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Home Chapter 22: The Respiratory System Chapter Practice Test

Chapter Practice Test

This activity contains 19 questions.

Which of the following is NOT involved in respiration?

  external ventilation

external respiration

pulmonary ventilation

internal respiration


The respiratory zone is composed of the trachea and the paranasal sinuses.


Which of the following are the hairs within the nasal cavity that filter coarse particles, such as pollen and dust, from inspired air?






__________ is the inflammation of the nasal mucosa accompanied by excessive mucus production, nasal congestion, and postnasal






Which of the following lists the regions of the pharynx from superior to inferior?

  nasopharynx, laryngopharynx, oropharynx

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

laryngopharynx, oropharynx, nasopharynx

oropharynx, laryngopharynx, nasopharynx


The __________ is covered by a mucosa containing taste buds and keeps food out of the lower respiratory passages.



vestibular folds


The bronchial, or respiratory, tree branches approximately 23 times within the lungs.


The __________ are the main site of gas exchange within the lungs.

  respiratory bronchioles





The two lungs differ in shape and size.


The __________ is the elastic connective tissue found within the lungs.

  visceral pleura

pulmonary plexus

parietal pleura



__________, or lung collapse, is a homeostatic imbalance that occurs when a bronchiole becomes plugged.






Which of the following occurs during infant respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS)?

  The pleurae produce an excessive amount of fluid, putting pressure on the baby's lungs, hindering breathing.

The baby is unable to keep his or her alveoli inflated between breaths because of a lack of surfactant.

The baby's cilia are damaged or destroyed, and only coughing can prevent mucus from accumulating in the lungs.

Histamine and other inflammatory chemicals cause the baby's bronchioles to constrict.


Henry's law states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is the sum of the pressures exerted independently by each gas
in the mixture.


Henry's law states that when a gas is in contact with a liquid, that gas will dissolve in the liquid in proportion to its partial pressure.


Which form of hypoxia occurs when body cells are unable to use O2 even though adequate amounts are delivered? (This type of
hypoxia is usually the consequence of metabolic poisons, such as cyanide.)

  histotoxic hypoxia

ischemic (stagnant) hypoxia

hypoxemic hypoxia

anemic hypoxia


Which form of CO2 transport accounts for the greatest amount of CO2 transported in blood?

  chemically bound to hemoglobin

as bicarbonate ions in plasma

as carbon monoxide in plasma

dissolved in plasma


The increase in ventilation in response to metabolic needs is called __________.

  Hering-Breuer reflex





Emphysema is distinguished by permanent enlargement of the alveoli and loss of lung elasticity.

Lung cancer is among the easiest forms of cancer to successfully treat and cure.


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