Ingılıs Dılı IX Sınıf Sınaqlar

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Sizlərə siniflər üzrə hazırlanmış test və çalışmalar toplusunu
təqdim edirəm. Testlər və çaışmalar maraqlı və öyrədici üsulla
verilmişdir, tədris proqramında istifadə olunan qrammatik qaydaları
və lüğəti əhatə etmişdir. Ümid edirəm bu vəsaitlərdə olan fərqli
yanaşma sizə ingilis dilinin öyrənilməsində və imtahanlara
hazırlaşmağınızda yardımçı olacaq.

Astara şəhər 5 saylı tam orta

məktəbin ingilis dili müəllimi
Ramil Rzayev

Test your English 1 8. Choose the correct article.

______ English is ______ worldwide language.
1. Choose the correct preposition.
I live ______ abroad. A) – / the B) – / a
C) A / a D) The / a E) The / –
A) at B) to
C) – D) on E) in 9. Choose the correct meaning: ‘connected with the
place where you were born and lived all your life’.
2. Choose the correct variant.
______ Azerbaijani, I know English and French. A) soul
B) native
A) Besides B) Before C) communication
C) For D) From E) Beside D) custom
E) religion
3. Choose the correct sentence.
1. Knowing the most widely spoken languages helps 10. Choose the correct synonyms.
to widen our outlook. Try to focus on the topic.
2. 80 percent of all information in computers are in
English. A) contribute B) study
3. Over two-thirds of the world’s scientists writes in C) confirm D) sign E) concentrate
4. 60 percent of the world’s radio stations broadcast 11. Choose the correct pronoun.
in English. People ______ don’t understand ______ talk with
the help of their fingers.
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3
A) who / each other
4. Choose the correct synonyms. B) whom / one another
Germany plays a central role in the EU, and is a C) whose / each other
major economic and political power. D) who / each other’s
E) who / each others
1. chief 2. independent
3. main 4. national 12. Choose the correct variant.
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3 Spanish is one of ______ languages to learn.
A) easy
5. Choose the correct definition. B) an easy
1. broadcast 2. diplomat 3. widespread C) easier
a. a radio or television transmission D) the easiest
b. worldwide, global, universal E) more easy
c. an official representing a country a broad
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 13. Choose the correct variant.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a He doesn’t have ______ for this job.
C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b 1. enough experience
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c 2. experience enough
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a 3. enough knowledge
4. knowledge enough
6. Choose the correct article.
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3
______ Japanese have ______ long and interesting
14. Choose the correct variant.
A) – / the B) – / – Your pronunciation is ______.
C) A / a D) The / a E) The / –
1. good enough
2. very badly
7. Choose the correct article.
______ English speak ______ English. 3. quite good
4. enough nice
A) – / the B) – / –
C) A / a D) The / a E) The / – A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3

15. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 2

I ______ much progress since last year.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) made You should have ______ to learn a language.
B) am not making
1. enough patience 2. many patience
C) didn’t make
3. patience enough 4. much patience
D) haven’t made
5. too patience 6. quite patience
E) shall make
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,5 E) 1,6
16. Choose the correct variant.
We discussed some ways of ______ and ______
2. Choose the correct variant.
English. I always ______ a word in a dictionary when
A) learn / improve translating a text.
B) learning / improving A) look at
C) learned / improve B) look for
D) to learn / to improve C) look in
E) learning / to improve D) look after
E) look up
17. Choose the correct preposition.
Next week we are going ______ an excursion. 3. Choose the correct variant.
A) on To improve your English ______.
B) in 1. you should pay attention to the pronunciation
C) to 2. you shouldn’t study and practice regularly
D) for 3. you shouldn’t waste your time on games
E) into 4. you should take piano courses
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,2
18. Choose the correct preposition.
Please focus ______ your studies.
4. Choose the correct variant.
A) in In order to learn a foreign language it’s important
B) to ______.
C) with
D) on 1. not to listen to CDs
E) of 2. to learn words and expressions regularly
3. not to expand vocabulary
4. to communicate in your native language
19. Choose the correct preposition.
5. to watch TV programmes in English
He has made much progress ______ the study of
French. A) 3,4 B) 2,5 C) 1,2 D) 1,3 E) 1,5
A) on
B) in 5. Choose the correct variant.
C) to The world needs _____ global languages.
D) for 1. some 2. a little
E) into 3. several 4. much
5. a lot 6. a few
20. Choose the correct definition. A) 4,5,6 B) 1,2,4
1. adopt a. state, situation, case C) 2,4,5 D) 1,3,6 E) 3,4,6
2. circumstance b. legend, folk tale
3. myth c. accept, receive
6. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b ______ the meat into small cubes.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b 1. Chop 2. Value
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c 3. Cut 4. Grow
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 1,3 E) 1,4

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct negative sentence.
1. She changed her ______. She watches different programmes.
2. Keep that in ______.
A) She doesn’t watch different programmes.
A) rest B) plant B) She doesn’t watches different programmes.
C) talk D) mind E) influence C) She don’t watch different programmes.
D) She didn’t watch different programmes.
8. Choose the correct variant. E) She doesn’t different programmes.
I always ______ the teachers’ questions.
A) respect B) value 15. Choose the correct variant.
C) watch D) answer E) object 1. Children are ______ playing computer games.
2. My father is ______ travelling by plane.
9. Choose the correct variant. 3. Sevda is ______ cooking.
My son ______ her homework. a. good at b. fond of c. afraid of
1. doesn’t A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
2. doesn’t do B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
3. didn’t C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
4. didn’t do D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 1,3 E) 1,4 E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

16. Choose the correct preposition.

10. Choose the sentences with the gerund. Are you interested ______ politics?
1. Playing tennis is fun.
2. It started raining. A) at B) on
3. He is going home. C) with D) in E) for
4. Reading a newspaper he sat on the sofa. 17. Choose the correct preposition.
A) 3,4 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 1,3 E) 1,4 Who is responsible ______ this work?
A) at B) on
11. Choose the correct variant. C) with D) in E) for
When her mother ______ she ______ TV.
A) came / was watching 18. Choose the correct variant.
B) come / is watching The newspaper ______ the new movie.
C) came / will watch A) solved
D) comes / was watching B) criticized
E) was coming / watches C) settled
D) shot
12. Choose the correct variant. E) lost
After ______ a shower he usually ______ strong
coffee. 19. Choose the correct variant.
He works hard but he never ______.
A) to have / drink
B) has / drinks A) brings
C) having / drink B) gets
D) having / drinks C) lets
E) to having / is drinking D) complains
E) doesn’t complain

13. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.

She sometimes has dinner at home. 20. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ always respect our parents.
A) Does she sometimes has dinner at home?
B) Does she sometimes have dinner at home? 1. shouldn’t 2. ought to
C) Do she sometimes have dinner at home? 3. have 4. must to
D) Did she sometimes have dinner at home? 5. don’t have to 6. should
E) Does she sometimes had dinner at home? A) 2,6 B) 2.4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 3,6

Test your English 3 7. Choose the correct negative words.

1. hopeful 2. homeless
1. Choose the correct word. 3. windless 4. happiness
We can ______ flowers. 5. sorrow 6. dangerous
1. cook 2. visit A) 2,5,6 B) 2.4,6
3. bake 4. boil C) 1,2,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,3,5
5. grow 6. water
8. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,6 B) 5,6 C) 1,3 D) 4,5 E) 3,6
______ some differences between British and
American English now.
2. Choose the correct word. A) There were
We can ______ dinner. B) There are
1. make 2. cook C) There is
3. cut 4. adopt D) There was
5. prepare 6. practice E) It was

A) 2,5,6 B) 2.4,6 9. Choose the correct variant.

C) 1,2,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,3,6 He talked to ______ wife about ______ children.
A) his / theirs
B) yours / his
3. Choose the correct word. C) he / they
We can ______ potatoes. D) his / their
1. peel 2. assume E) him / their
3. boil 4. abandon
5. fry 6. transform 10. Choose the correct possessive case.
1. teenagers’ problems
A) 3,5,6 B) 2.4,6 2. psychologists’ recommendations
C) 1,2,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,3,5 3. Alex’s and Linda’s mother
4. deers’ leather
4. Choose the correct word. A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 1,4 E) 3,4
The Azerbaijani language ______ to the Turkic
group of languages. 11. Choose the correct uncountable nouns.
1. alcohol 2. violence
A) develops
3. adult 4. drug
B) contains
5. right 6. help
C) encourage
D) confirms A) 2,5,6 B) 2.4,6
E) belongs C) 1,2,6 D) 1,3,4 E) 2,3,6

12. Choose the worst habits.

5. Choose the correct adjectives. 1. have a good time
1. independent 2. international 2. smoking
3. widespread 4. diplomacy 3. solve other’s problems
3. value 6. scientist 4. drinking alcohol
5. be charitable
A) 3,5,6 B) 2,4,6 6. fighting
C) 1,2,3 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,3,5
A) 3,4,6 B) 2,4,6
C) 1,4,5 D) 1,3,5 E) 2,4,5
6. Choose the correct positive words. 13. Choose the correct synonym: nowadays
1. useful 2. helpful A) at present
3. useless 4. hopeless B) in the future
5. harmless 6. harmful C) in the last
A) 3,5,6 B) 1,2,5 D) at the end
C) 1,2,5 D) 1,3,4 E) 1,3,5 E) at the beginning

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 4

The dictionary was so expensive that I ______ afford
it. 1. Choose the correct variant.
Today I have got ______ free time.
A) could B) must
C) should D) can E) couldn’t 1. many 2. a lot of
3. much 4. a lot
15. Choose the correct definition. 5. a few 6. some
1. to declare a. damage or injury A) 2,5,6 B) 2,4,6
2. harm b. an organized group of criminals C) 1,2,5 D) 2,3,6 E) 1,3,5
3. gang c. to proclaim
2. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b ______ progress is made by students at schools.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
1. Much 2. Lot of
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
3. Few 4. Only little
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c 5. Several 6. A lot of
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) 1,6 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 3,6
16. What is the meaning of “ a group of people who 3. Choose the correct variant.
share the same language, history, culture”. People in Japan work ______ hours.
A) party A) too many
B) group B) too much
C) criminals C) lot of
D) ethnic group D) a little
E) partners E) a lots of
17. Choose the correct synonym. 4. Choose the correct variant.
He participated in the song contest. Hurry up! We don’t have ______.
A) took away 1. time enough 2. much time
B) took part 3. a lot time 4. enough time
C) took place 5. little time 6. very few time
D) won
A) 2,6 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 3,6
E) lost
5. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the correct variant.
Newsreaders speak ______ than ten years ago.
Let them do anything ______ they want.
A) quickly
1. what 2. that
B) quick
3. which 4. ---
C) most quickly
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 1,4 E) 3,4 D) much quickly
E) more quickly
19. Choose good pieces of advice.
1. Don’t ignore your parents’ advice. 6. Choose the correct variant.
2. Don’t be kind to your parents and other people. I finish work ______ lunchtime ______ Friday.
3. Try not to respect each other’s thoughts.
A) in / on B) at / on
4. Try to be supportive and help others.
C) on / on D) at / in E) on / at
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 1,4 E) 3,4
7. Choose the correct variant.
20. Choose the correct Passive Voice. I think I ______ to make ______ changes in my
They forbid smoking in all public places. lifestyle.
A) Smoking is forbade in all public places. A) must / a lot of
B) Smoking is forbidden in all public places. B) have / much
C) Smoking forbidden in all public places. C) should / a lot
D) Smoking are forbidden in all public places. D) have / a lot of
E) Smoking was forbidden in all public places. E) ought / a little

8. Choose the correct synonym for: BAN 15. Choose the correct variant.
1. prohibit 2. rule The Government must protect children from _____.
3. cooperate 4. forbid 1. exploitation
5. present 6. introduce 2. education
A) 2,6 B) 1,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 3,6 3. entertainment
9. Choose the correct variant. 4. dangerous work
She is sad because she has ______ friends. A) 2,4 B) 1,2 C) 1,3 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
1. few 2. some 16. Choose the correct variant.
3. many 4. a few Every child ______ have a chance to have a rest and
5. only a few 6. much play.
A) 1,5 B) 2.4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 3,6 A) shouldn’t
10. Choose the correct synonym for: TO LET B) should
1. to proclaim 2. to allow C) have to
3. to continue 4. to delay D) mustn’t
5. to permit 6. to control E) must to

A) 2,6 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,5 17. Choose the correct variant.
Kate's ______ her sister.
11. Choose the correct synonym for: TO RULE A) much taller then
1. to conduct 2. to organize B) very taller than
3. to control 4. to create C) very taller then
5. to govern 6. to make D) more taller than
A) 3,4,6 B) 1,3,6 E) much taller than
C) 1,3,5 D) 1,2,4 E) 2,3,5 18. Choose the correct variant.
We are a little late. The play ______ begun.
12. Choose the correct variant.
A) just
“Smoking is not allowed here.” means ______
B) had just
1. You can smoke here. C) has just
2. You are forbidden to smoke here. D) is just
3. Smoking is banned here. E) will have
4. Smoking is permitted here.
19. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,6 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,3 - Did you enjoy ______?
- Yes, I did.
13. How many variants are correct?
We can save ______. A) yourself
B) myself
1. money C) yourselves
2. time D) you
3. water E) themselves
4. the nature
5. somebody’s life 20. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2 B) 3 C) 1 D) 5 E) 4 - What is he doing?
- ______
14. Choose the correct synonyms. 1. I don’t know.
The president ______ a state of emergency. 2. He has lunch.
The president ______ war. 3. He's an economist.
1. proclaimed 4. He's having lunch.
2. established 5. He’s preparing for tomorrow’s exam.
3. declared 6. He is good at Maths.
4. discriminate A) 3,4,6 B) 1,3,6
A) 2,3 B) 2.4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 1,2 C) 1,4,5 D) 1,2,4 E) 2,3,5

Test your English 5 9. Choose the correct variant.

1. nearly 2. rapidly
1. Choose the words close in meaning. 3. almost 4. approximately
1. miserable 2. unhappy 5. previously 6. lately
3. comfortable 4. happy 5. depressed
A) 2,3,4 B) 1,3,4
A) 2,3,4 B) 1,3,5 C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,5
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,5 E) 1,2,5
10. Which word doesn’t go with the others?
2. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. close 2. far 3. near A) epidemic B) fever
4. lately 5. nearby 6. open C) flu D) inflation E) infection
A) 2,3,4 B) 1,3,5 11. Choose the correct variant.
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,5 1. to pay a. the washing up
2. to rent b. the first month’s rent
3. Choose the words close in meaning. 3. to make c. a flat
1. convenient 2. appropriate d. an unusual decision
3. commercial 4. reliable e. your bed
5. cruelty 6. suitable f. the fee
A) 1,2,6 B) 1,3,5 g. the fare
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,5 A) 1-a,b / 2-c,d / 3-f,g
B) 1-a,g / 2-d,f / 3-c,e
4. Choose the words close in meaning. C) 1-b,d,g / 2-e,f / 3-e,f,g
1. fascinating 2. acceptable D) 1-b,c,d / 2-a / 3-f,g
3. natural 4. magnificent E) 1-b,f,g / 2-c / 3-d,e
5. satisfactory 6. agreeable
A) 2,3,4 B) 2,5,6 12. Choose the correct variant.
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,5 1. to reduce a. time
2. to waste b. knowledge
5. Choose the words close in meaning. 3. to acquire c. expenses
1. qualified 2. able d. trousers
3. tolerant 4. tremendous e. money
5. widespread 6. skillful A) 1-a,b / 2-c / 3-d,e
A) 2,3,4 B) 1,3,5 B) 1-c,d / 2-a,e / 3-b
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,6 C) 1-b / 2-c,d / 3-a
D) 1-c,e / 2-d,e / 3-a
6. Choose the words close in meaning. E) 1-a,e / 2-b / 3-c,d
1. talented 4. unskilled
13. Choose the correct variant.
2. abandoned 5. skilled
I don’t like this city. ______ too ______ traffic here.
3. gifted 6. credible
A) There are / many
A) 2,3,4 B) 1,3,5
B) There is / much
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,5
C) There is / few
D) There is / little
7. Which word doesn’t go with the others? E) There were / a lot of
A) harmful B) healthy
C) safe D) useful E) harmless 14. Choose the correct variant.
I think those flowers would grow better if you ______
them some water.
8. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. dangerous 2. risky A) given
3. safe 4. strong 5. unsafe B) had given
C) gave
A) 2,3,4 B) 1,3,5 D) have given
C) 3,4,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,5 E) will give

15. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 6

If you ______ reading the book, return it to the
library, please. 1. Choose the correct variant.
She hasn't written to me ______ we met last time.
A) finished
B) will finish A) from B) before
C) had finished C) ago D) since E) for
D) will have finished 2. Choose the correct variant.
E) finish Can we ______ at your house and go to the party
16. Choose the correct compound nouns. A) find B) see
A) toothpaste / fullmoon / moonlight C) meet D) come E) cry
B) sunshine / quantity / quality 3. Choose the correct variant.
C) agency / headline / swimming pool I'm ______ in the news.
D) sunset / newsstand / political
E) publication / journalist / network A) exciting
B) interested
C) interesting
17. Choose the synonym for “ prominent ”. D) interest
E) tiring
A) powerful
B) really 4. Choose the correct variant.
C) considerable It's a small town in the south ______ England.
D) famous A) in B) ---
E) national C) from D) to E) of
5. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. I think John ______ translate this document.
1. The first English newspaper appeared in 1621.
A) have to
2. The first American newspaper was published in
B) will have
C) will have to
3. The Oxford Gazette, first published in 1665, had
D) has
the longest life.
E) should to
4. “ The Washington Post ” is read all over the
world. 6. Choose the correct variant.
I was a bit worried because I thought I might ______
A) 1,3 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 1,2
my train.
A) reach
19. Choose the correct variant. B) lose
Only three ______ cheering wildly when the C) win
American pop group appeared on the stage. D) miss
A) a hundred of peoples were E) catch
B) hundreds of peoples were
C) hundred peoples were 7. Choose the correct variant.
D) hundred people were Couldn't you go a little faster? I'm ______ a hurry.
E) hundreds peoples were A) at B) in
C) of D) on E) after
20. Choose the correct variant. 8. Choose the correct variant.
______ going to the party. This car is more ______ than that one.
A) Everybody are A) fast
B) Every people are B) fastest
C) Everyone is C) modern
D) Every people is D) faster
E) Others people E) the fastest

9. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

- Must I take my umbrella? I ______ breakfast when the phone rang.
- No, you ______. It's not going to rain. A) had
A) mustn't B) was having
B) don't C) am having
C) have to D) have
D) must E) were having
E) needn't
16. Choose the correct variant.
10. Choose the correct variant. One of my neighbours has ______ me to tea.
- Have you ever been to France? A) welcomed
- Yes, I ______ there last August. B) suggested
A) went C) invited
B) have been D) pleased
C) had been E) mind
D) were
E) was
17. Choose the correct variant.
This question is ______ difficult for me.
11. Choose the correct variant.
It's rained a lot this week, ______? 1. very
2. enough
A) isn't he 3. such
B) is not it 4. too
C) isn't it
D) has it A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,4
E) hasn’t it
18. Choose the correct variant.
12. Choose the correct variant. He arrived ______ you were asleep.
She doesn't like ______ television.
1. while
A) watching 2. for
B) watch 3. during
C) see 4. when
D) looking
E) sell A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,4 E) 2,3

13. Choose the correct variant. 19. Choose the correct variant.
How can I ______ to the post office? This record-shop ______ be a book-shop a few years
A) arrive
B) get A) is used
C) find B) used for
D) reach C) use
E) approach D) used
E) used to

14. Choose the correct variant.

Mr. Smith woke up in the middle of the night. He 20. Choose the correct variant.
could hear ______ in his garden. I usually wear skirts, but today I ______ trousers.
A) someone A) wore
B) anybody B) wearing
C) everywhere C) wear
D) anything D) am wearing
E) some E) wears

Test your English 7 8. Choose the correct variant.

He doesn't speak languages very ______.
1. Choose the correct variant.
We arrived ______ the airport in time. A) better
B) best
A) on B) --- C) well
C) at D) in E) to D) good
E) bad
2. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ you are wrong.
A) am knowing 9. Choose the correct variant.
B) knowing It rained all day yesterday, ______?
C) knows A) it didn't
D) knew B) didn't it
E) know C) isn't it
D) doesn’t it
3. Choose the correct variant. E) does it
- Would you like a coke? - ______
A) Yes, please.
B) Yes, I like. 10. Choose the correct variant.
C) Yes, I do. Which country ______ from?
D) Yes, I'd like. A) Tom is coming
E) Yes, no more. B) does Tom comes
C) is coming Tom
4. Choose the correct variant. D) comes Tom
I don't know where he is, he hasn't arrived ______. E) does Tom come
A) since
B) yet
C) still 11. Choose the correct variant.
D) already This car is ______.
E) also A) their
B) my
5. Choose the correct variant. C) her
Father leaves ______ home at 7 o'clock so that he D) mine
can be in his office at 8. E) our
A) at B) for
C) from D) --- E) to
12. Choose the correct variant.
I couldn't come to the party because I ______ go to
6. Choose the correct variant.
This dinner looks ______ to me.
A) have
1. nicely
B) have got
2. badly
C) had
3. delicious
D) had to
4. tasty
E) must
A) 2,3 B) 2.4 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 1,2

7. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

My teacher lives ______ 45 Elm Street. He can't go to see her. He hasn't got ______ time.
A) in A) a
B) at B) much
C) under C) many
D) on D) some
E) from E) on

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 8

If he ______ harder, he ______ the exams.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) work / would pass They came ______.
B) works / pass
C) worked / will pass A) in the morning early
D) will work / passed B) early the morning
E) worked / would pass C) in early the morning
D) early in the morning
15. Choose the correct variant. E) the morning late
As soon as I shut the front door I realized that I
______ my key in the house. 2. Choose the correct variant.
Their parents came ______ car yesterday.
A) left
B) have left A) on B) by
C) was leaving C) with D) in E) with
D) had left
E) shall leave 3. Choose the correct variant.
Nobody ______ hungry. They have just had supper.
16. Choose the correct variant.
A) isn't B) aren't
About half an hour ______ I saw Mr. Brown.
C) were D) are E) is
A) ago
B) before 4. Choose the correct variant.
C) since You are ______ than Mary.
D) for
E) soon A) more tall B) tall
C) tallest D) the tallest E) taller
17. Choose the correct variant.
______ in our city are expensive. 5. Choose the correct variant.
Please answer ______ questions.
A) All the restaurants
B) The restaurants all A) to their B) them
C) The all restaurants C) to them D) their E) theirs
D) All restaurant
E) Every restaurant 6. Choose the correct variant.
He hasn't got ______.
18. Choose the correct variant. A) much luggage
______ radio is on the table? B) a number of luggage
A) Why B) Who's C) a lot of luggages
C) Whose D) Who E) Whom D) many luggages
E) a luggage
19. Choose the correct variant.
Your cat is smarter ______ mine. 7. Choose the correct variant.
He watched TV ______ .
A) as B) such
C) than D) that E) then A) two hours ago
B) tomorrow
C) next week
20. Choose the correct variant.
D) soon
– What _____?
E) in two days
– Is she a lawyer?
A) does she 8. Choose the correct variant.
B) is she doing What can you see ______ the photo?
C) does she do
D) she does A) to B) on
E) did she C) at D) in E) for

9. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

I ______ the car now. - ______.
A) can't hear - She is modest and clever."
B) am not hearing A) What is she?
C) am not hear B) What is she like?
D) could hear C) Who does she look like?
E) couldn’t hear D) How is she like?
E) What does she like?

10. Choose the correct variant.

If she ______ Peter, he'll stay.
16. Choose the correct variant.
A) had asked ______ to the station when I saw you this morning?
B) asked A) Have you gone
C) asks B) Have you been going
D) has asked C) Are you going
E) will ask D) Were you going
E) Do you go
11. Choose the correct variant.
Why aren't you looking ______ your notebook?
17. Choose the correct variant.
A) to How ______ of matches have we got?
B) on
C) at A) much box
D) --- B) many box
E) from C) many boxes
D) much boxes
E) a box
12. Choose the correct variant.
Please ______. It’s cold here.
18. Choose the correct variant.
A) take up your coat ______ fridge in the kitchen?
B) put off your coat
C) put your coat on A) Is some
D) take on your coat B) Were there
E) take off your coat C) Is there a
D) Are there a
E) Will
13. Choose the correct variant.
Henry arrived ______ station at ______ 9.
19. Choose the correct variant.
A) to / at He came ______ train.
B) at the / at
C) on the / to A) with B) on
D) to the / in C) by D) by a E) in a
E) in / at

20. Choose the correct variant.

14. Choose the correct variant. - What do you do?
They ______ once a week. - ______
A) was buying A) I'm typing a letter.
B) go shopping B) I'm reading a magazine.
C) went to shops C) I'm a typist.
D) will shopping D) I'm type letters.
E) goes shopping E) I am doing homework.

Test your English 9 7. Choose the correct variant.

They ______ the bus.
1. Choose the correct variant.
They won't do that, ______? A) was waiting for
B) were waiting
A) will they C) was waiting
B) did they D) were waiting for
C) will they not E) are waiting
D) won't they
E) shall we
8. Choose the correct variant.
2. Choose the correct variant. If we keep on at this speed, we'll reach the top in
We ______ the sights of the city. ______.
A) will shown 1. an hour
B) have showing 2. o’clock
C) were shown 3. half an hour
D) were showed 4. 2 o’clock
E) was shown A) 2,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,2 D) 3,4 E) 1,3

3. Choose the correct variant.

He isn't in London now because he ______ to the 9. Choose the correct variant.
Continent. When did you ______ that photo?
A) has been A) make
B) has gone B) take
C) will going C) made
D) was going D) do
E) will go E) took

4. Choose the correct variant. 10. Choose the correct variant.

Liz read the story, ______ she? If it ______ nice tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.
A) didn't A) will
B) doesn't B) would be
C) isn't C) is
D) don't D) will be
E) won’t E) was

5. Choose the correct variant. 11. Choose the correct variant.

When the telephone rang, she ______ a letter. It is the most beautiful building ______ the world.
A) has written A) of
B) will write B) from
C) was writing C) in
D) writes D) on
E) is writing E) at

6. Choose the correct variant. 12. Choose the correct variant.

I ______ English since I was at school. He went to school ______ five.
A) don't speak A) by age of
B) haven't spoke B) at age of
C) speaking C) at the age of
D) didn't speak D) at the age
E) haven’t spoken E) in the age

13. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 10

I can see only ______.
1. Match the words to their definitions.
A) many bottles 1. conductor a. period of ten years
B) a few bottle 2. decade b. almost not
C) a little bottles
D) few bottles 3. hardly c. man selling tickets
E) a few bottles A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
14. Choose the correct variant.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
- Have you been to Osaka? - ______
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
1. A few times
2. Still not. 2. Match the words to their definitions.
3. Not yet. 1. improve a. with new ideas
4. Already not. 2. innovative b. man in the legal profession
A) 2,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,2 D) 3,4 E) 1,3 3. lawyer c. get better
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
15. Choose the correct variant.
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
John is a good worker: he works very ______.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
A) many B) hard E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
C) good D) hardly E) careful
3. Match the words to their definitions.
1. poverty a. to have in common
16. Choose the correct variant. 2. share b. being poor
I'm no good ______ mathematics. 3. status c. position
A) for B) on
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
C) for D) by E) at
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
17. Choose the correct variant. D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
I'm sorry but you ______ several mistakes. E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) made B) told 4. Match the words to their definitions.
C) wrote D) did E) does 1. ugly a. unpleasant, nasty
2. unemployment b. have enough money for
3. can afford c. not having any job
18. Choose the correct variant.
She loves ______ Hungarian music. A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
A) the B) a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) some of D) --- E) a few C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
19. Choose the correct variant.
This film was ______ interesting than last week's. 5. Match the words to their definitions.
1. break a. period of rest
A) not so B) a little 2. 25 years b. quarter of a century
C) much D) rather E) more
3. extinction c. disappearance
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
20. Choose the correct variant. B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
She was ill, so she had to go ______ home. C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
A) for B) at D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
C) --- D) to E) for E) 1-a / 2-b / 3-c

6. Match the words to their definitions. 11. Match the words to their definitions.
1. lack a. beside 1. society a. people in general
2. solve b. absence 2. factory b. affected by alcohol
3. alongside c. find an answer to 3. drunk c. an industrial building
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

7. Match the words to their definitions. 12. Match the words to their definitions.
1. skills a. unable to see 1. and so on a. people who work on ships
2. worldwide b. all over the world 2. plenty b. etc.
3. blind c. competences, abilities 3. sailors c. quite a lot
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

8. Match the words to their definitions. 13. Match the words to their definitions.
1. guest a. no problem 1. can't afford a. natural, without chemicals
2. never mind b. go on a horse 2. diet b. don't have enough money
3. ride c. invited person 3. organic c. what you eat
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

9. Match the words to their definitions. 14. Match the words to their definitions.
1. pour a. flow 1. pretty a. unpleasant
2. waste b. profit 2. overweight b. too heavy
3. benefit c. things that we throw away 3. nasty c. quite
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

10. Match the words to their definitions. 15. Match the words to their definitions.
1. worry a. get better 1. incredible a. spectators
2. customer b. be anxious 2. audiences b. hard to believe
3. improve c. client 3. achieve c. obtain
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

16. Match the words to their definitions. Test your English 11

1. maid a. young woman
1. Choose the correct variant.
2. take place b. happen He'd done that before, ______ he?
3. tale c. story
A) hadn't
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) wouldn't
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a C) didn't
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) had
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c E) doesn’t
E) 1-a / 2-b / 3-c
2. Choose the correct variant.
17. Match the words to their definitions. You'd never say such a thing behind my back,
1. legend a. a specialist doctor ______?
2. folklore b. popular traditional stories A) should you
3. surgeon c. myth, old story B) did you
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b C) had you
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a D) would you
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b E) will you
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a 3. Choose the correct variant.
You haven't been to Italy, ______ you?
18. Match the words to their definitions. A) hasn't
1. shy a. story B) have
2. author b. timid C) haven't
3. novel c. writer D) had
E) did
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b 4. Choose the correct variant.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c You've never been there before, ______ you?
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a A) had
B) hadn't
19. Match the words to their definitions.
C) have
1. job profile a. the work he has to do E) haven't
2. ahead of b. a sharp instrument for cutting E) has
3. saw c. in front of
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 5. Choose the correct variant.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a I'll be 13 tomorrow, ______ I?
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
A) shan’t
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
B) am
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
C) won't
D) aren't
20. Match the words to their definitions. E) will
1. broadcasting a. transmitting radio or TV
2. events b. jobs, tasks
6. Choose the correct variant.
3. duties c. things that happen, news
You have sugar in your coffee, ______ you?
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) don't
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) aren't
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) isn't
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) haven't
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) have

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

You'll join us tonight, ______? They've got too much luggage, ______?
A) don't you A) got they not
B) shall you B) don't they
C) won't you C) haven't they
D) aren't you D) isn't it
E) will you E) did they

8. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

She's been very kind, ______ she? You hardly ever panic, ______?
A) wasn't A) aren't you
B) doesn't B) do you
C) hasn't C) don't you
D) isn't D) have you
E) has E) did you

9. Choose the correct variant. 16. Choose the correct variant.

They won't do that, ______? You've had a great time in Mallorca, ______ you?
A) will you A) had
B) won't they B) hasn't
C) did they C) hadn't
D) will they D) have
E) did they E) haven’t

10. Choose the correct variant. 17. Choose the correct variant.
You have no money to lend me, ______ you? He won't be late, ______ he?
A) haven't B) can't A) don't B) isn't
C) do D) don't E) have C) won't D) will E) would

11. Choose the correct variant. 18. Choose the correct variant.
It rained all day yesterday, ______? She won't believe this story, ______ she?
A) isn't it A) will
B) didn't they B) is
C) did it C) won't
D) it didn't D) won't
E) didn’t it E) would

12. Choose the correct variant. 19. Choose the correct variant.
We can go out now; the danger is over, ______? What a pleasant holiday this one has been, ______?
A) is it A) hasn't it
B) isn't it B) doesn't it
C) isn't he C) wasn't it
D) hasn't it D) did it
E) wasn’t it E) isn't it

13. Choose the correct variant. 20. Choose the correct variant.
You went on an expensive skiing holiday, ______? He played well yesterday, ______?
A) haven't you A) isn't it
B) did you B) had he
C) didn't she C) didn't he
D) don't you D) doesn't he
E) didn't you E) did he

Test your English 12 7. Choose the correct variant.

When he came two minutes ago everybody _____.
1. Choose the correct variant.
- ______ you ever ______ Tom? A) has already arrived
- Yes, we ______ at the concert. B) have already been there
C) were there
A) Have … meet / met D) had already arrived
B) Have … met / met E) will arrive
C) Did … meet / were meeting
D) Had … meet / shall meet 8. Choose the correct variant.
E) Did … met / met I was ______.
A) yesterday all day at home
2. Choose the correct variant. B) yesterday at home all day
He had an accident and ______ to hospital. C) at home all day yesterday
A) is taken D) all day at home yesterday
B) had been taken E) at all day home yesterday
C) had to take
9. Choose the correct variant.
D) were brought
Jill and Frank ______ for ten years.
E) was taken
A) are married
3. Choose the correct variant. B) was married
I'm sorry I can't ______ the shopping today. C) has been married
D) have been married
A) go to
E) will married
B) make
C) do 10. Choose the correct variant.
D) to do They ______ just ______ their lunch.
E) have
A) didn’t … finish
B) don’t … finish
4. Choose the correct variant. C) has … finished
Tell me more about your work, I'm very ______. D) are … finish
A) interested for it E) have … finished
B) interesting at it 11. Choose the correct variant.
C) interested in it I ______ already ______ all your mistakes.
D) interesting
E) interested in it A) have … corrected
B) corrected
C) are … correcting
5. Choose the correct variant. D) were correcting
Their flat is very modern, but they have some antique E) shall … correct
______ in it.
12. Choose the correct variant.
A) pieces of furniture We ______ your invitation yet.
B) pieces of furnitures
C) furnitures A) didn’t received
D) piece of furnitures B) have received
E) peace of furniture C) received
D) haven’t received
E) shall receive
6. Choose the correct variant.
- What is their new house like? 13. Choose the correct variant.
- It ______. Jane _____ just _____ my book.
A) seems like very comfortable A) have … read
B) likes yours B) reads
C) looks very well C) is reading
D) looks like an office block D) read
E) looks delicious E) has … read

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 13

Tom ______ back my pen yet.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) hasn’t given Janet and I live quite near ______ each other.
B) has given
C) gave A) --- B) from
D) shall give C) as D) at E) to
E) is giving 2. Choose the correct variant.
15. Choose the correct variant. I don't see why I ______ to help you.
Jack ______ me an answer yet. A) should B) must
A) hasn’t sent C) can D) may E) ought
B) didn’t send
3. Choose the correct variant.
C) didn’t sent
I haven't seen Jenny _____.
D) don’t send
E) hasn’t send A) in the last time
B) lastly
16. Choose the correct variant.
C) since long
Your friend ______ yet.
D) for a long time
A) haven’t arrived E) last week
B) didn’t arrive
C) hasn’t arrived 4. Choose the correct variant.
D) didn’t arrived How long does it ______ to get to London?
E) hasn’t arrive A) take B) need
17. Choose the correct variant. C) want D) make E) choose
I ______ never ______ my mother-in-law.
5. Choose the correct variant.
A) have … visited My brother's son is my ______.
B) haven’t … visited
C) shan’t … visit A) son-in-law
D) didn’t … visit B) uncle
E) has … visited C) cousin
D) nephew
18. Choose the correct variant. E) niece
- ______
- I have a bad headache. 6. Choose the correct variant.
I was ______ hungry that I ate six beefburgers.
A) What is matter with you?
B) What matters? A) so B) as
C) What does it matter? C) so much D) too E) such
D) What's the matter with you?
E) What does it mean? 7. Choose the correct variant.
It was so late that I ______ take a taxi.
19. Choose the correct variant. A) had to
They got some valuable ______ from the night B) must
watchman. C) was to
A) piece of information D) have to
B) informations E) should
C) information
D) pieces of informations 8. Choose the correct variant.
E) a piece of information I ______ for this office since I arrived.
A) was looking
20. Choose the correct variant. B) have been looking
It's not raining ______. C) look
A) no more B) any more D) am looking
C) some more D) more E) any E) will have looked

9. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

I don't like tea: can I have ______? She walked ______ the road without looking.
A) something else 1. long 2. between
B) something other 3. in 4. across 5. along
C) anything other A) 3,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,5 E) 4,5
D) some else
E) some else thing
16. Choose the correct variant.
10. Choose the correct variant. We spent ______ day sunbathing.
Do you think it ______ soon? 1. all the 2. whole
A) is raining 3. whole of the 4. the whole
B) is going to rain 5. each 6. both
C) has rain A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5
D) rains C) 1,2,6 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,3,5
E) shall rain

11. Choose the correct variant. 17. Choose the correct variant.
I asked him what ______. As the sun ______, I decided to go out.
1. was he reading A) shine
2. did he read B) shines
3. he was reading C) was shining
4. he is reading D) has shone
5. he would read E) is shining
6. he will read
A) 2,3 B) 3,6 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 3,5 18. Choose the correct variant.
I don't speak Japanese, but Jenny ______.
12. Choose the correct variant. A) do
You've never had a friend before, ______ you? B) is speaking it
C) speaks
A) haven't D) does
B) have E) has
C) had
D) hadn't
E) will 19. Choose the correct variant.
He's ______ intelligent than his sister.
13. Choose the correct variant. 1. much less
It's a long journey by train; it's much _____ by road. 2. not so
3. much more
A) quickly 4. the most
B) most quick 5. as
C) more quickly 6. a little
D) quicker
E) more quicker A) 2,6 B) 3,4 C) 1,5 D) 2,4 E) 1,3

14. Choose the correct variant. 20. Choose the correct variant.
She said she ______ for five hours. They never do ______ homework.
A) has worked A) they
B) worked B) their
C) has been working C) they're
D) had been working D) there
E) will have worked E) theirs

Test your English 14 7. Choose the correct variant.

Janet is ______.
1. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ married in church last year. A) an old friend of me
B) a my old friend
A) are C) an old my friend
B) made D) an old friend of mine
C) got E) an old friend of our
D) have
E) get 8. Choose the correct variant.
Why ______ school yesterday?
2. Choose the correct variant. A) isn't she gone to
My house is opposite ______ the park. B) she wasn't at
A) of C) wasn't she at
B) from D) hasn't she been at
C) to E) won’t she be at
D) ---
E) with 9. Choose the correct variant.
She spends all her money ______ clothes.
3. Choose the correct variant. A) for B) in
By the time the police arrived, the thieves ______ the C) to D) on E) with
stolen money.
10. Choose the correct variant.
A) hide
Two gangsters entered ______ the bank.
B) had hidden
C) will have hidden A) on B) in
D) are hiding C) --- D) to E) into
E) have hidden
11. Choose the correct variant.
It looks ______ rain.
4. Choose the correct variant.
______ books on this shelf were written by Dickens. A) for B) as
C) like D) so E) after
A) Every
B) All the
C) The all 12. Choose the correct variant.
D) All ______ study hard when you were at school?
E) Each of the A) Must you
B) Were you
5. Choose the correct variant. C) Had you
- ______ yet? D) Did you have to
- Nearly." E) Have you to
A) Have you finished
B) Do you finish 13. Choose the correct variant.
C) Did you finish We went by car and the children went ______ foot.
D) Are you finishing A) to B) on
E) Will you finish C) with D) by E) for

6. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

Has ______? He ______.
A) come the post yet A) will be here soon
B) yet the post came B) soon will be here
C) the post yet come C) will be soon here
D) the post come yet D) will here be soon
E) come yet the post E) will here soon

15. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 15

______ boots were where they left them.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) Three players' their The guide ______ some interesting things.
B) The three player's
C) The three players' A) spoke B) told
D) The three players C) said D) talked E) say
E) The three players’s
2. Choose the correct variant.
______ the news bad?
16. Choose the correct variant.
We met when we were ______. A) Are B) Were
C) Are there D) Is E) Will
A) in holiday
B) on holiday
3. Choose the correct variant.
C) by holiday
Can you ______ me five pounds?
D) during holiday
E) at holiday A) lend B) do
C) borrow D) rent E) take

17. Choose the correct variant. 4. Choose the correct variant.

It's nice to be ______ friends. Don't drink so much tea, it's bad ______ your
A) by stomach.
B) between A) on B) in
C) among C) for D) from E) by
D) against
E) without
5. Choose the correct variant.
This is ______ restaurant in Bangkok.
18. Choose the correct variant. A) worst
Please drive ______; you're making me nervous. B) the worse
A) slowlier C) the more worse
B) more slow D) the worst
C) slow E) most worst
D) more slowly
E) slower
6. Choose the correct variant.
Mike is afraid ______ spiders.

19. Choose the correct variant. A) from B) for

They ______ to the theatre twice so far his month. C) about D) with E) of

A) were
B) are 7. Choose the correct variant.
C) are going Let's play cards ______ dinner.
D) have been A) for B) on
E) had been C) after D) since E) from

20. Choose the correct variant. 8. Choose the correct variant.

We have been waiting for you ______. I feel ______ after all this typing.
A) since an hour A) terribly bad
B) an hour ago B) terrible tired
C) an hour C) terrible tired
D) for one o’clock D) terrible bad
E) for an hour E) terrible badly

9. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

If you ______ to town tomorrow, will you do some He doesn't like company. He always works ______.
shopping for me? A) lonely
A) went B) alone
B) would go C) solo
C) will be going D) only
D) will go E) one
E) go
16. Choose the correct variant.
10. Choose the correct variant. How long does the train ______ from London to
I can't wait. I'm ______ a hurry. Edinburgh take?
A) for A) tour
B) in B) voyage
C) with C) journey
D) on D) travel
E) at E) trip

11. Choose the correct variant. 17. Choose the correct variant.
My uncle arrived while I ______ dinner. Smoking is a bad ______ of yours.
A) had cooked A) usage
B) would cook B) custom
C) was cooking C) practice
D) cook D) habit
E) am cooking E) tradition

12. Choose the correct variant. 18. Choose the correct variant.
Do you know ______ I met last Saturday? Yesterday I ______ my son's trousers.
A) with whom A) sewed
B) who B) sow
C) --- C) sew
D) that whom D) sawed
E) whose E) see

13. Choose the correct variant. 19. Choose the correct variant.
When ______ Mr. Jones? I've got a very good ______ with the BBC.
A) have you met A) issue
B) you did meet B) work
C) did you meet C) occupation
D) you met D) job
E) did you met E) profession

14. Choose the correct variant. 20. Choose the correct variant.
- It's a pity you haven't seen that play. He would be very happy if you ______ what he
- But I have, I ______ it last week." asked.
A) have seen A) did
B) had seen B) will do
C) saw C) have done
D) was seen D) do
E) will see E) would do

Test your English 16 8. Choose the correct variant.

The factory was ______ 10 years ago.
1. Choose the correct variant.
Taking photos in special moments ______ a A) built
journalist’s job. B) discovered
C) showed
A) were B) have been D) allowed
C) will D) are E) is E) kept
2. Choose the correct variant.
Penicillin was ______ by a Scotsman. 9. Choose the correct variant.
These watches were ______ in Switzerland.
A) invented B) discovered
C) taught D) left E) stolen A) built
B) made
3. Match the words to their definitions. C) killed
1. cookies 2. detect 3. entire D) allowed
E) poisoned
a. complete, total, whole
b. a packet of data sent by an internet server
c. find out, display, discover 10. Choose the correct variant.
I wanted to come but I hadn't been ______.
A) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
B) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c A) wasted
C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a B) made
D) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a C) invited
E) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b D) allowed
E) kept
4. Choose the correct variant.
New locks were ______ on all the doors. 11. Choose the correct variant.
A) recorded I don't understand why you don't have the report. It
B) installed was ______ to you over a week ago.
C) tagged A) spent
D) ground B) improved
E) investigated C) invited
D) allowed
5. Choose the correct variant. E) sent
______ the sugar into a powder.
A) Detect B) Intrude
C) Introduce D) Grind E) Spout 12. Choose the correct variant.
The computer is working. It was ______ while you
6. Choose the correct variant. were on holiday.
The police are still ______ the murder. A) fixed
A) investigating B) approved
B) swapping C) invited
C) stimulating D) cooked
D) providing E) kept
E) killing
13. Choose the correct variant.
7. Choose the correct variant. I had to ask them to write the report again. It was
The presentation was ______ by Gill Bates. very badly ______.
A) announced A) fixed
B) stood B) written
C) underlined C) invited
D) given D) allowed
E) detonated E) repaired

14. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. Test your English 17
1. I have never been to California.
2. I have never been arrested. 1. Choose the correct variant.
3. The tower was built in 1802 by French. He won't be late, _____ ?
4. Nothing happened. A) won't he
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,4 B) isn't he
C) will he
15. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. D) don't he
1. No one was injured by the fire. E) would he
2. The award was given to the top student.
3. We decided not to hire anyone. 2. Choose the correct variant.
4. The pizza was delicious. Don't be late _____ your music lesson.
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,4 A) to
B) to
16. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. C) on
1. The company was shut down by the police. D) at
2. We had been given the wrong tickets. E) for
3. She wishes she had been there.
4. He might not have been paying attention.
3. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,2 He had done that before, _____ he?
A) hadn't
17. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice.
B) done had
1. Chemicals can be toxic.
C) wouldn't
2. New regulations will be introduced next year.
D) didn't
3. Someone had broken the window.
E) has he
4. The window had been broken.
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 1,4
4. Choose the correct variant.
She lived in Mallorca _____ two months.
18. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice.
Mother has prepared the meal. A) while
B) for
A) The meal has been prepared mother.
C) in
B) The meal have been prepared.
D) during
C) The meal was prepared.
E) from
D) The meal has been prepared.
E) The meal will be prepared.
5. Choose the correct variant.
19. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. Last year she married _____ a Russian dancer.
They will meet you at the airport. A) on
A) You will be met at the airport. B) with
B) You will be met at the airport them. C) to
C) You will be met at the airport by they. D) ---
D) You will met at the airport. E) for
E) You will be meet at the airport.

20. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. 6. Choose the correct variant.
Somebody will collect your luggage. She got married _____ a rich businessman.
A) Your luggage will collected. A) with
B) Your luggage will be collect. B) for
C) Your luggage has collected. C) ---
D) Your luggage has been collected. D) from
E) Your luggage will be collected. E) on

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

If you ______ me the book, I'll read it. I decided to go ______.
A) would lend A) for a walk
B) lend B) to a walk
C) will lend C) walk
D) lent D) for a walking
E) borrow E) for a walks

8. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

He came ______. They told ______ what to do.

A) last night late home A) our

B) last night home late B) him
C) home late last night C) he
D) late home last night D) to him
E) to home late last night E) they

9. Choose the correct variant. 16. Choose the correct variant.

We have to read a book ______. Since 1964, there ______ no gas explosions here.

A) every three week A) has been

B) at next week B) were
C) every three weeks C) are
D) week ago D) is
E) another weeks E) have been

10. Choose the correct variant. 17. Choose the correct variant.
Betty spoke to me ______.
This lovely cake is full ______ nuts.
A) at last
A) --- B) for B) her name
C) with D) from E) of C) the first
D) German
11. Which sentence is correct? E) at the end
A) I already twice read have this book.
B) I have already read this book twice. 18. Choose the correct variant.
C) I twice have already read this book. When the doorbell ______, I was having a bath.
D) I have read already twice this book. A) rang
E) I have read this book twice already. B) rings
C) rung
12. Choose the correct variant. D) will ring
Please speak a little ______. E) had rung
A) slow
B) slowly 19. Choose the correct variant.
C) slower It was a long film: ______.
D) slowlier A) it was bored
E) more slowly B) I was bored
C) I was boring
13. Choose the correct variant. D) it is bored
You ______ come tomorrow if you have something E) I was excited
else to do.
A) don't need 20. Choose the correct variant.
B) haven't to The plane arrived ______ the airport late on
C) needn't to Monday.
D) needn't A) at B) in
E) shoudn’t to C) for D) to E) ---

Test your English 18 7. Choose the sentence in the Passive Voice.

John gave a bar of chocolate to Jack.
1. Choose the correct variant.
I'm feeling sad. My dog was ______ in an accident A) A bar of chocolate was given to Jack.
yesterday. B) A bar of chocolate were given to Jack.
C) A bar of chocolate has been given to Jack.
A) invented D) A bar of chocolate was gave to Jack.
B) discovered E) A bar of chocolate is given to Jack.
C) killed
D) aroused 8. Choose the sentence in the Passive Voice.
E) contributed The girl has repaired the road.
A) The road have been repaired.
2. Choose the correct variant. B) The road has repaired.
Smoking wasn’t ______ aboard the plane. C) The road has been repaired.
A) widen D) The road was repaired.
B) expanded E) The road is been repaired.
C) believed
D) allowed 9. Choose the correct variant.
E) stolen They were ______.
A) studying very hardly
3. Choose the correct variant. B) learnt very hard
I didn't know about it. I was ______ completely in C) studying very hard
the dark. D) learning hardly
A) invented E) hardly studying nothing
B) discovered
C) killed 10. Choose the correct variant.
D) allowed Who found that flower in the garden?
E) kept I ______.
A) did B) do
4. Match the halves. C) found D) did so E) have
1. a commercial a. cable
2. an electricity b. education 11. Choose the correct variant.
3. multicultural c. agreement I must go shopping before the shops close.
A) 1 b, 2 a, 3 c A) So do I.
B) 1 c, 2 a 3 b B) I mustn’t either.
C) 1 b, 2 c, 3 a C) So have I.
D) 1 c, 2 b, 3 a D) Neither must I.
E) 1 a, 2 c, 3 b E) So must I.

5. Choose the sentence in the Passive Voice. 12. Choose the correct variant.
John gave a bar of chocolate to Jack. ______ to the next village?
A) Jack is given a bar of chocolate. A) How far is it
B) Jack was gave a bar of chocolate. B) How long it is
C) Jack was given a bar of chocolate. C) How far is
D) Jack were given a bar of chocolate. D) What far is it
E) Jack gave a bar of chocolate to John. E) Where

6. Choose the sentence in the Passive Voice. 13. Choose the correct variant.
They offered the job to Simon. He ______ in love with her over a year ago.
A) Simon will be offered the job by them. A) has fallen
B) Simon was offered the job them. B) fell
C) Simon was offered the job by they. C) falls
D) The job is offered to John by them. D) felled
E) Simon was offered the job by them. E) feels

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 19

They ______ dictionaries.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) haven't any Writing a poem is ______ for me.
B) have no some
C) have no any A) enough difficult
D) don't have some B) such difficult
E) don’t have any C) too difficult
D) very more difficult
15. Choose the correct variant. E) quite a difficult
If you can type ______ she can, you are very good.
A) as more quickly as 2. How many variants are correct?
B) as quicker as ______ did you say ?
C) quicker then
1. When 2. What 3. Why
D) as quickly as
4. Where 5. Who 6. Whose
E) so quickly as
A) 3 B) 4 C) 1 D) 6 E) 5
16. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ the table for supper.
3. Choose the correct variant.
A) led B) lied The tailor made him a new ______.
C) lain D) laid E) lays
A) clothes
17. Choose the correct variant. B) suit
I'll have to buy ______ trousers. C) dress
D) wear
A) a pair of E) furniture
B) this pairs
C) one
D) a 4. Choose the correct variant.
E) two pair of I ______ in the garden when I suddenly felt a pain.
18. Choose the correct variant. A) has been working
One of our lawyers ______ the case. B) worked
C) was working
A) has been studying D) have worked
B) was studied E) am working
C) has studying
D) had studying
E) are studying 5. Choose the correct variant.
It was Friday afternoon and the shops were full
19. Choose the correct variant. ______ customers.
He took a shower and then ______ to bed.
A) in
A) went B) with
B) go C) of
C) goes D) by
D) has gone E) for
E) will go

20. Choose the correct variant. 6. Choose the correct variant.

It was past midnight, so there were ______ people in She always says that we ______ go and see her more
the street. often.
A) a few A) must to
B) less B) ought
C) few C) should
D) any D) are able
E) much E) have

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

______ is often made of wood. How long ______ your new secretary?
A) Furnitures Since 1980.
B) Furniture A) have you been knowing
C) Pieces of furniture B) have you known
D) A piece of furnitures C) did you know
E) A few pieces of furniture D) do you know
E) will you know
8. Choose the correct variant.
When ______ give us your final decision?
15. Choose the correct variant.
A) going out to She will have ______ free time from now on.
B) you going to A) many B) few
C) are you C) lot of D) no E) not
D) you are going to
E) will you
16. Choose the correct variant.
9. Choose the correct variant. He asked me if I ______ to swim across the river.
Please ask ______ come and see me. A) be able B) could
A) Bill to B) to Bill C) am able D) was able E) hadn’t
C) Bill D) to Bill to E) he to
17. Choose the correct variant.
10. Choose the correct variant. ______ wanted to see you yesterday.
The driver ______ to read a newspaper while he
______ for the lights to change. A) A friend of our
B) A friend of me
A) was starting / has waited C) A friend of mine
B) had started / waited D) One of my friend
C) started / was waiting E) A friend of their
D) has started / has been waiting
E) starts / was waiting
18. Choose the correct variant.
11. Choose the correct variant. He wanted to buy a few ______ and 3 ______.
Ask him how much ______. A) eggs / hundred sheep
A) cost it B) eggs / hundreds sheeps
B) it costed C) eggs / hundred sheeps
C) do it cost D) egg / hundred sheep
D) does it cost E) eggs / sheeps
E) it costs
19. Choose the correct variant.
12. Choose the correct variant. Here are your shoes. I ______ them.
The photos ______ at the school show haven’t come
out. A) have just cleaned
B) just cleaned
A) taken B) taking C) have just been cleaned
C) takes D) have taken E) took D) did just clean
E) just clean
13. Choose the correct variant.
I hope you know that you ______ come with me if 20. Choose the correct variant.
you don't want to. Is he married or ______?
A) don't have to A) lonely
B) don't need B) alone
C) can C) free
D) must D) single
E) should E) busy

Test your English 20 8. Choose the correct variant.

The clock said three o’clock when we ______.
1. Choose the words close in meaning.
“Help me!” she shouted. A) leave
B) had left
1. cried 2. offered
C) leaves
3. screamed 4. made up
D) shall leave
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4 E) left

2. Choose the correct variant. 9. Choose the correct Possessive Case.

Everyone ______ to show their identity cards at the 1. Some of the artist’s paintings are on show at the
entrance to the building. National Gallery.
A) has B) have 2. There is no difference between girls and boys’
C) should D) hasn’t E) are able abilities at this age.
3. It’s one of o Dylan’s most famous songs.
3. Choose the correct variant. 4. The weather’s very lovely today.
The secretary showed her ______ to put her coat. A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
A) who B) whose
C) where D) that E) which 10. Choose the correct variant.
The election results showed that people weren’t
4. Choose the correct variant. satisfied ______ the government.
I’ll show you the way ______ the station. A) for B) to
A) for B) with C) from D) with E) in
C) on D) at E) to
11. Choose the correct variant.
Paul didn’t show ______ interest in this idea.
5. Choose the words close in meaning.
The computer shows the date in the top right corner A) little B) some
of the screen. C) many D) much E) few
A) notices B) displays 12. Choose the correct synonym.
C) preserves D) steals E) operates He shut his eyes and listened to the music.
A) closes B) close
6. Choose the correct variant. C) closed D) closing E) suggest
She pointed out the house ______ she was born.
1. who 2. in which 13. Choose the correct variant.
3. that 4. when He ______ his voice at the students.
5. where 6. which A) rises B) raised
A) 2,5 B) 1,4 C) 5,6 D) 3,4 E) 3,6 C) rose D) raise E) rise

7. Choose the sentence in the Passive Voice. 14. Choose the correct synonyms.
They display the parking restrictions on a small 1. timid 2. sincere
yellow sign. 3. wealthy 4. shy
5. displeased 6. truthful
A) The parking restrictions are display on a small
yellow sign. A) 2,5 B) 1,4 C) 5,6 D) 3,4 E) 3,6
B) The parking restrictions are displayed on a small
yellow sign them. 15. Choose the correct variant.
C) The parking restrictions are displayed on a small Sam ______ the door when his father called him.
yellow sign. A) painted
D) The parking restrictions is displayed on a small B) is painting
yellow sign. C) will paint
E) The parking restrictions were displayed on a D) has painted
small yellow sign. E) was painting

16. Choose the correct synonyms. Test your English 21

Don’t forget close the front door.
1. Choose the correct variant.
1. to lock Sorry I'm late. I ______ stuck ______ a traffic jam.
2. to propose
3. to convince A) got / in
4. to shut B) had been / in
C) got / by
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4
D) was / with
E) will get / in

17. Which word is different? 2. Choose the correct variant.

She didn't let me ______.
A) hymn
B) song A) pay
C) anthem B) to pay
D) evidence C) paying
E) choir D) to paying
E) paid
3. Choose the correct variant.
18. Choose the correct variant. When I was younger ______.
He ______ visit his parents more often.
A) I live in a small house
1. should
2. has B) I had lived in a small house
3. must C) I used to live in a small house
4. ought D) I have lived in a small house
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 2,4 E) I will live in a small house
4. Choose the correct variant.
We'd better not be late for the match, ______?
19. Choose the correct negative sentence. A) would we
A) You can’t hear or see some commercials on BBC B) had we
radio and television. C) did we
B) You can’t hear and see any commercials on BBC D) wouldn’t we
radio and television. E) hadn’t we
C) You can’t hear or see any commercials on BBC
radio and television. 5. Choose the correct variant.
______. She has lost a lot of weight.
D) You can’t hear or to see any commercials on BBC
radio and television. 1. She is on diet.
2. She is on holiday.
E) You can’t hear or see no commercials on BBC
radio and television. 3. She eats much fat.
4. She eats a lot of vegetables.
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 1,4
20. Choose the correct sentence. 6. Choose the correct variant.
1. Advertising on BBC programmes is prohibited. From his face I could see ______.
2. BBC 1 programmes consists of plays and series,
A) he had cried a lot
humour and sport.
B) he have been crying a lot
3. BBC 2 offer more serious programmes. C) he has cried a lot
4. The BBC is located in London. D) he was crying a lot
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 1,2 D) 1,3 E) 3,4 E) he has been crying a lot

7. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

She's always chewing gum. That's ______ gets on my The police ______ for him for many days before he
nerves. gave himself up.
A) what B) which A) looked
C) for which D) why E) that B) have been looking
C) had been looking
8. Choose the correct variant.
I'm having a holiday ______ Brighton, which is D) have looked
______ the coast. E) has been looking

A) in / by B) in / on 16. Choose the correct variant.

C) at / on D) in / at E) on / in This time next week, we ______ on the beach.
A) shall be relaxing
9. Choose the correct variant.
Did you really understand all ______ he said? B) shall be relaxed
C) shall have been relaxing
A) what B) which D) shall have relaxed
C) when D) whose E) that E) shall relax
10. Choose the correct variant.
I've never heard _______ ridiculous speech. 17. Choose the correct variant.
By dinner time, they ______ chess for 6 hours.
A) such a B) very C) so a D) a so E) such
A) will be playing
11. Choose the correct variant. B) are playing
James is staying with _______ while he is in New
C) will have been playing
York. Their son, Nick Green, helps him in his
D) will have played
E) will play
A) the Greens B) Greens
C) the Green D) Green E) Green’s 18. Choose the correct variant.
I will call you tomorrow if I _____ the information.
12. Choose the correct variant.
Being so busy both at work and at home, she became A) get
increasingly ______. B) am getting
C) will have got
A) happy and excited
D) will get
B) merry and joyful
E) got
C) satisfying and envious
D) boastful and joyous 19. Choose the correct variant.
E) tired and bad-tempered What ______ if you had the day off?
13. Choose the correct variant. A) will you do
You must phone us as soon as you ______ home. B) would you have done
A) will arrive C) should you do
B) are arriving D) would you do
C) will have reached E) do you do
D) reach
20. Choose the correct variant.
E) reached
This building ______ in 1876.
14. Choose the correct variant. A) built
I ______ volleyball when I was at college. B) has built
A) have been playing B) used to play C) was build
C) was playing D) have played D) was building
E) am playing E) was built

Test your English 22 7. Choose the correct variant.

He went to bed after ______ the lights.
1. Choose the correct variant.
The brigde ______ repaired. A) switched off
B) to switch off
A) currently being
C) switch off
B) has currently
D) switching off
C) is currently being
E) switching of
D) is currently
E) is currently be 8. Choose the correct variant.
- Do you have a good relationship?
2. Choose the correct variant.
- Yes, we ______ alright.
The Chairman reported that profits ______.
A) get on
A) had increased
B) go along
B) increased
C) get to
C) have been increasing
D) carry on
D) have increased
E) look for
E) has increased
9. Choose the correct variant.
3. Choose the correct variant.
- Does he look after the cars?
Do you know where ______?
- Yes, he ______.
A) does Alice live
A) looks them after
B) Alice does live
B) them looks after
C) Alice lives
C) looks it after
D) lives Alice
D) looks after them
E) do Alice live
E) takes care of it
4. Choose the correct variant.
He told them ______ 10. Choose the correct variant.
- _____
A) not to return - No, her eyes are sore, that's why they are so red.
B) to not return A) Has Sue been crying?
C) to return not B) Had Sue cried?
D) to don't return C) Has Sue crying?
E) not returning D) Did Sue cry?
E) Does Sue cry?
5. Choose the correct variant.
I want ______ by tomorrow. 11. Choose the correct variant.
- She says she met my friend two weeks ago.
A) that it is done - _____ she?
B) they to be done
A) Didn't
C) it be done B) Has
D) it to be done C) Hadn't
E) them be done D) Did
E) Does
6. Choose the correct variant.
He is used ______ in a cold climate. 12. Choose the correct variant.
What are you going to do when you _____ school?
A) to live
B) to living A) ended
B) leave
C) living
C) complete
D) live D) finished
E) for living E) left

13. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 23

I'm glad to hear that at least today's _____ cheerful.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) the news are There’s nothing ______ we can do.
B) news are
C) the news is 1. what
D) news is 2. which
E) news were 3. that
4. whose
14. Choose the correct variant. 5. ---
He used ______ cigarettes, but he doesn't any more. A) 1,4 B) 4,5 C) 2,5 D) 3,5 E) 2,3
A) to smoke
B) smoke 2. Choose the correct variant.
C) smoking We eat ______ soup with for dinner.
D) to smoking
1. a plate of 2. a 3. the
E) for smoking
4. another 5. some 6. something
15. Choose the correct variant. A) 1,4,6 B) 1,4,5
While everyone else ______, she ______ quietly in C) 2,3,5 D) 1,3,5 E) 1,2,3
the kitchen.
A) laughed / was cried 3. Choose the correct variant.
B) laughed / cryed He was making too ______ noise and was disturbing
C) was laughed / cried ______ guests and in the end was asked ______.
D) is laughing / was crying A) much / the others / to leave
E) was laughing / was crying B) much / the other / to leave
C) many / the other / to leave
16. Choose the correct variant. D) little / another / leave
Martha took hours deciding ______ dress to wear. E) much / the other / leave
A) who B) which
C) whom D) that E) why 4. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ passed our English test.
17. Choose the correct variant. 1. all 2. every
My secretary will take care ______ the details. 3. some 4. both 5. each
A) with B) for A) 1,4 B) 4,5 C) 2,5 D) 1,5 E) 2,3
C) from D) on E) of

5. Choose the correct variant.

18. Choose the correct variant. The couple ______ next door ______ always
I have been thinking about ______ you said. arguing.
A) what B) which A) who lives / are
C) why D) whose E) how B) whom live / are
C) who live / is
19. Choose the correct variant. D) whose live / are
This book deals ______ the problems of poverty and E) who live / are
A) at B) off
6. Choose the correct variant.
C) with D) in E) about Did you ______ all ______ photos ______?
A) take / these / yourself
20. Choose the correct variant.
B) took / these / yourself
He took my advice and ______ to see the doctor.
C) take / those / themselves
A) had gone B) go D) take / this / yourself
C) have gone D) went E) goes E) take / that / myself

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

I invited ______ my friends ______ the party. He thanked me for what I ______ the previous week.
1. all / to A) had done
2. each / at B) have done
3. every / to C) did
4. both / with D) was going
5. some of / to E) will do
A) 1,3 B) 4,5 C) 2,5 D) 1,5 E) 2,3 15. Choose the correct variant.
Tomorrow he will come ______ home late.
8. Choose the correct variant.
Do we ______ read all of ______ books on ______ A) to B) to the
list? C) --- D) at E) on
A) have to / these / this
16. Choose the correct variant.
B) must / those / that
There was ______ I could say.
C) should / this / these
D) ought / those / this A) nothing
E) had to / these / this B) every
C) any
9. Choose the correct variant. D) anything
______ bank has branches in ______ city in France. E) something what
A) These / each
B) Those / every 17. Choose the correct variant.
C) This / both I've decided to join ______ this club.
D) This / every A) at B) ---
E) Others / all C) in D) to E) for
10. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ to take a walk now. 18. Choose the correct variant.
A new motorway ______ here next year.
A) will be
B) are going A) will build
C) can B) will be building
D) will C) will be built
E) able D) will have built
E) will be build
11. Choose the correct variant.
It took years of research, but ______ they found the 19. Choose the correct variant.
answer. Yesterday it was raining ______, so we couldn't go
1. at the end 2. last out.
3. in the end 4. at last A) all day
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 1,4 B) every days
C) all days
12. Choose the correct variant. D) all the days
I couldn't understand ______ she was saying. E) every day
A) what
B) that 20. Choose the correct variant.
C) whose Yesterday afternoon the children ______ the video
D) which when suddenly a cat ______ into the room through
E) what kind the open window.
A) were watching / jumped
13. Choose the correct variant. B) watched / jumped
Mark prefers cycling ______ driving. C) were watching / jump
A) as C) than D) will watch / had jumped
C) for D) to E) from E) are watching / jumped

Test your English 24 6. Match the words to their definitions.

1. swear a. the outside parts of a city
1. Match the words to their definitions.
2. suburbs b. for example
1. fit a. metal hat
3. for instance c. promise
2. helmet b. stop
3. prevent c. in good physical condition A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b 7. Match the words to their definitions.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c 1. double decker a. with two levels
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a 2. events b. buses that run on rails
2. Match the words to their definitions. 3. trams c. occasions
1. 50 years a. to cover the land with water A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
2. to flood b. half a century C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
3. bank of a river c. the side of a river E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 8. Match the words to their definitions.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a 1. are valid a. artificial person, sculpture
C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b 2. statue b. realistic, true
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c 3. lifelike c. can be used
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
3. Match the words to their definitions. C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
1. average a. constant E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
2. regular b. big church
9. Match the words to their definitions.
3. abbey c. medium
1. grab a. seize
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 2. to broadcast b. one
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a 3. single c. to transmit
C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
4. Match the words to their definitions.
1. century a. period of 100 years 10. Match the words to their definitions.
2. deserted b. man who empties dustbins 1. fame a. select, nominate
3. dustman c. empty 2. carriage b. celebrity
3. choose c. coach pulled by horses
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
11. Match the words to their definitions.
5. Match the words to their definitions. 1. monks 2. novel 3. department stores
1. fail a. the mediaeval period a. big shops with lots of different departments
2. fashions b. not be a success b. story
3. Middle Ages c. popular styles c. religious men
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

12. Match the words to their definitions. 17. Match the words to their definitions.
1. set off a. publicity 1. ad a. feeling
2. advertising b. objective 2. disappointment b. sadness
3. aim c. begin, depart 3. spirits c. announcement
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
13. Match the words to their definitions. E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
1. keep out of trouble a. avoid problems
2. league b. illegal act
3. offence c. competition
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a 18. Match the words to their definitions.
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b 1. guy a. man
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c 2. weeds b. below the roof of a house
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a 3. attic c. plants that are not wanted
14. Match the words to their definitions. A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
1. race a. abilities B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
2. skills b. person who invites other people C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
3. host c. competition of speed D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
19. Match the words to their definitions.
1. reliable a. to go to the bottom of the sea
15. Match the words to their definitions.
2. to sink b. a big passenger ship
1. sculptor 2. likeness 3. while
3. liner c. dependable, sure
a. artist who cuts forms from a solid substance
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
b. a period of time
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
c. imitation, copy
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

16. Match the words to their definitions. 20. Match the words to their definitions.
1. stare a. newspaper seller 1. strike a. excite
2. avoid b. move away from 2. thrill b. hit
3. newsagent c. look intensely 3. priest c. a man of god
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

Test your English 25 8. Choose the correct variant.

All the ______ given by Mr. Smith ______ quite
1. Choose the correct Passive Voice. helpful to us all.
Tokyo will hold the Olympics in 2020.
A) advices / are
A) The Olympics will be hold in Tokyo in 2020. B) advice / are
B) The Olympics will held in Tokyo in 2020. C) advice / is
C) The Olympics are held in Tokyo in 2020. D) advices / is
D) The Olympics will hold in Tokyo in 2020. E) advise / is
E) The Olympics will be held in Tokyo in 2020.

2. Choose the correct variant. 9. Choose the correct variant.

If you drive more slowly, you ______ so many Jane is a close friend of ______.
accidents. A) Mary's mothers'
A) shouldn't have B) Mary's mother
B) hadn't had C) Marys' mother
C) would not have D) Mary mothers'
D) wouldn't have had E) Mary mother
E) won’t have

3. Choose the correct variant. 10. Choose the correct variant.

______ father is an engineer. My younger sister wears modern ______.
A) William and Michaels' A) clothings
B) Williams' and Michaels' B) clothes
C) William's and Michael's C) dressing
D) William and Michael's D) cloth
E) William’ and Michael's E) cars

4. Choose the correct variant.

My trousers are old. I have to buy ______. 11. Choose the correct variant.
- Where is your father?
A) a new pair - At ______.
B) a pair of it
C) a new one A) Mr. Smith
D) a new ones B) the Mr. Smiths
E) another C) Mr. Smith's
D) Smith
5. Choose the correct variant. E) the Smith’s
Most of the wood here ______ to make furniture.
A) is used B) are used 12. Choose the correct variant.
C) uses D) are using E) were used We ______ on the report right now.
A) work
6. Choose the correct variant. B) will work
All of them ______ interested in photography. C) were working
A) is B) are D) worked
C) show D) shows E) was E) are working

7. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

______ have you read today? My manager ______ him ______ earlier.
A) How many news A) tell / to arrive
B) How many pieces of news B) told / arrived
C) How much piece of news C) has told / to arrive
D) How much pieces of news D) has told / arrive
E) How slices of news E) have told / to arrive

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 26

When will they install the software?
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) When will the software be installed? A fast train runs ______ than a slow train.
B) When will the software be install?
C) When will they be installed? A) much fast
D) When the software will be installed? B) fastlier
E) When will be the software installed? C) more fastly
D) faster
15. Choose the correct variant. E) more faster
It was ______ difficult day for all of us. 2. Choose the correct variant.
A) such B) such a Could you tell me when ______ on Saturdays?
C) very D) so E) so a A) do shops open
B) shops' opening
16. Choose the correct variant. C) are shops open
Everything in this store ______ less than $10. D) shops open
1. cost E) will shops open
2. costs 3. Choose the correct variant.
3. is cost After he ______ the answer, the judge started to
4. costed laugh.
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 1,4 A) had been hearing
B) was hearing
17. Choose the correct variant. C) had heard
The prices in this market ______ reasonable. D) was heard
1. was 2. are 3. is 4. were E) has heard
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 1,4 3. Choose the correct variant.
Be polite if you want ______ you.
18. Choose the correct variant. A) me to help
______ everyone ______ home? B) me help
C) I to help
1. Has / gone D) he to help
2. Did / went E) her helping
3. Do / go
4. Does / goes 4. Choose the correct variant.
5. Did / go Don't disturb me. ______ an important report.
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 1,5 A) I write
B) I'll write
C) I'm writing
19. Choose the correct variant. D) I'll to write
He ______ all his money ______ clothes. E) I was writing
A) spend / on 5. Choose the correct variant.
B) spent / at You hardly ever speak Russian, ______?
C) spends / on
D) spends / for A) do you B) aren't you
E) will spend / in C) don't you D) have you E) are you

6. Choose the correct variant.

20. Choose the correct variant. ______ we spend our holidays at the seaside.
I enjoyed the book ______ I didn’t understand all of
it. A) Recently
B) Always
1. but 2. because C) Since two years
3. although 4. as D) Every year
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 1,4 E) Ever

7. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

I went shopping with Kathy, but didn’t ______. I was _____ tired I _____ hardly keep my eyes open.
A) buy something A) such / can’t
B) buy anything B) so / could
C) bought nothing C) so / couldn’t
D) bought anything D) very / didn’t have to
E) buys something E) so / can
8. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.
The Romans _____ almost the whole of western He was sitting ______ on a park beach.
Europe. 1. alone 2. lonely
1. captured 3. one 4. on your own
2. stole 5. by himself 6. with your
3. conquered
A) 2,3,6 B) 3,4,6 C) 1,3,4 D) 1,2,5 E) 1,4,5
4. invaded
5. pretended 15. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,3,4 B) 3,4,5 ______ visit Yalta every year.
C) 1,3,4 D) 1,2,5 E) 1,4,5 1. Thousands of tourists
2. Two thousands tourists
9. Choose the correct variant. 3. Thousands of tourists
I used ______ student card, so I ______ to pay the 4. Two thousand tourists
full price.
A) 2,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,2 E) 1,4
A) my / didn’t have
B) mine / didn’t have 16. Choose the correct variant.
C) my / hadn’t If you ______ me, I ______ your friend for life.
D) hers / shouldn’t A) help / shall be
E) thers / must B) helped / shall be
C) will help / am
10. Choose the correct variant. D) would help / would be
She was ______ frightened, ______ whole body was E) help / am
17. Choose the correct variant.
A) such / her
______ people don't know what it is like in other
B) very / she
C) such / her
D) so / her A) The most of B) Most of
E) so / hers C) The most D) Most E) This
18. Choose the correct variant.
11. Choose the correct variant.
I feel ______.
Do you know _____ about computer networks?
A) awfully B) badly
1. a lot of 2. much
C) ill D) happily E) terribly
3. something 4. a lot 5. anything
19. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,3,4 B) 2,4,5
Can I have ______, please?
C) 1,3,4 D) 1,2,5 E) 1,4,5
A) a bread's loaf
12. Choose the correct variant. B) a loaf of bread
______ trousers aren’t ______. C) another bread
D) two loaf bread
1. This / long enough E) two breads
2. This pair of / long enough
3. These pairs of / enough long 20. Choose the correct variant.
4. These / long enough On very high mountains there aren't ______ trees.
5. Those pairs of / long enough A) any B) no
A) 4,5 B) 3,4 C) 2,4,5 D) 1,2 E) 1,5 C) some D) the E) a

Test your English 27 7. Choose the correct variant.

Years ago my father gave me ______ that I’ve never
1. Choose the correct variant. forgotten.
I ______ you ______ carefully before making a
decision. 1. a piece of advice 2. a piece of advise
3. some advice 4. a good advice
A) order / think 5. piece of advice 6. a pieces of advice
B) advise / to think
C) tell / think A) 1,3 B) 2.6 C) 1,5 D) 3,4 E) 5,6
D) let / to think
E) made / to think 8. Choose the correct variant.
I wrote back to ______, thanking them ______ their
2. Choose the correct variant. invitation.
I strongly ______ you ______ medical insurance. A) them / for
1. recommend / to get B) they / for
2. let / to get C) their / to
3. ask / get D) he / with
4. advise / to get E) she / for
5. order / getting
9. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,4 B) 3,5 C) 1,2 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 Jill and Larry have started talking to ______ again.

3. Choose the correct variant. A) one another’s

My friends keep saying I ______ to learn to drive. B) each other
C) each others
A) ought D) ones another
B) should E) one other
C) has
D) must 10. Choose the correct variant.
E) can Club members ______ a number of objections to the
4. Choose the correct variant.
I told ______ and ______ a doctor if he was worried. A) rise B) rose
C) has risen D) raised E) raises
A) him to go / to see
B) he to go / see 11. Complete the sentence.
C) him to go / see Archaeologists are trying to discover ______
D) him go / see
E) him not go / seeing A) how old are these buildings
B) how old were these buildings
5. Choose the correct variant. C) how old these buildings are
The centre gives ______ to young people ______ D) how old these buildings is
drug problems. E) how old will these buildings be
A) advice / who has 12. Choose the correct variant.
B) advices / whom have Police ______ that the man is tall, ______ dark
C) advice / who have ______.
D) an advice / that have
E) advise / that have A) says / has / hair
B) say / has a / hair
C) say / have / hair
6. Choose the correct variant. D) say / has / hair
I need ______ somewhere ______ in London. E) say / has / hairs
A) to find / stayed
B) to find / to stay 13. Choose the correct variant.
C) find / stay She was one of ______ writers of her generation.
D) found / to stay A) the best B) better
E) finding / staying C) the good D) more good E) best

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 28

______ decision can be made until everybody
______ in agreement. 1. Choose the correct variant.
Any student ______ to go on the trip ______ sign
A) No / is B) No a / is ______ list.
C) No / are D) Both / was E) Each / are
A) who wish / should / this
15. Choose the correct synonym. B) who wishes / should / this
I often agree to my father’s ideas. C) that wishes / have to / this
D) which wishes / ought to / these
A) come across E) whose wishes / must / that
B) come up
C) go ahead
D) go along with 2. Choose the correct variant.
E) get along with Finding the right house ______ a considerable
amount of time and effort.
16. Choose the correct variant. A) takes B) are taking
They have got ______. C) have taken D) were taken E) take
1. everything they want
2. everything what they want 3. Choose the correct variant.
3. what they want The water in these areas _____ small amounts of
4. everything that they want calcium and _____ minerals.
5. everything which they want A) have / other
A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,5 B) contain / another
C) 1,2,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,4 C) has / others
D) contains / other
17. Choose the correct variant. E) contains / others
My father agreed ______ me ______.
A) to teach / drive 4. Choose the correct variant.
B) teaching / drive This is _____ poor area.
C) to teach / to drive
D) teach / to drive A) very B) so a
E) to teach / driving C) such D) so E) such a

18. Choose the correct Possessive Case.

1. BBC began its first worlds’ public service in 1936. 5. Choose the correct variant.
2. In a few week’s time I’ll be off to university. - How many eggs have we got?
3. Mary’s uncle is her only living relative. - ______
4. Seamus Heaney is Ireland’s greatest poet. 1. Not too many.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,2 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 2. They're no in the fridge.
3. Not too much.
19. Choose the correct variant. 4. There aren't some.
I'm afraid we have to improve security. A computer 5. None.
was ______ from here yesterday. A) 1,5 B) 2,4 C) 3,5 D) 1,4 E) 1,2
A) fixed B) written
C) presented D) suggested E) stolen
6. Choose the correct variant.
The volume of the traffic on our roads ______ every
20. Choose the correct synonym. year.
It was the worst day of my entire life.
A) increase
1. all my life 2. my half life B) are increasing
3. my whole life 4. my short life C) is increasing
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,2 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 D) increases
E) have increased

7. Choose the correct variant. 13. Which word is different?

The percentage of women students at the university A) angry B) mad
_____ steadily. C) furious D) annoyed E) pleased
A) are increasing
14. Which word is different?
B) were increased
C) has increased A) victim B) wounded
D) have increased C) patience D) patient E) injured
E) increase 15. Choose the correct variant.
A number of patients ______ successfully treated
8. Choose the correct variant.
with the new drug.
A large number of reporters _____ outside the
house. A) have been B) has been
C) is D) was E) will
A) has gathered
B) gathers 16. Choose the correct antonym.
C) was gathering Our teacher was a bad-tempered old woman.
D) has gathered A) patient
E) were gathering B) trustful
C) impatient
9. Choose the correct Possessive Case. D) irritable
1. Police recovered a million pound’s worth of stolen E) devoted
diamonds. 17. Choose the correct variant.
2. Dogs are not allowed in the childrens’ play area. The noise from upstairs ______ to get on my nerves.
3. He took the car without the owner’s permission.
4. At last I could get a week’s leave. A) is begin
B) have begun
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,2 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 C) were beginning
D) was beginning
10. Choose the correct sentences. E) begin
1. All areas of the country have some rain today. 18. Choose the correct variant.
2. The area of New York to the south of Houston If it ______ fine tomorrow, I'll go for a swim.
Street are known as Soho.
3. Houses in the London area are very expensive. A) would be
4. A big crowd of demonstrators was protesting B) is
against cuts in health spending. C) were
D) will be
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 E) was

11. Which word is different? 19. Choose the correct variant.

That's the tenth whisky you ______ this evening.
A) group
B) thief A) have drunk
C) gang B) drink
D) crowd C) has been drinking
E) band D) drank
E) would drink
12. Choose the correct variant. 20. Choose the correct variant.
She was angry ______ him because he had lied to The captain of the ocean liner has just asked a sailor
her. if ______ seen a white whale near the African coast.
A) for A) had he ever
B) in B) he had ever
C) from C) he has ever
D) to D) he always had
E) with E) he had ever saw

Test your English 29 8. Choose the correct variant.

1. another chance
1. Choose the words close in meaning. 2. others people
1. annoying 3. another seats
2. convincing 4. another chalk
3. irritating 5. other journalists
4. frustrating
5. charming A) 2,5 B) 3,4 C) 1,5 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,5
9. Choose the correct variant.
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,4
You haven’t answered ______ my questions yet.
2. Choose the correct variant. A) --- B) to
He doesn't listen to ______ I say. C) in D) at E) for
A) what B) that
C) which D) whose E) whom 10. Choose the correct variant.
The Senator refused to reply ______ any more
3. Choose the correct variant. questions.
I’ve never seen Denise ______ her temper before.
A) --- B) to
A) lost B) to lose C) in D) at E) for
C) losing D) is losing E) lose
11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant. Any customer ______ to the bank will receive a reply
1. I’m angry _____ my neighbour. within 48 hours.
2. I’m really fed up _____ this awful weather.
1. who complain
3. He was pleased _____ my exam results.
2. which complains
A) from B) with 3. who complains
C) at D) for E) to 4. whom complains
5. that complains
5. Choose the correct variant. A) 2,5 B) 3,4 C) 3,5 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
If it ______ necessary, we would do it.
A) had been 12. Choose the correct variant.
B) was I knocked the door but ______ answered.
C) has been
A) no one
D) is
B) everybody
E) will be
C) nothing
D) anyone
6. Choose the correct variant. E) somebody
If I lived in the country, I ______ a lot of animals.
A) had 13. Choose the correct variant.
B) had had She knocked on Mike’s door but ______.
C) would have
A) there were no answer
D) will have
B) there was no answers
E) shall have
C) there was no answer
D) there was no an answer
7. Choose the correct variant. E) there was no the answer
You will be fined if you ______ your car there.
A) are parking
14. Choose the correct variant.
B) would have parked
C) will park What is the answer ______ question 4?
D) park A) --- B) to
E) would park C) in D) at E) for

15. Choose the correct sentence. Test your English 30

1. The solution to last week’s questions are on page
1. Which word is different?
2. There are no easy answers to our environmental A) officer B) troops
problems. C) lawyer D) soldier E) army
3. The only way to solve the city’s housing problems
is to build new buildings. 2. Choose the correct variant.
4. All attempts to find a solution has failed. He ______ to join the air force when he ______
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
A) wants / finishes
B) want / finished
16. Choose the correct variant. C) wants / finish
A) area B) region D) wanted / will finish
C) district D) zone E) solution E) will want / finish

3. Choose the correct variant.

The British Prime Minister arrived ______ Tokyo
17. Choose the correct variant.
They want the Pacific Ocean ______ a nuclear free
zone. A) to B) into
C) from D) at E) in
A) to become
B) to became 4. Choose the correct variant.
C) become I’ll call you when I ______ to school.
D) becoming
E) will become A) arrive B) get
C) went D) approach E) reach

5. Choose the correct variant.

18. Choose the correct variant.
We ______ through the forest when we ______ to a
It's been a long time since you've seen him, ______?
A) doesn’t it
B) isn't it A) will walk / came
C) hasn't it B) were walking / come
D) haven't you C) walked / will come
E) hasn't he D) were walking / came
E) are walking / came

6. Choose the correct variant.

19. Choose the correct variant. My friend and I had a terrible ______ and haven’t
Margaret ______ me ______ worry. spoken since.
A) advised / not 1. argument
B) said to / not
2. amusement
C) told / not to
3. disagreement
D) told / don't
4. development
E) asked / not
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

20. Choose the correct synonyms. 7. Which word is different?

1. to argue A) illustration B) drawing
2. to afford C) communication D) sketch E) painting
3. to amuse
4. to deliver 8. Which word is different?
5. to quarrel
A) artist B) painter
A) 1,5 B) 3,4 C) 3,5 D) 2,3 E) 1,4 C) photographer D) sculptor E) scientist

9. Which words are different from the others? 15. Choose the correct variant.
1. gallery Ask ______ outside for a moment.
2. restaurant
A) him to wait
3. museum
B) he to wait
4. swimming pool
C) him wait
5. exhibition
D) his to wait
A) 1,2 B) 3,5 C) 1,5 D) 3,4 E) 2,4 E) him waiting
16. Choose the correct synonym.
10. Choose the correct variant. The police officer questioned the thief for 24 hours
Frank was _____ of having lied to his mother. until he confessed.
A) ashamed A) asked
B) happy B) consulted
C) grateful C) advised
D) in a good mood D) denied
E) joyous E) interrogated
17. Choose the correct variant.
The movie was _____ that we left early.
11. Choose the correct variant.
No one _____ their own children _____ ashamed of 1. so awful
them. 2. such bad
3. so horrible
A) want / to feel
4. enough good
B) wants / feel
C) wants / to feel 5. interesting enough
D) doesn’t want / to feel A) 1,2 B) 3,5 C) 1,3 D) 3,4 E) 2,4
E) wants / feeling
18. Choose the correct variant.
1. The commander ______ his soldiers to fire.
12. Choose the words close in meaning. 2. Have you already ______ the wine?
1. shame 3. She ______ her daughter to go to bed at once.
2. disgrace A) applied
3. pleasure B) ordered
4. advantage C) defended
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 D) protected
E) abandoned

13. Complete the sentence. 19. Choose the correct variant.

I asked him ______. The pilot requested permission ______.
1. if he was English 1. to land
2. if was he English 2. to run
3. did he speak English 3. to take off
4. if he spoke English 4. to put on
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 5. to crawl
A) 1,3 B) 3,5 C) 1,5 D) 3,4 E) 2,4

14. Choose the correct synonym. 20. Choose the correct variant.
Before starting any exercise programme, you should ______ from the grass!
ask your doctor about it.
1. Keep away
A) ask for 2. Cancel
B) consult 3. Put off
C) talk 4. Stay away
D) explain
E) tell A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

Test your English 31 8. Which word is different?

1. Choose the correct variant. A) bank B) deposit
There was a job vacancy at the radio station, and 150 C) account D) coast E) savings
people _____.
A) got married 9. Choose the correct variant.
B) got hungry An old woman with long black hair and green eyes
C) applied ______ on a bench.
D) escaped A) sit
E) avoided B) was sitting
C) are sitting
2. Which word is different? D) have been sitting
E) were sitting
A) attack B) assault
C) invade D) raid E) award
10. Choose the correct variant.
The girl in white jeans ______.
3. Choose the correct variant.
There are some _____ chairs in the next room. 1. is my friend
2. are sitting at the table
1. handsome 2. spare 3. have passed the exam successfully
3. free 4. diligent 5. comfortable 4. is waiting for his mother
A) 2,4 B) 2,3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3,5 E) 1,5 A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

4. Choose the correct variant. 11. Choose the correct variant.

If we learn from our mistakes, we can _____ future I don’t know ______ she won’t go out with him.
A) what B) whom
A) complain B) avoid C) whose D) which E) why
C) attack D) deny E) rely on

12. Choose the correct variant.

5. Choose the words describing negative opinion. He looks really handsome in his uniform, ______?
1. awful 2. terrible
3. high quality 4. low quality A) doesn’t he
5. pleasant 6. poor quality B) don’t he
C) isn’t he
A) 1,2,3,5 B) 1,2,4,6 D) hasn’t he
C) 3,4,5,6 D) 2,3,4,5 E) 1,3,4,6 E) didn’t

6. Choose the words describing negative opinion. 13. Choose the words describing positive opinion.
1. amusing 2. unbearable 1. magnificent 2. dreadful
3. badly-made 4. attractive 3. lovely 4. splendid
5. nasty 6. incompetent 5. naughty 6. dreary
A) 1,2,3,5 B) 1,2,4,6 A) 2,4,6 B) 1,2,5
C) 3,4,5,6 D) 2,3,5,6 E) 1,3,4,6 C) 3,5,6 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,3,4

7. Choose the words describing negative opinion. 14. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. rotten 2. rusty 1. boring 2. splendour
3. shabby 4. nice-looking 3. dull 4. dreary
5. handsome 6. badly-behaved 5. hard-working 6. cosy
A) 1,2,3,6 B) 1,2,4,6 A) 2,4,6 B) 1,2,5
C) 3,4,5,6 D) 2,3,4,5 E) 1,3,4,6 C) 3,5,6 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,3,4

15. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 32

I’m short of money. I should withdraw some money.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) take out Before taking the medicine, read ______ carefully.
B) put on
A) the key words
C) take away
B) the instruction
D) put away
C) the text
E) keep away
D) the biography
E) the menu
16. Choose the correct variant.
I'd like to buy a book. Can you tell me ______ a 2. Choose the correct variant.
bookshop near here? When we ______ there, we ______ he ______ the
day before.
A) if there's
B) is there A) get / found out / had left
C) there is B) will get / find out / left
D) whether is there C) got / shall find out / had left
E) if there are D) got / found out / had left
E) were getting / find out / leave

17. Choose the correct variant. 3. Choose the correct variant.

He can jump really ______. In 20 years, the company has become a huge
A) hardly B) high multinational organization.
C) highly D) big E) fastly A) has taken place
B) has strengthened
C) has succeded in
18. Choose the correct variant. D) has released
The policeman warned the photographer ______ too E) has developed into
A) doesn't come 4. Choose the correct variant.
B) don't come Preparations for the wedding party were finished
C) shouldn't come _____.
D) not to come
1. a week beforehand
E) not come
2. next week
3. a week in advance
4. recently
19. Choose the correct variant.
The man got annoyed and started ______ at me. A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

A) smiling
B) laughing 5. Choose the correct variant.
C) looking It was obvious from the beginning the plan ______.
D) shouting
A) will fail B) fails
E) speaking pleasantly
C) has failed D) fail E) would fail

20. Choose the correct variant. 6. Choose the correct variant.

As soon as the band ______ playing, the crowd We agreed at the start that we ______ any problems
______ quiet. openly.
A) started / goes A) would discuss
B) started / went B) shall discuss
C) starts / would go C) discuss
D) will start / goes D) are discussing
E) would start / went E) has discussed

7. Choose the correct synonym. 14. Choose the correct variant.

Behave well when we visit Grandma. They live in the house ______ windows are broken.
A) Behave badly A) whose B) whom
B) Behave yourself C) what D) which E) that
C) Be rude
D) Be helpful 15. Choose the correct variant.
E) Behave like a child _____ size would you like, small, medium or large?
8. Choose the correct synonym. A) What B) Whose
The driver’s manner was unfriendly. C) Which D) Whom E) Who
1. behaviour
2. treatment 16. Choose the correct variant.
3. belief I want to speak to the person ______ I saw
4. skill yesterday.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 1. whom
2. what
9. Choose the correct variant. 3. that
Someone who doesn’t cause any trouble and does 4. which
what other people tell them to do is ______. 5. whose
A) illiterate A) 2,4 B) 1,3 C) 4,5 D) 3,5 E) 3.4
B) lazy
C) naughty
D) well-behaved 17. Choose the correct variant.
E) ill-bred The coffee was too ______ for Max. He had to add a
lot of sugar.
10. Choose the correct variant. A) tasty B) delicious
Nowadays the emergency services in this area C) sweet D) bitter E) sugary
______ ready to help people.
A) are B) is
C) was D) has been E) were 18. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. enormous
11. Which word is different? 2. spacious
3. tiny
A) emergency B) crisis 4. relevant
C) flood D) disaster E) belief
5. huge
12. Choose the correct variant. 6. unsafe
He is bad ______ grammar and ______ mistakes. A) 2,3,6 B) 3,5,6
A) at / make a lot of C) 1,2,5 D) 2,4,5 E) 1,2,4
B) at / makes few
C) at / makes a lot of 19. Choose the correct variant.
D) in / makes a little
E) on / does many A) stretch B) enlarge
C) magnify D) extend E) support
13. Choose the correct variant.
He can drive quite well, but he’s still ______
parking. 20. Choose the correct variant.
He always blames someone else when things go
1. no good at wrong.
2. no good in
3. bad at A) accuses
4. clever at B) refuses
5. well at C) rejects
D) convince
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 4,5 D) 1,3 E) 3,5 E) persuade

Test your English 33 7. Choose the correct variant.

______. It is not your fault.
1. Choose the correct variant.
The police ______ trying to find out ______ 1. He is guilty.
responsible for the attack. 2. He caused the accident.
3. You aren’t innocent.
A) was / who is 4. You broke the window.
B) are / who was
C) are / whom was A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 2,4
D) were / whose was 8. Choose the correct variant.
E) is / who was I’m displeased with listening to her complaints the
whole time.
2. Choose the correct synonym.
Most people accepted the official explanation. 1. responsible for 2. tired of
3. pleased with 4. bad at
A) won 5. fed up with 6. patient with
B) supported
C) woke up A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 1,6 D) 2,3 E) 2,5
D) swept 9. Match the words to their definitions.
E) believed 1. portrait a. ceremony when a person died
2. delighted b. very happy
3. Choose the correct variant.
The airline company accepted ______ for the 3. funeral c. picture
accident. A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
A) community B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
B) solidarity C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
C) facility D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
D) responsibility E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
E) festivity
10. What’s the meaning of “ when a law keeps you
4. Choose the correct variant. from doing something”.
There was ______ interesting in the local newspaper
this week. A) fine
B) permission
A) nothing
B) some C) allowance
C) many D) add
D) no E) prohibition
E) any
11. Choose the words close in meaning.
5. Choose the correct variant. 1. belief 2. doubt
I have nothing interesting to do in my job. I’m 3. faith 4. disbelief
______. A) 2,4 B) 1,3 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
1. bored 2. boring 12. Choose the words close in meaning.
3. excited 4. interested 1. bend 2. overcome
5. tiring 6. fed up 3. reject 4. bow
A) 2,4 B) 1,6 C) 4,6 D) 3,5 E) 1,5 A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

6. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

I think the movie was really ______. We _____ at the airport and drove to the hotel.
1. dull 2. boring 1. rented a car
3. bored 4. excited 2. hired a car
5. tired 6. exciting 3. graduate a car
A) 1,4,6 B) 2,3,5 4. flew a car
C) 1,2,6 D) 3,4,5 E) 1,4,6 A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 34

He was a ______ fighter and won all the battles.
1. What’s the meaning of “ to put ingredients
1. brave together; to put one ingredient with the others”.
2. cowardly
3. courageous A) separate B) add
4. weak C) take away D) saw E) chop
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
2. Match the words to their definitions.
1. warn a. enter
15. Choose the correct variant.
2. break into b. predict
He read the letter, then ______ it.
3. noisy c. they make a lot of noise
A) broke B) tore
C) blew D) exploded E) burst A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
16. Choose the correct variant. C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
“ Slowly take a lot of air into your lungs” means D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
______. E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) to breathe deeply 3. Choose the correct synonym.
B) to blow My computer suddenly stopped working last night.
C) to breathe out
D) to snore A) exploded
E) to sign B) laughed
C) appeared
D) disappeared
17. Choose the correct variant. E) crashed
Someone whose job is to build buildings is _____
4. Choose the correct synonym.
A) a butcher B) a baker Every phone I tried at the station was out of order.
C) a surgeon D) a nurse E) a builder
A) was out of touch
B) was working
18. Choose the correct variant. C) was out of service
There are plans _____ a new bridge across the river. D) was out of work
E) was out of mind
1. to keep
2. to build 5. Match the words to their definitions.
3. to import
1. to burn
4. to construct
2. construction
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 3. architecture
a. the process of building houses
19. Choose the correct variant. b. the way in which buildings are designed
Someone whose job is to design buildings is _____ c. to damage or destroy smth with fire or heat
A) a lawyer A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) an architect B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) a security C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) a mechanic D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) a judge E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

6. Choose the correct variant.

20. Choose the correct variant.
The walls of the school ______ still blackened from
I ______ to take the bus because my car broke down.
the fire.
A) have B) must
A) is B) were
C) ought D) had E) should
C) was D) has been E) was been

7. Choose the words close in meaning. 14. Choose the correct variant.
1. to burn They bought their house ______ $200,000.
2. to put out A) by B) from
3. to light C) to D) for E) at
4. to set fire
5. to astonish 15. Choose the words close in meaning.
6. to improve 1. Relax!
2. Watch out!
A) 1,3,4 B) 2,3,5 3. Take it easy!
C) 1,2,6 D) 3,4,5 E) 1,4,6 4. Happy holiday!
5. Have a nice journey!
8. Choose the correct variant. 6. Calm down!
Business in European countries ______ badly A) 1,3,6 B) 2,3,5
affected by economic conditions. C) 1,2,6 D) 3,4,5 E) 1,4,6
A) were B) have been 16. Choose the correct variant.
C) is been D) has been E) are Adrian could read ______ he was four.
A) if B) when
9. Choose the correct variant.
C) how D) so E) because
I can help you if you want. I don’t have ______ to do
this weekend. 17. Choose the correct variant.
- Did you like the new 'Bond' movie?
A) little B) few
C) much D) a lot of E) many - I ______ it yet.
A) did not see
10. Choose the words close in meaning. B) haven't seen
1. to buy C) haven’t saw
2. to sell D) have seen
3. to purchase E) didn’t saw
4. to produce 18. Make up a sentence.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 1. they 2. yet 3. finished
4. meal 5. haven’t 6. their

11. Which word is different? A) 1,5,6,4,2,3

B) 3,6,4,2,1,5
A) gardener B) customer C) 3,2,4,6,5,1
C) buyer D) shopper E) consumer D) 1,5,3,6,4,2
E) 1,5,6,3,2,4
12. Choose the sentence in the Passive Voice. 19. Make up a sentence.
The museum bought the painting in New York. 1. already 2. we 3. been
A) The painting will be bought by the museum. 4. have 5. the Eiffel Tower 6. to
B) The painting is bought by the museum. A) 2,4,1,3,6,5
C) The painting was bought by the museum. B) 3,6,4,2,1,5
D) The painting were bought by the museum. C) 2,4,3,6,5,1
E) The painting has been bought by the museum. D) 1,5,3,6,4,2
E) 1,5,6,3,2,4
13. Choose the correct variant. 20. Make up a sentence.
Tim Knight is a successful businessman ______ his 1. the report 2. done 3. haven't
own electronic company. 4. yet 5. you 6. why
A) whose runs A) 1,5,6,4,2,3
B) who run B) 6,3,5,2,1,4
C) that run C) 3,2,4,6,5,1
D) who runs D) 4,6,3,5,2,1
E) which runs E) 6,5,3,2,1,4

Test your English 35 7. Choose the correct variant.

He didn’t have the chance to go to university when
1. Choose the correct variant.
he was younger.
They ______ ten years when I met them.
A) the opportunity
A) has been married
B) the education
B) had been married
C) the abilities
C) were married
D) the skills
D) are married
E) a desire
E) will be married
2. Choose the correct variant.
Who ______ the accident? 8. Choose the correct synonym.
I met an old friend by accident on the train.
1. educated
2. caused A) deliberately
3. is responsible for B) knowingly
C) on purpose
4. invented
D) by chance
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 E) consciously

3. Choose the correct variant.

What kind of person is he or she who tries to avoid 9. Choose the correct variant.
danger, risks, or accidents? He ______ since he ______ to college.
1. careful A) have changed / went
2. cautious B) has changed / went
3. powerless C) changed / went
4. irresponsible D) has changed / goes
E) changes / went
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

4. Choose the correct variant. 10. Choose the words showing a low price.
The police ______ nine men in a drugs raid. 1. cheap
1. arrested 2. expensive
2. caught 3. inexpensive
3. caused 4. changeable
4. appear 5. economical
6. reasonable
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
A) 1,2,3,6 B) 1,2,4,6
5. What’s the meaning of “ punish, make someone C) 3,4,5,6 D) 2,3,4,5 E) 1,3,5,6
pay money for doing something illegal”.
A) fare B) fame 11. Choose the words showing a low price.
C) fine D) nice E) fee 1. a cut price 2. on sale
3. a high price 4. dear
6. Match the words to their definitions. 5. at a discount 6. valuable
1. capture 2. traffic jams 3. superstore A) 1,2,6 B) 1,2,5
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4
a. big supermarket
b. catch
c. when there are so many cars that they all stop 12. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice.
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 1. He was jailed in 1992.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a 2. The test was very complicated.
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b 3. They have been married since last year.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c 4. The application for a new job was faxed by her.
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 1,4 E) 1,2

13. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 36

The pet shop ______ into.
1. Choose the correct variant.
1. broke 2. breaks I love Frank because he ______. He’s so funny!
3. has broken 4. was broken
5. has been broken A) makes me to laugh
B) makes me laugh
A) 4,5 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,5 C) makes me feel sad
14. Choose the sentences in the Passive Voice. D) makes I laugh
1. The bill has been paid by Kerrie. E) makes we fell happy
2. The book hasn’t read by them.
3. Was there mail posted by Grandma? 2. Choose the correct variant.
4. Five miles were cycled by the tourists. Nancy is a good friend. I can always ______ her.

A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 1. count

2. count on
15. Choose the correct variant. 3. counter
Some people think that listening to loud music while 4. rely on
driving can ______ accidents.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
A) make B) do
C) promote D) prevent E) cause 3. Choose the correct variant.
16. Choose the correct variant. - Do you want to ______?
I’ll be at work and I won’t be able to _____ until 5. - No, let’s go out.
A) get there 1. eat in
B) get on there 2. eat out
C) get to there 3. eat away
D) get on work 4. eat at home
E) get work A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
17. Choose the correct variant.
Your form is incomplete. You have to answer all the 4. Choose the words close in meaning.
questions. You ______ questions 3 and 4. 1. style
1. didn’t answer 2. skipped 2. collection
3. prevented 4. created 3. fashion
4. freezing
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,2
18. Choose the correct variant.
She used to have red hair, but she ____ it brown.
5. Choose the words close in meaning.
A) died B) dried 1. cool
C) done D) did E) dyed 2. chilly
3. confused
19. Choose the correct variant.
4. respected
You never know ______ he’s going to do.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
A) which B) that
C) whose D) what E) ---
6. Choose the words close in meaning.
20. Choose the correct variant. 1. frosty
A / An ______ person is someone who forgets things 2. freezing
easily. 3. confident
4. shy
A) invincible
5. icy
B) forgettable
6. rough
C) forgetful
D) unforgetful A) 1,2,6 B) 1,2,5
E) invisible C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4

7. Choose the words close in meaning. 14. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. comfortable 2. uncomfortable 1. compete 2. collect 3. separate
3. luxurious 4. complete 4. fight 5. race 6. take out
5. cosy 6. confusing A) 1,3,5 B) 1,4,5
A) 1,3,5 B) 1,2,5 C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4
15. Choose the correct variant.
The hotel ______ we stayed was really luxurious.
8. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. company 2. relative 1. which 2. that
3. firm 4. competition 3. in which 4. whose 5. where
5. corporation 6. comparison A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 3,5 D) 1,2 E) 2,5
A) 1,2,6 B) 1,3,5
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4 16. What’s the meaning of “ to cook foods
(primarily meat) on a grill by using fire or hot
9. Choose the words close in meaning. coals”.
1. competition 2. tournament A) pudding B) porridge
3. confusion 4. complaint C) soup D) barbecue E) sandwich
5. contest 6. contestant
A) 1,2,6 B) 1,2,5 17. What’s the meaning of “ to cook in an oven by
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4 using heat ”.
A) to dry B) to bake
10. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. competitor 2. race C) to cut D) to boil E) to fry
3. contestant 4. fighter
5. failure 6. tour 18. What’s the meaning of “ to mix quickly and
A) 1,2,6 B) 1,2,5 continually, commonly used with eggs”.
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4 A) to beat B) to fry
C) to bake D) to make E) to roast
11. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. complain 2. protest 19. Match the words to their definitions.
3. appreciate 4. apologize 1. advertisement a. person going past
5. award 6. object 2. shelter b. notice
A) 1,2,6 B) 1,2,5 3. passer-by c. protection
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,4
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
12. Choose the words close in meaning. C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
1. improve 2. praise D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
3. appreciate 4. accept E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
5. disturb 6. value
A) 1,2,6 B) 1,2,5 20. Match the words to their definitions.
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,6 E) 1,3,4 1. drunk a. has drunk too much alcohol
2. driving test b. policeman
3. constable c. to get a driving license
13. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. complaint 2. politeness A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
3. objection 4. hospitality B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
5. protest 6. guilty C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
A) 1,2,6 B) 1,2,5 D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
C) 4,5,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,3,5 E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

Test your English 37 7. Choose the correct variant.

While John ____ last night, someone ____ his car.
1. Choose the words describing people’s clothes.
1. well-behaved 2. fashionable A) was sleeping / stole
3. well-dressed 4. well-done B) is sleeping / stole
5. tight 6. loose C) was sleeping / steals
D) slept / will steal
A) 3,4,5,6 B) 2,3,5,6
E) sleep / steal
C) 1,4,5,6 D) 1,2,3,6 E) 1,2,4,5
8. Choose the correct variant.
2. Choose the words close in meaning. He promised he ______ a postcard from Egypt.
1. choose 2. pick
A) will send
3. co-operate 4. scrub B) has sent
5. select 6. make a choice C) would send
A) 3,4,5,6 B) 2,3,5,6 D) is sending
C) 1,2,5,6 D) 1,2,3,6 E) 1,2,4,5 E) sends

3. Choose the correct variant. 9. Match the words to their definitions.

His father always wear modern clothes. 1. registration number a. fog
1. So did mine. 2. mist b. port
2. So does mine. 3. harbour c. the number of a car
3. My father does, too.
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
4. Neither does my father.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
4. Choose the correct variant.
The doctors are ______. They have never seen
______ like this disease before. 10. Choose the correct variant.
Nobody ______ that mountain.
1. puzzled / anything
2. puzzled / something A) have ever climbed
3. confusing / nothing B) has never climbed
4. confused / anything C) didn’t ever climbed
D) has ever climbed
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 E) doesn’t ever climbed

5. Choose the correct sentence. 11. Choose the correct variant.

The cost of the bread ______ by 50%. By next November, I ______ my promotion.

1. has risen 2. has raised A) will receive

3. has been risen 4. have risen B) have received
5. has gone up 6. rose C) had received
D) will have received
A) 3,5,6 B) 2,5,6 E) would received
C) 1,5,6 D) 1,2,6 E) 2,4,5
12. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant. On the eve of Christmas the department store was
Sammy ______ for us when we ______ the plane. ______ with shoppers.

A) was waiting / get off 1. full

B) is waiting / got off 2. tired
C) will wait / got off 3. crowded
D) was waiting / got off 4. packed
E) has waited / got off A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

13. Choose the words close in meaning. Test your English 38

1. unkind 2. mean 3. friendly
1. Match the words to their definitions.
4. cruel 5. patient 6. careless
1. murderer
A) 3,5,6 B) 2,5,6 2. burglar
C) 1,5,6 D) 1,2,4 E) 2,4,5 3. robber
14. Choose the correct variant. a. someone who goes into houses to steal things
I found some of the questions really ______. b. someone who steals money from a bank, shop
A) confusion c. someone who kills another person deliberately
B) confused A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
C) puzzled
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
D) confuse
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
E) confusing
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
15. Choose the correct variant. E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
I always ______ Andrew with her sister.
2. Choose the correct variant.
A) confusion
B) confused I _______ to my iPod, so I ______ the fire alarm.
C) puzzled A) am listening / didn't hear
D) confuse B) was listening / didn't hear
E) confusing C) will listen / didn't hear
D) was listening / heard
16. Choose the correct variant.
E) was listening / hasn't hear
The police ______ to talk to people ______ saw
anything that might be ______ the crime. 3. Which words go with “ a crime ”
1. want / who / connected with 1. to remove 2. to pull
2. wants / who / connected with 3. to plan 4. to commit
3. want / who / related to 5. to carry out 6. to irritate
4. want / which / related to A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 C) 1,3,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,6

17. Choose the correct variant. 4. Choose the correct sentence.

Tony knew Istanbul so well because he ______ the The number of crimes reported to the police _____.
city several times.
A) have increased
A) had visited B) visited B) has increased
C) visits D) will visit E) has visited C) increase
18. Choose the words close in meaning. D) are increasing
1. citizenship 2. choice E) were increasing
3. decision 4. selection
5. Choose the words close in meaning.
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
1. link 2. conversation
19. Which words go with “ the law ” 3. sink 4. connection
1. to break 2. to keep 5. lidership 6. relationship
3. to decide 4. to pass 5. to fail
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,4 C) 1,3,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,6

20. Choose the correct Passive Voice.

6. Choose the words close in meaning.
They listened to the music.
1. unrelated 2. connected
A) The music is listened to. 3. irrelevant 4. convenient
B) The music was listened to. 5. unconnected 6. convincing
C) The music was listened.
D) The music has been listened. A) 1,4,6 B) 3,4,5
E) The music was listened to by they. C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,6

7. Choose the synonyms for: to continue 14. Choose the correct variant.
1. to carry out 2. to last 1. roasted 2. uncooked
3. to go on 4. to imitate 3. raw 4. underdone
5. to wipe 6. to keep on doing smth 5. paw 6. law
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,6 E) 3,4,6 C) 1,3,6 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,6
15. Choose the correct pairs of synonyms.
8. Choose the words close in meaning. 1. style --- fashion
1. suit 2. suitcase 2. dirty --- tidy
3. uniform 4. costume 3. clean --- spotless
5. union 6. custom 4. wear --- get dressed
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,6 5. imitate --- confuse
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,6 E) 1,3,4 A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,4
9. Choose the correct variant. 16. Choose the correct variant.
While we ______ the picnic, it ______ to rain. Local residents have complained ______ the noise
A) are having / started from the club.
B) had / will start A) about B) above
C) were having / has started C) from D) for E) at
D) will have / had started
E) were having / started 17. Match the words to their definitions.
1. award a. prize
10. Choose the words close in meaning. 2. in actual fact b. group
1. to wipe 2. to dust 3. flock c. in reality
3. to type 4. to sweep
5. to follow 6. to use A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,4
18. What’s the meaning of “ to cut into small pieces,
11. Choose the words close in meaning. generally used with vegetables”.
1. to trust 2. to try
A) to separate
3. to suit 4. to match
5. to turn 6. to fit B) to divide
C) to put together
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,6
D) to mince
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,4
E) to chop

12. Choose the words close in meaning. 19. What’s the meaning of “ to heat water until little
1. gradually 2. completely bubbles form”.
3. preferably 4. absolutely
5. rapidly 6. totally A) to boil
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 B) to carry out
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 C) to achieve
D) to bake
13. Choose the words close in meaning. E) to chop
1. continuous 2. constant
3. adventurous 4. various 20. What’s the meaning of “ to separate into
5. non-stop 6. previous smaller parts by force”.
A) 1,2,5 B) 3,4,5 A) to break B) to arrest
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,3,4 E) 1,2,4 C) to assault D) to crawl E) to bark

Test your English 39 7. Choose the words close in meaning.

1. painless 2. safe
1. What’s the meaning of “ to put two or more 3. dangerous 4. risky
things together ”. 5. poisonous 6. prosperous
A) to congratulate A) 1,4,6 B) 3,4,5
B) to promote C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4
C) to combine 8. Choose the correct variant.
D) to suggest The woman sat ______ her son.
E) to support
1. beside
2. besides
2. What’s the meaning of “ to prepare food by
3. near
heating it, so the food is not raw”.
4. nearly
A) to iron A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
B) to pack
9. Match the words to their definitions.
C) to press
1. hay 2. power-station 3. firm
D) to commit
E) to cook a. company
b. a place where electricity is made
3. Choose the correct variant.
c. dried grass
There are several different ways ______ the same
task. A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
1. to fulfill C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
2. to disturb E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
3. to accomplish 10. Match the words to their definitions.
4. to complain 1. trip a. a vehicle that goes into space
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 2. shuttle b. voyage
3. launch c. send into space
4. Choose the correct variant. A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
We have achieved ______ we set out to do. C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
A) which B) what E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
C) who D) whose E) whom
11. Match the words to their definitions.
5. Choose the correct variant. 1. take off 2. land 3. on their own
1. to accomplish a purpose a. without any assistance, by themselves
2. to complain a purpose b. leave the earth
3. to attack a purpose c. return to earth
4. to achieve a purpose
5. to arrest a purpose A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
6. to fulfill a purpose C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5
C) 1,3,5 D) 1,4,6 E) 1,2,4 12. Match the words to their definitions.
1. birthplace 2. youth 3. on the one hand
6. Choose the correct variant.
They ______ the task efficiently and cheerfully. a. on one side
b. young people
1. completed 2. carried out
c. the place where a person is born
3. stopped 4. accomplished
5. broke 6. chopped off A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
A) 1,4,6 B) 3,4,5 C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

13. Match the words to their definitions. Test your English 40

1. cease a. stop
1. Choose the correct variant.
2. event b. for a long time If you don’t start working harder, you ______ repeat
3. for long c. special occasion the course next year.
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a A) have to
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c B) must
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a C) will have to
D) will have
14. Choose the correct variant. E) could
1. poisonous snakes 2. eatable mushrooms
3. polluted spiders 4. drinkable plants 2. Choose the correct variant.
5. edible berries 6. delicious weather Trees produce the oxygen ______ we need.
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 A) who
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,5 B) that
C) whom
15. Choose the correct variant. D) whose
1. a competent teacher E) what
2. a competent disease
3. a cruel punishment 3. Choose the correct variant.
4. tired furniture My father ______ me ______ his car.
5. irresponsible behaviour
A) allowed / to use
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 B) allow / to use
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 C) allows / use
D) allowed / using
16. Choose the correct synonym for: dirty E) allowed / will use
1. muddy 2. spare 3. cruel
4. lonely 5. dusty 6. polluted
4. Choose the correct Passive Voice.
A) 1,4,5 B) 1,5,6 C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 The snow has covered the roads.
17. Choose the correct synonym for: difficult A) The roads has covered with the snow.
1. different 2. hard 3. complicated B) The roads are covered with the snow.
4. available 5. complex 6. user-friendly C) The roads has been covered with the snow.
D) The roads have been covered with the snow.
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 C) 2,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 E) The roads will be covered with the snow.
18. Choose the correct variant.
Her son is disabled and she has ______ him all the 5. Choose the correct variant.
time. We ______ a cake if we ______ some eggs
1. to take place 2. to take care of
3. to take part in 4. to look after A) made / would buy
B) would make / buy
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2 C) would make / bought
D) will make / bought
19. Choose the correct variant. E) will make / will
There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You
______ buy any.
6. Choose the correct variant.
A) should B) must In your life, how many countries ______ you
C) hasn’t D) can E) needn’t ______?
20. Choose the correct variant. A) did / visited
It's a hospital. You ______ smoke. B) have / visited
C) did / visit
A) haven’t to B) can D) are / visiting
C) should D) may E) mustn’t E) do / visit

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

People _____ drink and drive _____ me very angry. You don't usually have such a big lunch! ______ you
A) whose / make ______ breakfast this morning?
B) who / make A) haven’t / have
C) that / makes B) didn’t / had
D) whom / make C) won’t / have
E) who / makes D) haven’t / had
E) hadn’t / had
8. Choose the correct variant.
15. Choose the correct variant.
If you ______ the seeds outside too early, they
The kids are looking forward to their vacation.
1. can’t wait for
A) will plant / grow
2. can’t look at
B) planted / won’t grow
3. can hardly wait for
C) plant / won’t grow
4. can hardly enjoy
D) will plant / don’t grow
E) plant / wouldn’t grow A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
16. Choose the words close in meaning.
9. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. explanation
1. salary 2. wages 3. goods
2. instructions
4. expenses 5. fare 6. income
3. explosion
A) 1,4,5 B) 3,4,5 4. injection
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,6
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
10. Choose the correct meaning. 17. Choose the words close in meaning.
If you learn Japanese, learning French should be a 1. to explode
piece of cake. 2. to remind
A) difficult B) hard 3. to complete
C) tasty D) easy E) sweet 4. to blow up
A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
11. Choose the correct variant.
I’m not hungry, thanks, I ______ already ______. 18. Choose the correct variant.
A) had / have The experiment didn’t give the result ______ we
B) have / had wanted.
C) haven’t / had 1. what 2. --- 3. that 4. which
D) has / eaten
E) didn’t / eat A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2

12. Match the words to their definitions. 19. Choose the correct variant.
1. wildlife a. the world around us Simon had tried several times to get a job in TV, but
he ______.
2. back yard b. back garden
3. environment c. nature 1. never succeeded
2. failed
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 3. passed
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a 4. achieved
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c A) 2,4 B) 3,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
20. Choose the words close in meaning.
1. far 2. near
13. What’s the meaning of “ to make something 3. nearly 4. exactly
become liquid through heating ”. 5. a long way 6. in the distance
A) to melt B) to water A) 1,5,6 B) 3,4,5
C) to boil D) to harden E) to freeze C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4

Test your English 41 7. Choose the correct variant.

We ______ coats when it ______.
1. Choose the correct variant.
Tell the doctor ______ quickly. A) wear / will snow
B) wear / snows
A) to come C) wore / snows
B) came D) wear / snow
C) comes E) will wear / snow
D) will come
E) coming
8. Choose the correct variant.
2. Choose the correct variant. Only ______ the students ______.
Don’t talk so fast. I can’t understand ______ you are A) a few of / have come
saying. B) few of / have come
1. which C) a little of / have come
2. what D) a few / have come
3. that E) a few of / has come
4. anything
9. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,2 B) 1,4 C) 1,3 D) 2,4 E) 2,3
Very ______ companies ______ women directors.
3. Choose the correct meaning. A) a few / have
My brother really gets on my nerves. B) little / have
A) makes me laugh C) few / has
B) makes me angry D) many / has
C) makes me sad E) few / have
D) makes me happy
E) makes me cry
10. Choose the correct variant.
He was ______ horrible man and he ______ ______
4. Choose the correct meaning. friends.
He asked me to keep an eye on his children while he
was at work. A) such a / had / a little
B) so / had / few
A) to look after C) such a / had / few
B) to look for D) such a / has / a lot of
C) to look through E) so a / had / few
D) to wash
E) to teach
11. Choose the correct variant.
5. Choose the correct variant. A couple of kids ______ playing ______ the street.
I know the answer, but I can’t remember. ______ A) was / in
A) My memory is very good. B) are / at
B) It’s on the tip of my tongue. C) were / in
C) It’s on my head. D) is / in
D) It’s in my hands. E) has been / in
E) It’s not in my memory.
12. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant. Very ______ students in our college ______
When spring ______, it ______ warmer. interested ______ politics.
A) would come / gets A) a few / are / in
B) come / get B) little / are / at
C) comes / got C) few / is / in
D) comes / gets D) few / are / in
E) will come / gets E) few / was / in

13. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 41

She walked ______ fast that Charlie ______ to run
1. Choose the correct variant.
to keep up with her.
______ the way home Gwen said ______ Jill to walk
A) so / had B) so / has ______.
C) such / must D) such / had E) so / should
A) On / --- / fast
14. Choose the words close in meaning. B) On / to / slowly
1. to fasten 2. to tie 3. to untie C) In / --- / carefully
4. to manage 5. to button 6. to enter D) On / to / slow
E) At / to / slowly
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,2,5
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 2. Choose the correct variant.
Ted, Erica and Marshall are the only ones ______
15. Choose the correct variant. camping in ______ class.
John’s put on a lot weight recently, ______?
A) who don’t like / ours
A) isn’t he B) hasn’t he B) that / doesn’t like / their
C) has he? D) doesn’t he E) don’t he C) which don’t like / mine
D) who don’t like / our
16. Choose the correct variant. E) that don’t like / theirs
You ______ cold if you ______ a coat.
A) are / wear 3. Choose the correct variant.
B) are / will wear Tell ______ bothering me.
C) would be / wear A) she to stop
D) will be / don’t wear B) her stop
E) will be cold / wear C) her stopping
D) they to stop
17. Choose the words close in meaning to E) her to stop
1. thin 2. plump 3. obese 4. Choose the correct variant.
4. kind-hearted 5. stout 6. greedy We want ______ more children ______ the library.

A) 1,5,6 B) 2,3,5 A) to encourage / to use

C) 1,3,4 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 B) to encourage / use
C) encourage / to use
D) to encourage / used
18. Choose the combinations close in meaning. E) encourage / use
1. water shortage 2. water pollution
3. recycling thing 4. lack of water 5. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1,4 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,4 Patricia encouraged me ______ for the job.
A) apply
19. Choose the correct variant. B) applying
Was there ______ in particular ______ you wanted C) applied
to talk about. D) to applying
E) to apply
A) something / that
B) anything / what
C) anything / that 6. Choose the correct variant.
D) nothing / which Police ______ the drivers ______ the city centre last
E) some / --- week.
1. urged / to avoid
20. Choose the correct variant. 2. told / avoid
Three prisoners managed ______ from the jail. 3. made / not to use
4. warned / not to use
A) to break into B) to escape
C) to shake D) to avoid E) to shoot A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3

7. Choose the correct variant. 15. Choose the correct variant.

Catherine persuaded ______. The photographer ______ the tallest people ______
A) him not resign at the back of the group.
B) he not to resign A) told / standing
C) him not to resign B) made / to stand
D) I not to resign C) let / standing
E) him not resigning D) asked / stand
E) asked / to stand
8. Choose the correct variant.
There was ______ noise from the engine that we
______ shout to hear ______. 16. Choose the correct variant.
- ______ are you?
A) so much / had to / each other
- I’m about 1 metre 65.
B) such much / had to / each other
C) so much / must / one another A) How much
D) such a lot of / had to / each others B) How tall
E) so many / ought to / one another’s C) How far
D) How long
9. Choose the correct variant. E) How high
Come and see ______ I have found.
A) that B) whose 17. Choose the correct variant.
C) when D) what E) which They hired a tutor ______ Carlos with his English.
10. Choose the words close in meaning. A) to help
1. to shout 2. to raise 3. to scream B) help
4. to strike 5. to praise 6. to cry C) helping
D) helped
A) 1,5,6 B) 2,3,5 E) helps
C) 1,3,4 D) 1,3,6 E) 1,2,4

11. Choose the correct variant. 18. Choose the words close in meaning.
I have never heard my father ______ his voice. 1. tutor 2. coach
3. nurse 4. surgeon
A) rise B) raised 5. instructor 6. scientist
C) to raise D) to rise E) raise
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,2,5
C) 1,3,4 D) 1,3,6 E) 1,2,4
12. Choose the correct synonym.
Raise your hands if you know the answer.
A) Put off B) Put up 19. Choose the words close in meaning.
C) Rise D) Take away E) Put down 1. to announce
2. to apply
3. to report
13. Choose the correct variant.
4. to demand
Someone who talks a lot is ______.
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 1,3
1. quiet 2. talkative
3. silent 4. a chatterbox
A) 2,4 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3 20. Choose the correct variant.
I am sorry to inform you that your application has
been ______.
14. Choose the correct variant.
Steve is ______ quiet boy ______ reading. A) successful
B) available
1. such a / who loves 2. so / who loves
C) profitable
3. such a / who love 4. a very / that loves
D) unsuccessful
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,4 E) advisable

Test your English 42 7. Choose the correct variant.

______ you win the first place, you will receive a
1. Choose the correct variant.
Thank you ______ everyone ______ worked ______
hard. 1. If 2. Unless
3. When 4. Because
A) to / who / so
B) for / which / so A) 1,3 B) 1,4 C) 3,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,4
C) to / that / such
D) to / whom / so 8. Choose the correct variant.
E) at / who / very Have you made a decision about _______ to go to
the movies _______ not?
2. Choose the correct variant. A) if / then
I’m really grateful ______ you ______ all you have B) either / nor
done ______ me. C) whether / or
A) for / to / for D) what with / and
B) to / to / to E) neither / nor
C) for / to / to
D) with / for / to 9. Choose the correct variant.
E) to / for / for This salad is _______ delicious _______ healthy.
A) as / as
3. Choose the words close in meaning. B) so / as
1. thin 2. slim
C) so / that
3. healthy 4. cosy
D) such / that
5. skinny 6. chubby
E) both / and
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,2,5
C) 1,3,4 D) 1,3,5 E) 1,2,4 10. Choose the correct variant.
I like ______ to sing opera, ______ to spend my
4. Choose the correct variant. spare time practicing ballroom dances.
There ______ several things ______ I wanted to
A) not only / but also
discuss ______ you.
B) whether / or
A) are / what / with C) neither / or
B) are / who / for D) not / but
C) were / that / with E) both / or
D) were / which / to
E) was / which / with 11. Choose the correct variant.
The test was ______ very short ______ quite easy.
5. Choose the correct variant. A) not / but
There was much noise so Katie ______ to B) both / and
concentrate on the test. C) whether / or
A) couldn’t D) either / or
B) wasn’t able E) so / that
C) hadn’t
D) weren’t able 12. Choose the correct variant.
E) mustn’t I could not get a seat, ______ I came early.
6. Choose the correct variant. A) as B) so
What do you think of my new hairstyle? means C) besides D) though E) because
A) What’s your opinion about them? 13. Choose the correct variant.
B) Do you like such a hairstyle? Pay attention to your work ______ you will not make
C) What’s your opinion about it? mistakes.
D) Where have you had your hairstyle? A) or B) because
E) What colour is your hair? C) until D) till E) so that

14. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 43

She’s honest ______ everyone trusts her.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) when B) so I haven't finished my lesson.
C) if D) but E) or
A) Neither have I.
15. Choose the correct variant. B) Nor I have.
I plan to take my vacation ______ in June ______ in C) So have I.
July. D) Neither am I.
E) So I have.
A) whether / or
B) either / or
C) as / if 2. Choose the correct variant.
D) neither / and I'll probably go swimming tomorrow.
E) both / or A) Neither will I.
16. Choose the correct variant. B) So shall I.
Nadia doesn’t like to drive. C) Nor shall I.
D) Neither am I.
A) Neither I do. E) So do I.
B) Chris doesn’t, either.
C) So do I.
D) Neither have I. 3. Choose the correct variant.
E) Neither did I. We are extremely sorry.
A) Neither are we.
17. Choose the correct variant. B) So do we.
Bianca wore her rain boots; ______, her feet stayed
C) So are we.
dry during the storm.
D) But we are.
A) so E) We aren’t either.
B) neither
C) because
4. Choose the correct variant.
D) until
Laura went to Malaysia yesterday, ______
E) but
A) doesn’t he?
18. Choose the correct variant. B) Mike went either.
“I have had enough.” means ______ C) so does Mike.
D) neither did he.
A) I have earned enough money.
E) but I didn’t.
B) I have got enough time.
C) I have eaten enough food.
D) I have had enough rest. 5. Choose the correct variant.
E) I have had much fun. In March I'll have been living here for ten years.
19. Choose the words close in meaning to ‘finally’. A) I shall, too.
1. eventually 2. ending B) So I shall.
3. in the end 4. at the end C) Neither are we.
5. at last 6. final D) We shan’t either.
E) So did we.
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,2,5
C) 1,3,4 D) 1,3,5 E) 1,2,4
6. Choose the correct variant.
20. Choose the correct variant. - She has to attend the meeting by 10 am.
“I was short of money” means ______ - ______
A) I had much money. A) Didn’t she?
B) I had enough money. B) Won’t she?
C) I was tired of money. C) Has she?
D) I was the richest man. D) Does she?
E) I had little money. E) Did she?

7. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the words close in meaning.
John has been to London, ______ 1. exact 2. approximate
1. has he? 2. So has Mary. 3. precise 4. unforgettable
3. So does she. 4. hasn’t he? 5. accurate 6. deserted
5. doesn’t he? 6. Mary has, too. A) 1,5,6 B) 1,4,5
C) 1,3,5 D) 2,4,6 E) 3,5,6
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,4,5
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 14. Choose the correct pairs of synonyms.
1. mighty - weak
8. Choose the correct variant.
Lucy doesn't like fish. 2. deserted - unhabited
3. diligent - lazy
1. Neither do I. 4. investigation - discovery
2. So do I. 5. empty - vacant
3. does she? 6. to fasten - to button
4. Chris doesn’t either.
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,4,5
5. Chris doesn’t, too.
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,5,6 E) 3,5,6
6. We also don’t like.
15. Choose the correct Passive Voice.
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,4,5
Sam has just bought a new hat.
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4
A new hat ______ bought by Sam.
9. Choose the correct synonyms for: famous
A) has just
1. unknown 2. prominent B) have just been
3. well-known 4. charming C) are just
5. amusing 6. outstanding D) has just been
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,4,5 E) had just been
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,3,6 E) 1,2,4 16. Choose the correct Passive Voice.
10. Match the halves. All people have left the town.
1. to untie a. a bag The town ______ by all people.
2. to unzip b. the belt A) has been left B) has left
3. to unfasten c. shoes C) have been left D) were left E) is left
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 17. Choose the correct Passive Voice.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a George Orwell wrote some famous books.
C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b Some famous books ______ by George Orwell.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
A) has been written
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
B) was written
C) are written
11. Choose the correct synonyms for: fast
D) is written
1. slowly 2. easily
E) were written
3. at high speed 4. safely
5. rapidly 6. quickly 18. Choose the correct Passive Voice.
They made many plans at the party.
A) 1,5,6 B) 1,4,5
Many plans ______ made by them at the party.
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,4,6 E) 3,5,6
A) is B) are C) will be D) were E) was
12. Choose the correct pairs of synonyms.
19. Choose the correct Passive Voice.
1. distant - remote Newton discovered the law of gravity.
2. fashionable - unfashionable The law of gravity ______ discovered by Newton.
3. in fashion - out of fashion
4. dirt - mud A) is B) are C) will be D) were E) was
5. entrance - exit 20. Choose the correct Passive Voice.
6. be over - come to an end They drank a lot of alcohol at the party.
A) 1,4,6 B) 1,4,5 A lot of alcohol ______ drunk at the party.
C) 1,3,4 D) 2,4,6 E) 1,2,4 A) was B) were C) has been D) are E) is

Test your English 44 9. Choose the correct variant.

The detective came urgently ______ the murder.
1. Choose the correct variant.
Despite her illness, Mary ______ her ambition to A) to explore
pass the test. B) to recognize
C) to become
A) explored B) investigated D) to transfer
C) looked for D) fulfilled E) dealt E) to investigate

2. Choose the correct variant.

The family started ______ financial problems after 10. Choose the correct variant.
the bankruptcy. Do you usually ______ a new word in a dictionary
or do you guess it?
A) to face B) to run
C) to succeed D) to operate E) to offer A) look up
B) look for
C) look at
3. Choose the correct variant.
D) look out of
I ______ to complete the race although I had a leg E) look after
A) operated B) managed 11. Choose the correct variant.
C) fulfilled D) detected E) found out I must do an extra ______ on earthquakes to
complete my project.
4. Choose the correct variant.
A) invention
My father ______ a business in which he feels
B) discovery
relaxed .
C) investigation
A) divides B) remembers D) research
C) denies D) runs E) grows E) evacuation

5. Choose the correct variant. 12. Choose the correct variant.

Mr. Bryan will have ______ all the responsibilities As soon as we got to the cave, we started ______ it.
when he becomes a manager.
A) to investigate
A) to take B) to discover B) to invent
C) to invented D) to find out E) to run C) to explore
D) to discover
E) to inform
6. Choose the correct variant.
Most serious illnesses might be cured if they are
______ early enough. 13. Choose the correct variant.
A) invented B) detected A white cat was ______ some food to eat.
C) required D) refused E) published A) preventing
B) searching for
C) avoiding
7. Choose the correct variant. D) forbidding
What do you think the first mobile phone was E) escaping
like when it was ______?
A) discovered B) rejected
C) invented D) found out E) escaped 14. Choose the correct variant.
I couldn’t ______ what had happened.
A) found
8. Choose the correct variant. B) find out
Was it Capt. Cook who ______ Australia ? C) grow up
A) succeeded B) fulfilled D) caused
C) invented D) searched E) discovered E) established

15. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 45

Don’t ______ your socks in vain, they are on your
bed. 1. Choose the correct variant in the Passive.
Dolly wrote these letters last week.
A) remind These letters ______ by Dolly last week.
B) memorize
C) refuse A) was written
D) arrest B) be written
E) look for C) have been written
D) will be written
16. Choose the correct variant. E) were written
In a dormitory, you have ______ a room with four
A) to share
2. Choose the correct variant in the Passive.
B) to depart Jill feeds the little dogs.
C) to pick The little dogs ______ by Jill.
D) to distribute
E) to separate A) are fed
B) were fed
17. Choose the correct variant. C) have been fed
The doctor ______ me to take a few days off to rest. D) had been fed
E) is fed
A) said
B) explained
C) advised
D) talked 3. Choose the correct variant in the Passive.
E) spoke The postman delivered this letter last week.
This letter ______ by the postman last week.
18. Choose the correct variant. A) were delivered
My house is far from the city centre, so I decided B) are delivered
______ to a house in the city. C) was delivered
A) to share D) is delivered
B) to move E) has been delivered
C) to divide
D) to come
E) to separate
4. Choose the correct variant in the Passive.
Charles will visit Jack next year.
19. Choose the correct variant. Jack ______ by Charles next year.
The coach usually ______ the players into two teams
for the basketball match. A) will visit
B) was visited
A) shares C) is visited
B) moves D) will be visited
C) connects E) has been visited
D) accompanies
E) divides

20. Choose the correct variant. 5. Choose the correct variant in the Passive.
After correcting the mistakes, the teacher ______ the No one can find an explanation over why Mr. Fox
exam papers back. ______ last Monday.
A) followed A) had been killed
B) accompanied B) was killed
C) organized C) were killed
D) distributed D) has been killed
E) amused E) will be killed

6. Choose the correct variant. 11. Choose the correct variant.

Chris invited Katie to his wedding, but she ______ The food was very tasteless so I decided ______ to
the invitation. the manager about it.
A) accepted A) to convince
B) was grateful for B) to complain
C) refused C) to praise
D) thanked D) to appreciate
E) approved E) to respect

12. Choose the correct variant.

7. Choose the correct variant. Our firm ______ to hire a sales representative in the
Is it possible that you ______ me some money until shortest time.
A) haven’t
A) borrow B) must
B) refuse C) can
C) reject D) should
D) lend E) has
E) cover

13. Choose the correct variant.

I don't like tea. Can I have ______?
8. Choose the correct variant. A) something other
One of the three boys will be ______ to a 4 year
imprisonment. B) other thing
C) anything other
A) sentenced D) something else
B) written
C) killed E) a cup of coffees
D) given
E) spoken
14. Choose the correct variant.
I ______ for this office since I arrived.
A) was looking
9. Choose the correct variant. B) look
The police ______ the accountant as he had C) have been looking
embezzled a great amount of money.
D) am looking
A) praised E) looked
B) appreciated
C) freed
D) arrested 16. Choose the correct variant.
E) released 1. climate
2. earth
3. environment
a. the third planet from the sun
10. Choose the correct variant. b. the weather conditions in an area
The factory workers ______ against long working
c. the natural world as a whole
hours yesterday.
A) accepted A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) refused B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) protested C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) appreciated D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) respected E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a

15. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 46

There are ______ around to start a cricket team.
1. What’s the meaning of “to combine two or more
A) enough young boys things using a spoon or electric mixer”.
B) boys enough young
A) to divide B) to separate
C) young boys enough
C) to prepare D) to add E) to mix
D) enough youngest boys
E) enough younger boys 2. What’s the meaning of “to obtain an exact
17. Choose the correct variant.
1. unemployment a. not new A) to count B) to calculate
2. ever-increasing b. people without any work C) to measure D) to get E) to cut
3. second-hand c. continually growing
3. What’s the meaning of “ to separate or divide by
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a using a knife”.
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a A) to reject B) to cut
C) to refuse D) to add E) to fly
18. Choose the correct variant.
1. global warming 2. litter 3. nature 4. What’s the meaning of “ to cook by putting the
a. the physical world collectively, including plants, food into extremely hot oil ”.
animals, the landscape A) to accept B) to boil
b. trash that is left lying in an open or public place C) to agree D) to fry E) to mind
c. an increase in the temperature
5. What’s the meaning of “to heat up food within a
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
microwave oven”.
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a A) to microwave B) to sweep
C) to vacuum D) to polish E) to burn
19. Choose the correct variant.
1. plastic 2. pollution 3. recycle 6. What’s the meaning of “to grind food, normally
a. a substance that is harmful meat, into small”.
b. to reprocess materials in order to use again A) to tidy B) to roast
c. a synthetic material C) to fry D) to mince E) to mend
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a 7. What’s the meaning of “ to take the skin off of
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b fruits or vegetables ”.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c A) to eat B) to peel
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a C) to put D) to drink E) to serve
20. Choose the correct variant.
1. reuse 2. trees 3. waste 8. Choose the correct variant.
a. to use something again more than once This lovely cake is full ______ nuts.
b. material that is not wanted A) with B) ---
c. a large woody plant of considerable height and C) for D) from E) of
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b 9. Choose the correct variant.
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a She lived in Mallorca ______ two months.
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c A) during B) while
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a C) in D) for E) since

10. What’s the meaning of “to mix the white and 15. Choose the correct variant.
yellow parts of eggs together while cooking them in One-fourth of the cassettes ______ sold.
a pan”. A) is
A) roasted B) were
C) are
B) boiled D) have
C) baked E) have been
D) uncooked
E) scrambled 16. Choose the correct variant.
Twenty minutes ______ not enough for me to answer
the questions.
11. What’s the meaning of “ to be cut into thin, wide A) is
portions ”. B) were
A) a bunch C) are
D) have been
B) a bottle
E) have
C) a slice
D) a cup
17. Choose the correct variant.
E) a sack
Every student and teacher ______ ready at the
A) were
12. What’s the meaning of “ to measure the weight B) was
(grams or pounds) or something ”. C) is
D) has been
A) to strengthen E) has
B) to calculate
C) to count
18. Choose the correct variant.
D) to weigh The blind ______ able to read by using a special
E) to separate alphabet.
A) were
B) are
13. Match the words to their definitions. C) is
1. fed up with a. money D) has been
E) was
2. fee b. become an adult
3. grow up c. tired of, unhappy with
19. Choose the correct variant.
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b France, together with another two countries, ______
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a attending the conference on world-peace.
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
A) were
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c B) are
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a C) is
D) have been
E) have
14. Choose the correct variant.
Thirty percent of the money ______ spent on 20. Choose the correct variant.
education. Five dollars ______ what I need now.
A) has been A) was
B) have been B) were
C) are C) are
D) will has D) have been
E) were E) is

Test your English 47 7. Choose the correct variant.

She often goes abroad ______ business.
1. Choose the correct variant.
We were all astonished to see ______ four A) by
languages. B) with
C) in
A) us / to speak
D) at
B) her / speak
E) on
C) her / to speak
D) he / speak
E) they / speaking 8. Choose the correct variant.
He was absent ______ his work ______ illness.
2. Choose the correct variant.
Do not make noise, I want to hear ______ the A) from / because
professor is saying. B) from / because of
C) for / for
A) which D) at / from
B) which of E) with / because of
C) what kind of
D) whose
E) what 9. Choose the correct variant.
It’s my fault. He _____ take responsibility _____ it.
3. Choose the correct variant. A) doesn’t have to / for
1. abandon a. on a train / plane / ship / bus B) doesn’t have / for
2. able b. to leave smth / smb C) don’t have to / from
3. aboard c. to have the ability
D) hasn’t to / for
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b E) has to / for
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b 10. Choose the correct variant.
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c He gave all his attention ______ his work and didn’t
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a hear ______ in.
4. Choose the correct variant. A) to / me to come
______ you ______ to come to a meeting next week. B) for / me come
C) she / coming
1. will / be able D) to / me come
2. will / able E) to / I come
3. will / have
4. will / can
11. Choose the correct sentence.
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 3,4 D) 1,3 E) 1,4 1. All the milk in the fridge has gone sour.
2. Maths are difficult to understand.
5. Choose the correct synonym. 3. Each of the boys were given a book.
We climbed aboard the train and found a seat. 4. Our furniture is too old to use.
A) got on A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,3
B) got off
C) got into
D) got out of 12. Choose the correct sentence.
E) got abroad 1. Some of the students in my class is trying hard to
be successful.
6. Choose the correct variant. 2. His method of dealing with problems is really
My mother ______ never ______ abroad. appreciated by many people.
3. Neither George, nor his friends is going to join in
A) have / been
the party.
B) hasn’t / been
4. Mike's opinions of the software have been of great
C) has / been
importance to us.
D) was / been
E) hadn’t / been A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,3

13. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 48

I have a tendency to ______ my money on things I
don't need. 1. Choose the correct variant.
Can you ______ me to the supermarket to do some
A) afford B) spend shopping?
C) instruct D) inform E) rise
A) bring B) fetch
14. Choose the correct variant. C) get D) take E) go
If you ______ attention to the instructions, you will
do well in the test. 2. Choose the correct variant.
A) save B) spend An old lady has wanted the shop assistant ______ the
C) waste D) rise E) pay boxes to the car.
A) take B) to take
15. Choose the correct variant.
C) taking D) will take E) took
Larry couldn't ______ enough money, so he didn't
pay his monthly instalment.
3. Choose the correct variant.
A) save B) waste Orhan always ______ flowers to his sister on her
C) join D) connect E) calculate birthday.
16. Choose the correct variant. A) presents B) donates
How can you ______ to live in such an expensive C) displays D) forgives E) takes
4. Choose the correct variant.
A) allow B) permit
Will you please ______ that pack on the top shelf?
C) afford D) let E) lend
A) sit B) form
17. Choose the correct variant. C) put off D) imitate E) put
Personally, I ______ all my time and money doing
nothing. 5. Choose the correct definition.
A) consult B) propose 1. accent 2. accept 3. accommodation
C) recommend D) waste E) remove a. a place for smb to live or stay
b. a particular way of pronouncing
18. Choose the correct definition. c. to agree to take smth
1. to abolish 2. absence 3. to abstain
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b
a. to stop yourself from doing smth B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
b. to end a law or system officially C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b
c. time when smb is away from somewhere D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2- c / 3-b D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a 6. Choose the correct variant.
______ I ______ pay in cash?
19. Choose the correct variant. A) Do / have
The doctor said I should abstain from drinking B) Must / to
alcohol until I’m better. C) Do / have to
A) accept B) avoid D) Did / had to
C) accuse D) accord E) agree E) Do / should

20. Choose the correct variant. 7. Choose the correct variant.

An academic is a person ______ or does research at He asked ______ him and she ______.
a university.
1. her to marry / accepted
A) that teach 2. her marry / agreed
B) who teaches 3. Jane to marry / felt happy
C) which teaches 4. Jane marry / couldn’t refuse
D) whose teach
E) teach A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,3

8. Match the words to the sentences. 14. Choose the correct variant.
1. Do you have ______ to a computer? He managed to give the police ______ description of
2. He speaks with a strong Scottish ______. the robbers.
3. Please ______ this little gift.
1. an accurate 2. a powerful
a. accept b. accent c. access 3. obedient 4. an exact
A) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,3
B) 1-b / 2-c / 3-a
C) 1-a / 2-c / 3-b 15. Choose the correct variant.
The teacher ______ all the students ______ their
D) 1-b / 2-a / 3-c
rooms in the dorm every morning.
E) 1-c / 2-b / 3-a
A) orders / tidy
9. Choose the correct variant. B) make / tidy
We hope that you will consider our offer _____. C) asked / to tidy
D) makes / to tidy
1. inadequate
E) asks / tidy
2. acceptable
3. satisfactory 16. Choose the correct variant.
4. insufficient He was ______ of murder and sent for trial.
A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,3 A) appreciated
B) respected
10. Choose the correct variant. C) admired
Computers have given people greater ______ to D) welcomed
information. E) accused
A) responsibility
B) disability 17. Choose the correct synonym.
C) accessibility She is accustomed to travelling a lot in her job.
D) nationality A) is used to
E) hospitality B) used to
C) get used
11. Choose the correct variant. D) has got use to
I didn’t mean to kick you; it was ______ E) were used to
A) access
B) an opportunity 18. Choose the correct variant.
C) a chance Winning the gold medal was his greatest ______.
D) an accident 1. achievement
E) deliberate 2. success
3. failure
12. Choose the nouns. 4. disappointment
1. academy 2. access
3. accidental 4. accessible A) 1,4 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,2
5. absolutely 6. accident
19. Choose the correct variant.
A) 2,5,6 B) 2,3,6 There is a bank just ______ the road.
C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,5 E) 1,2,6
A) on B) across
C) above D) at E) in
13. Choose the correct variant.
The price of the holiday ______ flights and 20. Choose the correct variant.
accommodation. The girl was sitting directly ______ him.
A) apologizes 1. opposite 2. to
B) assists 3. from 4. in front of 5. behind
C) describes
D) includes A) 2,3,4 B) 1,3,4
E) distributes C) 1,4,5 D) 1,2,5 E) 2,3,4

Test your English 49 8. Choose the correct variant.

We are living next to a woman ______ dog barks all
1. Choose the correct variant. the time.
Her mother, ______ you never met, is interested in
detective novels. A) which B) whose
C) that D) whom E) who
A) whom B) which
C) where D) whose E) what 9. Choose the correct variant.
This is the mount, on the peak of ______, there
2. Choose the correct variant. always is snow.
Roses, for ______ all women have a liking, smell A) whom B) where
very nice. C) which D) whose E) that
A) who B) whose
C) what D) which E) whom 10. Choose the correct variant.
Confusing topics ______ are well-expressed can be
3. Choose the correct variant.
Hasan is the person ______ the manager wants to 1. which
see. 2. that
3. who
1. which 2. that
4. whose
3. who 4. whose
A) 1,2 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3
11. Choose the correct variant.
4. Choose the correct variant. The car, ______ was designed by a foreign company,
Hemmingway, ______ novels are still very popular, won the race.
led a painful life.
A) in which B) what
A) what B) that C) which D) whose E) who
C) who D) whose E) whom
12. Choose the correct variant.
5. Choose the correct variant. Shakespeare, most of ______ plays were adapted to
One should quit smoking, ______ is very harmful to cinema, is still read by many.
A) whose B) whom
A) what B) whose C) which D) what E) that
C) which D) whom E) who
13. Choose the correct variant.
6. Choose the correct variant. All the students ______ wished to organize a picnic
A student ______ hard enough cannot be successful. were discouraged when they saw the dark clouds.

A) who doesn’t study 1. which

B) who don’t study 2. that
C) who doesn’t studies 3. who
D) that don’t study 4. whose
E) which doesn’t study A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,4 E) 2,3

7. Choose the correct variant. 14. Choose the correct variant.

They have three sons, all of ______ are living The questions ______ were asked in the exam were
abroad. specially chosen.

A) whom 1. which
B) where 2. that
C) whose 3. who
D) which 4. whose
E) who A) 1,3 B) 3,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3

15. Choose the correct variant. Test your English 50

Those ______ English every day are good at it.
1. Choose the correct variant.
A) who practice I’m ______. I’d like ______.
B) who practices
C) who doesn’t practice 1. tired / to have a rest
D) which practice 2. thirsty / nothing to drink
E) that practices 3. exhausted / to run a little
4. hungry / to eat something
A) 1,3 B) 1,4 C) 2,4 D) 1,2 E) 2,3
16. Choose the correct variant.
You can ______ your mobile phone to the computer
via a cable. 2. Choose the correct interrogative sentence.
I like Italian food.
A) suggest
B) reject A) What kind of a food do you like?
C) misunderstand B) What kind of food do you like?
D) connect C) How food do you like?
E) mix D) Which food does you like?
E) What kind of food you like?

17. Which word is different from the others? 3. Choose the correct variant.
A) suggestion I stayed there two weeks.
B) permission A) How long did you stay there?
C) recommendation B) How long did you stayed there?
D) proposal C) How long you stayed there?
E) opinion D) How much did you stay there?
E) How far did you stay there?

18. Which word is different from the others? 4. Choose the correct variant.
A) road People ______ in Hawaii ______ lucky.
B) avenue A) who lives / are
C) highway B) that live / are
D) evidence C) who live / is
E) passage D) which live / are
E) whose live / was

19. Choose the words close in meaning to advice.

5. Choose the correct variant.
1. refusal
Are you looking for ______ job?
2. instruction
3. restriction A) others
4. recommendation B) else
5. prohibition C) an
6. consultation D) another
E) something
A) 2,5,6 B) 2,3,6
C) 1,2,3 D) 1,2,5 E) 2,4,6
6. Choose the correct variant.
There ______ many people ______ to visit foreign
20. Which word is different from the others? countries but they don’t have ______ money.
A) machine A) is / who want / much
B) engine B) are / that wants / a little
C) railroad C) are / who want / enough
D) vehicle D) were / which want / sufficient
E) motor E) are / whom want / enough

7. Choose the correct variant. 13. Choose the correct variant.

We need a place to store all these magazines. She broke the promise, she didn’t ______ it.
A) We need either. A) make B) keep
B) So need we. C) take D) have E) send
C) So do we.
D) So did we. 14. Choose the correct variant.
E) Neither need we. You must ______ the word in the dictionary if you
8. Choose the correct variant. don't know its meaning.
What ______ problems did they discuss? A) look for B) look up
A) other B) others C) look like D) look at E) look
C) another D) else E) the other
9. Make up a dialogue. 15. Choose the correct variant.
1. - I do, of course, but not every day. I have no idea ______ left the lights on all night.
2. - Thank you. That’ll be better. A) whose B) who
3. - Why, I thought you liked it. C) where D) what E) which
4. - Fish? Again?
5. - Well, in that case I’ll roast you some meat. 16. Choose the correct variant.
A) 4,3,1,2,5 B) 3,4,1,5,2 Could you please tell me ______ that was?
C) 4,3,1,5,2 D) 3,4,5,2,1 E) 2,3,1,5,4 1. whose 2. whom
10. Make up a dialogue. 3. who 4. what
1. - I see, but what about you?
A) 2,3 B) 2,4 C) 1,2 D) 3,4 E) 1,4
2. - Is painting your hobby?
3. - I prefer books.
4. - It’s my elder brother’s hobby. 17. Choose the correct variant.
5. - Because there’s a lot of pictures in this room. You are tired, you ______ rest a little.
6. - Why do you think so? A) have B) mustn’t
A) 2,6,5,4,3,1 B) 2,6,5,3,4,1 C) haven’t D) had better E) should to
C) 3,4,5,6,1,2 D) 2,3,4,5,6,1 E) 2,6,5,4,1,3

11. Make up a dialogue. 18. Choose the correct variant.

1. - Why not? These exercises will help a student _____ progress.
2. - That’s no excuse. A) do B) to make
3. - Have you done your homework? C) to doing C) to making E) makes
4. - I didn’t have time last night.
5. - Not yet.
19. Choose the correct variant.
A) 3,5,1,2,4 B) 3,5,1,4,2 I ______ him since I ______ from work.
C) 3,5,2,4,1 D) 5,4,1,2,3 E) 3,2,5,4,1
A) didn’t phone / was coming
12. Make up a dialogue. B) haven’t phoned / come
1. - Which is the best way to get there? C) hasn’t phoned / came
2. - Thanks a lot. D) don’t phone / will come
3. - Certainly. You need a number 4 trolley bus or a
E) haven’t phoned / came
number 11 bus.
4. - Excuse me.
5. - Can you tell me how to get to the circus? 20. Choose the correct variant.
6. - By trolley bus, I think. 1. We met ______ accident at the airport.
7. - What is it? 2. I met him ______ chance in the park.
A) 4,7,5,3,1,6,2 B) 5,4,7,1,6,2,3 3. You may pay ______ cheque.
C) 3,4,5,6,1,2,7 D) 4,7,5,3,6,1,2 A) in B) into
E) 4,7,5,6,3,1,2 C) by D) for E) with

Exercise 1 Exercise 9

respect / proud / fairness / achievements / honesty blamed / accused / punish / innocent / hates

1. Jim's father was ______ for his fairness. 1. He ______ to work.

2. ______ is a very important part of any relationship. 2. You can't ______ a man for speaking the truth.
3. Everybody respected him for his ______. 3. Smith ______ her of lying.
4. He's very proud of his daughter's ______. 4. Do you think he's ______ or guilty?
5. Most children want their parents to feel ______ of them. 5. They ______ her for the accident.

Exercise 2 Exercise 10

admired / appreciate / awards / diligence / invention the blame / punished / fault / accused / escape

1. The teacher praised Ted for his ______. 1. She was ______ for lying.
2. Thanks ever so much for your help, I really ______ it. 2. He couldn’t ______ punishment.
3. She has won numerous ______ for her books. 3. Why are you trying to put ______ on me?
4. He was awarded a diploma for his ______. 4. Don't blame me - it's not my ______.
5. We went to the mountains and ______ the beauty of nature. 5. He was ______ of murder.

Exercise 3 Exercise 11

ability / audience / approve / congratulated / astonished failure / guilty / to behave / behaves / innocent

1. He amazed ______ around the world with his magic tricks. 1. She has reason to feel ______.
2. Your ______ to speak six languages amazes me! 2. He's ______ of murder.
3. We were ______ to hear that. 3. He ______ like a child!
4. He ______ her on her success. 4. The children must learn ______.
5. I entirely ______ of your choice. 5. All his efforts ended in ______.

Exercise 4 Exercise 12

to convince / approve / astonished / innocence / warmly apologized / behavior / innocent / pass / behave

1. Her reply ______ me. 1. All these people are ______ victims.
2. I don't ______ your plan. 2. They did not ______ themselves well.
3. She congratulated me ______ on my exam results. 3. We considered his ______ incorrect.
4. It's useless to try ______ her. 4. He later ______ for his behaviour.
5. They convinced us of their ______. 5. Did you pass ______ the exam?

Exercise 5 Exercise 13

support / apologize / convincing / convince / apologized failed / disappointed / pass / missed / disappoint

1. I've been trying to ______ him to come with me. 1. Could you ______ the salt?
2. Your argument isn't very ______. 2. She ______ her exams.
3. There is no convincing evidence to ______ his theory. 3. Don't ______ me.
4. I ______for being late. 4. It ______ everyone that she did not win the prize.
5. I want to ______, again. 5. She ______ a few lectures last week.

Exercise 6 Exercise 14

accept / behavior / offer / rejected / refused miss / bother / to catch / missed / disappointed

1. I'd like to apologize for my ______ yesterday. 1. I was ______ in him and with his work.
2. I accept your kind ______. 2. She ______ her train.
3. Please ______ this small gift. 3. Hurry up or we'll ______ the bus!
4. She ______ a second piece of cake. 4. Sally had to run ______ the bus.
5. My teacher ______ my excuse for being late. 5. Don't ______ about the letters.

Exercise 7 Exercise 15

complaining / to complain / accept / rejected / refused catch / to disturb / engaged / caught / to disturb

1. The family ______ to accept his wish. 1. Did you ______ any fish?
2. I cannot ______ your invitation. 2. She ______ the flu from her brother.
3. We ______ their invitation. 3. Sorry ______ you.
4. He is always ______. 4. The team ______ its fans.
5. We have nothing ______ about. 5. I'm ______ now, don't disturb me.

Exercise 8 Exercise 16

scolded / complains / naughty / hate / complained miss / catch / to disturb / full of / bother

1. She ______ to the police about her neighbours. 1. Did you ______ the thief?
2. He works hard but he never ______. 2. I'm sorry ______ you at such a late hour.
3. The mother ______ the child for entering a stranger's car. 3. I’ll ______ you.
4. The teacher scolded her ______ pupils. 4. Don't ______, please
5. I ______ rainy weather. 5. Her eyes were ______hate.

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