FAMILY 3: Fabaceae - Characters, Floral Formula & Species: Categories

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FAMILY 3: Fabaceae – Characters , Floral formula & Species Search the site 
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Diagnostic characters Categories

1. Habit: Annual or perennial. I lerbs. shrubs, vines, or tree.
2. Roots: Fibrous tap root often develops nodules in herbs. Nitrogen Fixing bacteria live in
these nodules.

3. Stem: Herbaceous or Moody; Cylindrical, tendril climbers. Zoology

4. Leaves: Petiolate; alternate: compound of pinnate type. Stipulate, stipules may be
modified into leaves or thrones; parallel venation. Ads
5. Inflorescence: Racemose or cymose, the flowers are clustered in heads.
6. Flower: Pedicillate; bracteate: actinomorphic or zygomorphic; regular: complete;
hermaphrodite; pentamerous; hypogynous but slightly perigynous Biology Tags

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7. Calyx: 5 or sometime 4 sepals: free or fused green S. Corolla: 5 sometimes 4 petals; Answer of Question of Reproduction &
free or united. colour Development
8. Stamens: j 0 or numerous stamens; polyandrous, in some cases APPLIED ECOLOGY BASES
9. diadelphous, anther basitlxed. . BUFFERS CARBOHYDRATES CELL
10. Carpel: Monocarpillary: ovary superior, placentation marginal. Cell division Classification
11. Fruits: Legume or sometimes. loment UM. 12. Seed: Non-endospermic seed.
Clinical genetics community ecology
12. Seed: Non-endospermic seed.
Concepts Of Ecology DEFINITIONS


The Family is divided into three sub–families: OBJECTIVES
(a) Papilionaceae Diffusion ECOPHYSIOLOGY
This sub-family has about 400 genera and 9000 species. The members of this family
occur all over the world. particularly \A arm and temperate regions.
1. Habit: These are trees. shrubs or herbs. CONSIDERATIONS
2. Stem: It may be herbaceous. woody or climber with tendrils. Tendrils are wiry. coiled Genomics hormones KEY POINTS
and thread like structure. Law of independent assortment.
3. Leaves: They have compound (rarely simple), alternate and stipulate leaves. The Mineral uptake (Mineral Nutrition)
stipules are mostly leafy. Sometimes, these leaves are partially or completely modified
Molecular genetics
into tendrils.
4. Inflorescence: It may be Racemose or solitary axillary.
Multiple Choice Questions MCQs
5. Flowers: They have bisexual. zygomorphic, hracteate, pedicillate, perigynous.
pentamerous and papilionaceous.
Nitrogen Metabolism OBJECTIVES

6. Calyx: ‘They have 5 sepals These petals are mostly united to form tube. These are hairy. OSMOSIS PHOTOPERIODISM

7. Corolla: They have papilionaceous corolla. 111 this case. there are 5 clawed petals. These petals are not Photosynthesis
8. Standard or Vexillum: It is the upper posterior petal. It is large and conspicuous. PLANT MOVEMENTS
9. Wings: These are two lateral free petals.
Plant systematics
10. Keel or Carina: These are two anterior most petals. They fuse to form a boat- shaped structure.

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11. Androecium: They have IC) mostly diadelphous stamens. The 9 stamens fused to form a sheath around Population Ecology PROTEINS
the pistil. The posterior stamen is free. RESPIRATION SEED DORMANCY
12. Gynoecium: It has simple pistil. This pistil has single carpel (monocarpellary) with single locule.
the ovary is superior. The style is long bent at its base. The placentation is marginal.
13. Fruit: Fruit is usually a legume or pod.

Floral formula and floral diagram SUBJECTIVE QUESTION


Economic Importance of Papilionaceae

1. Food: Most of the important pulses are belonged to this family. These pulses are used as food. Pulses are
rich in proteins. The common species of pulses are Grain, Pea, and Kidney bean.
2. Fodders: Medicago sativa (Alfalfa) is one of the best forage crops. Vicia Melilotu and Trifolium are
also cultivated as main fodder crops.
3. Timber: Many plant of this family provide timber for building furniture and fuel. Main timber
plants are Butea, Dalbergia etc.
4. Vegetable oil: The seed of Archis hypogea (peanut) are edible. They are also used
for extraction of peanut oil. This peanut oil is hydrogenated and used as vegetable oil.
5. Dyes: Some of its plants give yellow and indigo dyes.

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6. Medicinal plants: Many plants of this family are used inmedicines. Glycyrrhiza
is used for cough and cold.
7. Clitoria ternatea is use against snake bite.
Ornamental plants: Some important ornamental plants are Lathyrus (pea),
Lupinus, Clitoria, Butea etc.

Common Species
I. Lathyrus odoratus: Sweet pea

2. A rachis hypogea: Peanut

3. Cicer arietinum: Chick pea

4. Dalbergia sisso: Shishant

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(b) Caesalpiniaceae (Cassia family)
This family has 152 genera and 2300 species. It has 16 genera and 60 species in



1. Ornamental plants: Bauhinia varigata (kuchnar), Cassia

2. Stem: It is erect, woody herbaceous or climbing.
3. Leaves: The leaves are compound (rarely simple), pinnate and
4. Inflorescence: It may he axillary or terminal raceme or it may
5. Flower: Flower is bisexual, zygomorphic (rarely
6. Calyx: Sepals are 5. They are often coloured and free or connate
7. Androecium: Stamen are 10 or less (rarely numerous). They
8. Gynoecium: They have one simple carpel. Ovary is superior and Habit: Mostly tree or
shrubs. Some are woody climbers, rarely
9. Fruit: Its fruit is legume.

Floral formula and floral diagram

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1. 1.Medical importance:The leaves of cassia alata are used to cure ring worm and skin
diseases. The leaves of Cassia senna and Cassia obovata giN c a drug called Senna.
Senna forms a
Cytmetera. This oil is applied externally for skin diseases.
2. Vegetables and fruits: 1–he leaves and flower bud of Bauhinia variegate are used as vegetable. The acidic
fruit of Tamarintlus indica (JIM) are edible. It is rich in tartaric acid.
3. Tanning and dyes: The bark of Buahinia and Tamarindus indica is used in tanning.

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Common species

Tamarindus indica

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Cassia fistula. amaltas
Baultinia varigata Kachnar
Cas ia senna

(c) Alimosaceae (Acacia family)

This famiy 56. genera and about 2800 species. There are 11 genera and in Pakistan
Familiar Plants

1. Habit: Mosly trees or shrubs. Rarely climbers or herbs. Most of them are xecophytes.
2. Stem: Mostly woody
3. Leaves: They have pinnate, compound, alternate and stipulate leaves. The stipules are
modified into thrones.
4. Inflorescence: It is spike like or head or umbel. It is rarely racemose or globose
5. Flowers: The flower is bisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous to slightly perigynous and
6. Calyx: They have 5 sepals. These sepals are fused. toothed or lobed.
7. Corolla: They have 5 petals. These petals may be free or fused.
8. Androecium: Stamens are live to numerous. They are free. adnate or attached
totbase of corolla (epipetalous).
9. Gynoecium: Thev have simple one carpel. Ovary is unilocular and superior. It has
nianv Mlles. Placentation is marginal.
10. Fruit: Fruit is a legume. The legume may be dehiscent or indehiseent.

Floral diagram and floral

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Economic Importance

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1. Wood: Many trees of this family provide commercially important wood, for example,
Acacia, Albizzia and Xylia. Their wood is used for construction, for furniture or for
2. Gum: Gum is obtained from Acacia nilotica and Acacia senegal.
3. Dye: A dye Katha is obtained from Acacia catechu.
4. Medicinal plants: The tender leaves of Acacia nilotica are used as blood purifier.
5. Ornamental plants: Some common plants are grown for their beautiful flowers. Some
cf.these are Mimosa pudica and Acaciavmelanoxylon.
6. Wind breaking: A few species of Prospis are planted in the arid zones for breaking the wind pressure.

Common species

1. Acacia nilotica
2. Albizzia lebbek

3. Mimosa pudica, Touch me not.

4. Prosopis glandulosa
5. Prosopis cineraria

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Abida Parveen
April 3, 2016

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Thanks for helping me


January 11, 2017

hello mis i have someques for you.. plz contact me on 9756179029


April 29, 2016

very……………..thanks , help me


June 29, 2016

What book are the images from?

Anyway thanks for sharing


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Dr kushwaha
October 31, 2016

Such a nice description about main character of Family


vineetha j
November 6, 2016

Thank you


January 24, 2017

Awesome collection the images are a little blurry but it helped me a lot. Thank you

February 10, 2017

Thanku sir /madam

We r well prepares for practicals


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Arindam Barai
February 23, 2017

what is the best three character,that’s identify the family Fabaceae?


March 15, 2017

very useful. but please rectify the spelling mistakes. and thank you.

huraira gul
March 28, 2017

hello anyone can tell me about adiantum


Ariba khan
April 22, 2017

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Miss question mai srf fababeae ka pocha hy to us mai kia ye pora,karna hoga


Ariba khan
April 22, 2017

Miss question mai srf fababeae ka pocha hy to us mai kia ye pora,karna hoga ans me


August 16, 2017

Which type of aestivation is more common in calyx of fabaceae family valvate or



David Becking
March 22, 2018

“2. Stem: Herbaceous or Moody; Cylindrical, tendril climbers.” Moody and

interesting characteristic!

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