Volume 107, Issue 2

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July 2, 2021•Volume 107, Issue 2•nique.



. .

technique The Fado Pub experience p16 ‘Shrill’ finale review p12
News 2 Opinions 4 Life 7 Entertainment 10 Sports 16



Juneteenth is a nationally celebrated

commemoration of the end of slavery
in the United States and dates back
to June 19, 1865, when Union troops
arrived in Galveston, Texas and an-
nounced enslaved people were freed.
This was over two years after the
Emancipation Proclamation freed en-
slaved people in the Confederate states,
but it could not be enforced through-
out Texas until the Civil War ended.
The first Tech Juneteenth Com-
memoration event took place on
June 18, with the Office of Minority
Educational Development (OMED)
and three Black student organiza-
tions (BSOs) including the African
American Student Union (AASU),
African Student Association (ASA)
and the Caribbean Student Associa-
tion of Georgia Tech (GT CaribSA)
hosting a day of hybrid activities.
The event began with a virtual
talk featuring Associate Professor
André Brock from the School of Lit-
erature, Media and Communication.
Brock, who has an M.A. in English
and Rhetoric from Carnegie Mellon
University and a Ph.D. in Library and
Information Science from the Univer-
sity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
used the context of his research on Black
online identity to discuss Juneteenth’s
history and to relate it to events in 2021.
“I argue from my perspective as a In-
formation Studies researcher that June-
teenth is actually commemorating an
episode of disinformation,” Brock said.
He continued that disinformation is
See JUNETEENTH, page 9
Top L: Photo by Emily Shroeder Student Publications; Top R: Photo courtesy of IMDB; Above: Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications


Tech Alumni Named first Black GSU President

at Georgia State, the largest uni- much the experience has meant to
ANDY BORST versity in Georgia, began last Sep- him, and that, “Leading Geor-
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR tember with the announcement gia State for more than a decade,
that Becker, the current president, starting in the middle of a global
Last month, Georgia State planned to take an educational financial crisis and concluding
University announced that leave. with a global pandemic, has been
their university president, Mark He planned to leave at the end challenging and stimulating. It
Becker, will be stepping down as of the 2020-2021 school year, and has been my most rewarding pro-
president, with M. Brian Blake in a statement to GSU students, fessional experience.”
replacing him. Blake is an Insti- stated, “I want to give the Board The search stretched far and
tute alumni, having graduated in of Regents ample time to select wide, and ultimately resulted in
1994 with a degree in electrical the next president, with every ex- Blake becoming the new president
engineering, and later received his pectation the search will attract elect of the university, with his of-
masters from Mercer, and PhD the strongest pool of candidates in ficial hiring contingent on his ap- Photo courtesy of drexel.edu
from George Mason University. school history”. proval by the USG school board. M. Brian Blake, 1988 alumnus, was chosen as the eighth
The search for a new president He went on to speak about how See GSU, page 3 president of GSU, the first Black candidate to hold the position.

NEWS EDITOR: Advanced Recycling Plant technique
Maya Torres
Andy Borst
Tech alumnus and Brightmark founder Bob
Powell announces his newest Advanced 2
Recycling Plant in Macon, GA 43
news@nique.net July 2, 2021

Welcoming the Class of 2025 to campus


Students living at Tech this

summer might have started seeing
a few new faces around campus
this past week.
On Monday, June 21, the
first batch of incoming freshmen
moved onto campus through the
iGniTe summer launch program.
iGniTe is designed to accli-
mate freshmen to college life by
starting their time at Tech dur-
ing the five-week late summer
semester. Many students
were chosen for the pro-
gram with their Institute
acceptance letter choosing this
track for them, while others
actively chose to participate in the
Overall, 750 students began
their Tech careers on June 23
when their classes started. This
introduced over 20% of the Class
of 2025 to Tech.
One member of this student
body is Vicente Miranda, a first-
year CS major. Miranda was one
of the students who was chosen Photo by Taylor Gray Student Publications
to participate in iGniTe, and he Lily Arnold and the Summer Sessions student team help incoming first-years move in. These
was initially disappointed by the freshmen are starting their Tech careers earlier than their peers through the iGniTe summer program.
idea of summer classes.
“I was a little skeptical. I wasn’t but it was made very smooth by doing graphics, next week I’m as they adjust into their new people, and you have so many
sure how many people were going everyone helping out,” he said. doing more events. “I’m [a Team lives as college students, their great opportunities to talk to your
through the summer program,” The team aiding Miranda Leader (TL) for the] GT 1000 for older peers are also readjusting classmates. It gives you an edge
Miranda said. “I started look- and his peers in their transitions Analyzing Atlanta.” to life as in-person experiences compared to the students who
ing into it a little more. into college includes third-year Arnold herself was an iGniTe make their return. are starting in the Fall, because
There’s a website about it, LMC major, Lily Arnold, who student in 2019 and is excited to This transition for both all of a sudden you know a
and I joined a GroupMe and works as an intern in the Summer pass along her positive experi- groups is made easier through good amount of professors and
a Discord server and a Snap- Session office. ences. the slow introduction the faculty and a lot of students.
chat group, and all of the “[The Summer Sessions team “This is the future of campus, of incoming students to campus, If there’s any students who are
students in those places seemed has] been planning events, we’ve and it’s cool that I’m one of the and while summer classes may considering taking iGniTe next
to have similar skepticism about been preparing for all of [the first faces they see and that I get not necessarily be every year or in the years following,
iGniTe. Taking three classes in incoming students’] questions, to shape their experience going graduating high school stu- just know that it might seem
five weeks [wasn’t what we want- we’ve been making sure every- into Georgia Tech as much dent’s idea of the perfect se- a little [annoying], but you can’t
ed] to do with our summer.” one on campus is aware they’re as I can,” she said. “They’re nior summer, they certain- go wrong starting college just a
However, once he started starting,” Arnold said. paying a lot of money to ly have shown this year’s little bit earlier.”
talking to people in the different But that is only a frac- be here, so I want them to iGniTe students what the Insti- Prospective Tech students can
online chats, Miranda’s outlook tion of what Arnold does for at least enjoy their weird little tute is all about. learn more about applying to
quickly changed. Summer Sessions. summer semester in college.” “I wasn’t necessarily stoked for the Institute at admission.gatech.
“It was a little challenging “My job changes every- One thing that stands out [iGniTe], but it surprised me,” Mi- edu, and they too can participate in
trying to fit everything together, day,” she said “This week I’m about the Class of 2025 is that randa said. “You just meet so many iGniTe in the years to come.

sliver // your thoughts

Janat is the best EIC!!! Thank you to her for all she does!
what does the word sliver even mean
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
anyone else think the brawny man is kinda hot
my first crush was howl from howl’s moving castle NEWS EDITOR
i don’t think highly is a word... Janat Batra EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Maya Torres
peace. love. nique. Taylor Gray MANAGING EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR
read the newspaper or die a virgin >:( Micah Veillon
Joe Jonas is sexy Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the LIFE EDITOR
:/ Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of Hope Williams
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Technique has the best covers . Sorry NAR publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in EDITOR
I <3 Sarah M. the summer. Emma Ryan
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I think I’m becoming a plant mom! :) ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.net/
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Happy birthday, Jimmy! Amanda Wang
Happy almost 4th of July! Copyright © 2021, Janat Batra, Editor-in-Chief, and the Georgia
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Sarah Miller
It’s flannel season. reproduced in any manner without written permission from the
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Happy belated Father’s Day! I love mty dad. :) not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Pub- HEAD COPY EDITOR
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Crema Espresso Gormet
// NEWS technique • July 2, 2021• 3

el, as well as the Vice Provost for All in all, enrollment at the uni- When asked about his recep- dent of Georgia State univer-
GSU FROM PAGE 1 academic affairs and Dean of the versity increased to over 50,000, tion of the president, Blake was sity, and is notably the first Black
Graduate School at the University and Becker has demonstrated that clearly aware of what it meant, president of the school since its
Blake was hired for his efforts of Miami. His background will he has been more than capable and how important the position founding in 1918. For the first time
at George Washington University, certainly be essential, as Geor- of changing and adapting to the truly is. in its history, a Black man will be
where he served as the Executive gia State’s outgoing president challenge and needs of the school, “I’m deeply honored to have leading the school that, just
Vice President and Provost of the was one of the best it has had in whether those are presented by been selected as Georgia State 60 years prior, would regularly
university. His role at the univer- recent memory. the student body, the city, or the president,” Blake said in an in- publish pro-segregationist opin-
sity most notably included trans- Under Becker, the university nation, as we saw with the emer- terview with Savannah Morning ions and beliefs in its papers and
forming the school’s approach to has increased its graduation rate gence of COVID-19. News. “I’m keenly aware of what newsletters.
teaching and pedagogy following by 22%, and currently leads the Becker’s list of accomplish- President (Mark) Becker and the While the school has demon-
the COVID-19 pandemic and nation in eliminating disparities ments is staggering given his faculty, staff and students have strated in the past that it is well
assisting in ensuring the enrolled in graduation rates amongst its tenure of 12 years, and it cer- accomplished, and I am anx- past these events, as it currently
student body was still able to learn minority students. The university tainly presents Blake with some ious to build on the university’s is one of the most diverse and
and succeed amid a less than ideal has become a member of Division rather large shoes to fill. But the great momentum. Working to- inclusive schools in the state,
academic environment. I athletics, increased its research newly appointed president-elect gether, I know we can take our Blake’s appointment ultimately
Prior to that, he served as the expenditures by 153%, and also is no stranger to challenging cir- university to new heights in the brings the university’s troubled
Executive Vice President and merged with Georgia Perimeter cumstances, and is certainly over coming years.” past and redemption full circle, in
Nina Henderson Provost at Drex- College under Becker’s tenure. qualified for the position. Blake will be the eighth presi- the best way possible.

Clarkston builds soccer field for refugees

TEHREEM HUSSAIN dren also received a seminar per- host outreach events and of- ally taxing on children in their With a large international
CONTRIBUTING WRITER taining to “My Value, My Influ- fer assistance in terms of formative years. student population and a diverse
ence, and My Duty,” by the HWPL organizing medical and legal Community-building initia- community, Tech’s campus is
Whether it’s the mass displace- Atlanta’s Peace Education Team to guidance for refugee families. tives help restore a sense of au- not far removed from the refugee
ment of the Rohingya Muslims cement values of cooperation, The culmination of insti- tonomy to refugee children as crisis.
from Myanmar’s northern Rakh- peace-building, and individual tutional dysfunction, military they take ownership of their final For students interested in vol-
ine State, the presidential crisis impact. intervention, mass relocation, product and cooperatively engage unteering their time and services,
in Venezuela forcing relocation Organizations like HWPL and and acclimation to a new country with other children, who share F.R.E.E. has opportunities for
for millions, or the decade of F.R.E.E. understand the impor- is difficult for any individual to go the experiences that have shaped engagement in Clarkston on their
civil war creating unstable living tance of engaging the youth of through, but it can be exception- their worldview. website.
conditions for Syrian citizens, the refugee communities in activities
global refugee crisis is one that that highlight aspects of commu-
demands attention and allocation nity, trust, leadership, and team-
of resources. work.
Non-governmental organiza- Specifically, HWPL’s impact
tions (NGOs) and non-profits transcends the metro-Atlanta area
have been instrumental in as- as they’ve signed Memorandums
sisting individuals with refugee of Understanding (MOUs) with
status in regards to obtaining le- 214 organizations in 36 countries
gal aid for asylum applications within the past two years.
and supporting them through- Man Hee Lee, the chairman of
out the transitionary period. As HWPL, echoes the organization’s
such, one NGO recognized by mission of cultivating peaceful
the United Nations ECOSOC societies and emphasizes, “Let
with a chapter operating not far us fulfill this duty by putting in
from Tech’s campus is HWPL- concerted efforts into the
Atlanta. Declaration of Peace and Ces-
The organization is dedicated sation of War (DPCW) to be
to the cessation of war and in implemented as international law
correspondence with the non- to achieve true peace across the
profit, Friends of Refugees Provid- globe.”
ing Education and Empowerment Aside from peace legisla-
(F.R.E.E.), hosted a community- tion, HWPL has also created an
building event for the Refugee alliance of religions to sup-
Community of Clarkston, Geor- port interfaith dialogue on the
gia. cessation of war as many conflicts
About 20 children part of resulting in mass displacement
the Clarkston refugee commu- are catalyzed by religious and
nity participated in building a political turmoil.
soccer field, which will be used F.R.E.E. has expanded ef- Photo courtesy of HWPL ATL
primarily by the community for forts since the organization’s Children from Refugee Community of Clarkston, Georgia are given the opportuni-
future games and events. The chil- development in 2010; they ty to play soccer on the new field built through the non-profit organization F.R.E.E.

A look back at the 1996 Olympic Games

MORGAN WHITTEMORE into Atlanta and Tech’s recent his- significant for the heavy reli- provements in Atlanta’s infra- Institute, went through countless
NEWS STAFF WRITER tory. ance on private sponsorships to structure and the construction designs for the torch with his
By the numbers, the 1996 cover costs, which led to com- of Centennial Olympic Park and team, balancing both the looks
With the Tokyo 2020 Olym- Games boast many notewor- plaints of over-commercial- what is now Center Parc Stadium. and functionality of the impor-
pics beginning in less than a thy figures in Olympic history. ization of the games but also Many of these projects revitalized tant Olympic symbol. Shelton also
month, people all over the world Aptly referred to as the Centen- allowed the city of Atlanta to turn Atlanta’s economy and bolstered participated in the torch re-
are looking forward to seeing the nial Olympic Games, the event a profit afterwards. its reputation as a true global city. lay and carried his creation
epic athletic festival make its re- was the 100th anniversary of the The event also had many Tech also contributed to the along its journey to Centennial
turn after a year of delay. While first modern Olympic Games defining moments, such as Games’ success and reaped the Olympic Stadium.
most Tech students are resigned in 1896. The Games were also the boxing legend Muhammed Ali benefits they brought to the city. Alexander Memorial Coli-
to watching the games on TV first to include athletes from all lighting the cauldron to kick off McAuley Aquatic Center was seum, now McCamish Pavilion,
this year, past members of the 197 recognized National Olym- the games, and especially impres- constructed for the Olympics and also underwent renovations and
Tech community were able to pic Committees; they also saw sive performances in track and the facility eventually expanded served as the competition site for
see the Olympics take place the debut of multiple events, such field that year. The 1996 Games into the CRC. Some dorms on Paralympic volleyball.
right in their backyard. as beach volleyball, mountain were also marred by the Centennial campus were also originally built The massive efforts to prepare
The Atlanta 1996 Olympic biking, and women’s soccer, which Olympic Park bombing on July for the Olympic Village, housing for the Olympic Games almost
Games were held from July 19 – brought the total number of sports 27, an attack by an American elite athletes from all over the 25 years ago still impact life at
Aug. 5, 1996, and were the last featured to 26 with 271 events terrorist that wounded 111 people world. Tech and in Atlanta today. Wheth-
summer Olympic Games held in in total. and led to the deaths of Tech provided more than just er students are living in the former
the United States. Despite tak- The 1996 Games were also two others. infrastructure to the Olympics, Olympic Village or taking a walk
ing place almost 25 years ago, the important for American Olym- Despite the tragedy during as a Tech professor designed through Centennial Olympic
impacts of this event are still pic history, as they were the first the Games, its aftereffects on the Olympic torch for the event. Park, life at the Institute has been
evident today in the city and on time since 1968 that the US Atlanta and Tech were over- Sam Shelton, former ME shaped by the same games that
campus, and reflecting on the won a non-boycotted summer whelmingly positive. Preparations professor and Director Emeritus the world will tune in to again
games also represents diving games. The games were also for the games led to massive im- of Tech’s Strategic Energy this summer.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Hope Williams Studying abroad at GTL
Natalie Boutwell
Students share their experiences while
studying abroad at GT Lorraine
July 2, 2021
life@nique.net this summ

Summer K-12 workshops inspire STEM education

NATALIE BOUTWELL in STEAM), an in-person option, tual learning experiences of this students to the research that is Georgia Tech student assistants,
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR and STEAM Whistle Workshops, summer,” Barnes said. taking place on campus.” K-12 educators and the support
a virtual option. This year’s in-person pro- Topics this summer include of the Georgia Tech administra-
Since June 7, Tech’s Center for “We actually started our vir- grams will be altered slightly Lego Robotics, Game and App tion,” Barnes said. “I am thankful
Education Integrating Science, tual programs in response to for COVID-19 with fewer slots Development, Weather Forecast- to everyone that plays a part in
Mathematics, and Computing COVID-19,” Barnes said. “We available for each session and no ing, Kitchen Chemistry and many supporting our work.”
(CEISMC) has been offering vari- knew that we couldn’t provide family showcase to ensure social others. Several summer programs Each workshop lasts about a
ous summer programs for K-12 programs on-campus in Summer distancing. also have a focus on the 17 United week, and scholarships are avail-
students. The programs, offered 2020 and wanted to ensure that Other protocols such as daily Nations Sustainable Development able for students who may not be
in both a virtual and in-person we continued to provide our same health screenings, face masks and Goals (SDGs) to follow Tech’s able to afford the program fee.
format, will last until July 23. high quality summer learning ex- frequent cleaning will also help to new mission and strategic plan to The summer workshops pro-
The Technique recently reached perience, so we created STEAM make the summer programs safe. help promote, implement and ad- vide many benefits for K-12
out to Sirocus Barnes, the Di- Whistle Workshops.” Each summer, CEISMC’s vance the SGDs at the Institute. students.
rector of Student Programs at This summer’s virtual pro- summer programs focus on a vari- Both the Summer P.E.A.K.S “[They] explore STEM con-
CEISMC, to learn more about grams will include a mix of syn- ety of topics with differing activi- and STEAM Whistle Workshops tent in fun and engaging ways,”
the K-12 summer programs and chronous and asynchronous ties geared to elementary, middle are taught by Tech faculty, staff Barnes said. “Our feedback from
the Center itself. learning, group projects and vir- school and high school students. and students as well as area teach- participants consistently year af-
“CEISMC is Georgia Tech’s tual lab tours. Barnes said, “Workshops and ers and STEAM professionals. ter year is that our programs teach
K-12 Education Research and “We took all of the lessons offerings are based off interest of “In order to do this work well, them new STEM content [which
Outreach Center. Annually, learned from last year through past participants, current trends it takes the CEISMC Student creates] increased engagement
CEISMC programs impact more feedback from our students and in K-12 STEM education and GT Programs team which includes and interest in STEM and STEM
than 39,000 students, 1,700 their families to enhance the vir- faculty who want to connect K-12 full-time CEISMC colleagues, careers.”
teachers, 200 schools in over 75 This outcome is the goal of
school districts throughout the CEISMC and Tech’s K-12 STEM
state of Georgia,” Barnes said. Connection: to reduce the barrier
“The unit works closely with pub- between K-12 and higher educa-
lic and private stakeholders to ex- tion and to lead systemic changes
pand the reach of the Institute’s to increase STEM interest and
STEM education efforts in urban achievement for all students,
communities near Georgia Tech especially underrepresented
as well as those in rural school students.
districts throughout the state of As Barnes states, it takes a vil-
Georgia.” lage to “increase the pipeline of
CEISMC hosts classes, work- underserved and underrepresent-
shops and various programs for ed K-12 students into STEM ma-
K-12 students outside of the tradi- jors and careers … and Georgia
tional school day during the after Tech is part of that village.”
school hours, weekends and sum- To Barnes, working for
mers. The programs have the goal CEISMC and helping to create its
of inspiring interest in STEM summer programs is “one of the
enrichment. most rewarding jobs on campus.”
This summer, CEISMC “My team and I get to design
is hosting two opportunities fun learning experiences for K-12
for K-12 students: Summer Photo courtesy of Roxanne Francis students to prepare the next gen-
P.E.A.K.S (Programs for Enrich- The CEISMC P.E.A.K.S and STEAM Whistle Workshops offer K-12 students with eration of STEM professionals,”
ment and Accelerated Knowledge an opportunity to learn more about various areas of STEM education. Barnes said.

A guide to furry friends on campus

WILL FUSS having the feline company. that having my cat with me was a while.” they wait to be adopted. Jake
SPORTS EDITOR “They were a huge emotional beneficial for my mental health. I Animals only have to be reg- Smith, third-year NRE, has fos-
support for me while I was in- had a lot going on at that time so istered once, though, and after tered four cats over the past year,
While home for the summer, terning, taking classes and deal- having my cat with me was essen- Rashed registered her ESA, he was living with them in his room in
many students are getting to en- ing with some mental health stuff tial,” Cheng said. in the system throughout her time his fraternity house.
joy the company of their family throughout the semester. It’s been She enjoyed bringing him at Tech. “[It was] super easy,” Smith
pets. Pets do not always have to nice having a source of uncon- around campus. Not all students adopt either. said of the fostering process. “I
stay home, though, and some stu- ditional love every time I come “This past semester I took him Fostering helps keep animals out put my name down on a list to re-
dents bring theirs along to college. home, and they’re something I to the EcoCommons a couple of of shelters in the short run while See PETS, page 9
Many, including Jared Car- can talk about and bond over with times, and I like to think that see-
bone, fourth-year CS, find that other people,” Dong said. ing a cat on a leash walking by the
bringing a pet to college helps Emotional support animals, flowers brightened a few peoples’
them develop a routine. or ESAs, are another good way to days,” Cheng said.
On his dog, Waya, Carbone have pets on campus. Many stu- The process for getting an ESA
said, “Waya is the rock of my dents will bring an animal, com- registered can be difficult, though.
schedule, and we are constantly monly a cat, to campus with them “The requirement of a therapist
helping each other lead a healthier for emotional support and com- letter may automatically exclude
lifestyle that requires me to plan pany as a way to maintain their many people who would benefit a
each day out in advance.” mental health. lot from having their animal with
Campus is fairly pet-friendly, Emma Sweigart, fourth-year them but don’t have the funds for
with dogs and outdoor cats of- LMC, benefits from an ESA. a healthcare provider recommen-
ten seen around. Carbone lives She detailed how her cat dation,” Cheng said.
in Home Park, but often brings helps her. Fatma Rashed, BME ‘21, had
Waya into campus on walks or for “Taking care of her helps keep a registered ESA as an RA in the
meetings with other dogs. me grounded and reminds me to first-year dorms. She said that
“The EcoCommons are great take care of myself,” Sweigart said. having him around was beneficial,
since the squirrels haven’t fig- A registered ESA can help but that getting him approved
ured out how to live there yet. students who want or need the was difficult.
Tech Green is classic as well,” support keep their pet around “The process was frustrating
Carbone said. no matter the housing situa- because you have to get approval
For those looking for a smaller tion. Vivian Cheng, fourth-year from the disabilities services of-
pet, students often adopt or fos- BIOS, lived in the North Avenue fice… but the hurdle was from
ter cats. Hillary Dong, third-year apartments and had a cat as a Housing itself,” Rashed said. “You
PUBP major, adopted a pair of registered ESA. have to give proof of vaccination Photo courtesy of Jared Carbone
cats in January. They lived in off- “To register I had to provide and all that jazz, but then Hous- Waya, owned by Jared Carbone, fourth-
campus apartments and enjoyed a therapist letter basically stating ing holds the process hostage for year CS, is one of many campus pets.
8 • July 2, 2021• technique // LIFE

Broadening horizons while studying abroad

SOPHIA ABEDI food I have eaten here just within “My top place on my bucket
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the first few weeks has been amaz- list is Zermatt, Switzerland, home
ing. I am going to Italy in July to to the famous Matterhorn in the
This time last year, students see my parents and am awaiting Alps! It’s such a beautiful area,
were unable to go abroad, col- the pasta.” and I plan to do lots of hiking
leges had to cancel their study Schmersal also spoke on what there later in the summer.”
abroad programs and the entire she was most nervous about prior Warrington has been able
world had shut down most forms to traveling to Lorraine for the to successfully avoid any tour-
of travel. Fast forward to this summer. ist traps, but the lack of seating
summer: Tech has been able to “As far as nerves go, I wasn’t at restaurants due to COVID-19
successfully reopen their GT Lor- that nervous as I traveled abroad restrictions has been a bit of a
raine program, and many excited to Australia in high school,” struggle.
Tech students signed up to experi- Schmersal said. “Surprisingly, I haven’t done
ence what many say is an experi- “I will for sure miss my parents very many touristy things here!”
ence of a lifetime. and America, especially being in Warrington said. “However, in
Thankfully, due to the travel the States for the Fourth of July, many cities, it is hard to find a
safety measures, students are able but I am super excited to be in table outside at restaurants, so in
to safely travel abroad and take Europe!” Lyon my travel group came very
classes while exploring the coun- Almoney commented on the close to stopping at a McDon-
tries they are located in. academic aspects of study abroad. alds!”
The GT Lorraine (GTL) study “The classes at GTL are more Third-year BA Surbhi Bhat-
abroad’s campus base is in Metz, compact because we have less ter discussed her experience dur-
France, and students have been class time to learn the material,” ing study abroad thus far and
having a blast. second-year ISYE Grace Almoney how traveling to other countries
From seeing the Mona Lisa at said, “but the professors under- has allowed her experience to be
the Louvre, to visiting Belgium stand that we also want to travel heightened through seeing other
on the weekend — students are around Europe while we are here, cultures.
able to have fun and enjoy their so the workload isn’t as heavy.” “It’s been incredible! GTL
time while also taking courses Almoney emphasized the im- is go, go go ... you travel on the
and getting ahead in their studies. portance of being open to trying weekends and study on the week-
The Technique talked to a few new things and exploring the rich days. But I wouldn’t have it any
students who are studying abroad culture you are surrounded by other way,” Bhatter said. “My fa-
right now and absolutely enjoying when you study abroad. vorite parts have been traveling
their time. Let’s take a look at the “The biggest piece of advice I with new Georgia Tech friends
great experiences they have been would give another student who and witnessing different cultures
having thus far. wants to study abroad is to keep all over Europe. I cannot recom-
Second-year BA MK Schmer- an open mind,” Almoney said. mend studying abroad at least
sal originally hoped to study “You will make so many amazing once enough!”
abroad through the Oxford Pro- new friends and have so many dif- She shared how COVID-19
gram since it had more major re- ferent experiences, and if you keep restrictions have played into her
lated courses to take, but it was an open mind about it all, it will experience studying abroad as
cancelled. make the whole trip 100x better.” well. Everything is slowly opening
“GTL seemed like the next Third-year ISYE Matt War- back up in Europe, and she shared
best option,” Schmersal said. rington emphasized his favorite on what it has felt like so far.
“GTL was the best option be- part about being abroad is that “It’s been different, but we
cause I knew it was going to he can fully immerse himself in are definitely a lucky bunch,”
happen with Covid. Also, I re- the French culture and practice Bhatter said. “As soon as we got to
ally liked that it was in France — the language. Europe, things started opening up
how can you not love croissants Being abroad he can also eas- such as restaurants and museums.
and cheese! Also, Metz is really ily travel to nearby countries and I still think we are getting the full
nice because it’s close to so many even plans to cross off some items study abroad experience, just with
other countries and provides easy on his bucket list. masks on! COVID restrictions
train travel.” “So far my favorite part about are definitely taking longer to ease
Schmersal also discussed what studying abroad is that it al- up here than in the States. We are
she is most excited for during her lows me to practice my French! just now getting around to eating
time abroad this summer. I’ve been able to converse with indoors and traveling across most
“I was definitely the most ex- shop owners and waiters, and borders. But on the bright side, we
cited about food,” Schmersal said. it makes me feel like I’m more are all getting to explore Europe
“I am a huge foodie and love try- than just a tourist in France,” without tourist traffic and see a lot
ing new foods. I can say that the Warrington said. more locals.”

Top R and Bottom R: Photo courtesy of Surbhi Bhatter; Middle R and Bottom L: Photo courtesy of Grace Almoney
Students attending GT Lorraine have been able to travel to several countries in Europe with more and more
COVID-19 restrictions lifting. Cities students have visited include Brussels, Belgium and Lyon, France.
// LIFE technique • July 2, 2021• 9

JUNETEENTH FROM FRONT ulations until December 1865, thoughts on Juneteenth being to happen anytime soon, but we later explaining that Afro-opti-
which was when the 13th Amend- made a federal holiday, just sev- will continue to fight to try to get mism celebrates Black thought
something Black and minority ment was ratified. eral days after the Georgia Board these things entered into the cur- in the context of modernity and
communities have faced since the Brock related this to the recent of Education passed a resolution riculum so that people can learn,” capitalism.
beginning of this country, includ- creation of a federal holiday for that supports banning Critical Brock said. At the end of Brock’s presen-
ing in public policy, news articles Juneteenth. Race Theory from Georgia public Brock was also asked about his tation, he mentioned how Black
and church sermons. “The creation of a federal holi- schools for kindergarten through thoughts on the commodification joy, which gives a capacity for
The Emancipation Proclama- day to mark a successful historical twelfth grade. of Juneteenth and movements to self-care, is necessary to fight op-
tion, issued by President Abra- disinformation campaign is kind The resolution does not cur- shop at and support only Black- pression.
ham Lincoln in 1862 and effec- of what America does,” Brock rently apply to higher education, owned businesses and vendors for This idea is further explored
tive starting on Jan. 1, 1863, freed said. including Tech. the day. in his book, “Distributed Black-
enslaved people in the Confed- “It’s more of a DEI [Diversity, “I will teach about diversity, “The idea that Black businesses ness: African American Cybercul-
erate States of America, but not Equity and Inclusion] initiative equity and social justice in the will benefit from Juneteenth is a tures.”
the entire United States, includ- than actual redress.” classroom and doing that without good one,” Brock said. “We must hold space for things
ing in the border states of Dela- Namely, this does not enact critical race robs me of a crucial “The ways that they can ben- that bring us life and joy in order
ware, Kentucky, Maryland and any tangible policy changes to tool that I need,” Brock said. efit though, is severely constrained to later navigate things that will
Missouri. support Black Americans. Other attendees asked Brock by the way racial capitalism keeps give us trouble,” Brock said.
“Myths about Lincoln, the “Considering that our people if Juneteenth’s status as a federal them from being able to take ad- After the virtual portion end-
Republican Party and American have built this nation, but we still holiday would force schools to vantage of networks of distribu- ed, the event moved to the Tech
democracy in general promote haven’t been offered reparations, change their curriculum to in- tion, of marketing, of product Green.
this proclamation as altruistic and much less a bill through this cur- clude teachings about events tra- fulfillment, of shipping and ev- Two fraternities, Omega Psi
moral, but in truth, it was a mili- rent Congress to address anti- ditionally left out of the history erything else.” Phi and Phi Beta Sigma, and two
tary and political propaganda ef- Black policing strategies that have curriculum, or if more would need Brock explained that he aligns sororities, Delta Sigma Theta and
fort to sow discord behind enemy ended in the murders of George to be done. theoretically and morally with Af- Zeta Phi Beta, tabled at the event.
lines,” Brock said. Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Brock mentioned examples of ro-optimism, as opposed to Afro- There were interactive activi-
Brock continued that Texas Arbery here in Georgia, Rayshard racist violence such as the Tulsa pessimism. ties including games, food and a
was not the last state to free en- Brooks here in Atlanta and many Race Massacre in 1921 and the “Blackness, by the theoretical student performance.
slaved people. more,” Brock said. Rosewood Massacre in 1923. framework of Afro-pessimism, is A full recording of the virtual
In fact, Delaware and Ken- After Brock’s presentation, at- “Institutionally, systemati- incommensurable with Western talk can be accessed at youtube.
tucky did not free enslaved pop- tendees asked Brock about his cally, structurally it’s not going society and culture,” Brock said, com/watch?v=p8zc4Vzg_vM.

Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications
The Juneteenth Commemoration event featured an in-person portion with The event was hosted by OMED and three Black student
interactive activities, including this poster board for attendee responses. organizations including ASA, AASU and GT CaribSA.

PETS FROM PAGE 7 some unique to the college expe- pet,” Sweigart said. the willingness to keep it after col- fees were definitely higher than I
rience. Larger animals like dogs Rashed spoke about ensur- lege,” Rashed said. expected,” Dong said.
ceive emails about potential fos- need attention and exercise. ing a pet’s comfort, saying that a Sweigart recommends creating Cheng had similar advice.
ter animals, and they send like “To meet his [Waya’s] exercise challenge was “him being easily a comfortable space. “Make sure you can keep up
five emails a week with different requirement, I have to block out a frightened by super loud noises, “Take advantage of the three- with the regular expenses and
foster pleas.” significant amount of time to ex- especially unscheduled mainte- dimensional space in your room responsibilities associated with
Smith recommends fostering ercise him via walking or running nance in the halls and fire alarms.” or apartment. Providing your cat an animal, especially if you’ve
to others. each day,” Carbone said. Student pet owners agree mak- with places to climb and hide will previously split responsibilities
“It’s nice to have animals Sweigart points out the diffi- ing sure your animal is well pro- keep them happy even in a small with someone else. Unexpected
around for entertainment and de- culties of living in close quarters vided for is essential. Pets are a space,” Sweigart said. costs happen, so have a plan,”
stress, but it also helps the animals with other people. significant financial undertaking, Dong recommends keeping in Cheng said.
by getting them out of the shel- “I have had to be very consci- “Make sure you have the finan- mind the financial impact pets. “But overall, having a pet
ter,” Smith said. entious about preventing noise, cial means to pay for [its needs, “Pet supplies can be expensive. with you can be the best way to
Having pets on campus is not odors, damage and the other like] the vet and food, someone I also had to take my cats to the keep a routine and keep your
without challenges, including things that come with having a to take care of it if you can’t and vet recently, and some of the vet stress down.”

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OPINIONS EDITOR: Micah Veillon technique

Rather than admit defeat, I
decided to change my goals.
- David Sedaris
July 2, 2021

I didn’t look in a mirror

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

Should Olympians be allowed to protest

on the international stage? for an entire year
During the 1968 Summer Olympics, sents and that she would not stand or ac- whatsoever to my own hunger and
U.S. sprinters Tommie Smith and John knowledge something that disrespected her satiety cues, and that the idea that
my body could regulate its own
Carlos bowed their heads on the medal people. While we believe that Berry had the food intake without constant mi-
platform as the “The Star-Spangled Ban- right to demonstrate her beliefs during the cromanagement was absurd.
ner” played and raised their fists as a sign of U.S. trials, it is important to consider that I often felt discouraged, think-
ing that I wasn’t intuitively eating
protest. In his autobiography, Smith stated not every athlete who will be competing at “correctly”. I could tell my body
that the gesture was not a “Black Power” the international level of the Olympics has composition was fluctuating, my
salute, but rather a “human rights” salute. the same freedom to do so. hunger was often unstable, but I
continued on with the support of
Nonetheless, the demonstration has been The ability to protest is a privilege that those around me.
referenced as one of the most political state- constituents of the United States have, but Over time, listening to my
DANI SISSON body and responding with accep-
ments in the history of the Olympic games. it is not a luxury afforded to every Olympic tance to whatever hunger showed
Years later, we are reminded of this in- athlete by their own country, and one of up, whenever it showed up, I start-
stance through Gwen Berry, a track and the reasons why the Olympic games push Content Warning: Body Dysmor- ed to think less about food. I ate
phia, Disordered Eating exactly what I wanted, whenever I
field athlete, who recently competed in the for political neutrality is to protect athletes wanted, with absolutely no restric-
In March of 2020, as the world
women’s hammer throw final at the 2020 from political interference or exploitation. was descending into a lockdown, tion, and my body flourished.
U.S. Olympic Track & Field Team Trials. Rule 50’s prohibition from political dem- I remember anxiously scrolling Whether it be because of the
through Facebook and happen- sudden satisfaction of nutritional
Berry sparked controversy as she turned onstration on the international stage is also ing across a post by an acquain- requirements or the lack of con-
away from the American Flag during the put into place to protect people from nega- tance from high school: “Remem- stant mental anguish over food
ber that it is okay to gain weight and the consequently high cor-
national anthem while standing on the po- tive expressions, like someone raising their tisol levels, I began to have more
during quarantine.” Simple as
dium after receiving a bronze medal. Prior hand in a Nazi salute. it was, that modicum of accep- energy throughout my days, and
to this, Berry also raised a fist during the The Olympic games are undoubtedly po- tance would burrow its way into I began to see my body as healthy
my mind and act as the catalyst by the way that it functioned rath-
2019 Pan American Games, for which she litical to a degree, with sports and politics er than by the way it looked.
for one of the most monumental
was placed on probation. being tied to national identities by raising changes in my life to date. After a year of avoiding mir-
After considering the historical context a sense of pride for countries with award- Growing up as a dancer, I had rors, scales, and nutrition labels,
been conditioned from an early I’ve been able to cultivate a rela-
and the larger implications of individual winning athletes, but it is important to tionship with my body based on
age to use the mirror as a place for
demonstrations during the Olympic games consider whether the Olympic stage is the self-critique, regularly spending respect, patience, and gratitude.
and trials leading up to it, the Technique be- best platform to express one’s personal be- hours a day staring at my reflec- When I look in the mirror today,
tion in an effort to perfect a new instead of seeing all of the “imper-
lieves it is necessary to uphold the political liefs or if there are more effective ways to do move, straighten my lines, correct fections” I saw a year ago, I see a
neutrality of the 2020 Summer Olympic so elsewhere. my form, or simply criticize my body that offers me nothing but
Games and maintain Rule 50 of the Olym- We find that there is enough value in body. As with many people, this
desire for control over my own
pic charter which partly reads: “No kind of making an international stage as apolitical body eventually resulted in disor-
demonstration or political, religious or ra- as possible as a measure to protect athletes, dered eating habits.
“... I’ve been able
cial propaganda is permitted in any Olym- for there is a thin line between express- With years of critical condi- to cultivate a
tioning, engagement in diet cul-
pic sites, venues or other areas.” ing your personal beliefs publicly versus ture, and fatphobic marketing
relationship with
Berry claims that her protest was against being used as a political pawn to push a serving as the backbone of my my body based on
relationship with my own body,
the historical racism that the song repre- country or politician’s agenda. I was extremely worried about respect, patience,
the possibility of weight gain dur- and gratitude. ”
ing quarantine, but that small
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the Facebook post refused to leave
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. my mind.
After several weeks of yo-yo- love, a body that is capable of in-
technique editorial board ing between restriction, guilt and
the thought of that Facebook
credible adaptability - a body that
is doing its best to keep me alive
post, I decided I had had enough. and doing a damn good job of it.
Janat Batra EDITOR-IN-CHIEF As things continue to open
I began looking into stories online
Taylor Gray MANAGING EDITOR of those that had recovered from back up here in the U.S., there is
habitual disordered eating, and I sure to be an onslaught of market-
stumbled upon the concept of “In- ing from the diet culture and well-
Hope Williams LIFE EDITOR Micah Veillon OPINIONS EDITOR ness industries as they attempt to
tuitive Eating.”
Madhura Gangal HEAD COPY EDITOR Will Fuss SPORTS EDITOR recoup profit losses from the past
Marketing itself as simply “lis-
Rahul Deshpande TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Amanda Wang DESIGN EDITOR tening” to my hunger and eating year. While my journey is far from
Dani Sisson PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Sarah Miller ONLINE EDITOR when I felt hungry, I was skepti- over, it is my hope that by discuss-
cal of the possibility of having a ing these issues openly, our post-
relationship with food that didn’t pandemic world can be shaped
include me counting every calorie, into a more accepting one than
Write to us: nique. Along with these letters, we are open to receiving but I was willing to give it a try. that with which we started.
If you are a student currently
letters@nique.net letters that focus on relevant issues that currently affect
Georgia Tech as a university, including its campus and
Armed with research from
the Internet and the guidance struggling with body image, dis-
Got something to say? Then let your voice be heard student body. of a licensed nutritionist, I dubi- ordered eating, or any nutrition
with the Technique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us @ When submitting letters we ask that you include ously embarked on a journey to related concerns, don’t hesitate
the_nique, check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/ your full name, year (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. For let- find my lost hunger signals and a to reach out to Georgia Tech’s
thenique and follow us on Instagram @gt_nique. We ters from faculty and staff members, we ask that you in- long unknown acceptance of my Nutrition Counseling services
want to hear your opinion and make it known to all of clude your position at the Institute. We ask that letters own body. I turned away from the (healthinitiatives.gatech.edu/
campus. be thought provoking, well written and in good taste. mirror, and began trying to look suppor t-ser v ice s/nut rit ion-
We also welcome your letters to the Editor We reserve the right to both reject or edit letters for inward in an effort to cultivate a counseling) or any of Georgia
in response to Technique content as well as top- length and style. healthier relationship with myself. Tech’s other counseling services
ics relevant to campus. We will print letters on a For questions, comments or concerns, please It was difficult, at first. After al- (counseling.gatech.edu/). Other
timely and space-available basis. Each week we contact the Opinions Editor, Micah Veillon, at most two decades of marketing helpful resources can be found on
look for letters that are responses to or commen opinions@nique.net or the Editor-in-Chief, Janat around needing to control, opti- the National Alliance on Men-
taries on content found within the pages of the Tech- Batra, at editor@nique.net mize or bio-hack my own body, tal Health’s website (nami.org/
I felt as if I had no connection Home).
// OPINIONS technique • July 2, 2021• 5

W hy I love ou r A mer i c a which comes about to secure life rights we think of life, liberty,
OPINIONS EDITOR itself and continues to secure the and property; however, I think we
good life. make a mistake when speaking of
In Federalist No. 14, James I’m not here to compose a trea- rights in an abstract and esoteric
Madison so movingly remarked, tise on government, however, vis- manner. Any law, in and of itself,
in regard to our revolutionary iting Aristotle will prove worth- will restrict freedom, for example.
forefathers, “Happily for America, while because we learn from him The problem is whether or
happily, we trust, for the whole that the state is a natural thing. not it is restricted with justifica-
human race… they accomplished Now, the question of what kind tion. The law should be about the
a revolution which has no parallel of state we should constitute is judgements that ordinary people
in the annals of human society… another question, one some of our make everyday of their lives. This
They formed the design of a great founders disagreed on. is what we, as Americans, inherit
confederacy, which it is incum- Writing to Madison, concern- from the common law tradition.
bent upon their successors to im- ing the U.S. Constitution, Jef- We also have a Bill of Rights,
prove and perpetuate.” ferson claimed that the Earth however, Madison explicitly au-
As it currently stands, patrio- belonged to the living who should thored the ninth Amendment to
Bookish Comeback Britney’s Father tism is on a decline in America. not be “bound by the dead hand be sure to make it clear that this
Bookworms from across The #FreeBritney move- I think there are a multitude of of the past.” In response, Madi- statement of rights didn’t cover all
campus can rejoice now that ment, a social movement to factors that come into play here, son stated that “the improvements of them.
physical books are coming show support for pop star however, I am of the firm belief made by the dead form a debt While it is marvelous to have
back to Tech’s main campus Britney Spears as she attempts that the historical ignorance prop- against the living, who take the a government instituted on the
library. On Monday, June 28 to remove her father from her agated by the apostles of vanity benefit of them.” Madison, per idea of respecting the sovereignty
President Cabrera and Provost legal conservatorship, gained and political charlatans masquer- usual, was right here. Humans do of the individual and the natural
McLaughlin were spotted at momentum this week as ading as academics have certainly not enter the world spontaneously law, our founders knew that poli-
Crosland Tower playing librar- Spears appeared in court to exacerbated this decline. with no attachments. We are born tics exists to maintain peace and
ians as they helped to shelve speak out about her situation. Nonetheless, as Americans we into families, with obligations the rule of law, and to permit civil
the first of 30,000 physical Her testimony detailed the se- truly are heirs to a marvelous in- from the moment we are con- society to flourish — as it is itself
books in the space. The return vere control her father has over heritance, links in the social chain ceived. As Montesquiue states in the end, and government is the
of physical books to the library every aspect of her life, includ- of giving and receiving. We are Book V of The Spirit of the Laws, mean to ensure it does not grow
was long-awaited. ing her reproductive rights. where we are because of the cus- “at our coming into the world, we out of control.
toms and traditions of our fore- contract an immense debt to our This cannot be achieved pru-
fathers — especially those of the country, which we can never dis- dently, or sustained through time,
Anglo-Saxon tradition, which we charge.” without the separation of powers
are an extension of here in Amer- As beneficiaries of the Ameri- and the marvelous principles of
ica, and which has become the can tradition, we owe a debt to federalism that our constitution
Anglo-American tradition. our forefathers that we cannot demands from our government.
As Americans, we have been af- dismiss, and we are obligated, as To conclude, we, as Americans,
forded many profound blessings. I Madison said, to improve and per- are heirs to a splendid inheritance
would like to talk about some of petuate it. We cannot accomplish unfathomable to most in the
these today, and why these are, this cumbersome task without a chronicles of human history. Aris-
among other things, reasons why love for our country and an un- totle teaches us that two impulses
I truly love our country. derstanding of who we are. I now will bring humans to cherish
I would like to begin detailing wish to briefly highlight the pro- something: knowing it is theirs,
Hawks Press On Solace Shooting this by turning to Aristotle. In his found ideal of natural rights and and that it is delightful.
Have the Hawks finally Many members of the Tech marvelous work, The Politics, he a government instituted among When the founding fathers
broken the Atlanta sports community that live and work begins Book I by laying out man men, by men to safeguard them, spoke of our civilization, they pur-
curse? Only time will tell as around 700 Peachtree Street as a political animal, in whose because I firmly hold it to be one posefully spoke of it in terms of a
the Hawks press on into Game experienced lockdown pro- very fabric is nested the concept worthy of our utmost affection. Union. We have inherited a spec-
5 of the conference finals cedures on Wednesday after- of association. According to Ar- To briefly cover the idea of the tacular civilization. It is not mine,
against the Milwaukee Bucks. noon as the search for a sus- istotle, it is natural for mankind natural law, I believe it’s basic te- nor is it exclusively yours. It is
Hawks fans held their breath pected gunman occurred at to associate in terms of ruler and net is formulated as such: the law ours. It belongs to the first person
during Game 3 of the series the Solace apartment complex. ruled for purposes of propaga- should start from the individual, plural: we the people; Americans
as star point guard star Trae APD officers rushed to the tion (this is also deeply nested in with his complaints or grievances- of past, present, and future gen-
Young hobbled off the court scene and one officer was shot natural order of politics laid out -the thing which has brought him erations. And it is truly delightful.
after stepping on a referee’s as the team was ambushed by by Polybius), and he gives us the to the court in the first place. Un- I hope you can come to cherish
foot. Young’s injury kept him the suspected gunman on the natural forms of association, first til the law decides otherwise, he is this wonderful land and all the
from playing in Game 4. eighth floor of the building. the household, following is that the sovereign over his own life. I benefits it provides; it is after all
of the village, and finally the state know when we think of natural our home, sweet home.
6 • July 2, 2021• technique // OPINIONS

Are hyper-sexualized music videos good for society?

matter and look to philosophy to As Hegel claims in The Phe- merely an expression. Accord- responsible being who attributes
discover why perverted outlooks nomenology of Spirit, self-con- ing to Scruton, the touch of de- desires to themself, and who de-
on sex debauche the self. sciousness rests on us being capa- sire is epistemic in character: “it sires you as you desire them: as
First and foremost, the argu- ble of free dialogue in which I am is an exploration, not of a body, free beings. It prizes mere sexual
ment I will detail here demands accountable for myself before the but of a free being in his or her excitement, free from the I-You
that we tackle what is perhaps the presence of yourself. As Scruton embodiment.” relation. As Scruton masterfully
world’s most daunting question: masterfully summarizes, “I am Desire should be understood as states, it makes sex “as though it
what does it mean to be human? I to myself because… I am you a mutual negotiation between free were a physical condition and not
In his book, On Human Nature, to another.” and responsible beings who want an expression of the self.”
Sir Roger Scruton makes the ar- We are answerable to each each other as persons, not simple To conclude, the intense sexual
gument for seeing humans not other for what we say and do. For sexual objects. nature of much of our culture to-
merely as animals, but persons, Hegel, we are subjects for each To fasten these ideas in with day perverts what it means to be a
MICAH VEILLON and for seeing personhood as that other, not objects. This subject to the topic at hand: when we look human with sexual desires.
OPINIONS EDITOR which emerges when it is possible subject encounter is one where we at our hyper-sexualized culture- We are subjects, not simply ob-
to relate to an organism in the way mutually recognize each other’s -whether it be through pornog- jects by which our sexual appetites
To keep my introduction brief, of personal relations. autonomy. raphy, inordinantely sexualized may be satisfied. Sexual desire is a
I will simply begin by stating I am We are responsible creatures Let’s now take these concepts music videos and lyrics, and the beautiful thing, it should not be
of the firm belief that this hyper- who attribute desires and inten- on human relations and apply idea of sex with no attachments- suppressed, but it should certainly
sexual culture we are perpetually tions to ourselves, but not only them to sexual and romantic re- -it all degrades the self by turning be tempered in order to live a ful-
advancing could potentially de- that, we also see each other as lations. When we are describing us merely into objects of physi- filling life and to love someone as
stroy civil society as we know it. such. We are self conscious. We two people’s desire for one anoth- cal attraction by which our sex- the free being and the person they
I don’t plan to bore you with the do not exist in a metaphysical er, we are speaking in this sense of ual desires are to be heaved onto are, and not to see them in terms
typical arguments you hear from void as pure subjects like Des- the subject to subject encounter. one another. of raw, physical attraction. The
conservatives about why WAP is cartes imagined, but we enter into Pay attention to the language It degrades the idea of love, of way in which our society is orient-
bad. Instead, I find it more worth- the physical world and encounter we use. I say that I want you. My seeing in another’s eyes that which ed in regard to sex will certainly
while to journey to the root of this others in it. desire for you is how I feel, not is like you, a subject, a person, a spoil such a sacred thing.

Good days, bad days and everything in between

to go through the motions of it all TikTok. I take my prescribed dai- I do all the right things. I go to Even when life is heavy with
when I was just going to have to ly medication, two small pills that biweekly therapy sessions and hopelessness, I am desperate not
do it again tomorrow. make the world click into place. I every few months, check in with to let my diagnosis define me. I
It wasn’t until high school drink my morning coffee, and I my psychiatrist to let her know am desperate to share my story
that I received a diagnosis for my go about my day. Life is good, and the medication is still working. I in the hopes of spreading light to
state of monotonous dread. As life is normal, and life is worth liv- exercise (or at least try to) and eat those who have momentarily lost
many would have guessed, I was ing. But that’s a good day. my greens and shower as often as I their brightness.
severely depressed. On a bad day, I sleep through can manage. I push on for my loved ones,
There is so much romanticiza- my alarms — all sixteen of them. And yet the bad days still for my peers who are also suffer-
tion of depression in the media: When I do wake up, it’s at least come, and I have to force my way ing, but above all, for myself.
the gothic-styled portraits of teen- noon, and my bed feels too safe through the groggy sludge of de- On a good day, I make my bed
MAYA TORRES age girls with dark eyes and heavy to leave. If I climb out of the spair. But despite the bitter reality (I see purpose in doing it, even
NEWS EDITOR eyeliner, the inhale of a cigarette sheets and covers, I have to face of depression, there is more to life. if I’ll have to do it all over again
when life is too much, the wrist my problems: missed texts and As I’ve gotten older and wiser, tomorrow) and do my schoolwork
Growing up, I was persistently marked with heavy scratches dirty laundry and overdue home- it’s dawned on me in little mo- and go on adventures and smile at
told I was a slob. Perhaps it was from an episode of grief. For me work assignments. It all feels like ments that I love being alive. A the little things.
because my room was in a con- at least, that’s not what depression too much, and I usually retreat happy song with the perfect lyr- On a bad day, I take a deep
stant state of disaster or because I looks like. back to my sleepy bliss. On a bad ics, morning drives with the win- breath and push myself out of
simply could not see any purpose On a good day, I wake up, day, I forget to take my medica- dows rolled down, a stolen sunset bed in hopes of a brighter tomor-
in making my bed each morning. maybe a bit slower than the aver- tion, so the world is just always with my boyfriend. I want to live row. If you or someone you know
Making my bed or folding my age person, because I simply can- a little fuzzy and a little too each of these moments to the full- is struggling with mental illness
laundry or brushing my teeth or, not fathom a morning where I get much to bear. est and stay alive long enough to and is seeking help, please contact
sometimes, even waking up each out of bed without watching at On a bad day, life seems un- see dreams manifest themselves Tech’s counseling center at coun-
morning. It just seemed pointless least 15 minutes of motivational livable. For a mentally ill person, into actuality. seling.gatech.edu.

Emma Ryan
Emily Schroeder
entertainment@nique.net July 2, 2021

The one where they get back together

had only been presented with a In reality, the cast was already emotional aspect of the reunion Though some of the guest star
TELEVISION healthy dosage of nostalgia, the fi- quite close and the emotions on broke down to make way for appearances helped to communi-
Friends: The Reunion nal product might have been bet- screen were more realistic than artificial interactions. cate the show’s timelessness, the
ter than it was. many might have assumed. The reenactments and table sheer quantity of them felt forced.
NETWORK: HBO Max The initial 20 minutes of the However, the illusion broke as reads of the scenes, however, were For example, Justin Bieber dress-
WHEN: May 27 special whizzed by, showing the soon as James Cordon entered. wonderful. The flawless editing ing up as Spudnik didn’t really
original cast reunite the set and The show seemed much more between past and current reads add anything to the show, where-
STARRING: Jennifer Aniston, pick up as if no time had passed. hollow and the reunion started coupled with some teary-eyed mo- as seeing Matt LeBlanc lunge in
Matthew Perry, Courteney The idle chit-chat and jokes em- to feel like a poor excuse for a ments made for a delightful expe- Chandler’s clothes again brought
Cox, David Schwimmer, Lisa phasized the strong connection cash grab. Given that Cordon rience. The uncut footage coupled back a hilarious scene. Even
Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc between the cast, and helped to spoke more than the cast, who with behind-the-scenes commen- with a run time of over 135 min-
««« highlight the fact that not much were sitting statically and awk- tary was eye-opening and induced utes, the reunion didn’t provide
of the chemistry present on wardly, and the rough transitions a stronger emotional response to enough screentime to guest stars
“Friends” was fake. throughout the interview, the raw the original show. took away from characters more
ANUSH SINGHAL directly related to the franchise
ENTERTAINMENT STAFF WRITER like Mr. and Mrs. Geller. Even
Janice was reduced to a few laughs
On May 27 on HBO Max, and “CHHHaaanDDlllleeeRRR
“Friends: The Reunion” brought BBBBiiiinnnnGGG!?!”
the original main cast of the icon- Because of “Friends”’ legend-
ic sitcom “Friends” together for ary status, it was impossible for
the first time since the show ended the reunion to be met with bad
17 years ago. press. However, the reunion
“Friends” is an influential piece might have been more enjoyable
of pop culture that perfectly en- if it had focused more on the
capsulates the ‘90s and has con- original main cast rather than
tinued to strike a chord with sub- depending on gimmicks like
sequent generations. guest stars.“Friends” is a cultural
The reunion was slated to phenomenon based solely on the
drop in tandem with HBO Max life of six friends living in New
on May 27 of last year, however, York, but it seems like the same
due to the pandemic filming was TV executives that initially feared
delayed twice, so the special was that the show would not do well
released a year later. had the same doubts with the re-
Rather than continuing the union. This time they made sure
series and the stories of the char- to add more to it, but one could
acters, the reunion provided fans Photo courtesy of HBO argue that they only succeeded
with an exclusive gathering of the The iconic cast of the 1990's series "Friends" is back together and in taking away from the show’s
cast to reminisce. But even if fans looking better than ever for a shot of nostalgia on the series' 17 year reunion special. original charm.

'Loki' brings fans a magically good time

TELEVISION bius (Owen Wilson, “The Intern- elements, the fast-paced action different timelines. The writers Loki’s conflicts with his own
ship”) recruits Loki to help the scenes captivate the audience by use this dynamic to enhance their humanity are the driving force
Loki TVA fix the timeline by hunting remaining grounded in reality. character development. The char- behind what makes his character
NETWORK: Disney Plus other, particularly dangerous vari- However, Loki remains the fo- acters are a mirror-image of each compelling. Despite his power
ants — namely Sylvie (Sophia Di cal point of the show. Throughout other. Their shared traits are what and arrogance, he deals with hu-
WHEN: June 9 Martino, “Yesterday”), a variant the Marvel films, his character de- make them a compelling team, man issues. Throughout his time
STARRING: Tom Hiddleston of Loki, himself. velopment was limited and often but the differing life experiences at the TVA, Loki has one clear
Director Kate Herron and cre- overshadowed by his character- set them apart from each other. goal — to find his “glorious pur-
OUR TAKE: ««««« ator Michael Waldron wield the istic mischief and arrogance. His Loki has a vulnerability he gained pose.” His desire to be a part of
chaos and confusion of Marvel’s deeper moments are built around from his relationship with his something greater than himself
expansive universe and the ins his relationship with other char- mother that Sylvie lacks. makes him accessible to audienc-
ABIGAIL SARA MATTHEWS and outs of time travel to create a acters such as his brother, Thor, Similarly, Mobius offers a es, and Hiddleston and the show’s
CONTRIBUTING WRITER magical, fast-paced and fun-filled or his mother and father, Frigga juxtaposition to Loki as the sen- writers bring this side of the char-
journey through space and time. and Odin. But “Loki” develops its sible and empathic mentor, who acter to the forefront of the narra-
On June 9, Marvel’s “Loki '' The humor and wit of the characters with compelling preci- sees Loki’s potential to help oth- tive with profound care.
premiered on DisneyPlus. The show’s dialogue works hand-in- sion, delving into the heart of its ers. Where Sylvie demonstrates Hiddleston expertly balances
show is the final installment of hand with the action sequences titular character. the potential of Loki’s power, the mischievous side of Loki that
three limited series planned to to maintain the rapid tempo of For instance, Sylvie and Loki Mobius shows the potential for audiences have come to know and
usher in Phase IV of the Mar- the story. Despite the magical share the same origin but are from his humanity. love with the more sensitive side
vel Cinematic Universe (MCU). that has merely been teased in
“Loki” delves into the story of fan- the films. Moments of emotional
favorite villain turned anti-hero, reflection, grief and regret shine
Loki, the God of Mischief (Tom through the playful arrogance ex-
Hiddleston, “Crimson Peak”). pected from the character.
The series accompanies Di Martino is the standout
sister shows “Falcon and the Win- performer of the show. She ex-
ter Soldier” and “WandaVision”, pertly emulates the Loki charac-
telling the story of the remaining teristics crafted by Hiddleston in
Avengers after the conclusion of his ten years in the MCU while
“Avengers: Endgame”. Unlike the maintaining the fierce indepen-
other two series, which begin im- dence of her own character.
mediately following the conclu- Sylvie demands individual-
sion of “Endgame”, Loki’s story ity — to be free of the Loki
begins in 2012, during the first moniker and the baggage that
Avengers movie, where he escapes accompanies it — and Di Mar-
capture due to the time-traveling tino serves up self-determination
hijinks seen in “Endgame.” and spirit in spades.
But his escape lands him in “Loki” brings wit and charm
the hands of the Time Variance to the gritty world of ominous
Authority (TVA), who prosecute overlords and inter-dimension-
him for veering off the path of al conflict, lending levity to
the Sacred Timeline, the main the dark and twisted universe
timeline controlled by ominous, Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios of its flagship films.
all-powerful beings known as the Tom Hiddleston is back as everyone's favorite anti-hero, Loki, in the newest Marvel “Loki” is available to stream on
Time Keepers. TVA agent Mo- limited series streaming exclusively on DisneyPlus. The series premiered on June 9. DisneyPlus.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • July 2, 2021• 11

Stuck 'Inside' with Bo Burnham

STAND-UP editing DIY-style was a familiar by turning his jokes into a series of their own way. has a Marxist sock puppet named
realm for him. mini music videos. Whether it be about awkward Socko explain the faults of capi-
Inside Throughout the special, The entire special centers sexting, Jeff Bezos or Faceti- talist society.
NETWORK: Netflix Burnham shows off his impressive around the question of “Should ming your mom, Burnham’s He makes numerous suicide
lighting and editing skills, with I be joking at a time like this?” songs are hilariously relevant and references and jokes about how
WHEN: May 30 funky light fixtures and effects and tells the story of a appeal to Millennial and this special is the only thing keep-
STARRING: Bo Burnham that give the special a unique ar- comedian on a mission to “heal Gen-Z humor alike. ing him from shooting himself in
tistic feel that is unusual for the the world with comedy.” Burnham also has a fair share the head and how the internet is
«« stand-up genre. It also describes Burn- of dark humor sprinkled through- ruining our lives.
Beyond his skills behind ham’s personal struggle with out the special, which may be too He also records himself living
the camera, Burnham also the agony of being trapped at intense for younger or sensitive the last few minutes of his twen-
EMILY SCHROEDER proves himself to be a talented home for so long. audiences. ties all alone in the dark while
ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR musician and songwriter. With the help of his elec- Some major themes of counting down to his 30th birth-
Rather than telling jokes tric piano and a bit of autotune, “Inside” are depression, suicide, day in despair.
Being quarantined inside directly at the camera to Burnham creates a variety of existentialism and how messed up Between songs are can-
for weeks or months on end mimic speaking to an audience, songs ranging from synth-pop the world is. did clips of Burnham setting
during the Covid-19 pandemic Burham takes a spin on to children’s show tunes that are In one of his songs explaining up his light fixtures, adjusting
left humanity with the the classic nature of live stand-up each clever and entertaining in to kids how the world works, he camera angles or simply laying
inescapable task of down in exhaustion.
coping with boredom. His hair and facial hair also get
While some picked up a new noticeably longer as the show goes
skill and others binge-watched on, and his appearance becomes
Netflix, Bo Burnham made increasingly disheveled.
a stand-up comedy special in By the end of the special,
his living room. Burnham is a completely dif-
Written, edited, shot and ferent man— a comic once
directed by the 30-year old motivated and excited to help
American comedian in his Los the world is now hopelessly
Angeles home, “Inside” pokes fun exhausted as the pandemic
at the chaos of the world through (and his new project) never
song and a touch of dark humor. seem to end.
When “Inside” was released Though how much of Burn-
on Netflix on May 30, 2021, ham’s apparent struggles on
Burnham’s fans were camera were authentic is
pleasantly surprised. definitely in question, his will-
Just five years ago, the comedi- ingness to show vulnerability
an had publicly announced he had throughout the special makes it
given up doing live shows because appealing to real, everyday people.
of panic attacks, so the release of a The pandemic offered a
comedy special was an unexpect- unique sense of universal strug-
ed and exciting step for Burnham. gle that united people across
Before his stand-up the world, and Burnham
career, Burnham was a successful Photo courtesy of Netflix wanted to do his part
Youtuber who made at-home Bo Burnham lays on the floor with camera and audio equipment around him. Bo Burn- by offering the world
comedy videos, so filming and ham's "Inside" special was created in his own living room over the course of the pandemic. something to lighten the load.

‘Cruella’ is a wicked new look for Disney

young grifter looking to make a runtime of over two hours, the and the Baroness that are each words, “goes a bit mad,” Stone
name for herself in the punk rock film is just a little too long, and its more outrageous and spectacular still manages to maintain the
Cruella fashion scene of 1970s London hyper-produced cinematic gim- than the last. more likable side of her character,
to the fashion-obsessed dog hater micks come at the expense of a Some of the most memorable and the viewer can’t help but pull
NETWORK: HBO that we all know and love. well-rounded story. moments in the film occur as the for her even if she’s rather horri-
WHEN: May 28 Lovers of 1961’s “One Hun- After dragging in the middle, rivalry between the two leading ble. Opposite Thompson’s devilish
dred and One Dalmations” will the movie wraps up with a slap- ladies escalates via increasingly Baroness, one gets the impression
STARRING: Emma Stone, appreciate the many Easter eggs, bang-boom climax of improbable flamboyant outfits. that both Emmas are having the
Emma Thompson, John Fry references, and character tie-ins events that, while entertaining, The costuming also illus- time of their life.
found in “Cruella.” slot into place a bit too tidily and trates Estella’s transformation “Cruella” is certainly not a
The inciting event for Estella’s feel rushed in comparison to the from spunky petty criminal to perfect movie, but it doesn’t have
OUR TAKE: ««««
« eventual downfall is the loss of her rest of the movie. psychotic sophisticate, and helps to be. The messaging might be a
mother at a young age under sus- As “Cruella” depicts the du- to tie in her character visually to bit weak and the plot somewhat
picious circumstances. bious girlbossification of its title the original Cruella. thin, but the production, design,
EMMA RYAN From there, Estella finds her- character, it never fully examines But perhaps the most enjoyable and cast more than compensate.
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR self alone in London, in the com- why Estella needed a redemption aspect of the film is Emma Stone’s As long as you don’t think about
pany of two sidekicks who will be arc or how this version of her ties performance as its lead charac- it too hard, it’s a wildly entertain-
The cadre of live-action familiar to anyone who grew up in with the infamous villain of the ter. Stone seems to be in her ele- ing watch, and one of the most de-
remakes produced by Dis- watching the original film: Jasper original movie (although the now- ment, and her Estella is gutsy and lightful villain origin stories since
ney in the past decade have (Joel Fry, “Yesterday) and Hor- confirmed Cruella 2 might help unapologetically self-absorbed, “Wicked.”
generally been re- ace (Paul Walter Hauser, “Rich- with that). without losing Stone’s signature “Cruella” is available to stream
ceived with lukewarm ard Jewell”). The beginning of But nevertheless, “Cruella” is elegance. As Estella, in her own now on Disney Plus.
approval. the film finds the three of them fresher, funnier and glitzier than
These films, which include pulling off a series of elaborate Disney’s other remakes. It is dark-
notably “Cinderella,” “Beau- petty heists that take advantage of er than its predecessors, but only
ty and the Beast,” “Aladdin,” Estella’s knack for costuming. dark enough to be different with-
and “Mulan,” are all Everything changes when out losing its self-awareness.
well-produced and visually stun- Estella encounters Baroness The film is a visual masterpiece,
ning, but fall short in terms of von Hellman (Thompson), a re- with an abundance of immacu-
plot and characterization. nowned fashion designer who late shots and colors and graph-
“Cruella,” Disney’s lat- becomes first Estella’s mentor and ics that give a stylish twist to its
est, is no exception. The film, then her nemesis. punk rock setting. The soundtrack,
which stars Emma Stone (“La The Baroness's cruelty, narcis- which includes songs by the Bee
La Land”) and Emma Thomp- sism, and undeniable panache fos- Gees, Nina Simone, Queen, and
son (“Nanny McPhee”) offers an ters Estella’s genius, and the desire others as well as an original song
origin story for one of Disney’s for revenge that she incites in Es- by Florence + The Machine, is
most iconic villains, along the tella leads the latter to new peaks one of the highlights of the film,
lines of 2019’s “Joker” but with a of genius—or madness. and contributes to its playfully
healthy dose of humor and lots of Thompson’s Baroness is scath- sultry atmosphere.
canines thrown in. ingly funny and delightfully The costuming alone makes
“Cruella” follows the evolu- hateable as she parallels Estella’s “Cruella” well worth the watch.
tion of its title character, Estella ascent with a spiral into insanity Fashion is an inextricable part
(played in her youth by Tipper and homicide. of the film’s plot, and designer Photo courtesy of Disney
Seifert-Cleveland and in adult- Like its predecessors, Jenny Beavan delivers with a host Ferociously fashionable Emma Stone
hood by Stone), from a firecracker “Cruella"’s plot is shaky. With a of extravagant gowns for Estella channels her inner Disney villain in her latest film Cruella.
12 • July 2, 2021• technique // ENTERTAINMENT

'Shrill' final season fizzles out

TELEVISION fatphobia, which she admits to culture. The message gets lost as their relationship after originally a romantic relationship without
later in the season. Annie waves away the controversy disapproving of her daughter’s ho- having actually done the work to
Shrill Season 3 It doesn’t take long for Annie with her own Black friends, in- mosexuality in the second season. learn how to love herself first. The
NETWORK: Hulu to recover from her disaster date cluding her roommate Fran (Lolly At its core, “Shrill” serves as one end of the second season proved
as things with Nick begin to heat Adefope, “The Spy Who Dumped of the more accurate pieces of me- hopeful for further character de-
WHEN: May 7 up. The two bond over breakfast Me”), who called Annie out for dia depicting what it’s like to live velopment as Annie finally dumps
STARRING: Aidy Bryant dates, intimate moments and being incredibly insensitive. An- life as a fat person. From receiv- her toxic boyfriend, only for that
flirty emojis until Annie tries to nie presents her friends with a ing unsolicited advice regarding hope to be demolished as the
«« move their relationship into the cake that says “Sorry I’m a dumb weight loss surgery to finding old third season continued to revolve
romantic sphere, only to be faced white witch,” explaining that the candy wrappers she used to hide around her search for romantic
with an all too relatable “you’re bakery refused to write “bitch” under the living room lamp as a love in lieu of her sitting down
TAYLOR GRAY awesome, but I don’t see you that on the cake and in the mean time kid, Annie’s experiences are pain- and working on the self love she
MANAGING EDITOR way” rejection. Just when you undercutting another opportunity fully relatable to those who have preaches in her body positive jour-
think Annie won’t recover from for Annie to take responsibility lived in fat bodies. The introduc- nalism pieces. Annie’s insecurities
Based on Lindy West’s novel of yet another heartbreak, she re- for herself and grow as a character. tion of Will’s character expands fester throughout the show and
the same name, “Shrill” wrapped unites with Will at a party and the When Annie isn’t taking the on this theme as he works through manifest into multiple character-
up its third and final season with two hit it off after Annie addresses plot of the show hostage with her his own body confidence as a plus defining, problematic moments,
the release of the last eight epi- her mistakes. self-serving antics, the third sea- sized man, which is something including blowing up at Nick for
sodes of the series on May 7. For someone attempting to son of “Shrill” allowed space for audiences don’t often get to see rejecting her romantic advances
The Hulu exclusive show be unapologetically herself, An- certain side characters to grow in popular media. But the show and stalking Will’s ex-wife.
follows plus sized Annie Easton nie ends up apologizing a lot over into storylines that were cut short ends up doing so a little too late This lack of character develop-
(Aidy Bryant, “Saturday Night the course of the season. One of too soon. Most notably, the show in the series and ultimately leaves ment haunts Annie until the fi-
Live”), a plus sized journalist, her biggest apologies surrounds a shifted focus to Fran and her part- the intersectionality of male, LG- nal moments of the show, which
as she works through societal controversial article of hers where ner Em, played by breakout star BTQIA and POC fat experiences closes with Fran and Annie seat-
fatphobia, a slew of subopti- she’s accused of humanizing a sep- E. R. Fightmaster. One of the drastically underexplored. ed next to each other on a park
mal romantic encounters and a aratist family known for preach- most feel good moments of the Throughout the last season, bench, passing a bottle of alcohol
stringent boss who routinely fails ing white supremacy. The show show is when Fran allows Em to the show seems to lose sight of between them. With both char-
to see Annie’s talent as a writer. uses the article’s backlash as a meet her conservative Nigerian its original purpose due to An- acters’ romantic relationships in
The third season of the show way to address mainstream cancel mother, who surprisingly accepts nie’s overwhelming desire to be in peril due to their own problematic
picks up where season two left behaviors, Annie finally begins to
off, with Annie newly single after question why she sabotages every
a blow out breakup with her boy- relationship by leaning into her
friend Ryan (Luka Jones, “Her”). insecurities. She concludes that
Annie, fueled by body positivity she can never fully believe that
and the realization that she was anyone would actually love her
dating a deadbeat before, ventures besides Fran, who has been by
out into the dating scene. her side since college, revealing
Her work best friend Amadi that she has yet to achieve a level
(Ian Owens, “Lady”) sets Annie of self love that would help her
up on a blind date with a divorced realize that she is deserving of a
friend named Will, who also healthy relationship.
happens to be plus sized. Annie Despite the show coming to
immediately assumes that Amadi a screeching halt in its third and
paired the two together because final season, which could have
they were both fat and ruins the contributed to Annie’s major
date after excusing herself to the character flaws as the writers at-
bathroom, only to accidentally tempted to set her up for a fat
text Will that she was on the worst happy ending with Will, the last
date of her life when she actually moments of the show make the
meant to text her other poten- story feel complete.
tial love interest, Nick (Anthony The audience gets to hang in
Oberbeck, “Reveries”). the balance of uncertainty with
While this scene intended to Fran and Annie as they figure
show the all too common prac- out that they must first fix them-
tice of society pairing fat people selves before they can begin to let
together, essentially deeming anyone else in, thus bringing the
fat people as only worthy of ro- show back to what it should have
mantic relationships with other Photo courtesy of Hulu been about all along: an opportu-
fat people, it also shows the in- Aidy Bryant and Lolly Adefope star in Hulu's hit series "Shrill." The nity for Annie to navigate her own
klings of Annie’s own internalized show follows Annie, a plus sized journalist, as she navigates life. self-love journey.
// COMICS technique • July 2, 2021• 13

XKCD by Randall Munroe

SMBC by Zach Weinersmith

Channelate by Ryan Hudson


by sudokucollection.com
14 • July 2, 2021• technique // SPORTS

Hawks soar to Eastern Conference Finals

Likewise, the Hawks’ playoff Young’s ability to take over
run has been spurred by their games through his elite passing
young stars, namely Trae Young, and three-level scoring are what
Kevin Huerter, John Collins and have made him and Atlanta’s of-
Clint Capela. This confident fense juggernauts. The Hawks
group of players has never been completed a second consecutive
fazed by the moment, shown comeback win. From being on the
firstly in the first game of the brink of a 3-1 deficit, the Hawks
playoffs. In his playoff debut in went up 3-2.
the famous Madison Square Gar- After the series went to game
den, Young hit the game-winning seven, the Hawks rose to the occa-
shot with under one second left sion, led by Kevin Heurter’s career
in the game. This set the tone for game. While there were times in
the team’s playoff run and showed the series where the Hawks were
their ability to hit timely shots. not as efficient, the playoffs can be
Throughout the series, the Hawks more about the timing of big shots
were able to limit the production and making the right play at the
of the Knicks’ leader and Most right time. Big shots and timely
Improved Player award recipient plays helped the Hawks return to
Julius Randle with their stifling the Eastern Conference Finals.
defense. This helped lead to At- In game 1 of the conference fi-
lanta winning their first round nals, the Hawks had a chance to
series in five games. win game one on the road, con-
During their second-round tinuing the trend set in the first
matchup, they saw more adversity, two rounds. Trae Young ensured
but demonstrated their poise in the Hawks did just that with
spite of it. After three games, they his performance, putting up 48
found themselves in a 2-1 deficit. points and 11 assists.
Photo courtesy of James Lang USA TODAY Sports In game four, Philadelphia took He had a huge highlight play
Trae Young gets into the lane during the Hawks’ series win against the 76ers. Young an 18-point lead and appeared when he crossed Jrue Holiday,
was instrumental in Atlanta’s eventual win, leading the team in points and assists. to be headed in the direction of a shimmied, and knocked down an
3-1 series lead, but the Hawks had open three-point shot. He once
RISH DESAI head coach Nate McMillan been seen only from veteran play- other plans. The team looked to again showcased his high level
STAFF WRITER coached them into the playoffs ers. Phoenix’s young duo of Devin their stars to fight their way back of confidence on the court and
where they knocked off the New Booker and Deandre Ayton made into the game, with all five starters showed that no moment is too big
Fans of the Atlanta Hawks York Knicks and the top-seeded big plays when it matters most recording at least ten points. At- for him.
have long been yearning for an Philadelphia 76ers en route to a and have led their team to the lanta pulled off the comeback and The Atlanta Hawks have put
NBA Championship, and they conference finals matchup against brink of the NBA Finals in their tied the series 2-2. together an incredible postsea-
now find themselves just a hand- the Milwaukee Bucks. first playoff appearance. On the After giving up an 18-point son run led by their young stars
ful of wins from playing in the Rather than the perennial su- other side, in the Eastern Confer- lead, Philadelphia came out strong that forecasts a bright future in
NBA Finals. The Hawks have perstar names, this year’s NBA ence, Milwaukee’s Giannis Ante- in game five, taking a command- the years to come. The Hawks’
put together a memorable season playoffs have been defined by the tokounmpo and Khris Middle- ing 26-point lead. Similar to the journey this season has been
thus far. In March, the Hawks up-and-coming young stars. In ton have led their team past the previous game, the Hawks fought filled with unique twists and
had recently fired their head the Western Conference, Dallas’ league’s top stars as they defeated back into the game. Young put up turns, including a mid-season
coach and were in 11th place in Luka Doncic and Utah’s Dono- the Brooklyn Nets’ big three of 39 points while also breaking the coaching change. They hope to
the conference. van Mitchell put together record- Kevin Durant, James Harden and defense through his passing with end their memorable season as
From that point on, interim breaking performances that had Kyrie Irving. seven assists. NBA Champions.

MBB FROM PAGE 16 ing out the class is three-star small by the NCAA, allowing him to team and fielding a top-30 re- to be a problem for opponents,
forward Jalon Moore, ranked factor this year. cruiting class should help keep the and with some offensive firepower
Four-star shooting guard Miles 157th nationally, and transfer De- Tech came off of what may Jackets in the thick of the ACC to help, Tech will be on the path
Kelly is ranked 115th nationally ivon Smith, who was a four-star have been its best season in over and could land them back in the for another strong year. Last sea-
and 27th at his position as the point guard in high school and a decade last year. Returning mul- tournament. Coach Josh Pastner’s son’s success may become more of
second half of that duo. Round- was granted immediate eligibility tiple starters from a tournament shifting defenses should continue a norm for the program.
// SPORTS technique • July 2, 2021• 15

Lightning, Canadiens face in Cup Finals

ALEX DUBE third round. This thrilling series
ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR ended in seven games, with the
Lightning coming out on top to
This year’s NHL season has al- advance to the Stanley Cup Final
ready been one like no other. The once again.
shortened 56-game season had the The best of seven Cup Final
31 teams split into four divisions, matchup between the Montreal
with every team playing eight Canadiens and the Tampa Bay
games against each team in the Lightning promises to be an ex-
same division. This layout reduced citing matchup. This is the first
travel by categorizing teams by battle between two tradition-
region, creating an all-Canadian ally Eastern Conference teams
North division for the first time since 1980, as the rule changes
in NHL history while adjusting have made this possible for this
to the border closure. Repetitive unorthodox season. The Light-
meetings between teams fueled ning entered this series heav-
new rivalries between otherwise ily favored over Montreal, but the
non-divisional teams. Canadiens have proved resilient
A new playoff format has led time and time again throughout
to a number of exciting series that the playoffs.
have not and may never happen Notable statistics in this series
again, along with plenty of up- involve the phenomenal goaltend-
sets. The North division has seen ing on both teams. Montreal goal-
much of the drama, proving that tender Carey Price has impres-
pure offensive dominance does sively held his own, allowing just
not win championships. Notable 35 goals in 17 playoff games and
underdog Montreal Canadiens holding Vegas to two goals or few-
have made an unprecedented run er in the last five games of round
in their quest for the Stanley Cup. three. Meanwhile, Lightning
Entering the playoffs with the goaltender Andrei Vasilevskiy has
least amount of regular season given up 36 goals in 18 playoff
points and 500-to-1 odds, the games, with shutouts in all three
Canadiens have upset three im- series-clinching wins thus far.
pressive teams for their bid in the Another key matchup in this
Stanley Cup Final. The Canadiens series stems from special teams.
became the first Canadian team Montreal’s solid defensive play
in the finals since Vancouver in has led to them killing 93.5% of
2011, and secured their first berth their penalties, with 32 consecu-
in the finals since winning the Photo by Douglas DeFelice USA TODAY Sports tive penalty kills in a 14-game
Stanley Cup 28 years ago. Lightning players celebrate following a goal during game one against the Montreal span. However, Tampa Bay’ pow-
Montreal’s stellar run for the Canadiens in the Stanley Cup Finals. Tampa cruised to a 5-1 win to open the series. erhouse offense looks to break
cup begins on the brink of elimi- through, scoring on a whopping
nation, down 3-1 in their best of Toronto in round one. The win will not be present until game 3 ing all players in playoff points 37.7% of their power plays.
seven series against Toronto. A over Vegas occurred after the of the series after testing positive and assists, with seven goals and Impressive numbers on both
heavily favored Toronto Maple Knights knocked off Stanley Cup for COVID, after already missing 23 assists through game one of sides make for a competitive series
Leafs managed to fall to Mon- favorite Colorado Avalanche in four games against Vegas. the finals. The Lightning boast that could very well come down
treal in seven games, continuing round two, securing their West On the other side of the Stan- the top five point leaders in the to rewarding the better goalten-
their cursed playoff drought, hav- division victory. ley Cup Final is the defending 2021 playoffs thus far, translat- der. The Lightning continued
ing not won a series in 17 years, The Canadiens enter the Cup champion Tampa Bay Lightning. ing their offensive dominance into their goal-scoring success, put-
and falling short of the Stan- Final with a couple new faces. Their playoff story began as the playoff success. ting up five goals in their game
ley Cup for a record-tying 54 At just 20 years of age, breakout third seed in the Central division. The Lightning knocked off the one win, Kucherov contributing
consecutive years. rookie Cole Caufield has contrib- They faced the Florida Panthers in Florida Panthers in six games to two of them along with an assist.
In the second round, the Ca- uted heavily to his team with four round one, gaining a key player advance to the second round. The The physicality was ever-present
nadiens handily swept a favored goals and five assists despite being back in their roster in the process. Carolina Hurricanes finished off in the first game, with a combined
Winnipeg Jets team that had among the smallest on the ice at Nikita Kucherov missed the en- the Nashville Predators after four 115 hits between the two teams.
just swept the Edmonton Oilers 5’7”. On the coaching side, inter- tire regular season following hip of six games in that series required The Canadiens look to bounce
in round one. After taking care im head coach Dominique Duch- surgery after winning the Stanley overtime. Tampa Bay took care back and generate more offensive
of the Vegas Golden Knights in arme took the helm following Cup in 2020. His contributions of the Hurricanes in five games, chances throughout the series,
six games, the Canadiens have the firing of Claude Julien mid- to the team have propelled the facing the East division win- while the Lightning fight to ex-
gone 11-2 since game five against season. Unfortunately, Ducharme Lightning, with Kucherov lead- ning New York Islanders in the tend their 1-0 series lead.
SPORTS EDITOR: Hawks soaring technique
Will Fuss
Atlanta knocks off the Knicks and
76ers en route to an Eastern
Conference Finals berth414 July 2, 2021

It’s ‘Coming Home’ at Fado Irish Pub

chips as fans gather young and their teams in a crucial match of pected to outperform Scotland, 0-0 draw. The Scots defended
old, proudly sporting their fa- the Euros. Grown men in kilts especially after their previous 1-0 well and the English had some
vorite player’s jersey to cheer on ordering a pint of Guinness at win against Croatia. half-chances, but the game overall
their home country in the UEFA the bar amongst a sea of white In addition, the last time Eng- didn’t bring out the best playing
European Championship. England jerseys makes you blink land played Scotland was in the of both sides as fans had hoped.
With delicious food, an invit- twice about being in the heart 1996 Euros, when “cult-icon” While England was a bit down in
ing atmosphere and passionate of Atlanta. England player Paul Gascoigne the dumps, the Scots celebrated
fan camaraderie, Fado offers an Outside of being the oldest in- helped secure a dramatic 2-0 the draw almost like a win as a
authentic British pub experience ternational rivalry in soccer, this win, which had England fans cel- way of making fun of the English.
unlike any other sports bar in At- particular England .v Scotland ebrating in the streets and now Even if a soccer game doesn’t
lanta — the accent included. game is significant because Scot- excited as ever for another victory turn out the way fans wanted,
Fado is known for support- land hasn’t made a major appear- in 2021. watching a game at Fado is event-
ing English Premier League soc- ance on the international soccer Just like how Fado was a soc- ful in itself and well worth the
cer teams, primarily Manchester stage in 23 years. Scotland had cer madhouse in Atlanta, thou- visit. Watching a soccer game at a
United in its Midtown location lost their previous game in em- sands of Scottish and English fans pub can make instant friends out
EMILY SCHROEDER and Liverpool in its Buckhead barrassing fashion to the Czech flooded the pubs of London to of strangers just by supporting the
ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR location. Despite its Irish name, Republic, so this game had to watch the high-stakes match. Fans same team.
Fado is a big England supporters be a win or a draw if the Scots arrived at Fado hours in advance In the UK, the neighborhood
The clanking of beers, hearty pub, with a large fan base of first hoped to have any chance of mak- to sit down at a table because of pub gives people a sense of com-
laughs and a soccer match on and second-generation English ing it out of the group stage of how busy it gets. All three floors munity, and living in the United
every television screen; the fa- people who love to come cheer on the Euros. of Fado’s Buckhead location were States can leave some feeling dis-
miliar sounds of Fado Irish Pub The Three Lions. This was a big game for Eng- packed, with many fans opting to connected from their culture and
located in Midtown Atlanta and On Friday, June 18, a 150 year- land as well because it was being stand in groups, beer in hand, to homeland. Fado is a place where
Buckhead transport pub-goers old rivalry between England and played at home in Wembley Sta- watch the game. fans of all ages and backgrounds,
to that of a local pub across the Scotland left Fado a house divid- dium in London, and England Despite the hype, the game it- British or not, can come together
pond. A waitress walks by with ed as passionate fans from both was deemed the “favorite” of the self was disappointingly unevent- in a welcoming environment that
a plate of freshly made fish n’ sides brought their all to cheer on match, meaning they were ex- ful on both sides and ended in a feels like home.

Photo by Emily Schroeder Student Publications

Fans watch the England-Scotland match on June 18 at Fado’s Irish Pub. The Euros group stage game ended in a 0-0 draw, but fans of both sides were able to enjoy the game.

Changing tides for Tech mens’ basketball

WILL FUSS putting him on the heavier end of court sprint was near the top lid Moore will be the returning highlighted by a pair of four-star
SPORTS EDITOR the power forwards, but his low ten at the camp at 3.05 seconds, players with significant minutes shooting guards. Dallan Coleman
body fat percentage shows a player and he posted a lane agility time played. Saba Gigiberia and Rod- is ranked as the 64th-best pros-
At around the halfway point of full of lean strength. of 11.57 as well as a shuttle time ney Howard will likely battle for pect by 247Sports and is listed
the college basketball offseason, Wright’s testing numbers were of 3.13. the starting center spot. as the 13th-best shooting guard.
last season’s stars are preparing for generally strong. His 11.2 lane During scrimmage play at the Joining the returning play-
their next chapter and newcomers agility time was good for third camp, Alvarado recorded eight ers is a top-30 recruiting class, See MBB, page 14
have begun to arrive. The NBA’s among power forwards, but his points, three assists, and two re-
Draft Combine was on June 21-27 shuttle time was second slowest bounds per game, shooting well
and featured Tech’s Moses Wright among that group at 3.42. His from three point range but strug-
among its 69 participants. Wright three-quarter court sprint, which gling inside the arc and at the
is one of two Tech players with tests straight-line speed, was again free-throw line. He also blocked
their names eligible to be called good for third among his position 1.5 shots per game, tied for third
on July 29 when the NBA holds group with a 3.15 time. His stand- most, and his two steals per game
its annual draft. Jose Alvarado is ing vertical of 31.5 was tied for was second most at the camp,
the other eligible prospect, and third in the position, and his max showcasing his elite defensive play.
was one of 40 prospects at the G vertical of 38 was third best as Michael Devoe was the first
League Elite Camp that ran on well. These numbers should boost Tech player to test the draft wa-
June 19-21. his draft stock and cement him as ters after the 2021 season, but
Wright got off to a strong start one of the more athletic players at eventually declared his intent to
on day one of the combine. In his position in the draft. return to Tech for another season
five-on-five play he recorded 14 Alvarado measured at 5’11” in early June. Devoe was the ACC
points and five rebounds while and 175 pounds, making him the Tournament MVP for the Jack-
adding a block and a steal in 22 third shortest and second light- ets’ miracle run to an ACC title
minutes. He had a balanced sec- est player at the G League camp. and was the team’s third leading
ond game, scoring eight points His 7’10” standing reach was scorer on the year. He averaged
and grabbing five boards, as well the second smallest and his 6’1” about 15 points, four rebounds
as a pair each of assists, steals and wingspan was the shortest among and three assists per game and
blocks. He measured at 6’7.75” all players. His testing numbers shot at a 40-percent clip from
without shoes and had a stand- were respectable, with a 27.5-inch three-point range. Photo by Tuna Ergan Student Publications
ing reach of nearly nine feet. He standing vertical and a 34.5-inch Alongside Devoe, Jordan Michael Devoe lays the ball in against Notre Dame. He
weighed in at about 226 pounds, max vertical. His three-quarter Usher, Bubba Parham and Kha- highlights Tech’s returning players for the upcoming season.

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