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Make Your Life More Magical | with Messages from the Fairies! This easy-to-use deck of oracle cards is appropri: | om eens RO ec reso: divination cards. Fairies are beloved ‘nature angels” who, since they’re so close to the earth, are brilliant at | URNS eRe ten at OCC meg em ses ee ere ee ur Reece a message or answer for you. All of the paintings artd)| eee gen ce eee aay Pe CR ee ee hae Coen Ome ee eC Rs Cee eens tat Rete j AS sO CRU ELE a ere a Pe er ee a a ea tor of psychology who works with ee cree nei: Cnr mes i STC cc One UM View, Good Morning America, CNN, eM eee cea A est Pere eR ect ene Uren eT me) Se eR ee enn eee g Tune in to® forthe best in inspirational tlk, Eee ee re ee ee ed Crea NN Sa emer ree ene eG Guidebook Doreen Virtue. Ph.D. an We HAY HOUSE, INC, Carlsbad, California # New York City London « Sydney * Johannesburg ‘Vancouver * Hong Kong * New Delhi Copyright © 2008 by Doreen Virtue Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc * Published and distributed In Australia by: Hay House Australia Pry Lid. ‘rvrwhayhousecomau Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd: www hayhouse. covuk * Published and distributed in the Republic of ‘South Africa by: Hay House SA (Pty), Lt: worwhayhouse, coza + Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast Books: ‘ + Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India: www All Lisa Iris artwork is protected by copyright. Crystal Wind Pathvvork Inc. holds the licensed exclusive world- ‘wide rights to Lisa Iris artwork, Any reproduction oF use fof Lisa Iris atwork for other purposes is expressly forbid- ‘den, without prior written approval from Crystal Wind PathworX Inc Ealtorat supervision: i Kramer * Desig: Bryn Best All rights reserved, No part of this guidebook may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or inthe form of a phonographic recording; nor fay it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, of ‘therssse be copied for public or private use—other than for "fair use” as bref quotations emboxlied in articles and reviews-without prior written permission ofthe publisher ‘The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional fnd spiritual welL-being, In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume ho responsibility for your actions. Printed in China er Oracle Card Decks e, Ph.D. (44 divination cards and guidebook) [HEALING WITH THE ANGELS ORACLE CARDS [HEALING WITH THE FAIRIES ORACLE CARDS [MESSAGES FROM YOUR ANGELS ORACLE CARDS MAGICAL MERMAIDS AND DOLPHINS ORACLE CARDS ARCHANGEL ORACLE CARDS GODDESS GUIDANCE ORACLE CARDS MAGICAL UNICORNS ORACLE CARDS DAILY GUIDANCE FROM YOUR ANGELS SAINTS & ANGELS ORACLE CARDS ASCENDED MASTERS ORACLE CARDS = All of the above are available at your local ‘bookstore, or may be ordered by visiting: Hay House USA:® Hay House Australla: www hayhouse.con ay House UK: www Hay House South Africa: Hay House India: Doreen’s Website: CONTENTS How to Work with the Magical Messages from the Fairies Onacle Cards... 1 ‘The Meanings of the Cards woe 10 Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself... 11 Affirmations ..nccmnnnnmnennnnennnnes 13 Ask for What You Want... 18 Assertiveness... pemereee 17 Autumn, 19 Be Yourself... snes 21 Birthday... 23, Business Venture... 25 Children... 27 Connect with Nature 29 Daughter .. 31 Debt Paid Off... 1 33 Dietary Change ener 35 Do Some Research. Easy Does It Emotional Healing, wl Everything's Okay... 43 Express Your Individuality. AS Flower Power... .47 Get Some Exercise 49 Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New oss SI Healing, Healed, Heales ...... 153 Holiday. Let Go.. Love Lite Marriage 61 New Career. sonnnnsnnnnnee 68 New Home ... 6S Patience, Please nsnnnnnsens OF Perfect Timing. 69 Practice, Practice, Practice. 7 Pregnancy. 73 Son 75 Spiritual Teacher 77 Spring Summer, Travel Vegetarian Walk AWaY.see Whom Do You Need to Forgive? Winter... Your Desire Is Within Reach .... 93, Your Wish Is Granted! ....c.scsesnennen: 95, You've Got the Power! 97 Artwork Ordering Information cc. 100 About the Author ...sccscvsre 109 How to Work with the Magical Messages trom the Fairies Oracle Cards garden, at the park, with your pet, and wherever flowers grow. Because the fairies are so close to Earth, they offer practical guidance and help with everyday issues such as relationships, health, finances, and such, Fairies know how to work the planet's energies in safe, loving, and magical ways! [es are everywhere! They're in your However, these ethereal beings are sometimes misunderstood. Although they're loving, benevolent creations of God, the fairies do have egos (just like humans); and as a result, fairies and humans can be judgmental. But unlike humans, the fairies’ judgments are clear-cut: They help people who are kind to the environment and animals, and they withhold aid and communication from those who mistreat the planet or its inhabitants. ‘The fairies don't expect you to be perfect at recycling or environmentalism—they just want you to try your best. If you do, the fairies will do anything to help you. And their assistance is reliable, safe, and very magical! This deck of oracle cards will help you hear the fairies’ messages and awaken a closer connection with these beautiful nature angels. This deck is designed for beginners as well as experienced oracle-card users. How to Use Your Oracle Cards Oracle cards are an ancient, time-honored way to connect with angels and spirit guides. They're based upon Pythagorean numerology, which states that ail numbers and images vibrate in mathematically precise ways. You can’t make a mistake with these oracle cards because they operate with the infallible Law of Attraction. This means that your questions (or those of the individual you're reading for) always attract the perfect cards as their answers. That is, you'll always pull the card whose answer matches the vibration of the question. Here are the steps to give an oracle-card reading to others (or yourself) Step 1: Clear Your Card Deck Since your cards are sensitive instru- ments, they need to be cleared of any energy they may have absorbed from the mantiffacturing process. Steps 1 and 2 only need repeating after another person touches your cards or if your readings lack clarity 3 because the cards are clogged with too much energy, To clear your cards, first hold the deck in your nondominant hand (the hand you normally don’t write with), as this is the hand that receives energy. Form a fist with your other hand (this is the one that sends energy), and knock on the cards once with your fist. This clears out the old energy so that the cards are now a blank slate and ready to be imbued with your own vibration, Step 2: Consecrate the Cards ‘Touch each card briefly to infuse them. with your personal energy. You can touch just one corner of each card to accomplish this, Then fan the cards out with the artwork facing you. Hold the fanned cards to your heart and think about any prayers or intentions that you'd like to infuse the cards with. For instance, you can say the following silently or aloud: “Lask that all of my readings with these cards be accurate and specific, and bring blessings to everyone involved. Please help me stay centered in my higher self so that I may clearly hear, see, feel, and know the Divine messages that wish (0 come through these readings.” Ask and pray for whatever help you'd like during your readings, such as confidence, clarity, compassion, and so forth. Your cards now carry your personal vibration and intentions. Step 3: Ask a Question Think of a question you'd like the answer to. If you're giving a reading for someone, ask him or her to either think of or verbalize a question. The fairies hear our thoughts, so ‘we needn’t voice our queries aloud. Step 4: Shuffle the Cards Think of the question as you shuffle the cards, and ask the fairies to help you with answers and guidance. If one or more cards “jumps” out of the deck while you're shuffling, place them to the side. They'll be part of your reading. As you're shuffling, you'll likely notice feelings, thoughts, words, or visions. These divine messages will help you further understand the cards you draw, so pay attention to these impressions as they come to you. ‘When your cards begin to clump into two or more distinct sections, it’s time to stop shuffling. You also may receive a feeling, thought, or vision to cease—or you may even hear the words “Stop shuffling now.” Trust and honor these divine messages that are helping you with the reading. You can’t make a mistake and stop shuffling too soon or early, as the Law of Attraction ensures that you'll always choose the correct cards. Step 5: Choose a Card Pull the top card from the deck. This is the answer to your question. As you read the words on the card, notice any thoughts, words, feelings, or visions that come to you, as these are additional messages from the fairies that personalize the card’s particular meaning for you. The picture also holds significance, so be sure to study its details. Three-Card Spread After completing Steps 3 and 4 above, pick three cards from the top of the deck. With the pictures and words facing up, lay the first card to your left, the second one in the middle, and the third to the right The card to your left speaks about the immediate past in relation to the situation you inquired about. The middle card reveals your question’s current status and what you need to know or work on right now. And the card to the right shows your immediate future if you continue on your present path and follow the guidance in the middle card. 7 Again, remember that you can improve your future by holding a positive outlook and following your inner guidance. Multiple Card Decks You can use the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards with other card decks to have increased details in your readings. Simply complete Steps 3, 4, and 5 for each deck. Then look for the common theme among the cards that you've chosen as the answer to your question, The next section of this booklet gives additional meanings for each card. Remember that you can change the out- come of any situation through prayer, visualization, and positive affirmations. The fairies can help alter your future for the better if you'll ask and be open to receiving their assistance. The Meanings of the Cards ‘his guidebook lists the general meanings for every card in the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards deck. ‘The card names are listed alphabet ically, according to the first word on each card. Find the page and read the general interpretation and symbolism behind each entry. Your intuition will give you additional personalized guidance, so as you read, simultaneously pay attention to your feelings and thoughts. 10 Admit Your True self Be honest with yourself. Only you know what it is that you truly desire. gs to You This card indicates that you've been concealing something from yourself. What is it? Your emotions are true and accurate, and they're trying to get your attention Right now, admit your deepest feelings to yourself. Know that it’s safe for you to engage in this self-honesty. Your genuine feelings form the compass that points you in the best direction and guides you to the answers you seek. Trust that any changes you make will come about in harmonious ‘ways. You'll be glad that you admitted your true feelings to yourself! Additional meanings for this card: Allow other people to get to know the real you * Retain your integrity by following the path that you know is right for you * Be yourself + Face your fears head-on Affi To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use Positive affirmations. You drew this card because there’s something you desire right now (you already know what this is). To increase the speed of your manifestation, it’s important to lift up your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to a higher level. Positive affirmations can 13 increase your self-confidence and faith, which are two essential and magical ingredients in manifestation. This card is a message for you to say or read positive affirmations; and to boost your faith, optimism, and effectiveness in bringing about your desired results, Additional meanings for this card: Begin each day with something beneficial, such as praying, meditating, or reading from an uplifting book * As you stay positive, everything in your life becomes more positive * The outcome of the situation you're asking about is dependent upon your optimism * Watch the words that you say and write to ensure that they’re positive and aligned with your desires Ask for What You Want Let the Universe and other people know what you need. This card serves as a reminder of the importance of asking for your desires. The Universe is much like a restaurant, in that you need to put in your order before anything can happen. Your current situation calls for action on your part. First, spend time clarifying your desires; then tell the 15 Universe clearly what you want. You can always qualify your request with the prayer, “This, or something better . . .” so that you don't unwittingly limit yourself. However, you do need to make a clear decision about your desires, Additional meanings for this card: Be honest with the people in your life * Tell the Universe what you want Write a list of your desires * Have a heart-to-heart talk with someone you're in a relationship with about your needs, boundaries, and expectations # Ask others to help you, and accept that aid when it’s offered + Expect a positive outcome, and your expectations will be rewarded 16 Assertiveness Stand up for your beliefs, and only say yes if you really want to. ‘One reason why the fairies are so happy is because they're assertive with each other. This trait is very different from aggression, which denies the rights of others. Assertiveness, in contrast, honors everyone's rights (including your own). Assertive people are easy to get along with v because you always know where you stand with them. Your current situation calls for you to be assertive: Speak your truth with love; and let go of unhealthy, old communication habits. Additional meanings for this card: Read books or take a class on assertiveness * Don’t do anything out of guilt or obligation * Be a good role model for others by practicing this trait + Say no to this request * Be true to yourself and your values Autumn In the fall season, everything comes together and you reap wonderful harvests of abundance. The answer to your question will be fully reaped in the autumn. Just like a garden patch, you'll experience blessings along the way. Keep tending to your manifestation by maintaining positive thoughts, affirming, praying, and taking guided action, The ry fruits of this work will be ready as the leaves start to turn and the air starts to chill for the fall season. Additional meanings for this card: Return to school * A project is nearing completion * Visit or move to a location where the leaves turn bright colors in the fall * Grow a vegetable or herb garden Be Yourself This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power. You're most powerful and effective when you're genuine and authentic with yourself and others. If you pretend to feel, act, or be something other than yourself, you lose awareness of your feelings, which are a source of important guidance. 21 The answer to the question you're asking is “Be yourself.” Behave, speak, and even dress as you normally would; and don’t worry about what others think. By being your true self, you give others the ‘opportunity to love the real you. Additional meanings for this card: ‘Trust your feelings A relationship improves when you let down your guard Instead of copying others, follow your own internal guidance * Know that you're lovable, for you are! ¢ Emphasize your personal style at work, as a key to business success « Trust and follow through on your ideas * Fully express yourself through an artist creative endeavor 2 Birthday A significant birthday holds the answer to your question. You drew this card because your birthday, or the birth date of a significant person in your life, is pivotal to answering your question. Perhaps you'll meet someone special at a birthday party, or a departed loved one in heaven is celebrating your birthday or their own. This card could also 23 signify that the event you desire will occur by your next birthday. Trust your first thought or feelings as to the specific meaning of this card for you, as it’s a powerful message. Additional meanings for this card: News of a pregnancy is coming * Heaven is helping someone who had a recent birthday or whose birthday is imminent + You'll receive a special gift soon # Give yourself the present that you desire * You'll encounter a positive sign about an upcoming birth * Expect the birth of a new business or project 24 Business V ature Trust and follow through on a new business idea or career opportunity. You've been seeking a career change, and you desire self-employment. This card signifies that your recent business ideas are valid and that you can trust your intuition with respect to your career. You'll soon receive an offer for a new job, promotion, or other career opportunity. Take the time 2s to meditate upon your true professional desires, as several options are becoming available to you. Additional meanings for this card: Your new business will be successful * Take action in the direction of your career dream. * Write down and act upon your ideas for a new business ¢ Trust your gut feelings about your profession ® A positive career change is in the works for you * Your current business is experiencing a healthy transition 26 Children Your connection with children is part of your life's purpose. The fairies love and trust children because of their pure faith and guileless motives. This card comes to you as a sign of your connection to them. As you read the additional meanings behind this card, notice which message clicks as your truth. Pay attention to signs and intuitive feelings 2 related to the topic of children, for the Universe is trying to get the message to you. Additional meanings for this card: Your life purpose involves working with children * The energy of pregnancy sur- rounds you ® A child in Heaven is sending a message of love * You have a connection to Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow children Your inner child needs to play 28 Connect with Nature You're rejuvenated and inspired bby spending time outdoors. This card comes to you because your body and soul are craving fresh air, trees, flowers, butterflies, birds, sunshine, and animals. The message is clear: Go outside! ‘The answers to your questions are outdoors in nature where you can easily think and receive creative ideas. Even a brief 2 stroll during your lunch hour will yield tremendous benefits. Additional meanings for this car Plant a flower garden * Adopt a new pet * Your children need to spend time outdoors + Go camping or hiking * Visit a rural or eco-friendly retreat center * Switch to a career where you can work outdoors, or with plants or animals « Trust the messages you receive when you spend time in nature * You have a natural gift for communicating with animals Bring nature indoors with potted plants, a fountain, and crystals * You need sunshine or full-spectrum lighting to elevate your mood and emotions * Fat more naturally, taking in fewer processed foods or beverages 30 Daughter ‘The answer to your question involves your daughter. This card signifies that a female who's younger than yourself—most likely your daughter—is pivotal in the answer to your question, She is very intuitive and knows how to help you, no matter how young she is. Spend extra time with your daughter to strengthen your bond, and open your 31 heart to the profound love between parent and child. As your relationship with your daughter fills your heart, your entire life benefits. Additional meanings for this card: A person who's like a daughter to you needs your attention right now * An unborn baby gir’s soul is sending love to you * A female child in Heaven is with you like an angel * Focus upon healing a parent-daughter relationship * Allow your inner child to play and enjoy him- or herself! + Give any worry about your daughter to Heaven, who's watching over her * You'll receive a message from your parents (if you are female) 32 spending. As you follow these leads, your financial situation rapidly improves. Additional meanings for this card: Make a clear-cut decision to be debt free and the Universe will deliver ¢ Cut up your credit cards * Question each expenditure to see if it’s really necessary, or just an impulsive purchase * Know that you deserve to be, and can be, debt free + Resolve to initiate new spending habits—pay cash for everything, and if you don’t have the cash, don’t buy it * Tithe 10 percent of your income * You'll receive a financial windfall * Affirm often that God is the true Source of your supply 4 Debt Paid Off The old weight and habit of debt is lifted from you and your life. This card signals an impressive shift in your financial situation. You've made the Clear decision to be free of old debts, and the Universe has responded in kind. You're presented with opportunities to reduce your debt, including new avenues of income and inner guidance about reducing nonessential 33 Dictary Change Improve your diet and your life will also improve. You drew this card because of your requests for help with your life's purpose and in awakening your spiritual gift of clairvoyance. The fairies say that your body's metabolism is extremely sensitive. They've been guiding you to switch to a healthier diet, but you may not have heard or trusted 3s this message. So the fairies now bring you this card to validate that you're hearing them correctly. As you improve your diet, so do you heal other areas of your life. Additional meanings for this card: Consult with a nutritionist * Go on a detox Cleanse * Stop drinking alcohol or using other drugs + Reduce or eliminate chemicals and processed foods from your diet * Eat a more vegetarian diet * Quit smoking * Stay away from household or industrial chemicals 36 Do Some Research You need more information about this situation. Look into it further before proceeding. This card indicates that you're trying to make a decision without a full understanding of the situation. Spend some time doing research, including asking the Universe and other people for information. Follow any leads (such as intuitive feelings, signs, or a someone saying something that “clicks” as the truth), and you'll receive the facts that you need. As you get this information, you may alter your original plans. Don’t worry—this is a positive change that will garner you more blessings in the long run. Additional meanings for this card: Read, study, or take a class * Trust in the synchronicities that occur * Interview an expert * Ask someone to mentor you in a new profession If your gut tells you no, trust this instinct 8 Easy Does It Stop trying so hard to control everything and all the doors will open for you. Just as the dolphin rides the waves with joy and ease, so will the waves of your life carry you if you'll just relax and let everything flow. You drew this card because you've been trying to force something to happen, and the underlying fear has created blocks and barriers for you. Take some time 39 to go outside in nature to help you relax. Let g0 of the situation, and watch how quickly everything you desire occurs. ‘Additional meanings for this card: Relax and have faith * Go play * Connect with the dolphins * Take a sea-salt bath Go for a swim © Get out of your own way Emotional Healing As your heart heals of old emotional pain, ‘you receive new blessings and love. ‘This card signifies that you're healing some old emotional pain—the first thing that comes to mind is exactly the issue you're resolving. As you let go of anger, guilt, or other emotional wounds, you awaken a new level of power within yourself that attracts everything you desire a and more. Call upon the fairies, as well as supportive people or professionals, to help you through this time of healing. Know that you're lovable and that you deserve a happy heart. Additional meanings for this card: The situation you're asking about has an emotional basis * Physical healing occurs as a result of emotional healing * You're preparing for a new love by healing old hurt from a previous partnership * Consult with a professional counselor or join a support group * Journal about your feelings * This situation is bringing about tremendous personal growth 2 Don't worry. It’s all working, out in a beautiful way. he fairies know that you're concerned about the outcome of this situation, so they've sent this card to you as reassurance that everything's working out in a divinely perfect way. Take steps to uplift your outlook and unburden your heart and mind, such as taking a nature walk, spending time with 8 loved ones, exercising, or enjoying a creative project. The more you can stay centered and filled with faith, the better the outcome you'll experience. Additional meanings for this card: Write down your concerns on paper and then ceremoniously dispose of the list by burning it, pouring water over it, or burying it + Talk to the people involved in order to double-check your facts—your worries may be based upon untrue assumptions * Make sure that you're getting enough rest and cating healthfully, as physical strain can ead to anxiety and exhaustion 4 dividuality Express Y Allow your true self to shine because you're awesome! You drew this card because you worry about social acceptance. The fairies want to celebrate your uniqueness, since to them you're delightful and perfect just as you are right now. The fairies love your creativity, and they urge you to just be yourself, Don’t 45 squelch your true self in order to gain others’ approval. Pretending doesn't work anyway, and you can’t please everyone. Instead, enjoy being authentic and trust that like-minded people will be attracted to ou. Additional meanings for this card: Dress in a way that makes you happy « Trust and follow through with your creative ideas, and visions ¢ Speak your truth + Join the Red Hat Society, an international social group for fun-loving women over 50 * Express your creativity through an artistic project ‘or new business idea 46 Hower Power Spend time with flowers and flower essences 10 increase your personal healing power. This card signifies that you'll benefit from the balancing and healing properties of flowers. Spend time in a garden or even ata florist’s shop, and surround your home with fresh flowers. As you breathe in the fragrances, feel their magical healing abilities bathing every cell of your body. The fairies a also suggest that you buy a bottle or two of pure flower essences, which are available at most health-food stores. Use rose oil to open. your heart to love, for instance, ot sprinkle lavender oil on your pillows and sheets to calm your nerves. Additional meanings for this card: Use flower essences in your healing work with others + Study aromatherapy * Make sachets or dried-lavender eye pillows ¢ Plant a flower garden Send a loved one some flowers 8 Some Exercise As your body becomes stronger, you begin to feel stronger in all ways The fairies know the importance of physical activity—they play, dance, and run around daily to keep themselves in good physical shape. Moreover, they know that exercise is the secret to lasting energy, health, and happiness. It’s a wonderful stress reducer that can improve every area of your 9 life, including your career, finances, and relationships. You drew this card because your body is crying out for cardiovascular or muscular stimulation. If you ask the fairies, they'll help you find the time and ‘motivation to exercise in fun ways. Additional meanings for this card: Do something physical today * Take a cue from the fairies and take dance lessons * Exercise outdoors in nature to benefit from the fresh air and sunshine (as well as increasing your connection to the fairies!) * Do yoga, tai chi, o other Eastern exercise techniques * Exercise with your children or other loved ones * Join a sports team to meet new friends # Say positive affirmations to, and about, your body 50 es iF OM, Hell ood-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New You've finished one part of your life, and now a new and even better partis beginning. This card indicates that a chapter in your life is closing; perhaps you've been feeling a sense of loss or anxiety about the future, This card reassures you that your present situation is teaching you many valuable and important life lessons. You're now taking that wisdom and beginning a journey with st new people, work, and situations. Be open to this change, as it brings many blessings for everyone involved. Your future is taken care of. Additional meanings for this card: You may be moving to a new home * A job promotion is upcoming * A relationship is ending ¢ A transition is noticeable * Let go of unhealthful old patterns Make time to work on healing your past hurts * Healing. Healed, ng. Healed, Hes Healing energy surrounds you and this situation. ‘The situation you've inquired about is healing. Your prayers have been heard and are being answered at this very moment. You have healing abilities that you can use for the benefit of this situation, as well as to help other people heal. 33 Additional meanings for this card: Your life purpose involves healing * You, or the person you're inquiring about, are experiencing healing * Know that the situation is already healed in spiritual truth * Take courses or read about healing * Work at or open a healing center s4 The answer you're looking for can be found during a vacation, retreat, o holiday getaway. The fairies know the importance of play and rest; and they’re urging you, through this card, to take some time off. This vacation performs an important role in your life by giving you an opportunity to clear your mind and think about your next move. You'll learn a great deal from 3s this holiday, so it’s worth the investment of time and money. Additional meanings for this card: A family get-together will result in a significant healing * Take a class held in an exotic location * Visit one of the earth’s power places # Your prayer will be answered during, the holiday season (such as Christmas, Hanukah, or Easter) * Give any stress or worries about a holiday to Heaven and the fairies ¢ Ask the fairies for help in arranging (and paying for) a vacation for yourself and your loved ones * Go on a retreat 56 Let Go As you surrender the need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires. The fairies and the entire Universe understand your desires and needs, and they've been trying to bring them to you. You can help your prayers be answered by letting go of the need to control the details or know the future outcome of this situation. The more you can relax and trust, the faster everything will resolve in a positive fashion, ‘The Universe’s plans and standards for you exceed your own, so it’s best to lean upon this Divine wisdom and allow it to unfold in a perfect way. If you need to, experiment with letting go—you can always take back control; however, the fairies are sure that you'll like the results of releasing and will adopt it as a healthy new lifestyle. Additional meanings for this card: You have nothing to worry about, as everything is working out for the best © Maintain a positive outlook to attract a positive outcome « Attend 12-step meetings (such as Alcoholics Anonymous) to get help with an addiction + Spend time outdoors to reconnect with God * Have faith * When learning a new skill, trust your body's innate abilities + Instead of overanalyzing a situation, listen to your heart 38 Love Life The basis of your question involves your romantic life, which is now changing for the better. You've drawn this card because your love life is somehow involved in the question that you've asked, and the fairies can help you understand this connection if it’s not immediately apparent to you. This 39

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