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The Talmud and the early works of Kabbalah refer to the 6 millennia of existence from
the birth of Adam to the final date of the coming of the Messiah. According to the Jewish
calendar we are currently in the year 5781 - the 781st year of the 6th and final
millennium. That means that if this is true, we just have 220 years left at most! Very
exciting. But how could we know if the books of the Jewish people are speaking the
truth? Is there anything in them that no human being could have known?

The Purim Revelation Proof

The Megillat Esther (Scroll of Esther) which we read on Purim, tells the story of how an
evil man named Haman, plotted to kill all the Jews. As usual, we end up foiling the plot
and making a festival about it. One part of the text tells us that in winning the war we
killed the ten sons of Haman. Immediately after that, the King asks Queen Esther what
her request is, telling her she may ask for anything she likes. (Megillat Esther 9:12-14).
Her completely absurd request (rather than half the kingdom, or being allowed to return
to Israel or a weekly massage) was that the sons of Haman, who were already dead,
should be hanged ‘machar’ - tomorrow. This makes no sense, seems rather vindictive
and even goes against Jewish law. This was pretty puzzling to our sages who suggest
that tomorrow doesn’t only mean the next day (we see in the megillah they were
actually hanged the next day-possibly as a deterrent, although the war was over?) but it
also refers to some time in the future. (Tanchuma, Bo 13, Rashi, Shemot 13:14.)

A close look at the text of the megillah shows

a strange thing. Firstly, the 10 names of
Haman's sons are not at all relevant to the
story, and yet they are written in a way that
stands out from the rest of the text. See the
photo in which you see the names written in
two columns. Added to that, rather than just a
normal list of names we see the word - V'et -
which means 'AND' in between each name.
Why would the Megillah make such a major
point of these irrelevant names?
At an even closer look we find an even more startling anomaly. In the list
of names appears three very small letters - a taf, a shin and a zayin - the
only small letters in the whole megillah. (See in the image the 2nd, 8th
and last line). In Hebrew numerology the letter values add up to 707. (Taf
is 400, Shin is 300 and Zayin is 7). We also find in the names an
unusually large Vav (last line) - which in Hebrew numerology equals 6. If
we take the big letter as referring to the big unit - millennium - and the
small letters as referring to the small units - years - we see that the
anomaly points to the 707th year of the 6th millennium.
In secular dating that falls out as 1946.

On October 16th 1946, ten Nazis were hanged

after being sentenced at the Nuremberg trials. The
trials actually ended in June which would have
been the 706th year of the 6th millennium, but the
execution kept getting pushed off until they finally
took place after Rosh Hashanah, the next Jewish
year - 707.

The facts are that this hint occurs in: 1) exactly the relevant part of the text (the
names of the sons) in the 2) the exact year, that 3) exactly the same number of men (even
more remarkable seeing as there were actually 24 nazis accused, yet only 10 ended up being
hanged) were dealt with in 4) exactly the same way (they could have been hanged, shot,
poisoned or electric chaired), for 5) exactly the same crime the only other recorded time in
human history, after the heroine of the story made the absurd request that it happen again in
the future.
Just in case that isn’t mind blowing enough we see that on top of this:

1. October 16th, 1946 (The day of the execution) was the Jewish festival of Hoshanah
Rabbah, of which the Zohar (foundational work in Jewish mysticism says:

"On the seventh day of the Sukkot festival, Hoshana Rabbah, the judgement of the
nations of the world is finalized ... Judgments are aroused and executed on that day."
(Vayikra 316)

2. The Talmud (the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend comprising the
Mishnah and the Gemara.) (Megillah 6a) mentions a country called Germamia of Edom
which has 300 crowned princes, compared to 365 chieftains in Rome. It says that if the
evil man from there goes forth, he will conquer the entire world. It’s astounding to note
that at the time the Gemara was written:
● There was no such place as Germany
● That historians say that in the Middle Ages ‘Germany remained a crazy
patchwork of some 300 states’ (WL Shirer: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)
● The Gemara connects Germamia to Rome - the main ally of the Nazis.
● That it speaks of an evil man going forth from Germamia trying to destroy the
whole world.

3. The midrash teaches that Haman’s daughter committed suicide just before the other
children were hanged - just like Goering commited suicide the day before the hangings
of the rest of the Nazis.

4. To top it all off, in a startling revelation, a Newsweek Magazine eyewitness report of

the hangings by Kingsbury Smith of the International News Service dated October 28th
1946, shares about the last nazi to be hanged -

“…Julius Streicher made his melodramatic appearance at 2:12 a.m.

As the guards stopped him at the bottom of the steps for identification formality he
uttered his piercing scream: 'Heil Hitler!' The shriek sent a shiver down my back. … .
Streicher was swung suddenly to face the witnesses and glared at them.
Suddenly, he screamed, 'Purim Fest 1946.'

An extraordinarily absurd thing for a Nazi to shout out as his final words!
The Facts: So the facts are that we have a text written over 2000 years
ago, with an anomaly in it, in exactly the relevant part of the text,
which in its most simple reading points to the exact year in which
exactly the same thing happened, to exactly the same number of
people, for exactly the same crime, the only other time in recorded
human history. Not only that, we saw that the text itself, in that
relevant place, calls for the event to happen again in the future.

So to the readers I beg the following questions:

1. Why are these the only small letters in the whole megillah?
2. Why are they in the right order and why do they appear in the relevant place in the
4. Why do they add up to the number 707 - the exact year Nuremberg occured
5. Why is there a big letter with a value 6 - the exact millenia Nuremberg occured
6. Why did Queen Esther make such a strange request using the word “Machar” which
our sages say can mean in the future
7. Why were exactly the same amount of people hanged, especially when 24 Nazis
were on trial
8. Why were they sentenced to death by hanging
9. Was it merely a coincidence they were sentenced to death for the same crime?
10. Why did the executions take place on Hoshana Rabbah - the day our tradition says
the evil of the nations of the world get judged and sentences carried out.
11. Why did the last Nazi hanged shout Purim Fest as his final words

We are looking for an explanation of how these facts came to be. Coincidence?
If someone rolls a die and lands on two sixes once, that's a chance. Twice, good luck.
Three times - amazing. Eleven times in a row? No rational human being can say that is
a chance.
Objections and Where They Are Wrong

Probably the best attempt I've seen is Ephraim Rubin's well written refutation. Apart
from the points that I have already clarified for him in this article (and that even if they
were true don't damage the main evidence at all), he mentions as his main point that
there are in fact two other less common versions of the text (I haven't seen these or
verified this, but I'll take his word for it).

The Soncino Printing House one has an extra small taf and the Yemenite one has no
small zayin – which obviously changes the predicted year. So how do you know which
one is the original?

Just a little bit of thought will show you that this point does not invalidate or weaken the
evidence in any significant way.

(For a start, the fact that one of only three texts got the exact date, when exactly the
same thing happened the only other time in recorded history is still statistically highly
improbable and significant. If there were, for example, 500 versions of the text with
different years it would not be so impressive that one of them got it right. The probability
that one in only three versions got it right is still statistically highly significant).

Logically it's very obvious that of the three texts, the one we most commonly use is the
most valid one. As an example - if 100 communities around the world have the tradition
to put on tefillin, and 98 of them wear black tefillin, one wears green ones and one
wears pink ones – it’s pretty clear what the valid tradition is and who got it wrong. All
the printing presses apart from Soncino and all the communities apart from the
Yemenite one have the same text with the correct date in it. This is pretty clear evidence
of which is the correct and original text.

On top of this -
Of all the oldest copies of the actual scroll, dating from before the establishment of the
Soncino printing house have the three small letters, strongly suggesting that Soncino
printing house made a mistake. (I believe that Soncino have actually corrected their
original mistake now)

That leaves us with two possibilities, one found in a very small minority of texts from
Yemen which has the wrong date and one found in 98% of the scrolls and texts we have
,(including the oldest known copy of the scroll) which have the right date.
That means that there is no question as to what the original text was.

Although not significant challenges, just for completeness, I'm sharing Failed Messiah's

a) If Esther could see the future, she should have asked for Gd to save the 6 million
Jews rather than hang the 10 Nazis.

A: No-one claims that Esther knew anything about the future, the holocaust or even
what the small letters and big letters were referring to. She just wrote down the words
as dictated to her by her Divine Inspiration.

b) There were really 24 Nazis who were in some way involved in the trial, so Failed
suggests that means Haman should have had 24 sons.

A: This just makes it EVEN MORE remarkable. This means that there was a 1/24
chance of the actual number of Nazis hanged in 1946 being exactly the same as the
number of Haman's sons who were hanged. If 24 were involved in the trial, how is it that
only 10, the exact relevant number, were hanged?

If you still don’t accept the evidence:

The thing that everyone eventually has to fall back on is the claim that this is just a
coincidence. They claim, quite rightly, that it is highly likely that you will find
coincidences in any text, especially one the size of the Tanach. Even on the front page
of the New York Times and the homepage of this website, you are likely to find some
hidden ‘codes.’ There is something called the Law of Truly Large Numbers which
demonstrates that numerological coincidences are in fact common and can be
manipulated to produce preconceived results. (see this great article on the subject).

Our case if different for 2 reasons:

1. This isn’t a case of simple numerology. This is a case where there is an
ANomALy - large and small letters that stand out against the other letters, and
appear in exactly the relevant part of the text. Seeing as it involves an anomaly in
the size of the letters, it doesn’t fall into the realm of simple numerology as does
for example the koran code. It has a whole extra factor beyond just the numbers.
For example: The article on truly large numbers (linked above) writes that
"At a typical football game with 50,000 fans, most fans are likely to share their
birthday with about 135 others in attendance." This is an amazing fact and
definitely a coincidence. However if that birth date appeared in different coloured
writing on page 135 of the match day programme, or they were all sitting next to
each other, you would be hard stretched to say that was a coincidence.

2. Although coincidences are common, it would be a huge stretch to call this a

coincidence. The statistical probability of these letters appearing in the text as a
mistake is astronomically absurd, especially when you take into account all the
other coincidences (Hoshana Rabbah, Goering suicide, Germany in the Talmud)
that come along with it.

The claim that something is a coincidence is always weak and intellectually

unsatisfying for the simple fact that there is no basis for the claim apart from the
fact that the evidence goes against their preconceived conclusion. Ask them
"How do you know it's a coincidence? What is that based on? What's your
evidence for claiming it's a coincidence?" Really there is no evidence. The only
honest answer they can give is that they don't like the more likely conclusion that
the evidence points to. They made up their mind before seeing the evidence, and
on seeing it don't want to change their belief, so fall back on coincidence. It's not
intellectually honest. When people persist and keep arguing that it is really not
unlikely to find something like this in a text - I ask them to show me any other
example of this in any other text ever written i.e. a text where there is some
sort of anomaly on top of the statistically improbable numerical outcome.
No-one has ever shown me one – which means it isn’t at all common and

In Conclusion: To refute this evidence you have to give me a natural explanation of

how a text written over 2000 years ago has an anomaly in it, in exactly the relevant part
of the text, which points to the exact year, that exactly the same thing happened, to
exactly the same amount of people, for exactly the same crime, the only other time in
recorded human history.

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