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Impulse force and its applications:

Impulsive Forces: The force which act on a body for a short time are
known as Impulsive forces.

For eg. Hitting a ball with bat fining a gun etc.

An Impulsive force doe snot remain constant but changes, firstly from
zero to max and then from max. to zero.

So it is not possible to measure the exact value of force. Hence in such

cases, we measure the total effect of force known as Impulse.

So Impulse of a force is defined as the measure of total effect of force.

It is given by the product of force and time.

Impulse = F´t

Acc. To Newton’s 2nd Law

F = dp/dt

Þ Fdt = dp

Integrating both sides with in the respective limits and solving, we get:

F[t]ot = [p]p1p2

F[t – o] = [p2 – p1]

Ft = p2 – p1

Impulse is a vector quantity and it is also measured by the total change

in the linear momentum. Its direction is same as that of force.

The dimension formula for Impulse is [MLT-1] The S.I unit of Impulse is
N sec and C.G.S unit is dyne sec.
The equation Impulse = Change in momentum is also known as the
Impulse momentum Theorem.


(i) A cricket player lowers has hands while catching the ball : by doing so
the time of impact increases and hence the effect of force decreases.

(ii) When a person falls from a certain height on floor, he receives more
injuries as compared to falling on a heap of sand.

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