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Worksheet No.

3 Identifying Restrictive-type Performance Task

Objective: The students should be able identify Restrictive-type

performance task that assess certain learning target or a set of
learning targets

Instruction: With the same group in Activity 2, choose a learning target or a

combination of learning targets (from those you identified in Activity 2) which can be
assessed using Restrictive-type Performance Assessment.

Performance Task for Physical Education in Grade 5

(Subject and Grade Level)

Task Title Performance Task in Folk Dance (Cariñosa)

Topic/Content Folk (Cariñosa/ Polka sa Nayon), indigenous, ethnic,

traditional and creative dances

g Targets Students will be able to describe the skills involved in the
dance Cariῆosa

Task Activity

Task: The student should show mastery in describing the

different skill/s involved in the dance Cariñosa

Audience: teacher and the students

Time Constraint: 1-2 minutes

Materials and
Equipment: None
Administrative  The task is individual and the students will be
Procedure: randomly selected.
 They will be given 1-2 minutes to describe the
different skills that are involved in the dance
 The criteria will be given after the instruction is
provided to students.

Procedure:  Before the task was given to students, they must

know what is the objective or the learning target
of the activity,
 After that, the instruction and criteria will be
given also to the students.
 The students will be randomly selected.
 The student who is chosen by the teacher will be
given 1-2 minutes to describe those skills that
s/he learned in the lesson about Cariñosa.
 Each correct in describing the skill/s will have
corresponding points based on the criteria given.
 After all of the students have performed the task,
the score of each student will be given and the
teacher will give meaningful feedback.

Criteria for  Speaking clearly, expressively and audibly

Evaluation - Using voice expressively
- Speaking articulately
- Using appropriate vocal volume
 Using nonverbal cues
 Selecting language to a specific purpose
 Describe the correct and clear term of the skill/s
 Clarity of expression
 Organization of ideas

Submitted by: (Name of Group Members)

1. Ambait, Ellyn Mae

2. Franco, Brevish Dame
3. Gajeto, Sundae Grace
4. Quezon, Carla
5. Tajaran, Neve Fairuza

Course/Year/Section: BPED 3-A

Date Submitted:April 16, 2021

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