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This ACM document and its content is copyright of the American College Of The Middle East –
© Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved - American College of the Middle East (ACM), Egaila, Kuwait.
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all the content in any form without the prior written approval from the copyrig ht holder is prohibited.
1. What are 3 stages of putting information into long-
term memory according to the question in the margin
2. What are the 3 steps of gathering information from
3. What are the 3 steps of processing information from
4. What are the 2 steps of activating information from
Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020
Learning Styles

© Copyright Statement:
This ACM document and its content is copyright of the American College Of The Middle East –
© Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved - American College of the Middle East (ACM), Egaila, Kuwait.
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all the content in any form without the prior written approval from the copyrig ht holder is prohibited.
When you complete Chapter 8 - Learning Styles you are expected
not only to understand the material presented but also you should
be able to

• Determine your preferred learning styles, including sensory mode,

hemispheric dominance and multiple intelligence.
• Practice the strategies presented in the chapter to determine the most
efficient strategies for you to process difficult material and strategies to
reinforce the initial learning.
• Demonstrate ways to adapt new learning material to their preferred
learning styles.
• Analyze a case study, and construct advice for a student having difficulty
finding effective study methods.
• Explain the learning process modeled in this chapter.
Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020
Learning styles are like different routes you
take to your destination.

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Middle East, 2020
Approaches To
Necessary for Optimal Learning

A. Sensory Modes Input

B. Hemispheric Dominance Process
C. Multiple Intelligence Response

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Middle East, 2020
Preference in Receiving Information


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Middle East, 2020
A fire breaks out in a room
Your IMMEDIATE, • A start yelling “Fire” or giving directions
FIRST reaction is ??? or screaming.
• B quickly you size up the situation,
looking for exits, others in need, etc.
• C start running for the exits or grabbing
others to help them out.

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020

• Auditory  start yelling “Fire” or giving

directions or screaming.
• Visual  quickly you size up the situation,
looking for exits, others in need, etc.
• Kinesthetic  start running for the exits
or grabbing others to help them out.

 While you may do all 3, one will be an

instinctual first reaction.

Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020
1. Did your answer to
the poll coincide
with your learning
2. Do you think there
are people who
are purely one
Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020

• Auditory
• Visual
• Kinesthetic

Most of us use a combination of

these three.

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Middle East, 2020
We actually have five senses

1. Olfactory (smell)
2. Gustatory (taste)
3. Visual
4. Auditory
5. Kinesthetic

But visual, auditory and kinesthetic are used most

for semantic memory (the memory of meaning)
Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020
• listen carefully in class
• tape record--both classes and
notes for review and practice tests
• discuss material with another
student or instructor

 Use their voices and their ears as the primary mode of learning. You remember what you hear and
what you say yourself. You want to talk about something difficult. You love class discussion.

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Middle East, 2020
• Review and study material by
reading and organizing--maybe
even recopying.
• Using mapping techniques
• And mental videos
 Want to actually see the words written down, a picture of something being described, a time line to
remember events in history, or the assignment written on the board. Probably you organize your
materials. You appreciate being able to follow with an overhead transparency or handout.
Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020
3- KINESTHETIC • Make copious notes
• Use computer
• Use Label in Margin System
• Make flashcards
• Mapping
• Make summary sheets
• Take sample tests
• Pace/Dance/Cheer
• Make models
 Prefer and actually learn better when they touch and are physically involved in what they are
studying. Act out a situation, do a project and in general be busy with your learning. You may take
lots of notes and never re-read them!
Copyright ©American College of the Middle East, 2020
Begin to learn something
in your
Reinforce it
in as many ways possible
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Middle East, 2020
Sensory mode reflection
1. What specific learning strategies do you already use that involve auditory
2. What specific learning strategies do you already use that involve visual
3. What specific learning strategies do you already use that involve
kinesthetic learning?

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
People Generally Remember Levels of Abstraction

10% of what
they read
Read receiving
20% of what
they hear Hear Words

30% of what Watch Still Picture

they see
Watch moving picture Visual
50% of what they Watch exhibit
hear and see
Watch demonstration

70% of what they Do a site visit

say or write Do a dramatic presentation Hearing, Saying,
Seeing and Doing
90% of what they say Simulate a real experience
as they do a thing
Do the real thing
95% of what they teach
Someone else Teach someone else
Copyright ©American College of the DALE’S CONE OF EXPERIENCE 1969
Middle East, 2020
Approaches To
Necessary for Optimal Learning

Processing Preference

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Middle East, 2020
Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020
One Brain-Two Sides
• Right and Left Work Together for Most Activity
but, Process Information in Very Different Ways
• Most People Have a Dominant Side
• When Something is New, Difficult or Unfamiliar,
we Automatically Go to Dominant Side
• No one Is Totally Left or Totally Right Brained
• You Can and Must Develop Both Sides of the Brain

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Middle East, 2020
Most ACADEMIC information is geared to the
left side of the brain

• Handwriting • Spatial Relationships
• Symbols • Perception
• Reading • Shapes and Patterns
• Phonics • Color Sensitivity
• Locating Details/Facts • Singing and Music
• Talking/Reciting • Creativity
• Listening • Visualization
• Following Directions • Feeling and Emotion

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Middle East, 2020
Left Brain Right Brain

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Middle East, 2020
Test yourself

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Middle East, 2020
Answer key

Left brain Right brain

hemisphere hemisphere

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Middle East, 2020
Approaches To
Necessary for Optimal Learning

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Middle East, 2020

 The ability to generate new problems to solve.

 The ability to respond successfully to a new
situation and the capacity to learn from one’s past
 The ability to make or offer a service that is valued
within one’s culture.
 The ability to solve problems that one encounters in
real life.

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
1. Linguistic Intelligence
Words - Word Smart
Who? journalist, storyteller, poet, lawyer

Abilities? argue, persuade, entertain or instruct

effectively through spoken word

Characteristics? like word games, tongue twisters,

puns, trivia experts, retain facts, read voraciously,
write clearly and gain meaning from written word

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
2. Logical-Mathematical
Numbers and Logic - Logic Smart

Who ? Scientists, accountant, computer programmer

Abilities? reason, sequence, think in terms of cause

and effect

Characteristics? create hypotheses, look for

conceptual regularities or numerical patterns, enjoy
a generally rational outlook on life

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Middle East, 2020
3. Visual-Spatial Intelligence
Picture Smart
Pictures and Images -

Who? architects, photographers, artists, pilots,

mechanical engineers

Abilities? perceive, transform, and recreate different

aspects of the visual-spatial world.

Characteristics? acute sensitivity to visual details, can

visualize vividly, draw or sketch their ideas graphically,
and orient themselves in 3-dimensional space with ease

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
4. Musical Intelligence
Rhythms and Melodies - Music Smart

Who? singers, instrumentalists, and composers

Abilities? perceive, appreciate and produce

rhythms and melodies

Characteristics? has a good ear, can sing in tune,

keep time to music, and listen to different musical
selections with some degree of discernment

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
5. Bodily Kinesthetic
Physical - Body Smart

Who? athletes, craftspeople, mechanics, surgeons

Abilities? controlling one’s body movements and handling

objects skillfully--hands-on people who have good tactile
sensitivity, need to move their bodies frequently and get
“gut” reactions to things

Characteristics? can be athletic or skilled in sewing,

carpentry or model building or enjoy pursuits like hiking,
dancing, jogging, camping, swimming or boating

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Middle East, 2020
6. Interpersonal
Works with and understands other people - People Smart

Who? administrator of large corporation, social

workers, teachers, negotiators

Abilities? perceive and be responsive to moods,

temperaments, intentions, and desires or others

Characteristics? can be compassionate and

socially responsible or manipulative and cunning

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
7. Intrapersonal
Inner self - Self Smart
Who? counselors, theologians and self employed
business people

Abilities? can be introspective and enjoy meditation,

contemplation or other forms or soul searching

Characteristics? fiercely independent, highly goal-

directed, and intensely self-disciplined---prefer to
work on their own rather that with others

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Middle East, 2020
8. Naturalist
observing, understanding, and organizing patterns in the natural environment - Category Smart

Who? biologist, botanist/plant scientist, chefs

Abilities? discriminate among living things and

sensitivity to features of natural worlds.

Characteristics? can recognize and classify

plants, minerals, and animals. Skills of
observing, collecting and categorizing can
extend to the “human” environment as well.

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
You possess Intelligences

• 1. Linguistic
• 2. Logical-mathematical
• 3. Spatial Makes us UNIQUE Individuals
• 4. Musical
• 5. Bodily Kinesthetic • May strongly identify with one or two
• 6. Interpersonal • But we have
• Combination of strengths and weaknesses
• 7. Intrapersonal
makes us unique
• 8. Naturalist

Copyright ©American College of the

Middle East, 2020
Why the theory of

 Room for everyone to shine

 Incorporates broad spectrum of human abilities
 Presents eight different ways to learn

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Middle East, 2020
• Linguistic  Letters--words
• Logical  Numbers
• Spatial  Pictures- Geo Figures
• Musical  Notes--clef Signs
• Kinesthetic  Body Language
• Interpersonal-social  Shaking Hands- Waving
• Intrapersonal-self  Dream Images

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Middle East, 2020
Each intelligence uses a separate cognitive
process for:

• MEMORY (remember melodies different from faces)

• ATTENTION (details of pictures and body language)
• PERCEPTION (pitch and verbal sounds)
• PROBLEM SOLVING (math problems and personal problems)

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Middle East, 2020
Identify the intelligences being used in the following
activities. Consider ALL that may be used.

Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Spatial, Musical, Bodily-kinesthetic,

Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist

1. Working a crossword puzzle.

2. Giving advice to people at work.
3. Writing poetry.
4. Knowing the words to many popular songs.
5. Reading for pleasure as often as possible.
6. Playing a sport.
7. Keeping a personal journal or diary.
8. Noticing changes in the environment.
Copyright ©American College of the
Middle East, 2020

• Copyright 2016 Hopper © Cengage Learning. All right reserved.

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Middle East, 2020

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