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Mild to moderate Severe Mild to moderate

non-IgE-mediated CMA non-IgE-mediated CMA IgE-mediated CMA

■ Mostly 2–72 hours after ■ Mostly 2–72 hours after ingestion of cow’s ■ Mostly within minutes (may be
ingestion of cow’s milk protein milk protein up to 2 hours) after ingestion of
■ Formula fed, exclusively ■ Formula fed, exclusively breastfed, or at cow’s milk protein
breastfed, or with onset of onset of mixed feeding ■ Mostly formula fed or at onset of
mixed feeding One or more of these severe and persisting mixed feeding
Usually several of these symptoms: One or more of these
symptoms will be present ■ Gastrointestinal symptoms:
■ Treatment resistance, e.g. to —— diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, ■ Skin—one or more usually
atopic dermatitis or reflux, food refusal or food aversion, significant present
increases likelihood of allergy blood and/or mucus in stools, irregular or —— acute pruritus, erythema,
■ Gastrointestinal uncomfortable stools +/- faltering growth urticaria, angioedema
—— irritability—‘colic’ ■ Skin —— acute ‘flaring’ of persisting
—— severe atopic eczema +/- faltering growth atopic dermatitis
—— vomiting—‘reflux’—GORD
■ Gastrointestinal
—— food refusal or aversion
—— vomiting, diarrhoea,
—— diarrhoea-like stools—loose abdominal pain/colic
and/or more frequent ■ Respiratory
—— constipation—especially —— acute rhinitis and/or
soft stools, with excessive conjunctivitis
—— abdominal discomfort,
painful flatus
—— blood and/or mucus in stools
in an otherwise well infant Cow’s milk free diet Cow’s milk free diet
Severe IgE-
■ Skin AAF Initial 1st choice—eHF
mediated CMA
—— pruritus (itching), erythema Or advise exclusively ANAPHYLAXIS (Soy may be used in some settings
(flushing) breastfeeding mother if not sensitised)
to exclude all cow’s Or—advise exclusively
—— non-specific rashes
milk protein from her breastfeeding mother to exclude
—— moderate persistent atopic own diet and to take all cow’s milk protein from her own
dermatitis daily supplements of diet and to take daily supplements
calcium and vitamin of calcium and vitamin D according
D according to local to local recommendations
■ IgE testing needed
■ Ensure: Immediate
reaction with ■ If diagnosis confirmed (which
—— urgent referral may require a supervised
to local severe respiratory
and/or CVS signs challenge in a minority of cases):
allergy service and symptoms —— follow-up with serial IgE
Cow’s milk free diet
—— urgent dietetic (Rarely a severe testing and later planned
eHF challenge to test for acquired
referral gastrointestinal
Or—advise exclusively presentation) tolerance
breastfeeding mother to exclude ■ Dietetic referral required
all cow’s milk protein from her own If competencies to arrange and
treatment and
diet and to take daily calcium and interpret testing are not in place
vitamin D early referral to local paediatric
See Management Algorithm allergy service is advised
(Figure 2)

CMA=cow’s milk allergy; IgE=immunoglobulin E; GORD=gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; AAF=amino acid-based formula;
eHF=extensively hydrolysed formula; CVS=cardiovascular system.

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