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Alumna: Figueroa Maria Giselle.

2ºaño seguridad e higiene

I.S.F.D y T nº 44
Materia: Ingles Técnico


A health and B roofer C architect D crane operator E plumber

1. Match photos A - E to texts 1-5

1) Hello. I’m Santiago Cruz, from Venezuela. I’m a plumber. _PLUMBER____

2) I’m Isabelle Roux, from France. I’m an architect. _ARCHITEC____
3) Hi, my name is Miguel Valencia. I’m from Mexico. I’m a crane operator. CRANE
4) Hi, I’m Karol Nowacki. I´m from Poland. I´m a roofer. _ROOFER___
5) Hello there. My name´s James Raims. I´m American. I´m a health and safety

2. Complete these conversations.

1 James: Hi! I´m James Raims.

Isabelle: Hi, Mr Raims. 1__I,m____ Isabelle Roux. I´m from 2 __France_______ . i´m
the architect on this project
James: Ah, I’m a health and safety 3
_Inspector______ Isabelle: Pleased to 4 _Meet_____

2 Karol: Hi! Karol Nowacki.

Miguel: Miguel Valencia.
Karol: What do you do,Miguel?
Miguel: I´m a crane 5_Operato_________ . And
you? Karol: Me? I’m a(n) 6 _Roofer_______

3 Santiago: Hi! My 7 __Name______ is Santiago Cruz.

Karol: Hi, Santiago. I´m Karol.
Santiago: 8 _Luhere____ are you from?
Karol: From Warsaw, Poland
Santiago: Ah, Warsaw. A beautiful city. I come from 9 ___Venezuela____

4 MIguel: Hello. 10 _My______ name´s Miguel Valencia.

Karol: Hi Miguel. I´m Karol Nowacki. And this is Isabelle Roux.
Miguel: Hello Isabelle.
Isabelle: Pleased to meet you.
Karol: What do you 11 __Do_____ Miguel?
Miguel: I´m a crane operator.
Karol: I´m a roofer and Isabelle designs buildings.
Miguel: She´s a(n) 12
_Architect________? Isabelle: Yes, that's
3. Practice these conversations in pairs.

A: What's your name? B: Isabelle Roux.

A: Where are you from? I'm from France.

A: What do you do? I'm an architect.

4. Practise in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Santiago Cruz, Isabelle Roux,
Miguel Valencia, Karol Nowacki.


Present simple: be

We use be to say who somebody is or what I’m Santiago Cruz. He’s Harun Rashid.
something is. This is a construction site. We’re roofers.

We use be to ask personal questions. What 's your name? My name 's Karol.

Present simple: regular verbs

We use the present simple to talk about We work in an office.

routines, permanent situations and general Water freezes at 0º C.

We use adverbs of frequency and time Harun Rashid never works on Fridays.
expressions with the present simple. They work every Saturday.
1. Complete sentences 1-10 with the correct form of the verb be (am, is or are)

1 I _m_ Santiago Cruz.

2 She _be__ Isabel Roux.

3 We _be__ in a construction site.

4 He __are__ a health and safety inspector.

5 This __am___ dangerous.

6 They ___is__ in the office.

7 You ___be___ Mexican.

8 It _am____ safe.

9 We ___am___ roofers.
10 He ___is_____ 35 years old

2. Complete the questions below with the correct form of the verb be

1 What ____is___ your name?

2 How old ___I am______ you?

3 Where __are_____ you from?

4 __is______ you married?

5 ____is____ you single?

3. Answer the following personal questions.

1 What’s your name? I am Giselle Figueroa

2 How old are you? 19 years olb

3 Where are you from? I am from Mariano Acosta

4 What do you do? Study

4. Complete the sentences 1-10 using the correct form of the verbs from the box.

design live work come have

designs lives works comes has

1 Isabelle is an architect. She ___design_________ buildings.

2 They ______ have _____ cars.

3 I ____Live_____ in Argentina.

4 My teacher ___Lives_____ in Buenos Aires.

5 I’m a teleworker. I ___Live_______ at home.

6 She is a factory worker. She __Works______ in a factory.

7 Alice _____Come_____ from Paris.

8 They _____Comes______ from Tokyo.

9 She ___ Have______ a lot of experience in industrial safety

10 I ____Has____ a meeting with a new client.

Adverbs of frequency

% Adverb of frequency

100 Always

90 Usually

80 Normally / Generally

70 Often / Frequently

50 Sometimes

30 Occasionally

10 Seldom

5 Hardly ever / Rarely

0 Never
5. Put the following sentences in the correct order from the most often to the least
often (1-6)

Harun always works hard. _%100___

He sometimes visits construction sites. ___%80_

She never works on Saturdays. __%70__

I rarely hire subcontractors. __%90__

She usually drinks coffee in the ___%5_ morning.

They generally study at the library. %0____

1 . Read the text and underline the verbs.

Harun Rashid is 35 years old. He comes from Alexandria.

but lives and works in Cairo.

Harun is a general contractor. He hires subcontractors to

work on building projects. He also organises the material
and equipment. Harun has a lot of experience in the
construction industry.

Harun always works hard. Sometimes he has meetings

with clients. Sometimes he visits construction sites. And sometimes he deals with
suppliers. He is always busy.

But Friday is different. Harun never works on Fridays.


A. Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1- I’m Santiago Cruz. He’s Harun Rashid.

2- This is a construction site. We are roofers.

3- What’s your name? My name is Karol.

4- We work in an office.

5- Water freezes at 0º C.

6- Harun Rashid never works on Fridays.

7- They work every Saturday.

8- A plumber installs and repairs water pipes

8- Plumbers fix faucets, toilets, and drains.

9- An electrician installs, maintains, and repairs electrical systems.

10- Electricians connect outlets and lights.

11- A drywaller works with a gypsum.

12- Drywallers install walls and ceilings.

13- A painter mixes, matches , and applies paint.

14- Painters clean and repair walls and other surfaces.

15- A carpet installer covers floors with carpet.

16- Carpet installers measure and cut carpets.

17- A tile setter covers floors, walls and other surfaces with tiles.

18- Tile setters cut and lay tiles.

19- A carpenter builds things with wood.

20- Carpenters plan their projects and measure carefully.

21- A brick mason builds structures with bricks and blocks.

22- Brick masons lay bricks.

23- A steelworker builds structures using steel.

24- Steelworkers weld and cut metals.

1- Yo soy Santiago Cruz. Él es Harun Rashid.

2- Esto es una obra de construcción. Somos techadores.

3- ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo Karol.

4- Trabajamos en una oficina.

5- El agua se congela a 0º C.

6- Harun Rashid nunca trabaja los viernes.

7- Trabajan todos los sábados.

8- Un fontanero instala y repara tuberías de agua

8- Los fontaneros arreglan grifos, inodoros y desagües.

9- Un electricista instala, mantiene y repara sistemas eléctricos.

10- Los electricistas conectan enchufes y luces.

11- Un yesero trabaja con un yeso.

12- Los yeseros instalan paredes y techos.

13- Un pintor mezcla, combina y aplica la pintura.

14- Los pintores limpian y reparan paredes y otras superficies.

15- Un instalador de moquetas cubre los suelos con moqueta.

16- Un instalador de alfombras mide y corta alfombras.

17- Un colocador de baldosas cubre suelos, paredes y otras superficies con baldosas.

18- Un colocador de baldosas corta y coloca baldosas.

19- Un carpintero construye cosas con madera.

20- Los carpinteros planifican sus proyectos y miden cuidadosamente.

21- Un albañil construye estructuras con ladrillos y bloques.

22- Los albañiles colocan ladrillos.

23- Un trabajador del acero construye estructuras con acero.

24- Los trabajadores del acero sueldan y cortan metales.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor

B. Translate the text about Harun Rashid into Spanish.

Harun Rashid tiene 35 años. Es de Alejandría, pero vive y trabaja en El Cairo.
Harun es contratista general. Contrata a subcontratistas para trabajar en proyectos de
construcción. También organiza el material y el equipo. Harun tiene mucha experiencia en el
sector de la construcción.
Harun siempre trabaja duro. A veces se reúne con los clientes. A veces visita las obras. Y a veces
trata con los proveedores. Siempre está ocupado.
Pero el viernes es diferente. Harun nunca trabaja los viernes.

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