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(A U T O N O M O U S)
Digital Signal Processing(A9423)
(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 1 ½ Hours
DATE: Max. Marks : 25
Note: This question Paper Contains two parts. Part A & B
Course Outcomes for Assessment in this Test:
CO Course Outcome
1 Perform the frequency and Z-transform analysis on signals and systems.
2 Understand the inter relationship between DFT and various transforms.
3 Design a digital filter for a given specification.
4 Understand the fast computation of DFT and appreciate the FFT processing.
Understand the tradeoffs between normal and multi rate DSP techniques and finite length word
PART – A (5 X 1 = 5 Marks)
Which of the following is the difference equation of the FIR filter of length M, input 1
x(n) and output y(n)?
d) None of the mentioned
The lower and upper limits on the convolution sum reflect the causality and finite 1
duration characteristics of the filter.
b) False
Which of the following condition should the unit sample response of a FIR filter 1
satisfy to have a linear phase?
a) h(M-1-n) n=0,1,2…M-1
b) ±h(M-1-n) n=0,1,2…M-1
c) -h(M-1-n) n=0,1,2…M-1
d) None of the mentioned
What is the number of filter coefficients that specify the frequency response for h(n) 1
a) (M-1)/2 when M is odd and M/2 when M is even
b) (M-1)/2 when M is even and M/2 when M is odd
c) (M+1)/2 when M is even and M/2 when M is odd
d) (M+1)/2 when M is odd and M/2 when M is even
Which of the following is not suitable either as low pass or a high pass filter? 1
a) h(n) symmetric and M odd
5. b) h(n) symmetric and M even
c) h(n) anti-symmetric and M odd
d) h(n) anti-symmetric and M even
6 In IIR Filter design by the Bilinear Transformation, the Bilinear Transformation is a 1
mapping from
a) Z-plane to S-plane
b) S-plane to Z-plane
c) S-plane to J-plane
d) J-plane to Z-plane

In the Bilinear Transformation mapping, which of the following are correct? 1

a) All points in the LHP of s are mapped inside the unit circle in the z-plane
b) All points in the RHP of s are mapped outside the unit circle in the z-plane
7 c) Both a & b
d) None of the mentioned

Filter parameter optimization technique is used for designing of which of the 1

a) FIR in time domain
8 b) FIR in frequency domain
c) IIR in time domain
d) IIR in frequency domain

Which of the following method is used to restrict the inverse filter to be FIR? 1
9 c)TruncatingHI(z)

In FIR filter design, which among the following parameters is/are separately controlled 1
by using Kaiser window?

a. Order of filter (M)

b. Transition width of main lobe
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

In the Bilinear Transformation mapping, which of the following are correct? 1

a) All points in the LHP of s are mapped inside the unit circle in the z-plane
b) All points in the RHP of s are mapped outside the unit circle in the z-plane
11 c)Both a & b
d) None of the mentioned

Filter parameter optimization technique is used for designing of which of the 1

a) FIR in time domain
12 b) FIR in frequency domain
c) IIR in time domain
d) IIR in frequency domain

In this type of designing, the system function of IIR filter is expressed in which form? 1
a) Parallel form
b) Cascade form
c) Mixed form
d) Any of the mentioned

For a twos complement representation, the truncation error is: 1

a) Always positive
b) Always negative
c) Zero
d) None of the mentioned
What are the mantissa and exponent required respectively to represent ‘5’ in binary 1
floating point representation?
a) 011,0.110000
15 b) 0.110000,011
c) 011,0.101000
d) 0.101000,011

In which of the following way the real valued desired frequency response is defined? 1
a) Unity in stop band and zero in pass band
b) Unity in both pass and stop bands
c) Unity in pass band and zero in stop band
d) Zero in both stop and pass band

In FIR filter design, which among the following parameters is/are separately controlled 1
by using Kaiser window?

a. Order of filter (M)

17 b. Transition width of main lobe
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

Which window function is also regarded as 'Raised-cosine window'? 1

a. Hamming window
b. Hanning window
c. Barlett window
d. Blackman window

The IEEE-754 double precision format to represent floating point numbers, has a 1
length of _____ bits.
a. 16
19 b. 32
c. 48
d. 64

DTFT is the representation of 1

a. Periodic Discrete time signals

20 b. Aperiodic Discrete time signals
c. Aperiodic continuous signals
d. Periodic continuous signals

FFT may be used to calculate 1

1) DFT
3) Direct Z transform
4) In direct Z transform
a. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
b. 1 and 2 are correct
c. 1 and 3 are correct
d. All the four are correct

22 Basically, group delay is the delayed response of filter as a function of ________. 1

a. Phase
b. Amplitude
c. Frequency
d. All of the above

If the conversion technique is to be effective, then the LHP of s-plane should be 1

mapped into:
a) Outside of unit circle
23 b) Unit circle
c) Inside unit circle
d) Does not matter

For an analog LTI system to be stable, where should the poles of system function H(s) 1
a) Right half of s-plane
24 b) Left half of s-plane
c) On the imaginary axis
d) At origin

Floating-point numbers are normally a multiples of the size of a_________________ 1

a) Bit
25 b) Nibble
c) Word
d) Byte

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