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Worksheet No. 2.

1 Identifying Learning Targets for Performance Assessment

Objective: The students should be able identify learning targets appropriate for performance
assessment in a certain subject area.

Instruction: Identify the learning target/s appropriate for performance assessment applicable in
the subject area, grade level and period of instruction you have chosen. Use the DepEd Curriculum Guide for your
reference. Fill in your answer in the Table below.

Subject Area: Grade Level : Quarter:

Physical Education 5 3rd Quarter

Deep Understanding and Product Skills

Reasoning Communication Psychomotor
Explains the Creates a Portfolio about Describes the skills Executes the different
nature/background of the Cariῆosa which includes involved in the dance skills involved in the
dance Cariῆosa the nature/background and Cariῆosa dance Cariῆosa
the skills involved

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