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Worksheet No. 2.

3 Identifying Extended-type Performance Task

Objective: The students should be able identify Extended-type

performance task that assess certain learning target or a set of
learning targets

Instruction: With the same group in Activity 2, choose a learning target or a

combination of learning targets (from those you identified in Activity 2) which can be
assessed using Extended-type Performance Assessment. Identify a performance
task for this type of performance assessment.

Performance Task for Physical Education Subject in Grade 5

(Subject and Grade Level)

Task Title Performance Task in Folk Dance (Cariñosa)

Topic/Content Cariñosa

Objectives/Learnin Creates a Portfolio about Cariῆosa which includes the

g Targets nature/background and the skills involved

Task Activity

Task: The student should be able to produce a compilation of

Portfolio project which incorporates the nature/background
and the skills involved in Cariῆosa.

Audience: Teacher and the students

Time Constraint: 2 weeks

Materials and Content such as description, visual aids, paper, and other
Equipment: materials for a portfolio that the students wish to include
Administrative  The task is individual and there is a specific deadline
Procedure: for passing.
 The students are given ample time (2 weeks) to
accomplish the task. If there are late submissions,
corresponding points will be deducted according to
the rubrics provided.
 A rubric will be given after the instruction to assess
and grade the validity, originality, creativity, and
relevance to the topic of the student’s work.

Procedure:  Objectives or set of learning target must be known by

the students before the task was given to them.
 After the students know the objectives or learning
targets for the activity provided, they will be also
given instruction and criteria as a guide.
 All students are required to pass the output
(Portfolio) on the given time provided for them
following the instructions and criteria to achieve the
goals of the activity.
 Based on the rubrics given, there are corresponding
points given if includes the nature/background and
the skills involved in the topic Cariῆosa dance.
 After all students have passed the activity, the score
of each will be given according to the rubric and
deduction of points for late submitters. In addition to
these, feedback will be added by the teacher.

Criteria for See rubric below*


Criteria Exemplary (10) Proficient (8) Developing (6) Beginning (4)

Completion of All components Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is
requirements are completed missing one mission 2 missing more
component or components or than 2
one component 2 components components or
is incomplete are incomplete the majority of
are only
Description/ All written Most written Some of the None of the
content (nature works are works explains written works written works
and clearly and the nature and explains the explains the
background of directly background of nature and nature and
Cariñosa) explains the the Cariñosa background of background of
nature and dance the Cariñosa the Cariñosa
background of dance dance or mostly
the Cariñosa it is not related
dance to the said
Description/ All written Most written Some of the None of the
content (Skills works are works explains written works written works
of Cariñosa) clearly and the skills explains the explains the
directly involved in skills involved skills involved
explains the Cariñosa dance in Cariñosa in Cariñosa
skills involved dance dance or it is
in Cariñosa not related to
dance the said topic
Writing No errors in Few errors in Many errors in Errors in
mechanics grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar,
capitalization, capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
punctuation or punctuation or punctuation or punctuation or
spelling spelling spelling spelling
distracts the
reader from
Effort A great deal of An acceptable Minimal effort No effort was
effort was put effort was put was put forth put forth;
forth and the forth and the and student student
student made student was not required a
the project a showed a committed to great deal of
priority desire to completing the peer or teacher
complete the project support
Timeliness The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio
was submitted was submitted was submitted was submitted
before the on the deadline 1-2 days late more than 2
deadline days

Submitted by: (Name of Group Members)

1. Ambait, Ellyn Mae

2. Franco, Brevish Dame
3. Gajeto, Sundae Grace
4. Quezon, Carla
5. Tajaran, Neve Fairuza

Course/Year/Section: BPED 3-A

Date Submitted: April 16, 2021

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