Lab 2 Tasks C++

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Write a program that take three integers

& implement the following & notice results?
(𝑎 ∗ (𝑏 + 𝑐))
((𝑎 ∗ 𝑏) + 𝑐)

2. Write a program which takes two

numbers from user and checks which
one is greater or equal (using if else)

3. Write a program which finds whether

number is odd or even (using if else)

4. Write a program which take one number

and check whether it is divisible by 3

5. Write a program which checks whether

Both numbers are equal or not

6. Write a program which calculates

Electricity bill. If units are less than 300,
cost is rs. 3/unit. If units are greater than
300 then cost is rs. 5/unit.

7. Write a program which takes 3 numbers

And check whether they are equal or not.

8. Write a program which asks user to enter

Two numbers and an operator and then
Perform required operation on two values.
i.e. ‘+’ for sum, ‘-’ for subtract etc.

9. Write a program to input three integer values.

Compare the three values to find out if they are equal.
Use “nested if statement” and print the message
“all values are equal” if they all are equal. Otherwise
Print the massage “these values are different”

10. Program test the age of amir and amara ? Decision using if condition
A) using one if condition? Cout<<”amir age is greater than amara”
B) using two if condition? Find out who is elder amir or amara
C) using if and else condition? Find out who is elder amir or amara

11. Make a program that saves temperature from user between 0 c – 100 c.
12. Make a program that take student marks &
Tells you whether he is pass or fail?
Note: passing marks are 60 or more.

13. Modify task 10 take student marks & tell him

what grade he/she has achieved?
Note :grade a (90-100), grade b (80-89),
Grade c (70-79), grade c (60-69),
Grade f (if marks are less than 60)

14. Write welcome on screen if candidate’s intermediate

Marks are greater than 60% and entry test
Marks are greater than 50%.

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