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Department of Education City of San Fernando West Integrated School

Region III
Division of City of San Fernando DETAILED LESSON PLAN

City of San Fernando West

School Week Week 1
Integrated School
Christine R. Pineda Quarter Second

Subject Matter: Multimedia and ICT as Platform for Change

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The following are different multimedia content:

1. Videos – Through video hosting sites, you can take a

video and show it to the entire world (e.g. YouTube)

2. Sound, Music or Audio – If videos are too much for you,

you can always record sounds. You can share your sound
bites to the entire world (e.g. SoundCloud).
3. Online Games – Game developers now create what is
called “browser-based games.” You do not need to install
these games to your computer as they run in most updated
web browsers (AdventureQuest, Farmville, Candy Crush,
4. Online Tests – Online survey forms and tests that
automatically display the results when finished (Online IQ
and Personality Tests).
5. Courseware – Online courses that simulate the
classroom online (e.g., E-learning Courses using a Learning
Management System)
6. Podcasts – An episodic series of audio or text files
streamed online (e.g., Stuff You Should Know, TED Talks,
The Starters, Ear Biscuits).
7. Vodcasts – An episodic series of video streamed online
(e.g., YouTube series/shows like Video Game High School,
Good Mythical Morning)

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A. Evaluating Learning

I. Identify what is being asked. Write your answer on a

piece of paper.
________1. A multimedia content hosted by Youtube
________2. An episodic series of audio or text files
streamed online
________3. An example of a host for
audion/music/sound content
________4. It offers multiple choices or scenarios, the
viewer chooses which sequences or subjects
to explore, "interacts" with viewers
________5. Tab that includes the embedded code for a
Youtube Video

J.Additional activities for application or remediation

Activity: Chunking the Data.

Direction: Complete the chart below based on the topics

discussed. Write the important terms, concepts/ideas, and
insights learned on the answer sheets/ notebook.

Important Important Insights

Term Concept/ Ideas Learned

Department of Education
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Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
City of San Fernando West Integrated School



School City of San Fernando West Integrated School Week Week 2 - 3

Christine R. Pineda Quarter Second




The Three Faces of Social Media

1.The Good – used for communication where distance no

longer matter.
2.The Bad – allowed people to hide behind the screens
and avatars and it has taken over our lives rather than
us being in control.
3.The Ugly – it has become a common cause to broken
relationships, self-centeredness and egocentricity. It is
also for frauds and child abuse.
Simplified ICT Project Process Overview:

Release and
Planning Development Maintenance

1. Planning - Involves the following task (but not limited

 Conceptualizing your project
 Researching on available data about your topic
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 Setting deadlines and meetings
 Assigning people to various tasks
 Finding a web or blog post
 Creating a site map for tour website
 Listing down all applications that you need for your
 Funding

2. Development - involves the actual creation of the

website(s), involves the production of images, infographics
etc. Medias you can use: Text, Videos, Pictures, Audio,
3. Release and Promotion- involves the actual release
of the website for public view and promoting it. Promotion
typically starts before the actual release.

     4. Maintenance- involves responding to feedback of your

site visitors and continuing to improve your website.

A. Finding practical applications of concepts and

skills in daily living
Answer the following questions and answer it on the answer
sheets/ notebook.
1. Name instances in the past where social media has kept
you informed about the latest news in the country.
2. What is the importance of a concept paper in your study?

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3. Why is it important to follow the steps in ICT project

II. Arrange the following steps in order using the letters A – D

Write X if the step is not part of the
process. Write your answer on the answer sheets/

_____1. Release and Promotions

_____2. Development
_____3. Maintenance
_____4. Coding
_____5. Planning



School City of San Fernando West Integrated School Week Week 4

Christine R. Pineda Quarter Second

Page 6 of 36
Subject Matter: ICT Project Publication and Statistics

True or False: Write True if the statement is correct;

otherwise, write False on the space before each number.

__________1. The My Sites tab in WordPress contains

statistics about your blog.
__________2. In your created Facebook page, a summary
of the statistics will appear on the left side of your
cover photo.
__________3. Organic refers to the posts reached through
paid advertisements.
__________4. The Overview tab under Insights of your
Facebook page contains a summary of statistics
relating to it.
__________5. The Likes tab under Insights to your
Facebook page contains the number of visits to your
__________6. Demographics refers to the statistics
characterizing human population usually divided by age,
gender, income, location, and language.
__________7. In WordPress, you can view daily, weekly,
monthly and annual statistics.
__________8. All web hosting sites offer an access to
sites statistics to premium users only.
__________9. Facebook offers statistics to know the age
range of your site’s visitors.
__________10. Using statistics, you can determine which
day and time you can reach the most people.

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A. Evaluating Learning

I. Identify what is being asked. Write your answer on the

answer sheets/ notebook.

_____1. Offers statistics that checks the blog’s

popularity daily, weekly, monthly, and annually.
_____2. The tab where you can see the statistics for
your blog in WordPress.
_____3. Actual interactions done by your audience
either through liking the posts, commenting on it,
or sharing it on their walls.
_____4. Contains the summary of statistics about your
page in Facebook.
_____5. Your posts seen through the page’s wall,
shares by users and the news feed.
_____6. Offers statistical tools capable of telling the
page owner about the page’s performance.
_____7. Contains data of the number of times your page
tabs are visited.
_____8. Statistics for your posts seen through paid ads.
_____9. Refers to the statistics characterizing human
population usually divided by age, gender,
income, location, and language.
_____10. Statistics for number of clicks done to your

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Department of Education
Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
City of San Fernando West Integrated School



School City of San Fernando West Integrated School Week Week 5 - 6

Christine R. Pineda Quarter Second

Subject Matter: Managing ICT Project

Website Promotion 

Website for motion includes the use of techniques that

direct traffic (visitors) to your website. This is very
important to businesses or entrepreneurs who earn a living
through online selling, Online marketing and the like. The
more clients a website has the bigger chance to gain the
more income and sales. The following are some of the
helpful tips to do online promotion:

1.E-mail Marketing - involves sending e-mail messages

to a list of prospects or current customers as a way to
promote products and stay in touch with your market. 
2.Blog Marketing - is the process of reaching targets
through a blog.
3.Social Media Marketing - Technique is done by
linking the website URL with any social media post to
attract more interested visitors.
4.Search Engine Marketing - Involves processes
and tasks that help search engines find and rank

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Before digging deep with Google Analytics study the
following terminologies:

1.Dimensions - A descriptive attribute for characteristic of

an object that can be given different values. Browser,
Exit Page, Screens, and Session Duration are all
examples of dimensions that appear by default Google
2.Metrics - are individual elements of a dimension that
can be measured as a sum or a ratio.  Screenviews,
Pages/ Sessions, and Average Session Duration are
examples of metrics in Google Analytics.
3.Sessions - is the period of time a user is actively
engaged with your website, app, etc., within a date
range. All usage data (Screenviews, Events,
Ecommerce, etc.)  is associated with a session.
4.Users - who have had at least one session within the
selected date range. Includes both new and returning
5.Pageviews - means the total number of pages viewed.
Repeated views of a single page are counted.
6.Pages/ Session (Average Page Depth) - is the average
number of pages viewed during a session. Repeated
views of a single page are counted.
7. Avg.  Session Duration - average length of a session.
8. Bounce Rate - is the percentage of single-page visits
(i.e., visits in which the person left your site from the
entrance page without interacting with the page).
9. New Sessions - an estimate of the percentage of first-
time visits.
10.  Goals - let you measure how often users take or
complete specific actions on your website.
11.  Conversions - is the completion of an activity that
is important to the success of your business, such as a
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completed sign up for your e-mail newsletter or a
12.  Campaigns - (also known as custom campaigns)
allow you to add parameters to any URL from your
website to collect more information about your referral
13. Acquisition - simply how you acquire users.
14.  Behavior - date that helps you improve your

A. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

in daily living

Answer the following questions and answer it on the

answer sheets/ notebook.
1. What is the goal of Google Analytics?
2. What are the things that can be monitored in website

B. Evaluating Learning

I. Identify what is being asked. Write your answer on the

answer sheets/ notebook.

_____1. Involves processes and tasks that help search

engines find and rank websites.
_____2. When you logged in to Google analytics, you
will be prompted to its ________ where a list
of websites you have set up appears.

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_____3. One of the key parts of website management
which includes the process of testing and logging
the status and uptime performance of a website.
_____4. An integral part of website maintenance and
development because it is the process of
reviewing and analyzing website performance,
stability, and overall user experience.
_____5. One of the most widely used free website
analytics platforms that provides statistics and basic
analytical tools for search engine optimization
(SEO) and marketing purposes.
_____6. It allows the user to create customized views of
Google Analytics data using widgets.
_____7. With This tool you can easily see the traffic
created by your website in a span of time.
_____8. It is used to quickly find data that links to your
google analytics reports. 
_____9. This section showcases the current visitors’
pageviews, active pages, locations, and more._____10.
Alerts you can set up within Google Analytics that send
you e-mail notifications when a
specific event occurs.

Department of Education
Region III

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Division of City of San Fernando
City of San Fernando West Integrated School



School City of San Fernando West Integrated School Week Week 7

Christine R. Pineda Quarter Second

Subject Matter: Sustaining ICT Project and Reflecting on

the ICT Learning Process


1. Don’t Put Off the Updates
 Ensure that you update your web content regularly to
continue having life on your website.
 You could add a news or blog section that’s easy to
update and quick to refresh.

2. Treat it to Some Pampering

 Make your website look engaging by new images or a
design overhaul.
 Give it a facelift with some new images or a design
overhaul. The more attention you shower on your site, the
better equipped it will be to engage its visitors.

3. It’s the Way You Say It

 Rewrite your content as though you’re directly talking to
your audience for effective communication.
 Keep your ideal client in mind and re write your copy as
though you’re talking directly to them, you’ll find your
messages become much more effective.
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4. Show it Off
 Optimize your website by using Google friendly search
terms in your copy and headers.
 You may need to ask the help of a specialist SEO writer if
you’re not confident to do this yourself, but increasing
visibility for your site is time and money well spent.

5. Spread the Love

 Integrate social media platforms for your web content to
encourage social sharing.
 By using social bookmarking, you can allow your visitors
to share information with their contacts on Twitter, LinkedIn
and Facebook.

6. Have a heart to heart

 Encourage engagement and feedback to find out exactly
what your customers think about you.
 A brief customer survey or poll could be a great way of
finding out exactly what your customer thinks about you.

7. Shop Around
 Check out the competition and see what works well and
where you can improve on your website.
 While it may make you feel a bit like you’re being
unfaithful, sometimes checking out the competition is a good
way to honestly appraise the condition of your current


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Cybercrimes are illegal acts done through the use of the
internet. People all over the world use the Internet to commit
a host of crimes, some of which the public doesn't even
know are capable of being done electronically. The following
are the most common internet cybercrimes:
1. PHISHING/SPOOFING – the act of sending multiple email
to multiple users in hopes of having a number of them
clicking on the links or malwares attached to the email.
Spoofing attack is when a malicious party impersonates
another device or user on a network in order to launch
attacks against network hosts, steal data, spread malware or
bypass access controls. There are several different types of
spoofing attacks that malicious parties can use to
accomplish this.
Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such
as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and
sometimes, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons,
by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic

Difference Between Phishing and Spoofing

The misconception that phishing and spoofing are
synonymous, based on nothing more than aesthetic
similarities, pervades the Internet. Phishing and spoofing are
clearly different beneath the surface. One downloads
malware to your computer or network, and the other tricks
you into giving up sensitive financial information to a cyber
crook. Phishing is a method of retrieval, while spoofing is a
means of delivery.

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2. BLACKMAIL/EXTORTION – the act of using the internet
to threaten or damage someone’s reputation to extort money
or anything else of value.
Extortion (also called blackmail, shakedown, out wresting,
and exaction) is a criminal offence of unlawfully obtaining
money, property, or services from a person, entity, or
institution, through coercion. Refraining from doing harm is
sometimes euphemistically called protection. Using the
Internet to threaten to cause damage with the intent to extort
from any person any money or other thing of value.
the act of obtaining unauthorized access to data from a
computer network.
Accessing Stored Communications or
hacking; Intentionally accessing, without authorization, a
facility through which an electronic communication service is
provided. The act of obtaining unauthorized access to data
from computer network. This is typically done to commercial
and government sites to threaten its owner. In late 2015, a
group of Anonymous Philippines hacked the Twitter account
of actress Maine Mendoza, who plays the famous character
Yaya Dub of the popular AlDub tandem and posted links and
messages on the account.
4. SPORTS BETTING – the act of wagering on any sports
event over the internet in some countries, gambling
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(including sports betting) is illegal even if you are doing it
over the internet.
5. NON-DELIVERY OF MERCHANDISE - is a scheme most
often linked to Internet auction fraud, in which a seller on an
Internet auction website accepts payment for an item yet
intentionally fails to ship it.
Devising any scheme to defraud, or for obtaining money or
property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, or
promises, and using the Internet for the purpose of executing
the scheme. The non-delivery scam occurs when the
scammer places an item up for sale when there is actually
no item at all. The item is subsequently never delivered to
the buyer after they purchase the item.

A. Developing mastery
Activity: Responsible Use of Technology
As a responsible user of technology, we should be aware of
the limitations of using the internet. Do the following:
1. Write the internet crimes that are rampant today.
2. Research on the punishments for the said crimes.
3. Reflect if these punishments are fair or not.
4. Write your answer on a long bond paper and don’t
forget to site the sources.

B. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

in daily living

Answer the following questions and answer it on your

answer sheets:

1. What are the other cybercrimes that were not discussed in

this lesson that you think students of your
generation should be aware of? Why?
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2. Are the laws on copyright being implemented in the
Philippines? Defend your answer.
3. As a future professional in your respective field, what are
the things that you think ICT can do to help you
in your field?

Evaluating Learning

Guide Questions:

1. How did this subject change the way you view ICT?

2. Are they tools to be used to achieve higher goals?

3. After going through the lessons and visiting online

sites, reflect on how they are currently being used. Do
you agree or disagree with it?

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