G11 ABM Economics-PT 1

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Grade 11 Applied Science

Performance Task 1
Chapter 1 Lessons 1-2 Economics as Social Science and Applied Science

Performance Task 1 – Documentary: “Scarcity as a Source of Economic

(This shall be done in groups. The teacher will discuss the mechanics during the synchronous session.)


1. Review all the lessons that we have discussed pertaining to Economics as a social science and
as an applied science.
2. The students will collaborate about the theme that is the subject of their documentary
3. A video presentation (with voice-over or text; duration minimum of 4 minutes) will be
prepared by the students that will cover the three strands of the definition of economics: 1)
the science of wealth-getting (production) and wealth-using (consumption); 2) the science of
making choices (decision making process/opportunity cost); 3) allocation of scarce resources
to meet the unlimited human wants.
4. In relation to number 3, you may get information from the internet, journals, current events,
and any other sources that are relevant in preparing this task. (You may include pictures,
video clips of situation, etc.)
5. The presentation should emphasize the available resources and how these resources are
manufactured into finished products/services and the manner by which these resources are
utilized to meet the demands of human needs and wants. Also, the video will feature the
improper utilization of these resources that leads to scarcity becoming an economic problem.
6. At the last portion of the video, the group will make a recommendation to address the proper
utilization of scarce resources and the manner by which these resources may be accurately

Video Presentation Rubric (Total: 100 points)

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Partially Satisfactory Satisfactory

(Exceeds Expectations) (Meets Expectations) (Convincing with (Improvements are
reservations) necessary)
30 29-25 24-10 19-15
Content/Organization The content includes a Information is presented The content does not The content lacks a
clear statement of purpose as a connected theme present a clearly stated central theme, clear point
or theme and is creative, with accurate, current theme, is vague, and of view and logical
compelling and clearly supporting information some of the supporting sequence of information.
elaborates the concept. A that contributes to information does not Much of the supporting
rich variety of supporting understanding the task's seem to fit the main information in the video
information, symbols, and main idea. idea or appears as a is irrelevant to the
objects were utilized in the disconnected series of overall message. The
video that contributes to scenes with no unifying viewer is unsure what
understanding the task's main idea. the message is because
main idea and provided there is little persuasive
the audience with a sense information and only one
of the presentation's main or two facts about the
idea. Events and messages topic. Information is
are presented in a logical incomplete, out of date
order. and/or incorrect.
20 19-18 17-16 15-14
Introduction The introduction is The introduction is clear The introduction does The introduction does
compelling and provides and coherent and evokes not create a strong sense not orient the audience to
motivating content that interest in the topic. of what is to follow. what will follow.
hooks the viewer from the
beginning of the video and
keeps the audience's
10 9-8 7-6 5-4
Camera Techniques All shots are clearly Most shots are clearly Some shots are Many shots are
(Exposure/Focus) focused and well framed. focused and well framed. unfocused or poorly unfocused and poorly
The camera is held steady framed. framed. Excessive
with few pans and zooms. panning and zooming
Close-ups are used to distracts the viewer.
focus attention.
10 9-8 7-6 5-4
Video Continuity/ Editing The video is edited with The video is edited The video is edited in The video is unedited
only high quality shots throughout with only few spots. Several poor and many poor shots
remaining. Video moves quality shots remaining. shots remain. remain. No transitions
smoothly from shot to A variety of transitions Transitions from shot to between clips are used.
shot. A variety of are used. Good pacing shot are choppy, and the Raw clips run back to
transitions is used to assist and timing. types of wipes and back in the final video.
in communicating the fades selected are not
main idea and smooth the always appropriate for
flow from one scene to the the scene. There are
next. Shots and scenes many unnatural breaks
flow seamlessly. Digital and/or early cuts.
effects are used
appropriately for
10 9-8 7-6 5-4
Audio Editing The audio is clear and The audio is clear and The audio is The audio is cut-off and
effectively assists in assists in communicating inconsistent in clarity inconsistent or
communicating the main the main idea. (too loud/too overpowering.
idea. Background audio is soft/garbled) at times
kept in balance. and/or the background
audio overpowers the
primary audio.
10 9-8 7-6 5-4
Graphics The graphics and/or The graphics or Some of the graphics The graphics and/or
animation assist in animation visually depict and/or animations seem animations are unrelated
presenting an overall material and assist the unrelated to the to the content. Graphics
theme that appeals to the audience in topic/theme and do not do not enhance
audience and enhances understanding the flow enhance concepts. understanding the
concepts with a high of information or content, or are
impact message. Graphics content. distracting decorations
explain and reinforce key that detract from the
points during the content.
10 9-8 7-6 5-4
Use of Resources and Sources of information All sources of Most sources of No citations are
Citations and graphics are properly information are clearly information are included.
cited using citations. identified and credited identified using proper
using citations. citation.

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