response to this
any outcome benefit over gelatins. rare but devastating risk, blood in the UK is now supplied ‘leu-
cocyte deplete’ to minimise prion transmission. The risk of cyto-
Dextrans megalovirus (CMV) transmission is similarly minimised by this
Dextrans are highly branched polysaccharide molecules synthe- precaution. Leucocyte depleted blood contains <5 × 106 leuco-
sized from sucrose by the bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides. cytes per unit of red cells.
The formulations currently available are Dextran 40 (Mw 40 kDa) Every unit of blood donated in the UK is tested for hepatitis
and Dextran 70 (Mw 70 kDa). The rate and extent of renal elimi- B surface antigen, hepatitis C antibody and RNA, HIV antibody,
nation is a function of molecular weight, with half of Dextran HTLV antibody, and syphilis antibody.
40 being excreted within a few hours of administration, whilst
Dextran 70 has a duration of action of 6–8 hours. Dextrans are Perioperative anaemia and transfusion triggers
used to improve microcirculatory flow by reducing erythrocyte For many years it was thought that patients should be trans-
aggregation and leucocyte plugging, but interfere with platelet fused to achieve a haemoglobin concentration of 10 g dl−1 and a
aggregation, by reducing concentrations of von Willebrand fac- haematocrit of 30%. The publication in 1999 of the Transfusion
tor and enhance fibrinolysis. Dextrans cause severe anaphylactic Requirements in Critical Care (TRICC) study showed that a hae-
reactions more frequently than gelatins or starches. moglobin target of 7–9 g dl−1 in critically ill patients was associ-
ated with no worse 30 day mortality and morbidity than a more
Natural colloids liberal target of 10–12 g dl−1. Subgroup analysis of patients with
Human albumin solution (HAS): albumin makes up 60% of known coronary artery disease echoed this finding of reduced
plasma protein and contributes to 80% of plasma colloid osmotic complications and indeed the liberal transfusion strategy group
pressure. It has additional functions as a carrier in the blood. had a higher incidence of pulmonary oedema. Only those with
Human albumin solution (HAS, 66 kDa) is harvested and pooled severe ischaemic heart disease showed a non-statistically signifi-
from blood donors for use either as a dilute (4.5–5%) or con- cant difference in absolute survival rates.
centrated, or salt-poor (20–25%) solution. HAS has an excellent The indications for blood transfusion detailed in the 2002
safety record and pasteurisation has been shown to be highly Department of Health (UK) circular (HSC2002/09) are sum-
effective at inactivating viruses such as hepatitis A, B and C and marised in Table 7. The decision to transfuse should be made
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Concerns about varient by senior clinicians aware of the risks and benefits. The justifica-
Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (vCJD) transmission has led to HAS tion for transfusion must be discussed with the patient whenever
used in the UK being sourced from USA. possible and documented. HSC2002/09 sets out a target haemo-
A meta-analysis, published in 2004 by the Cochrane Review globin concentration of 7 g dl−1 for patients undergoing surgery.
Group, controversially claimed that, when used for resuscitation This may be most appropriately achieved without transfusion
and volume expansion in critically ill patients, HAS was associ- with dietary supplementation such as vitamin B12, folate and
ated with an excess mortality of 6%. The reputation of HAS was iron. It should be noted that such therapies only reduce the rate
partially restored following subsequent publication of the saline of transfusion where haematinic deficiency is the cause of the
versus albumin fluid evaluation (SAFE) study, which showed anaemia. There is no standard transfusion trigger that will pro-
clinically equivalent outcomes in intensive care patients. vide an optimal risk-benefit profile in all preoperative patients
Despite the high cost of HAS, it still has a role in the restoration and the justification for transfusion must take into account the
of plasma volume following the acute phase of critically illness in urgency of surgery, cause anaemia and medical condition of the
situations of sodium and water overload. Concentrated solutions patient.
may promote diuresis in cirrhotic, hypoalbuminaemic patients.
Controversy still exists as to which is the most appropriate Donor red blood cells
fluid for use in the perioperative period. Systematic reviews Donor blood is immediately cooled to and stored at 4°C which
show no significant differences in pulmonary oedema, mortality produces erythrocyte changes or ‘storage lesions’. These include
or length of stay between colloid or crystalloid resuscitation. an increase in extracellular potassium concentration (20 mmol l−1

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Indications for blood transfusion

Indication Details

Acute blood loss Blood volume loss (%) Fluid Role of blood transfusion
15–30 Crystalloid/colloid Unlikely
30–40 Crystalloid/colloid Probable
> 40 Crystalloid/colloid Required
The aim is to maintain circulating blood volume and Hb concentration above 7 g/dl in fit patients,
and above 9 g/dl in elderly patients and those with cardiovascular disease
Perioperative transfusion Most patients should not require transfusion. Use Hb to guide blood transfusion
Healthy patient: aim for Hb 7 g/dl
Cardiovascular disease or significant risk factors (elderly, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, peripheral
vascular disease): aim for Hb 9 g/dl
Critical care Transfuse to Hb > 7 g/dl
Post-chemotherapy No evidence base to guide transfusion trigger
Radiotherapy Transfuse to maintain Hb above 10 g/dl
Chronic anaemia Transfuse to lowest Hb concentration to alleviate symptoms
Other Transfusion may also be indicated in the management of inherited and acquired red blood cell
disorders and in cases of marrow failure. Seek specialist haematological advice

Hb, haemoblobin concentration.

Table 7

after 3 weeks of storage) and decreased triphosphate and 2,3 In cumulative analyses of Serious Hazards of Transfusion
diphosphoglycerate levels, the latter hindering oxygen binding. (SHOT) data (see below) TRALI remains a leading cause of
After 3 weeks stored blood has a pH of 6.9 and bicarbonate con- transfusion-related mortality and morbidity, second only to ABO
centration of 10 mmol l−1. Erythrocyte membranes become rigid incompatibility. It is difficult to accurately quote an incidence.
and fragile resulting in enhanced haemolysis. Clotting factor activ- One US hospital with a particular interest in TRALI quotes 0.02%
ity in whole blood decreases rapidly and is significantly reduced (1 in 5000 units of blood), whereas the 2006 UK SHOT report
after 7 days of storage. For this reason plasma is separated from quotes an incidence of 0.004% (1 in 200,000 units).
erythrocytes and administered separately as fresh frozen plasma TRALI occurs 5–6 times more frequently following the admin-
(FFP). Erythrocyte have a shelf life of 35 days and are usually istration of platelets and FFP than erythrocytes and in 90% of
supplied as concentrated cells with a haematocrit of 55–75%. cases donor leucocyte antibodies, reacting with patient leuco-
In the UK erythrocytes are usually suspended in saline, adenine, cytes can be detected. The resultant complement-mediated leu-
glucose and mannitol (SAG-M); the plasma having been removed cocyte activation leads to pulmonary endothelial damage. Blood
and used for other blood components. The use of SAG-Mannitol donors subsequently shown to have human leucocyte antigen
makes the resulting suspension less viscous. Red cell blood is leu- (HLA) or granulocyte-specific antibodies should not be used
codepleted to minimise transmission of infections (CMV, vCJD). again as donors. Multiparous women are more likely to fall into
Gamma irradiation is performed to reduce lymphocyte transmis- this group. All FFP (a pooled product) in the UK now comes from
sion and is required solely for immunological reasons in patients male donors.
with inherited or acquired immunodeficiency states.
Massive blood transfusion
Massive blood transfusion is defined as the complete replace-
Complications of blood transfusion
ment of the entire blood volume within a 24-hour period. This is
Despite major advances in blood transfusion safety, hazards associated with additional risks to those related to smaller trans-
associated with blood transfusion do exist, and prompt recogni- fusions, which result from metabolic alterations in the blood as
tion and treatment is essential (Table 8). a result of cooling and storage. The adverse consequences are
shown in Table 9.
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
TRALI remains a rare complication of the transfusion of any blood Serious Hazards of Transfusion
component that is believed to be significantly under reported. The Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) scheme is a UK
The clinical picture is one of a severe acute pulmonary reaction based organisation established in 1996 with the aim of collect-
clinically indistinguishable from acute respiratory distress syn- ing and investigating reports of major adverse events following
drome (ARDS). However, improvement usually occurs within blood transfusion and focuses on particular predefined catego-
48–96 hours provided timely supportive treatment is initiated. ries. Although reporting remains voluntary, all UK hospitals are
The mortality rate is 5% in contrast to 30–60% seen in ARDS. actively encouraged to report and engage in ‘haemovigilance’.

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Complications of blood transfusion

Complication Details

Febrile non-haemolytic Common, especially in parous women and after previous transfusions
transfusion reactions Mediated by donor leucocytes
Benign but must be differentiated from life-threatening haemolytic reactions
Flushing, fever, tachycardia, rigors
Treat by slowing transfusion rate and with paracetamol
Abandon transfusion if >1.5°C temperature rise and consult laboratory
Acute haemolytic Intravascular haemolysis owing to ABO compatibility, resulting from ‘wrong’ blood to ‘wrong’ patient
transfusion reactions Small (20 ml) inoculation causes symptoms of fever, substernal/loin pain, hypotension, dyspnoea, flushing,
haemoglobinuria, DIC
Maintain renal perfusion with fluids (35% risk of renal failure), oxygen therapy
Supportive treatment. Transfer to HDU/ITU and seek specialist help
Delayed haemolytic Haemolysis generally extravascular owing to Kidd and Duffy incompatibility
transfusion reactions Fever, jaundice, haemoglobinuria presenting 5–10 days after transfusion
Less commonly hypotension and renal failure
Rarely fatal
Urticarial and Reactions may be anaphylactic or anaphylactoid and should be managed according to standard allergic reaction
anaphylactic reactions protocols. Investigation of the cause will guide subsequent management
Bacterial contamination Endogenous contamination due to a bacteraemia donor may lead to infections such as Treponema pallidum
Exogenous contamination of blood pack during processing risks transfusion of Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus
Post-transfusion purpura This rare cause of immune destruction of both transfused and host platelets occurs 7–10 days after transfusion. It
is usually self-limiting but plasma exchange ± immunoglobulin may be needed
Immunomodulation Transfusion results in both temporary and long-term stimulatory and suppressive changes in immune function in
the recipient
Recurrent spontaneous abortions rates are increased in females
Colorectal tumour recurrence may be increased by as much as 37%. This may occur, but is less well defined in
other tumours
Transfusion-associated Although rare, this is almost always fatal as there is no effective treatment
graft vs host disease Immunodeficient patients develop a rash, diarrhoea, liver failure, leading to marrow failure and pancytopenia
Death occurs within 3–4 weeks following infection
γ-irradiation of blood reduces the risk
Transfusion-transmitted Infectious agents of several types reported to have been transmitted
infections Viral: HIV, hepatitis A, B, C and D, CMV, HTLV I and II, EBV
Bacterial: syphilis, Lyme disease, brucellosis, salmonella
Protozoan: malaria, toxoplasmosis
Transfusion-related See text
acute lung injury

CMV, cytomegalovirus, DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; HDU, high-dependency unit; HTLV, human T-lymphotropic virus.

Table 8

Reports are published annually detailing causes of mortality Prescription errors by doctors were prominent with 125
and morbidity and the data are used to make evidence-based reported incidences; 2 resulting in death. As a consequence it
and targeted recommendations or improvements in transfusion has been recommended that transfusion medicine becomes part
practice. of core UK medical school curriculum.
Two other deaths occurred - one following administration
The 2006 SHOT report: In the financial year April 2005-6 2.5 mil- of platelets infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae and one from
lion units of blood were issued from transfusion services in the UK. TRALI. 400 events of incorrect blood component transfusion
There was a 13% reduction in the number of reports in existing were reported. This represents an incidence of 10.6 reports per
SHOT categories compared with 2005. ABO incompatible transfu- 100,000 components transfused, verses a rate of 12.8 in 2005
sions were lower than ever recorded; 8 cases with no fatalities. report.

SURGERY 26:9 389 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

and shivering may occur in up to 12% cases as a consequence of

Complications of massive blood transfusion inefficient blood washing.
Cell salvage is contraindicated in the presence of sepsis and
Complication Details from contaminated surgical fields (e.g. bowel surgery). Its suit-
ability for use in malignant disease remains unclear because of
Hyperkalaemia Arrhythmias concerns that transfused malignant cells may disseminate the
Hypocalcaemia due Abnormal liver function/perfusion slows malignancy. The consequence of transfusing amniotic fluid and
to citrate toxicity citrate metabolism foetal cells to obstetric patients is similarly undefined.
Monitor ionized calcium on blood gas
analyser Preoperative autologous donation
Treat with 10 ml of 10% calcium chloride Preoperative autologous donation (PAD) is a less common prac-
(not gluconate which requires hepatic tice in the UK. Patients donate blood for blood bank storage and
metabolism for calcium liberation) for their exclusive use in advance of planned surgery. Donations
Hypothermia Warm blood, especially in massive are usually given over a 5 week period with 400–500 ml being
transfusions harvested on each occasion. Blood can only be stored for 5 weeks
Impaired oxygen Right shift of the oxygen dissociation
and the last donation must be no less than 72 hours - preferably
delivery curve is effected by acidosis and
no less than 7 days - before surgery.
It has been shown that oral iron supplements will increase
Acidosis Control with bicarbonate only in extreme
the blood yield even in non-iron deficient patients and is recom-
mended. While erythropoetin is licensed for use in this indication
Coagulopathy PT and APTT should be maintained at
its use is limited by high cost and the increased thrombotic risk.
< 1.5 × control
PAD has been shown to reduce the number of allogeneic units
Consider FFP after 1 × blood volume
used, but is associated with an increased likelihood of transfu-
sion, which exposes patients to risks such as administrative
Maintain fibrinogen at >1.0 g/litre
errors, fluid overload and sepsis. Difficulty in predicting blood
Thrombocytopenia Maintain at >75 × 109/litre
requirements leads to high blood wastage rates.
Anticipate transfusion after two blood
volume replacements.
Acute normovolaemic haemodilution
Clerical error Emergency situation increases risk of
Venous blood is drained into bags containing citrate immediately
wrong blood to wrong patient
prior to surgery and replaced with crystalloid or colloid infusion.
Transfusion-related Rare. See text
Consequently, blood shed during surgery will have a lower hae-
acute lung injury
matocrit. The harvested blood is returned to the patient towards
APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; PT,
the end of the operative procedure. The units are not subject to
prothrombin time. microbiological tests and should be treated and labelled as being
‘high risk’; they must not to be stored in blood bank refrigerators
Table 9 for risk of them entering the hospital blood pool. Unused blood
is discarded at the end of the procedure.

Autologous blood transfusion Blood transfusion and the Jehovah’s Witness

Concerns over transmission of infection following allogeneic Every competent adult is entitled to refuse medical treatment.
blood transfusion have led to interest in this area. It is also a Allogeneic blood transfusions (whole blood, packed red cells,
useful practice for managing patients with rare blood groups and FFP and platelets) and preoperative autologous blood collec-
demand on allogeneic transfusion services can be reduced. This tion are regarded as unacceptable to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Each
approach is not without risk and administration of a safe and patient may make a personal choice regarding blood salvage,
efficient service is costly. Its use should be restricted to situations plasma fractions (albumin, immunoglobulins, clotting factors)
of anticipated blood loss of >20% blood volume. Unused blood and organ transplantation.
is not suitable for return to the national donor pool and there- The key to successful management of this group is good com-
fore must be discarded. Three methods are currently available munication between senior staff involved in the care, the patient
for autologous transfusion. and their community elders, who can be invaluable in provid-
ing guidance. Discussions should be fully documented and the
Cell salvage patient’s views must be explicitly recorded and witnessed. Flout-
Cell salvage is the most commonly used method in the UK. Shed ing documented wishes may place a clinician at risk of disci-
blood is collected during and after surgery, ‘washed’ with saline plinary action and may be considered a criminal offence. Many
and separated from debris by centrifugation to form a concen- Witnesses carry advanced directives, or lodge them with their
trated transfusable product. general pratctioner, which may help guide emergency treatment.
Cell salvage has an excellent safety record and blood loss is The situation for the children of Jehovah’s Witnesses is com-
virtually matched with supply. Complications can arise from plex and there are minor variations in the procedure required
electrolyte disturbances and dilutional coagulopathy. Pyrexia between England and Wales and both Scotland and Northern

SURGERY 26:9 390 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en Antenor Orrego Private University de por Elsevier en septiembre 19, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

I­reland. In most cases application for a court order will be made. Further reading
It is worth noting that in each of these countries, a child over 16 Guyton AC, Hall JE. Textbook of medical physiology, 11th edn.
may override the wishes of their parents with regard to their own Saunders, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2005.
treatment. In the emergency situation, where it can be convinc- Murphy M, Pamphilon, eds. Practical transfusion medicine. London:
ingly shown that a child will die without immediate blood admin- Blackwell Science, 2001.
istration, the courts are likely to uphold the decision of a doctor Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT). Also available from:
in doing so. The situation in other countries will vary and each June 2008.
clinician should be aware of local and national guidance. ◆ The Albumin Reviewers (Alderson P, Bunn F, Li Wan Po A, Li L, Roberts
I, Schierhout G). Human albumin solution for resuscitation and
volume expansion in critically ill patients. Cochrane Database Syst
References Rev 2004, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001208. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.
1 Choi P, Yip G, Quinonez L, Cook D. Crystalloids versus colloids in CD001208.pub2.
fluid resuscitation: a systematic review. Crit Care Med 1999; 27: The SAFE Study Investigators. A comparison of albumin and saline for
200–10. fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit. N Engl J Med 2004;
2 Schierhout G, Roberts I. Fluid resuscitation with colloid or crystalloid 350: 2247–56.
solutions in critically ill patients: a systematic review of randomised William F, Ganong MD. Review of medical physiology, : McGraw-Hill,
trials. BMJ 1998; 316: 961–4. 2005.

SURGERY 26:9 391 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en Antenor Orrego Private University de por Elsevier en septiembre 19, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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